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CNE Report

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Puranmal Lahoti Government Polytechnic,

Department Of Electrical Engineering
(Institute of technology in Latur, Maharashtra)

Year – 2020-21

Couse title : Electrical Motor and Transformers

Course code: 22418
Report on

A Market survey on DC Generator

Under the guidance of


Submitted by

Sr.No. Name of Group members Enrollment no. Roll no.

1 Ekshinge Aditya Uttreshwar 2100160213 41
2 Sugare Samarth Deepak 2200160344 54
3 Thakur Krishna Satish 2200160349 60


Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. Ekshinge Aditya Uttreshwar ……
Roll No 41.of Fourth Semester of Diploma in ……
…….…Electrical Engineering…………. Of Institute ... Puranmal
Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur……… (Code…0016……..)
has completed the term work satisfactorily in course Electric Motors and
Transformers (22418) for the Academic Year. .2023….to 2024.. as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place : …Latur…. Enrollment No. :.. 2100160213

Date : ..…. Exam Seat No.

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of


Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Sugare Samarth Deepak ……
Roll No...54...of Fourth Semester of Diploma in ……

…….…Electrical Engineering…………. Of Institute ... Puranmal

Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur……… (Code…0016……..)
has completed the term work satisfactorily in course Electric Motors and
Transformers (22418) for the Academic Year. .2023….to 2024….. as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place : …Latur…. Enrollment No. :..2200160344…

Date : …. Exam Seat No.

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of


Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Thakur Krishna Satish ……
Roll No…60…………….of Fourth Semester of Diploma in ……

…….…Electrical Engineering…………. Of Institute ... Puranmal

Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur……… (Code…0016……..)
has completed the term work satisfactorily in course Electric Motors and
Transformers (22418) for the Academic Year. .2023….to 2024….. as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place : …Latur…. Enrollment No. :.2200160349

Date : Exam Seat No.…

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of



Part – A Micro-Project Proposal

A Market survey on DC Generator

1.0.AIM/benefits of micro project
● To Study Of Market survey on Dc Generator.
● Used to know the all information about Dc Generator.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

● Use different electric generator.
● Use dc machine.
● Use single phase transformer for different applications.
● Use three phase transformer for different applications.
● Use relevant special purpose transformer for different applications.

3.0 Proposed Methodology :

❖ First week : We have created the group of three students for the micro project.

❖ Second week: We searched the subject for micro-project from the syllabus copy, then we
find out the topic i.e. A market survey on Dc Generator.

❖ Third week: We have suggest the micro-project title and he subject submitted to the
subject teacher.

❖ Fourth week:-we are going on internet and see the information about A market survey
on Dc Generator.

❖ Fifth week:- we know all information about the market survey on Dc Generator. materials
which required for manufacture and know the construction and working of Dc Generator.

❖ Sixth week- we collect information of Dc Generator and go to market for collect

information about Dc Generator.

❖ Seventh week:- we make the survey report for describing the Dc Generator effect work.

❖ Eighth week:- we are completely understand the all information about survey on Dc
Generator and make report on it.
❖ Ninth week:- we submit the report to our subject teacher.


5.0 Action Plan :

Planned Planned Name of
S. Details of activity Start date Finish Responsible
No. date Team Members

1 We are created the group. & Submit the our 11/1/2024 13/1/2024 All Group member
name to teacher

2 15/1/2024 16/1/2024 All Group member

Searching a subject for micro-project

3 20/1/2024 24/1/2024 All Group member

Submitted micro-project topic to teacher

4 Our subject teacher gives us the final topic 26/1/2024 28/1/2024 All Group members
of micro project.
We collect information about micro-project 30/1/2024 1/2/2024
& We go on internet and take some All Group member
information about micro-project and find
information to make survey report.

6 We know construction and working of a Dc 2/2/2024 4/2/2024 All Group member


7 We went to market to collect information 6/2/2024 8/2/2024 All Group member

about Dc Generator..

We also take the help from chat gpt 10/2/2024 13/2/2024 All Group members

9 We completely understand information All Group member

about Dc Generator.

10 Roughly noted in a book all the necessary All Group member

details and notes prepared.

11 All Group member

Collection of various data.

12 Typing and data sequence formed and set All Group member
as per project.

13 We make the report on market of Dc All Group member



14 We show the market survey report of Dc All Group member


15 Report is ready to submit All Group member

Finally we submitted the report All Group member

6.0 Resources Required:

Sr.no Name of Resources Specification Qty Remark

1 Mobile Vivo Y73 01 Available
2 Notebook 100 pages 01 Available
3 Reference book:- Electrical motor Tech-max 01 Available
and Transformers
4 Search engine Google - Available
5 Laptop - - - - - 1 Available

7.0. Group members

Sr.No Name of Group Enrollment no. Roll no.

