Letter 2614
Letter 2614
Letter 2614
Bqgm frq-q-6 eTri d qe wr-r 4s1 /frfu g$Tq fu{io 06.08.2024 ol qiqd v5u1 q-gi or
qie o-t, 6red anr fuo-<sr qif,{r, GTr{Nr d ]Ir,q qtq-dT qil sEm fiuqr-zs, 7e, 80, 81 \'q az q,t
rfi or 1/s ltrtT ft1 Tfr gQrq GTftd ficqr-s+a,/3oog fr ara fr{e EFIr{ tsouo sIltINT Si fto-rs
.iitqq Hro B@ qTqTdq, {fl-6mrE tt frqlT{tftq' t, ftil-s-n HTo Bzztr qrqrf,q, {iTr6r{rq t ftqie-
2s.03.2010 gNT rer{rT eneel qTR-d fuqr t, ffi fiTqlT ffid {qqtt !fr TE qr ot$ ffiq fr-ors
er ord 6Trqr Grrqr lrr+rq q€f d qI tEI B, M 3mqIqPr-d frarfr FqrTqI{ t'-
1. qRq-E qt ftq<n qts{r, eTtrrgr q rrqTEE Trq frffir, ndlql, 6st6r, frE=ffi qGrf,rqrq
defl st{r qfr TE 61 qftEq 3Tefuqq rgos +1 eiRI-28 tr{i-6 o4.o4;o ol oeTr Eil-{t-32
ft-{irr 28.06.80 q,i s-o.rRrd $n, fu-st qsra crfrc{ {icqt-348/zooo fr ara R{c qqrq soso
Gilqr{ si frffirs qRq-q d Gifl.td qg drer' fr tlq-iBE s{NT Ti{41-7s, 7e, Bo, et \d az
of ffin
Tfr fi qFqtun e'r ' '
2. Boeo nq rrron of Gir frp)q nfr ueurfr orfffi grr t of erq 1fr d uru *sfl
rffif, qfr or m-qr qfr Grf{ GTBFqq o1 rrm-rz (r) d q-dTil ftqi-+, 23.01.81 oi frqT
BEt ,fr I str' dd of q-flrRT grrirm qr{ oTqtilq d rErd fr q€Trmfud TSt g$ t, frmi} fi
ww B fu frd il{r qfuo-{ et emqifrT mw w got tr w
qil q-s-R r{Effid Tfr fi qRsE r\
frtrd d gfrt B r .ffr or Erka rerkq 'rft qRq-( qeT il ei 9o-r t r
7. q-6 B fu +ft ara Rfg gM s{rtr Tiwy-76, 79, 80, s1, 82,307, 31s, s14, szr Ed {fi-{r 13
fiEn rs fr-€T Tfr t/s {fl-{t 6l T-errrm'/ Tfrw arT ssd eil-ar {16 rqrc}il{ *-sq fu-e q
(q) T6 t fu erft TE s{ru rrqr-ze, 7e, 80, s1, s2 s 307 ftero q}-or fuar en'm
aa -** fur #
+ fiqr ,ro gm =ilna ovfr gs vq .o6 qfo5af o)
ffi m-re6 .r,t-r qT5kr gnr "Uqsfrtr Tfr w Erfr-A oTeztrsE frtqfr fi e?ff{
flM t
fr rs<e\q o{i ftq0-d frrfl trrq t
s.ffi t
Fs) q'rfr of
.rq erE d sd wq MI t
f"i ; -t-i .rgd- Gil'qro ;qrqrrrl qK +t qRReTEqf if sqgi5 ufi q6 qrfr q,t fi
sffi 'rq dgmfus-€ s-ff{ fu-qr qrq t
+ft ara Rie lrqffif, qfr w ffiET ig vtqrft enR qe-o-q 3TRffi"r tn{i \q ]{-+1
frrfrT o=ti oT yqTq fud'BT TEr qr mt iH
tg qRq-E gM qRs( 3rfufiFr d qrtqq t
ftfr" sro (ffRu-r fu0-s{), GTt-rtvr fr erq vwt-oulree Boso sTltINI Si q.i'T fr=fiT-s qREq {fl-q
*ara R{e'crsrq frtqr, ftilqt sffi
+t +ot tg Tn-fr sq ftNnflr +t
a1 'rfr t
9. {Io qr{ne[rl gt-{T Erq sql-58/99 fr cttcr RiE e=IrET ?5Erre{ srdl dsfl qrq
{@r-Asr /ee qRqq q-{rq sft ara t+a qi T+, qs ftqio 30.0s.06 oi F"fq qTRil fri{T,
