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XGR3 Undermountain

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Adventure for 8th-Level Characters
Part of the Wintering in Waterdeep Series

Gen Con Indy 2004 Verison

by Stephen Radney MacFarland and Ed Greeley
With special thanks to Jeff Simpson and Andy Collins

“The most famous battlefield in which to earn a reputation as a veteran adventure—and the best
known grave of heroes in Faerûn.”
~Elminster of Shadowdale.

Sources: Forgotten Realm Campaign Setting [Ed Greenwood, Rob Heinsoo, Skip Williams], Magic of Faerûn
[Sean K. Reynolds, Duane Maxwell, and Angel McCoy], Monster Manual II [Ed Bonny, Jeff Grubb, Rich
Redman, Skip Williams, and Steve Winter] Ruins of Undermountain [Ed Greenwood], Skullport [Joseph C.

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To
learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit www.wizards.com/d20

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, FORGOTTEN REALMS and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LEGACY OF THE
GREEN REGENT and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. © 2004 Wizards of the Coast, ALL
RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network.
This adventure is optimized for 8th-level characters. This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MINIATURES
means that it is primarily designed and balanced for a group To run this adventure it's recommended you have the following
of four or five 1st-level characters. If your group deviates miniatures:
from this size and strength, each encounter features a
section titled Scaling the Encounter, so that you, the From the Harbinger set:
Dungeon Master (DM), can create a more balanced 3 Medusa (41/80) t
x Orc Warriors (y)
encounter. If there are only four or five PCs in your group,
and all are of the same character level, it is pretty easy to use
From the Dragoneye set:
this section: just use the level entry that corresponds with
1-3 Thayan Knights (38/60)
the PCs’ levels. For groups of mixed levels and groups with
3 Gargoyles (52/60)
six PCs, first determine the average character level of the 1 Dire Ape (26/60) to represent Vip th e Flesh Golem.
group then add a +1 modifier for groups with six players. 1 Silver Sorcerer (24/60) to represent the Green Scion.
Treat that value as the level of the group. Use your DM’s
discretion, though. If the PCs are having too hard or too From the Archfiends set:
easy of a time, feel free to increase or decrease the level of 4 Warrior Skeletons (43/60) for the Fallen
challenge. The goal is to challenge the PCs, not overwhelm 6 Medium Earth Elementals (6/60) for Mud Elementals
or even underwhelm them. The most enjoyable D&D 1 Gauth (34/60) to represent beholder
games are the ones where failure and death are a possibility, 6 Dread guard (31/60)
but success and reward are attainable through daring and 4 Grave Hounds (41/60)
smart play. 2 Cursed Spirit (4960)
Note: If you are planning on playing this 2 Cultist of the Dragon (48/60) to represent arcane initiates.
adventure, stop reading now. If you read farther than this 2 Bone Devils (29/60)
paragraph you’ll know too much about its challenges, which
kills the fun. Also, if you are planning on playing this From the Giants of Legend set:
adventure at an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond 1 Fire Giant (31/72)
this point makes you ineligible to do so. 2 Basilisks (31/72)
4 Tanarukk (59/72) to represent electric tanarukk.
1 Behir (66/72)
3 Otyugh (27/72)
1 Lich (53/72) to represent Nester’s body.
PREPARATION 1 Sword of Glory (5/72) to represent Vevol of Cyric.
As DM you need a copy of the three revised edition (also 1 Lareth the Beautiful (52/60) to represent Beberis of Cyric.
called version 3.5) core D&D rulebooks to play this
adventure. They are the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon From the Aberrations set:
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. It is also Chuul (48/60)
recommended that you have the FORGOTTEN REALMS Hooked Horror (36/60)
Campaign Setting book, but it is not necessary. You’ll also 3 Sharn Cutthroat (20/60) to represent slayers.
need a set of polyhedral dice, and something to use as the <<End Sidebar>>
battle grid (a vinyl or laminated grid usually works best, so
you can use wet-erase markers to draw battle grid features),
represent combatants on the battle grids. Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an RPGA
Throughout the adventure, shaded boxes provide event from the RPGA website (www.wizards.com/rpga), but
player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud you may have received a copy of it from other means. In
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important information order to play this adventure as part of the LEGACY OF THE
for you, including special instructions on running the GREEN REGENT campaign, a worldwide ongoing D&D
adventure. Information on nonplayer characters (NPCs) campaign, you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event.
and monsters appear in abbreviated form in the adventure This event could be as elaborate as a big convention, or a
text. Full information on nonplayer characters and simple as a group of friends meeting at their DM’s house.
monsters will either be given in an appendix of this In order to sanction the event you must be at least
adventure or can be found in the Monster Manual or an RPGA Herald-level Gamemaster. The person who
FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. sanctions it is called the senior gamemasters, and is in
At the end of this adventure you’ll also find an charge of making sure the event is runs, and is reported in a
RPGA Table Tracking sheet. If you are playing this timely manner. The person who runs this game is called the
adventure as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, you need to table DM (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all
complete it and return it to your senior gamemaster (see the time in the case of home events) the senior gamemaster
below for more details). is also the DM. You don’t have to be a Herald-level

Undermountain Page 2
Gamemaster to run this adventure if you are not the Senior
GM, but being one also makes you eligible to sign up for
RPGA DM Rewards, and when you do, running this
Wintering in Waterdeep
adventure will earn you points toward your reward goals. This adventure is part of the Wintering in Waterdeep series.
By sanctioning and then reporting this adventure In this series of adventures, the heroes of Loudwater are
you accomplish a few things. First, it allows the PCs that staked out in the City of Splendors looking for Otar the
participate in this adventure accumulate experience points Green Regent, who they have tracked to this metropolis.
(XP) and gold pieces (gp) to advance their LEGACY OF THE Gen Con Indy gives a sneak peek of this storyline with LGR-
GREEN REGENT character. Second, the RPGA bases future 16 In Cold Blood and XGR-3 Undermountain.
adventures on what the majority of PCs do in past ones; PCs
actions, shape the direction of the campaign. And lastly,
players and DMs gain rewards for sanctioned play if they
REWARDS and the DUNGEON MASTER Rewards, The adventure starts when the PCs hear a song drifting
respectively. This adventure is worth four points for each out a tavern called the Yawning Portal. Inside they find the
program. bard is none other than Loudwater resident fool, Jekris the
If you are looking for more information in regards Mad. The buffoon Jekris dances in the common hall of the
to LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT character creation and inn, singing his song in perfect pitch. The ditty recounts
development, RPGA event sanctioning, and both the that the Green Regent entered Undermountain by way of
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Player Rewards and the DUNGEON the tavern’s well—the most celebrated entrance into the
MASTER Rewards programs, see the RPGA website. great massive dungeon below Waterdeep. By the song’s end,
he beseeches the PCs to delve into with him into the bowels
of Halaster’s maze to find the Green Regent, whom he
knows is in dire need of aid.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Once the PCs accept (or Jekris makes them, see
Otar, orc of the High Forest and the current Green Regent, Troubleshooting the Adventure), the strange old man leads
has been missing since spring. Disappearing after his them down into the winding passages of Undermountin.
coronation as Mielikki’s champion, his whereabouts have Their path is safe until he brings them to one of two points
long been a manner of conjecture. Not too recently it was in the dungeon. In these places he lets the PCs travel on
found that the Green Regent has traveled to the City of their own through treacherous dungeon passages, and
Waterdeep in a search to find more about his destiny. strange doomgates to reach their final destination: the Hold
Worse yet, it was discovered that Otar might be stepping of the Black Sun, where Otar is hold, and where the final
into a trap that could ultimately lead to his demise. battle to save the Green Regent will occur.
Heroes of Loudwater took it upon themselves to search Depending on the path that Jekris sends the PCs upon
for the Green Regent in the City of Splendors. Each has his (that is, which set up the players are seated at), the PCs
or her own agenda. Some to save the Green Regent, other to could adventure in the general area of a doomgate
prove that he truly is a fraud, while others are pushed on by controlling mercantile trio of medusa, or the complex of a
their own curiosity about the events unfurling in the former apprentice of Halaster’s former apprentice, a lichlike
region. Others still follow only for the thrill of adventure creature named Nester.
and to make a name in the bard’s songs.
Whatever the reason, this the early winter of the year of
Wild Magic, they all came to Waterdeep. And on a cold TROUBLESHOOTING THE
Uktar night they stumble upon the trail of the Green
While it was the Forest Lady’s will for Otar to come to Reequipping the Characters: If you are playing this
Loudwater, other powers work against the Green Regent. adventure as part of the LEGACY OF THE GREEN
The strange, draconic Green King has built a network of REGENT campaign, players come to their event with their
strange allies. The PCs may have already found that this characters fully equipped based on their current level and
eluive creature has sparked deals with the Banites of Orlbar gold piece value. They can reequip their character when
and Llorkh, but now they’ll learn that it also has Cyricist they are in a town or city by spending their Coin on Hand
allies. (CoH). They can even increase their CoH by selling items
These allies have sprung a trap for Otar. They have for half their listed value.
drawn him to Waterdeep in search for a tome titled Legacy of Waterdeep is a metropolis with a 100,000-gp limit. This
the Green Regent, a book that is touted to be a secret history means that characters can find items worth 100,000 gp or
of the regents of Loudwater. less for sale within the city. LEGACY OF THE GREEN
Falling for the Cyricist trap, Otar is now imprisoned by REGENT characters also have a gp limit on which items
followers of the Dark Sun. With the help of a child of the they can buy based on their level. In Waterdeep, unlike
Green King and a strange and powerful artifact, they plan to Loudwater, there are more shops available to sell the PCs
sacrifice Otar in a bid to increase the power of the Green magic items, as the city is one of the largest trade hubs in all
King…unless the PCs can come to the Otar’s aid. of Faerun. As the PCs go up in level, their prestige grows
and opportunities to purchase more powerful items become

