Report 7 Am
Report 7 Am
Report 7 Am
is the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy and proper expression.
is the ability to write words correctly. This includes skills such as knowing the
correct spelling of words and applying spelling rules.
Knowledge of words and their meanings in both oral
and print representations
is the ability to read text smoothly and accurately. This includes
skills such as reading with appropriate speed and expression
The alignment of language and literacy domains is crucial for effective
education. It ensures that the various aspects of language development—
listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and visually representing—work
together cohesively to support comprehensive literacy skills. This alignment
helps students not only in language acquisition but also in understanding
and engaging with academic content across different subjects.
By integrating these domains, educators can create a more inclusive and
supportive learning environment that caters to diverse learning needs and
styles. This approach also enhances students’ ability to communicate
effectively, think critically, and engage with content in meaningful ways.
for Listening!