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7th September, 2024

Prime Minister launched ‘Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari’ Initiative in Surat, Gujarat
This initiative seeks to conserve water with a strong emphasis on
community partnership and ownership, and is driven by a whole-of- Other initiatives for Community Participation to Conserve
society and whole-of-government approach. Water
It aims to construct around 24,800 rainwater harvesting structures Atal Bhujal Yojana demonstrates community-led
through community participation, ensuring long-term water sustainable groundwater management.
sustainability across state.
It aligns with ongoing Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain campaign. Jal Jeevan Mission ensures active involvement of
women in paani samitis, who often bear primary
Role of Community Participation in Water Conservation
responsibility for water collection and usage in rural
Sharing of invaluable local knowledge and insights about water households.
sources, consumption patterns, and environmental dynamics. E.g.
Nagaland's Zabo Water Conservation Method etc. Ek Ped Maa ke Naam encourages community for
Renovation of traditional water sources. E.g. Tamilnadu revived groundwater replenishment through afforestation.
kudimaramathu, centuries-old practice of building and maintaining Namami Gange Initiative had become an emotional
ponds/tanks with community involvement.
resolution for citizens where people gave up old
Rejuvenating and revitalizing through de-silting and feeder channels traditions to ensure cleanliness of rivers.
through community participation E.g. Neeru-chuttu (Andhra
Ensures that water management strategies are inclusive, catering to the needs of diverse socio-economic groups. E.g. Zing,
small tanks in Ladakh that collect melting glacier water.
Encourage adoption of water-efficient practices. E.g. Jal Jeevan Hariyali (Bihar)
Prime Minister emphasised adoption of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recharge, and Recycle’ mantra to secure nation’s water future. He also
highlighted that water conservation is not just a policy, it is an effort and a virtue too. Also, water conservation is not just a matter
of policies but social commitment.

WHO Launches First Global Framework For Understanding the Origins Of New Or Re-Emerging
About framework
Developed by: SAGO (Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens).
SAGO, established by WHO in 2021, constitutes independent experts from around the world.
Key Principles: Framework aligns with the International Health Regulations (IHR) and One Health approach.
IHR adopted by WHO in 2005 is an overarching legally binding framework to provide a public health response to the
international spread of disease.
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals,
and ecosystems.
Significance of framework
Curtailing rising risk of the emergence of known (such as Ebola, Nipah) and novel pathogens with epidemic and pandemic
potential (such as novel influenza, SARS-CoV-1).
♦ Timely and comprehensive investigations into pathogens’ origins are critical for preventing and containing global
health crises
They can also confirm or exclude the possibility of an unintentional breach in laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.
♦ If this system had existed during COVID-19, finding its origin might have been less controversial and more successful

Framework outlines scientific

investigations for 6 technical elements

Early investigations Human studies Human/Animal Studies to identify Genomics and Biosafety/
of first identified to understand interface studies insect vectors or Phylogenetics Biosecurity
cases/clusters / the to identify other sources of studies to identify studies to
outbreaks epidemiology potential animal infection precursor strains, determine if a
reservoirs genomic breach in
characteristics research
activities resulted
in first cases.

