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Tritium: Approved For Public Release Distribution Unlimited

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Contact: D. McMorrow - dmcmorrow@mitre.org

November 2011 JSR-11-345

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

JASON The MITRE Corporation

7515 Colshire Drive McLean, Virginia 22102-7508 (703) 983-6997

1 INTRODUCTION 2 STATEMENT OF WORK 3 BRIEF ANSWERS TO SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 4 CONSTRAINTS OF BASIC PHYSICS 4.1 Neutronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Tritium Burnup Fraction . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Tritium Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Tritium Breeding Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 5 7 9 10 13 14 17 17 19 22 22 24 26 26 28

5 ADDITIONAL ISSUES 5.1 Deuterium-Rich Fueling . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Lithium and Lead-Lithium Blanket . . . . . 5.3 More Tritium is Better . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Tritium Handling and Leakage . . . . . . . . 5.5 6 Li, Tritium and 3 He Economics . . . . . . . 5.6 Quantication of Margins and Uncertainties 5.7 Tritium Breeding Issues for ICF . . . . . . . 5.8 Sources of Tritium . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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November 2011





13119022 Contact: D. McMorrow@dmcmorrow@mitre.org




The MITRE Corporation JASON Program Office 7515 Colshire Drive McLean, Virginia 22102



DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences 1000 Independence Ave, SW Washington, DC 20585


Approved for public release; unlimited distribution


Tritium breeding is an essential component of potential future GWE sources of electrical energy based on nuclear fusion. Such reactors require kg quantities of tritium per year of operation which must be bred as part of the overall reactor cycle. Traditionally, tritium is assumed to be bred from neutrons involved in fusion energy-production processes of the particular type of reactor using a lithium (Li) blanket or related alloys such as the Pb-17Li eutectic. As such, tritium breeding is intimately connected with energy production, thermal management, radioactivity management, materials properties, and mechanical structures of any plausible future large-scale fusion power reactor. JASON is asked to examine the current state of scientific knowledge and engineering practice on the physical and chemical bases for large-scale tritium breeding.

Mr. Ed Synakowski
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area








Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18

The rst generation of controlled fusion devices are being designed to

liberate heat from the fusion of a deuteron D and a triton T to form an alpha particle, , and a neutron, n, in the strongly exothermic nuclear reaction D + T + n + Q, The energy release per reaction is Q = 17.6 MeV. (2) (1)

Using the energy release Q of (1) and neglecting the additional heating due to neutron capture, which can add several MeV per reaction, we nd that to produce an average fusion (thermal) power PF would require a tritum mass consumption rate of M1 = 56PF kg y1 GWT1 . (3)

Here one Gigawatt thermal power has been abbreviated as GWT. A few tens of percent of this fusion (thermal) power can be converted into electrical power, for example, in steam or gas turbines. Radioactive tritium spontaneously decays to 3 He, an electron e and an electron antineutrino e with a half life of 12.3 years in the process of beta-decay T 3 He + e + e + 18.6 keV. (4)

The stable isotope 3 He, produced when tritium decays, has many uses already, for example, in neutron detectors, in 3 He-4He dilution refrigeratators to produce millikelvin temperatures, and in magnetic-resonance imaging. Naturally occurring 3 He is so rare that virtually all of the current demand for 3 He is met with gas collected from the radioactive decay of tritium, either manufactured for use in nuclear weapons by the United States and the 1

Russian Federation or recovered from the heavy-water of Candu ssion reactors. A fusion economy would provide a substantial new resource of 3 He, and would encourage new applications. Unlike the stable isotope deuterium, which makes up 156 ppm of hydrogen on earth, tritium has a relatively short shelf life because of the radioactive decay (4), so tritium is most eciently used within a few years after its manufacture. The ITER experiment will make use of the 20 kg of T that has been accumulated from Candu reactors. A single, 1 GW(E) fusion power plant, at 30% conversion eciency from thermal to electrical energy, would use 20 kg of tritium in less than two months. With these facts in mind, the United States Department of Energy asked JASON to respond to the following charge during the JASON Summer Study of 2011:

The MITRE Corporation will contract with DOE with funding supplied

through the United States Army (CECOM) to provide the necessary personnel, services, and facilities to support JASON until 31 January 2012. All activities and deliverables called for in this paragraph shall be provided in accordance with the schedule in paragraphs 5.1. Study funding will support the annual integrated program across multiple agencies. All products will be shared subject to classication requirements.

Large-Quantity Tritium Production: Tritium breeding is an essential component of potential future GWE sources of electrical energy based on nuclear fusion. Such reactors require kg quantities of tritium per year of operation which must be bred as part of the overall reactor cycle. Traditionally, tritium is assumed to be bred from neutrons involved in fusion energy-production processes of the particular type of reactor using a lithium (Li) blanket or related alloys such as the Pb-17Li eutectic. As such, tritium breeding is intimately connected with energy production, thermal management, radioactivity management, materials properties, and mechanical structures of any plausible future large-scale fusion power reactor. JASON is asked to examine the current state of scientic knowledge and engineering practice on the physical and chemical bases for large-scale tritium breeding. In particular, JASONs report should address the following questions and provide answers with supporting analysis:

Specic questions: 1. How realistic are 1GWE-scale tritium breeding blankets from todays perspective?

