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A Survey of Intelligent Transportation Systems Security: Challenges and Solutions

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A Survey of Intelligent Transportation Systems Security: Challenges and


Conference Paper · May 2020

DOI: 10.1109/BigDataSecurity-HPSC-IDS49724.2020.00055

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2 authors, including:

Sathish A.P Kumar

Cleveland State University


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A Survey of Intelligent Transportation
Systems Security: Challenges and Solutions
Julie Harvey1 and Sathish Kumar2
Department of Computing Sciences, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, 29526 – Email: jlyantach@coastal.edu
Department of EECS, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, 44145 – Email: s.kumar13@csuohio.edu

Incorporation of intelligence is becoming an increasingly The rest of the manuscript is organized as follows:
important part of the transportation system. Attacks on Section 2 describes the background for the security for ITS.
the transportation infrastructure have been limited, but Section 3 provides the rationale for the ITS research. Section
as more vehicles become connected, the threat for 4 provides the research objective. Section 5 describes the
cyberattacks increases and hence the need to secure security challenges for ITS. Section 6 outlines the solutions
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for individual to protect the ITS. Section 7 describes the open issues and
vehicles and public transportation. Security of these recommendations for the future work. Finally, Section 8
systems is crucial for the safe and efficient concludes the paper.
transportation. Solutions can be introduced to address
the vulnerabilities of systems, overcome the external II. BACKGROUND
threats to the systems, and to reduce the risks of attacks As the volume and density of vehicles increases,
that can be faced by ITS. The purpose of this research is technological advancements have developed new way to
to provide a survey of the ITS security challenges and manage traffic. The Intelligent Transportation Systems
solutions that can be implemented to prevent and/or applies these technological advances to road transport.
overcome security breaches to ITS. We also provide Information that is collected from sensors and equipment in
recommendations for implementation of improved vehicles and infrastructures. This information can be used to
security techniques and programs to protect ITS. improve the current transportation systems. Road and traffic
safety, traffic efficiency, and value-added applications aim
Keywords: attacks, authorization, biometrics, Intelligent to improve the transportation system [9]. Information is
Transportation Systems, protection methods, security used to reduce the risk of car accidents and minimize the
I. INTRODUCTION damage that results from accidents that are unavoidable. The
applications that are used for traffic efficiency aim to
Information and communication technologies play an improve the flow of traffic by helping to reduce travel time
important role in transportation and traffic management and congestion of vehicles. Value-added applications
systems. Incorporation of intelligence to transportation and include infotainment, information on travel, trip planning,
traffic management systems is needed to improve the safety, and access to the Internet. Wireless communications among
efficiency, and sustainability of transportation networks, to and between vehicles and the road side infrastructure are
reduce traffic congestion and to enhance drivers’ required for ITS. Research in the field of Intelligent
experiences. The combination of intelligence, information Transportation Systems is very active and is varied in
and communication technologies results in Intelligent multiple areas. Technology used in vehicles and
Transportation Systems (ITS). As these additional transportation management continues to evolve and
technologies get added to the transportation and traffic improve.
management systems, the surface area for the attack
increases. Hence the need to protect the ITS increases [2]. III. RATIONALE
The concept of cybersecurity is applied in multiple areas ITS security is critical due to the advancement and
[21-40]. Considering the damage these attacks can unleash, emergence of new technologies in transportation. The
it is very crucial to have a robust protection measures, that vulnerabilities in the technologies makes it easier for the
to address the vulnerabilities of systems, to overcome the attacker to disrupt the ITS. Different modes of transportation
external threats to the systems, and to reduce the risks of and traffic management use ITS’s innovative services to
attacks that can be faced by ITS. The contribution of the smarter transportation networks. ITS are crucial to creating
paper is to provide a survey of security challenges and smart cities and attacks to these systems can cause serious
solutions in regards to securing intelligent transportation situations for the transportation within a city. ITS are also
systems. Per our literature review, there is limited research an important part of individuals’ vehicles for safety and
regarding cybersecurity threats against ITS. This survey will luxury. ITS incorporates a wide range of applications and it
go into further detail about the challenges faced by ITS continues to increase the importance for individual and
security and the solutions to these challenges. There are a public transportation systems. These applications process
wide range of avenues that ITS security can be breached and and share the information to make improvements for traffic
one common solution cannot be used for all systems. Our flow, traffic management, and environmental impacts from
paper will explore solutions and delve deeper into the transportation systems. Technology is also used in
importance of these improved solutions. individuals’ vehicles to connect vehicle information to other
vehicles, local and remote infrastructure. As improvements The majority of cyberattacks are motivated by money.