Undermountain Page 3
available. At 7th-level, the gp limit to purchase items is Raise dead incurs a 1,100-gp debt, and resurrection a 6,000-
9,500 gp, while the 8th-level gp limit is 13,500, and the 9th- gp debt per casting. The cost for each casting of either may
level gp limit is 18,000 gp. be divided up between the characters that were played
In events where you will have a limited session time, during the session. This debt is forever subtracted from the
you will want to put a limit on at-the-table equipment equipment value of the character, and reported in the "GP
purchasing. No more than 15 minutes should be spent for Debt" field of the Session Tracking Sheet. Additionally, the
this activity during a normal four-hour or five-hour session, character that came back from the dead has its experience
and even then some groups may not finish the adventure. points reduced. The amount of experience points reduced is
The Vastness of Undermountain: Undermountain is a dependant on the current character level (see Table LGR16-
truly massive locale. It would take thousands of pages to 1, below) of the PC the raise dead was cast on. Record the
cover all the possible routes the PCs could take in this proper amount on the "XP Drain" field of the Session
massive Realms graveyard. The locations given are just a Tracking Sheet. These two costs are the only costs for the
small part of the whole. Most players will see the “adventure raise dead (even for 1st-level characters), and override the
writer/participant contract” and follow the paths of rules found in the Player's Handbook. When a character is
adventure laid out for them. Others may resist. As DM, try brought back from the dead, it is not recorded as a character
your best to keep them on track by any means necessary. death (don't mark yes); just record the gold debt and
Give them alternate routes to the same goal, tweak experience drain.
encounters here and there to challenge them and make the
story unfold. XGR31: Experience Point Drain for Raised or
Screw Otar!: Some character will not care if Otar lives
and dies. These characters need proper motivation, and the Resurrected Characters
NPC Jekris (see below) gives it to them. If any character Character Level XP Drain
refuses Jekris’s invitation to help free the Green Regent, 7th 3,500 XP
Jekris casts geas (caster level 20) on that PC, and tasks them 8th 4,000 XP
with this compulsion to save the Green Regent. 9th 5,000 XP
Jekris the Mad: The PCs get help from a being that may th
be an old friend. Jekris the Mad, a legend in Loudwater 10 5,500 XP
starts the PCs out on this adventure, and may provide
valuable help as the adventure goes on.
Jekris is gaunt, frazzled, and toothless old man dressed ADVENTURE START: OUTSIDE
in soiled robes. He tends to babble inanely, but also has a
strange habit of giving good advice. He starts the PCs on
their quest and may aid them along the way. No more than It’s a frigged night, and the sharp northern winds are biting
once during the adventure Jekris shows up and casts mass through the Castle Ward of the city. Braced against the cold you
heal on the PCs (up to 250 hp back to each PC). He comes trudge up Rainrun Street, and on past cork.
when the PCs are in dire straits, but not when they are Ahead you see a glow of warmth as a tavern door opens and a
engaged in combat. He may show up other times (or not drunken northern barbarian tumbles out. Snow flies in every
show up at all) based on the PCs actions in Undermountain. direction as he hits the ground. He laughs heartily at his own
Time: The PCs have three days from the start of the drunken clumsiness, joining the chorus of friendly laugher coming
adventure to save Otar. If by the end the third day the PCs from inside the tavern. You notice a sign above the door to the
don’t save him, the Green Regent is dead. Some action in tavern proclaims it the Yawning Portal. As the laugher trickles
Undermoutain might affect this timetable, including into grunts and giggles, you hear that someone is singing inside the
attacking the Hold of the Black Sun, which will speed up tavern, just before the tavern door closes you hear the this verse:
the Cyricists’ actions. Otar, tattooed and regal, jumped down the well,
Raising the Dead: At this point the PCs have earned Down, down he went, to face dangers fell…
enough renown, and enough gold and experience, to come The door then closes and laughter and verse are replaced with
back to life. Like many things that involve XP and gp cost, howling wind and bitter cold.
raise dead and other spells worth differently in
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS. If a PC dies, There are few who don’t know (Intelligence check,
and his or her companions are able to bring the body back Knowledge Local – Waterdeep, or bardic knowledge DC 12)
to Waterdeep within 20 days after the time of death, a high- that the Yawning Portal is the best-known entrance into
level cleric of one of various good-aligned temples in the Undermoutain, a mass dungeon that lies under Waterdeep.
city is able to cast raise dead and bring the character back It is strange hearing Otar’s name here, because most from
(assuming the soul is willing). people from Waterdeep know little about life outside their
Alternatively, because very powerful divine spellcasters sprawling metropolis, and the PCs have yet to find a local
dwell in the City of Splendors, it is possible to procure a who even knows of Otar or the Green Regent.
resurrection spell here. Only a portion of the body must The only thing there is left for the PCs to do is enter the
remain, and the subject can be dead for as much as 130 Yawning Portal and find out more. When they do, they find
years. the place crowded with revelers, as is typical on a late
evening. The Portal is a rambling, dingy building decorated
with blue tapestries and wood paneling. But the décor (nor

Undermountain Page 4
the ale, which is only middle rate) is the reason patrons reenters it. Objects can be thrown through doomgates, but
come to the Portal. Almost all the patrons come to this place spells cannot be cast through them.
to see who will brave vast and dangerous Undermountain, [[[End Sidebar]]]
or—better still—who will return with stories and fantastic
treasure. Dungeon Delving is almost a spectators sport in
the Yawning Portal. PATH OF MUD AND STONE
In the middle of the usually crowded common room is a In this path the PC encounter a slimy room with a doomgate
great open well—the very portal that gives the tavern its that leads to a trio of medusas lair. If the PCs can avoid the
name. Next to it stands a fat priest of Tymora, to bless those medusa and other strange monsters, they can make their
who seek the blessing of Lady Luck in the dungeons below. way to a second doomgate that leads to the Hold of the Dark
He also can cast up to 4 cure light wounds (1d8+5), 3 cure Sun.
moderate wounds (2d8+5) and 2 cure serious wounds (3d8+5) a 1. Chamber of the Fallen (EL 10)
day for extremely fair fees: 40 gp for cure light wounds, 80 gp Light: Slightly, by phosphorescent lichen. Each 5-foot
for cure moderate, and 125 gp for cure serious. square of the fungus glows like a candle.
PCs searching for the source of the music, soon find it. Sound: Giggling bubbling from the abyssal mud.
In a corner of the common room Jekris the Mad, a Reaction: Approaching the open to this chamber with
Loudwater legend, dances in the corner. an open flame sets off the fire fungus (see Fungus, below).
Reaching the halfway point to the bridge sets off a trap.
Surprisingly you find that the song comes from someone you Entering the muddy area cause the mud elementals to
know---or at least know of. Toothless and frazzled, old and attack.
seemingly utterly insane, Jekris the Mad is a legend in Loudwater Auras: Moderate conjuration magic (doomgate), faint
as strange force of nature known to help adventurers and then conjuration magic (abyssal mud), faint evil (abyssal mud,
disappear mysteriously. He dances here in the corner of the mud elemental), moderate evil (fallen), faint chaos (abyssal
common room. His moves are strange and erratic, much like hi s mud), moderate undead (fallen).
reported behavior, but voice is clear and perfect. Jekris leads the PCs to the Chamber of the Fallen, a
A trap unfair captured him there, strange muddy locale situated in Undermountain’s third
And waits for you to find him in the Cyricist’s lair. main level. Like much of the chambers the PCs have
traversed to get to this point, there is no sign of activity
If the PCs question Jekris they find him strangely lucid. He here, but every once in a while screams, chuckles, and
tells the PCs that the Green Regent needs their help, and he sounds of faint battle echo down the expansive corridors of
can take them halfway to Otar if they will follow him into this strange place.
Undermountain. He tells the PCs that Otar is being held in Now, with the PCs approaching their destination read
a place called the Hold of the Dark Sun—a hidden enclave or paraphrase the following:
to Cyric—and that if Otar is not rescued within three day,
he will be sacrificed, which could mean terrible things for The stench of an age-old swamp rank with foul decay and fetid
Loudwater. water assault your noise as you approach a massive opening in the
If the PCs agree, he takes them into Undermountain. corridor beyond. Even from this distance you see that the chamber
Keep in mind that he doesn’t take no for an answer (see beyond is somewhat lit—or at least a pathway winding through it
Troubleshooting). Cheering Yawning Portal Patrons marks is—by phosphorescent lichen. Your whimsy guide points down the
the PCs’ decent. It costs 1 gp each for a PC to descend into passage: “There is the Chamber of the Fallen. And like many before
the dungeon, and the cleric of Tymora warns that each PC him, that is where Otar fell. But unlike the others, he is not yet
needs to pay a gold piece to be let back up. dead.”
Once gold is paid, Jekris guides the PCs through the
twisting tunnels. Traveling for an hour, the PCs see that the True to form, Jekris doesn’t elaborate on his statement, and
place is truly vast, as tunnels fork and wind into the like before does all sorts of irritating things to avoid
distance at almost every turn, but for the entire hour’s travel questioning. At this point the PCs should be used to it…or
they find no danger…until they reach the first chamber of at least one would think they would be. As the PCs
one of two possible paths. approach closer, set their figures on the battle grid (see the
DM map for locations).
[[[Star Sidebar]]]
Doomgates Now that you are closer, you can see that the chamber is square
Doomgates are one-way, sometimes multiple destination and rather large—probably 50 feet or so to a side. A black bubbling
gates that riddle Undermountain. They are always invisible, mud covers most of the chambers floor, but a solid and stone bridge
but black disks placed there by dungeon dwellers mark some. of floor stone stretches across the room to the chamber’s exit. Along
A creature need only enter the area of a doomgate to activate this bridge of stone and the walls of the chamber the glowing
it. It automatically transfers the creature to the destination fungus that illuminates the room glows a ghostly green. To the
(usually, but not always another doomgate). If the destination right—on the north wall of the chamber—a grab ladder
is another doomgate, the other creature can’t utilize the constructed of dark iron climbs up the wall toward the ceiling,
destination doomgate until he or she leaves the area and then which is lost in darkness.

Undermountain Page 5
Smell: Have the PCs make a Fortitude save (DC 15). Some players may suggest that large characters can carry
Failure indicates that the PC can’t stomach the powerful Small characters across the muck, perhaps tucked the smaller
odor of the room. The foul stench sends oily tendrils of guys in their backpack.
displeasure down the back of the character’s throat, and he
Don’t suggest this option—after all, it’s not your job to
or she becomes sickened (takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls,
saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for as long as advise the players—but if the players ask if it can be done,
he or she is in the room and 1d4 rounds after leaving it. instruct them of the following:
Fungus: The lichen is of two different types. One is • Medium PCs can carry Small PCs without affecting speed
glow rot, a natural and non-harmful fungus that glows with or encumbrance level.
a natural ghostly luminance. The second is fire fungus, a • The Small PC gains no cover from the Medium PC, and
fungal growth that sheds warmth and light, raising the vice versa. Remember that since there’s no facing in D&D, it’s
temperature within 30 feet of it by 10 degrees (and thus no good for the Small PC to hide “behind” the Medium PC—
contributes to the swampy stuffiness of this room).
as long as they share a square, they’re both equally vulnerable
However, any open flame brought within 20 feet of fire
fungus causes it to explode, dealing 5d6 points of fire to attacks. This means that as long as the Medium PC is
damage to each creature in a 20-foot radius of the patch. threatened by a foe, so is the Small PC.
Such an explosion kills the fire fungus. It can also be killed • Even when he or she isn’t threatened, the Small PCs
by cold damage—10 points of cold damage is sufficient to must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level).
kill a 5-foot square patch. The two patches of fire fungus are Failure means the spell is lost.
marked on the DM Map. A DC 15 Knowledge (nature or • If the Small PC takes damage while riding the Medium
dungeoneering) or a DC 20 Survival check recognized both PC, she or he must succeed at a DC 5 Ride check or fall to the
types of subterranean fungus, and allows the PC to tell them
ground in a randomly determined square adjacent to the
apart by sight.
Trap: The bridge across the chamber is a trap. Whenever Medium PC. If the Small PC falls from the Medium PC, or if
a creature passes the bridge’s midpoint (25 feet) from any Medium PC falls while Small PC is riding him or her, the Small
direction, it suddenly parts in the center. Both ends of the PC takes 1d6 points of falling damage.
bridge instantly pivot downward on hidden iron and [[[End Sidebar]]]
magically reinforced hinges at each of the archways. Those
on the bridge must succeed a Reflex save (DC 18) or Ladder: The rungs of the ladder go both up (to the first
immediately fall into the mud. Those who succeed at the sidetrek area, the Sewers Above) and down (to a doomgate,
save can stay on the pivoting bridge, but must climb (DC see Development). Climbing the ladder is DC 10 (going up)
25) up to one of the archways to escape. If found (Search or DC 15 (going down due to having to push into the mud).
DC 30) the trap can be disabled (DC 30). The trap is Creatures: Leaving the stone bridge rouses the strange
automatically reset when all non-elemental living creatures mud elementals that dwell within the muck. Unlike many
leave the room, its pathway magically devoid of mud thanks elementals they are evil, and attack creatures for the love of
to Halaster’s strange whims. carnage. Entering key squares (you’ll find them on the DM
Mud: Neither of the fungus causes the nauseating map) also triggers the fallen—the undead remain of
stench; the mud does. This is not your garden-variety muck, adventure’s who’ve met their end in this room—to animate
but rather it was transplanted here by unknown persons and attack defilers. These creatures are what are left of the
(maybe even Halaster) and for unknown reasons from the many who have died in this chamber…and transformation
Slim Pits of the Abyss. This abyssal mud stings to the touch into this form of undead is the fate of any PC who dies in
(but does no real damage on such minimal contact) and this chamber. Like Medium PCs they are limited to their
does 1d8 points of acid damage per round (roll on the PCs movement within the mud, but can and do chase PCs on
initiative) to creatures submerged in it. The mud is 10, or 5 the ladder and even through the doomgate once roused from
feet deep, depending on its location in the room (see DM their resting. The mud elementals cannot leave this
Map). Movement is difficult in the mud. On 5-foot deep chamber, but will chase PCs fleeing up the ladder as far as
sections Medium PCs can wade through the mud at x2 cost, the entrance to area 2.
but smaller creatures have to swim or be carried by another Mud Elemental (8): hp 37, 35, 34, 33, 32, 27, 26, 21; see
characters (see the sidebar “Giving the Little Guy a Lift”). Appendix 1
The only way to move through areas of deeper mud is by Fallen (4): hp 28, 26, 24, 23; see Appendix 1.
swimming. Because of its thickness the base DC for the Tactics: Whether or not the PCs wade or fly across the
swim check is 15. Unless under the influence by freedom of room, the mud elementals attack. If they can’t reach PCs
movement or a similar effect, slashing or bludgeoning they throw their acidic mud (see Appendix 1) moving as
weapons suffer a –2 penalty and do half damage when used close to the PCs as possible. If the PCs climb up the ladder,
while wading or submerged in the mud. they follow. Thanks to their earth glide ability, they can
traverse up the wall without climbing, which they also use
[[[Start Sidebar]]] to good affect when chasing flying PCs. Characters stuck in
Giving the Little Guy a Lift deep (10-foot deep or deeper) mud are in even more trouble,
as the mud has no ill effects on the elementals’ movements

