Offshore Mooring Chain: Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302
Offshore Mooring Chain: Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302
Offshore Mooring Chain: Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302
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Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008
Changes – Page 3
Sec. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9
A 100 Introduction 201 Applicable reference documents are given in Table B1.
101 This offshore standard contains criteria, technical Table B1 Normative references
requirements and guidance on materials, design, manufacture No. Title
and testing of offshore mooring chain and accessories.
ASTM E112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
102 The standard has been written for general world-wide ASTM E381 Method of Macro-etch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,
application. Governmental regulations may include require- Blooms and Forgings
ments in excess of the provisions by this standard depending ISO 4967 Steel – Determination of content of non-metallic
on the size, type, location and intended service of the offshore inclusions – Micrographic method using standard
unit or installation. diagrams
103 The objectives of this standard are to: ASTM A255 Standard Test Methods for Determining Harden-
ability of Steel
— provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety by DNV-OS-B101 Metallic materials
defining minimum requirements for offshore mooring
ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing Qualification and certifi-
chain and accessories cation of personnel
— serve as a contractual reference document between manu-
facturers and purchasers EN 473 Non destructive testing - Qualification and certifi-
cation of NDT personnel - General principles
— serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers
and regulators SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Non-
— specify procedures and requirements for offshore mooring (ASNT) destructive Testing
chain and accessories subject to DNV certification and EN 10228-1/3 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings
classification. ASTM A275 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examina-
tion of Steel Forgings
104 This standard is divided into three main chapters: ASTM A388 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of
Heavy Steel Forgings
— Chapter 1: Section 1 with general information, scope, def-
initions and references ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examina-
— Chapter 2: Sections 1 and 2 with technical provisions for
materials and chain cables ASTM A609 Standard Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-
Alloy and Martensitic Stainless Steel, Ultrasonic
— Chapter 3: Section 1, Appendix A and B giving specific Examination Thereof
procedures and requirements applicable for certification
and classification of materials and chain cables in accord- ISO 1704 Ships and marine technology – Stud-link anchor
ance with this standard. Also, requirements to design ver-
ification are given. API Spec 2F Specification for mooring chain
ASTM E587 Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination
A 200 Scope and application by the Contact Method
201 The mooring chain and accessories specified herein are ASME IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications
intended for position mooring applications such as: mooring of EN 287 Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding
mobile offshore units, mooring of floating production units, EN 288 Specification and approval of welding procedures
mooring of offshore loading systems, and mooring of gravity for metallic materials
base structures during fabrication. ISO 9606 Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding
202 Mooring chain links covered are common stud links and ASTM A488 Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifica-
common stud less links, connecting common links (splice tions of Procedures and Personnel
links), enlarged links and end links.
203 Mooring chain accessories covered are detachable con-
necting links (shackles), connecting plates (triplates etc), end
(anchor) shackles, swivels and swivel shackles. C. Definitions
C 100 Verbal forms
101 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed in
B. Normative References order to conform to this standard and from which no deviation
is permitted.
B 100 General
101 The standards in Table B1 include provisions which, 102 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this off- recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or
shore standard. Latest issue of the standards shall be used excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred
unless otherwise agreed. but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be applied
subject to agreement.
102 Other recognised standards may be used provided it can
be demonstrated that these meet or exceed the requirements of 103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action
the standards in Table B1. permissible within the limits of the standard.
103 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the 104 Agreement, agreed or by agreement: Unless otherwise
design codes and standards shall be documented and agreed indicated, agreed in writing between manufacturer and pur-
between the supplier, purchaser and verifier, as applicable. chaser.
Sec. 1 Materials .................................................................................................................................. 13
Sec. 2 Mooring Chain Cables and Accessories................................................................................... 18
formed shall be repeated after re-heat treatment and the results B. Rolled Steel Bars
must meet the specified requirements.
B 100 Scope
A 600 Inspection
101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to
601 Materials are subject to visual inspection, non-destruc- hot rolled steel bars to be used in the manufacture of offshore
tive testing (NDT) and measurements of dimensions as mooring chain and accessories.
detailed in B to D. The manufacturers shall prepare written
procedures for NDT. NDT personnel shall be qualified and B 200 Manufacture
certified according to ISO 9712, EN 473, SNT-TC-1A or 201 Bars shall be made from ingots or continuous cast
equivalent. NDT operators shall be qualified to at least level I. blooms or billets. Ingots shall be cast in chill moulds with the
602 NDT shall be performed in accordance with the general larger cross-section up, and with efficient feeder heads. Suffi-
practice of recognised standards, e.g.: cient discard shall be made to ensure soundness in the finished
Magnetic particle testing (MT) of forgings: bar. Surface and skin defects, which may be detrimental during
the subsequent working and forming operations, shall be
— EN 10228-1, ASTM A275, using wet continuous magnet- removed.
isation technique 202 The rolling reduction ratio shall be at least 5:1. The roll-
ing reduction ratio shall be calculated as the ratio average
Ultrasonic testing (UT) of forgings: cross-sectional area of the cast material to cross-sectional area
— EN 10228-3, ASTM A388 of the finished bar.
B 300 Chemical composition
Magnetic particle testing (MT) of castings:
301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed
— ASTM E709, using wet continuous magnetisation tech- specification.
B 400 Condition of supply and heat treatment
Ultrasonic testing (UT) of castings: 401 Unless otherwise agreed, the bars shall be delivered in
— ASTM A609 the as rolled condition.
