Q4 Activity 9 Proteins
Q4 Activity 9 Proteins
Q4 Activity 9 Proteins
I. Engage
Which is stronger, a spider’s web or steel? Why do you think so? Read the article posted on the group
chat to help you in answering this question.
a. __________ b. __________
c. __________ d. __________
III. Elaborate
A. What are the different types of proteins? Complete the concept map below and give examples.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
8. __________
10. __________
9. __________
B. What are the four levels of protein structure? Complete the table below to describe them.
Levels of Protein Structure Description (Notable Bonds & Shape)
V. Reflect
We use 70% rubbing alcohol to disinfect our hands from bacteria and viruses. How does rubbing alcohol
kill the microorganism in our skin? What is the connection of this to the denaturation of protein?