Undermountain Page 6
or their attacks, and elementals will swarm to limit the their Creature: The great crustaceanlike beast is a chuul who
enemies choice of egress. was unleashed in the sewers by the crime lord Xanathar for
The fallen follow more straightforward tactics. Each nefarious reasons years ago. Unless the PCs attack, it
fallen attacks the creature who roused it, and continues to devours the poor gnome who stumbled upon its lair.
follow it until either it is destroyed or its defiler is dead. If it Chuul: hp 93; see Monster Manual page 35 and 36.
is able to kill a defiler in this room, the body of that PC falls Tactics: As soon as the chuul is aware of the PCs it
into the mud, and becomes one of the fallen in 1d4 days moves to defend it prey and hopefully gain other tasty
unless removed from the room and raised or resurrected. morsels. It attacks enemies with its claws and then transfers
Development: As far as the adventure goals go, raveling them to its paralytic tentacles at the first possible
across the stone bridge and continuing on to the other opportunity. Paralyzed creatures dropped so that the chuul
passage is a net dead end. Remember that leaving the room can move on to its next victim.
for any substantial period of time resets the trap. It also Development: If the PCs defeat the chuul, they can
respawns the mud elementals, making this room dangerous rescue Hevrit Dumbldiddle (male gnome Rog3; hp 15
once again. [current 2]; AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14). He immensely
The ladder up leads to area 2, below. While off the grateful, and beseeches the PCs to get him out of the horrid
beaten track as far as the adventure goals go, that encounter Waterdeep sewers. The PCs can take the time and deposit
could have important consequences for future encounters him in the Yawning Portal (it takes less than a day), brave
and the PCs ability go gain a bit of free healing. the sewers (see below), or take him along on their quest. In
The true path is through a doomgate—a two-way, the last case, keeping him alive may be challenging, and
invisible magical gate that links this room with the getting him killed in the dungeon is just as bad as not
Carnelian Caverns—buried 10 feet below the mud’s surface. saving him (see Special Consequences).
The gate dwells between the eight and ninth rung of the The passages leading deeper into the sewer are a virtual
submerged section of the ladder. While it is invisible, it can dead end adventure-wise. PCs traversing them eventually
be located by a detect magic or detect portal spell or just by reach the surface, but not before coming face to face with a
stumbling upon it. To activate the doomgate, a creature just beholder foolishly masquerading as Xanathar. It guards the
need touch it. only way out of the sewer. While the beholder in not long
PCs who are stuck, and have not yet soured their for this world, it is more of a match for the PCs. Allow the
relationship with the strange little creature (see area 2, PCs to spot the beholder before they decide to tangle with
below), get another visit from Jekris. The strange creature it. If they (wisely) choose to leave, allow them to do so. If
offers his boon and “explains” its rules (see sidebar) and they chose to fight the beholder, use the same dungeon set
gives them the following advice: up that you used for the chuul encounter.
“Xanathar” the Beholder: hp 96; see Monster Manual
Sometimes a great deed necessitates soiling oneself. While pages 26 and 27.
unsavory, unfindable things can be uncovered when one climbs in Special Consequence: If the PCs don’t save the gnome,
the less obvious direction. Jekris does not return to aid them (in the form of healing or
hints) when venturing deeper into Undermountain, as their
2. Sewers Above† (EL 7) lack of heroism is a slight on Mielikki’s will.
Light: None.
Sound: The slow slogging sounds of the lower sewer in 3. Carnelian Caverns (EL 0 or EL 8)
the distance. Light: An aura radiating from the doomgate disk. It lights
Reaction: Entering the chamber provokes the ire of the the area like a torch.
resident monster. It immediately attacks. Sound: None
Auras: Moderate evil and chaos (chuul). Reaction: No immediate reaction.
Traveling up the rung ladder in the Chamber of the Fallen Auras: Moderate conjuration magic (doomgate),
leads the PCs to a section of Waterdeep’s lower sewers— moderate conjuration magic (doomgate key).
though not an uninhabited spot. Upon reaching this area The doomgate from the Chamber of the Fallen transports the
the PCs find that they have interrupted the dinnertime of a PCs onto a black disk in this gemstone-veined room.
grumpy beastie, and it responds to the interruption by
attempting to expand it cuisine. You are instantly transported into a chamber lit by a strange soft
glow. The walls of this cavern are streaked with concentric orange,
The stairs lead up to what looks like a four-way intersection in a red, and brown bands of natural gemstone. Some areas have
long forgotten part of the Waterdeep sewer. The horrible smell that obviously been worked, as stony debris litters the ground at places
saturates the air confirms this suspicion. where slabs of gemstone were cut from the wall face.
Across the chamber, beyond a pile of sewage filth, a large and The light in the cavern comes from the black disk you are
dangerous looking crustacean hunches over a small and a standing on. It glows with a strange white aura. The disk is
frightened humanoid. The hulking creatures claws snap evilly and engraved at it center with a single word in the Thorass alphabet.
tentacles writhe around it head, as its prey screams in horror: Dried mud is tracked from the disk in almost all directions, but
“Help! Help me Garl, and I promise never to play another prank strangely the only mud on the disk seems to be that tracked by you
again!” and your companions.

Undermountain Page 7
On the far end of the chamber is a strange pedestal made of a shocking endeavor. An electrical ward that does 2d6 points
material similar to the black disk. Beyond it a passage snakes into of electric damage (Reflex DC 12 for half guards this half
the dungeon beyond sphere. The ward does not allow the PCs to actually touch
the half sphere (an added force effect makes sure of that)
After the PCs are transported by the doomgate allow until its disabled (Disable Device DC 25, taking 1d4
appropriate PCs Knowledge (arcana) checks (DC 30) to rounds). Pressing this half sphere changes the destination
figure out the nature of what transported them here. PCs of the gate to a Red Wizard’s compound in Thay (see
who failed the check can retry and can even take 20 on the development).
check, but only after examining the area of the gate for 15 Weapons Cache and Other Secret Door: One of two
minutes (see the consequences of this in Development). secret doors in this chamber, this one leads to a small
The disk marks the area of the doomgate. As long as PC weapons cache. The cache entrance is simple enough, just a
stay on the disk after being transported here, the doomgate is faux stone panel that blends into the wall (Search DC 20).
not activated by their presence. Once they leave, whatever It’s locked (good lock, DC 30) but it can be opened by using
mud they tracked and deposited onto the disk disappears, the Strange Iron Key Story Object from LGR-16 In Cold
and the doomgate becomes active once again. Anyone who Blood. Inside are four +1 adamantine longswords decorated
stands on the disk or touches it (directly or at a distance with carnelian. There is also a helm of gazes (see Appendix 2).
with an reach aiding object) is transported back to the The Red Wizard connected to the chamber’s doomgate has
Chamber of the Fallen (unless the doomgate’s destination has ordered 10 long swords and three helms from the medusas
been change; see Doomgate Key, below). area 5. This is where the sisters keep the work done thus far.
The words are in Thorass and read “Doom.” A The other secret door in this chamber (Search DC 20,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) check or Appraise check (DC simple open mechanism) leads to area 6. Opening it
12, dwarves gain a +2 to these checks due to stonecunning) automatically alerts the medusas in that room to an enemy
recognizes the gemstone in the walls as carnelian, a variety presence.
of chalcedony that when ground, is used by alchemists and Development: While no enemy inhabits this chamber
physicians to make a concoctions that stills the blood and when the PCs arrive, a few can be called into the place by
ease ill tempers, or polished to make brilliant red the characters actions. Any loud noise brings the medusa
decorations and cameos. It is much prized by the Red sisters from area 5. Also, dallying in this chamber is not a
Wizards of Thay (baric knowledge DC 25). good idea. For every 15 minutes the PCs spend here, there is
While there are no dangerous creatures or traps in this a 50% chance 1d3 medusa will exit the secret door leading to
chamber, it is not without danger. The doomgate here is a are 5, intent on some business deeper in Undermountain.
prize, as not only does it connect with the Chamber of the They of course change their focus after spotting the PCs.
Fallen, there is a control mechanism (the black pedestal) Also, if the PCs activate the Thayan destination on the
that can make it connect to two other places: a forge deeper doomgate, within 2d4 rounds a Thayan knight and a group
in Undermountain, and the palace of a Red Wizard in Thay. of 5 Thayan slaves arrive on the black disk. Once seeing the
Doomgate Key: The pedestal on the far end of the room is PCs the slaves flee back to Thay (and to get help which
also made of black stone. At its top are three embossed half arrives 10 minutes later in the form of two more Thayan
spheres, each with a corresponding circle that looks like knight identical to Verullin), but the Thayan knight stands
some sort of magical sigil or similar mark. The half spheres his ground, protecting the portal to his homeland. He only
and symbols are arranged in a triangle pattern. Any creature attacks to defend the portal to the homeland, and can be
touching a semicircle may activate a possible effect, as each negotiated with. A successful Diplomacy check (DC 20) that
can change the destination of the doomgate. includes a pledge to change the destination of the doomgate
The top most point of the triangle (facing north) staves off any attack by the Thayan knight, but he does not
corresponds to a magical symbol demarking earth return to his homeland, choosing to stand guard here until
(Knowledge [arcana] DC 10). When the PCs first approach he can talk with his master’s medusa allies. If the PCs attack
the doomgate key, touching this half sphere has no effect, as the medusa, the Thayan knight aids his master’s allies, no
it is keyed to the Chamber of the Fallen, and the doomgate is matter what he promised the PCs earlier.
already keyed to that locale. If the PCs change the locale, Vetullin: Male human Ftr5/Thayan knight 3; hp 58;
this mechanism becomes active. When a PC touches it, it see Appendix I.
glows with a white aura for a few seconds, and the In the terrible circumstance that the PCs follow the
destination of the doomgate changes to he Chamber of the doomgate to Thay, they better turn back or they are in a
Fallen. world of hurt.
The half sphere at the bottom left point of the triangle
(facing west) corresponds to a magical symbol for fire
(Knowledge [arcana] DC 10). Touching this half sphere 4. Forge Outpost† (EL 10)
changes the destination of the doomgate to the Forge Mouth Light: An aura radiating from the doomgate disk. It lights
(area 4), but switching it to this locale does not cause the the area like a torch.
monsters there to enter the Carnelian Cavern. Sound: The slurping and noisy eating of Heverog the
The half sphere at the bottom right point of the triangle fire giant and the chattering of orc assistants waiting for
is marked with a magical symbol for air (Knowledge scraps.
[arcana] DC 10). Touching this half sphere can be a