402 For mechanical testing and hydrogen embrittlement test-
603 MT of forged or cast accessories shall be carried out ing, bar material shall be tested in the condition of heat treat-
after proof load testing. Where a forging or casting is delivered ment used for the chain as advised by the chain manufacturer.
in an intermediate condition for subsequent processing and
final MT by the purchaser, the manufacturer should perform B 500 Mechanical testing
suitable intermediate inspections taking into consideration the 501 A test unit shall consist of bars of the same nominal
quality level required in finished condition. In such cases the diameter, made from the same heat of steel, and with a total
extent of testing and acceptance criteria shall be agreed mass not exceeding 50 tonnes.
between manufacturer and purchaser. See also C600, D600,
and Sec.2 C. 502 Test material shall consist of a suitable length cut from
one bar in each test unit. The test material shall be heat treated
604 UT of forgings or castings shall be carried out at an in full cross-section, see 402.
appropriate stage after the final heat treatment for mechanical
properties, e.g. after proof load testing of finished accessories. 503 For each test unit, one tensile and three Charpy V-notch
test pieces shall be taken. For Charpy V-notch impact testing,
A 700 Repair the notch shall be cut in a face of the test piece which was orig-
701 Surface defects may be removed by grinding as detailed inally approximately perpendicular to the rolled surface.
in B to D. The resulting grooves shall have a bottom radius of 504 The mechanical properties shall comply with the values
approximately three times the depth and shall be blended into given in Table E1.
the surrounding surface to avoid any sharp contours. Complete
elimination of the defective material shall be verified by suita- B 600 Hydrogen embrittlement testing
ble NDT. 601 For grade R3S, R4, R4S and R5, each heat of steel shall
702 Except as provided for steel castings, repair by welding be tested for hydrogen embrittlement by slow strain rate tensile
is not permitted. testing. Samples shall be taken from two bars representing the
front end and tail end of the billet string in case of continuous
A 800 Identification casting, or two ingots in case of ingot casting.
801 Each bar, forging, or casting shall be suitably identified 602 Two tensile test pieces shall be taken from the central
with at least the following: region of each bar. The test pieces shall have a diameter of 20
mm, or alternatively 14 mm. One test piece shall be tested
a) identification number, heat number or other marking that within three hours after machining for a 20 mm diameter test
will enable the history of the item to be traced, piece, or 1.5 hours for a 14 mm diameter test piece. The other
b) steel grade designation. test piece shall be tested after baking at 250°C for four hours
for a 20 mm diameter test piece, or two hours for a 14 mm
A 900 Records diameter test piece. The test pieces shall be loaded at a strain
rate not exceeding 0.0003 per second until fracture occurs.
901 The manufacturer shall maintain traceable records of the 603 As an alternative to testing within the time limits given
following and present them to the purchaser on request: in 602 the test pieces may be cooled to –60°C immediately
a) steelmaking process and chemical composition after machining and kept at that temperature for a maximum
period of five days before testing.
b) heat treatment 604 The reduction of area values shall be determined. The
c) mechanical testing ratio Z1 to Z2, where Z1 is the value without baking and Z2 is
d) inspection the value after baking, shall not be less than 0.85. Alterna-
tively, the ratio shall not be less than 0.80 provided Z1 is at
e) repair. least 50%.
605 If the results do not meet the specified requirements, the tempered accessories with diameter over 120 mm shall receive
bar material may be subjected to a hydrogen degassing treat- an annealing or normalising heat treatment prior to quenching
ment. The embrittlement tests shall be repeated after degassing and tempering.
and the results must meet the specified requirements. 402 For grade R4, R4S and R5, tempering temperatures shall
B 700 Dimensions and tolerances not be less than 590°C and cooling after tempering shall be in
701 The tolerances on diameter and roundness shall be in
accordance with Table E2. Measurements shall be made on at 403 Where forgings are to be quenched and tempered and
least 1% of the bars. cannot be hot worked close to shape, they shall be rough
machined prior to being subjected to this treatment.
B 800 Inspection 404 All hot forming operations shall be conducted prior to
801 All bars supplied in a machined (peeled) condition shall the final heat treatment. If a forging is subsequently heated for
be visually inspected. All bars supplied without machining further hot forming, the forging shall be re-heat treated.
shall be tested for longitudinal imperfections by magnetic or
electrical methods in accordance with the general practice of C 500 Mechanical testing
recognised standards. 501 Forged accessories shall be mechanically tested as given
802 All bar material shall be subjected to ultrasonic testing in Sec.2 C.
at an appropriate stage of manufacture. C 600 Inspection
803 All bars shall be free from injurious pipe, cracks, seams, 601 All forgings shall be visually inspected on accessible
laps or other imperfections which, due to their nature, degree surfaces. Where applicable, this is to include the inspection of
or extent, will interfere with the use of the bars. internal surfaces and bores. The surfaces shall be adequately
B 900 Repair prepared for inspection. Black forgings shall be suitably de-
901 Defects may be removed by grinding to a depth of 1% of
the nominal bar diameter. 602 Forgings shall be free from injurious pipe, cracks,
seams, laps or other imperfections which, due to their nature,
degree or extent, will interfere with the use of the forgings.
