EXAMPLE: Rock limited and the first laser wasn't even built unt 1960's. The
LIQUID fine control allowed by modern computers was also a
▫️ Compressibility: slightly compressible prerequisite. Because of all these technological hurdless, it
▫️ Density: High wasn't until 1975 that experimenters were able to force
▫️ Volume : definite volume; does not fill container. Rubidium atoms to use this type of condensate.
EXAMPLE: Oxygen liquid
PLASMA - particles collide with enough energy to break ▫️ Boiling Point - temperature at which a liquid change
into charge particles (+/-) to gas
- gas-like, variable shape and volume ▫️ Freezing Point - temp at which a liquid change to
EXAMPLE: gases aat extremely high temperature solid
BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE (BEC) ▫️ Hardness - ability to withstand scratch (DIAMOND)
- at a temperature near 0K or - 273°C BEC is ▫️ Brittleness - ability to break when hammered
formed. (GLASS)
▫️ Malleability - ability to flatten wgen hammered
▫️ Ductility - ability to stretch into a fine wire 6 Major Areas of Chemistry
▫️ Conductivity - ability to allow heat and electricity to Analytical Chemistry- concerned with the
pass (SILVER) composition of substances.
▫️ Tenacity - ability to withstand stress (STEEL)
▫️ Porosity - presence of small holes (SPONGE) Inorganic Chemistry- primarily deals with substances
▫️ Magnetic Susceptibility + ability to be attracted to without carbon
magnet (IRON)
▫️ Refractive Index - ability to refract/scatter light Organic Chemistry- essentially all substances
(LIGHT) containing carbon
▫️ Solubility - ability to dissolve
NOTE: " ( )" - example Biochemistry- Chemistry of living things
Ex. Scent color
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - ability of a substance to
undergo changes in identity
▫️ Reactivity
▫️ Reaction with Oxygen
▫️ Combustibility
🍁 🍁
▫️ Flammability
PHYSICAL CHANGE - changes the form of a
substance without changing its identity
- properties remain the same
- no new substance
Example: cutting a sheet of paper
CHEMICAL CHANGE - process that involves one or
more substances change into a new substance ● Difference between pure and applied chemistry?
- commonly referred to as CHEMICAL REACTION
- new substance have different compositions and 1. Pure chemistry- gathers knowledge for the
⚜️ ⚜️
properties from original substances sake of
- change in color/odor
- formation of a gas 2.Applied Chemistry- is using chemistry to attain
- formation of precipitate certain goals, in fields like medicine, agriculture,
- release of light or heat and manufacturing –leads to an application
NUCLEAR CHANGES - change in which there is a
formation of a new element Nylon or Aspirin (C9H8O4) - to relieve pain
⚜️ ⚜️
Example: Uranium Lead * Use of TECHNOLOGY (benefit!)
- release a tremendous amount of energy, heat
and light.
Why Study Chemistry?
He settled a long-standing debate about burning,
● Everyone and everything around us involves which was… Oxygen was required!
chemistry – explains our world
● What in the world isn’t Chemistry? The Scientific Method
● Helps you make choices; helps make you a better
informed citizen A logical approach to solving problems or
● A possible career for your future answering questions.
● Used to attain a specific goal
Starts with observation-noting and recording
● What did we describe as “pure” and “applied” information and facts
hypothesis- a proposed explanation for the
Chemistry Far and Wide observation; must be tested by an experiment
● Chemists design materials to fit
specific needs – velcro (Patented in 1955) Steps in the Scientific Method
● perfume, steel, ceramics, plastics, rubber, paints,
nonstick cooking utensils, polyester fibers 1. Observations (uses yoursenses)
a) quantitative involves numbers = 95oF
Alchemy – developed the tools and techniques for working b) qualitative is word description = hot
with chemicals
2. Formulating hypotheses (ideas)
The word chemistry comes from alchemy – practiced in - possible explanation for the observation, or
China and India since 400 B.C. “educated” guess
3. Performing experiments (the test)
Alchemy has two sides: - gathers new information to help decide
whether the hypothesis is valid
Practical: techniques for working with metals, glass,
dyes, etc.
An Experimental Approach