Water Security - TUBIG Program (Tubig Ay Buhayin at Ingatan)
Water Security - TUBIG Program (Tubig Ay Buhayin at Ingatan)
Water Security - TUBIG Program (Tubig Ay Buhayin at Ingatan)
Early Warning- The WSSI can serve as Water quality, accessibility, and availability
an early warning system, identifying areas at risk
of water scarcity or shortages before they a. Pollutants/contaminants (surface and
become critical. (World Resources Institute, ground waters)- Water quality can be
2023) compromised by various pollutants and
contaminants, including industrial effluents,
Sustainable Development- It is a agricultural runoff, domestic wastewater, and
valuable tool for promoting sustainable natural contaminants. These pollutants can pose
development by ensuring that water resources risks to human health and ecosystems.
are managed to meet the needs of present and
future generations. (World Resources Institute, b. Analysis of historical flows, sediment, and
2023) toxicity loads of lakes and rivers- Studying
historical data on water flows, sediment loads,
and toxicity levels provides valuable insights into
c. Population growth impacts on water long-term trends and patterns. This information
resource availability can help identify potential risks, assess the
effectiveness of water management measures,
Population growth significantly impacts and develop early warning systems.
water resource availability. As the number of
people in a region increases, so does the c. Weather modification for increasing water
demand for water for domestic use, agriculture, supplies in special localized areas- While
and industry. This increased demand can strain weather modification techniques like cloud
existing water supplies, leading to water scarcity seeding have been explored to increase
and competition among different users. precipitation, their effectiveness and potential
environmental impacts are still being debated.
is carried out daily by the Departments of Water health and safety of children and
Services and of Public Works, and by the families.https://www.unicef.org/myanmar/water
Ministry of Development. -sanitation-and-hygiene-wash#:~:text=Over%206
https://wateractionhub.org/geos/country/33/d/bru 0%20per%20cent%20of,no%20basic%20drinking
Water quality is poor regardless of
socio-economic conditions. A 2017 survey of
drinking water in Yogyakarta, a well-off urban
center in Java, found that 89 percent of water
sources and 67 percent of household drinking -Laos
water were contaminated by fecal bacteria. Access to safe water in Laos is a challenge for
https://www.unicef.org/indonesia/water-sanitatio the majority of the country's population of 7.4
n-and-hygiene#:~:text=Water%20quality%20is% million people. According to UN and UNICEF
20poor%20regardless,were%20contaminated% data, 82% of households in Laos lack access to
20by%20fecal%20bacteria a safely managed water supply and 39% lack
safe sanitation.
-Philippines https://planet-water.org/where-we-operate/laos/#
According to UN and UNICEF data, 53% of :~:text=Water%20and%20Sanitation%20Issues
households in the Philippines lack access to a %20in,and%2039%25%20lack%20safe%20sani
safely managed water supply, and 39% lack safe tation.
sanitation. The situation in schools is even more
serious, with 55% of schools lacking access to a -Thailand
safely managed water supply and 26% lacking Data from the Ministry of Public Health’s Report
safe sanitation. on Drinking Water Quality from 2009-2019
https://planet-water.org/where-we-operate/philip showed that only 40.8% of water available to
pines/ households was appropriate for consumption.
-Malaysia On the other hand, 43.7% of water in
Access to water in Malaysia goes beyond mere households needed further treatment before
resource management and is an issue of social consumption, while a further 15.5% comprised
justice and equity. Rural communities, especially water that had been contaminated by chemicals
indigenous groups, often struggle to access above the recommended limit.
clean water and sanitation facilities. The low https://dicf.unepgrid.ch/thailand/water#:~:text=D
water tariff does not encourage water espite%20water%20shortage%20problems%20
conservation and per capita consumption is %5B2,2016%20and%2099.5%25%20in%20201
high. Water quality is deteriorating due to 9.
pollution from sewage, industrial waste and
agricultural runoff; the problem is also -Vietnam
exacerbated by deforestation. According to government figures, each year in
https://news.utm.my/2024/03/malaysias-perspec Vietnam 9,000 people die and 250,000 more are
tive-on-water-resource-sharing-leveraging-water hospitalized due to poor sanitation and water
-for-peace/ quality, while around 200,000 have cancer linked
to water pollution. Urban wastewater is the
largest contributor to water pollution, and in rural
areas rising fertilizer and pesticide use affect
water quality. Vulnerable groups like pregnant
women, children, and the elderly are particularly
vulnerable to waterborne diseases like cholera.
In Timor-Leste, 80 percent of the rural
population has access to at least basic water,
while in urban settings it reaches 96 percent.
However, basic-level water only assures that the
water is from an improved source with a
maximum of 30 minutes’ collection time. The
country is unable to report on its safe water
coverage due to a lack of data and assurance
on water availability and quality.
REFERENCES https://www.unicef.org/timorleste/media/5851/file
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