603 All finished accessories are subject to magnetic particle
C. Steel Forgings testing, see A600 and Sec.2 C.
C 100 Scope 604 Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out on all forgings
after the final heat treatment when the surfaces have been
101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to brought to a condition suitable for UT. Both radial and axial
steel forgings to be used in the manufacture of chain accesso- scanning shall be used when appropriate for the shape and
ries. Additional requirements for the finished accessories are dimensions of the forging being tested. Unless otherwise
given in Sec.2 C. agreed with the purchaser the entire volume of the forgings
shall be tested.
C 200 Manufacture
605 For calibration, reference blocks shall be made from
201 Forgings shall be made from ingots or continuous cast steel that is similar in chemistry and processing history to the
blooms or billets. Ingots for forgings shall be cast in chill production forgings. The distance amplitude curve (DAC)
moulds with the larger cross-section up, and with efficient shall be based on 3 mm flat bottom hole. No indications equal
feeder heads. Adequate top and bottom discards shall be made to or larger than the reference DAC are acceptable.
to ensure freedom from piping and harmful segregations in the
finished forgings. Surface and skin defects, which may be det- C 700 Repair
rimental during the subsequent working and forming opera-
tions, shall be removed. 701 Defects on non-machined surfaces may be removed by
grinding to a depth of 5% of the nominal diameter. Grinding is
202 The material shall be progressively hot worked by ham- not permitted on machined surfaces, except for slight inspec-
mer or press, and shall be forged as close as practical to the fin- tion grinding on plane surfaces in order to investigate spurious
ished shape and size. indications. Welding and weld repairs are not permitted.
203 The reduction ratio shall be calculated with reference to
the average cross-sectional area of the cast material. Where an
ingot is initially upset, this reference area may be taken as the
average cross-sectional area after this operation. The total D. Steel Castings
reduction ratio shall be at least 3:1. For forgings made by
upsetting, the length after upsetting is to be not more than one- D 100 Scope
third of the length before upsetting or, in the case of an initial 101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to
forging reduction of at least 1.5:1, not more than one-half of steel castings to be used in the manufacture of chain accesso-
the length before upsetting. ries. Additional requirements for the finished accessories are
204 Welding to forgings is not permitted. This includes the given in Sec.2 C.
welding of brackets, bosses, or attachments. D 200 Manufacture
C 300 Chemical composition 201 Castings shall be manufactured according to drawings
301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed showing the positions of gates, risers and chills (if used).
specification. 202 Where flame cutting, scarfing or arc-air gouging to
remove surplus metal is undertaken, the affected areas shall be
C 400 Heat treatment either machined or ground smooth.
401 Forged accessories in grade R3 and R3S shall be sup-
plied in the normalised, normalised and tempered, or quenched D 300 Chemical composition
and tempered condition. Grade R4, R4S and R5 shall be sup- 301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed
plied in the quenched and tempered condition. Quenched and specification.
D 400 Heat treatment 703 Weld repairs are classified as major or minor. A weld
401 Cast accessories in grade R3 and R3S shall be supplied repair is considered major when the depth of the groove pre-
in the normalised, normalised and tempered, or quenched and pared for welding exceeds 25% of the diameter or 25 mm,
tempered condition. Grade R4, R4S and R5 shall be supplied whichever is smaller. All other weld repairs are considered
in the quenched and tempered condition. Quenched and tem- minor.
pered accessories with diameter over 120 mm shall receive an 704 Major weld repairs require the approval of the purchaser
annealing or normalising heat treatment prior to quenching and before the repair is commenced. Proposals for major repairs
tempering. shall be accompanied by sketches or photographs showing the
402 For grade R4, R4S and R5, tempering temperatures shall extent and positions of the repairs. A grain refining heat treat-
not be less than 590°C and cooling after tempering shall be in ment shall be given to the whole casting prior to major repairs.
water. 705 Minor weld repairs must be recorded on sketches or pho-
D 500 Mechanical testing tographs showing the extent and positions of the repairs.
501 Cast accessories shall be mechanically tested as given in 706 All weld repairs shall be done by qualified welders using
Sec.2 C. qualified procedures. Welders shall be qualified according to
EN 287, ISO 9606, ASME IX, ASTM A488 or equivalent.
D 600 Inspection Procedures shall be qualified according to EN 288, ASME IX,
601 All castings shall be visually inspected on accessible ASTM A488 or equivalent with the following additional
surfaces. Where applicable, this is to include the inspection of requirements: Charpy V-notch impact tests with notch loca-
internal surfaces and bores. The surfaces shall be adequately tions in weld metal, fusion line and heat affected zone + 2 mm
prepared for inspection. and + 5 mm from fusion line, respectively. Test results shall
meet the requirements specified for the parent metal.
602 Castings shall be free from adhering sand, scale, cracks,
hot tears or other imperfections which, due to their nature, 707 The welding consumables used shall be of a suitable
degree or extent, will interfere with the use of the castings. composition giving a weld deposit with mechanical properties
similar to those of the parent castings. Low hydrogen consum-
603 All finished accessories are subject to MT, see A600 and ables shall be used. Welding consumables shall be stored and
Sec.2 C. handled so as to maintain the hydrogen classification and in
604 Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out on all castings accordance with the consumable manufacturer’s recommenda-
after the final heat treatment when the surfaces have been tions.
brought to a condition suitable for UT. Both radial and axial
scanning shall be used when appropriate for the shape and 708 When repair welding is done after the casting has been
dimensions of the casting being tested. Unless otherwise heat treated for mechanical properties, the repaired casting
agreed with the purchaser the entire volume of the castings shall be given a furnace stress relieving or tempering heat treat-
shall be tested. ment as detailed in the qualified procedure.