2. What are the most important development issues from todays perspective? 3. Do tritium breeding considerations favor certain classes of fusion reactors over other possible choices?


Brief answers to the specic questions are given here. Reasons for these

answers will be outlined in the remainder of the report.

1. How realistic are 1GWE-scale tritium breeding blankets from todays perspective? Blankets are in the advanced conceptual design stage. Some detailed modeling and experimental tests have been done. This work shows that in principle it is possible for a well-designed reactor to breed enough tritium to replace what it burns, to make up for losses in reprocessing, and to produce enough surplus every few years to fuel a new reactor. Many important engineering issues need to be solved, for example, possible corrosion of the pipes by circulating blanket material like molten Li or PbLi metals, extraction and purication of tritium from the blanket, tritium leakage, etc. 2. What are the most important development issues from todays perspective? Since the detailed fate of 14 MeV neutrons from the fusion reaction (1) must be precisely known to predict tritium breeding, a suciently accurate data base of neutron cross sections must be certied. In assembling this data base, we recommend using methods similar to those used in the stockpile stewardship program, Quantication of Measurements and Uncertainties. Cross sections deemed to be of insucient accuracy should be measured more carefully. Additional experiments should be done to more accurately quantify the dierence between predictions of the tritium-breeding codes and experimental measurements. Requirements for tritium-breeding should be one of the key tradeos 5

in reactor design. For example, maximizing the burnup fraction fb (a plasma-physics issue) and minimizing the reprocessing time tp of unburnt tritium (a chemical-engineering issue) are essential to minimize both the required tritium inventory and the required tritium breeding ratios. 3. Do tritium breeding considerations favor certain classes of fusion reactors over other possible choices? Blankets of magnetic connement fusion (MCF) reactors are constrained in space by magnetic eld coils, conduits for initial plasma heating power, divertor placement, etc. Many of these elements also contain neutron-absorbing structural materials. Inertial connement fusion (ICF) designs, which are less mature than those of MCF, also have constraints, for example, paths for target injection and for driver beams like lasers or heavy ions, the need for walls capable of withstanding the periodic impulsive loads from exploding pellets, and openings to allow rapid clearing of the chamber debris after each pellet implosion. All of these factors limit the fraction of neutrons that can participate in breeding. At the present level of understanding, blanket design appears somewhat less constrained for ICF than for MCF machines. For both MCF and ICF, adequate tritium breeding is feasible, and issues other than tritium breeding are likely to be much more important in assessing relative advantages of MCF and ICF.


The feasibility of tritium breeding depends on both basic physics and

engineering issues. In the two-body reaction (1), about 4/5 of the 17.6 MeV energy release, or 14.1 MeV is carried by the neutron and 1/5 or 3.5 MeV is carried by the alpha particle, which heats the magnetically or inertially conned plasma. Most of the neutrons are absorbed in a breeding blanket, where they produce more than one triton per neutron to make up for neutrons that escape through gaps in blanket coverage or are absorbed by structural material, to make up for losses in the tritium handling system, and to provide excess tritium for new reactors. The tritium breeding ratio (TBR), TBR = tritium bred tritium burnt (5)

is dened as the average number of tritium atoms bred per tritium atom burnt in the reaction (1). We must have TBR > 1, for a self-sustained fusion economy.

Blankets with Pure Lithium. With proper design, it is possible to obtain TBR > 1 in lithium-containing blankets with some combination of the reactions n +6 Li T + + 4.8 MeV, n +7 Li + 2.5 MeV T + + n . (6) (7)

The product neutron n of (7) has a smaller energy than the incident neutron n. The per cent atomic abundances of naturally occurring Li are

Li 7.5%;


Li 92.5%.


The exothermic reaction (6) has a very large cross section, 940 b, for neutrons with a velocity of 2200 m/s [1]. The cross section scales very accurately as 7

1/v for energies up to about 60 keV. Consequently, with careful selection of structural materials and geometry to minimize the loss of neutrons by absorption or escape from the blanket, nearly all of the neutrons that slow down to thermal energies from their initial 14.1 MeV can be absorbed by

Li and can generate tritium. The reaction (6) also makes a substantial

contribution to the thermal power output of the fusion reactor since the energy release per reaction, 4.8 MeV, is 27% of the 17.6 MeV energy release of the primary fusion reaction (1). The cross section of the second, endothermic reaction, (7) is heavily suppressed because of the Coulomb barrier for charged product particles at energies just above the 2.5 MeV threshold, but it has a cross section of order 0.3 b for neutrons with energies above 5 MeV. It can be readily driven by the 14 MeV neutrons from the primary fusion reaction (1), and it allows a single neutron to make two or more tritons. For example a 14 MeV neutron can break up a 7 Li into a T and an according to (7). If the slower, product neutron, n , happens to retain more than 2.5 MeV after breaking up a 7 Li nucleus, it can break up a second 7 Li and release another T before falling below the energy threshold for the reaction (7), when it can still be captured on 6Li, in accordance with the reaction (6), to form a nal T.