Average household spending on food falls below half since 1947: EAC-PM Paper
It was highlighted by Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) in paper titled "Changes in India's Food
Consumption and Policy Implications: A Comprehensive Analysis of Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022-23 and
Other Key Highlights
Regional Variations: Household spending has increased across India, though the extent varies by state and region. E.g. West
Bengal saw a 151% rise and Tamil Nadu 214%, between 2011-12 and 2022-23.
Rural vs. Urban Spending: Consumption expenditure growth for rural households (164%) was higher than that for urban
households (146%).
Nutrients and Dietary Diversity: Shift from cereal-based consumption towards a diet that includes fruits, milk & milk products,
eggs, fish & meat.
Processed Foods: Household spending on served and packaged processed foods has increased across all income groups.
But it’s most noticeable among top 20% of households and is significantly higher in urban areas.
Policy Implications due to changing consumption patterns
Government should focus on policies promoting production of diverse food items, mainly fruits, vegetables, and animal-
source foods etc.
Policy addressing micronutrient deficiency must be well-targeted due to variation in micronutrient intake across region.
Agricultural policies should focus beyond cereals, as their consumption is dropping. Support measures like MSP, which target
cereals, will only have limited benefits for farmers.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Multiple leaders of South Asia have called
approves new treatment regimen for Multi- for revival of SAARC
Drug Resistant- Tuberculosis (MDR- TB) Last SAARC biennial summit was hosted by Nepal in 2014.
New BPaLM regimen consisting of four drugs — Bedaquiline, The 2016 summit (to be hosted by Pakistan) was stalled
Pretomanid, Linezolid and Moxifloxacin — has proven to be following the terror attack in Pulwama.
a safe, more effective and quicker treatment option than Reasons for SAARC’s failures
previous procedures.
Earlier, Pretomanid has been approved & licensed for use Pakistan’s fixation: Pakistan’s collaboration with China on
in India by CDSCO. CPEC (disregarding India’s territorial sovereignty), its state-
It brings down treatment time to 6 months from earlier sponsored terrorism, etc.
duration of 20 months. Big Brother perception: Fear of India’s hegemony in
BPaLM regimen was introduced under National TB political and economic sphere of SAARC.
Elimination Programme and expected to boost the country’s Structural issues:
progress to achieve its national goal of ending TB in India
by 2025. Bilateral and contentious issues are excluded and there
About Tuberculosis is no arrangement for resolving disputes or mediating
An infectious disease that most often affects lungs and is
caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. Unanimous decisions making (posing a difficulty in
Bacillle Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine provides immunity decision making).
against TB. Why SAARC need revival?
As per India TB Report 2024, there were 25.52 lakh notified Dealing with Common issues: Major issues include climate
TB patients in 2023. change, food and energy security, poverty, etc.
Challenges in Tuberculosis Eradication South Asia is highly vulnerable regions to climate
Social Stigma leads to delayed diagnosis; High Treatment shocks while also being home to world's large
Costs, Comorbidities with HIV, diabetes; Lack of diagnostics
facility in rural areas etc. population living in relative poverty (World Bank).
Other Initiatives taken for Tuberculosis Eradication Huge untapped interregional trade potential: Intraregional
Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan provides additional trade in South Asia is just 5% of its total trade, compared
patient support, augment community involvement. to 25% in ASEAN.
Ni-kshay Mitra ensures additional diagnostic, nutritional, Past Success: These include South Asia Free Trade
support to those on TB treatment. Agreement, SAARC Development Fund, SAARC regional
Nikshay Poshan Yojana provides financial support to TB centres on agriculture, energy, etc.
patients for their nutrition. While India continues to support SAARC with launch of South
Asian Satellite, establishment of South Asian University
Types of Drug - Resistant TB etc., it has also been focusing on interregional cooperation
initiatives including BIMSTEC and ‘Act East Policy’.
Multidrug Resistance TB (MDR)
Resistant to at least Isoniazid and Rifampicin About South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
Genesis: Established through the SAARC Charter in Dhaka
Extensively drug Resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)
on 8 December 1985.
Resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampin, plus any
fluoroquinolone and at least one of three injectable Objectives: Promote the welfare of people and to improve
second-line drugs (amikacin, kanamycin, or their quality of life through accelerated social progress and
capreomycin). economic development in the region.
8 Member States: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,
Totally drug-resistant tuberculosis (TDR-TB) Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Resistant to all first- and second-line TB drugs. Secretariat: Kathmandu (Nepal)

5th India-Maldives Defence Cooperation Dialogue held in New Delhi at the level of top officials
The dialogue touched on bilateral military exercises and was the first
defence dialogue after India-Maldives relations witnessed strained ties India’s Initiatives to Strengthen relation with Maldives
earlier. India is building a new Coast Guard base at Uthuru
Maldives President in pursuance of his "India Out" campaign had Thilafalhu (UTF) atoll.
Indian military personnel withdraw from Maldives while also India provides grant to Maldives for High Impact
pursuing pro-China policies. Community Development Projects (HICDPs).
However, recent deepening cooperation is in line with India’s External Greater Male Connectivity Project being developed by
Affairs Minister’s recent visit to Maldives and Maldives President’s India is the Maldives' largest infrastructure project.
attendance at India's Prime Minister's oath ceremony. Both the countries have an open skies arrangement
Importance of India for Maldives and visa-free entry for tourism, medical and business
India is seen as a Net Security Provider in Indian Ocean Region (IOR) purposes.
India has been the first responder in crises in Maldives (Operation
Neer in 2014 during water crisis, Vaccine Maitri during COVID-19 Pandemic).
Maldives wants to reinstate India among the top three tourist markets (tourism is key to the Maldives economy).
Recently, Maldives faced decline in tourist footfall from India.
Significance of Maldives for India
India’s Neighbourhood First Policy (NFP): Maldives is one of the cornerstones of NFP, Vision SAGAR, India’s commitment to
the Global South.
Strategic location: It is located between major Indian Ocean chokepoints (Gulf of Aden, Strait of Hormuz and Strait of Malacca).
First line of defence: Maldives serves as the first line of defence against various maritime threats such as terrorism, and piracy.
Reducing the influence of China in the IOR.
NOTE: For more on India-Maldives relation please refer News Today document of 12th August 2024 and 6th March 2024.

