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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 - at such temperatures, groups of atoms behave as

CHEMISTRY - the branch of science that deals with this one.

particular area and also referred to as the study of matter. EXAMPLE: elements at extremely low temperature
ALCHEMIST - early chemist (wizard, warlock, wick). (almost - 273°C)
They're looking for: ▪️ In 2001, the Nobel Prize for Physics went to Cornell,
• Elixir of Life (Fountain of Youth) Wolfgang Ketterie and Carl Wieman who used lasers,
• Universal solvent (Water) magnets and evaporative cooling.
• Gold ▪️ BEC's have strange properties with many possible
MATTER - it occupies space/volume and it has mass. applications in future technologies. They can slow light
MASS - measure of the amount of matter in an object. down to the residential speed limit, flow without friction,
WEIGHT - a measure of the gravitational force acting on and demonstrate the weirdest elements of quantum
an object. mechanics on a scale anyone can see. They are effectively
STATES OF MATTER super atoms, groups of atoms that behave as one.
SOLID - particles but can't move around ️The theory of BEC's was developed by SATYENDRA
▫️ Compressibility: almost compressible NATH BOSE and ALBERT EINSTEIN in the early 1920's.
▫️ Density: High BOSE combined his work in the thermo of statistical
▫️ Volume : retains its own volume mechanics with the quantum mechanical theories that
▫️ Shape: retains its own shape were being developed, and EINSTEIN carried the work to
▫️ Diffusion: EXTREMELY LOW; occurs only at surface its natural conclusions and brought it to the public eye.
. ▪️ At the time, none of the necessary technology was
▫️ Expansion: Low expansion on heating ava3to make BEC's in the lab: CRYONICS were extremely

EXAMPLE: Rock limited and the first laser wasn't even built unt 1960's. The
LIQUID fine control allowed by modern computers was also a
▫️ Compressibility: slightly compressible prerequisite. Because of all these technological hurdless, it
▫️ Density: High wasn't until 1975 that experimenters were able to force
▫️ Volume : definite volume; does not fill container. Rubidium atoms to use this type of condensate.

⛔ SOLID to LIQUID = Melting Point

▫️ Shape: consumes shape of the container.

⛔ LIQUID to GAS = Evaporation

▫️ Diffusion: SLOW; occurs only at surface

⛔ GAS to LIQUID = Condensation

▫️ Expansion: Low expansion on heating

📍 ⛔ LIQUID to SOLID = Freezing Point/Solidification


⛔ SOLID to GAS = Sublimation

GAS - particles can be separate and move throughout

⛔ GAS to SOLID = Deposition



- Vapor – gaseous state of a substance that is a
liquid or solid at room temperature.

📍PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - can be observed without

▫️ Compressibility: highly compressible
▫️ Density: Very Low
▫️ Volume : fills the container any changing the identity of the substance:
▫️ Shape: assumes shape of container ▫️ Color
▫️ Diffusion: RAPID ▫️ State
▫️ Expansion: High expansion on heating ▫️ Melting Point - temperature at which a solid change to

EXAMPLE: Oxygen liquid
PLASMA - particles collide with enough energy to break ▫️ Boiling Point - temperature at which a liquid change
into charge particles (+/-) to gas
- gas-like, variable shape and volume ▫️ Freezing Point - temp at which a liquid change to

EXAMPLE: gases aat extremely high temperature solid
BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE (BEC) ▫️ Hardness - ability to withstand scratch (DIAMOND)
- at a temperature near 0K or - 273°C BEC is ▫️ Brittleness - ability to break when hammered
formed. (GLASS)
▫️ Malleability - ability to flatten wgen hammered
▫️ Ductility - ability to stretch into a fine wire 6 Major Areas of Chemistry
▫️ Conductivity - ability to allow heat and electricity to Analytical Chemistry- concerned with the
pass (SILVER) composition of substances.
▫️ Tenacity - ability to withstand stress (STEEL)
▫️ Porosity - presence of small holes (SPONGE) Inorganic Chemistry- primarily deals with substances
▫️ Magnetic Susceptibility + ability to be attracted to without carbon
magnet (IRON)
▫️ Refractive Index - ability to refract/scatter light Organic Chemistry- essentially all substances
(LIGHT) containing carbon

▫️ Solubility - ability to dissolve
NOTE: " ( )" - example Biochemistry- Chemistry of living things


Physical Chemistry- describes the behavior of
chemicals (ex. stretching); involves lots of math!
1. EXTENSIVE PROPERTY - depends on the amount of
matter present. Nuclear Chemistry - dealing with radioactivity,
Ex. Length nuclear processes and nuclear properties
2. INTENSIVE PROPERTY - depends on the identity of
substance, ot the amount Boundaries not firm – they overlap and interact

Ex. Scent color
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - ability of a substance to
undergo changes in identity
▫️ Reactivity
▫️ Reaction with Oxygen
▫️ Combustibility

🍁 🍁
▫️ Flammability

PHYSICAL CHANGE - changes the form of a
substance without changing its identity
- properties remain the same
- no new substance

Example: cutting a sheet of paper
CHEMICAL CHANGE - process that involves one or
more substances change into a new substance ● Difference between pure and applied chemistry?
- commonly referred to as CHEMICAL REACTION
- new substance have different compositions and 1. Pure chemistry- gathers knowledge for the

