Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With A Smooth Interior and Fittings
Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With A Smooth Interior and Fittings
Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With A Smooth Interior and Fittings
Designation: F 949 – 03
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1 2
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.62 on Sewer. contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2003. Published October 2003. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1985. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as F 949 – 01a. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 949 – 03
F 679 Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large- inclusions, or other injurious defects. The pipe shall be as
Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings uniform as commercially practical in color, opacity, density,
F 1057 Practice for Estimating the Quality of Extruded Poly and other physical properties. Slots deliberately placed in pipe
(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe by the Heat Reversion Tech- for perforations for subdrainage, etc., applications are accept-
nique able.
2.2 American Water Works Association (AWWA) Docu- 5.2 Dimensions and Tolerances:
ment: 5.2.1 Pipe—Pipe dimensions shall meet the requirements
AWWA Manual M45, Fiberglass Pipe Design3 given in Table 1 when measured in accordance with 7.3.
2.3 Federal Standard: 5.2.2 Sockets—All sockets (bells), dimensions on pipe,
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies)4 and fittings shall meet the requirements given in Table 2 when
2.4 Military Standard: measured in accordance with 7.4. In the case of belled pipe, the
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage4 thickness of wall in the bell shall be considered satisfactory if
the pipe meets the minimum thicknesses listed in Table 1.
3. Terminology 5.2.3 Fittings—Molded fitting dimensions shall meet the
3.1 Definitions are in accordance with Terminology F 412 requirements of Table 3 when measured in accordance with
and abbreviations are in accordance with Terminology D 1600, 7.4. The wall thickness of molded fittings shall meet the
unless otherwise specified. The abbreviation for poly(vinyl requirements given in Table 4, when measured in accordance
chloride) plastic is PVC. with 7.4. Fittings may also be fabricated from pipe, meeting the
3.2 parting line—a slight mark or surface irregularity in requirements of this specification or from SDR 35 pipe meeting
the pipe or fitting surface as a result of a mold separation at that the requirements of Specification D 3034 or F 679. In the case
location. of a fabricated fitting with a formed bell, the thickness of the
bell shall be considered satisfactory if it was formed from pipe
4. Materials and Manufacture meeting the requirements of the standard to which the pipe was
4.1 Material Specification—The pipe shall be made of PVC produced. For reducing fittings or those with smaller inlets, the
compound having a minimum cell classification of 12454 in minimum wall thickness of each inlet shall be no less than the
accordance with Specification D 1784. The fittings shall be minimum wall thickness for that size pipe.
made of PVC compound having a cell classification of 12454, 5.2.4 Perforations—Perforation slots shall be clearly cut
or 13343 as defined in Specification D 1784. Compounds that and uniformly spaced along the length of pipe. Slots shall be
have different cell classifications because one or more proper- centered in the corrugation valleys. Dimensions and spacing of
ties are superior to those of the specified compounds are also the slots shall be as listed in Table 5. Other slot dimensions and
acceptable. spacing may be provided to meet the needs of the specifier.
4.2 Rework Material—Clean rework material, generated Alternatively, where the valley is large enough to accommo-
from the manufacturer’s own pipe or fitting production, or date a suitably sized round hole perforation without penetrating
both, may be used by the same manufacturer provided that the the void under the corrugation, round hole perforations of a
rework material meets the requirements of 4.1 and that the pipe size, pattern, and open area agreed upon by the specifier may
and fittings produced meet the requirements of this specifica- be provided. All measurements shall be made in accordance
tion. with 7.9.
4.3 Pipe shall be manufactured by simultaneous extrusion 5.3 Performance Requirements:
of the smooth and corrugated walls with the smooth inner wall 5.3.1 Pipe Stiffness—Pipe stiffness shall be a minimum of
fused to the outer corrugated wall. 46 psi or 115 psi when tested in accordance with 7.5. Pipe
4.4 Fittings shall be molded or fabricated. stiffness shall be marked on pipe as per 11.2.3.
4.5 Joining Materials:
NOTE 3—This test is intended only for use as a quality control test and
4.5.1 Gaskets—Elastomeric seals (gaskets) shall be in ac- not as a simulated service test.
cordance with the requirements of Specification F 477.