ftrsoT oTrmq ciqr f{ry{q B-
{d ss BoHo sTrcNI 1ni ft-ors qRq-E q=Irq aTcI fr{e qq qFd fuih1
qrq rfcqt- 4sr /
fuqr qrcn t r ift-qm 61ra f{e S frs-€ renfi gq {{r{{f, ft-itlrcro cTreqr {q cTrcrq *, ftaur
.rrar fu lsq qr eiqi Am qfuqrq q;T qT 6ilX eiq-o-di fr qltqq qrq q* fr rrftafuo"1q t
d qEer fuft fi wflr rsosq
t q.r q sif I qrE qa d eFil tt s-fufuo irqfr ot q'f fr-f,{ol Bdt
tnr eier dTr t G
q {d qrq vi{qr-ss/gg +ft ara f,{a cqrq tmq rtqr vtej q stal qq qtrf, ulfrq
ft;qr qrdr t | ft"iq at w' sfr erE qfuqr*sa,/og et qrr+fr ii rS qrq t ftqitF 30.05.06
1s. qRsE EtrT vi<Fid qfr w sItttNI srTgffi rrdifl Am rdpo qr--3il6e El.r- 6 GngER sqet-2
ti q-qreTfufi Ts's-Tq qffiffi q\-+-{-s jf
Itr = onfl$q W"Y-q ^Gnqr$q TsT, Ir.€-6,
qd d:B.Nr< cTf}6iqr t1qG] z6r srtiffi ev -rtmo o-qr fr frqr qr gfiI B, fuwi
egwffi qutE tyma t-o. q,l Gl?iBd oQTr -nft6 o-qt !5{ t
Tgtrs rirqr-2qfi,/q,-q\ fu
ffif, fuqT qr qor sFqfun t tt
rr. 1eflfuq 'q;qrd"q] Grrrr$ A frFTi-o 3o.os.o6 d s.q{r<
ffiq fi fr
ara fu-E Ertt +llo E@
qrq?rrr, qf,rarqrE fr sgrq sTfi-f, qqsr-s+a/zooo +fr ara fr{e Q"Ir{ Bogo srqrs \d fu61-s
qR'qq ilfum eft t sem eTtrd ricqr-34g/zooo il \kTgkc d q-{r qqt-2 it frr=T veile en-
That the predecssor in interest of the defendant appellant was recorded owner of the land of Khata No 76
area 9.13 Bigha and Khata No 26 area 4.0 Bigha After the death of dulhe Ram (grand father of the defendant) in family
partition defenadant became th owener of l/3 share of the land of plot no- 78,79, 80, 8l and 82 came in the share of the
defendant, he is in possession ofhis share prior to 1970, hereinafter refered to asthe land in dispute.
12. rrro s4 ;qriilErq i Bffi Iffid Tfr d strr+l t 3Tq-i sneYr ftHi6 05.06,2008 qrt Fq
srf,Rq sTiqYr qlfud ffi-
It has come on record that the Parishad is proceeding to allot residential plots carved out of the
disputted plots and it is creating third party rights, Since prime facle no legal righ or title has passed to the Parishd, lt
would not be oppoprinceto aloow it to create third party rightysor chang the nature of the land, ither if of or allow any of
its allottees to makes any construction, Further it should not sanction any may for raising of Construction over the
disputed land.
Office is directed to summon the lower court's record within three weeks at the appeallance's expense.