were made to the technology used within vehicles, so did the ITS systems are slightly different in that they are highly
technology used to fix these vehicles. The security of all of visible and results in a large impact when the systems are
this technology in personal vehicles, as well as the attacked. This visibility can be a key motivator. Their
technology used for public transportation systems is motives may be ransom, data theft, information warfare,
increasingly important as technology continues to develop system gaming and theft, or revenge and terrorism are all
and evolve for transportation. Most existing research focuses identified as possible motives. The information can be
on the applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems [7, acquired by physical, wireless, or network attacks. Attacks
9, 10, 11, 14, 15] rather than cybersecurity aspects. There could occur through a single, or multiple vectors. When a
are limited surveys that address the security of these ITS and ransom attack occurs, attacks will encrypt data and systems.
attacks on the systems. Recent literature evaluates Decryption keys are not given until a ransom is paid.
challenges of cybersecurity within ITS [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 17]. Attacks can access a connected car and disable functioning
Our paper will evaluate different methods for implementing until a ransom is paid. Safety of these cars can be
security within ITS [8, 13, 18, 19]. There is limited research compromised.
regarding cyber-attacks and solutions to prevent these
attacks on ITS [16, 20]. Stolen data can be used for a variety of reasons.
Nation states and unscrupulous competitors are the most
IV. OBJECTIVE likely type of attacker of stealing data. Personal gains are
intended for a data theft.
The objective of this paper is to provide clarity to the
area of Intelligent Transportation Systems security through Information warfare includes denial-of-service attack
a general description of ITS security, the description of the on the ITS infrastructure. This causes the systems to crash
challenges of ITS security, and preview solutions to reduce and causes chaos on roadways. It can also be used to post
the risk of attacks to ITS. ITS is a relatively new technology messages of political positions, protests, or pranks. This can
that continues to advance. The security of this technology hurt the company’s reputation and result in financial loss.
needs to improve as the ITS technology improves. Attacks Traffic chaos can be created if a fake vehicle-to-vehicle
against ITS evolve, so has been the security to protect (V2V) message is transmitted. V2V information poisoning
against these attacks. More advanced methods of security can be initiated by this attack. Map hacking can also be used
are needed to ensure the safety of ITS and it’s individuals or to compromise location transmitters, GPS receivers, and
organizations. Our research will continue to evaluate the use GPS signal spoofing.
of ITS as well as the security challenges and solutions that
System gaming and theft involves stealing goods from
inside vehicles, or stealing the entire vehicle. The ITS
V. SECURITY CHALLENGES systems are also exploited to avoid paying fees and service
charges. Autonomous vehicles can be hacked and rerouted
It is important to identify threat actors for Intelligent to a remote location or used for delivery of contraband
Transportation Systems. Intelligence from other nations, anonymously. Autonomous vehicles can be hacked and
criminal gangs, hacktivists, cyberterrorists, insiders, instructed to a remote location where a theft of valuables,
unscrupulous operators, and natural disasters are all vehicle parts, the whole vehicle, or abduction is possible.
described as potential attackers to ITS. Nation states use Paying service charges can be avoided by an exploitation of
software espionage tools and malware customized for their an ITS system. Mobile Infrared Transmitters (MIRT) can
intentions to gather intelligence. Theft of intellectual change a traffic light, controlled by a computer, using a
property or gaining a competitive advantage is the goal of remote activator. A competitor’s car may be hacked to
this type of attack. A nation’s ITS infrastructure can be subvert competition and make the vehicles unavailable. A
compromised by another nation during war, for example. situation can be created where autonomous vehicles need to
Hacking teams and resources can be under the direct control make way for a hacked vehicle that has been assigned high
of the state, or outsourced to third parties to maintain priority. Fake orders for rideshares can be placed to charge
plausible deniability. Criminal gangs use different schemes unsuspecting customers.
to hack ITS for the purpose of generating illicit revenue.