5.3.2 Flattening—There shall be no evidence of splitting,
4.5.2 Lubricant—The lubricant used for assembly shall be
cracking, breaking, or separation of the two walls when the
as recommended by the manufacturer and shall have no
pipe is tested in accordance with 7.5 (see Note 4).
detrimental effect on the gasket or on the pipe and fittings.
5.3.3 Impact Strength—Pipe shall have the minimum im-
4.5.3 Solvent Cement—The PVC cement shall comply with
pact strengths listed in Table 6, when tested in accordance with
Specification D 2564. The solvent cement shall be used only
7.6. Failure of the test specimen shall be any crack, split, or
for bushings and saddle connections (see Fig. 1).
shattering of either the waterway or corrugation wall. Separa-
5. Requirements tion of the ribs of the exterior corrugation from the waterway
5.1 Workmanship—The pipe and fittings shall be homoge- wall constitutes a failure.
neous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign NOTE 4—This test is intended only for use as a quality control test at
time of manufacture, and not as a simulated service test.
5.3.4 Extrusion Quality:
Available from American Water Works Assn., 6666 West Quincy Ave., Denver,
CO 80235. Acetone Immersion—The pipe shall not flake, dis-
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 integrate, or exhibit separation of the two walls when tested in
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. accordance with 7.7.1.
F 949 – 03
F 949 – 03
TABLE 1 Pipe Dimensions
NOTE 1—Other corrugation configurations, meeting the following dimensional requirements are permissible.
50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test. to obtain a minimum of eight measurements in accordance with
Conduct tests under the same conditions of temperature and Test Method D 2122. Do not measure on a mold line.
humidity, unless otherwise specified. 7.3.3 Measure the length of pipe with a steel tape with
7.1.2 Quality Control Tests—For quality control tests, con- precision of at least 1⁄16-in. (1-mm) graduations in accordance
dition the specimens for a minimum of 4 h in air or 1 h in water with Test Method D 2122.
at 73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C). Test the specimens at 73.4 6 7.4 Fitting Dimensions:
3.6°F without regard to relative humidity. 7.4.1 Socket Diameters—Measure the inside diameters of
7.2 Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the Standard Labora- the sockets in accordance with Test Method D 2122. Calculate
tory Atmosphere at 73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5 % the average inside diameters of the socket as the arithmetic
relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test meth- mean of all of the diameters measured at each cross section.
ods or in this specification. In cases of disagreement, the 7.4.2 Socket Depth—Measure the fittings socket depth us-
tolerance shall be 61.8°F (61°C) and 62 % relative humidity. ing a good commercial quality scale calibrated in 1⁄32-in.
7.3 Pipe Dimensions: (1-mm) increments in accordance with Test Method D 2122.
7.3.1 Pipe Diameters—Measure the average outside diam- 7.4.3 Wall Thickness—Measure the wall thickness in accor-
eter of the pipe in accordance with Test Method D 2122 using dance with Test Method D 2122. Make sufficient readings, a
a circumferential wrap tape accurate to 60.001 in. (60.02 minimum of 8, to ensure that the minimum thickness has been
mm). The average inside diameter may be calculated from the determined. Use a ball anvil or a cylindrical anvil tubing
average outside diameter and wall thickness measurements in micrometer accurate to 60.001 in. (60.02 mm).
accordance with Test Method D 2122. 7.4.4 Laying Lengths—Measure the laying length of
7.3.2 Wall Thickness—Measure the wall thicknesses in molded fittings with a good commercial steel scale calibrated
accordance with Test Method D 2122. Each specimen will in 1⁄32-in. (1-mm) increments in accordance with Test Method
need to be cut lengthwise into at least eight segments in order D 2122.