Undermountain Page 8
Reaction: Heverog sends his orcs to attack any to fight, but to try to find out why the PCs are here, and to
intruders, only joining the fray when the orcs obviously see if they can get some advantage from their passing. If the
can’t handle the problem. PCs tell the medusa of their mission, and their goal of
Auras: Moderate conjuration magic (doomgate), faint evil finding the Green Regent, the serpentine trio quickly
and chaos (orcs), moderate evil and law (fire giant). devises an angle.
The stone sisters (the medusas dwelling in area 5) serve They’ve heard via agents and allies in Skullport that the
as intermediaries for a group of fire giant artisan that dwell priests of Cyric have captured an orc that they plan to
deep within a lower level of Undermountain. If the PCs sacrifice to the Dark Sun, and they know the Cyricists refer
change the destination of the doomgate and then activate, it to the orc as the Green Regent. In an bid to gain advantage
they appear on a similar-looking black disk in a smoky and from both, the sisters ask to hear more of the PCs’ quest the
grimy area of dungeon. entire way asking questions about the PCs potential tactics
and their abilities to foil vile enemies (and what will you do
You materialize in a large smoke-choked room. Through the smoke if evil priests are holding your friend? And if they dwell
you see a large black-skinned giant feasting on the half-cooked within and unhallowed area? One that suppresses
remains of a giant lizard. Four orcs jabber around the giant, invisibility?). A successful Sense Motive gives the PC a
fighting over fallen scraps of meat. hunch that the sisters are asking for their own purpose.
Given time, the trio gets to their point. They explain that
This room is the farthest outpost of the fire giant enclave. they know where Otar is being held, and can give
The group’s least-talented artisan, Heverog, guards it. Cruel directions…for a small donation to their cause. The price
and malicious, the fire giant loves to watch its orc slaves starts at 6,000 gp or its equivalent in magic items. Given
fight for scraps. Behind Heverog is a smoldering forge, enough haggling (and a Diplomacy or Bluff check DC 20)
making the place smoky. The smoke limits movement to the cost can be reduced to 2000 gp. True to their word, the
half (even darkvision) and doubles movement costs. sisters give PCs directions to the second doomgate that leads
Creatures: Heverog, not brooking little folk who aren’t to the Hold of the Dark Sun.
slaves, sends his orc assistants to attack the PCs while he There are circumstances that can sour this exchange.
continues eating. Once the first few die, the giant takes For instance, if the sisters find that the PCs have opened the
matters into his own hand, angry to have his meal doomgate to Thay and that a Thayan knight stands guard in
interrupted and his workers slain. their mine, they just attack the PCs.
Heverog the Fire Giant: hp 110; see Monster Manual If it’s obvious that the PCs have looted the medusas’
pages 121 and 122. weapons cache (or worse yet, offer one of their own items as
Orc Assistants (4): hp 8, 6, 5, 5; see Monster Manual the donation to their cause) the trio attacks.
pages 203 and 204. Creature: If dealing with obstinate or threatening PCs it
Tactics: The orcs move forward to attack intruders with takes little time for the medusa sisters to throw off their
their falchions, but as soon as two of them fall, the others veils (move action) in order to better deal with intruders.
withdraw. At this point Heverog moves forward to take care Medusa (3): hp 39, 38, 34; see Monster Manual page
of intruders. He keeps no boulders in this room, so attacks 180.
with his greatsword. Tactics: The sisters know that their best bet against an
Development: The forge is active, but not dangerous adventuring band is to petrify as many as their foes as
unless a PC decides to enter it. Those who enter take 3d6 possible. They back up into their chamber and out of swords
points of fire damage each round. The door in the room reach if they must. A medusa is immune to the petrifying
leads out and into other rooms of the Fire Giant stronghold. gaze of other medusa.
If PCs decide to further explore the complete, they are in Development: If the PCs are able to successfully make a
for a rude awakening. The passage beyond leads to a Stairs deal with the sisters, they succeed in getting the directions
down to a similar forge and guardroom with two fire giants to the Hold of the Black Sun. The sisters then retreat into
(hp 120, 115). They pursue the PCs as far as the doomgate. their enclave, activate the secret door that opens a passage
between their lair and the Sargauth River, and from their
take their boat to Skullport. Once in Skullport they warn
5. Stone Sister’s Enclave (EL 10) the Church of Cyric in that underground metropolis. But it
More than likely the PCs encounter the trio of medusa that takes them a day to get word to the Cyricists. If this occurs
dwells in this chamber by alerting the sisters of their on the first day of the PCs adventure, the PCs only have two
presence or stumbling upon them. The following read- days rather than three to save Otar.
aloud text assumes that is the case. If it’s not, adjust If the PCs defeat the sisters, they can plunder their lair
accordingly. (see Treasure, below). If they still have Jekris’s favor, the
strange creature appears again, offering help to the battle
A secret door on the northeast wall opens revealing three veiled weary PCs (see the Jekris’s Help section in the
females. Each carries a bow. Introduction). He gives the PCs the following advices:
The sister’s veiled disguises are hard to penetrate (Disguise Beyond the mines, take rights trice and then a left. Dark, soulless
24) and they tell the PCs that they are a group of mystics soldiers shall herald your arrival.
tasked with protecting the mines (Bluff +9). Ever the
business-minded creatures, the medusa’s first reaction isn’t

Undermountain Page 9
Following these directions lead the PCs to area 7. Without Jekris takes you to a cavernous part of Undermountain. A maze of
these directions, or the medusas help, the PCs must first cavern corridors stretches before you. At a crossway ahead you see
encounter the hook horror in area 6 before finding their three fiendish looking statues—winged humanoids with fierce
way to area 7. features and long twisting horns—they look down one or the other
Treasure: In a locked chest (good lock, DC 30) is a pile a corridor, as if watching out for some foe who could come around
bag of 100 platinum coins, three potions of cure moderate the corner at any moments. The air is musty here, smelling like
wounds, and a divine scroll of break enchantment. cobwebs and snakeskin. The air does not move, and the only sound
you hear is a strange spectral groaning that waifs on the edge of
you hearing, distant and almost dreamlike.
6. Not So Wandering Monster† (EL 8) Your guide tells you “look for the big mouth. Otar passed there
If the PCs are able to get directions from the medusa or gain and on to a second pathway.”
the help of Jekris, they can bypass the encounter, as they
take the most direct route to the second doomgate. Jekris then disappears, leaving the PCs alone and in the
In this section of cavern a monstrous and dangerous middle of Undermountain.
hook horror hunts in this section of Undermountain. Creatures: The statues are gargoyles, freezed in place. If
Hiding among the stalagmites (Hide +16), surprising the the PCs succeed at a DC 20 Spot check, they notice the
unwary and attacking with hungered ferocity. “statues” are alive. Don’t put the miniatures into play until
Creature: The hook horror holds nothing back, but after the PCs notice that the gargoyles are alive, or the
takes time to sunder particularly pesky weapons. gargoyles attack.
Advanced Hook Horror: hp 118; see Appendix 1. The general position of the gargoyles and the basilisk
are noted
7. Doomgate and Dread guards (EL 8) Once the PCs are in position, or detect the gargoyles’
This chamber holds the doomgate that leads to the Hold of ruse, the gargoyles attack, calling out to the basilisks from
the Dark Sun. the corridors beyond. The wingless gargoyles are immune
Those who enter the chamber must hold up a holy to the basilisk’s gaze.
symbol to Cyric and proclaim, “the Dark Sun is the only Basilisks (2): hp 43, 40; see Monster Manual.
true illumination,” or the dreadguards leave their holding Gargoyles (3): 40, 37, 33; see Monster Manual.
area and attack. Tactics: The tactics of the group are simple: stone or kill
Creatures: These constructs attack until destroyed or the intruders. The basilisks attempt to petrify foes while the
their opponents are. gargoyles engage those who succeed their saves. The
Advanced Dread guards (6): hp 60, 55, 53, 48, 47, 43; gargoyles tend to gang up on a single opponent and move
see Appendix 1. on to the next if possible. If things go badly for the group,
Tactics: The dreadguard tactics are straightforward, but the gargoyles attempt to use the warrens to their advantage,
don’t lack finesse. The constructs know the importance of engaging in hit-and-run tactics that hopefully lead the PCs
flaking, and fight with surprising intelligence. to the second doomgate, on to Nester’s section of the
Development: The Cyricists have made modifications to dungeon, and out of their hair.
this doomgate. It does not function in this direction unless The gargoyles know about both doomgates in this area.
either all the dread guard are standing in the holding area They use the first doomgate to move quickly to the other side
(an invisible area shown on the DM map) or they are all of the warrens, but they avoid the second doomgate, as they
destroyed. If they are destroyed, traveling to the Hold of the know it leads to the domain of Nester the Faux-Lich. The
Dark Sun sets of an alarm throughout the complex. The basilisks avoid it to, only but only through a bestial sense
effects of which are described in area 8. that it is a bad place.
Development: Once the PCs defeat the foes in this
room, they can search for the gargoyles treasure (under a
PATH OF LIGHTNING AND ROT pile of rocks, Search DC 15), and find the doomgates—each a
In this path Jekris leads the PCs though the second level of two-way, invisible magical gate that links this room with a
the main Undermountain dungeon and then on through a correspond doomgate. There are three doomgates in this area.
doomgate to the lair of one of Halaster’s former apprentices, a Doomgate 1 is connected to doomgate 2 and vise versa. That is
faux-lich named Nester. The PCs will have to navigate these if a character steps in the area of doomgate 1, it transports
parts of the Undermountain dungeon to reach the Hold of him or her to doomgate 2. The third doomgate leads to Area 2
the Dark Sun and then rescue Otar. (see below).
1. A Rocky Start (EL 8) Treasure: Within the rocky catch the PCs find the
Light: Only the light the PCs bring. following treasure: 1,200 gp, a wand of magic missiles (3rd-
Sound: A slight groaning from the distance (the level, 4 charges), a potion of heroism, and a +1 buckler.
doomgate). Trap: Down the passage, on the ground just before the
Reaction: None. The gargoyals wait for the PCs to pass doomgate, the find a book on the ground. Its cover is of torn
to attack, unless they are found out before that can occur. and tattered leather stretched over dry lashed rib bones. The
Auras: Faint evil and chaos (gargoyles). groaning is louder here, but still faint. When a PC picks up
the book, a magic mouth manifests on the east wall, just
beyond the doomgate. It says.

Undermountain Page 10
game, and have a box filled with a swarm of rats as fodder
Bewared, beyond is the domain of Nester. Fee or parish! for their demented pastime. Because of their distraction, the
Knowledge will only confirm this. get a –2 penalty to Spot and Listen checks.
Creatures: Even if the PCs catch the tanarukks unaware,
The magic mouth then disappears, and does not appear they will scramble to open the grate to unleash the behir. It
again during the adventure. takes two of them performing full-round actions adjacent to
A Knowledge (history) check or a Knowledge (arcana) the opening mechanism to open it. Two rounds later the
check (DC 20) confirms that Nester was once an apprentice behir crawls down. Blind with hunger, it attacks the PCs
to Halaster, and is rumored to be a lich. until they are consumed or it is dead.
If a PC reads the book, he or she find he first page is a Behir: hp 94; see Monster Manual page 25.
long-winded introduction by Nester himself, proclaiming Electric Tanarukks (4): hp 25, 22, 20, 18; see Appendix
that he is a great wizard and the chief of Halaster’s pupils. It 1.
goes on to list all sorts of great and powerful deeds he did in Tactics: If possible, the tanarukks stay out of combat.
life and “after he crossed the threshold.” It ends with the They let the behir do their dirty work, only throwing
following statement. themselves in battle when the beast is dead.
Development: Even if the Tanarukks don’t unleash the
Inside this book is a testament my power. Learn my lessons at your behir, PC curiosity may bring it to their doorstep. Opening
own personal risk. the grate will bring it hungry and angry into the room
within two rounds.
Turning any the page (or opening the book to any page If the PCs open the box the tanarukks keep the rats, the
other than the title page) reveals and explosive runes (anyone swarm rushes out and attacks. They are as hungry and angry
within 5 feet of the runes takes 6d6 points force damage; as the behir, but lack that creature’s physical power.
those within 10 feet are entitled to a Reflex save DC 17 for Rat Swarm: hp 18; see Monster Manual page 239.
half damage). The book is destroyed in the explosion. The The PCs can travel on to either area 3 or area 4.
book is more than an explosive trap; it’s also one that warns
Nester of approach of potential foes. The explosive runes
are attached to a special alarm spell that silently warns 3. The Sick† (EL 7)
Nester that the trap went off. He uses that knowledge to Light: Only the light the PCs bring.
prepare for uninvited guests, and order his tanarukk Sound: The sickening slurping sound of otyughs
servants to let loose the behir (see Shocking!, below). moving through the sick.
Reaction: Pleased for fresh meet to present itself, the
trio moves forward to feast.
2. Shocking! (EL 6 or 9) Auras: Strong evocation (one-way invisible wall of force),
Light: Only the light the PCs bring. faint abjuration (ring of protection +1), faint enchantment (+2
Sound: Jubilant tanarukks. Either because they are dagger), moderate conjuration (bracers of armor +2), faint
playing their sick game, or they know that the Behir is transmutation (gauntlets of ogre power +2).
Reaction: The tanarukks immediately try to unleash the This place stinks! Offal and refuse is piled on the floor at least a foot
behir, if they have not done so already. thick in all place, and piled higher in others. Three ovoid toothy
Auras: Strong evil and chaos (tanarukks). beasts propped up on three legs roll in the sick like pigs in a pen.
Strange tentacles rise up from the beasts. Two are crowned with
This large room is half worked and half cavern. There are obvious teeth-like spikes; the other’s end holds the bizarre monster’s eyes.
signs of habitations by creatures that obviously have a dim view of
hygiene. The place reeks of filth and offal. To the right and on the Smell: Have the PCs make a Fortitude save (DC 15).
room’s ceiling a large iron grate bars passage to the upper reaches of Failure indicates that the PC can’t stomach the powerful
a cavern. Chains attach the grate to a large crank on the ground odor of the room. The foul stench sends oily tendrils of
level—obviously an opening mechanism of some sort. displeasure down the back of the character’s throat, and he
or she becomes sickened (takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls,
A quartet of unique tanarukks dwells in this room and serve saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for as long as
as jailor for Nester’s favorite pet, a behir. They usually spend
he or she is in the room and 1d4 rounds after leaving it.
their day gambling, fighting, sleeping, and eating, but when
Wall of Force: This room has a very unique trait. At its
given the warning from Nester, they spring into action. entrance stands an invisible wall of force, but it is only a one-
They open the huge iron grate on the ceiling to allow the
way wall. Creatures can freely pass into the chamber, but
behir to enter this chamber (it enters the round after the
can’t leave without destroying the wall of force (disintegrate)
PCs enter the room).
or disabling the wards that regulate its arcane energy, which
If not warned by Nester of the PCs’ approach, they are
dwell on the wall’s outside (Disable Device DC 25). The wall
here lounging and are easily surprised. They are currently
stops the Otyughs from leaving the room while allowing
playing a vicious game that involves hitting one another
the tanarukks to sweep offal into the chamber. It stop PCs
with bags filled with live cave rats. After they each hit their
from leaving the room once they enter.
opponent five times with the bag, the player with the most
dead rats in his bag wins. They can spend hours playing this

