6th Oct 14 30
6th Oct 14 30
6th Oct 14 30
Dr. Soumya Sengupta
Post Doctoral fellow
Institut de Cienéncies de L’Espai
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Barcelona, Spain
The oldest view of Cosmos
Aristotle 384–322 BC
17 February,1600 Rome
Madras Observatory, India
The first claimed detections of exoplanets occurred in 1855, when Captain William
Stephen Jacob, director of the Madras Observatory in India, suggested that the
binary star system known as 70 Ophiuchi could host a planet. This was based on
observations using astrometry, which involves measuring the precise location of
The La Silla Observatory, Chile
Spitzer Telescope
2) 2019
3) 2020
Radial velocity method
This method works on the principle of doppler shift of light.
Due to the rotation of the star around a common barycenter
of the planet-star system, the star sometimes comes toward
us and sometimes goes away from us.
While coming to us the star-light shows blue-shift and while
going away it shows redshift.
The shifting is sinusoidal in nature and hence shows a
sinusoidal plot in velocity-time plot.
The wavelength of light varies according to the doppler
shifting formula: k^ . v^
λ =λ 0
√1− 2
Radial velocity formula
28.4329 m s
m 2 sin i m1 +m2 −2 /3 P −1/3
K 1= ( ) ( )
√ 1−e 2 M Jup M Sun 1 yr
K1 the velocity amplitude
e the eccentricity of the orbit
Mjup Mass of solar system Jupiter
Msun Mass of Our Sun
P Orbital Period
m1 Mass of the exoplanetary host star
m2 Mass of the Companion planet
i Inclination Angle Between orbital plane and plane of the sky
Main Outcome
The Radial velocity method provides the “minimum
mass” limit of an exoplanet by the formula mpsin(i).
● If a Jupiter mass planet (Mjup ≈ 2x10^27kg) rotating around a sun-like star with an
orbital inclination angle π/4 then what will be the minimum mass limit obtained
using radial velocity method?
1) 2 x 10^27 kg
2) 1.73 x 10^27 kg
3) 1.41 x 10^27 kg
4) 1 x 10^27 kg
Only the minimum mass limit can be
estimated and not the actual mass.
For Face-on View no Doppler shift
can be estimated.
Only for small planet-star mass ratio,
this formula can be used.
Photo Credit: NASA
Microlensing in exoplanet
When a massive object comes in the line of
sight of an observer and a light source then that
object acts as a lens by wraping the space-time.
In exoplanetary system, the star and planet acts
together to show the total lensing effect for a
more distant light source.
By subtracting the star’s lensing effect from the
total lensing the mass of the planet can be
Transit method
Transit Light Curve Method
Heng 2012
Three types of atmospheric
Transmission Spectra: Star-light transmits through the
planetary atmosphere at primary Transit point. Observed at
different wavelengths but only at transit point.
Reflection Spectra: Star-light reflected from the planetary
atmosphere at the secondary eclipse point. Typically in visible
wavelength. Observed during secondary eclipse.
Emission Spectra:Planet’s own emission coming directly to the
observer. Typically in Infrared. Observed during secondary
Observed Transit Lightcurve
Transmission spectroscopy
Rsun ≈6.9x10^5 km
3) 1:10 ^7
Rearth ≈ 6.4x10^3 km
4) 1:10 ^5
4) 1:10^5
Day-side emission flux ratio for
Madhusudhan 2009
Planetary Temperature-pressure
Modeling of temperature-pressure
The vertical atmosphere is divided in a number of homogeneous
These layers are seperated by pressure range and not by height
assuming Ideal gas law. ρKT
P= μ
Each layers are in Local thermodynamic Equilibrium.
Vertical pressure and the gravitational force of the atmosphere are
balanced by the hydrostatic equilibrium condition. dP
=−ρ g
Our main target is to estimate the temperature at different
atmospheric layers.
If an atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium and
the pressure at the surface of the planet is P 0,
then the pressure at any height P(h) can be
expressed as,
1) P0 exp(- µgh / KT)
2) P0 log(µgh / KT)
3) P0 (µgh / KT)
4) P0 exp(µgh / KT)
Modeled temperature-
pressure profiles
- Soumya Sengupta,
The Light from Heaven-A Story of Exoplanets
Your Big Idea
Where do you want to see the
Science and Human kind in the
next 20 years?
Write your concepts (no boundation ) and send me the .pdf at
Credit: Phys.org