F 949 – 03
TABLE 2 Bell (Socket) Dimensions for Gasketed Joints
Nominal AA BA C
Diameter in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
4 4.362 6 0.025 4.372 6 0.025 1.75
(110.79 6 0.64) (111.05 6 0.64) (44.5)
6 6.492 6 0.030 6.512 6 0.030 2.75
(164.90 6 0.76) (165.40 6 0.76) (69.9)
8 8.680 6 0.035 8.700 6 0.035 3.75
(220.47 6 0.89) (220.98 6 0.84) (95.3)
10 10.876 6 0.045 10.9006 0.045 4.75
(276.26 6 1.14) (276.86 6 1.14) (120.7)
12 12.873 6 0.055 12.8986 0.055 5.75
(326.97 6 1.40) (327.61 6 1.40) (146.1)
15 15.751 6 0.065 15.7766 0.065 6.75
(400.08 6 1.65) (400.71 6 1.65) (171.5)
18 19.260 6 0.075 19.2856 0.075 6.75
(489.20 6 1.91) (489.84 6 1.91) (171.5)
21 22.751 6 0.080 22.7816 0.080 8.5
(577.88 6 2.032) (578.64 6 2.032) (215.9)
24 25.758 6 0.085 25.7886 0.085 8.5
(654.25 6 2.159) (655.02 6 2.159) (215.9)
27 29.058 6 0.090 29.0886 0.090 8.5
(738.07 6 2.286) (738.84 6 2.286) (215.9)
30 32.368 6 0.095 32.3986 0.095 8.5
(822.15 6 2.413) (822.91 6 2.413) (215.9)
36 38.998 6 0.105 39.0286 0.105 8.5
(990.55 6 2.667) (991.31 6 2.667) (215.9)
Some sockets, dependent on the method of the manufacturer, do not have taper on inside diameter of socket. Total bell inside diameter is equal to “A” dimension.
7.5 Pipe Stiffness and Flattening: as a % of the inside pipe diameter, is reduced by the value as
7.5.1 For purposes of conducting pipe stiffness and flatten- determined by [3.43 (OD)/ (OD-ID)] for pipes with a 46 psi
ing tests, the pipe inside diameter shall be considered as the pipe stiffness or by the value as determined by [4.62 (OD)/
nominal diameter and the DY shall be the plate travel of the (OD-ID)] for pipes with a 115 psi pipe stiffness. OD and ID are
apparatus. the average outside and inside diameters of the pipe. (See Table
7.5.2 Pipe Stiffness—Determine the pipe stiffness at 5 % 1.) The test specimens for pipes 4 through 18 in. in diameter
deflection in accordance with Test Method D 2412. For diam- shall be a minimum of 6 in. (152 mm) long. The specimens
eters 4 through 18 in., test three specimens, each a minimum of shall be a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm) long for larger
6 in. (152 mm) in length. For diameters 21 through 36 in., test diameters. All specimens shall be cut to length by cutting
three specimens, each a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm) in length. through the corrugation valleys. After flattening, remove the
Specimens shall be cut in corrugation valley. All three speci- load and examine the specimens for evidence of splitting,
mens must pass.
cracking, breaking, or the separation of the two walls.
NOTE 6—The 5 % deflection criterion that was arbitrarily selected for
testing convenience should not be considered as a limitation with respect NOTE 7—Flattening test may be run in conjunction with pipe stiffness
to in-use deflection. The engineer is responsible for establishing the test in accordance with Test Method D 2412.
acceptable deflection limit. NOTE 8—The amount of flattening required in 7.5.3 develops bending
7.5.3 Pipe Flattening—Flatten three specimens between strains at least as great as those developed when flattening of a DR 35 pipe
by 60 %. See Appendix X4.
parallel plates until the distance between the plates, expressed
F 949 – 03
TABLE 3 Minimum Molded Fitting Dimensions (see Fig. 1)
NOTE 1—Fittings 10 in. and larger are typically fabricated. Contact the manufacturer for details on fittings. Bell dimensions meet the requirements of
Table 2.