Undermountain Page 11
Creatures: Trash disposals and “pets” of Nester, the Development: Its glimmering of intelligence may give
creatures are relatively well feed, but love fresh meat. They the PCs an opportunity to bypass a fight with this creature.
are usually denied their favorite snack in favor of feeding Though the creature will not initiate parley, it is susceptible
the behir, they joyfully lunge forward when fresh meat to flattery. If the PCs tell Vip it is pretty (that’s right, pretty)
shows itself. it automatically opens diplomacy as a special free action.
Otyughs (3): hp 40, 36, 30; see Monster Manual page Have that same PC make a Bluff check (DC 10), if Vip
204. believes the character, and its attitude changes from hostile
Treasure: When the behir swallowed some prey it to indifferent. Brining it lower takes normal Diplomacy
sometimes took a good treasure with into its digestive rolls and a lot of sweet talk. If brought down to friendly Vip
system. Some of it ends up here. A sickening search (DC 15) agrees to bring the PCs to the master as a special guest—a
turns up the following item: ring of protection +1, +2 dagger, friend of Vip.
bracers of armor +2, gauntlets of ogre power +2. It takes over an If the PCs are escorted to Nester by Vip, the golem takes
hour to search this room well enough to find these items, out the key to the door leading to the lich’s chamber (it’s
unless the PCs are aided by detect magic, in which case it hidden in a small cavity in the sole of his left lower paw),
takes no more than 10 minutes. and uses the “secret word” to deactivate the glyph of warding
Development: If the PCs are trapped on the other side trap that lies just beyond the door.
of the wall of force and can’t get out, Jeklis appears and Treasure: The only treasure is the key that opens the
disables the rune connected to it, by scratching his behind door to Nester’s chamber. A Search DC 15 is needed to find
on the wall where they are written, flashing his not-so- the secret compartment that holds the key.
toothy smile at the PCs while he does. He does so even if
has already healed the PCs, but whether he has or not, he 6. Lair of the Faux-Lich (EL 0, 10 or 11)
will not return in this adventure. Light: Only the light the PCs bring.
Sound: Nester babbling to himself… which he does
5. Protect the Master (EL 7) quite often.
Light: Only the light the PCs bring. Reaction: The door and the 10-foot are beyond are
Sound: None. tapped…and then they have to deal with the wrath of the
Reaction: When the PCs open the door, Vip the Flesh faux-lich, Nester.
Golem rises to protect the master. Auras: Moderate conjuration (doomgate); faint abjuration
Auras: Strong enchantment (Vip). (ring of protection +2), moderate evocation (arcane scroll of
A single thing—a flesh golem, and servant of Nester, cone of cold), strong undead (both Nester’s body and his
named Vip—inhabits this stark room. When the PCs enter head).
the room, it rises to meet the challenge. The magic- and iron-reinforced door leading to this
room is locked with a good lock (DC 30). Furthermore it is
At the other end of this spartan chamber, just before an iron- trapped with a near-invisible contact poison.
reinforced wooden door, is morbidly stitched together dire ape. The Magic- and iron-reinforced door: Hardness 8; Hit
top of the things skull has been removed, and a brain, much too points 60; Break DC 30.
small for the cavity has been strapped into the socket, held in place Door Handle Smeared With Contact Poison: The
with iron straps. Electrodes and strange gadgetry intrude into the handle of this door is smeared with dragon bile (Search and
brain and elsewhere on the body. Disable Device DC 20). The first creature opening this door
A great molted and rotted thing, it raises its massive and provokes a Fortitude save (DC 26). Initial 3d6 Strength; no
powerful fists and loosens a powerful yell that saturates the room secondary damage. While Vip is immune to poison, if it
with sound. “Protect the Master,” it yells in stunted booming opens the door it wipes off the poison, negating the danger.
common, and approaches. Glyph of Warding: Beyond the door, on the ten-foot
square of floor, is a glyph of warding trap (Search 28, Disable
Creature: Unlike other flesh golems, Vip is somewhat Device 28). It does 4d8 points of sonic damage once set off.
intelligent. Nester, in his mad genius, found a way to Once the PCs deal with the door traps, they must deal
transplant the brain of his former companion, an assassin with the master of the room, the faux-lich, Nester.
called the Viper, into this pieced together dire ape Centuries ago Nester was one of Halaster’s apprentices.
monstrosity. While the creature maintains almost none of When he left his master’s charge he tempted to pass into
the woman’s personality, it can reason, talk, and make its the realm of undead. Unfortunately something went
own decisions, albeit poorly. Even with this increased terribly wrong, and now Nester has many lich traits, but is
intelligence, it retains the berserk special ability. no true undead master. He has no phylactery, and has been
Vip the Flesh Golem: hp 80; see Monster Manual page slowly disintegrating for years. Lately his head fell off his
135 and 136; Int 5. body. Both parts function, and Nester has found a way to
Tactics: Vip’s tactics are exactly what it states: protect make the most of this predicament, but it does limit his
the master. This usually means ripping any PCs who tries to activities as of late. He constantly is trying to find a way to
pass it to tiny bits, but strangely the golem can be convinced reverse or limit the effects of his decay, which is ultimately
otherwise (see Development). a futile occupation. Within a decade he will decay into
nothing, if adventurers don’t destroy him first.

Undermountain Page 12
This room is obviously a magical laboratory. Various arcane Vip, smash them now. They tease you, they don’t see that you’re
articles of are scattered about, an assortment of magic circles are pretty.
drawn here and there on the floor, and the walls are cluttered with
mystical formulas scrawled in chalk and a table is cluttered with This of course angers the flesh golem, and it prepares to
the maters of magic. unleash on PCs. If the PCs pick up on the fact that Nester
A headless corpse dressed in wizard robes stand to one side of a stated that he has expensive tastes, and immediately try to
stone block behind the table. On the block the corpses head, bargain with the lich, they may find a way to get though
surrounded by papers and books. The head is animated, attached to this encounter without combat. If the PCs present the lich
a strange mechanical swivel. It scans a page of a book, and the with no less than 6,000 gp worth of magic items as a bribe,
headless body reaches down to turn the next page. Almost absently, Nester agrees to allow the PCs to use his special doomgate to
it says the following in a drool tone: “Leave now, or be destroyed. proceed toward their goals, but only once (that is the PCs
There is nothing here for you but death.” can’t return to the surface without facing the faux-lich who
can’t be bribed a second time. A bribe of 10,000 or more gp
If Vip let them in, Nester quickly notices this after worth in magic items gets Nester to change the doomgate’s
chastising the PCs. See development. destination to the Hold of the Dark Sun (and thus the PCs
Of course if the PCs refuse to leave, Nester attacks. He avoid area 7).
can be bribed to let the PCs through (see Development) but Lastly, very little of the arcane objects in the room are of
to accomplish this without Vip the PCs will need to succeed any worth. Nester had long ago drained any and all magic
the appropriate Diplomacy checks (brining Nester from out of them in his bid to extend his miserable existence.
hostile to indifferent).
Creature: At desiccated and blackened heart a vain and 7. Doomgate and Dread guards† (EL 8)
callow creature, Nester attempts to destroy those who enter This chamber holds the doomgate that leads to the Hold of
his domain. If the PCs are about to destroy him, he attempts the Dark Sun.
to negotiate, parlaying use of his doomgate (even promising Those who enter the chamber must hold up a holy
to send the PCs directly to the Hold of the Dark Sun symbol to Cyric and proclaim, “the Dark Sun is the only
directly if hard pressed) to save his own dried and shriveled true illumination,” or the dreadguards leave their holding
skin. area and attack.
Nester: former male human abjurer* 8: hp 59; see Creatures: These constructs attack until destroyed or
Appendix 1. their opponents are.
Tactics: If Nester was aware of the PCs presence thanks Advanced Dread guards (6): hp 60, 55, 53, 48, 47, 43;
to his explosive runes trap, he is prepared with his power-up see Appendix 1.
suite. Where or not he is ready for combat, his first action is Tactics: The dreadguard tactics are straightforward, but
to cast the cone of cold from his scroll. He’ll follow up with don’t lack finesse. The constructs know the importance of
fire shield, and then begin sprinkling lightning bolts. flaking, and fight with surprising intelligence.
Nester’s Spell Casting: When Nester cats a spell, while Development: The Cyricists have made modifications to
his mouth utters the somatic components, his body this doomgate. It does not function in this direction unless
manages all other parts of the spell. Spells eminate from either all the dread guard are standing in the holding area
Nester’s body. (an invisible area shown on the DM map) or they are all
Nester’s Head: Nesters body is protected by a dome of destroyed. If they are destroyed, traveling to the Hold of the
force (like a wall of force, but dome-shaped). The statistics for Dark Sun sets of an alarm throughout the complex. The
Nester are for his body. If the PCs are able to crack his effects of which are described in area 8.
head’s protections (either by negating the dome of force, or
destroying the pedestal below the head and ). The head has
hp 10, the same resistances, spell effects, and immunities as HOLD OF THE DARK SUN
the body. Once the head’s destroyed, Nester is truly From either path, the PCs’ finals destination is this
destroyed. cloistered stronghold of Cyric shunted in some dark corner
Doomgate: The doomgate is truly Nester’s. He can of Undermountain. It is here that that minions of Cyric, in
actually change its destination at will (although for this league with the Green King Guev'Ressunvee, and aided by
adventure he only changes it to lead to area 8). Currently its his progeny, a half dragon called Hevalal’Tulie rhe Green
destination is in a passageway that leads to area 7. Scion, have brought the Green Regent to be consumed in
Development: If Vip escorts the PCs into the chamber, horrible blood sacrifice, as the Green King absorbs Otar
Nester chastise the golem for being a vain fool, and tells the essence through a crystalline artifact called the Eye of Guev.
PCs, To save Otar the PCs must battle the minions of this
dark hold and defeat a favored son of the mysterious Green
Don’t think flatter will get you anywhere with me. I know my King. Then they must face the wrath of the Green King if
state, I was once deluded, but no longer, and my tastes are very, they dare kill his offspring.
very expensive. If the PCs take more than three days to reach this spot,
the Green Regent is dead, and the entire hold is abandoned.
His head then swivels to Vip, and he continues.

