Week - 1-Lecture Notes
Week - 1-Lecture Notes
Week - 1-Lecture Notes
If you start believing that the course can help you make positive change in your
behaviour and have faith in the instructor, then--
You will start modifying your thoughts; and do lots of unlearning and relearning
You will use good words, which guide your positive actions,
Soon you will develop healthy habits, which will get reinforced in your
character, and determine your destiny!
Tips for gaining maximum
benefit out of this course
Preparing to Learn: Normal and Fuzzy Modes
Have them on your lap top, desk top, mobile, wherever possible.
Normal: Schedule an hour each day for learning the course. Choose a calm
environment. As you watch the videos, listen carefully and keep a notebook for
taking notes. Reflect on them before you sleep. Discuss with friends.
Fuzzy: Watch the videos wherever it is possible for you. On your bed,
inside the bus, while in restroom, while eating . . . But make it a point to
finish the lessons before the weekly quiz. Jot down some points!
Moving Ahead . . .
Sincerely attempt all quizzes, assignments and the final exam (this will help you
assess your learning progress)
The learning has to be experiential if you really want to have the behavioural
change in you. This means—
You need to be honest with yourself. You may have group discussions on concept
clarity. But while answering the quizzes, rely on your own insights gained from the
As we assess your learning progress, you may assess your personal progress.
Ensure that each day, after learning each lesson, you will adapt to the new
changes indicated. Practice the activities suggested for developing soft skills. Each
week, seek to improve your personality!
Approaches to teaching soft skills
Developing Soft Skills and Personality
(Personal and Professional Skills)
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever
encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything —
all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these
things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the
trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no
reason not to follow your heart.
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And
yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be,
because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It
clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too
long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so
dramatic, but it is quite true.
Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying
we’ve done something wonderful... that’s what matters to me.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do
what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If
you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This
approach has never let me down...
How do you conceptualise the End
One obvious meaning is DEATH
Which means we have to ascertain our purpose, meaning, and mission in life and
live a fruitful life before death catches us unawares.
End of this video; the course; your career at your college; new career at another
place; new job; end of a job; new position; promotion; higher post; change in
areas/fields, etc.
End of the day; week; month; year; 5 years; 10 years; 15 years; 25 years; lifetime
Do things that will have a meaning and make a difference in your life.
Answer these questions . . .
What will you be doing at the end of your degree and graduation?
How would you like to visualize it by breaking into small and achievable parts?
~ Sam Lefkowitz
~ Alexander Jodorowsky
Remember your glass is half full not half empty, live life
to the max and remember that no matter how bad your
day is someone’s day is worse.
~ Oscar Wilde
This is definitely one of the best-known optical illusions of all times! What do
you see at first glance - an old woman or a young miss? They are both there!
Whole family mind teaser –
father with mother and daughter
An old couple –
see profiles of faces –
is remembering the times when they were young
and full of life - see the sitting characters
Rabbit and Duck
Moving Circles
Looking at the things from other’s perspective
e.g. Steven Covey’s paradigm shift
(New York subway car)
Don’t be guided by prejudice!!
-Stephen R. Covey
5th Habit
Soft Skills and Personality
Week 1
Module 4
Lecture 4
Professor T. Ravichandran
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur
Human perceptions determine
proper understanding in
Do not be satisfied with
Perceptions are bound to be doing the minimum
different; often contradictory! required learning for this
Highlights Don’t be guided by prejudice. course.
Before showing your anger on Learn eagerly from the
of the somebody’s annoying behaviour extra materials suggested
Last Lecture find out what makes the person
to behave so.
such as Steven Covey’s 7
Habits of Highly Effective
Seek first to understand and then People and Steve Jobs’
to be understood (Steven Covey)! Commencement Address.
Have I taught you some soft skills
so far?
Have you learnt any soft skills so
If yes, what are they?
Self-Management, Emotion Regulation &
Time-Management Skills
■ Implicitly I taught you in the 1 Module: Preparing and Planning
■ In the 2nd Module: Self-awareness with regard to having a clear sense of purpose
■ Thinking about the end-result before beginning a new task
■ This helps in knowing your priorities
■ Identifying high-value and low-value and no-value tasks
■ Committing to do only high-value tasks
■ Using will-power and perseverance to complete the tasks in time
■ Understanding perceptual differences
■ Empathising with others
Self- Self-Confidence
Are you confident all the time? When are you over-confident?
Skills Set When do you lack in confidence? Do you believe in you that you
have strength and power within you to achieve anything?