Fitting, A B Fitting, A B C
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) in. in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
Couplings Tees
4 4.0 (102) 4343 4 4.6 (117) 2.1 (53)
6 6.0 (152) 6363 4 6.7 (170) 3.1 (79)
8 8.0 (203) 6363 6 6.7 (170) 3.0 (7)
10 10.0 (254) 8383 4 8.5 (216) 5.0 (127)
Saddle Tees 8383 6 10.2 (259) 5.3 (135)
634 8.0 (203) 3.3 (84) 8383 8 9.0 (229) 4.1 (104)
834 10.3 (262) 4.6 (117) Wyes
836 10.3 (262) 4.5 (114) 4343 4 6.5 (165) 5.6 (142) 1.0 (25)
10 3 4 10.7 (272) 5.6 (137) 6363 4 9.5 (241) 8.2 (208) 1.3 (33)
10 3 6 10.7 (272) 5.4 (137) 6363 6 9.5 (241) 8.1 (206) 1.3 (33)
Saddle Wyes 8383 4 11.5 (292) 7.5 (191) 0.7 (18)
634 9.0 (229) 6.5 (168) 8383 6 13.3 (338) 8.0 (203) 1.7 (43)
834 14.5 (368) 10.3 (262) 8383 8 17.0 (432) 8.3 (211) 3.5 (89)
836 14.5 (368) 10.2 (259) Tee-Wye
10 3 4 15.1 (384) 11.5 (292) 8383 4 5.4 (137) 6.3 (160) 2.8 (71)
10 3 6 15.1 (384) 11.4 (290) 8383 6 5.4 (137) 6.2 (157) 2.8 (71)
Spigot Caps Bushing
4 2.0 (51) 634 3.0 (76) 2.0 (51)
6 3.0 (76) 836 4.0 (102) 3.0 (76)
8 4.0 (102) Adaptors
10 5.0 (127) 4 2.0 (51) 2.0 (51)
1⁄4 Bend 6 3.0 (76) 2.5 (63)
4 2.1 (53) 2.3 (58)
6 3.1 (79) 2.4 (86)
1⁄8 Bend
F 949 – 03
TABLE 6 Minimum Impact Strength at 73°F (23°C) 7.8 Joint Tightness:
7.8.1 Elastomeric Seal (Gasketed) Joints— Conduct joint
Nominal Size, in. Impact Strength, ft·lb (J)
tightness test in accordance with Specification D 3212, except
4 60 (81)
6 80 (108)
use the shear loading saddle shown in Fig. 2.
8 80 (108) 7.8.2 Solvent Cement Joints—Join bushing to fitting or
10 100 (135) saddle to pipe in accordance with Practice D 2855, using
12 140 (189)
15 140 (189) solvent cement in accordance with 4.5.3. Allow the joined unit
18 140 (189) to stand 24 h at room temperature. Subject the unit to an
21 140 (189) internal water pressure of 10.8-psi (74-kPa) gage (25-ft head)
24 140 (189)
27 140 (189) for 1 h, and examine the pipe fittings and joints for leakage (see
30 140 (189) 4.5.3).
36 140 (189)
7.9 Perforations—Measure dimensions of perforations on a
straight specimen with no external forces applied. Make linear
measurements with an instrument accurate to 0.01 in. (0.25
Holder B. Specimens shall be a minimum of 6 in. long such
mm). Measure slot width with a taper gage and slot length with
that the specimens are cut in the valley and contain and odd
a vernier caliper.
number of corrugations. All six specimens shall pass. If one
specimen fails, test another six specimens. Eleven passes out of 7.10 Bond—Test the bond between the inner and outer wall
twelve tested shall be acceptable. with a probe or knife point. It shall not be possible to separate
7.7 Extrusion Quality: cleanly the two walls at the corrugation valley. Test samples at
7.7.1 Acetone Immersion—This test shall be conducted in eight equally spaced points around its circumference.
accordance with Test Method D 2152.
7.7.2 Heat Reversion—When substituted for acetone im- 8. Inspection
mersion, this test shall be conducted in accordance with 8.1 General—Inspection of the material shall be as agreed
Practice F 1057. upon between the purchaser and the seller as part of the
F 949 – 03
purchase contract. Inspection by the purchaser shall not relieve 11. Product Marking
the manufacturer of the responsibility of furnishing products 11.1 Quality of Marking—The markings shall be applied to
meeting in all respects the requirements of this specification. the pipe and fittings in such a manner that the lettering shall be
8.2 Notification—If inspection is specified by the purchaser, legible and permanent under normal conditions of handling and
the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in advance of the storage.