Hacktivists intend to draw attention to a political cause and Revenge and terrorism is another model used for
use ITS infrastructure to accomplish this goal. The message attacks on ITS and is one of the most serious and deadly
boards on highways can be hacked to advertise a political attack vector. Driving functions can be compromised and
cause. Cyberterrorists attack ITS to cause destruction of used as weapons. Predicting and defending against these
property, life loss, and spreading terror. Insiders attack an types of attack is very difficult. Traffic flow control
organization that they are currently or were a part of, with mechanisms can be disrupted, ITS safety systems disabled,
the attack indirectly acting against the insider’s personal roadside emergency alert systems triggered, and
interests. More than one motivation is behind these attacks. compromising a company’s operations and privacy of
Unscrupulous operators could attack ITS to avoid fines and employees by dumping sensitive data online. Hacking ITS
fees, avoid traffic, sabotage competitors, among other systems is usually done for the goal of using the ITS system
intentions. Natural disasters could also pose a threat to ITS. as an entry point into the ITS ecosystem. A successful attack
Natural phenomena can lead to failures in the system that on the ITS system gives access to the ITS ecosystem that is
could potentially cripple the infrastructure of ITS. connected via the internet or VPN. Gaining access deep
inside the network is achieved with little effort. Attacks can
be launched from inside the network when an attacker has Computers of a third-party contractor can be compromised
access to the network. and used to access the corporate network.
Physical attacks are easily conducted because the ITS Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are vulnerable
infrastructure is exposed on the roadways. Exposed ports to attacks that can affect roadway safety. Sybil attacks are
can be physically connected to. A device can be accessed one of the most dangerous attacks and can be very difficult
using brute force or guessing credentials. Topology can be to detect. They involve a vehicle appearing to have more
discovered by scanning a secured or closed network. An ITS than a single identity. Data received from this vehicle cannot
device or system can be compromised by deleting files. be determined if it is coming from one vehicle or multiple.
Firmware can be installed to recover credentials and Attackers use this to shape the network according to their
configurations. Man-in-the-middle attacks intercept data goals. A DDoS attack occurs by more requests being sent to
using exposed wiring or cables and can send false data to the a system than it can handle, overwhelming and crashing the
backend servers. A device may be tampered with to steal or system. A black hole attack involves data packets being
compromise data. Malware from a removable storage routed through the attacker. The attacker discards the data
device can be installed. Improper commands can be sent to packets and communication is lost in the network. A
the backend servers and the controller. The corporate wormhole attack involves two or more compromised
network can be accessed by pivoting an ITS device as an vehicles becoming involved in as many routing requests as
entry point to be trusted. Vulnerabilities in software can be possible through false advertising that they know the shortest
exploited. Devices can also be compromised or tampered distance to a destination. A false information attack involves
thorugh trusted operators’ abuse of authority. data generated or forwarded by vehicles or roadside units
(RSUs) to other VANETs vehicles. False data can be
Wireless attacks pose a major IT security threat to an generated and sent to the VANET by an attacker vehicle.
ITS infrastructure. Spoofing messages can be broadcast, Fake location information is an attack whereby fake location
sniffing wireless transmissions can be done, malicious data is broadcast by vehicles. Safety-related applications
firmware can be remotely transmitted and installed, wireless and systems become compromised because vehicle location
transmissions and vehicle safety systems can be data will respond incorrectly. This results in lost data
electronically jammed, man-in-the-middle attacks can be packets because the data packets are forwarded to phantom
conducted to intercept and modify data, vulnerabilities can vehicles. Sensor deception involves simulating false driving
be exploited, and Wi-Fi can be used to gain access to conditions. In-vehicle sensors can be deceived by an
controller area network (CAN) bus and the on-board attacker. A replay attack occurs when messages are
diagnostics, infotainment, and the telematics control unit. collected and held to be broadcasted at a later date to deceive
The CAN bus can be compromised by remote hijacking and other vehicles in the network when the message is no longer
malicious third party apps can be installed. valid or true. This type of attack recreates and exploits
Network attacks are a risk because ITS systems are conditions that occurred when the original message was sent.
exposed to the Internet and discoverable on IoT search Passive eavesdropping attacks occur when the network is
engines making them vulnerable to cyberattacks. Device being monitored by an attacker to track vehicular movement,
misconfigurations are identified and abused. Vulnerabilities or listen to communications in vehicles. Attacker vehicles
in software and hardware are exploited. The system can be intercept messages and the messages are examined.
discovered remotely and abused. Malware and/or spyware Information is gathered about the vehicles and
can be installed on systems. Targeted attacks that are state- communication patterns to use in future attacks.
sponsored and advanced persistent threats are possible. Attacks against ITS are becoming increasingly evident.