Blanket with neutron multipliers. A second way to get relatively large tritium breeding ratios is to include neutron mutipliers, notably beryllium (Be) and lead (Pb), in lithium blankets. The most promising neutron multiplication reactions are n +9 Be + 3 MeV 2 + n + n , n + Pb + 10 MeV Pb + n + n . (9) (10)

One of the product neutrons n from the low-threshold, (n,2n) reaction (9) may occasionally retain enough kinetic energy to drive another cycle of the reaction (9) or (7), but in most cases the product neutrons will be be below 8

Figure 1: Cross sections for the reactions (6), (7), (8) and (10). Other important cross sections include elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections for Li, Be and Pb, needed to model the slowing down (moderation) of the 14 MeV primary neutrons, and neutron absorption cross sections for structural materials (Figure from M. Sawan). thereshold and can make tritium only through capture on 6 Li in accordance with (6). Therefore, when using the (n,2n) reactions of (9) and (10), one can almost always increase the TBR by using lithium that has been enriched in the isotope 6 Li. The energy-dependence of cross sections for the most important reactions for tritium breeding are shown in Figure 1.



As discussed above, under ideal circumstances it is possible to produce nearly two tritons for every 14 MeV neutron. In pure lithium of natural isotopic composition this would give an ideal tritium breeding ratio, TBR 9

2. But many practical engineering issues will limit the TBR to smaller values. With suciently reliable values for the cross sections of key reactions like (6), (7), (9), (10), etc., and with numerical methods that fully account for the heterogeneous geometry and structural materials of the reactor, it should be possible to calculate values of the TBR that will be within a per cent of those that are observed. Analogous calculations for ssion reactors predict the multiplication factor and its dependence on control rod positions and other reactor parameters to a small fraction of a per cent. However, many decades of work have gone into perfecting neutronic computational methods for ssion reactors and in tuning the codes by comparing their predictions with observations. Analogous codes for tritium breeding have had less time for perfection and less measured data to use for tuning. Much progress is being made on tritium-breeding neutronics, notably by University of Wisconsin Professors Mohammed Sawan, Laila El -Guebaly and their collaborators in Madison, and by University of California Professor Mohammed Abdou and his collaborators in Los Angeles. Work in this area should be continued to identify any neutronics issues that dier substantially from those of ssion reactors. Since tritium breeding depends critically on reactions with much faster neutrons than those normally encountered in ssion reactors, key fast-neutron cross sections of breeding and structural materials need to be evaluated with particular care.


Tritium Burnup Fraction

The probability that a triton injected into a reactor is burned in the reaction (1) before it escapes the connement region in the case of MFE, or before the capsule disassembles in the case if ICF, is called the tritium burnup fraction, fb . Unburned tritium is collected and used again as fuel. As we will discuss in more detail below, fb should be as close to unity as possible to


minimize the required inventory of tritium and to reduce the required values of the tritium breeding ratio. Let the number densities of tritons and deuterons in the plasma be [T] and [D] respectively. The reaction (1) will cause [T] and [D] to decrease at equal rates d[T] d[D] = = [T][D] v . dt dt (11)

where v is the product of the velocity-dependent cross section for the reaction (1) and the relative velocity v of the colliding pairs, averaged over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities at an ion temperature Ti , assumed to be the same for D and T. The rate coecient, in m3 s1 , for ion temperatures Ti in keV can be well approximated by [2] v = 3.68 1018
2/3 Ti


19.94 Ti


For a representative MFE ion temperature Ti = 20 keV, we nd from (12) that v = 3.22 1022 m3 s1 . (14) (13)

Over the range of validity of (12), the reaction rate increases rapidly with temperature since d ln v = dTi 19.94
1/3 3Ti

2 3

d ln Ti dTi


At the the temperature Ti = 20 keV, we nd d d ln v = 1.8 ln Ti dTi dTi (16)

So at a nominal plasma temperature of 20 keV, a 1% increase in ion temperature will increase the reaction rate by 1.8%.


Suppose the reactor is stoichiometrically fueled so [N] = [T] = [D], (17)

where [N] is the common number density. Then one can readily solve (11) to nd that the number density [N ] at time > 0 is related to the number density [N0 ] at the time of fuel injection by [N ] = The burnup fraction is fb = 1 [N ] v [N0 ] = . [N0 ] 1 + v [N0 ] (19) [N0] . 1 + v [N0 ] (18)

For magnetic connement fusion, the eective time for burning, , can be bigger than the ion connement time c of the plasma, because some fraction R of the ions that escape the plasma can recombine and reenter the plasma as neutral atoms. Then the eective connement time is = c + c R + c R2 + = Experimental evidence so far suggests that R magnetic connement machines, [N0 ] = 1020 m3 , we nd fb = Ti = 20 keV and = 2 s, (21) c . 1R (20)

1 so will not be much

bigger than c . Using (14) and (19) and representative numerical values for

0.064 = 6.02%. 1.064


The burnup fraction anticipated for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is considerably smaller, less than 1%. Proponents of inertial connement fusion hope to achieve burnup fractions as high at 30%. Large burnup fractions help to keep the required tritium inventory low, as we will discuss in the next section.