. members
1 Ekshinge Aditya 2100160213 41
2 Sugare Samarth Deepak 2200160 54
3 Thakur Krishna Satish 2200160 60


Annexure – II
Part – B Micro-Project Report

Market survey on DC Generator

1.0 Rationale :
An electrical engineer has to work in industry with human capital and machines.
Therefore have to know all over information about Generator.
We have to know the types working and specification of Generator.

2.0 Aims /benefit of the Micro-Project :

● To Study Of Market survey on Dc Generator.
● Used to know the all information about Dc Generator .

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

• Use of different electric motor
● Use dc machine

4.0 Literature Review :

A DC generator is an electrical machine whose main function is to convert mechanical

energy into electricity. When conductor slashes magnetic flux, an emf will be generated based
on the electromagnetic induction principle of Faraday’s Laws. This electromotive force can
cause a flow of current when the conductor circuit is closed.

⮚ Parts of a DC Generator

● Stator
The main function of the stator is to provide magnetic fields where the coil spins. A stator
includes two magnets with opposite polarity facing each other. These magnets are located to
fit in the region of the rotor.

● Rotor
A rotor in a DC machine includes slotted iron laminations with slots that are stacked to shape
a cylindrical armature core. The function of the lamination is to decrease the loss caused due
to eddy current.

● Armature windings


Armature windings are in a closed circuit form and are connected in series to parallel for
enhancing the sum of produced current.

● Yoke

The external structure of the DC generator is known as Yoke. It is made of either cast iron or
steel. It provides necessary mechanical power for carrying the magnetic-flux given through the

● Yoke pole
Pole shoe is mainly utilized for spreading the magnetic flux to avoid the field coil from falling.

● Commutator
A commutator works like a rectifier that changes AC voltage to DC voltage within the armature
winding. It is designed with a copper segment, and each copper segment is protected from the
other with the help of mica sheets. It is located on the shaft of the machine.

➢ Cut body of dc Generator.

● Brushes
The electrical connections can be ensured between the commutator as well as the exterior load
circuit with the help of brushes.


⮚ Working of Dc Generator

According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, we know that when a current-

carrying conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field, an emf is induced in the conductor.
According to Fleming’s right-hand rule, the direction of the induced current changes whenever
the direction of motion of the conductor changes. Let us consider an armature rotating
clockwise and a conductor at the left moving upwards. When the armature completes a half
rotation, the direction of the motion of the conductor will be reversed downward. Hence, the
direction of the current in every armature will be alternating. But with a split ring commutator,
connections of the armature conductors get reversed when a current reversal occurs. Therefore,
we get unidirectional current at the terminals.

⮚ E.M.F Equation of Dc Generator

The emf equation of the DC generator is given by the equation:


Z is the total number of armature conductor

P is the number of poles in a generator

A is the number of parallel lanes within the armature

N is the rotation of armature in R.P.M.

E is the induced E.M.F in any parallel lane within the armature

E.g. is the generated E.M.F in any one of the parallel Line.

N/60 is the number of turns per second

Time for one turn will be dt=60/N sec


• Losses in DC Generator

In a DC machine, the input power is fully not transformed into the output power. Some part of
input power gets wasted in various forms. In a DC machine, the losses are broadly classified
into four types as:

Copper Loss
Copper loss takes place when the current flows through the winding. These losses occur due to
the resistance in the winding. The copper loss is categorized into three forms as armature loss,
the field winding loss and brush contact resistance loss.

Core Losses or Iron Losses

Some losses in the iron core occur when the armature rotates in the magnetic field. These losses
are known as core losses. These losses are categorized into two losses as Hysteresis loss and
Eddy current loss.

⮚ Type of Dc Generator
The DC generator can be classified into two main categories as separately excited and self-


Separately Excited
In a separately excited type generator, the field coils are energized from an independent exterior
DC source.

Self Excited
In a self-excited type, the field coils are energized from the generated current within the
generator. These types of generators can further be classified into a series of wounds, shunt-
wound, and compound wound.

⮚ Applications of DC Generators
A few applications of DC generators are:

The separately excited type DC generators are used for power and lighting purposes.
The series DC generator is used in arc lamps for lighting, stable current generator and booster.
DC generators are used to reimburse the voltage drop within Feeders.
DC generators are used to provide a power supply for hostels, lodges, offices, etc.

Market Overview

Dc shunt Generator


Dc shunt Generator

Product Description

Fuel Type - Diesel. PRICE. :- 50000/piece

Usage/Application - Construction
I Deal In - New Only
Motor Type - DC Motor

DC shunt generators have been the running horse for the industry since DC shunt generators
have been the most used due to their very simple speed control, Ruggedness & high torque
capabilities. This model is the industrial /education model suitable for the demonstration to
students the complete known of the basics, components, starting methods, wear & tear &
maintenance of these motors packages in small ratings.

