Introduction To Quantum Computing
Introduction To Quantum Computing
Introduction To Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is an emerging field that promises to revolutionize
computing by harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics. This
introduction will provide an overview of the key concepts and potential
applications of this transformative technology.
3 Probability Distributions
The state of a qubit is described by a probability distribution, not a
definite value.
Quantum Superposition
and Entanglement
Superposition Entanglement
Qubits can exist in a Quantum particles can
superposition of multiple become "entangled", where
states at once, unlike classical their states are linked, even
bits. over large distances.
Superposition and entanglement enable quantum computers to
perform certain computations exponentially faster.
Quantum Algorithms and
1 Initialization
Quantum algorithms begin by preparing the qubits in a
specific starting state.
2 Quantum Operations
Quantum gates and circuits are used to manipulate the
quantum state of the qubits.
3 Measurement
The final quantum state is measured, providing the output
of the computation.
Quantum Cryptography and Cybersecurity