Tritium Inventory

Unburnt fuel from the reactor is sent to a tritium reprocessing system that takes a mean time tp to clean up and recycle the tritium. The continually reprocessed tritium is injected into the plasma with an eciency . The eciency can be relatively high, several tens of per cent, for frozen pellet injection, but it appears to be relatively low, perhaps only a few percent, for gas injection at the edge of the plasma. Then to provide the burn rate (3), and to make up for radioactive decay at the rate s = ln 2 1 y , 12.3 (23)

and the loss rate r in the reprocessing of unburnt T, we must have fb M0 T BR = M1 + (s + r )M0 , tp (24)

where M1 , the burn rate needed to power the plant, was given by (3) and M0 is the time-independent, rercirculating tritium inventory. As we discuss in the next section, in addition to the recirculating inventory M0 , there will normally be a growing inventory m of tritium being bred for additional reactors, with a separate processing and storage system. From (24) we see that the inventory is M0 = M1 . T BR fb /tp s r


From (25) we see that the relative tritium production, T BR fb/tp must at least exceed the relative loss rate r + s from the reprocessing loop and from radioactive decay. If the breeding rate is large compared to the loss rate, and T BR 1 we can approximate the mass inventory (25) by M0 For example, if fb = 0.05, 13 tp M1 . fb (26)

= 0.5, tp = 1 day, PF = 1 GWT, Equation (26) gives M0 = 6.14 kg. (28) (27)

This is a large amount of tritium, but much less than the 56 kg that must be burnt per year to produce 1 GW of heat. We see from (26) that the recirculating inventory can be minimized by minimizing the reprocessing time tp and by increasing the injection eciency and burn fraction fb with respect to the representative values of (27). The estimates above assumed no breeding of additional tritium, a topic we address in the next section.


Tritium Breeding Ratio

The blanket is designed to breed enough tritium to at least make up for that which is burnt, and what is lost in reprocessing and radioactive decay. Moreover, after a desired doubling time td , typically a few years, enough extra tritium should be produced to provide the initial inventory for an identical reactor. Denote the mass of the tritium inventory by M = M0 + m, (29)

where the time-independent circulating mass, M0 , needed to run the reactor was given approximately by (26) and m is the growing, time-dependent mass that is being bred for fueling the next reactor. Radioactive decay at the rate s , losses at the rate r in the reprocessing loop, burning and breeding will


cause the refueling mass to change at the rate dm = s m (s + r )M0 M1 + M1 TBR dt = s m + M0 .


where we can use (25) with (30) to write the net production rate coecient as = fb s r ( TBR 1) s r . tp (31)

For no breeding, m = 0 and dm/dt = 0, (30) gives (24). Solving (30) under the assumption of a positive tritium production rate > 0, and assuming m = 0 at time t = 0 and m = M0 at the doubling time, td > 0, we nd = s . 1 es td (32)

For certain ranges of the parameters , fb , tp, td, s and r we can equate the expressions (31) and (32) for to nd the required tritium breeding ratio TBR. For simplicity, consider suciently short doubling times td (a few years) that there is negligible radioactive decay of the tritium and s td nd that the required tritium breeding ratio is TBR 1 tp . fb td (33) 1. Then we can approximate (32) by 1/td and neglect s and r in (31) to

For example, if we use the paramters of (27) in (33) with a doubling time, td = 3 y, we nd a required tritium breeding ratio TBR 1.04. (34)

From (33) we see that to have the least demanding requirements on the tritium breeding ratio it is necessary to use the longest possible doubling times, td, the largest tritium burn fraction fb , the largest injection eciency and the smallest recycling time tp .


In this section we discuss issues related to tritium breeding that go

beyond the explicit questions of our charge.


Deuterium-Rich Fueling

The fusion community may have already considered deuterium-rich fuel mixtures, but we think this is worth serious consideration since deuteriumrich mixtures could be more favorable for tritium breeding than stoichiometric mixtures with equal atomic fractions of of D and T. For DT fueling, three other fusion reactions that occur at the same time as (1) are D + D T + p + 4.04 MeV, D + D 3 He + n + 3.27 MeV, T + T + 2n + 11.4 MeV. (35) (36) (37)

The rate coecients, v , corresponding to the reactions (35) and (36) are about 200 times smaller than for the main reaction (14) and the energy release per reaction is substantially less[3]. The rate coecient for the reaction (37) is about 90 times smaller than (14). Using non-stoichiometric, deuteriumrich fuel, which would enhance the contribution of the reactions (35) and (36) and supress the contribution of (37) to the burning, could be advantageous to the breeding cycle because: Deuterium-rich fuel could substantially increase the burnup fraction fb of the tritium. The larger the burnup fraction, the smaller the required inventory of tritium and the smaller the required tritium breeding ratio.


The reaction (35) makes tritium directly, and the reaction (36) makes the valuable isotope 3 He and a neutron which can convert 6Li to T in the blanket. For example, suppose that the number density [N0 ] of (21) is sucient to provide the desired thermal output of the reactor with stoichiometric fuel. Then we would get the same thermal output from a non-stoichiometric fuel with triton and deutron number densities give by [D][T] = [N0 ]2. Call the relative deuterium enrichment = [D] . [N0] (39) (38)

The relative burn rate, , of tritium will then be = 1 d[T] = 1 . [T] dt (40)

where the stoichiometric burn rate is 1 = [N0 ] v . (41)

Other things being equal, the plasma pressure will scale as the sum of the deuterium and tritium number densities, so enhancing the deuterium content by increase to p= or p p0 will cause the ion pressure p0 for a stoichiometric fuel mix to p0 2 + 1 . (42)

p0 ( 1)2 , 2

if | 1|



For example, consider a modest, 30% D enrichment of = 1.3. 18 (44)

We see from (40) that the tritium burn rate will increase by a factor of 30%. If the required 4.5% ion pressure increase from (43) has a negligible eect on the ion connement time, we would also get an approximately 30% increase in burn fraction. According to (25) and (33) this would decrease both the required tritium inventory M0 and the breeding-ratio excess, TBR1, by about 30%. The contribution of the reactions (35) and (36) to the burning would be increased by a factor of 1.32 = 1.69. But the rates (35) (36) are so small compared to the rate of the main DT fusion reaction (1), that their increased contribution from deuterium-rich fueling will not be a very important factor compared to the substantially larger burn fraction fb , and the resulting decreases of the required tritium inventory and tritium breeding ratio.