Students can make connections of their own with the help of the terminations provided for
study of features viz starting methods, speed control, speed torque, effect of field voltage,
effects of Armature voltage, motors/generators operations.

Solid yoke list of experiments behavior of resistance cut off methods of starting behavior of
voltage control methods of starting speed control & over speed operation load test & no load
test of machine speed torque analysis voltage speed analysis efficiency analysis of
commutation cold resistance & hot resistance motor operation parameters. Generator operation
parameter basic overhauling.

Dc series generator

Price : 12000/piece
Product description :


As a customer centric organization, we are offering an extensive collection of DC Series

Generator to the customers. This products are offered to the customers by taking only
pristine-quality material and hi-tech tools in full compliance with the defined quality
guidelines by the industry. Being a quality-centric organization, we ensure our patrons
that the offered products are outstanding in terms of quality and designs. We offer this
product to our valued customers at cost-effective prices within the committed period of


● Sturdy design
● Low maintenance
● Easy installation

Compound dc generator

PRICE : 12000/piece

Compound dc generator
Product description :
With our rich industrial experience, we hold expertise in offering DC Compound Generator.
These products are stringently cross-examined by quality control team in line with the set


industry norms. These products are well known across the market for their best operational
efficiency, light weight and longer service life.


1) Highly durable

2) High performance

3) life span

Government Policies Expected to Drive the Market:-

India’s power sector is undergoing a wide-scale transformation, owing to the country facing
steep electricity demand growth rates. Several parts of India witness high power cuts due to the
growing demand for electricity and the supply gap. To address the issue of electricity
reliability, the government has implemented policies to increase electricity generation and
encourage consumers to reduce their consumption during peak hours

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed

❖ First week : We have created the group of three students for the micro project

❖ Second week: We searched the subject for micro-project from the syllabus copy, then we
find out the topic i.e. A market survey on Dc Generator.

❖ Third week: We have suggest the micro-project title and he subject submitted to the subject

❖ Fourth week:-we are going on internet and see the information about A market survey on
Dc Generator.

❖ Fifth week:- we know all information about the market survey on Dc Generator materials
which required for manufacture and know the construction and working of Dc Generator

❖ Sixth week- we collect information of Dc Generator and go to market for collect

information about Dc Generator..

❖ Seventh week:- we make the survey report for describing the Dc Generator effect work.

❖ Eighth week:- we are completely understand the all information about survey on Dc
Generator and make report on it.


❖ Ninth week:- we submit the report to our subject teacher.

6.0 Actual Resources Used :

Sr.no Name of Resources Specification Qty Remark

1 Mobile Vivo Y 73 01 Available

2 Notebook 100 pages 01 Available

3 Reference book:- Electrical motor and Reference Book 01 Available

4 Search engine Google - Available

5 Laptop (M. S. Word) 2022 _ Available

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:

Sr.No. Name of Generator Specifications Company Price

1) Honda Cez-Dg 1.2 CEz – 1.4 KVA, 1 Phase, Control Electric Co. Pvt. 75000/-
Portable DC Generator 48V Ltd., Noida

2) Single Phase DC Frequency Micromot Controls, 6500/-

Generators, for Agriculture 50Hz Mumbai.
3) DEWS Electromagnetic 15 V Krishna Nagar, Ambala. 500/-
DC Generator.
4) 1 Phase 5 KVA 5kW DC 220 V R.M Enterprises, Belgaum. 2800/-
Generator, Single Phase Power = 5W

5) 3Single Phase 15 kVA 15 v Roshan Machinary store 55.500/-

Vidhata Generator sultanpur.

6) GE DC Generator series 10kw to 1000kw German electrical Pune. 5000$

3000 to100,000$

7) Semen’s DCG series 5kw to 1000kw Semens pvt ltd 7000$ to



8) 220v dc shunt generator 220 to 240v Rama electrical ,Chandni 75,000/-

chowk new Delhi.

9) 30kVA DC Generator 240v SRF power machine 27,000/-

kumbharwada mumbai

10) Dc Generator 220v 220v,50HZ Power cable corporates, 7,00,000/-

mannady , Chennai.

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcome of this Micro-Project :

i. We are developing the team work
ii. Collect information about microproject using available resources.
iii. Searching information about market survey on Dc Generator
iv. Communication skills.

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project :

1) Report on market survey on Dc Generator.

2) learn how to prepare market survey report for Dc Generator.
3) This is use full our junior to study the Dc generator .
4) Mainly this very useful for those people who want report of Dc Generator for
their studies



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