Undermountain Page 13
weapons. If the PCs don’t comply, she lets loose her hounds,
9. Let Slip the Dogs of Death (EL 7) and rings the great bell. Read or paraphrase the following:
Light: The doomgate in this room glows with a purple
luminance that lights the entire room. As the undead dogs race toward you, the armored priestess grabs
Sound: The horrid yelping of gravehounds. the great rope, and pulls. A moment later great gonging bell
Reaction: Upon the approach of heretic insurgents, drowns out all sound in the chamber.
Vevol of Cyric calls for their surrender to her and Cyric’s
will. If they don’t comply, she lets slip the dogs of death and The bell has no ill effect, except to warn those in the great
rings the grand bell to warn those beyond that visitors are hall (area 10) that intruders have entered the Hold of the
on the way. Dark Sun.
Auras: Faint enchantment (+1 two-bladed sword), faint Vevol: female elf Ftr3/Clr3: hp 42; see Appendix 1.
conjuration (divine scroll of cure moderate wounds), moderate Gravehounds (4): CR 3; Medium undead; HD 4d10;
conjuration magic (doomgate), moderate abjuration magic hp 35, 28, 22, 20; see Appendix 1.
(forbiddance in the Grand Hall of the Dark Sun), moderate Tactics: The combat starts with the gravehounds
evil (Vevol of Cyric, gravehounds, and forbiddance), moving forward to tangle with the PCs. These undead dogs
moderate undead (gravehounds). fight fiercely and until destroyed.
The second doomgate (for both paths) leads to this Vevol tries to stay out of combat for as long as possible,
chamber, the entryway, and preparation room for the great preferring to cast buff spell first, unless she feels confident
hall beyond. This Vast place is richly decorated, even she can bolster the gravehounds from a safe distance first.
though the subject of the decorations has much to be In that case she does that before buffing. She starts with
desired by those who don’t venerate the Prince of Lies. invisibility, and proceed in its safety with bull’s strength,
protection from good, entopic shield, and resistance. What she
The purple light that floods this room illuminates the vast artwork does next depends on the PCs actions. If they are still
that graces walls, floor, and ceiling. The entire history of Cyric is fighting the grave hounds, she’ll join the combat, moving to
laid out in repetition on almost every square inch of this chamber. flank and then attack if that’s possible. If her hounds are
From his mortal origins, to his ascension to godhood, from his spent, she’ll wait until the PCs open the door to the Great
drafting of the Cyrinishad, to the fall of Zhentil keep, and on to his Hall of the Dark Sun and join her superiors in the defense
relapsed sanity, it’s all laid out in strokes so grand it would make a of the hold.
Sembian feel overwhelmed. There is more than paintings and Development: Searching Vevol (DC 15) finds a small bit
mosaic in this room though, a plate-clad figure wielding a two- of skin (human or elf, maybe half-elf) with a single word
bladed sword stands at the other end of the chamber; a holy symbol written on it. It says “Belvezzenuroltellit.” This long,
of Cyric is worn openly by the armored guardian. The figure stands nonsensical word is the password for the forbiddance (see
to the right of the huge bronze-plated double doors, and next to a the Grand Hall of the Dark Sun, below). Vevol has trouble
rope that dangles from a hole in the ceiling—most likely a bell remembering such a “stupid password” and keeps this note
rope. Around Cyric’s minion are four hounds, twisted by undeath; as her reminder. If the PCs capture and interrogate Vevol,
hate of the living glows their eyes. she may tell them secret of the strange word, but only after
a successful Intimate check (DC 16) and only if the PCs
Creatures: Vevol is an arrogant and calculating elf, promise to let her go.
whose sadistic nature land particular form or narcissistic While the double doors leading to area 10 look heavy,
delusion lends itself well to Cyric’s church. She has been they are enchanted to open fast and wide with a forceful
tasked with guarding the grand chamber and to warn her push.
superior within in the case of any intruders. She thinks the
job is beneath her, but takes it up with furious zeal when 10. The Grand Hall of the Dark Sun (EL 9 or
interlopers show themselves. She believes that the PCs have
come to die at her feat—a gift from Cyric himself. In a cold, Higher)
feminine voice, which is almost sultry, see calls out: Light: The walls of this place are lined with small
alcoves containing orange and purple continual flames that
“The Dark Sun has brought me to you. Come fools, for my hounds flicker violently, much more so than normal continual
and my blades thirst for the entrails of infidels, unless you wish to flames. This strange lighting giving this place a
pledge yourself to the one true faith and dedicate yourself to the disconcerting, shifting and muddy luminance.
service of the Dark Sun, and to me…” Sound: If they were not warned, the Cyricists and the
Green Scion are chanting in praise of Cyric and the Green
King. If they were warned, the place is dead silent.
Cunning PCs may find opportunity in Vevol’s Reaction: If not warned of the PCs approach, the entire
overestimated self-esteem. There is opportunity to gain a group is on the far balcony in the midst of the sacrificial
few round by bluffing the warrior-priestess (her Sense ritual, except for the cursed spirits who dwell in the walls
Motive is a lowly +0) into thinking the PCs are submitting flanking the balcony. If they were warned, the slayers are
to her suggestion of submittal to her and Cyric’s will. They’ll on the balcony with bows drawn and ready to let loose a
have to be cleaver though, Vevol is no real fool. She does volley of arrows. The cleric and the sorcerers are among
not leave the side of the bell rope while the PCs grovel. She them readying spells for the assault, as the curse spirits
brooks no spellcasting, and calls for the PCs to drop their

Undermountain Page 14
move forward to engage the enemy (but don’t leave the area The forbiddance is not the only spell effect warding this
of the unhallow). room. The rear of the chamber is also warded with an
Auras: Faint enchantment (+1 large steel shield, +1 unhallow. The unhallow affect also has a protection from energy
mace), faint abjuration (cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection (fire) effect attached to it. It renders each creature in the area
+1), faint conjuration (potions of cure moderate and light immune to fire damage until it has absorbed 70 points of
wounds) moderate conjuration (bracers of armor +1), moderate damage.
evocation (unhallow), moderate abjuration (forbiddance), Creatures: The various creatures in this room work in
strong conjuration (Eye of Guev), faint evil (Green Scion, good concert to repel the PCs.
slayers, arcane initiates), moderate evil (cursed spirits, Beberis: male human Clr5: hp 40; see Appendix 1.
unhallow), strong evil (Beberis of Cyric), faint law (Green Hevlal’Tulic the Green Scion: half-green-dragon Sor5;
Scion), moderate chaos (cursed spirits) moderate undead hp 33; see Appendix 1.
(cursed spirits). Slayers of the Dark Sun (3): male and female human
Ftr1/Rog1: CR 2; hp 17, 12, 10; see Appendix 1.
Unless the PCs retrieved the password to the forbiddance Arcane Initiates of the Dark Sun (2): male and female
from Vevol, entrance into this chamber might be a painful half-elf Sor1: hp 8, 8; see Appendix 1.
affair. The key alignment of the forbiddance is neutral evil.
Neutral good and neutral characters take 6d6 points of Cursed Spirits (2): CR 3; Medium undead
damage (Will DC 19 halves), lawful good, chaotic good, (incorporeal); HD 3d12+3; hp 20, 16; see Appendix 1.
lawful neutral and chaotic neutral characters take 12d6 Tactics: The main tactic of this group is to stop the PCs
points of damage (Will DC 19 halves). They take the from taking Otar and ruining the ritual. If they have had
damage each time they enter the area. The forbiddance fills time to prepare (that is Vevol was able to ring the bell and
the entire chamber. warn them, they are fully buffed. At this point slayers and
Once the doors are open, the PCs see the following. arcane initiates rain down with missile (arrows and magic,
respectively), while Bebris casts invisibility on himself, and
The chamber beyond the bronze plated door is a large chamber moves toward an arcane spell caster (preferably one next to
significantly less overstated than the one behind you, but clearly a cursed spirit) to curse him with a 50% chance of acting
build in reverence to the Prince of Lies. The pillars in this chamber each round. The Green Scion starts with his scroll of
are adorned with the skull and dark sun symbol of Cyric and the lightning bolt (especially if he can get a couple of enemies
black marble floors are only broken by a large white marble in the line, and following up with scorching rays, and his
outline of the same emblem. Frantically flickering continual flame breath weapon when optimal. Both Beberis and
torches of both orange and burn in alcoves set high on the walls. Hevlal’Tulic start with appropriate buff spells if they are
On the far end of the chamber a balcony looks over the main hall. surprised by the PCs, delaying their general tactics for no
A large tattooed figure lies motionless on altar that stands on the more than two rounds with this preparation.
balcony—you’ve found Otar! Above him a strange bone stand Development: Unless the PCs have managed to already
holds a large green crystal. The crystal baths Otar with a destroy the Eye of Guev, when Hevlal’Tulic is slain, the
nauseating green light. Just what it’s doing cannot be determined Green King grows angry, and manifests his anger in
at this distance. Around the altar is no less than six minions of the frightening ways. See area 10a for more details.
Dark Sun, and a green half dragon guard him. It will be hard
fighting to save the Green Regent. 10a. Sacrificial Altar (EL 10)
On the top of the balcony Otar lies silent. After 10 rounds,
When the group is alerted to the PCs presence, read or the Green King orders someone, anyone to kill the Green
paraphrase the following: Regent. Any of its allies can take a full-round action to coup
de grace Otar. The attempt is automatically successful (as
Not only do Otar’s captors fix their gaze on you, so does the light Otar is alredy at –9)
from the green crystal. It moves from Otar and toward you. When The only thing that will stop the ritual is if the Green
the beam hits you it feels moist and humid, like the depths of the Scion dies. Once Hevalal’Tulie is dead, Guev'Ressunvee’s
forest in high summer, but it also smells of decay and is pungent attention is drawn away from Otar, and the being’s rage is
with foul magic. A deep but hissing voice booms in your minds: directed at the PCs. While he is powerless to act directly
“Interlopers, turn back. I am taking what is rightfully mine, given across the magic of the crystal, he sends two minions—
to me centuries ago by she who betrays. Cross me, and be my fearsome bone devils—to deal with the slayers of his
enemy. And to be my enemy means death.” The light then moves progeny.
back to the Green Regent, and the soldiers of Cyric advance. Bone Devils (2): hp 95, 90; see Monster Manual; the
devils are considered summoned creatures.
The voice is that of Guev'Ressunvee itself. Through the Eye When the osyluths appear in the chamber, they flicker
of Guev it is slowly preparing Otar’s life force to be in with a strange green luminescence that clings around
transferred to his own. He needs only 10 more rounds until them like fog. Characters with the Fzain’s Diary story object
Otar is prepared, and can be slain to make the transfer can attempt Intelligence, or a Knowledge (arcana) check
complete. Until then, the Green King’s son, Hevlal’Tulic (DC 15) to remember something of this strange aura from
and his Cyricist allies will attempt to hold the PCs back. the notes of Orlbar’s imperceptor. If successful read the

