Module 1 Notes
Module 1 Notes
Module 1 Notes
• BASIC Input
• C#
•FORTRAN • is information a program collects
• Java
from the outside world. It can be
• COBOL • JavaScript sent to the program from the user,
who is entering data at the
• Pascal • Python keyboard.
•C • Ruby • Ex: cin >> hours;
cin >> rate;
• C++ • Visual Basics
• Testing and debugging are the Process symbol Used to represent arithmetic operations or
method of validating the program perform any calculations that are to be
to ensure that it will correctly work Sum = A+B
done. It is represented by a rectangle.
on the required task. Input-output block Shows input and output operations. Data
• Compiler catches all syntax errors. are to be read into the computer memory
• The organization can now use the Decision symbol Used to evaluate conditional statements
program. and branch out to the required process
• Running the program using the depending on the outcome of the test
actual data. x>0
which could either be true or false. It is
represented by a diamond.
6. Maintenance and Documentation
On-page connector Used to show a jump from one point to
by a directional arrow.
Sample flow chart
Example 1: Draw a flowchart that will input two numbers. Then calculate and display the
sum and product of these numbers. Write its equivalent pseudocode.
Start Pseudocode:
Sum = A+B
Product= A*B
Display Sum,
Example 2: Draw a flowchart and write the equivalent pseudocode that will compute and
display the circumference of a circle. Given the formula: Circumference= 2 * 3.1416 *
Circumference, 2,
3.1416, radius
Circumference= 2 *
3.1416 * radius
Example 3: Draw a flowchart that will input the student’s ID number and name and
calculate the student’s final grade. The final grade is calculated as the average of four
quizzes. Display the student’s number, name and the equivalent final grade.
FG= A + B + C + D / 4
If FG T Display ID number,
> 75 name, Passed
Display ID Number,
name, Failed End