Thunderbird User Guide
Thunderbird User Guide
Thunderbird User Guide
Technical Manual: User Guide Document Updated: 1/06
Opening and Closing a Message • To edit a draft, click the Drafts folder, located in the Mail
Folders pane. Double-click the draft to open and begin editing
• To open a message in its own window, double-click the
the message.
message name, as it appears in the Message List.
• To close a message, select File / Close or click the Close Replying to a Message
button, located in the upper right corner of the window.
1. Select or open the message to which you want to reply.
Printing a Message 2. Click the Reply button, or click the Reply All
1. Select or open the message you want to print. button to reply to all message recipients.
2. Click the Print button. 3. Enter your reply message in the message body.
3. Make changes to the print options, as desired. 4. Click the Send button to send the message.
4. Click the OK button. Note: To make changes to default reply settings, select Tools /
Account Settings. Click the Composition & Addressing link, and
Deleting a Message then make changes in the Composition area.
1. To create a new mail message, click the Write button. 4. Make changes to the description in the Subject box, as
The Compose window will appear. desired.
2. To send mail from a different account, click the From drop- 5. Enter any accompanying text in the message body.
down menu and select an account from the resulting list. 6. Click the Send button to send the message.
3. Enter recipient email address(es) in the Addressing area, Note: To control how messages are forwarded, select Tools /
located to the right of the To button. Separate multiple email Options. Click the Composition button, and then make changes in
addresses with a comma. the Forwarding Messages section.
• Plain and Rich (HTML) Text – Messages will contain both 2. Select the location where you want to save the
plain-text and HTML formatting information. All recipients will attachment(s).
be able to open and read the message, but the message file 3. Click the Save button.
size will be larger to accommodate the extra information.
Creating an Address Book To search for an address book card, enter the name or email
1. In the Address Book window, select File / New / Address address you want to search for in the Name or Email field,
Book. located above the card list. As you type, Mozilla Thunderbird will
begin displaying matching items. Click the Close button to
2. In the Address Book Name window, enter a name for the new clear the search.
address book.
Note: For more advanced searching tools, select Edit / Search
3. Click the OK button. The address book will appear in the Addresses.
Address Book pane.
Note: To edit the address book name, double-click the address Addressing Tools
Sending a Carbon Copy or Blind Carbon Copy
Creating an Address Book Card 1. To send a carbon copy or a blind
carbon copy of a message you are
1. In the Address Book window, click the New Card button.
composing, click the To button,
2. Click the Add to drop-down located in the Addressing area.
menu to select the address
2. Select Cc: or Bcc: from the resulting
book in which you want to
store the new card.
3. Enter email addresses in the area to
3. Enter the contact’s information
the right of the Cc: or Bcc: button, separating multiple email
in the fields provided.
addresses with a comma.
4. Click the OK button.
Note: After entering an email address in the first address field,
Note: To edit the address book card, double-click the address press the Enter key and a new To button will appear on the next
book card as it appears in the card list. line.
Renaming a Folder Note: If the Label column is not displayed, click the Show/Hide
Columns icon, located on the Message List column headings
1. Right-click the folder you want to rename, as it appears in the
bar, and then select Label from the resulting menu.
Mail Folders pane.
2. Select Rename Folder from the pop-up menu. Creating and Using Message Filters
3. Enter a new name in the field provided. Mozilla Thunderbird’s message filters can automatically organize
4. Click the OK button. your incoming email.
1. To create a new filter, select Tools / Message Filters.
Filing a Message 2. Click the Filters for drop-down menu and select the mail
• To file a message into a folder, click and drag the message account for which you want to create a mail filter.
from the Message List into a folder in the Mail Folders pane.
3. Click the New button.
4. In the Filter name box, enter a name for the filter.
5. Indicate the types of messages you want to filter and the
actions the filter should perform.
6. Click the More or Fewer button to display more or fewer filter
• To place a copy of a message into another folder, leaving the options.
original in place, right-click the message and select Copy To
7. Click the OK button.
from the pop-up menu. Then select a destination account and
folder from the resulting menu. 8. To run the filter, click the filter name and then click the Run
Now button. Otherwise, click the Close button, located in
Sorting and Threading Messages the upper right corner of the window.