Malicious firmware can be uploaded and installed. The risk of such attacks can be evaluated with select
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks can be launched cyberattack vectors being evaluated. Electronic jamming of
on the ITS infrastructure and backend servers that are wireless transmissions, DDoS attacks against exposed cyber
exposed to the internet. Malicious script can be injected as infrastructure, exploitation of vulnerabilities, credential
advertisements. Risks to ITS can include cross-site scripting brute force attacks, and sensational attacks all pose a risk to
(XSS), where malicious script is inserted into the network. ITS applications and systems. Of the previous five vectors
Structured query language (SQL) injection is one of the most that are most likely to threaten ITS, DDoS attacks,
common web hacking technique. Session hijacking involves exploitations of vulnerabilities, and credential brute force
exploiting a valid computer session. DNS spoofing and attacks are commonly used in attacks on a variety of
hijacking involves the name server returning an incorrect IP different systems and applications everyday. Electronic
address. Watering hole involves malware being infected jamming are more specific to ITS applications and systems.
into frequently used websites on a network. Pass the Hash Sensational attacks are a risk, but are difficult to execute
attacks occur when a user’s credentials are stolen and reused because the devices or systems are not easily accessible to
on the same network to trip the system into thinking the attackers. To successfully compromise the devices or
session is valid. Pass the Ticket attacks are used to conduct systems, an attacker requires expert skill and knowledge.
lateral movements throughout the system. Improper The most serious threat to ITS devices and systems are
commands can be sent to the controller and backend server. network cyberattacks, with wireless attacks and physical
ITS devices can be pivoted as trusted entry points in the the attacks following.
corporate network. Trusted operators could abuse their
authority and compromise the systems or devices.
Table 1: Summary of ITS Attacks and their Outcomes limiting failures. Lateral movement risks are reduced and
Type of
overall security is improved when the ITS controllers are
Description of Attack Outcome of the Attack
Attack placed on a network separate from corporate networks.
Firewalls are implemented to control the outgoing and
DDoS Vehicle to Vehicle Chaos on Roadways; incoming traffic. This control is based on a rule set that is
Attacks message; Electronic Service not available to applied to the monitor. Applications and endpoints are
Jamming legitimate users identified that may be generating or requesting bad traffic.
Revenge and Hacking ITS to get the Driving functions are Next-generation firewalls and UTM gateways bring
Terrorism attacker access to the compromised and used multiple systems and services together as a single engine or
systems as weapons appliance. Network traffic at line speed analyzes devices
System Hacking the autonomous Avoid paying fees and
with lower traffic.
gaming and vehicle tolls. Stealing vehicles Anti-malware is software used to scan files. Malware
theft or goods from vehicle can be detected, blocked, and removed. Known and
unknown malware is detected using heuristics, specific and
Physical Brute force; Compromised or generic signatures.
Attacks Reconnaissance and Man Tampered ITS devices.
Anti-phishing solutions are important because one of
in the Middle attacks.
the top vectors for infection is spear-phishing. Anti-phishing
Wireless Sniffing wireless Gain access of solutions scan email for incoming spam and phishing emails
Network communications; Jamming controller area network and block these emails. Malicious attachments pose a
Attacks of vehicle safety systems; and on-board potential risk and can be screened using message sandboxes
Man in the middle attacks. diagnostics, as part of anti-phishing solutions.
infotainment and
Breach detection systems (BDS) detect targeted attacks
and threaten to harvest information from the targeted system.
Wired DNS Spoofing and Targeted state Complex attacks are analyzed and detected, but are not
Network hijacking; Malware; sponsored attacks that prevented with BDS. Network traffic patterns can be
Attacks Spyware; SQL Injection poses persistent threats. analyzed across numerous protocols. Malicious domains
and Cross Site Scripting can be identified. Behavior and the impact of malicious files
can be modeled using emulation-sandboxing.
VANET Sybil attacks; Black-hole Fake location data is IPS and IDS monitor the entire network, looking for
Attacks attacks; Wormhole attacks broadcast by vehicles; traffic deemed suspicious. They analyze protocols and
Safety-related conduct deep pocket inspections. IDS is a passive system
applications and that creates a report following an attack. When a bad event
systems become
is identified, the packet is rejected by IPS.
Digital signature algorithms can be used to overcome
the majority of attacks on ITS applications and systems.