Lithium and Lead-Lithium Blanket

Pure lithium and lithium-lead (Pb-Li) mixtures have been investigated in some detail as potentially useful blanket materials, that could also provide some or all of the heat transfer to the balance of the plant for partial conversion to electrical energy. Pure lithium has a very high electric conductivity, and rapid pumping of liquid lithium against the large magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) forces of MCF reactors will be very dicult. Pure lithium metal is often envisaged as a combined breeding and heat transfer medium for ICF reactors, which do not require such large magnetic elds. A currently interesting MCF design envisages using a homogeneous mixture of the liquid metals, Pb and Li, as the tritium breeding blanket and to provide some heat transfer. The bulk of the heat transfer would be provided by circulating helium gas for which there are no MHD issues. The phase diagram of the Pb-Li system, shown in Figure 2. There is a eutectic compo19

Figure 2: Phase diagram of the PbLi system[5]. Many blanket designs envisage using the eutectic mixture of about 15.8% Li, with a melting point of about 235 C. sition, 15.8% (atomic) Li and 84.2% (atomic) Pb, with a minimum freezing temperature of 235 C. In most of the briengs we received, the breeding blanket was assumed to have the eutectic composition. A NaK eutectic is used in experimental fast-neutron ssion reactors to facilitate frequent refueling with a liquid-metal coolant that remains liquid at room temperature or below. The Pb-Li eutectic melting point is well above room temperature so it is not clear that the eutectic mixture would have any advantages over a mixture with a larger Li fraction and better tritium breeding potential. We recommend that whatever considerations went into selecting the eutectic composition for the Pb-Li blanket be reviewed. Solid eutectics are easy to make in a reproducible manner. If a melt that does not have the eutectic composition is cooled, the phase rich in whichever component is more abundant than the eutectic composition will freeze rst. If Li-rich it will oat to the surface; if Pb-rich it will sink to the bottom. When the temperature reaches the eutectic point the remaining material, of 20

eutectic composition, will freeze homogeneously. It is only necessary to cut o the non-eutectic layer at the top or bottom of the solid ingot, and the remaining material will have the eutectic composition and can be repeatedly remelted and refrozen as a homogeneous solid. Liquid mixtures of non-eutectic composition can be easily made by melting weighed quantities of their components. In fusion breeders the temperature of the blanket material is supposed to range from about 500 C to 700 C, and for this range one can see from Figure 2 that compositions with Li fractions up to 40 % (atomic) should remain liquid, and could have better tritium breeding potential. Initial melting and mixing is not trivial because of the large density mismatch between Pb and Li, but once a liquid is mixed it remains mixed until frozen. Once frozen, careful mixing is necessary to homogenize the remelted material if the eutectic composition is not used. Magnetohydrodynamic mixers have been developed [5] and could be useful for the initial mixing of non-eutectic compositions. For relatively inexpensive and non-hazardous tests of tritium breeding in Pb-Li, it would be useful to use solid, room temperature samples. Maintaining such samples above their melting point would introduce signicant additional costs and hazards. A suitable proxy material could consist of interleaved sheets of eutectic and pure materials (or of the two pure materials) in the appropriate thickness ratios. The probing neutron beam should enter the stack of sheets perpendicularly (or obliquely). Because the fast-neutron interaction length in any solid-density material is several cm or more, sheets of 1 cm thickness could provide a satisfactory approximation to homogeneity. It is often remarked that the relative amount of the isotopes 6 Li and 7 Li in Pb-Li blanket material can be chosen to optimize tritium breeding. It is also true that the relative amounts of Pb and Li can be chosen to optimize breeding and the eutectic composition probably has too little Li for optimum 21

performance. As discussed above, there is no obvious reason to be limited to the eutectic composition of a melt.


More Tritium is Better

There has been some consideration of deliberately decreasing the TBR, for example, but adjusting the relative fraction of 6 Li and 7Li in blanket material, to avoid producing more tritium than needed for fueling existing reactors, providing fuel for additional reactors, and making up for losses from processing and radioactive decay. We doubt that overproduction of tritium is a real problem. Tritium is readily stored as metal tritides, at modest cost and with no signicant hazard. Tritium is a valuable not only for fusion energy, but because it is the only currently practical source of 3 He. Demand for 3 He far outstrips the supply. The largest projected demand at present is for slow-neutron detectors, which DHS wants to proliferate in great numbers to counter nuclear terrorism. An additional growing use for 3He is in medical imaging of the lung. There is no substitute.


