Smart and Intelligent Line Follower Robot With Obstacle Detection
Smart and Intelligent Line Follower Robot With Obstacle Detection
Smart and Intelligent Line Follower Robot With Obstacle Detection
Abstract: Line follower is a intelligent robot which detects a decision. The movement of obstacle avoiding robot cannot be
visual line embedded on the floor and follows it. The path is controlled. A WIFI controlled robot is also not helpful in real
predefined and can be either visible like a black line on a white time applications because it needs manual operation. It can go
surface with a high contrasted color or the path can be a complex in any particular direction and to any destination but the main
such as magnetic markers or laser guide markers. In order to
problem is it needs continuous manual commands, which limit
detect these lines various sensors can be employed. Generally,
infrared Sensors are used to detect the line which the robot has its applications in all the work places. Considering all these
to follow. The robot movement is automatic and can be used for factors line follower robot has more useful applications. This
long distance application. Line follower can be modified by conventional line follower robot can be made smart and
giving obstacle detection capability to it. If any object is placed intelligent by giving it the ability to detect obstacles. This
on the path then a normal line follower will try to push the improves the working of the line follower robot, because in
obstacle and hence it gets damaged. By using ultrasonic sensor, any work environment obstacles are common, so if the line
the line follower can detect an obstacle and can stop till the follower is not able to detect any obstacles on its path it will
obstacle is removed. This type of robots can perform lot of tasks collide with it and will be severely damaged. Adding the
in industries, like material handling. These robots can be used as
features of obstacle avoiding robot to a traditional line
automated equipment carriers in industries replacing traditional
conveyer belts. They also have domestic application and one of follower robot prevents any damage to the robot. This
the interesting application of this line follower robot is in health intelligent robot can also be installed for health care
care management. As this smart line follower robot has obstacle management in hospitals, which decreases the human effort in
detection capability it will not be damaged easily as it stops it monitoring patients and delivery things or medicines [2]. The
motion till the obstacle is removed or till the path is changed. workers can be used for other tasks instead of transporting
This ability of the robot increases it application especially in goods from one place to other which can be carried out with
industries because obstacles are common in any workplace and if this smart and intelligent line follower robot.
the robot is not able to detect the obstruction it will get damaged
so this gives an added advantage wherever this intelligent line
follower is used.
Keywords: Line follower, obstacle detection, autonomous IR Sensor: The Infrared (IR) sensors consist of Infrared (IR)
system, intelligent robot. Arduino. LED and Infrared (IR) photodiodes. The IR LED is called
photoemitter and IR photodiode is called receiver. The IR
I. INTRODUCTION light emitted by the LED strikes the surface and gets reflected
back to the photodiode. Then the photodiode gives an output Page 1
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705 Page 2
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705 Page 3
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
IV.WORKING PRINCIPLE When the left motor stops and the right motor is rotating in
clockwise direction the robot will turn left. One pin of the left
The ultrasonic sensor library has to be installed in Arduino
motor should be HIGH and all the other pins should be LOW.
IDE. In the program the both the IR sensors have to
initialized. Four output pins of the motor have to be
initialized. Three variables have to be declared, two for both
the IR sensors and one for the ultrasonic sensor. [4] The two
variables which are declared for the IR sensor will read the
value of IR sensor1 and IR sensor2. The variable which is
declared for the ultrasonic sensor checks for any obstacle till a
mentioned distance. If the ultrasonic sensor detects any
obstacle in its path all the motors should stop, the four output
pins of the motor drive should be programmed as LOW,
which means they should stop working. So when an obstacle
is detected by the ultrasonic sensor then the motors will stop
and the robot will stop till the obstacle is removed from its
path. When no obstacle [5] and no black line is detected then
the robot should move forward.
Figure 6: Forward movement
When both the sensors are on white surface then the robot
moves forward and when both the sensors are on black
surface then the robot stops. In this case both the sensors will
detect the black line but the position where the sensors are
located decides whether the robot will stop or will move
One pin on either side of the motor will be HIGH and the
other two pins will be LOW. This makes the left and right
motor to rotate in clockwise direction and hence the robot
moves forward. When only left IR sensor detects black line
then the robot has to turn left, for that only right motor has to
work. When the left motor stops and the right motor is
rotating in clockwise direction the robot will turn left. One pin
of the right motor should be HIGH and all the other pins
should be LOW. When only right IR sensor detects the black
line then the robot has to turn right, for that only left motor
has to work. Figure 8: Turning left Page 4
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
This smart and intelligent robot can be modified and
controlled using Bluetooth, WIFI module and other type of
sensors. The movement of the line follower can be controlled
either by using a Bluetooth or a WIFI module. By using any
of these modules, the line follower robot can be stopped, can Figure 12
be turned right and can be turned left. This makes the line
follower robot more intelligent and useful. The line follower
cannot be stopped on its path if a Bluetooth or WIFI module is
not used. So to stop the robot without placing any other
obstacle this idea can be implemented to stop the robot or
even to change its path. One more idea which can be
implemented on the line follower is to make it a RGB color
following robot. The robot will be able to differentiate
between these three colors and according to the given
instruction it will follow the particular colored path. By using
this the path of the line follower can be modified in many
different ways making it easier to use it in different directions.
The robot will be able to detect three colors so the robot can
Figure 13 Page 5
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
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