GOVT SS 1 1ST Term Notes
GOVT SS 1 1ST Term Notes
GOVT SS 1 1ST Term Notes
Government as an institution of the state may be defined as machinery established by the state to organize the state, manage its
affairs and administer its functions and duties.
The need for government came as result of people living together forming different associations. These may bring out conflicts,
disagreements, crises. If there is no agency to regulate peoples activities, the society will degenerate to what Thomas Hobbes
called primitive society where life was ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’. Therefore, the need to have a body capable of
regulating their daily activities arises. If there is no such agency anarchy would reign in the society. There is need for people to
elect and establish among themselves an agency (government) with political power and authority to direct all activities in a state.
Through the formulation and implementation of policies in the state, government as a process or art of governing regulates the
activities of the citizens and at the same time steers the affairs of the state.
The efficiency of government in the process of administration is based on the principle of separations of powers where the organs
of government have their powers and functions distinctly separated both in functions and in personnel.
Government as an academic field of study involves the study of political institutions, agencies, ideas, values and doctrines about
politics of the state. It is a social science subject that is taught in schools, colleges, higher institutions where it is popularly known
as political science.
The study of government embraces international relations, public administration, comparative politics etc. Government also
relates to other subjects or disciplines such as economics, History, sociology, philosophy, mathematics etc.
Public Administration: It deals with human management in government establishments or public affairs
International Relations: This area deals with diplomacy and external relations with other countries
Political thought/Theories: It has to do with early political thinkers e.g. John Locke, Thomas Hobbes etc
Characteristics of Government
1. Law: It is a guide to the activities, beliefs and behavior of the citizens. These are laws made by the government and
entrenched in the constitution
2. Revenue: Government needs enough revenue for the enormous task facing it
3. Political power: The political power which the government has is in consonance with the people’s will to obey law and
policies made by the state
4. Work-force: The civil service possesses adequate personnel for policy making and implementation, interpretation and
punishment of offenders
5. People’s legitimate support: A government earns for itself legitimate support from the people.
6. Periodic change: No government is permanent. Elective government adopts periodic election; it could be either five or
four years to change government
Functions of Government
1. Law making: Government is responsible for making laws in a country. Laws are made to ensure peace and order in the
2. Provision of social amenities: Amenities like electricity, potable water, health care etc are provided by the government
3. Maintenance of law of Order: It is the responsibility of the government to maintain law and order in the state through
agencies like police, nscdc, frsc, etc
4. Defense of the country: It is the responsibility of the government to defend the country against external aggression.
5. Provision of employment: Job is also provided for the citizens as it goes a long way in improving the welfare of the
6. Promotion of economic activities: this is done through the provision of infrastructure e.g roads, railways, airports, etc by
encouraging investors
7. External affairs function: Government maintains good relations with other countries.
8. Administration of Justice: The judiciary is responsible for the administration of justice.
1. To widen people’s knowledge : It helps to widen people’s knowledge about administration and other institutions
involved in governance
2. Political Education: Government educates people on the political life and affairs of the country
3. Types of system: it helps in knowing the types and different systems of government in the world
4. Learn from the mistakes of past leaders : It helps to learn from the mistakes of past political leaders from being repeated
5. It promotes the spirit of nationalism and patriotism
6. It provides opportunity for people to become future political leaders
7. To know how to manage and resolved conflicts
A state may be simply defined as a politically organized body of people occupying a definite geographical entity/territory with an
organized government, free from external control and has coercive power to secure obedience from its citizens and others.
Characteristics of a State
Population: one major feature of a state is population. There must be a given number of people without a minimum or maximum
to occupy it.
Territory; a state must possess a definite territory which includes air, ocean and other natural features. It might be either small or
big with clear-cut boundaries separating it from others.
Government; the government makes a state effective as it runs the affairs of the state. The government performs its function on
behalf of the state as it makes and enforces laws. The government maintains the existence and survival of a state.
Sovereignty; this refers to the power of a state to make and enforce laws within its territory without any external influence.
Recognition; a state must be recognized both internally and externally. Other countries in the international arena must recognize
its existence.
Membership: it is very compulsory for one to be a member of a state either by birth or other means of acquiring citizenship
Law: a state must have a system of laws, which are binding on all the individuals and groups residing in the state. The laws are
enshrined in the constitution.
