LT O&M - J H Mehata
LT O&M - J H Mehata
LT O&M - J H Mehata
Faculty : J.H.Mehta
REL having 100% L.T. U.C.N. and nearly 100% 11KV U.C.N.
Plastic ---PVC and XLPE
L.T. cable.
Stranded aluminum – high degree of purity. Stranded for flexibility –sector
XLPE insulation extruded over the conductor.
very low dielectric loss factor – XLPE cable upto 400 kV.
All the cores are laid up and an extruded PVC cover is provided over the
cores – called Inner sheath.
Armour: Flat G.I. wires for L.T. cables provides mechanical protection to
the cable and return path for short circuit current.
Outer sheath:
For corrosion protection of armour.
Figure 1
Reliability of U.C.N. depends on the skill which jointer uses to make joints.
Joint must be as reliable as the bulk of cable.
Cable jointing means making cable with hand at site.
Careless and defective jointing may fail a very healthy cable.
The quality of joint depend on skill and workmanship of the jointer.
The quality of the joint is such that it does not add any resistance to the
A stringent joint is an accessory for joining two cables in the run of cable
By compression method.
Functional requirement:
Maintain 100% conductivity of conductor.
Leave a reasonable smooth finish and profile on the conductor joint as to
avoid stress concentration.
Maintain near 100% tensile strength of the conductor.
Cable Termination
Expose core of the cable after taking measurement depending upon where
termination is required to be done.
Insert cable into the gland of appropriate size.
Bend the armour of cable around the periphery.
Twist the copper binding wire of 14 gauge above the armour tightly and fasten
the other end of binding wire to earthing of lt pillar or service cupboard.
Fix gland over the cable so as to fit tightly on the armour and copper binding
Gland is to be supported at the gland plate provided in lt pillars or cupboards.
Strip off proper length of insulation from cable ends with every precaution not
to severe or damage any strands. All insulation paper, PVC, XLPE must be
removed from the stripped portion of the conductor and should be clean and
Insert conductor into the lug and fix suitable crimping die around the lug on
proper place.
Open the handle fully. Enclose the lug in the opened jaw of the tool and start
crimping from the flat end portion of the lug. Repeat the same procedure for
other cores.
Corrosion inhibiting compound should be applied over the palm surface of the
lug, while tightening with nut and bolt.
Connect lugs to the contacts of the l.t. pillar/fuse unit.
1) In some cases, the conductor may be slightly loose in their respective socket
or ferrule.
In such case, there may be some air pockets left out and that should be covered
by filling the gaps with small bits of conductor strands, before crimping.
2) Sector shaped aluminium conductors should be rounded before inserting in
3. Miscellaneous
A cable jointer means an employee who is engaged in joining cables or doing
terminations in connection with installing and maintenance of underground or
overhead distributing system.
Role of
Electric cable jointer
Tasks and duties
Electric cable jointers need good technical, practical and problem-solving skills.
They also need to have excellent communication skills including good reading,
listening and report-writing skills. The ability to read and interpret maps and
plans, and follow instructions is important.
Electric cable jointers need to know about:
Types of distribution cables
Methods of joining, insulating and testing cables
Basic electrical theory and circuit diagrams
The use and care of personal test and measuring equipment
Safe working practices
Basic first aid
Personal qualities
Physical requirements
Electric cable jointers need to be fit and healthy. They need to have good hearing
and eyesight (with or without glasses), and should have normal colour vision.
Much of their work involves bending and flexing, and they may work in confined
spaces. Some climbing may be involved, so they need to be comfortable working
at heights.
Workplace Conditions
Electric cable jointers work in all weather conditions, especially if there are major
electrical cable faults that need to be fixed. They need to follow strict safety
procedures because of the risks associated with working with live equipment.
Direct laying:-
The cables are laid directly in the trenches below ground level.
Direct laying system is to avoid damage to the cable, both during the
laying operations and subsequently from the presence of stones or often
obstructions in the trench.
This involves digging of a trench directly in the ground.
The route of the trench is decided before the digging commences.
Information regarding other services such as water mains, sewage pipes,
telephone cables is made available.
Permit from concerned municipal authority to carry out the trench work is
Statutory requirement such as road excavation boards, barricades with
flashers are to be provided at site before start of the excavation.
Cross trenches are excavated along the proposed line of trench, checking
exactly what obstructions will be encountered.
Marking lines to be drawn with chalk powder.
Exposed pipes and other services must be supposed temporarily with
ropes or wires.
There must be no unevenness, no rocks or stones to damage the cable.
Leveling is difficult in wet trenches where water is present.
Following depths over the top of the cable are recommended for cables
buried under ground.
1.1 kV 0.9m (3’)
11 kV 1.08m (3.5’)
22 kV & 33kV 1.20m (4’)
Cable laying equipments such as two jacks, spindle, wooden blocks, cable
rollers, rope, cable pulling socks are to be kept ready at site.
Cable should be meggered before cabling and after completion of cabling
with 500 V megger. Value 200 – 500mV
Drum should be rolled in the direction marked on it by an arrow.
The cable should be taken from top of the drum. The drum being braked to
avoid over running.
All mazdoors should apply push and pull simultaneously.
The bending radius should be as large as possible.
1.1kV------15 D
11 kV -------15 D
22 & 33 kV ------20 D
D is the outer diameter of the cable.
Cable should be laid at least 1.0m away from the foundation of the
buildings and bridges.
At least 0.5m away from the communication cables.
1.0m from pipe line.
Whenever cable is laid across road or under railway tracks, it is passed
through pipes.
Pipes may be of R.C.C., plastic, G.I. or cast iron.
For L.T. cable: size of R.C.C. pipes – 100mm D or 150mm D
Additional pipes may also be laid across the road or under railway tracks.
