Strat Tax Reviewer
Strat Tax Reviewer
Strat Tax Reviewer
Provided, further, that no notice for (a) When a discrepancy has been
audit or investigation of such return, determined between the tax withheld
statement or declaration has in the and the amount actually remitted by the
meantime been actually served upon withholding agent;
the taxpayer.
(b) When the excise tax due on
The General Rule is that whenever a excisable articles has not been paid;
return is filed, it will stay there, you
cannot do anything about it. But you (c) When a taxpayer who opted to claim
can make additional filing that’s why a refund or tax credit of excess
you can modify, amend or change any creditable withholding tax for a taxable
information there. period was determined to have carried
over and automatically applied the same
Does that mean that you can withdraw amount claimed against the estimated
the return filed earlier and exchange it tax liabilities for the taxable quarter or
with another return? quarters of the succeeding taxable year;
No, the return, once filed will
stay with the BIR. You just have to file a (d) When the finding for any deficiency
new return containing the corrected tax is the result of mathematical error in
information. Changing, amending, or the computation of the tax as appearing
modifying a return can only be done on the face of the return; or
within 3 years from the time of filing
and granting that there has been no (e) When the article locally purchased or
notice of investigation was ever issued imported by an exempt person, such as,
to the taxpayer otherwise you cannot but not limited to, vehicles, capital
amend the return you filed. equipment, machineries and spare
parts, has been sold, traded or C. REFUND AND/OR TAX CREDIT OF
transferred to non-exempt persons. ERRONEOUSLY PAID TAX
3. Section 223
Suspension of Running of Statute of What is the waiver of the statute of
Limitations limitations?
- agreement between the taxpayer
The prescriptive period under the NIRC and the BIR that the period to
shall be suspended in the following issue an assessment and collect
instances: the taxes due is extended to a
date certain.
a. There has been a waiver of the - not a waiver of the right to
defense of prescription invoke the defense of prescription
b. The running of the prescriptive as erroneously held by CTA.
period is also suspended when: *waiver- toll the running of prescriptive period
- the Commissioner is
prohibited in making an
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
assessment or beginning
has issued Revenue Memorandum
of a distraint or levy or a
Circular (RMC) No. 141-2019 reiterating
proceeding in court for 60
the salient provisions for a valid
days thereafter (filing of
It emphasize that taxpayer must ensure
that his waiver:
- Is executed before the expiration
of the period to assess or to
collect taxes;
- Indicates the expiry date of the
extended period;
- Indicates the type of tax (for
waiver of the prescriptive period
to collect); and
- Is signed by his authorized