List in the week commencing 22th of September 2008 for further order and till then theaford said
injuction order would operate.
partyno'1 and
The applicant shall supply a duly stamped registered envelope addressed to the opposite
from today. The office shall send a copy of
another self-addresied stamped envelope to the office within two weeks
Word Letter Virat 2024
@r-12/+s "il Tf, qrE \rql- sr / rses of q-{r+fr fr s.qf,er B, ce ss vrq-al ti rr.qqrf
t t s-#e i@T-sr / i4 yE dcqr-ro fi qsr r{Er-q d q-d-€W * t qa q.o ermRr efl, ftrQ sft
(dqH i Sero-d d slt i r-qo ft,qr QTr I Sfi r{Rr-q t frilq .fi sT*aTfu, sTrrm Am fr-.qo
GTrAq qrkd fu-q-r .rqr * I frrsd wq t f6 E-{d gm sfro-q !fi Erqqrft srw qi w gfrt ti
(e) eTqq Mffi, Ufr GTtqlfu, GTrrm i Gltri qeio-toor /etofuo+1ooro eil.r$ fr-qf-q'
14.0s.2016 grql cIltINI 3Trgffi qEffi -t qqtBd qe fr T6 qqe B-d-q fbqT t fu qfr d
Erqr sfumY ,TIqT qt{ ftrqr .rfi en I dhrr qr* d gwrter+ SI ftE d-q d Ergr qt +o.
u-tgm frrt Tq a) s-{d TR Aq6" d-i S o,nq ET<TqTillT tE t-o. q€t .Yqr .rr osn +m'
qfr d-.q-dT r#rlkl d g_+t eft e.rfi Mf qfi ffiqrfu
Urrdr{ go oruiau d sfi tl erorqfuo rfi
q-€l gi t. ffi ww t' fu {r-d sM qfu.br ht er{iTfrr srw at w go1 t
(H) Eifr r{6 o-t vds *ft ara frie aqr Erfud Re qrtr-fiT sGn-3028 t / zota ara R{a
q-{rq r}e 31m. qofro G er;q t qrR-o erTeyr ft-{fqr 06.07.16 d ft-trlr.r d rrrq BoHo yrrcFr
3il?lr{{ \q Yr_{fr ffiq-{
3t-gTtr[-2 {itrqt-376/eTre-2-2017-16 T0sTo /zooz (i-{rrs' fu{m
1s.04.17 grr ffif,Gne?T tf gB sqr-o w sots A-qr.Tqr tl
tg. qn-sTfr fr eirqr * fu fr aro frfE of Aq E) Zftt t, ftrl-d qrRqTq Enr Ero s-@ qr+ta-q,
STrdtqR fr Erfu'f, qerq Grftm ficqT-i+Brlzoio fr substitution& Application dflfi qfi t:
fu-qqff terf,r ol rif,H q A-mr eTFJq o-rffi of qrfr B r
31sI: str' ?F-l 3[HT{sdrg{{R TiSH td gq EIo s@ ;grqTcrir q ctfu-m sem erfi-o
q-cql-348/'zooo +ft ara fu-e en-q qRsE fr sqrfr Sift o-<rfr gq uerrcfiq ffifltvq osri o-r z6w
oi, m' q"Rq-q E-d grRr 16 sd
qTo qrqrErq gM qIRn G]T-AT k{fEF 2s.03.2010 of 3i-{id-{T tnvd gV +fr ara ftr6 d
qffif gnr vffi.fi w qfrrffiq oq 6Tti inr M-q 6{i Eq ortq Eq t"@ ts-or tqt
or ord fuqr trr ra t t
ero: errrfr *S" t fu' qro va qlqldq tt efu-d serrr Grfrm *io-e+a/06 End R{e e-{rq
qRq-q q reIrm 3iltqr + gr-<.fu T{ t qsrq eTftm tto-s+a7zo06 dTeT RjE qflq qRqE fr 911
ftio srq, qRq-( olEq-fifl grii M at qr rS t I vfir s{fi-f, fr erqqmil qrE Erfud *.r+ & ,n
ftf5 srq, qRq-( eTk{ffir o} qThf, q,Tri qfr mffr wri oT oe of t
GTfuerNfr eTkq<T
Y.Ti@T- / / fu{iq ...............2024
sftftfr- ffifua qn qqqTef qd Grmr{tr' ffiffi tg nR-d r
1. sq silqNI eilgffi(T$, soso Giltns q.i frol-s qN, 104, q6reil .TiEfr qFf, dgFrs.t
2. oTeftfl"r gTfttrdr, oTr{Rr Tffi, soqo cTitirs gq fufl-s qRE-q, ft--fi-qiT +qqT, GTI{nt I
3. s6rq6 3ilqr$ srE?ry, srr{m qrq, soso oTtt[-s q?i fr-mTs qR'rq, GTrrr{ I
/ -/
Grl0rmfr GrftqET