Tax Remedies
Tax Remedies
Tax Remedies
a. In writing
b. Must inform in taxpayer of the law and the
- These pertain to the means and facts on which the assessment is made
mechanisms by which the violation of a right - The power to issue an assessment is with
or provisions of law is prevented, redressed the CIR
or compensated. - However, this power is delegable.
- Government remedies are the means - Before the delegated revenue officer can be
which can be used by the government to conduct an examination or assessment,
ensure that it gets sufficient money into its there must be a clear grant of authority,
coffers to keep the government machinery embodied in a Letter of Authority (LOA)
moving. - The LOA cannot be for “unverified prior
- Taxpayer’s remedies, on the other hand, years”.
are those which are available to the - The other period or years should be
taxpayer to ensure that his rights are specifically indicated in the LOA, otherwise,
protected while the government exercises the LOA is void insofar as the unverified
its power to tax. prior years is concerned.
- After the examination and the BIR finds
sufficient basis for an assessment, the BIR
1. Assessment – an action either by the will issue a preliminary assessment notice
taxpayer or an administrative officer to (PAN) stating the facts, laws, rules,
determine the taxpayer’s tax due. regulations, and assessment is based.
- The taxpayer has 15 days from receipt of
Two kinds:
the PAN to respond.
a. Self-assessment – the taxpayer computes a. If he doesn’t, he is in default, and a
his own liability, files his return, and pays Formal Letter of Demand and Final
discovery of the BIR that the self- within 15 days from the filing/submission
assessment was either deficient or when no of taxpayer’s response
return was made by the taxpayers c. If no PAN is given (and the case is no
part of the exceptions), then the FAN
which follows therefrom is void
- Consists of a computation of the amount of - A PAN is not needed and can be issued
tax that must be paid by the taxpayers, and outright in the following cases:
2. Taxpayers request for reinvestigation which the expiration of the 180-day period; or
is granted by the CIR.
b. Wait for the final decision of the CIR’s b. Avail of a tax credit; or
representative. c. Carry over the excess credit against the
estimated income tax liabilities of the
Quick rundown of the protest procedure
succeeding quarter.
- BIR finds deficiency and issues PAN (15
days to respond)
- FLD/FAN (30 days to protest) Common Remedies
- Taxpayer files protest letter a. Compromise
- Submit supporting documents if request for b. Abatement
reinvestigation (60 days from time to protest
letter) 1. COMPROMISE
a. BIR denial > Appeal to CTA(within 30 days Grounds:
from receipt of decision) a. Doubtful validity of the claim against the
b. BIR inaction for 180 days > Appeal to the taxpayer; or
CTA (within 30 days from lapse of 180 b. Financial incapacity of the taxpayer
days) or Wait for decision of the CIR.
Cases which may be compromised:
a. Delinquents accounts;
2. CLAIM FOR REFUND/CREDIT b. Pending administrative cases under
administrative protest after issuance of
Instances when a claim for refund may be availed
c. Civil tax cases disputed before the courts;
- Erroneously or illegally assessed or
d. Collection cases filed in courts;
collected internal revenue taxes
e. Criminal violations (XP- (1) already filed in
- Penalties imposed without authority; or
courts; (2) involving criminal tax fraud)
- Any sum alleged to have been excessive or
in any manner wrongfully collected Cases which MAY NOT be compromised:
a. Withholding tax cases, unless the applicant
taxpayer invokes provisions of law that cast
a. Written with claim for credit or refund filed
doubt on the taxpayer’s obligation to
with the CIR
b. Within the 2 years after the actual payment
b. Criminal tax fraud cases confirmed as such
of the tax or penalty
by the CIR or his duly authorized
A taxable corporation whose total quarterly income
tax payments in a given taxable year, exceeds its
c. Criminal violations already filed in court;
total income due is given 3 options:
d. Delinquent accounts with duly approved
a. Filing for a tax refund ; or schedule of installment payments;
e. Cases where final reports of reinvestigation
or reconsideration fave been issued
resulting to reduction in the original
assessment and the taxpayer is agreeable
to such decision by signing the required
assessment form for the purpose;
f. Cases which become final and executory
after final judgment of a court, where
compromise is requested on the ground of
doubtful validity of the assessment;
g. Estate tax cases where compromise is
requested on the ground of the financial
incapacity of the taxpayer.
When allowed:
a. The taxes or any portion thereof appears to
be unjustly or excessively assessed; or
b. The administration and collection costs do
not justify the collection of the amount due.