date, time, and place of testing of the pipe or fittings, or both, 11.2 Pipe in compliance with this specification shall be
so that the purchaser may be represented at the test. marked on the barrel at intervals not exceeding 5 ft (1.5 m) in
8.3 Access—The inspector shall have free access to those letters and not less than 1⁄4 in. (9.3 mm) in height with the
parts of the manufacturer’s plant that are involved in work following:
performed under this specification. The manufacturer shall
11.2.1 Manufacturer’s name, tradename, or trademark,
afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for determining
whether the pipe or fittings, or both, meet the requirements of 11.2.2 Nominal pipe size,
this specification. 11.2.3 This designation “ASTM F 949 (46 psi)” or “ASTM
F 949 (115 psi)”,
9. Rejection and Rehearing 11.2.4 Type of plastic “PVC” and minimum cell classifica-
9.1 If the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements tion, and
of this specification, the test(s) may be conducted again in 11.2.5 Extrusion code, including date and location of manu-
accordance with an agreement between the purchaser and the facture.
seller. In retesting, the product requirements of this specifica- 11.3 Fittings in compliance with this Specification shall be
tion shall be met, and the test methods designated in the marked with the following:
specification shall be followed. If, upon retest, failure occurs, 11.3.1 Manufacturer’s name, tradename, and trademark,
the quantity of product represented by the test(s) does not meet 11.3.2 Nominal size,
the requirements of this specification. 11.3.3 This designation “ASTM F 949,” and
10. Certification 11.3.4 Material designation “PVC.”
11.3.5 Fitting code, including date of manufacture.
10.1 When agreed upon in writing between the purchaser
and the producer, a certification shall be made the basis of
12. Quality Assurance
acceptance of material. This shall consist of a copy of the
manufacturer’s test report or a statement by the producer that 12.1 Quality Assurance—When the product is marked with
the material has been sampled, tested, and inspected in this designation, ASTM F 949, the manufacturer affirms that
accordance with the provisions of this specification. Each the product was manufactured, inspected, sampled, and tested
certification, so furnished, shall be signed by an authorized in accordance with this specification and has been found to
agent of the seller or the manufacturer. meet the requirements of this specification.
These requirements apply only to Federal/Military procurement, not domestic sales or transfers.
S1. Responsibility for Inspection—Unless otherwise speci- S2.1 Packaging—Unless otherwise specified in the con-
fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is respon- tract, the materials shall be packaged in accordance with the
sible for the performance of all inspection and test require- supplier’s standard practice in a manner ensuring arrival at
ments specified herein. The producer may use his own or any destination in satisfactory condition and which will be accept-
other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection able to the carrier at lowest rates. Containers and packing shall
and test requirements specified herein, unless the purchaser comply with Uniform Freight Classification rules or National
disapproves. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any Motor Freight Classification rules.
of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification where
S2.2 Marking—Marking for shipment shall be in accor-
such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that material
dance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies and MIL-STD-
conforms to prescribed requirements.
129 for military agencies.
NOTE S1.1—In U.S. Federal contracts, the contractor is responsible for
inspection. NOTE S2.1—The inclusion of U.S. Government procurement require-
ments should not be construed as an indication that the U.S. Government
S2. Packaging and Marking for U.S. Government Procure- uses or endorses the products described in this specification.
F 949 – 03
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 To avoid gasketed joint pull apart, pipe lengths should X1.2 Tests on pipes covered by this specification indicate
be limited by the engineer to account for thermal contraction that a coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction of 49.7
due to the differential between pipe installation temperature by 10−6 in./in./°F (89.5 mm/mm/°C) is suitable for tempera-
and ground temperature. Maximum length calculations should tures in the 0°F (−18°C) to 140°F (60°C) range.
take into account socket depths, gasket seal location, and a
suitable factor of safety.