Tritium Handling and Leakage

In steady-state operation relative small quantities of tritium must be extracted from a much larger mass of blanket material. Although the quantity of tritium produced is relatively small, there will be stringent regulatory constraints on its emission to the environment in any chemical form. Gaseous HT and the vapor HTO are of most concern, the latter because of its ready substitution for H2O in most chemical and biological systems. A plausible regulatory limit is 13 g year1 of tritium loss. This is about 104 of the tritium burnt in one year to make 1GW of thermal energy. Material control 22

at this level can be achieved with careful chemical engineering, but tritium presents special problem because of its volatility, diusivity in many materials, and the ready formation of mobile and reactive compounds like HTO. Tritium extraction from the breeding material is complicated because large amounts of heat may also need to be extracted through heat exchangers with signicant tritium permeability. Thus tritium could contaminate the heat transfer medium (for example helium) in the secondary loops of heat exchangers. Materials with low-permeability to tritium at elevated temperatures are needed. A representative material is tungsten with a permeability of 1 107 in units of cm3(STP) [m s kPa1/2]1 at 700 C. This extrapolates to 1023 in the same units at room temperature. To get the permeability current in cm3 of T2 gas (at standard temperature and pressure) per second, one must multiply the permeability by the dierence in the square root of the pressure in kPa times the ratio of the area of the barrier to its width. The dependence on the square root of the pressure is called Sieverts law, and it comes from the dissociation of T2 to atomic tritium in the metal. The diusion coecient of T2 in alumina, where there is no dissociation of the T2 molecule, is 1 1015 m2 s1 at 700 C. The room-temperature value is extrapolated to be 1031 m2 s1 . Such extrapolations are necessarily uncertain because they assume the temperature dependence of permeabilities follows an Arrhenius law into temperature ranges far from those for which direct measurements are available. Unrecognized transport mechanisms with small prefactors but lower activation energies could give much larger permeation coecients at low temperature. Direct measurements extend to 1 1010 cm3(STP) [m s kPa1/2]1 for tungsten and to 1020 m2 s1 for alumina, with no sign of deviation from Arrhenius temperature dependence. Some of these coecients were measured for protium or deuterium, and the values for tritium are expected to be smaller because tritiums greater mass reduces the tunneling that can play an important role diusion and permeation of hydrogen isotopes.


In principle, it is possible to reduce tritium leakage to negligible levels with multiple barriers of small, well-characterized permeabilities. However, in practice, things may go wrong. For example, material corrosion by tritiated vapors (HTO, HT) may lead to leaks. Because of their ionizing radiation, tritiated gases are known to be especially corrosive. There are bound to be unanticipated problems, as has been true for every new technology. Detritiation of hydrogen-containing (such as water vapor) plant exhaust is, in principle, feasible to any desired degree of completeness with enough stages of electrolytic or other isotopic separation. The basic performance (physical chemistry) parameters are known; this is not a new technology, and can be engineered to any desired limits. As for any highly engineered system, the issue is unanticipated failure, not the nominal calculated leakage rate. In summary, the chemical engineering issues connected to tritium breeding will be a very challenging. While these are hard problems, we do not see them as show-stoppers. Judging from the briengs we heard, the world fusion energy program is well aware of tritium handing issues and has eective research and development programs underway to address uncertainties.


Li, Tritium and 3 He Economics

The cost of 60% enriched 6Li has been estimated to be $800/kg, or $1,333 kg1 of 6Li in the enriched product [6]. As a rst approximation, we assume the cost of further enrichment is proportional to the additional separative work units (SWUs) required. Assuming a tails fraction of 0.0375 (half the natural 6 Li abundance of 7 %) for both the enrichment to 60% and the subsequent enrichment from 60% to 90%, we nd that enrichment to 60% requires 16.5 SWU per unit of 6 Li, while further enrichment to 90% requires an additional 3.7 SWU per unit of 6Li. Hence we estimate a cost of 90% 24

enriched 6 Li of $ 1,600 kg1 of 6 Li in the enriched product. Of course this is not a very rened estimate since the cost should include many other factors, for example, the capital cost of equipment, which is larger at low enrichment because more material must be handled. With ecient conversion, one 6Li makes one triton. So to make 1 kg of tritium requires 2 kg of 6 Li, and if the 6 Li is from material enriched to 90 %, the contribution to the cost from enriched lithium is $3,200 kg1 . The cost of the lithium is denitely the tail of the dog, with tritium prices in the range $10,00030,000 g1 (g, not kg!), and a speculative future cost (Willms: re.pppl.gov/fesac dp ts willms.pdf) of $100,000200,000 g1 . Fusion reactors may be a signicant source of tritium for purposes other than fusion fuel. A 2.5 GWth, 1 GWe fusion plant with TBR = 1.10 and 33% eciency for converting heat to electrical energy, would produce about 17 kg y

of tritium beyond the 170 kg needed to replace what must be

burnt. If the electric production of 3.16 107 GJ y1 = 8.8 103 GWhr y1 is valued at $0.10 kWhr1 the electric power produced (at 100% duty cycle) is worth $ 8.8 108 y1 . At $100,000 g1 for 17 kg y1 of tritium, the value of the tritium produced would be $1.7 109 y1 , more than the value value of the electrical energy. Although the price of $ 100,000 g1 for tritium is completely unrealistic, the point is that overproduction of tritium could be a signicant contribution to the economics of the reactor. Before priorities at the Department of Homeland Security made it dicult to purchase 3He at any price, it was available commercially at around $100 per liter (at standard temperature and pressure), or $ 2,240 per mole, or about $ 750 g1 . We have see prices quoted as high as $ 4,000 g1 [7]. Of course, the prices mentioned above are articial and not free market prices. Should fusion power provide sources of tritium and 3 He that are orders of magnitude greater than present production, a real market for both tritium and 3 He could develop, with prices completely dierent from those


prevailing today. Abundant new supplies of tritium and 3 He will create new applications. For example, escape path lighting (as on airplanes) could be put in every building, just as public buildings now have exit signs, often powered by tritum decay. We regularly hear of people, including remen, dying in res because the become disoriented in the smoke and cannot nd their way out.


