Domestic Rainwater Harvesting To Improve Water Supply in Rural South Africa
Domestic Rainwater Harvesting To Improve Water Supply in Rural South Africa
Domestic Rainwater Harvesting To Improve Water Supply in Rural South Africa
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Private Bag X3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
Source Strategic Focus (Pty) Ltd., P.O. Box 2857, Pretoria 0001, Pretoria, South Africa
Halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, is one of the targets of the 7th
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In South Africa, with its mix of developed and developing regions, 9.7 million (20%) of the
people do not have access to adequate water supply and 16 million (33%) lack proper sanitation services. Domestic Rainwater Harvesting
(DRWH), which provides water directly to households enables a number of small-scale productive activities, has the potential to supply
water even in rural and peri-urban areas that conventional technologies cannot supply. As part of the effort to achieve the MDGs, the
South African government has committed itself to provide financial assistance to poor households for the capital cost of rainwater stor-
age tanks and related works in the rural areas. Despite this financial assistance, the legal status of DRWH remains unclear and DRWH is
in fact illegal by strict application of the water legislations. Beyond the cost of installation, maintenance and proper use of the DRWH
system to ensure its sustainability, there is risk of waterborne diseases. This paper explores challenges to sustainable implementation of
DRWH and proposes some interventions which the South African government could implement to overcome them.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Domestic rainwater harvesting; Rural South Africa; Water supply; Sustainable
1474-7065/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Mwenge Kahinda et al. / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007) 1050–1057 1051
and quality of water supply improves the level of sanita- tanks. During the Demonstration Phase of its Pilot Pro-
tion. Sanitation is an important public health measure gramme, DWAF has constructed, through implementing
which is essential for the prevention of diseases. With agents, 64 underground tanks (UGTs) (Fig. 1) in 26 vil-
regard to sanitation services, in South Africa, 16 million lages distributes in 4 provinces, namely Eastern Cape,
people (3.9 million households) are without adequate san- Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Free State. (De Lange,
itation services (Info, 2006). Water plays a major role in 2006).
laying the foundation for economic growth, not only by Results of the DWAF RWH Demonstration Phase,
increasing the assurance of supply, but also by improving November 2005–July 2006, and subsequent analysis and
water quality and therefore human health (Phillips et al., planning for expansion, has shown that the total cost of
2006). There are two categories of storage reservoirs for delivering a homestead rainwater tank of 30 m3, is not
DRWH, surface or aboveground tanks (common for roof expected to exceed ZAR 22,800 (Table 1) during the expan-
collection) and sub-surface or underground tanks (com- sion and roll-out phases. The isolated cost of material and
mon for ground catchment systems). As the level of adop- labour for the construction of the rainwater tank, which
tion increases some critical aspect of DRWH such as the amount to ZAR 13,000 is unaffordable for the populace.
health implication, the sizing of the storage tank and the In its RWH pilot programme, DWAF only considers
management strategy need consideration. Apart from the UGTs which collect rainwater from the ground, and totally
most spoken advantage of enabling small-scale productive disregards aboveground tanks (AGTs) which collect rain-
activities (brewing, small-scale food production, household water from rooftops. Furthermore, it is inappropriate to
construction, etc.); DRWH also has the adverse potential use the same tank size for different locations since the rain-
impact to spread a number of water related diseases if fall, the water requirement and the availability of alterna-
proper measures are not taken. The immune systems of tive water sources differs from one site to another. Even
HIV-positive people are susceptible to a wider range of though water stored in UGTs in not potable, some house-
common illnesses and diseases than individuals whose holds use it as drinking water after putting in some drops
immune systems are not compromised by HIV and AIDS
(Ashton and Ramasar, 2002). As funds are made available
for the widespread of DRWH, there is a need to explore its Table 1
Total DWAF investment per household (De Lange, 2006)
potential to improve the rural water supply. This paper
presents the current state of DRWH in South Africa and Description Cost in Rand Cost in USD
seeks to highlight the challenges to overcome for its sus- Material and labour per 30 m rainwater 13,000 1806
tainable implementation. tank
Facilitation, sustainability inputs, 7000 972
household training and production
establishment, coordination with local
2. The RWH Pilot programme authorities, construction and project
implementation management, etc.