Also in News

Agni Missiles Collegiums system and Judicial Review

Agni-4, an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile, was successfully Supreme Court (SC) ruled that High Court (HC) Chief Justice
launched from Integrated Test Range in Chandipur, Odisha. cannot Individually reconsider Judges' Appointment, and it must be
About Agni Missiles collectively done by collegium.
Conceived under Integrated Guided Missile Development SC also clarified that although ‘content of consultation’ is beyond
Programme (IGMDP) which was started DRDO in 1980s Judicial review ‘effective consultation’ falls within its ambit.
They are surface-to-surface ballistic missile. About Collegium
They have medium- to intercontinental-range. It is a system for making recommendations for appointment of
judges of SC and HC.
Fuelled by Solid propellant and mainstay of India's nuclear launch
Judges are appointed by President under Article 124 and 217
(respectively for SC and HC) of Constitution.
Agni Prime is the latest missile to be developed in the series.
For appointment in SC: Collegium consists of CJI and four other
Other missiles developed under IGDMP are senior-most judges of the SC.
Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Prithvi For appointment in HC
Short-range low-level surface-to-air missile Trishul Collegium at HC consists of Chief Justice of HC and two
Medium-range surface-to-air missile Akash senior judges of the concerned HC.
Third generation anti-tank missile Nag Collegium at SC consists of CJI and two seniormost Judges
of the SC.

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor
Digi- Yatra
Minister of External Affairs, while addressing CII India Mediterranean Union Minister for Civil Aviation inaugurated the Digi Yatra facility for
Business Conclave, said that IMEC will be a cornerstone of global nine airports, bringing the total number of Digi Yatra-enabled airports
connectivity. to 24.
About IMEC About Digi- Yatra
Announced on the sidelines of the G20 summit, for integration of Launched in 2022 by Ministry of Civil Aviation.
Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Digital initiative to enhance the passenger experience with
It will consist of railroad, ship-to-rail networks and road seamless, contactless, and paperless boarding at airports based
on Facial Recognition Technology.
transport routes.
Pillars: Connected Passengers, Connected Airports, Connected
Comprises of: Flying and Connected Systems.
East Corridor: connecting India to Gulf and Benefit: Lower cost operations by removing redundancies at
Northern Corridor: connecting the Gulf to Europe. checkpoints and enhancing resource utilization.
Members: India, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi No central storage of passengers' Personally Identifiable
Arabia, UAE and US. Information.
All passenger data is encrypted and stored securely in their
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Food smartphones, shared only temporarily with origin airport, and
Price Index (FFPI) destroyed within 24 hours of departure.

Recently, the benchmark for world food commodity prices declined

marginally in August 2024. Light pollution and Alzheimer’s risk
About FFPI
Introduced in 1996 as a public good to help in monitoring Night time light pollution is linked to increased Alzheimer’s risk.
developments in global agricultural commodity markets. About Light Pollution
It is a measure of monthly change in international prices of a Light pollution is excessive or inappropriate use of outdoor
artificial light.
basket of food commodities. It adversely affects our ability to observe stars and other
It consists of average of five commodity group price indices celestial objects, human health and wildlife behavior.
weighted by average export shares of each of groups over 2014- The study noted that night time light pollution disrupts natural
2016. circadian rhythms and hampers sleep, making individuals more
5 commodities are Meat, Dairy products, Cereals, Vegetables susceptible to Alzheimer's disease (AD).
oil, and Sugar. About AD
AD (a common type of dementia) causes a progressive decline in
National Initiative For Developing And memory, thinking, learning and organizing skills.
Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) Factors responsible: genetics and medical conditions,
environmental stresses.
8 new NIDHI i-TBIs inaugurated across India.
About NIDHI Hepatitis A vaccine
Umbrella programme developed by Department of Science &
Technology (DST) in 2016. Indian Immunologicals Limited launched pediatric (for children) dose
of India’s first indigenous Hepatitis A vaccine, Havisure.
Objective: To nurture ideas and innovations (knowledge-based About Hepatitis
and technology-driven) into successful startups. An inflammation of liver.
Implementation: National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Caused infectious viruses as well as non-infectious agents.
Development Board (NSTEDB) under DST is funding agency. Five main strains: Types A, B, C, D and E.
All NIDHI-Startup funds and offerings are disbursed to eligible Types B and C together are most common cause of liver
startups only through eligible NSTEDB associated incubators cirrhosis, liver cancer and viral hepatitis-related deaths.
across India. Vaccine not available for type C.
NIDHI Programmes are implemented through Technology National Viral Hepatitis Control Program 2019 seeks to eliminate
Hepatitis C in India by 2030, achieve significant reduction in
Business Incubators (TBIs). infected population with Hepatitis B and C, and reduce risk due to
NIDHI - iTBI (Inclusive- TBI) for converting Innovations to start- Hepatitis A and E.
ups is one of the key components of NIDHI. Mission Indradhanush provides vaccination against Hepatitis B
along with 7 other infections

Personality in news Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (5 September 1888- April 17, 1975)

He was a renowned Indian philosopher born in Tiruttani, Tamil Nadu.
Became India’s first Vice-President (1952 to 1962) and second President (1962- 1967). Since 1962,
his birth anniversary has been celebrated as National Teachers’ Day.
Emphasized moral and ethical role of education and believed that teachers are backbone of a nation's
Books Authored by him: The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, The Philosophy of the Upanishads,
Awards: Bharat Ratna (1954), Peace Prize in German Book Trade in 1961.
Values: Leadership, Perseverance etc.


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