Do you have a positive or negative mind-set? Is
your mind always looks at problems or comes out
with solutions to problems? Do you have a rigid,
fixed mind set, or a flexible and growth mind-set?
Is your mind looking for opportunity to learn and
grow even in difficult situations? Or, it indulges in
complaining and blaming others?
Emotional Balance
Self- Handling Stress
Management Do you remain cool, calm and collected in any situations? Are
you strained when you interact with people at personal and
Skills Set professional levels? Do you know how to come out of a stressful
situation? Are you aware that the less stressful you are the
more productive you will be?
Optimism Pessimism
Growth mind-set Fixed Mind-Set
Learns from failure Depressed from failure
Expects the best Expects the worst
Processing Excellence
Continuous improvement
• Knowing your • Moving Forward
Potential • Identify your • Enhanced Vision
• Creating a Vision Mission • Need-
• Achieving your Achievement
(radical change)
Growth Maslow’s Hierarchy
Needs of Motivations
Basic Needs
Self-reliant and independent
Self-Actualisation Uses own experiences for
Highest level of need for personal judgment
growth & self-fulfilment
Natural and spontaneous
Realization and fulfilment of one’s
Continued freshness of
talents and potentialities
To actualise what one is
Maintain deep loving bonds
Comfortable with solitude
Expression of one’s creativity
They can laugh at themselves
Efficient perceptions of reality.
Comfortable acceptance of self
and others Have peak experiences
Spiritual enlightenment
“A musician must make music,
an artist must paint,
a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with
himself. What a man can be, he must be”
- Abraham H. Maslow
Less than 1% of adults achieve "self-actualisation...rarely
total self-actualization
happens...certainly in less than 1%
of the adult population.“
The fact that "most of us function
most of the time on a level lower than
that of self-actualization" is “the
psychopathology of normality.”
(Towards a Psychology of Being)
Soft Skills and Personality
Week 1
Module 6
Lecture 6
Professor T. Ravichandran
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur
Processing Excellence:
Towards Excellence: Making radical changes and
making constant improvement
Outstanding feature, possessing
Moving from one vision/mission
good qualities of high degree to other enhanced
Rating by self and others vision/mission
Self-actualisation: highest level
Identifying potentiality for of growth need
Highlights excellence
Actualising of one’s potential,
Pursuing excellence by uniqueness and seeking self-
of the strengthening the inner core fulfilment
Last Lecture Law of abundance vs. poverty of Although few people achieve
self-actualisation fully, it is
mind important to aspire for it as the
Choices made out of fear unrealised and actualised people
followed by regret vs. the ones remain unhappy throughout
their lives!
made out of courage and ends in
David McClelland, The Achieving Society
Desire to
Desire to establish &
maintain good
relations with other The desire to
do something
to solve
Three Needs problems,
or to master
achievement motivation (n-ach)
authority/power motivation (n-pow)
affiliation motivation (n-affil)
A desire to do well for the sake of an inner
feeling of personal accomplishment.
A desire to excel. To achieve a goal in relation
to a set of standards.
Knowing what I believe in and value, and what deeply motivates me.
Living in and being responsive to the moment.
Being vision- and value-led:
Acting from principles and deep beliefs, and living accordingly.
Holism: Seeing larger patterns, relationships, and connections;
having a sense of belonging.
Compassion: Having the quality of "feeling-with" and deep empathy.
Celebration of diversity:
Valuing other people for their differences, not despite
Danah Zohar SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence, London: Bloomsbury, 2000
Defined 12 principles underlying spiritual intelligence:
Field independence:
Standing against the crowd and having one's own convictions.
Having the sense of being a player in a larger drama, of one's true place
in the world.
Tendency to ask fundamental "Why?" questions:
Needing to understand things and get to the bottom of them.
Ability to reframe: Standing back from a situation or problem and
seeing the bigger picture or wider context.
Positive use of adversity:
Learning and growing from mistakes, setbacks, and suffering.
Sense of vocation:
Feeling called upon to serve, to give something back.
I now see spiritual intelligence as emerging
from our most basic and primary need for
and experience of deep meaning, essential
purpose, and our most significant values and
how these lead to a deeper, wiser, more
questioning life and affect our decisions
and experience.
To become better, deeper, more spiritually intelligent
people, we have to grow a dimension of our being that
is sensitive to the deepest meanings of human life—a
sensitivity, if you like, to Plato’s famous triad of
values: Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.
We must live our lives as a vocation, as a calling to the
service of those deepest values. To do that, we must
act from the higher motivations that can drive human
behavior. This is a long-term project, requiring
tenacity and commitment.
- Danah Zohar Spiritual Capital