Undermountain Page 15
In a section of Imperceptor Fzain’s diary she relayed a powerful ADVENTURE QUESTIONS
sending used by the Green King to send allies quickly. When the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS (of which LEGACY OF
allies came, they were covered in a strange green nimbus that hung THE GREEN REGENT is that program’s first offering) tracks
to their bodies like arcane mist. The sending needs a focus though, character progression digitally. At the adventure you report
usually a powerful gem, and if the gem is destroyed, the allies are what the characters did, by answering a number of
banished back to their place of origin. questions. The answers to those questions are tallied, and
determine not only what happens in the campaign, but also
Destroying the Eye of the Green King not only banishes the experience points (XP) and gold piece value increase
the bone devils, it banishes Guev'Ressunvee from this place. each character gains.
But destroying the eye is no easy task. It has a Hardness of At the end of this adventure you’ll find and RPGA
10 (5 for bludgeoning weapons), and 45 hit points. It does Session Tracking form, tailored for this adventure. On the
have a single weakness: it is strangely susceptible to the section titled “Adventure Questions” fill in the bubble that
shatter spell. A flaw in the eye cause it to be destroyed if corresponds to the best answer for the questions below.
caught within the radius of this spell. A creature examining Many times the questions will ask whether or not
the gem as a full-round action has a chance (DC 15) to spot PCs defeated an encounter. Defeating doesn’t necessarily
the flaw, and can even show it to others, but only a mean killing all enemies, but many times such an event
successful Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 15) made by suffices as defeating an encounter. Sometimes PCs merely
someone who sees the flaw will be able to deduce that bypass an encounter. Through luck or circumstance a group
shatter might work in this strange case. of PCs can avoid encounters unscathed. Does bypassing an
Once the bone devils deal with the PCs, they aid the encounter earn the XP that defeating it would? No. The
Green King in completing the ritual by slaying Otar. reward for getting past an encounter without actually
Once the PCs save Otar, go to the conclusion. If they interacting with it is having extra resources to bear in the
don’t, the adventure is over, but ends in failure. Hopefully next encounter. Where is the line? You are going to have to
the PCs have the sense to flee Undermountain and save make that decision.
themselves. For traps, PCs get experience points just for encountering them,
whether or not they have been disabled.
CONCLUSION Path of Mud and Stone
The adventure ends with either the PCs saving the Green 1. Did the PCs beat or bypass the mud elementals and the fallen?
Regent, or with their complete and utter failure. If they a. They beat them. Neither were any real challenge for the PCs.
succeed in saving Otar, they find that no magic is able to (The PCs need not defeat or encounter any fallen for this answer.)
revive the regent. Guev'Ressunvee’s assault has put him in a b. Neither. The monsters in this chamber beat the PCs.
magical coma. c. They bypassed them. They found a way around without
When they make their way back through the twisting combat.
passage of Undermountain and back to the Yawning Portal
they are greeted by strong looking woman in the woodland 2. Did the PCs encounter the Thayan knight or the fire giant?
garb favored by the faithful of Mielikki. a. They encountered and defeated the Thayan knight, but not
the fire giant.
Hail and well met great heroes. Mielikki has called me to you. I b. They encountered and were defeated by the Thayan knight.
am Lady Jeryth Phalkon, faithful of the Forest Lady, and spiritual They didn’t encounter the fire giant.
sister of the orc you have rescued. I will take him and do what I c. They encountered and defeated the fire giant, but not the
can to restore his health. I invite you all to stay with me during Tbayan knight.
Otar’s healing process. While my home here is humble, it has room d. They encountered and were defeated by the fire giant. They
to roost you all. didn’t encounter the Thayan knight.
e. They encountered and defeated both the Thayan knight and
For as long as the PCs are in Waterdeep they can stay with the fire giant.
Phalkon. A future adventure deals with Otar’s recovery. f. They encountered neither.
Until then, the PCs will no doubt find further adventure in
the City of Splendors. 3. Did the PCs encounter the medusa sisters?
Those PCs who saved Otar receive the Special Story a. No. They bypassed the medusa sisters.
Object: Blessing of Mielikki, Curse of Guev'Ressunvee. On b. Yes, and they defeated the medusa sisters.
the rare occasion that a PC purposely kills Otar, report that c. Yes, and the medusa sisters defeated the PCs.
instance, and the player and character involved to either
August Hahn or Stephen Radney-MacFarland during the 4 Did the PCs encounter the hook horror?
show. Dread things happen to those who would harm a. Yes, but the hook horror defeated them.
Mielikki’s champion! b. No. They didn’t encounter the hook horror.
c. Yes, and they defeated the hook horror.

5. Did the PCs defeat the dread guard?

Undermountain Page 16
a. No. They didn’t defeat the dread guard. f. Almost. They defeated they defeated mort or all of the
b. Yes. minions, and the cleric, but not the sorcerer.
g. Almost. They defeated most are all of the minions and the
6. Did the PCs defeat Vevol and the gravehounds? sorcerer, but not the cleric.
a. Yes. They defeated both the cleric and his undead hounds. h. Yes. They defeated all of them.
b. Almost. They defeated the hounds, but not the cleric.
c. Almost. They defeated the cleric, but not the hounds. 8. Were the PCs able to save Otar?
d. No. They defeated neither. c. Yes.
7. Did the PCs defeat the Green Scion and the Cyricists?
a. Almost. They defeated most or all the minions, but not the
cleric or the sorcerer.
b. Almost. They defeated they defeated mort or all of the
minions, and the cleric, but not the sorcerer.
c. Almost. They defeated most are all of the minions and the
sorcerer, but not the cleric.
d. Yes. They defeated all of them.

8. Were the PCs able to save Otar?

a. Yes.
b. No.

Path of Lighting and Rot

1. Did the PCs beat the gargoyles and basilisk?
a. Yes.
b. No. The stony duo defeated the PCs.

2. Did the PCs defeat the behir and the electric tanarukk?
g. They encountered and defeated the tanarukk, but not the
h. They encountered only the tanarukk, and were defeated.
i. They defeated only the behir, but not the tanaruuk.
j. They were defeated by the monsters in this encounter.
k. They defeated both the behir and the tanarukk.

3. Did the PCs defeat Vip?

a. No. They were able to bypass him
b. Yes.
c. No. Vip defeated the PCs.

4 Did the PCs defeat Nester?

a. No. Nester defeated the PCs.
b. No. They made a deal with Nester.
c. Yes, and they defeated the faux-lich.

5. Did the PCs encounter and defeat the dread guard?

c. Yes and No. They encountered the dread guard, but didn’t
defeat them.
d. Yes. They defeated the dread guard.
e. No. They didn’t encounter or defeat the dread guard.

6. Did the PCs defeat Vevol and the gravehounds?

e. Yes. They defeated both the cleric and his undead hounds.
f. Almost. They defeated the hounds, but not the cleric.
g. Almost. They defeated the cleric, but not the hounds.
h. No. They defeated neither.

7. Did the PCs defeat the Green Scion and the Cyricists?
e. Almost. They defeated most or all the minions, but not the
cleric or the sorcerer.

Undermountain Page 17
morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects and a +1
APPENDIX I: MONSTERS AND morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects.
Neither of these bonuses applies against attacks from Red
NPCS Wizards.
Mud Elemental: CR 3; Medium elemental (earth, evil, Zulkir’s Favor (Su): At 1st level, a Thayan knight
extraplanar); HD 4d8+12; hp variable; Init –1; Spd 20 ft.; AC undergoes a long and painful tattooing ritual. In this ritual
18, touch 9, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +8; Atk +8 melee Vetullin had a tattoo placed on his forehead that provides a
(1d8+7, slam) or +1 melee (1d6+5, mud ball); Full Atk +8 +2 resistance bonus on Reflex saves. The tattoo also marks
melee (1d8+7, slam) or +1 melee (1d6+5, mud ball); SA Mud the knight as someone loyal to the Red Wizards. The knight
mastery, push, mud ball; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., earth glide, automatically fails any saving throw against a mind-
elemental traits; SV Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +1; Str 21, Dex 8, affecting spell cast by a Red Wizard. When the tattoo is
Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11. visible, the knight gains a +2 more ale bonus on Intimidate
Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Spot +3; Cleave, Power Attack. checks extraordinary ability.
Mud Mastery (Ex): A mud elemental gains a +1 bonus Zulkir’s Defender (Ex): A Thayan knight of 2nd level or
on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching higher gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage
mud. If an opponent it airborne or waterborne, the rolls against any creature that attacks him or that he has
elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. previously seen attack a Red Wizard. This affects the stat
Push (Ex): A mud elemental can start a bull rush block thusly: Atk +14 melee (1d8+9/17-20, +1 longsword);
maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The Full Atk +14/+9 melee (1d8+9/17-20, +1 longsword);
combat modifiers given in mud mastery, above, also apply Possessions: +1 longsword, +1 full plate, +1 tower shield,
to the elemental’s opposed Strength check. gauntlets of ogre power +2, ring of protection +1.
Earth Glide (Ex): An mud elemental can glide through
stone, dirt, mud, or almost any other sort of earth except
metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing Advanced Hook horror: CR 8; Large aberration; HD
leave behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it creates any 18d8+58; hp 118; Init +3; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 23,
ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast touch 12, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +12; Grp +19; Atk +19
on an area containing a burrowing mud elemental flings the melee (1d6+7, claw); Full attack +19 melee (1d6+7, 2 claws)
elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round or +17 melee (2d6+3, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA
unless it succeeds a DC 15 Fortitude save. Improved grab, power sunder, ending bite; SQ Blindsight
Mud Ball (Ex): A mud elemental can fling a ball of 60 ft., ligh sensitivity; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +11; Str
abyssal mud once a round. Each ball does 1d6+5 points of 24, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9.
damage. The range increment for the ball of mud is 30 feet. Skills and Feats: Climb +16, Hide +16*, Jump +15, Listen
The mud elementals must be in contact with the abyssal +13; Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Natural Armor,
mud to use this ability. Improved TripB, Multiattack, Power Attack.
Improved Grap (Ex): If a hook horror hits an opponent
that is at least one size category small than itself with both
Fallen: CR 5; Medium undead; HD 3d12+3; hp variable; claw attacks, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a
Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18; Base Atk grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
+3; Grp +6; Atk +9 melee (1d6+4/18-20, +1 rapier); Full Atk opportunity. If it gets a hold, it automatically hits wit its
+8 melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 rapier); SQ darkvision 60 ft., rending bite attack on the same round. (This replaces its
undead traits, cold immunity, DR 5/bludgeoning; SV Fort x, normal bite attack for that round.) Thereafter the hook
Ref 3, Will +1; Str 16, Con –, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. horror has the option of conduct the grapple normally, or
Skills and Feats: Climb +8, Swim +6; Dodge, Toughness, simply uses its claws to hold the opponent (-20 on grapple
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). check, but the hook horror is not considered grappled). In
Possessions: +1 heavy steel shield, +1 chain shirt, +1 rapier. either case, each successful grapple check it makes during
successive rounds automatically deals damage for both claw
Vetullin: Male human Ftr5/Thayan knight 3; CR 8; attacks and rending bite.
Medium humanoid (human); HD 8d10+16; hp 58; Init +1 Power Sunder (Ex): a hook horror attempting to strike a
Spd 20 ft.; AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +8; Grp foe’s weapon or shield does not incur an attack of
+12; Atk +12 melee (1d8+7/17-20, +1 longsword); Full Atk opportunity. On a successful power sunder attack, a hook
+12/+7 melee (1d8+7/17-20, +1 longsword); SQ horrors of horror deals double damage.
Thay, Zulkir’s defender, Zulkir’s favor; AL LE; SV Fort +8, Rending Bite (Ex): A hook horror can automatically bite
Ref +5, Will +3; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha a grabbed foe for 3d6+20 points of damage.
12. Light Sensitivity (Ex): Exposure to bright light (such as
Skills and Feats: Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Climb -8, sunlight or a daylight spell) imposes a –2 penalty on a hook
Intimidate + 14, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (Thay horrors attack rolls.
local) +2; Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Skills: *A hook horror receives a +8 racial bonus on
Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Hide checks when in subterranean areas.
(longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword) Description: This cross between a cave beetle and a
Horrors of Thay (Ex): Because of the long exposure to vulture hulks and shambles menacingly toward it prey. Its
the cruelty of his homeland, a Thayan knight gains a +2

Undermountain Page 18
two powerful front appendages end in wickedly sharp radius that look at Nester must succeed on a Will save or be
hooks, no doubt useful for tearing its opponents to shreds. affect as though by a fear spell.
Lesser Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature
7. Dread guards and Doomgates Nester hits with a touch attack must succeed a Fortitude
save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.
Advanced Dreadguards: CR 3: Medium construct; HD Immunities (Ex): Nester has immunity to cold,
9d10; hp variable; Init +0; Speed 20 ft. (can’t run); AC 20, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks.
touch 10 flat-footed 20; Base Atk +6; Grp +10; Atk +11 Spells Prepared (5/6/5/5/4; spell DC = 14 + spell level):
(1d8+4/19-20, masterwork longsword); Full Atk +10/+5 0—detect magic, message, ray of frost, resistance*, touch of fatigue;
(1d8+4/19-20, masterwork longsword); SQ Cold resistance 1st—hold portal*, magic missile** (3), ray of enfeeblement, shield*;
10, construct traits, fire resistance 10; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, 2nd—ghoul touch, protection from arrows*, resist energy*,
Will +4; Str 18, Dex 11, Con —, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2. scorching ray**, see invisibility; 3rd—dispel magic*, displacement,
Description: These armored warriors brandish lightning bolt (2)**, ray of exhaustion; 4th—fire shield**,
longswords and shields. Their red eyes burn with an enervation, lesser globe of invulnerability*, stoneskin*.
apparent undying flame of hate. * Abjuration spell; **Evocation spell (spell DC = 16 +
spell level).
Path of Lightning and Rot Possessions: Ring of protection +2, arcane scroll of cone of
4. Shocking! Power-Up Suite (displacement, resist energy [fire], protection
Electric Tanarukks (4): CR 2; Medium outsider (native); from arrows, stoneskin, reistance): SQ total concealment (50%
HD 5d8; hp variable; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19 touch 11, flat- miss chance), Resist fire 20, DR 10/against range weapons,
footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grp +8; Atk +9 melee (1d8+3/x3, DR 10/adamaintine (for up to 80 points); SV Fort +3, Ref +5;
masterwork battleaxe) or +8 melee (1d6+3, bite); Full Atk +9 Will +9;
melee (1d8+3/x3, masterwork battleaxe) and +3 melee
(1d6+1, bite); SQ Electricity resistance 15; outsider traits; AL
CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 7. Dread guards and Doomgates
11, Wis 8, Cha 6. Advanced Dreadguards: CR 3: Medium construct; HD
Skills and Feats: Hide +7, Intimidate +6, Listen +9, 9d10; hp variable; Init +0; Speed 20 ft. (can’t run); AC 20,
Search +8, Spot +9; Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon touch 10 flat-footed 20; Base Atk +6; Grp +10; Atk +11
Focus (bite). (1d8+4/19-20, masterwork longsword); Full Atk +10/+5
Possessions: Masterwork battleaxes, chain shirt. (1d8+4/19-20, masterwork longsword); SQ Cold resistance
Description: These short, stocky humanoids have a 10, construct traits, fire resistance 10; SV Fort +3, Ref +3,
stooping posture. Coarse hair grows atop their heads and in Will +4; Str 18, Dex 11, Con —, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2.
various patches on their body. Their razor-sharp teeth and Description: These armored warriors brandish
tusk are prominent, as their lower jaws jut out from under longswords and shields. Their red eyes burn with an
smallish snouts. Their eyes are of an electric blue hue and apparent undying flame of hate.
glow dimly in darkness.
The Hold of the Dark Sun
6. Lair of the Faux Lich 8. Let Slip…
Nester: former male human abjurer* 8: CR 10; Medium Vevol: female elf Ftr3/Clr3: CR 6; Medium humanoid
undead; HD 8d12; hp 59; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; (elf); HD 3d10+3d8+12; hp 42; Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19,
Init +2; Base Atk +4; Grp +3; Atk +5 melee (1d6+5 points of touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grp +7; Atk +8 melee
negative energy damage and succeed Fortitude save or be (1d8+3/19-20, +1 two-bladed sword); Full Atk +6 melee
paralyzed for 2d6 rounds) or +4 melee (1d6-1, quarterstaff); (1d8+3/19-20, +1 two blades sword) and +6 melee
Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+5 points of negative energy damage (1d8+2/19-20, +1 two-bladed sword); SA spells, rebuke
succeed Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds) or +4 undead; SQ elf traits, spells, spontaneous cast inflict spells;
melee (1d6-1, quarterstaff); SA Fear aura, lesser paralyzing AL NE; SV Fort + 8, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15,
touch, spells; SQ Turn resistance +2, damage reduction Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10.
10/bludgeoning; AL NE; Fort +2, Ref +4; Will +8; Str 8, Dex Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Intimidate +6;
14, Con –, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 10. Knowledge (religion) +7, Ride +7; Spellcraft +8; Combat
*Restricted schools are conjuration and enchantment. Expertise, Improved Trip, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (two-
Skills and Feats: Craft (alchemy) +11, Concentration +11 bladed sword), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (two-
(+15 casting defensively), Hide +10, Knowledge (arcana) bladed sword).
+15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge Spells Prepared (4/2+1/1+1; spell DC = 10 + spell level):
(religion) +15, Listen +10, Search +12, Sense Motive +10, 0—guidance, light, read magic, resistance; 1st—entropic shield,
Spot +10, Spellcraft +17; Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, inflict light wounds*; protection from good; 2nd—bull’s strength,
Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus invisibility*.
(evocation), Weapon Focus (touch). *Domain spell; Deity: Cyric; Domains: Destruction
Fear Aura (Su): Nester sis shrouded in a dreadful aura of (1/day—smite as a supernatural ability; +4 bonus on attack
death and evil. Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot

Undermountain Page 19
rolls and +3 damage; declare before making attack), Trickery Hevlal’Tulic the Green Scion: half-green-dragon Sor5; CR
(Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills). 7; Medium Dragon (augmented humanoid); HD 5d4+15; hp
Possessions: Full plate armor, +1 two-bladed sword, silver 33; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16; Base
holy symbol, divine scroll of cure moderate wounds. Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (1d8+4, masterwork
Power-Up Suite (resistance, protection from good, bull’s longspear) or +5 melee (1d6+3, bite); Full Atk Atk +6 melee
strength)—AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (against good (1d8+4, masterwork longspear) or +0 melee (1d6+3, bite)
foes); Atk +8 melee (1d8+3/19-20, +1 two-bladed sword); Full and +0 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws); SA breath weapon (10-foot
Atk +6 melee (1d8+3/19-20, +1 two blades sword) and +6 cone of corrosive acid; 6d8 points of acid damage, Reflex DC
melee (1d8+2/19-20, +1 two-bladed sword); SV Fort + 9; Ref 14 for half), spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
+4, Will +5; or Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 (against good foes) immune to sleep, paralysis, and acid, spells; AL LE; SV Fort
+3, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12,
Gravehounds (4): CR 3; Medium undead; HD 4d10; hp Cha 18.
variable; Init +6; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Skills and Feats: Concentration +11, Knowedge (arcana)
Base Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (1d6+4 plus stun, bite); +9, Spellcraft +11; Dodge, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray).
Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+4 plus stun, bite); SA Stunning Spells Prepared (6/7/5; spell DC = 14 + spell level): 0—acid
strike; SQ darkvision 60 ft., scent, +2 turn resistance, splash, daze, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigued;
undead traits; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +7; Str 17, 1st—grease, magic missile, shield, true strike; 2nd—web, scorching
Dex 14, Con –; Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 19. ray.
Skills and Feats: Listen +10; Improved Initiative, Weapon Possessions: Masterwork longspear, bracers of armor +2, ring
Focus (bite). of protection +1, arcane scroll of lightning bolt, arcane scroll of
Stunning Strike (Su): a creature hit by a gravehound’s protection from arrows.
bite must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or be stunned
for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma based. Slayers of the Dark Sun: male and female human
Description: This canine creature moves with a predatory Ftr1/Rog1 (3): CR 2; Medium humanoid (human); HD
grace belied by its rotting, fleshy body. Patches of shaggy 1d6+1d10+2; hp variable; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12,
hair grow over much of its body, between areas where the flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk +4 melee (1d6+2/18-
flesh has sloughed off because of rot or from the hapless 20, masterwork rapier) or +5 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork
attempts of prey to beat back the hound’s attack. composite shortbow [+2 Str]); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+2/18-
20, masterwork rapier) or +5 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork
9. The Grand Hall composite shortbow [+2 Str]); SA sneak attack +1d6; SQ
Beberis: male human Clr5: CR 5; Medium humanoid trapfinding; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 15, Dex
(human) HD 5d8+10; hp 40; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
11, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +6 melee (1d8+2, Skills and Feats: Jump +5, Tumbling +6, Ride +6, Spot +4,
+1 light mace); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+2, +1 light mace); SA Swim +4; Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus
rebuke undead, spell; SQ spells, spontaneous cast inflict (shortbow).
spells; AL NE; SV Fort +7, Ref + 3, Will +8; Str 13, Dex 12, Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork rapier,
Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10. masterwork composite shortbow (+2 Str), potion of cure light
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10, Knowedge (religion) wounds.
+2, Spellcraft +4; Divine Spell Power*, Combat Casting,
Weapon Focus (light mace). Arcane Initiates of the Dark Sun: male and female half-elf
Spells Prepared (5/4+1, 3+1, 2+1; spell DC = 13 + spell Sor1 (2): CR 1; Medium humanoid (elf); HD 1d4+5; hp
level): 0—detect magic, guidance, resistance (3); 1st—bane, doom variable; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10;
(2), inflict light wounds*, shield of faith; 2nd—bull’s strength, Base Atk +0; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (1d4/19-20, dagger); +2
death knell, invisibility*, owl’s wisdom; 3rd—bestow curse (2), ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow; SA spells; SQ spells, half-
contagion*. elf traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 14,
*Domain spell; Deity: Cyric; Domains: Destruction Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13.
(1/day—smite as a supernatural ability; +4 bonus on attack Skills and Feats: Concentration +6; Toughness;
rolls and +3 damage; declare before making attack), Trickery Spells Known (5/4; spell DC = 11 + spell level); 0—acid
(Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills). splash, daze, ray of frost, resistance; 1st—magic missile, shield.
Possessions: Full plate armor, +1 large steel shield, +1 light Possessions: dagger, light crossbow, 10 bolts, potion of cure
mace, cloak of resistance +1, potion of cure moderate wounds. light wounds.
Power-Up Suite (Protection from good from the unhallow,
shield of faith, bull’s strength, and owl’s wisdom)—AC 24, touch
13, flat-footed 23; Grp +6; Atk +8 melee (1d8+4, +1 light Cursed Spirits (2): CR 3; Medium undead (incorporeal);
mace); Full Atk +8 melee (1d8+4, +1 light mace); SV Will +10 HD 3d12+3; hp variable; Init +2; Spd Fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC
or Fort +9, Ref +5, Will 12 (against good foes); Str 17, Wis 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grp –; Atk
20; spell DC = 15 + spell level. Incorporeal touch attack +3 melee (1d8+1); Full Atk
*See Appendix 2 Incorporeal touch attack +3 melee (1d8+1); SA accursed
touch, curse aura; SQ darkvision 60 ft.; incorporeal traits,

Undermountain Page 20
undead traits; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; Str –; Dex
14, Con --; Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5;
Toughness, Weapon Finesse.
Accursed Touch (Su): A cursed spirit adds it Charisma
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack.
Curse Aura (Su): The taint of loss surrounds a cursed
spirit. Adjacent enemy creatures take a –2 penalty on all
saving throws.
Description: This creature’s tormented, immaterial form
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a
manic humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a
ghostly cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent

Undermountain Page 21
Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, able to
cast 1st-level divine spells.
APPENDIX 2: NEW RULES Benefit: You can spend a turn or rebuke attempt as a free
New Feat action and roll a turning check (with a +3 bonus, pus any
other modifiers you’d normally apply to your turning
Divine Spell Power [Divine] check). Treat the result of the turning check as a modifier to
You can channel positive or negative energy to enhance your caster level on the next divin
your divine spellcasting ability.
e spell you cast in that round.

Undermountain Page 22

Doomgate Holding
(area 8) 7 Area

4 Doomgate
(area 3) Doomgate

(area 1, 4 and Thay)

Down to Rung
area 1 Ladder

10 ft. 10 ft.
PCs’ Entrance
2 10 ft.

10 ft.
10 ft. 10 ft.

Doomgate Holding
(area 8) 7 Area

(area 7)

3 5


Behir 2
DG b to Cave (ceiling)
DG a

1 Start
(area 1)

DG a to (area 2)
DG b


Bell rope

(area 7)

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