• To sort the messages in your Message List, click the Subject, Note: To make changes to a filter, select Tools / Message Filters.
Sender, Date, Priority, or other column heading, located at the Select the filter you want to edit, and then click the Edit button. If
top of the Message List. necessary, you may need to first select a different account from
the Filters for drop-down menu.
• To group or ungroup related message threads, click the
Thread column heading.
Searching for a Message
Flagging a Message
Use the Flag tool to mark messages that need your attention. To search for a message, enter the words you want to search for
For each message you want to flag, click once in the message’s in the Subject or Sender field, located above the Message List.
Flag column. A Flag icon will appear. As you type, Mozilla Thunderbird will begin displaying matching
items. Click the Close button to clear the search.
Note: If the Flag column is not displayed, click the Show/Hide
Columns icon, located on the Message List column headings Note: For more advanced searching tools, select Edit / Find /
bar, and then select Flag from the resulting menu. Search Messages.
Or, if you have checked the Use secure connection (SSL) box: .....................................
Server Type Server Name Port Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch message: You have
attempted to establish a connection with [SMTP server name].
POP Mail Server 995
However, the security certificate presented belongs to [secure
IMAP Mail Server 993 server name]. It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be
trying to intercept your communication with this web site.
Possible cause: Using the SMTP server name (i.e.,
Alert message: Failed to connect to [POP or IMAP server name]. instead of the secure server name (i.e.,
Possible cause: Incorrect server name. when the SSL button is selected.
Possible solution: Refer to the server settings above to confirm Possible solution: Refer to the outgoing server settings on this
that you are using the correct server name. page to confirm that you are using the correct server name.
Setting Up Mozilla Thunderbird If the Outgoing Server box is available, enter the name of the
SMTP server:
1. To set up your mail account, open Mozilla Thunderbird.
If the field is not available, Mozilla Thunderbird will use the default
2. Select File / New / Account.
outgoing server.
3. The Account Wizard will appear. Navigate through the
User Names Window
following wizard windows:
New Account Setup Window
Click the Email account button.
Identity Window
1. Enter your name in the Your Name box. This is the name
that will appear in the From field of the messages you
2. Enter your email address in the Email Address box (e.g., 1. Enter your email address in the Incoming User Name box. Please note that your user name is your entire email
Server Information Window address (e.g.,
To use the POP server: 2. Enter the same email address in the Outgoing User Name
box, if available.
1. Click the POP
Account Name Window
2. In the Incoming Enter a descriptive name for your mail account. For example,
Work Mail or Home Mail.
Server box,
enter the name
Congratulations Window
of the POP server: Review the information provided. To make changes, click the
Back button to return to previous windows in the Account
To use the IMAP server:
Wizard. Click the Finish button.
1. Click the IMAP
button. Outgoing (SMTP) Servers
2. In the Incoming If you experience trouble sending mail, it is likely that your ISP is
Server box, enter blocking the default Port 25. Select Tools / Account Settings. Click
the name of the the Outgoing Server (SMTP) link. In the Port box, replace the port
number with 587.
IMAP server:
10. Click the OK button. 2. Click the Address Books, Mail, or Settings button and then
click the Next button.
Note: Some ISPs do not allow their customers to use third-party
SMTP servers. 3. Select an email application or the Text file option (address
books only) from the list and then click the Next button.
Leaving a Copy of Messages on the Server (POP Only) 4. Mozilla Thunderbird will automatically import your address
books, mail, or settings, or it will prompt you to locate and
1. To leave a copy of messages on the server, select Tools /
select the export text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, or .txt).
Account Settings.
5. Mozilla Thunderbird will display a confirmation message,
2. Select and expand your POP mail account, located in the left
indicating whether importation was successful. Click the
sidebar pane.
Finish button.
3. Click the Server Settings link.
Note: To export an address book, open the Address Book and
4. Check the Leave messages on server box. select an address book from the Address Books pane. Select
5. To avoid exceeding your account’s storage limits, indicate Tools / Export. Select a location, name, and file type for the export
whether the server should delete messages after a certain file, and then click the Save button.
number of days, or if the server should delete messages
when you manually delete or move them from the Inbox.
6. Click the OK button.
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