499 Review
499 Review
499 Review
System Components:
Arduino Uno:
It is the main component of our project. It can control all the sensors and
mechanical parts of the robot. It is the commanding part of the robot. All data
collected by different sensors will come this unit. The microcontroller will
analyze the data and will give command according to the code. In other words it
is the main thing that is making the robot interactive, making communication
between human and vice versa. The Arduino Uno is using Microchip
ATmega328p as it’s IC.
Ultrasound sensor:
This is another crucial part of project. The ultrasound sensor will help to
measure the distance from the desired object/person using ultrasonic sound
waves. It emits ultrasonic sound at 40 kHz which travels through the air. On
presence of an obstacle the sound wave bounces back to the obstacle. By
calculating the time duration between sending and receiving the sound, the
distance of the obstacles can be measured.
IR Sensor:
The IR sensor is can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the
motion. It emits infrared radiation to sense the presence of some object of its
surroundings. Usually in the infrared spectrum, all objects radiate some form of
thermal radiation which are invisible to human eyes. But infrared sensor can
detect the radiation. There is an IR LED which emits the Infrared rays. There is
an IR photodiode that work as the detector.
DC Motors:
Dc motor the device that converts the electrical power into mechanical power.
It helps to create the motion form the supplied potential energy. In constructing
a robot, motor plays an important role by giving the movement to the robot.
Here 4/5 motor are used to drive the robot.
Motor Shield:
The motor shield is a driver motor that allows to use Arduino to control the
working speed and direction of the motor. The Motor shield can either be
powered by Arduino directly or by an external 6V-15V power supply via the
terminal input.
Circuit Diagram:
Project Limitations:
Limited Sensor Coverage: The robot uses only three ultrasonic
sensors, which provide measurements in the front, left, and right
directions. This leaves blind spots in the rear and diagonal directions,
which could affect obstacle detection and human tracking. Bluetooth
Module was a point of contention for some of us. ESP32 has twice the
speed of a ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module but also costs thrice the price of just
one ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. So, even though ESP8266 is extremely
cost efficient it may turn out to be a bottleneck while uploading code.
Lack of Environmental Adaptation: The robot may have
difficulty in complex environments or scenarios with dynamic obstacles,
as it relies solely on ultrasonic sensors. Environments with irregular
surfaces, corners, or multiple moving objects might confuse the robot.
Dependence on Flat Surfaces: The robot is designed primarily for
flat, even surfaces. On uneven terrain or in environments with stairs,
slopes, or obstacles of varying heights, its movement may become
ineffective or unstable.
Power and Battery Life: The robot uses two 3.7V Li-ion batteries,
which may limit its operational time, especially if the robot has to move
continuously or carry additional components. The need for frequent
recharging can hinder long-term applications.
Different experiments were conducted and the performance of the
human following robot was tested. Test was performed on the ultrasonic
and infrared sensor. It was noted that the sensor was working accurately
within a range of 4 meters. Then we performed the test to check whether
the robot maintains a specific distance with the target object. Then we
checked the serial communication between Arduino, motor shield and
various motors. On the basis of results obtained from these tests and
experiments, we made the necessary changes in the processing and
control algorithm. After the completion, we observed that the results
produced were very satisfying the robot was perfectly following the
person wherever it goes. Hence the objective of implementing a good
Human-Robot interaction was achieved.
Warehouse Automation:
In industrial settings, the robot can be employed to transport goods,
tools, or materials by following workers, streamlining processes and
reducing manual labor.
Healthcare Assistance:
The robot can be used in hospitals and care facilities to assist elderly or
disabled patients by carrying medical supplies, following nurses or
doctors, or helping patients move around.
Improving Sensor Accuracy:
While ultrasonic sensors provide reliable distance measurements, their
accuracy can be affected by environmental factors like noise, reflective
surfaces, or obstacles with complex geometries. In future iterations,
integrating a combination of sensors, such as LiDAR or infrared, could
enhance obstacle detection and tracking accuracy, improving the robot’s
responsiveness in dynamic environments.
reinforcement learning, where the robot learns from its surroundings and
improves its performance over time.
Building a human-following robot using Arduino and three ultrasonic
sensors is an exciting and rewarding project that combines programming,
electronics, and mechanics. With Arduino’s versatility and the availability
of affordable components, creating your own human-following robot is
within reach.
“Human Following Robot Using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor,” circuitdigest.com.