Quantication of Margins and Uncertainties

Although it is our judgement that adequate tritium breeding is possible for both MCF and ICF, we recommend that the key uncertainties of breeding be quantied. A well-established formal method for dealing with uncertainties in predictions of untested complex systems is called Quantication of Margins and Uncertainties [8, 9, 10]. The reader is referred to these references for details. This methodology was developed to understand and quantify the condence that can be placed in performance margins of untested systems in the presence of uncertainties. In the case of nuclear weapons there is a moratorium on testing for the indenite future; in the case of fusion power reactors, there will be no reactors for full-scale tests for many years, probably several decades. So quantication margins and uncertainties will helpful to both the fusion energy and nuclear weapons programs to point research and development toward problems of highest priority.


Tritium Breeding Issues for ICF

Research on inertial connement fusion (ICF) has been focussed on achieving ignition, and little work has been done on the breeding issue beyond some conceptual paper studies. Nevertheless, the overall neutron economy of an ICF power plant would be broadly similar to a MCF plant, and much


of the technical discussion already given in this report carries over to ICF. This subsection will explain these similarities and highlight the dierences. The most expensive capital cost in an ICF plant is likely to be the driver, whether it be a laser, a heavy-ion accelerator, or (more speculatively) a pulsed power machine. The driver must deliver energy to the fusion target, which contains a capsule of DT fuel. The drive causes the fuel to implode, ignite, and deliver yield in the form of neutrons, alpha particles, x-rays, and debris. Yield per pellet might be in the range 100 MJ - 1000 MJ, and a power plant of capacity 1000MWe would therefore need to inject and burn between 2 and 25 targets per second. A fusion chamber several meters in diameter is required to contain the fuel capsule explosions. As with MCF, the rst wall is a crucial component, but in ICF it must tolerate pulsed energy deposition on sub-microsecond timescales. In some conceptual designs, a buer gas at low pressure (perhaps xenon at 10 torr) helps protect the rst wall from x-rays. Behind the rst wall, coolant ows and breeder blankets must operate, just as in MCF. The coolant and breeder may well be the same material, such as liquid Li or Li-Pb mixtures. In some conceptual designs, the rst wall is a waterfall of liquid lithium that serves both as a blanket and heat transfer medium while helping to protect the innermost solid wall. In any case, tritium is bred in the blanket material, and must be recovered. Moreover, unburned tritium must be recovered from the fusion chamber. The recovered tritium must be puried and used to manufacture new targets, at high eciency and low loss. Target manufacture would probably take place right at the plant, to minimize transport and delay, and is likely to represent the single largest operational cost for the plant.


Some of the principal dierences in tritium breeding for MCF and ICF are: 1. If ICF is to work at all as a power plant, the target must burn fuel at fairly high eciency (30% has been projected), in contrast to MCF, where the burnup of injected fuel may be only a few percent; thus the quantities of tritium recovered from ICF chamber would be smaller than for MCF. 2. Since an ICF chamber needs no strong magnetic elds, ow of conducting coolant/breeder would not be impeded by magnetohydrodynamic eects. (The exception might be pulsed-power ICF plants, where strong transient elds might exist.) 3. Manufacture of targets for ICF is enormously more challenging than manufacture of fuel pellets for MCF. An ICF target is a precision part, which must survive injection at high speed (100s of m/s) into the hot fusion chamber. In the case of indirect drive, the fuel capsule is enclosed in a cm-sized hohlraum. 4. An ICF chamber will not need a central post and will have dierent penetrations in its rst wall compared to MCF, changing the geometrical neutron losses. Some ICF conceptual designs envisage relatively small geometrical losses compared to those of MCF.


Sources of Tritium

To indicate the scale of the problem, recall that a full-scale fusion reactor generating 3 gigawatts thermal burns about 150 kilograms of tritium per year. We note the following issues: 1. Fission reactors. A basic disadvantage of fusion when compared with ssion is that even the most energetic fusion reaction (1) produces 28