TABLE X2.1 Base Inside Diameter and 71⁄2 % Deflection X2.1 Table X2.1 is provided to establish a uniform number
Mandrel Dimensions representing the inside diameter to be used as a base for
calculation of deflection limits (see also Table X2.2). For the
Average Inside Base Inside 71⁄2 % Deflec- purpose of monitoring the quality of installation, a specifier
Nominal Diameter DiameterA tion Mandrel
Size, in. may apply a deflection limit that he deems appropriate to the
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
base inside diameter to arrive at a mandrel dimension for a
Pipes with 46 psi pipe stiffness go/no-go gage. For economy in fabrication of mandrels, it is
6 5.909 (150.1) 5.758 (146.2) 5.33 (135.4) suggested that the outside diameter of each mandrel be rounded
8 7.881 (200.2) 7.655 (194.4) 7.08 (179.8)
10 9.846 (250.1) 9.546 (242.5) 8.83 (224.2)
to the nearest 0.01 in. (0.2 mm) for machining purposes. This
12 11.715 (297.56) 11.340 (288.04) 10.490 (266.45) procedure is demonstrated here for the 71⁄2 % recommended
15 14.338 (364.19) 13.862 (352.09) 12.822 (325.68) limit of Appendix X3. (Example: (100 % − 7.5 %)/100 3
18 17.552 (445.82) 16.963 (430.86) 15.691 (398.55)
5.785 = 5.33)
Pipes with 115 pipe stiffness
X2.2 This base inside diameter is not a product quality
8 7.710 (195.8) 7.483 (190.1) 6.92 (175.8)
10 9.644 (245.0) 9.313 (237.4) 8.61 (219.6)
control requirement, nor should it be used for flow calculations.
12 11.480 (291.6) 11.104 (282.05) 10.271 (260.89)
15 14.053 (356.90) 13.577 (344.87) 12.559 (319.00)
Base inside diameter is a minimum pipe inside diameter derived by subtracting TABLE X2.2 Out-of-Roundness Tolerance
a statistical tolerance package from the pipe’s average inside diameter. The
tolerance package is defined as the square root of the sum of squared standard Values for C
manufacturing tolerances.
Size, in.
Tolerance Package 5 = A2 1 2B2 1 C2 in. (mm)
6 0.150 (3.81)
where: 8 0.225 (5.72)
A = outside diameter tolerance (see Table 1), 10 0.300 (7.62)
B = excesss wall thickness tolerance (excess wall thickness is insignificant 12 0.375 (9.525)
and is taken as zero for all sizes), and 15 0.475 (12.065)
C = out-of-roundness tolerance, given in Table X2.2. 18 0.587 (14.910)
X3.1 Poly(vinyl) chloride corrugated sewer pipe with a not reduced by more than 71⁄2 % of its base inside diameter
smooth interior, made to this specification and installed in when measured not less than 30 days following completion of
accordance with Practice D 2321 can be expected to perform installation.
satisfactorily provided that the internal diameter of the barrel is
F 949 – 03
X4.1 Profile wall pipes have thicker major walls (deeper t = thickness of solid wall pipe wall = OD/DR,
profiles) than the wall thickness of equal stiffness, solid wall DR = dimension ratio of a solid wall pipe = outside
pipes of the same material. Therefore, profile wall pipes diameter/t = OD/t, and
develop greater bending strains when flattened to the same R = mean pipe radius.
degree. The methodology presented here selects a flattening
level for profile wall pipes that better equates these strain X4.2 To select an equivalent flattening level to develop
levels. Because bending tension strains cause failure, they are equal strains, set Eq X4.1 equal to Eq X4.2 and solve for the
the major consideration here. Bending strains for profile and profile wall pipe deflection (DP) necessary to produce the strain
solid wall pipes may be expressed as follows see AWWA level in the solid wall pipe (eS) as follows:
Manual 45.: Dp 5 0.3@2R/DR ~Cmax!# (X4.3)
ep 5 Df~Dp! ~Cmax/R! (X4.1)
X4.3 For an approximate solution, simplify by setting 2R =
OD and multiply by 100 to express Dp as a percent as follows:
es 5 Df~Ds! ~0.5 t/R! (X4.2)
Dp 5 0.3 @OD/DR ~Cmax!# 100, % (X4.4)
where: If Cmax is not known, for bending tension at the spring line,
ep = bending strain in the profile wall pipe, conservatively assume the following:
es = bending strain in an equal stiffness solid wall pipe,
Dp = flattening level in the profile wall pipe, %, Cmax 5 ~OD– ID!/4 and for DR35 ~that is, 462psi
or 3202kPa pipe stiffness! (X4.5)
Ds = flattening level in a solid wall pipe = 60 %,
Df = factor to account for the shape of the defected pipe,
Since the deflected shape varies with stiffness, the Dp 5 3.43 OD /~OD–ID!, % (X4.6)
value of Df is the same for pipes with the same where:
stiffness; Df cancels out in this analysis. OD and ID = average outside and inside pipe diameters
Cmax = extreme fiber distance of the pipe wall, from Table 1.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website