605 For calibration, reference blocks shall be made from 709 On completion of heat treatment the weld repairs and
steel that is similar in chemistry and processing history to the adjacent material shall be ground smooth. All weld repairs are
production castings. The distance amplitude curve (DAC) subject to NDT as required by 600.
shall be based on 3 mm flat bottom hole for testing to a depth
of 25 mm below the surface and 6 mm flat bottom hole for test-
ing the remaining volume. No indications equal to or larger
than the reference DAC are accepted. E. Materials for Studs
D 700 Repair E 100 Scope
701 Defects on non-machined surfaces may be removed by 101 These requirements apply to forged or cast steel materi-
grinding to a depth of 5% of the nominal diameter. Grinding is als to be used in the manufacture of studs.
not permitted on machined surfaces, except for slight inspec-
tion grinding on plane surfaces in order to investigate spurious E 200 Chemical composition
201 The chemical composition shall be similar to that of the
702 Where the repair entails removal of more than 5% of the chain link or in compliance with a specification that provides
diameter or thickness, the defective area shall be repaired by for similar response to heat treatment.
welding. The excavations shall be suitably shaped to allow
good access for welding. The resulting grooves shall be subse- 202 The carbon content should not exceed 0.25% or the car-
quently ground smooth and complete elimination of the defec- bon equivalent (IIW) should not exceed 0.58% if the studs are
tive material shall be verified by NDT. to be welded in place.
A. General Requirements agreed between manufacturer and purchaser. Links having dif-
ferent proportions must be able to accommodate adjacent links
A 100 Scope and connectors.
101 Sub-section A specifies the general requirements for B 300 Manufacture
mooring chain and accessories in grade R3, R3S, R4, R4S and
R5. The materials used shall comply with the requirements in 301 Mooring chains shall be manufactured in continuous
Sec.1. lengths by flash butt welding.
302 Blanks for links shall be heated by electric resistance or
A 200 Inspection in a furnace. For electric resistance heating, the heating phase
201 Chain and accessories are subject to visual inspection, shall be controlled by an optical heat sensor. For furnace heat-
non-destructive testing (NDT) and measurements of dimen- ing, the temperature shall be controlled and continuously
sions as detailed in B and C. The manufacturer shall prepare recorded using thermocouples in close proximity to the bars. In
written procedures for NDT. NDT personnel shall be qualified both cases, the controls shall be checked at least once every
and certified according to ISO 9712, EN 473, SNT-TC-1A or eight hours and records made.
equivalent. NDT operators shall be qualified to at least level I. 303 The following welding parameters shall be controlled
A 300 Repair during welding of each link:
301 Defects may be removed by grinding as specified in B — platen motion
and C. The resulting grooves shall have a bottom radius of — current as a function of time
approximately three times the depth and shall be blended into — hydraulic upset pressure.
the surrounding surface to avoid any sharp contours. Complete
elimination of the defective material shall be verified by suita- The controls shall be checked at least every four hours and
ble NDT. records made.
A 400 Identification 304 Excess flash weld material shall be removed. A clean
fusion zone, including the zone where the stud is pressed into
401 Identification marks shall be legible and, as far as possi- the link, shall be maintained. The trimming knives used for
ble, permanent throughout the expected service life of the flash removal shall be systematically and periodically control-
chains and accessories. led in order to monitor the degree of deterioration. The knives
shall be changed out at regular intervals as specified in the
A 500 Records applicable work procedure.
501 The manufacturer shall maintain traceable records of the
following and present them to the purchaser on request: B 400 Welding of studs
401 Studs may be welded for grade R3 and R3S chains.
a) materials, as detailed in Sec.1 Welding shall be completed before the chain is heat treated.
b) manufacture and heat treatment of chain and accessories Welding of studs in grade R4, R4S and R5 chain is not permit-
c) proof load testing
402 Stud welds shall be made by qualified operators or weld-
d) breaking load testing ers using qualified procedures and low-hydrogen processes or
e) mechanical testing consumables. The stud ends must be a good fit inside the link
f) measurement of dimensions and the weld shall be confined to the stud end opposite the
flash butt weld. The full periphery of the stud end shall be
g) inspection welded. The size of the stud welds shall be according to API
h) repair. Specification 2F.
502 The manufacturer is responsible for storing, in a safe and B 500 Heat treatment
retrievable manner, all records for at least ten years. 501 Mooring chains shall be heat treated in continuous fur-
naces. Batch heat treatment is not permitted except for short
lengths of chain such as adaptor pieces and chafe chains.
B. Mooring Chain 502 Grade R3 and R3S shall be supplied in the normalised,
normalised and tempered, or quenched and tempered condi-
B 100 Scope tion. Grade R4, R4S and R5 shall be supplied in the quenched
and tempered condition. Tempering temperatures shall not be
101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to less than 570°C and cooling after tempering shall be in water.
stud link and stud less mooring chain.