Encryption can be used to overcome attacks that are not
VII. SOLUTIONS countered by digital signature. Encryption technologies can
It is a very difficult task to completely protect the encrypt and decrypt data. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)
complex ITS ecosystem. Cyberattacks and breaches are attacks can be defeated using encrypted network traffic.
inevitable, but prevention and recovery strategies should be Physical and virtual patch management software
an integral component of the daily business operations for updates endpoints, servers, and remote computers. Security
ITS operators. Data should be able to be transmitted within patches and updates are applied to the system. Malicious
latency requirements. This should occur using low overhead traffic can be prevented with a security enforcement layer by
and cryptographic algorithms that are light weight. filtering out this traffic that is trying to exploit known
Confidentiality and authentication are key security features vulnerabilities.
for ITS ecosystems. Security breaches need to be identified Vulnerability scanner scan for vulnerabilities in
quickly and responded to continually. Security breaches endpoints, servers, networks, and applications. The system
need to be contained and the loss of sensitive data stopped. is scanned and unpatched vulnerabilities are identified.
Attacks need to be prevented by securing all vulnerabilities. When a vulnerability is identified, the IT administrator can
Defenses need to be strengthened and repeat incidents patch the vulnerability.
prevented following an attack on the ITS ecosystem. To Shodan scanning is used for internet-connected
address the security-related issues and requirements devices. Open-Source INTelligence (OSINT) gatherings are
explained in earlier sections, security suggestions include conducted by this solution. Unpatched vulnerabilities can be
network segmentation, using firewalls and next-generation identified in exposed cyberassets by the information
firewalls or unified threat management (UTM) gateways. collected by Shodan. ITS operators can monitor using
Encryption technologies, anti-malware, anti-phishing, and Shodan to ensure their devices and systems are not exposed
breach detection systems (BDS) can also be used. Other on the internet.
security solutions include IPS/IDS, Shodan scanning, Data fusion software on a vehicle can identify the true
vulnerability scanning, and patch management (physical or state of the vehicle. It can also give information about the
virtual). vehicle’s surroundings. Data received from all sources is
Network segmentation splits a network into compiled and reported. Attacks can be identified and
subnetworks reducing congestion, improving security, and compensated for depending on the information that is still
available in the vehicle. Cooperative adjacent vehicles and secure ITS can be challenging. Cybersecurity can be
elements within the infrastructure may help to corroborate or implemented, but if there is limited knowledge on how to
refute observations by a compromised vehicle. Additional use the software, it is not as effective as it could be.
sources of information can help to identify attacks. These Countermeasures can be an effective way to prevent and
data fusion systems can potentially assist in the identification resolve cyberattacks, but if there is resistance to security
of anomalous inputs from cyberattacks. adoption the ITS is at increased risk as attacks are evolving
Biometrics is an authentication technique that measures and penetrating the ITS ecosystem.
physiological and individual characteristics. These
characteristics are then automatically verified. Biometric Additional research is needed to evaluate the
systems are integral in the future of security. A biometric effectiveness of biometrics for mitigating cyber-attacks and
system is an automated system. The system collects best practices for the use of biometrics in ITS ecosystems.
information about specific characteristics. The information A more holistic evaluation of ITS is needed to analyze
is then distributed, stored and processed within the system. threats at early stages of development of vehicle automation
A decision is made as to whether or not to authorize the user. systems. Research needs to be approached from a variety of
The security of the whole ITS system is increased with the perspectives, being able to anticipate a wide range of
use of biometrics, and the risk of impersonation is reduced. possible threats. Balancing the security, convenience and
The security of the ITS system, as a whole, can be improved functionality of security vectors needs to be evaluated for
with the use of biometrics and risks can be minimized. use in the ITS ecosystem.
Policy recommendations can help provide security IX. CONCLUSION
protection for ITS. Countries sharing land borders should
coordinate so their ITS frameworks can work together ITS ecosystems are constantly evolving and threats to
instead of trying to integrate incompatible ITS frameworks. these systems evolves as well. There is a large scope of
Greater collaboration, exchange of information and improvements that can be made in various areas. Furthering
knowledge of cyber security across borders will help to security that is more specifically directed toward prevention
develop and implement awareness for educating end-users and resolution of attacks is needed. There are various
of the potential risks in the ITS environments. Information shortcomings in current models used by ITS ecosystems
and countermeasures can be shared regarding cyber threats discussed in earlier sections need to be resolved. Additional
and attacks. Cybersecurity requirements should be research is needed to evaluate specific solutions that are
mandated to protect the ITS ecosystem. Existing specific for the various types of ITS systems and
communications protocol need to be updated instead of applications. Further research is needed on cooperative
developing new communication protocols to be more cost systems towards identification of cyber threats and the
effective. Multiple protocols are needed for handling development of strategies to protect against them. Biometric
communications in ITS. A large amount of daily user data systems are crucial to the future of cybersecurity of ITS.
is generated in the ITS ecosystem. Storage of this data needs
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