Permanence: a state is permanent. The individual can die, the government can be removed but a state cannot be removed unless
it is conquered in a war.
A nation refers to a group of people who are united by common ties as a result of common culture, origin and descent. They have
the same political aspirations and consciousness of unity. It is the consciousness of unity that is referred to as ‘nationalism” or a
sense of nationality.
A nation possesses all attributes of a state except sovereignty. For a nation to be seen as a state, it must gain political
independence and have the supreme power to make and enforce its own laws. The only difference between a state and a nation is
The society
Society is referred to as the association of human beings. The suggests the whole complex of the relation of man to his fellows.
Society includes every kind and degree of relationship entered into by men, whether orgaised or unorganized, direct or indirect,
conscious or unconscious, cooperative or otherwise.
The word State is generally referred to as a collective institution that regulates and govern the internal affairs of the country.
Society is a wider term than the state. It suggests many social relationships which cannot be expressed through the state
The Nation could be seen as people who share common beliefs and can live together and share the same language and culture.
They are not satisfied when they are disunited.
2. State is concerned with social relationships expressed through government, society suggests many social relationships which
may not be expressed through the state.
3. Society may be organized or unorganized co-operative or antagonistic, while state must be organized for law and under a
4. A State must have a definite boundary and sovereignty. These attributes are not attributes of a society.
Power is a key concept in government political thinkers all agree that in every state,there must be someone or some group of
people who possess overwhelming power in the state.
Government therefore, must possess power which the citizens must obey ,not because the government uses the power, but do so
because they know that it possess the power.
However, in a more simple form, power is the capacity to affect another person behavior with the use of threat and sanction.
1. Political Power : An individual is said to possess political power when is a political appointee or such person came to power
through election
2. Economic Power : Holders of this kind of power can easily the issues in the state in favour of themselves. Such people command
respect from people in the state due to their status, they are mostly the elite.
3. Military Power : These include the Army, Navy, Airforce etc these group of individuals are in full control of instrument of
violence in a country.
4. Physical Power: This has to do with the application of force in compelling obedience. The outcome of this application could bring
discomfort at the end.
1. Through coup d' etat : This is the acquisition of power by the men of the armed forces through the use of violence
2. The Constitution: The constitution specifies how power should be acquired and it should be exercised. Through election power
held by the people is transformed to a body called government
3. Through Charisma : Power can be acquired through an individual intelligence or a persons charisma
4. Through Inheritance : This is based on hereditary and it is mostly with the royal family. Power is acquired when the kingship or
queenship is vacant
5. Through economic resources : This may include money and property an individual can acquire political power and command
the respect of other people.
Political authority is the recognition of the right to rule irrespective of the sanction the ruler may possess. More so, authority refers
to formal or legal right to make and enforce laws or policies which the citizens obey.
1. Charismatic Authority : This is the authority which result from the possession of exceptional personal characteristics. Authority is
bestowed on some individuals in the society due to their special qualities
2. Legal Authority : This kind of authority is possessed through the due process of the law of the land
4. Delegated Authority: This authority is mostly given to someone to exercise functions and responsibility on specific areas.
5. Political Authority: This is the authority conferred on person holding political offices. Eg president, governors, senators etc
policies made and executed are based on the provisions of the constitution.
1 Power is the capacity to affect another persons behavior by the use of sanction,while authority is the legal right to make and
enforce laws
2 It has been observed that authority can be delegated with legitimized responsibility, but power can not be delegated
3 Authority is based on acceptance and mostly legitimate ,while power could be legitimate or illegitimate e.g military in power.
Legitimacy is the general acceptance of the government by the people through a recognized procedure. There are political crises
and problems in many countries of the world today because many of the government of such countries are not acceptable to the
people. This is because the people are of the opinion that such government have not come into power through a legitimate
process. A legitimate government is mostly too likely to receive the support of the masses of the people of the state.
1. Good and reliable leader: Legitimacy may be accorded a leader if he performs creditably in office
2. Good Government : If the government has good intention the people will continue to have trust and confidence in such
3. Customs and Traditions : Respect for established custom and tradition of the society can help sustain legitimacy
4. Wider scope of political participation: The ability of the government to involve all sections of the people in government helps to
determine legitimacy
5. Legitimacy through election: Free and fair election is a symbol of legitimacy and it registers the support of the people.
Sovereignty means the supreme power and authority of the state over the citizens. It is the absolute power vested in one
1. indivisibility: Sovereignty is supreme, final and with coercive power of the state over the people living within the state
3. Permanence: As long as the state exist, sovereignty continues without interruption. It is a permanent attribute with the state
1. Legal Sovereignty: This is the superior to which habitual obedience is rendered by the mass of men in the state
2. Political sovereignty: This means that government has no power of its own, but the power that is given to it by the collective will
of the people. The electorate constitute the political sovereign
3. Internal Sovereignty: This refers to the supreme power of the state to make and enforce laws with in its area of authority
4. External Sovereignty: This is the power of the state to exist, conduct its external affairs without external interference
5. De facto Sovereignty: it refers to the body or group of people who use force to make citizens obey their will, after overthrowing
the legitimate government through revolution.
6. De-Jure Sovereignty: this type of sovereignty is based on law and its application as opposed to physical use of force.
1. The Electorate –electorate have the ultimate power through election to decide who will be their representative in government
2. Location in a federal state: -the federal constitution is supreme and recognizes different authorities and functions to exercise e.g
federal, state , and local government
3. Location in a military regime: under military administration, sovereignty resides in the central decision making body ie, the
Provisional Ruling Council
4. In a Monarchy –Britain is a good example where the location of sovereignty can be traced to the Queen in parliament
1. The Electorate: Every government should be responsible to the people whose collective affairs its directs and controls.
Electorate possess ultimate power in a state
2. The Constitution:It defines the power exercised by the various levels of government. It there for limits the power of the
3. International Laws: This has to do with the relationship among nations of the world .states that disobeys international law may
face some sanctions
4. Activities of Pressure Groups –influential individuals and pressure groups in a state need to be contacted before laws are made
and executed .failure to observe this can make such pressure groups to influence the public to act other wise.
5. Public Opinion: Democracy makes the government to be open and accommodating. They take into consideration the opinion of
the people when formulating policies .this is a limitation to the exercise of their powers.
Democracy is defined as a form of government in which the people exercises the government power either directly or through
representatives elected by them.
The word 'demo' in Greek means people and 'kratia' means government. 'Demo' and 'Kratia' combined into the word, democracy.
Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as : 'Government of the people by the people and for the people.
1. Political liberty: The equal rights of all normal adults to vote and to stand as candidates for election and equal eligibility for
political offices
2. Free association and groups: People should be able to form parties, join and support association their programmes.
3. Political Parties: There are more than one political party with different individuals competing for power
4. Freedom of Press: The radio, newspaper and television should be free to write and express issues without any hindrance
5. Fundamental Human Right: Emphases are laid on the freedom of individual rights. The rights of individuals should be promoted
and guaranteed
8. Independence of the Judiciary: The judiciary should be free and independent of other branches of government
9. Separation of Power: The powers of the three organs pf government are separated both in functions and personnel
10. Provision of Opportunities: Democracy provides opportunity for an individual to develop do develop his or her personality
1. Direct democracy: A situation where people meet together, periodically, to discuss issues affecting the community. It is suitable
for small state only. The village or community must be very small
2. Indirect democracy: This is where citizens are qualified to choose their own representatives to rule on their behalf.
Representative democracy is government by means of persons elected to serve the interest of others. Indirect democracy is
mostly applicable to modern political systems.
1. Equal opportunity : It ensures equal opportunity for all citizens in all spheres of life
2. Free choice of leaders: It gives the electorate/ people opportunity to elect their leaders
3. Misuse of power: Democracy doesn't allow for misuse because power belongs to the people
5. Equality of Individuals: There is individual equality, freedom and protection of their possessions and rights
6. Legitimacy: It gives legitimacy to elected government as they have the support of the people
1. Expensive to operate: It involves many people and makes it very expensive to operate
2. Slow decision making: When opportunity is given to too much people it slows down tge process of making good and effective
3. Incompetent people may be in government: Many people who do not have the ability and required intelligence to govern may
be elected
4. Political Education: The citizens may not be sufficiently educated to understand the meaning and be able to make right choices
2. Independent of the Judiciary: The executive and legislative bodies should not interfere with the affairs of the judiciary