503 The temperature uniformity of furnaces shall be checked
B 200 Design at least annually during normal furnace operations and when-
ever production changes to a chain diameter that differs by
201 For stud link mooring chain, the form and proportion of more than 15% from the previous check. Furnaces shall be
links shall be in accordance with ISO 1704. The stud shall be checked by a monitoring link similar to the production links
designed to give an impression radius not less than 4 mm and and instrumented with two thermocouples; one attached to the
a depth of impression between 2 and 6% of the nominal chain surface of the straight portion and one imbedded in the centre
diameter. of the straight portion. The strip chart recording shall indicate
202 For stud less mooring chain, the nominal outside length that the surface temperature never exceeds the maximum spec-
shall be six times nominal diameter and the nominal outside ified after the core has reached the minimum temperature spec-
width shall be 3.35 times nominal diameter unless otherwise ified. The combinations of temperatures and soaking times
shall be sufficient to accomplish the heat treatment objectives. 705 In the event of a test failure, two further breaking load
504 Furnaces shall be fully stabilised before the production tests shall be made. The sampling length shall be considered
chain enters. The leading and trailing ends of the production acceptable if both additional tests meet the requirement and if
chain shall be provided with sufficient scrap chain to ensure it has been determined by examination that the probable cause
uniform conditions during heat treatment. of failure is not present in any of the remaining links.
505 Furnace zone temperatures, chain speed and quenching B 800 Mechanical testing
water temperature shall be controlled and continuously 801 Samples of the chain shall be subjected to mechanical
recorded. The records shall identify each chain length treated. testing after proof load testing, except as provided in 802. The
506 To further control heat treatment of grade R4, R4S and frequency of sampling shall be in accordance with Table C2
R5 chains exceeding 700 meters length, hardness surveys provided that every heat of steel is represented. End links and
along the length shall be made every 100 meters provided enlarged links heat treated with the chain need not be tested
every heat of steel is represented. Hardness tests shall also be provided that common links from the same heat of steel are
made on each link subjected to mechanical tests. Indentations tested.
shall be made at the same place on each link, preferably on the 802 Prior proof load testing of sample links may be omitted
straight portion, after suitable surface preparation. A minimum provided it is documented that the properties, when determined
of five indentations should be made on each link to obtain an after proof load testing, generally equal or exceed those of
average hardness value. Each link not tested for mechanical links without prior proof load testing. Test results from at least
properties shall have an average value within 15% of the three heats of a particular grade shall be provided for this pur-
link(s) from the same heat that has been satisfactorily tested for pose.
mechanical properties. If the results do not comply, the link
with the largest deviation shall be cut out and subjected to 803 A sample consists of at least one link. Sample links for
mechanical testing. No further action is required if the testing shall be made as part of the chain cable. They may be
mechanical properties are met. Hardness surveys shall be removed prior to heat treatment provided that:
— each sample is properly identified with the chain repre-
B 600 Proof load testing sented, and
— each sample is securely attached to and heat treated with
601 Each length of chain shall be proof load tested in the the chain represented.
condition of supply and shall withstand the proof load speci-
fied in Table C1 without fracture. The applied load may exceed Where multiple samples are needed to represent a continuous
the specified minimum load by up to 15% in order to fasten length, these shall be attached to both ends of the chain. Where
studs and or to adjust dimensions. sub-lengths of chain are temporarily joined for continuous pas-
602 In the event of a test failure, two additional breaking sage through the furnace, samples shall also be attached in-
load tests shall be made; one from each side of the failed link. between if the number permits.
The length shall be considered acceptable if both additional 804 One tensile and nine Charpy V-notch test pieces shall be
tests meet the requirement and if it has been determined by taken from each sample, see Figure 1. The tensile test piece
examination that the probable cause of failure is not present in and three impact test pieces shall be taken from the side of the
any of the remaining links. link opposite the flash weld. Three impact test pieces shall be
taken across the flash weld with the notch centred in the mid-
B 700 Breaking load testing dle. The position of the weld shall be accurately identified by
701 Samples of the chain shall be subjected to breaking load etching with a suitable reagent before cutting the notches.
testing in the condition of supply. The frequency of sampling Three impact test pieces shall be taken from the outer bend
shall be in accordance with Table C2 provided that every heat region, except as provided in 805. The longitudinal axis of the
of steel is represented. End links and enlarged links heat test pieces shall be one third radius below the surface.
treated with the chain need not be tested provided that common 805 The frequency of impact testing at the bend may be
links from the same heat of steel are tested. reduced subject to agreement between the manufacturer and
702 A sample consists of at least three links, except that for purchaser. In such cases it shall be documented that the
chain with nominal diameter 100 mm or above, the sample requirements are consistently achieved. Test results from at
may consist of one link provided that terminations of similar least five heats of a particular grade shall be provided for this
size and geometry providing a good fit are used. purpose.
703 Sample links for testing shall be made as part of the 806 The preparation of test pieces and the procedures used
chain cable. They may be removed prior to heat treatment pro- for mechanical testing shall comply with the relevant require-
vided that: ments of DNV-OS-B101. The results shall comply with the
mechanical properties specified in Table C3.
— each sample is properly identified with the chain repre- 807 If the tensile test fails, two further test pieces selected
sented, and
from the same sample shall be tested. If either of the re-tests
— each sample is securely attached to and heat treated with fails, the sampling length represented is rejected.
the chain represented.