As part of the efforts of the South African government Value added tax @14% 2800 389
to halve the number of food insecure households, financial Total 22,800 3167
assistance is provided for the implementation of storage USD 1 = ZAR 7.2 (FNB, 2006).
Fig. 1. 30 m3 RWH underground tank constructed by under the DWAF demonstration phase (Picture by Papenfus).
1052 J. Mwenge Kahinda et al. / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007) 1050–1057
of bleach (Duncker, 2000), raising the question of the qual- a classification of water-related diseases. Water-borne dis-
ity of the water. Furthermore, about 67,000 UGTs and eases remain a cause for concern in both developing and
AGTs are already being used as main source of water (Cen- developed countries worldwide (Duncker, 2000).
sus 2001). Since it is impossible to monitor what the har- Currently, drinking water quality provision in many
vested water will be used for, it makes sense to consider rural areas is substandard (Mackintosh and Colvin,
the possible adverse effects of the use of DRWH on health. 2003). The impact of water-borne disease in South Africa
is significant. Pegram et al. (1998) estimates that about
3. Literature review of the potential impact of DRWH on 43,000 South Africans die every year from diarrhoeal dis-
water-related diseases ease and the annual public and private direct health care
costs incurred due to diarrhoea alone are at least ZAR
The main advantage of DRWH is to provide water right 3.0 billion. DRWH has the potential to supply water of
at the household, suppressing the burden of having to walk better quality at household level, therefore reducing the
long distances to fetch water. The quantity of water deliv- water related diseases but further studies are required on
ered and used for households is an important aspect of the subject. In South Africa, few data on quality of water
domestic water supplies, which influences hygiene and sources and associated health problems are available, since
therefore public health (Howard and Bartram, 2003). In limited surveys have been conducted (Nevondo and Cloete,
the South African context, the quality of the water takes 1999). The same lack of data is observed worldwide on the
another dimension when one considers the HIV/AIDS epi- quality of DRWH (Dillaha and Zolan, 1984).
demic (one of the worst in the world) that shows no evi- The health implications of widespread use of DRWH
dence of a decline with the number of people infected are divided into two aspects, namely (Vasudevan et al.,
with HIV estimated at 5.5 million (UNAIDS, 2006). The 2000):
Strategic Framework developed by the government in
2003 states: • Concerns regarding water quality and possible direct
health implications due to contaminants.
Lack of access to water supply and sanitation con-
• Insect vector breeding related to water storage and
straints opportunities to escape poverty and exacerbates
health implications arising out of it.
the problems of vulnerable groups, especially those
affected by HIV/AIDS and other diseases. A key focus
3.1. The quality of DRWH
of South Africa’s water services policy should be on
ensuring access of the poor to adequate, affordable
Available literature presents different conclusions on the
and sustainable levels of defined basic water supply
quality of water harvested from rooftops. While some stud-
and sanitation services (DWAF, 2003).
ies report that rainwater from rooftops generally meets the
Newborn, young children, elderly, incapacitated people international guidelines of drinking water (Sazakli et al.,
or people living under unsanitary conditions are those at 2007; Zhu et al., 2004; Handia et al., 2003; Dillaha and
greatest risk of water-related diseases. Table 2 below, gives Zolan, 1984) other studies reports that chemical and/or
microbial contaminants are often present in level exceeding
international guidelines of drinking water (Abbott et al.,
2006; Vasudevan and Pathak, 2000; Nevondo and Cloete,
Table 2
Classification of water-related disease (Eisenberg et al., 2001, citing 1999; Yaziz et al., 1989). The quality of the harvested
Bradley, 1974) and stored rainwater depends on the characteristics of the
Category Comments considered area, such as the topography, the weather con-
ditions, the proximity to pollution sources, the type of the
Water-borne diseases Caused by the ingestion of water contaminated
by human or animal faeces or urine containing catchment area, the type of water tank and the handling
pathogenic bacteria or viruses; includes cholera, and management of the water (Sazakli et al., 2007; Zhu
typhoid, amoebic and bacillary dysentery and et al., 2004; Vásquez et al., 2003; Gould, 1999).
other diarrhoeal diseases UGTs collect surface runoff and have therefore a con-
Water-washed diseases Caused by poor personal hygiene; includes
tamination path very similar to those of other water bodies.
scabies, trachoma and flea-, lice- and tickborne
diseases in addition to the majority of In the case of rooftop RWH, even though the nature of
waterborne diseases, which are also water- water collection process seems to prevent the pollution of
washed rainwater, it is wrong to assume that the harvested water
Water-based diseases Caused by parasites found in intermediate reaches the drinking water standard. Fig. 2 shows the con-
organisms living in water; includes
tamination paths for DRWH systems collecting water from
dracunculiasis, schistosomiasis and some other
helminths rooftop.
Water-related diseases Transmitted by insect vectors which breed in The sources of contamination of rooftop RWH tanks
water; includes dengue, filariasis, malaria, include; dust from the soil, leaves from trees, repellent
onchocerciasis, trypanosomiasis and yellow insects, chemical deposits, and bird droppings. The mainte-
nance of DRWH system mainly consists in periodical
J. Mwenge Kahinda et al. / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007) 1050–1057 1053
cleaning of the catchment area and the interior of the water Table 3
storage tank (Sazakli et al., 2007; Dillaha and Zolan, 1984) Diseases caused by mosquitoes
as well as the diversion of the first millimetres of rains. Protozoan disease Filarial disease Viral disease
Since it is impracticable to clean the roof surface, the best Malaria Heart worm Yellow fever
way of preventing pollutants and contaminants from get- Dengue fever
ting into the storage tank is by either diverting or flushing Encephalitis
the first millimetres of rains. Martinson and Thomas (2005)
developed a methodology that enables to estimate the of South Africa affected by malaria are the lowveld region
amount of rain to flush for any type of roof. This implies of Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the north-eastern parts of
that in a country such as South Africa where the rainfalls Kwazulu-Natal (Fig. 3). Malaria victims are mostly women
are erratic and unevenly distributed, the first millimetres and children and if uncontrolled, it becomes a major eco-
of rain after each dry spell will have to be either diverted nomic burden as most of the malaria risk areas in South
or flushed. At present, no diverting devices are installed Africa fall within some of the best tourism regions
on the AGTs implemented in rural South Africa. Such a (DOH, 2003a).
diverting device coupled with regular cleaning of the water The implementation of DRWH in those three provinces
storage tank will improve the water quality. Another main- requires special measures to prevent the breeding of mos-
tenance procedure is the periodic addition of a disinfectant quitoes in the DRWH tanks. Preventive measures with
such as chlorine to the cistern to kill existing bacteria regard to DRWH may be divided into three groups (after
(Dillaha and Zolan, 1984). Vasudevan et al., 2000):
3.2. DRWH as an insect vector (i) Prevention of mosquito breeding in the surroundings
of the tank. Chemical and biological measures may
Vasudevan et al. (2000) indicates that mosquito is the be employed to kill immature mosquitoes during lar-
major insect vector, which needs to be considered in the val stages:
context of DRWH. Mosquitoes cause various diseases • Plants and aquatic plants that repel mosquitoes
(Table 3), among which malaria is the most common in can be grown around the DRWH site.
South Africa. • A biological control of mosquito species using
Malaria transmission is a multifactorial phenomenon Bacillus sphareicus, Bacillus thuringiensis which
and climate is a major limiting factor of its spatial and tem- contains proteins toxic for larvae of a variety of
poral distribution, but many non-climatic factors may alter mosquito species can be used in existing
or override the effect of climate (Craig et al., 2004). Regions depressions.
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