about 20 MeV energy per neutron while ssion produces about 200 MeV per neutron. At present, tritium is produced in ssion reactors, but if ssion is used to breed fuel for fusion, the tail would be wagging the dog. If a ssion reactor is dedicated to producing tritium, the maximum yield is about one atom T per ssion. 10 watts of thermal ssion energy will produce tritium fuel for 1 watt of fusion energy. This makes no economic sense, unless the tritium is used as a temporary input to get a fusion reactor started. The fusion reactor must be a breeder with a breeding ratio greater than unity. CANDU reactors. The only source of non-military tritium is the CANDU reactors, 21 operating in Canada, 4 in Korea and one or two in India, China, Rumania, Pakistan, and Argentina. From all of these, about 1.8 kilograms tritium per year is recovered from the heavy water that is used for cooling and moderation. About 100 grams of tritium per year are sold at a price of $ 30K per gram. The CANDU are mostly scheduled to retire around the year 2025. The stockpile remaining in Canada is about 20 kilograms. This will be just sucient to supply the ITER machine, which is not a breeder, with tritium for 10 years of experiments. There will not be enough left over to make a signicant contribution to future fusion reactors. Other commercial ssion reactors, using light rather than heavy water, require substantial modication if they are to be used for tritium production. For example, much of the boron and gadolinium, currently used burnable neutron poisons to stabilize the reactivity over the lifetime of the fuel load, could be replaced by lithium. The modications would be expensive and would require a lengthy process of development and regulatory certication. In 2003 a commercial TVA reactor at Watts Bar began irradiat29

ing Li-containing rods for tritium production for the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. However, an October 2010 GAO report[11] notes that NNSA has not been able to irradiate as many tritiumproducing burnable absorber rods (TPBAR) as it had scheduled because of problems with tritium permeation an indication of the diculty of controlling the leakage of tritium. 2. An earlier JASON study, (JSR-95-310, unclassied), studied in detail a number of schemes for producing tritium with accelerators. In 1995 we recommended one such scheme to DOE as a practical solution of a DOE supply problem concerned with tritium for nuclear weapons. In that context, the quantity of tritium required was small and predictable, and a high cost per gram was acceptable. If tritium is to be produced for fusion energy, the quantities are much larger and the aordable cost per gram is much smaller. Accelerator schemes suer from the same circumstances that make tritium production in ssion reactors uneconomic. If the accelerator is used to provide a spallation source of neutrons which are absorbed directly to make tritium, the input of energy required to run the accelerator is greater than the output of energy produced by the tritium. If the spallation source is amplied by surrounding it with a sub-critical ssion reactor, then the ssion reactor might as well be operated as an ordinary critical reactor, and the accelerator becomes superuous. 3. The migmatron promoted by Bogdan Maglich. The migratron is a proposal to run a fusion reactor with ordinary hydrogen and boron as fuel, so that all the energy goes into charged ions and none into neutrons. This scheme would have many advantages as an energy source, if it could be made to work. It would incidentally produce small amounts of tritium as a by-product of its operation. Unfortunately, it has never come close to a practical demonstration. In event that a migma reactor could actually work, it would probably make DT reactors obsolete and 30

would enormously reduce the demand for tritium. The migma reactor would then be used directly as an energy source and not as a breeder of tritium. 4. Requirements for lithium and beryllium. A fusion power reactor generating 3 gigawatts thermal will require about 500 tons of lithium for a breeding blanket using lithium 7 as the source of secondary neutrons. A breeder with the same power using beryllium as neutron source will require about 250 tons of lithium and about 100 tons of beryllium. These materials must be reprocessed periodically but will not be used up. Lithium resources. World production of lithium in 2010 was about 20,000 tons, mostly used for ceramics, but increasingly for lithium batteries. Production is expected to rise rapidly if the population of electric automobiles expands. Proven reserves in 2010 were about 4,000,000 tons, mostly in Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. Estimated resources were about 16,000,000 tons. Compared with these resources, the requirements for tritium breeding are small. Blankets for 100 full-scale fusion breeders would require less than one percent of the resources. If the producers of lithium should try to raise the price dramatically, the electric automobile industry would be priced out of the market before the fusion industry would be seriously aected. Beryllium resources. World production of beryllium in 2010 was about 300 tons. Proven reserves were 16,000 tons, mostly in the USA, and estimated world resources were about 80,000 tons. If all fusion reactors were using beryllium blankets, the proven reserves would be sucient for 160 full-scale reactors each using 100 tons. If the beryllium production capacity was insucient or if the price of beryllium was too high, fusion reactors could use alternative blankets using lithium-lead or liquid lithium. In any 31

case, it is unlikely that shortage of beryllium would be a factor limiting the growth of fusion energy.


[1] http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/n-lengths/ [2] S. Glasstone and R. Loveberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, Van Norstrand, Princeton (1960), p. 20. [3] S. Atzeni and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Inertial Fusion Oxford University Press (2004) [4] Ihle, H., and Wu, C., Chemical thermodynamics of fusion reactorbreeding materials and their interaction with tritium. J. Nucl. Materials 130 (3), 454464 (1985). [5] Freibergs, J., et al., MHD technology for the production of PbLi eutectic alloys. The 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD Fusion I, 259262 (nd) [6] http://www-ferp.ucsd.edu/ARIES/MEETINGS/1104/ElGuebaly1.pptx [7] http://www.lunarpedia.org/index.php?title=He3 [8] Goodwin, B., and Juzaitis, R., National Certication Methodology for the Nuclear Weapon Stockpile. (2003) (OUO). [9] Pilch, M., Trucano, T. G., and Helton, J. C., Ideas Underlying Quantication of Margins and Uncertainties (QMU): A White Paper. Sandia Report SAND2006-5001 (2006) [10] National Research Council, Evaluation of Quantication of Margins and Uncertainties Methodology for Assessing and Certifying the Reliability of the Nuclear Stockpile, National Academies Press (2008). [11] http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-100


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