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Two key institutions were formed: • The IMF aimed to prevent trade wars
caused by competitive currency
• International Monetary Fund (IMF) devaluations, which were common
• World Bank (International Bank for during the interwar period.
Reconstruction and Development) • Countries with balance-of-payments
deficits often devalued their currencies
These are collectively known as the Bretton to boost exports and reduce imports.
Woods Institutions.
Balance-of-Payments Deficits
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT): • Occurs when a country spends more
than it earns.
• Created in 1947 after the Bretton • The IMF provides short-term loans to
Woods Conference. countries with temporary deficits to
• A more informal institution compared to prevent devaluation and maintain fixed
the IMF and World Bank but served as exchange rates.
the primary global trade organization.
• Designed to address the issues from Shift to Floating Exchange Rates
the interwar period, such as trade
protectionism and exchange • In 1971, the fixed-exchange-rate
controls. system collapsed, leading to the
• These issues were believed to have adoption of floating exchange rates.
contributed to the Great Depression • The IMF's role shifted to providing
and World War II. liquidity to countries linked to major
Keystone International Economic
Organizations (KIEOs): Quota System