3. Free and fair election: Elections should be free from intimidation and irregularities.
5. Tolerance: The people should tolerate and respect different political opinions
6. Openness: The activities of the government should be open to praise and criticism
7. Opposition: The government must be ready to tolerate different opposition groups in the system
Political culture may be defined as the attitudes, beliefs, emotions, sentiments, ideas, and values that guide the behaviour of the
people in any given state politically. It is the political way of life, which is developed by the society over a period of time. They
might include method of election and people’s reaction to it, tolerance and other factors that encourage democracy.
Cognitive Orientation: This refers to the people’s knowledge about the political system, beliefs about the government and the role
of government officials.
Evaluative Orientation: This refers to how the citizens can evaluate the performance of the people in government and the
efficiency and effectiveness of their policies.
Affective Orientation: This refers to the feeling of the people towards the political system and their government. It could also
mean if the people are proud of their government and political institutions and loyal to them or if they feel indifferent.
Determinants of political Culture
Different Ethnicity: the belief that each tribe has a distinct culture has an impact on the people’s political culture and this brings
about difference of political culture.
Historical Development: a society’s historical development determines and influences its political culture.
Colonial Mentality: European colonial legacy has influenced political structure of states in Africa, Latin America, and Asia etc. For
instance, Nigerian federal structure and political beliefs, values and attitudes are copied from Britain.
Socio-economic structure: Urban and developed societies have higher educational standards. They tend to participate in the
decision making of their states rather than the rural societies, which are rather conservative.
Political Instability: constant instability in the political system brings about bad feelings in he people and this affects their political
values and attitude towards politics.
Political socialization
Political socialization refers to process by which the citizens are educated on the
values, attitudes and beliefs of the political system
The school: Educational institution play significant role in the political socialization
of the citizens of a country
The peer groups the peer group of an individual tends to socialize the individual
Political parties educate their members and the public through their manifestoes
and campaign
The mass media: The mass media include radio, news papers, television and
magazines people are socialized through what they read, listen to and watch
in the mass media
Week 9
Communalism refers to a system of collective ownership of property and co-
operation among members of a community in the execution of developmental
projects. Julius Nyerere of Tanzania is a typical example
1. Collective ownership of property
2. The system ownership of property communal societies
3. No member of the communal society is allowedto own private land
4. Members are economically and socially self-sufficient in their needs
5. The community is granted the widest degree of autonomy with distinct
1. Feudalism is based mainly on hierarchical order of ownership of land
2. Ownership of land is vested in the king or monarch or emperor
3. The land users or serfs hold land or fief in return for the services they render
to their lords or kings
4. The land owners or lords are duty bound to protect the serfs
5. The vassal keeps possession of land as long as he performs his feudal duties
1. It fostered among the big landlords self-reliance and love of personal
1. Distingeration of the state i.e.the absence of a strong national government
could give room to anarchy
Capitalism can be defined as an economic system in which the means of production, exchange and distribution of goods and
services are in the hands of private individuals.
However, it should be noted that government's participation in production is very low in a capitalist economy. E.g U.S.A
1. Private Ownership: Ownership of means of production of goods and services, distribution, anf exchange are in the hands of
private individuals
2. Competitive Market : Competitive market in operation where individuals try to out rival others
6. Choices are made by the people as they decide how to spend their money
1. Competition: The system is open as it encourages competition among producers, therefore providing the best for the customers
2. Choice: The people have a multiple choice in almost everything needed and demanded
3. Economic development: Economic development is rapid because the system is all embracing
4. It is Democratic in nature
5. Economic/ political growth: The people contribute to the political and economic growth of the system
1. Exploitative: it is exploitative in nature as companies exploit their employees by under paying and getting maximum profit
2. Excessive profit: Producers make excessive profit to the detriment of the consumers
3. Inequality: There is political and economic inequality in the system. The gap between the rich and the poor is very wide.
5. Unhealthy rivalry:There is unhealthy rivalry among producers of different or same product in a capitalist system
Socialism can be defined as a social, political and economic system in which the state owns and controls the means of
production, exchange and distribution of goods and services. Russia was the first county to embrace socialism. China, Romania,
Tanzania, Ethiopia also practised socialism at one point or the other.
4. Free education and free medical services are provided for all citizen
7. Private individuals are not allowed to engage in the production and distribution of goods and services
8. Production is mainly to satisfy the needs of the people not for profit making
5. Unity : The people are brought together under one central authority
6. Job security : Jobs are secured since its the government that creates and employs all
2. The economy may not grow fast as individuals are not allowed to take part
1. In a capitalist system, the economy is in the hands of private individuals while in socialism, the state controls the economy.
2. The economic is not centrally organized in a capitalism while it is centrally organized in a socialism
3. Market is open and competitive in a capitalist state while the state monopolized market in a socialist state
Week 10
Communism is defined as the classless, stateless, happy society characterized by abundance of material production, which will
be distributed to all members of the society, each according to his needs. Similarly, there is the abolition of class oppression
and exploitation and the foundation of the society is based on the common possession of the means of production, and equal
distribution of goods, and land resources.
1. Revolution as a way out : the communist believes that revolution is the only out of social inequality, and the only method to
social transformation
2. Capitalism is exploitative: the communist strongly believes that the concentration of property in private hands is exploitative
3. Control of means of production : there exist a gradual takeover of all means of production by the new order
5. Common ownership –the community through the common ownership collectively controls all means of production.
Fascism may be defined as the philosophy, principle and organization of the
aggressive nationalist and anti-communist dictatorship under Benito Mussolini,
Italy in 1922.
1. Fascism encourages aggressive nationalism
2. It is an anti-communist movement
3. Fascism condemns both capitalism and socialism
4. It glorifies war which according tofascists will lead eventually to peace
5. It rejects God’slaw and religion in its entirety
Oligarchy can be defined as government by few privileged and powerful people.
It is a very selfish type of government because the government is ruling for the
interest of the few people in government. Also, oligarchy can be defined as a
form of government in which the power to rule and direct the affairs of a society
or country is vested in the hands of few people.
Features of Oligarchy
The following are the features of oligarchy:
Power is concentrated in the hands of a few rich or influential people.
It is a government steered by the minority over the majority.
Oligarchy may take various forms such as gerontocracy, autocracy etc.
The system favours the rich at the expense of the poor.
There is no rule of law.
Wealth and nobleness become the main criteria for attaining to political offices
Types of Oligarchy
Oligarchy is manifested in the following systems of government where power
and authority resides in a few people:
Aristocracy: It is a government ruled by persons of the highest social rank called
nobles. It is the rule by the group considered to be the best in terms of
intellectual capability. It is often referred to as a rule by the elites in the society.
Plutocracy:It is a government ruled or controlled by a few rich and powerful
people in the society. The wealthiest class control political power. They include
the industrialist, landlords as well as financiers of great business concerns.
Military government:This is a form of government under the control of soldiers-
Army, Navy and Air force- who seize power from the civilians through force. The
military rule by decrees which demand strict obedience.
Theocracy:It is a type of government controlled by the priest or religious leaders.
In other words it is a form of government believed to have been divinely
approved by God. As such obedience to rulers is tantamount to obedience to
Gerontocracy:It is a government controlled by the aged or old people. Here, age
is a major criterion for determining rulers. This is done with the expectation that
the aged are experienced, more faithful and accountable.
Diarchy:It is a government controlled by two different authorities’ e.g. Civil and
military authorities. Nigeria operated this system during Ibrahim Babangida
administration between 1991 and 1993
Autocracy:This is the absolute rule of a few individuals who consider themselves
as the best in the society. Autocrats rule autocratically that is in absolute
power.It is a form of government controlled by a dictator or a group wielding
absolute power. Examples are fascist government in Italy and Nazist government
in Germany.
Totalitarianism may be defined as a form of government in which one supreme
authority controls everything and where there is no opposition, Nazist
Germany, Benito Mussolini-Fascist Italy in 1922 and former USSR under Joseph
Supreme authority that controls everything
Absence of all forms of opposition
State control of massmedia
The use of force and terror inenteric thewillofthestateanditsrulers
Absence of the rule of law