808 If the impact test fails, three further test pieces selected
Where multiple samples are needed to represent a continuous from the same sample shall be tested. The values shall be
length, these shall be attached to both ends of the chain. Where added to those previously obtained to form a new average. This
sub-lengths of chain are temporarily joined for continuous pas- average shall comply with the requirements. No more than two
sage through the furnace, samples shall also be attached in- individual results shall be lower than the specified minimum
between if the number permits. average and no more than one individual result shall be below
704 Each sample shall withstand the breaking load specified the specified minimum single value. If the re-test fails, the
in Table C1. It shall be considered acceptable if the samples sampling length represented is rejected.
show no sign of fracture after application of the minimum 809 Rejected lengths may be submitted to re-heat treatment
specified load for 30 seconds. If the capacity of the manufac- after agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. In such
turer’s testing machine is insufficient, the testing shall be car- cases the tests previously performed shall be repeated and the
ried out at another place recognised by the purchaser. results must meet the requirements.
provided that the stud fits snugly and its ends lie flush against
the inside of the link:
— maximum off-centre distance shall be 10% of the nominal
chain diameter
— maximum angular misalignment shall be four degrees.
908 If one or two links fail to meet tolerance requirements,
measurements of the particular dimension shall be made on 20
more links on each side of the affected links. If a third link fails
to meet tolerance requirements, measurements of the particular
dimension shall be made on all links. Links that fail to meet the
requirements shall be rejected, unless otherwise agreed with
the purchaser.
B 1000 Inspection
1001 After proof load testing, all links shall be visually
inspected and non-destructive tested. Prior to inspection the
surfaces shall be cleaned by shot or sand blasting.
1002 All accessible surfaces, including the outer bends, shall
be visually inspected. Links shall be free from burrs, rough
edges, cracks, dents, cuts, distinct trimming marks, and other
injurious imperfections. Studs shall be securely fastened; no
axial or lateral movement is permitted.
1003 The flash butt welds and the areas gripped by the
clamping dies shall be magnetic particle tested (MT). Addi-
tionally, for chain with nominal diameter 132 mm or above,
Figure 1 10% of the links distributed over the length shall be tested on
Position of test pieces all accessible surfaces. Testing shall be performed in accord-
ance with ASTM E709 or another recognised standard using
wet continuous magnetisation technique. Links shall be free
B 900 Dimensions and tolerances from:
901 After proof load testing, the pitch length in chain — relevant linear indications exceeding 1.6 mm in transverse
intended to work in way of windlass and fairlead shall be direction
measured five links at a time with an overlap of at least one — relevant linear indications exceeding 3.2 mm in longitudi-
link. The measurements shall be made over the entire length of nal direction
chain while the chain is either loaded to approximately 10% of — relevant non-linear indications exceeding 4.8 mm.
the proof load or otherwise suitably arranged to enable correct
measurements. The length over five links shall meet the toler- 1004 The flash butt welds shall be ultrasonic tested (UT) in
ances given in Table C1. The links held in the end blocks may accordance with ASTM E587 or another recognised standard
be excluded from these measurements. using single probe, angle-beam shear waves in the range from
902 If a five link length is short, the chain may be stretched 45 to 70°.
by loading as detailed in 601. If a five link length exceeds the Guidance note:
plus tolerance, the affected links are rejected. It should be recognised that the single probe technique has limi-
903 Measurements of all other dimensions, as detailed in 904 tations as far as testing of the central region is concerned and that
flash weld imperfections such as flat spots may have poor reflec-
to 907, shall be made on at least 5% of the links distributed tivity. However, the central region would normally not contain
over the length. the typical imperfections that can occur in flash butt welds.
904 The diameter shall be measured at the crown. The aver- Where it is deemed necessary, detectability of imperfections can
age diameter based on two perpendicular measurements must be improved by using a tandem technique.
have no negative tolerance and the plus tolerance shall not ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
exceed 5% of nominal diameter. As a result of being bent
around the anvil, however, a particular diameter may be 1005 UT equipment shall be calibrated using IIW blocks.
smaller than the nominal: The search unit shall be checked for beam exit point and angle
of reflection at least once per working shift or 8 hours, which-
— for nominal diameter up to 84 mm: - 2 mm ever comes first.
— for nominal diameter 85 through 122 mm: - 3 mm 1006 UT reference blocks shall be made from a chain link
— for nominal diameter 123 through 152 mm: - 4 mm that is similar in diameter, surface condition, chemistry, and
— for nominal diameter 153 through 184 mm: - 6 mm processing history to the production links. The block shall con-
tain two surface notch reflectors in the plane of the weld ori-
— for nominal diameter 185 through 210 mm: - 7.5 mm ented 180° apart; one located on the inner surface adjacent to
the stud, and one located on the outer surface. The notch shall
905 The largest diameter at the flash weld area shall be be maximum 3 mm wide and cut to a depth 4% of nominal
checked. The plus tolerance shall not exceed 15% of nominal diameter or 5 mm, whichever is smaller. The notch shall be cut
chain diameter. circular with radius 15 mm. With the search unit positioned,
906 The outside length and width shall be measured. Toler- the instrument is calibrated to obtain indication amplitude
ances shall not exceed ±2.5%. from both reflectors of approximately 75% of full screen
907 The stud position and alignment shall be measured. The height. The procedure shall be repeated from the other side of
stud shall be located in the link centrally, and at right angles to the weld.
the sides of the link. The following tolerances are acceptable 1007 UT of production links shall be performed by scanning
along the circumference from both sides of the weld with the agreement, at the time of ordering, the responsibility of the var-
amplitude calibration increased by 6 dB. Indications equal to ious parties for meeting the requirements.
or larger in amplitude to that of the reference notch, when
properly corrected for distance, are not accepted. C 200 Design
1008 Stud welds, if used, shall be visually inspected. The 201 Accessories shall be manufactured in accordance with
toes of the fillets shall have a smooth transition to the link with ISO 1704 or purchaser-approved drawings showing the fin-
no undercuts exceeding 1.0 mm. Additionally, at least 10% of ished dimensions and the surfaces that will be subjected to sig-
the stud welds distributed through the length shall be liquid nificant loading. Accessories of unconventional design shall
penetrant or magnetic particle tested. Cracks, lack of fusion or have their drawings accompanied by calculations or design
gross porosity are not accepted. If defects are found, testing reports.
shall be extended to all stud welds in that length. 202 Detailed design of Kenter shackles shall be according to
API Spec 2F. Machining of Kenter shackles shall result in fillet
B 1100 Repair radius minimum 3% of nominal diameter.