The mouth of pipes shall be effectively blocked with caps to prevent pipes
from being choked.
R.C.C. pipes are of 2 m length.
All road crossings, gate crossing should be carried out with pipes before
the excavation of open trench.
Most of the road crossing is carried out at night.
All safety precaution such as flasher light, additional lighting, extra
barricading on the road, traffic control should be taken before starting
R.C.C. pipes should be jointed with collars and cement.
R.C.C. pipes should be perfectly leveled.
After laying cable, the trench should be cleaned.
Cable is to be dressed up in the trench.
Consumer service:-
The norms for determining the size of the consumer service.
2/c x 25 20 -
4/c x 25 90 45
4/c x 50 160 80
4/c x 120/150 280 140
4/c x 240/300 465 205
Service cable should enter the meter cabin in straight upward position.
Cable gland should be fitted atleast 1 ft. below the main cut out.
If SFU is provided with wooden cover- the cable gland should be clamped
at least 1 ft. below the center of SFU.
The cable should be saddled with marine ply or wall.
The wooden cover should have 3 holes for the entry of cable core.
Accurate size of lugs are to be crimped properly to the conductor.
Core lugs should be properly connected and tightened to the SFU
After connecting lugs to SFU the half of the wooden cover is to be fitted
with suitable material to make it vermian proof.
If SFU is provided with metallic cable box then the cable gland is to be
fitted on the plate only.
For termination of cable conductor on cut out the proper size of pin type
lug is to be crimped and connected to cut out.
Out going copper wires should be crimped with proper pin type lug and
connected to the outgoing side of the cut out.
Insulating bushings should be retained in position at the entry of cut out.
Service cable should be laid properly in the meter cabin room. It should be
addled on the wall and should be laid on the tray.
In case of wooden cupboard, the flange type gland should be fitted to the
bottom type of cupboard.
Cable should be stringent up to cupboard.
Cable bend is to be buried in the ground.
Cables on the tray and on riser are to be dressed up straight and clamped.
Metal equipments i.e. cut outs and SFU should be provided with earthing
on two sides.
Earth wire of 3/16 size from earth strip should be connected to
SFU/cutouts with lugs.
The twisting connection of earthing wire to SFU/cutouts is to be avoided.
Correct size of HRC fuses should be used for SFU and T C wire for cut
Meter cabin under stair case, have lockable doors with wire mesh that can
provide ventilation.
Progress department:-
Proposed cable route along with location of pillar and meter cabin/SFU in
blue color.
Entry of proposed earthing route along with location of earth pits in light
green color.
Service department:-
After execution of job, change the color to red and deviations like change
in route, increase/decrease in cable length.
Change color to dark green with deviations for earthing.
LT cable faults
In the run of the cable, faults may develop due to any of the following reasons.
1. Damaged by external agency.
2. Manufacturer’s defect.
3. Overloading. (Normally 120 Is loaded up to 180 A / ph and 240 Cable up to 270 A / ph).
4. Transients
5. Miscellaneous.
LT cable fault is an abnormality, disturbing the normal supply conditions in
the system. Due to this other LT cable network is affected. Therefore it is
necessary to normalize the fault after attending to it. It is necessary to locate the
fault quickly with the help of fault finding/locating instruments.
Types of faults
Testing of fault
For the purpose of above all points testing and locating equipment is used.
At present we are having only one type of testing set from APLAB ltd. Consisting
of Pre-locater and Thumper accompanied by acoustic and magnetic recorder and
sensor for audio purpose along with the headphone.
The thumper requires single-phase 220 volts a. c. Supply. The portable pre-
locater works on chargeable battery. The only difficulty is in transporting the
thumper. As it is bulky this is the only negative point, as it requires transport.
This one of the methods adopted in our company since many years. The safe
modified version to this is done by inserting a higher size of original fuse in the
faulty circuit.
In this case the entire length of the cable route is inspected and the excavation is
done at abnormal place with an anticipation of locating the fault.
For testing of LT Cable faults we have fault testing and locating set from APLAB
Company with the help of this testing set we can find many faults in precision.
The testing set (presently in use) consists of Prelocator, Thumper and Acoustic
This set is used to identify the distance of the fault from the place you are testing
to do this testing. One must ensure that the cable is dead and totally isolated from
1) Supply,
2) Service Cupboards (If there are “T” Joints),
3) Additional cables in the same circuit. (Back to back cables at both ends)
Thumper is a part of the fault testing unit. The size of this unit is bulky. This unit
requires transport preferably a Jeep.
To send a high voltage into the faulty core of cable. HV cord is provided. This is
red in Colour .One side of HV cord has a plug to fit to thumper and other side has
two separated leads with clamps, so that connecting to L.T.Panel, contact or
neutral strip becomes easy.
Long green wire provided is to earth the set for safety. Thumper has a Dimerstat,
a voltmeter, voltage selector and 4 nos. of operational push button switches. A
timer for automatic/Non-automatic thumping is controlled by positioning switch,
which rotates partially.
Combination of all 3 units give testing person the exact point of discharge from
the faulty cable till the thumper is in action.
This box has L.C.D. combination display meter for acoustic and magnetic
distortion in the cable. As this set is operated on pencil battery. There is a tester.
There is push button switch provided to stop out side. Acoustic Interference
ON/OFF switch is also provided plugs for HEAD Phone Jack and for sensor are
on sides.
Totally this is a supporting unit for thumper. The method to use this unit is to be
ascertained by practice. But this unit plays a key role in pinpointing fault. As this
unit is very delicate. A special box is provided.
Pin-Pointing of Fault
Pinpointing of fault is done with the help of Thumper. The procedure is as follows: