Share Biology - Exam N Answers
Share Biology - Exam N Answers
Share Biology - Exam N Answers
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in sections A, B, and two (2) questions from section C.
4. All writing should be in blue ink, except for diagrams, which must be drawn in pencil.
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
7. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer sheets.
(iii)When you bend your elbow, which is correct about your muscles?
A. The biceps contract while the triceps relax
B. The triceps contract while the biceps relax
C. Both the biceps and triceps relax
D. Both the biceps and triceps contract
E. The ulna relax while the tibia contract
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(iv) The Seypalm village health center admitted several children patients who were suffering
from schistosomiasis. What can be done to prevent the spreading of the disease?
A. Abstaining from sex
B. Wearing masks that cover the mouth and nose
C. Killing pond-water snail
D. Eating warm foods
E. Washing hands after using toilets
(v) On 6th April 2024, a couple came to see you for an advice on family planning; they are
trying to avoid pregnancy by using the calendar method. The wife’s cycle has an average
of 28 days cycle, if she started seeing her period on 4th April 2024, which days among the
following she will be more likely to conceive if she met her husband?
A. 10th April 2024
B. 18th April 2024
C. 6th April 2024
D. 2nd may 2024
E. 5th May 2024
(vi) Genetic disorder caused by presence of an extra chromosome number 21, resulting into
individuals having a total of 47 chromosomes.
A. Turner’s syndrome
B. Polyploidy
C. Sickle cell anaemia
D. Down’s syndrome
E. Klinefeleter syndrome
(vii) Which of the following would occur after staying without eating at all for about twelve
hours, such as when fasting?
A. Insulin is released in the bloodstream
B. Glucagon is released in the bloodstream
C. Adrenaline is released in the bloodstream
D. Thyroxin is released in the bloodstream
E. Testosterone is released in the bloodstream
(ix) What does the relationship between spiders and plans where spiders building their webs on
plants represent?
A. Parasitism
B. Mutualism
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C. Interspecific competition
D. Commensalism
E. Intraspecific competition
(x) Which of the following will not pass through the renal capillary membrane and Bowman’s
capsule’s membrane to enter the nephron of a healthy kidney?
A. Proteins and blood cells
B. Mineral and water
C. Amino acid and urea
D. Glucose and minerals
E. Plasma and water
4. Human activities such as extraction of raw materials and the production and consumption of
goods and services always produce waste. Therefore, production of waste is unavoidable.
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Furthermore, in order for the produced waste to be well managed and disposed of, the basic
principles of waste management must be used. Explain the principles.
5. (a) Give three differences between response you exhibited when you removed your fingers
from fire you accidently touched, and the response you exhibited by salivating after your
friend graphically described your favourite delicious dish.
(b) While walking barefooted in grass, your friend realized the ground was full of painful
thorns to the extent he had to stop and asked you to throw him your shoes so that he can
put them on before moving any farther. All of a sudden, a leopard appears and in a few
seconds, you and your friend find yourselves in a sheltered hut with your friend having
forgotten all about the painful thorns. Briefly explain your friend’s response to the
situation in terms of the nervous system and glands.
7. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of a typical flower, similar to one of the hibiscus plant.
(b). Distinguish between:
(i) Monoecious plant and dioecious plant
(ii) Unisexual flower and bisexual flower
10. Mutations come in two main types known as chromosomal mutation and gene mutation.
Write a scholarly article to educate the public about gene mutation.
11. HIV/AIDS is still one of the scariest diseases in Tanzania. Write a scholarly article about the
disease to educate the public on the nature of the disease, the cause of the disease, the way
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the disease is transmitted, the symptoms and effects of the disease, and the preventive
measures and control of the disease.
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2. 01@ = 10 marks
LIST A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
01@ = 06 marks
SECTION B (60 Marks)
3. (a)
Marasmus is a protein-energy deficiency condition in children while kwashiorkor is caused
by deficiency of protein only. (01½ marks)
Symptoms unique to kwashiorkor include protruding (swelling) abdomen, extremely thin
arms, reddish and weak hair, and diarrhea and dry skin which cracks easily.(03 marks)
- Vitamin D: absorption of Calcium…
- Calcium: for strong bones and teeth
- Phosphorus: for strong bones and teeth (04½ marks)
4. The basic principles of waste management are reduction, re-use and recycling.
Reduction involves uses of alternatives in order to prevent or reduce waste generation; for
example, using a basket for shopping instead of using disposable plastic bags.
Re-use involves the use of waste (used material) for other useful activities; for example,
using a margarine container for storing sugar instead of throwing it away.
Recycling (03@ = 09 marks)
Recycling involves the conversion of waste in other useful materials. Recycling include the
sending back of plastic bottles to the factory for manufacturing of new plastic bottles,
sending back of broken glass to the factory for manufacturing of new glass, refurbishment
of broken down computers, and using organic waste to produce bio gas.
03 marks
5. (a) This represent a simple reflex and conditional reflex actions
- Simple reflex action is a rapid automatic involuntary response, while Conditional reflex
action is relatively slower
- Simple reflex action (instinctive Reflex action) is an involuntary response to a an
original natural stimulus, while Conditional reflex action can be elicited by an
originally neutral stimulus substituted for the one which naturally initiates the response
- Simple reflex action does not involve the brain directly while Conditional reflex action
involves brain directly
- Simple reflex action cannot be prevented or modified while Conditional reflex action
is learned and can be modified
Any three 01½ @ = 04 ½ marks
(b) Through optic nerve, the brain detect the danger, the area of the brain called
hypothalamus send signals through spinal marks
cord to adrenal glands to release adrenaline.
Adrenaline causes heart, muscles, air ways to react more effectively forcefully (it causes
heart beat faster and supply more blood to muscles. Air ways to bring in air/oxygen
faster…) until when the brain (through eyes, nose) perceive you to be out of danger and
signal the release of noradreline. During this ‘fight or flight reaction moment, less
significant stimulus, such as prickling of thorn, are shut off (you can’t feel the prickle) to
allow for the body to focus on a more serious life saving activity.
04 ½ marks
6. (a)Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the leaves in the form of water vapour
whereas translocation is the transportation of synthesized products (sugars) in a plant.
02 marks
i. comprises dense connective tissue that protects the heart, anchors it to the
surrounding walls, and prevents it from overfilling 03 marks
ii. The myocardium of the heart wall is a working muscle that needs a continuous
supply of oxygen and nutrients to function efficiently. For this reason, cardiac
muscle has an extensive network of blood vessels (1) to bring oxygen to the
(06 marks)
contracting cells, (2) to bring nutrient and (03) to remove waste products.
(Diagram 1½ marks
Labelling: 7 x 0½ = 3 ½ marks )
(i) Monoecious plant: This contains a male and female flower in the same plant. Example
Maize plant. While Dioecious plant contains only either male or female flowers, but not
both in the same plant; example the papaya (pawpaw) plant. (02 marks)
(ii) Unisexual flower is a flower in which contains only either male or female part. Examples:
flowers of papaya and maize plants while Bisexual flower is a flower, which has both male and
female parts. Example, hibiscus flower. (02 marks)
8. (a)Growth is brought about by cell division, cell enlargement and cell differentiation
(b)Importance of growth in living things 03 marks
i. Complexity: During growth and development the cells divide and enlarge giving
rise to a more complex and elaborate multicellular organism.
ii. Specialization: Growth give rise to various cells specialized in various specific
functions. Examples; Red blood cells that carry oxygen and white blood cells fight
iii. Adaptation: Specialization brings about effectiveness and organisms are therefore
able to adapt different environments.
iv. Perpetuation of the species: During growth sexual organs in mammals develop;
with fully developed sex organs, an organism is capable of reproduction and hence
perpetuation of the species. 01½@ = 06 marks
Conclusion: Addicted people; cannot live properly without drug unless they get proper help
from educated people in the clinics or institutions. They need proper counselling, mental
Total: 15 marks
and physical treatment/ (or any other relevant 01 mark)
10. Mutations are changes in the genetic material in the gametes. It includes appearance of new
characters that has never been before in that population. Individuals who have undergone
mutation are called mutants. (02 marks)
Mutation can be caused by agents known as Mutagens, which include:
Cosmic rays (1½ marks)
Heavy metal (lead & mercury)
There are two main types of mutations, namely chromosomal and gene mutations. Gene
mutation occurs as a result of altering the structure of genes; there is a change in the
sequence of nucleotides in the segments of DNA corresponding to one gene. This in turn
alters the sequence of amino acids required in synthesis of a particular protein.
(02½ marks)
The types of gene mutation include/gene mutation can occur through:
Conclusion: Protein formed from mutations are different from the normal ones and
produce profound effects on both the structure and development of an organism…
(01 marks)
Total: 15 marks
11. HIV/AIDS: HIV is Human Immune deficiency virus and AIDS is Acquired Immune
deficiency syndrome. (01 mark)
Cause: AIDS is caused by Human Immune deficiency virus (HIV). HIV is mainly found in
body fluids such as semen, blood and vaginal secretions. Low amount have also been found
in sweat, saliva and tears. (01mark)
- Through sharing sex partners.
-- Sharing sharp objects such as razor blade and hypodermic needles.
- Unscreened blood for blood transfusion.
- At giving birth from mother to baby (Any four 01@ =04 marks)
- through breast feeding
Signs and symptoms:
Symptoms of HIV include:
- A cancer of the skin and blood vessels called Kaposis sarcoma
- Pneumonia caused by Pneumocytis carinii protozoa.
-Loss of weight. (Any four 01@ =04 marks)
-Fever and diarrhoea for more than one month.
-Severe cough for more than one month.
-Skin infections.
-Abnormal inflammation of lymph nodes.
-Abnormal mental condition signs.
Effects of HIV/AIDS
-Infections e.g. TB, Skin cancer, pneumonia and diarrhea.