1101 Defects may be removed by grinding to a depth of 5%
of the nominal diameter. C 300 Proof load testing
1102 Rejected links shall be cut out and replaced by connect- 301 All accessories shall be proof load tested in the condition
ing common links (splice links) or detachable joining shackles. of supply and shall withstand without fracture the proof load
1103 Splice links to connect lengths of heat treated chain or prescribed in Table C1 for the stud link chain grade and size
to replace cut out links without the necessity for re-heat treat- for which they are intended.
ment of the whole length shall be made in accordance with a 302 In the event of a test failure, the accessory shall be
procedure approved by the purchaser. The manufacture and rejected. Testing of the remaining accessories shall be consid-
heat treatment of splice links shall not affect the properties of ered acceptable if they meet the requirement and if it has been
the adjoining links. The temperature reached by adjoining determined by examination that the probable cause of failure is
links shall not exceed 300°C. not present in any of the remaining accessories.
1104 The use of splice links is restricted to three links, on C 400 Breaking load testing
average, in each 100 m of chain. Each splice link included in a
chain shall be proof load tested, measured, inspected, and iden- 401 At least one accessory out of every test unit shall be
tified as detailed in 600, 900, 1000, and 1200. breaking load tested in the condition of supply and shall with-
stand without fracture the breaking load prescribed in Table C1
1105 A second identical splice link shall be made for for the chain grade and size for which they are intended. It shall
mechanical testing as detailed in 800. Where a number of be considered acceptable if the samples show no sign of frac-
splice links are included and these are made in series, the link ture after application of the specified minimum load for 30 sec-
for mechanical testing may represent five splice links from the onds.
same heat of steel.
402 A test unit shall consist of up to 25 accessories of the
1106 Detachable joining shackles to connect lengths of heat same type, grade and size, made from the same heat of steel,
treated chain or to replace cut out links shall be in accordance and heat treated in the same furnace charge.
with C. The use of these is subject to the approval of the pur-
chaser in terms of the number and type permitted. 403 For individually produced accessories or less than five
produced accessories, alternative testing may be agreed
B 1200 Identification between the manufacturer and purchaser.
1201 Each length of chain shall be identified with at least the 404 Except as provided in 405, accessories that have been
following: breaking load tested shall be discarded and not used as part of
an outfit.
— identification number or other marking that will enable the
history of the length to be traced 405 Accessories that have been breaking load tested may be
— chain grade designation used as part of an outfit provided that:
— connecting common links, if used, shall have unique
identification numbers. — the accessories are of increased dimensions or alterna-
tively a material with higher strength characteristics is
1202 The chain shall be marked at the following places: used, and
— it is verified by procedure test that such accessories are so
— at each end designed that the breaking strength is not less than 1.4
— at intervals not exceeding 100 m times the breaking load of the chain cable for which they
— on connecting common links are intended.
— on links next to shackles or connecting common links.
406 In the event of a test failure, two further breaking load
1203 The identification marks shall be placed on the studs tests shall be made. The test unit shall be considered acceptable
or, in the case of stud less links, on the outside of the link oppo- if both additional tests meet the requirement and if it has been
site the flash weld. Marking by welding is not permitted on determined by examination that the probable cause of failure is
stud less links. not present in any of the remaining accessories.
C 500 Mechanical testing
501 At least one accessory out of every test unit shall be ten-
C. Chain Accessories sile and impact tested in the condition of supply. Except as pro-
vided in 503, test pieces shall be taken from proof load tested
C 100 Scope or breaking load tested full size accessories. For each test unit,
101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to one tensile and three Charpy-V-notch test pieces shall be
chain accessories. taken.
102 Where the manufacture of materials and accessories, 502 A test unit shall consist of up to 25 accessories of the
heat treatments, machining, testing and inspections involve same type, grade and size, made from the same heat of steel,
several parties, the purchaser should establish by contract and heat treated in the same furnace charge.
503 For individually produced accessories or less than five 703 All machined surfaces, fillets, abrupt changes in section,
produced accessories, alternative to testing full size accesso- and surfaces that will be subjected to significant loading, as
ries may be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser indicated on drawings, shall be magnetic particle tested (MT).
provided that: Testing shall be performed in accordance with standards refer-
enced in Sec.1 A600. Surfaces shall be free from:
— the alternative testing is described in a written procedure,
and — relevant linear indications exceeding 1.6 mm in transverse
— the separately forged coupon have a cross-section and a direction
reduction ratio similar to that of the accessories repre- — relevant linear indications exceeding 3.2 mm in longitudi-
sented, and nal direction
— it is verified by procedure test that coupon properties are
representative of accessory properties. — relevant non-linear indications exceeding 4.8 mm.
C 600 Dimensions and tolerances 704 Requirements for ultrasonic testing are given in Sec.1
C600 (forgings) and D600 (castings).
601 After proof load testing, at least one accessory out of
every test unit shall be checked for dimensions. Where appli- C 800 Repair
cable, the measurements shall include detachable component
parts. 801 Defects on non-machined surfaces may be removed by
602 The diameter must have no negative tolerance. Unless grinding to a depth of 5% of the nominal diameter. Grinding is
otherwise specified by the purchaser, the plus tolerance on not permitted on machined surfaces, except for slight inspec-
diameter shall not exceed 5% and tolerances on other dimen- tion grinding on plane surfaces in order to investigate spurious
sions shall not exceed plus or minus 2.5%. indications.
603 If an accessory fails to meet the tolerance requirements C 900 Identification
or if Kenter shackles or similar designs are loose upon re-
assembly, it shall be rejected and all remaining accessories in 901 Each accessory shall be identified in a low stress area
the test unit shall be measured. with at least the following:
C 700 Inspection — identification number or other marking that will enable the
701 After proof load testing, all accessories shall be visually history of the accessory to be traced
inspected and non-destructive tested. Prior to inspection the — chain grade designation.
non-machined surfaces shall be cleaned by shot or sand blast-
ing. Where applicable, the accessories shall be dismantled for 902 Each detachable component part shall be marked with
inspection of internal surfaces. an identifying number to avoid mix-up of parts.
702 All accessible surfaces shall be visually inspected and be 903 Accessories that have been breaking load tested and are
free from burrs, rough edges, cracks, dents, cuts, and other used as part of an outfit, as permitted in C400, shall be marked
injurious imperfections. with the grade of chain for which they are intended.
Table C1 Formulas for proof and breaking test loads, weight, and five link length
Grade R3 Grade R3S Grade R4 Grade R4S Grade R5
Proof load, stud link (kN) 0.0156d2 0.0180d2 0.0216d2 0.0240d2 0.0251d2
(44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d)
Proof load, stud less (kN) 0.0156d2 0.0174d2 0.0192d2 0.0213d2 0.0223d2
(44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d)
Breaking load (kN) 0.0223d2 0.0249d2 0.0274d2 0.0304d2 0.0320d2
(44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d) (44-0.08d)
Weight, stud link (kg/m) 0.0219d2
Five link length (mm) Minimum 22d and maximum 22.55d
d is the chain nominal diameter
Sec. 1 Certification and Classification - Requirements ...................................................................... 27
App. A Scope of Survey for Mooring Chain ........................................................................................ 29
App. B Scope of Survey for Mooring Chain Accessories .................................................................... 30
B 200 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 602 Semi-finished steels such as billets, blooms and forged
bars intended for chain cable accessories shall be delivered
201 The purchaser shall supply the manufacturer with all with the manufacturer’s certificates giving the following par-
information necessary to ensure correct material and certifica- ticulars for each test unit which has been accepted:
tion. This applies particularly where optional or additional
conditions are specified. — purchaser's name, order number and vessel identification,
where known
B 300 Design verification — manufacturer's name
301 Mooring chain cables and accessories shall be designed — number and dimensions of semi-finished products and
according to requirements given in Ch.2 Sec.2 B200 and C200, steel grade
respectively. Where designs differ from this, the drawings and — identification marking of products
calculations shall be submitted to DNV for approval. — heat number and chemical composition
— details of heat treatment — purchaser's name, order number and vessel identifi-
— results of any supplementary and additional test require- cation, where known
ments specified. — manufacturer's name
— description of products and dimensions
603 Materials for studs shall be delivered with the manufac- — grade of chain, method of manufacture, condition of sup-
turer’s certificates or test reports. ply and reference to material certificate
— identification marking
B 700 Certification of mooring chain and accessories — results of proof load test, breaking load test and mechani-
701 Mooring chain and accessories shall be delivered with cal tests
DNV certificates giving the following particulars for each test — confirmation of dimensional measurements and inspec-
unit which has been accepted: tions.
Hold point (H) A point where DNV shall be present for supervision or survey. Advance notification to DNV shall be given
in writing or any other agreed system of notification. Work shall not proceed beyond a hold point without
DNV present or, in exceptional cases where presence is waived, without first obtaining written authorisa-
tion from DNV.
Witness point (W) A point where DNV may be present for supervision or survey, at their discretion. Advance notification to
DNV shall be given in writing or any other agreed system of notification. Work may proceed beyond a
witness point with or without DNV present.
Monitoring (M) Intermittent monitoring or surveillance of any stage of the work in progress including, but not limited to,
checking compliance with procedures/instructions for manufacture, testing and inspection, observing
workmanship, traceability, etc.
Review (R) Examination of records of activities performed or results achieved.
Hold point (H) A point where DNV shall be present for supervision or survey. Advance notification to DNV shall be given
in writing or any other agreed system of notification. Work shall not proceed beyond a hold point without
DNV present or, in exceptional cases where presence is waived, without first obtaining written authorisation
from DNV.
Witness point (W) A point where DNV may be present for supervision or survey, at their discretion. Advance notification to
DNV shall be given in writing or any other agreed system of notification. Work may proceed beyond a wit-
ness point with or without DNV present.
Monitoring (M) Intermittent monitoring or surveillance of any stage of the work in progress including, but not limited to,
checking compliance with procedures/instructions for manufacture, testing and inspection, observing work-
manship, traceability, etc.
Review (R) Examination of records of activities performed or results achieved.