⚜️ ⚜️
properties from original substances sake of
- change in color/odor
- formation of a gas 2.Applied Chemistry- is using chemistry to attain
- formation of precipitate certain goals, in fields like medicine, agriculture,

- release of light or heat and manufacturing –leads to an application
NUCLEAR CHANGES - change in which there is a

formation of a new element Nylon or Aspirin (C9H8O4) - to relieve pain

⚜️ ⚜️
Example: Uranium Lead * Use of TECHNOLOGY (benefit!)
- release a tremendous amount of energy, heat
and light.
Why Study Chemistry?
He settled a long-standing debate about burning,
● Everyone and everything around us involves which was… Oxygen was required!
chemistry – explains our world
● What in the world isn’t Chemistry? The Scientific Method
● Helps you make choices; helps make you a better
informed citizen A logical approach to solving problems or
● A possible career for your future answering questions.
● Used to attain a specific goal
Starts with observation-noting and recording
● What did we describe as “pure” and “applied” information and facts
hypothesis- a proposed explanation for the
Chemistry Far and Wide observation; must be tested by an experiment
● Chemists design materials to fit
specific needs – velcro (Patented in 1955) Steps in the Scientific Method
● perfume, steel, ceramics, plastics, rubber, paints,
nonstick cooking utensils, polyester fibers 1. Observations (uses yoursenses)
a) quantitative involves numbers = 95oF
Alchemy – developed the tools and techniques for working b) qualitative is word description = hot
with chemicals
2. Formulating hypotheses (ideas)
The word chemistry comes from alchemy – practiced in - possible explanation for the observation, or
China and India since 400 B.C. “educated” guess
3. Performing experiments (the test)
Alchemy has two sides: - gathers new information to help decide
whether the hypothesis is valid
Practical: techniques for working with metals, glass,
dyes, etc.

Mystical: concepts like perfection – gold was a perfect


An Experimental Approach

In the 1500s, a shift started from alchemy to science –

King Charles II was a supporter of the sciences

“Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural


Encouraged scientists to use more experimental evidence,

and not philosophical debates


In the late 1700s, Antoine Lavoisier helped transform

chemistry from a science of observation to the science of
measurement – still used today
Scientific Method improving the standards of living but understanding the
universe. All things can be classified as matter or energy
We deal with variables, or factors including the stars and planets. Chemistry has also
that can change. Two types: classified matter according to nature of composition as
element, compound, or mixture.
1) Manipulated variable (or
independent variable) is the one that The tremendous potential of science comes from the way
we change in which scientific knowledge is gathered.
Scientists follow orderly and systematic approach called
2) Responding variable (or dependent scientific method to gather knowledge. With this approach,
variable) is the one observed or new ideas about the world are constantly checked against
measured during the experiment reality. Just what is the scientific method? The scientific
method is a way of answering questions about the world
For results to be accepted, the we live in.
experiment needs to always The scientific method consists of a series of steps that can
produce the same result be summarized as follows:
● First a scientist makes an observation
Scientific Method ● The observation leads to the question. (Because
science begins with curiosity, the question may
“controlled” experiment- designed to test the come first.)
hypothesis ● Thinking about the question produces a
hypothesis, a tentative answer to the question.
Recall IF…..AND….THEN ● The scientist tests the hypothesis with an
experiment. As part of an experiment, the scientist
IF… (statement of what we believe to be true carefully records and analyzes data, or information,
based on our background knowledge) gathered in an experiment.
● The experiment produces a result, or a
AND … (what we are doing experimentally) conclusion, which the scientist interprets carefully.
The result may raise new questions and lead to
THEN… what we predict will be the outcome new hypotheses and new experiments.
only two possible answers: ● After several experiments, the scientist may be able
1. hypothesis is right to summarize the result in in a natural law, which
2. hypothesis is wrong describes how nature behaves but does not explain why
nature behaves in that a particular way.
We gather data and observations by doing the experiment ● Finally, the scientist may be able to formulate
Modify hypothesis - repeat the cycle theory. The theory explains why nature behaves in
the way described by the natural law. It answers not
Chemistry is also concerned with the study of only the original questions, but also any other
properties, composition, and structure of substances by questions that were raised during the process. The
knowing the structure and composition of matter, it is easy theory also predicts the results of further
to understand the transformations that these substances experiments, which is how is checked.
undergo. The chemistry laboratory is very much the same. Listed
are ten of the most important rules for safe conduct in the
Analysis is taking a chemistry laboratory.
substance apart to learn what is made up of. ● Follow Your Teacher’s Directions
Synthesis is combining the parts to produce a completely ● Notify Your Teacher of Problems
new substance or an improved substance similar to the old ● Know How to Use the Safety Equipment in the
one. Chemistry has done so many things, not only in Laboratory
● Wear Approved Safety Goggles
● If You Have Long Hair, Tie it Back
● Avoid Awkward Transfers of Chemicals
● If It’s Hot, Let It Cool
● Carry Chemicals with Caution
● Dispose of Chemical Wastes Properly
● Clean Up Afterward
This short set of basic rules cannot anticipate every
possible laboratory hazard, so your teacher will
announce special safety precautions for experiments. Even
so having a safe laboratory environment always means
more than just following rules. You should “think safety”.
That is, always keep safety in mind when you work in the

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