Controlled Release of Silica-Coated Insulin-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles As A Promising Oral Administration System
Controlled Release of Silica-Coated Insulin-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles As A Promising Oral Administration System
Controlled Release of Silica-Coated Insulin-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles As A Promising Oral Administration System
BMC Pharmacology
BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 and Toxicology
Background Oral insulin administration has recently become one of the most exciting research subjects. Different
approaches have been carried out to get an effective oral insulin delivery system using nanotechnology. The devel-
opment of a delivery system that overcomes the difficulties of oral insulin administration, achieving high stability
and minimal side effects, is still an urgent need. Therefore, this study is considered one of the efforts to design a new
prospective drug delivery nano-composite (silica-coated chitosan-dextran sulfate nanoparticles).
Methods Chitosan-dextran sulfate nanoparticles (CS-DS NPs) were prepared via a complex coacervation method
and then coated with silica. Uncoated and silica-coated CS-DS NPs were physically characterized via different tech-
niques. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX)
analysis, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been used to investigate the chemical elements, size, morphology,
and surface properties of the prepared formulations. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to assess the thermal
properties of formed nano-formulations. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy investigated the silica coat
and chitosan interaction. The encapsulation efficiency was evaluated using high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) analysis. The insulin release profile of nano-formulations was performed with and without silica coat at two
different pHs (5.5,7), nearly simulating the environment of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
Results The silica-coated CS-DS NPs revealed interesting physicochemical properties exemplified by suitable core
particle size obtained by TEM images (145.31 ± 33.15 nm), hydrodynamic diameter (210 ± 21 nm), high stability
indicated by their zeta potential value (-32 ± 3.2 mV), and adequate surface roughness assessed by AFM. The encap-
sulation efficiency of insulin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (ICN) was (66.5%) higher than that of insulin-chitosan
complex nanoparticles (ICCN). The silica-coated ICN demonstrated a controlled insulin release profile at pHs (5.5 and
7) compared with uncoated ICN.
Conclusion The silica-coated ICN can be an efficient candidate as a desired oral delivery system, overcoming the
common obstacles of peptides and proteins delivery and achieving high stability and controlled release for further
Keywords Oral administration, Silica coat, Insulin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles, Drug release test
Heba M. Fahmy
Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
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Fathy et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 Page 2 of 11
(B) Preparation of insulin‑loaded chitosan nanoparticles space on the order of tens to hundreds of angstroms away
(ICN) from it and, therefore, cannot disturb or destroy the sam-
Chitosan was dissolved in a 1% glacial acetic acid solu- ple. The surface topography in non-contact AFM mode
tion. The pH value of the solution was confirmed to be is measured by utilizing the attractive atomic force in the
4. Then, 1 ml of insulin solution (with a concentration distance between the tip and a sample surface.
of 6.94 mg/ml and pH 4) was mixed with the DS solu-
tion; its pH was adjusted to 4. This mixture was then Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
added to the CS solution under stirring. After that, The Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC131 Evo
the prepared nano-formulations were centrifuged and (SETARAM Inc., France) was used to evaluate the ther-
washed with deionized water. mal behavior of the two prepared formulations (uncoated
and silica-coated CS-DS NPs). The DSC analysis was per-
Silica coating of the prepared formulations formed at a heating range from 25 °C to 350 °C with a
By adding NH4OH to prepared formulations, silica coat- heating rate of 10 °C / min. The samples were weighed in
ing was provided to adjust their pH to 10. Then a solu- an Aluminum crucible 120 ul and presented to the DSC.
tion of TEOS (15 µl) and ethanol (0.5 ml) was then slowly The results of the thermo-gram were processed using
added at a rate of 10µ/min under sonication at 40 °C [19]. (CALISTO Data processing software v.149).
The Silica-coated NPs collected via centrifugation.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
The FTIR spectrometer (Edwards High Vaccum, Crae-
Characterization of the prepared nano‑formulations ley Sussex, England) was used to assess (for the pellet
The size and morphology of the prepared formulations of uncoated and silica-coated CS-DS NPs) the interac-
(uncoated and silica-coated CS-DS NPs) were obtained tion between the silica coat and the surface of CS-DS
using TEM (JEM 1230 electron microscope Jeol, Tokyo, NPs. FTIR scanning speed was 2 mm/sec, and the reso-
Japan). A drop of each diluted formulation was applied to lution was 4 cm−1. The resulting different spectra pat-
a copper grid and left to dry for 15 min. The two sam- terns are recorded as a relation between wave number
ples were negatively stained using 1% phosphotung- and transmittance %
stic acid and left to dry. Then, the images were captured
with a high-resolution transmission electron microscope Insulin encapsulation efficiency using HPLC
TEM. The surface structure and quantitative chemical The two prepared formulations (ICCN and ICN) were
analysis of the uncoated and silica-coated CS-DS NPs centrifuged (VS-18000 M, Korea, power 220 V/ 50 HZ) at
were determined using SEM (Quanta TM 250 FEG, FEI; 10,000 RPM for 20 min. The supernatant of the two formu-
USA), equipped with an Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) lations was then collected to estimate the insulin concen-
spectrometer to measure the elemental concentrations tration (the free drug) using the high-performance liquid
in the formulations. The accelerating voltage was 20 kV. chromatography technique (HPLC) (Young Lin Instru-
The hydrodynamic size distribution and zeta potential of ment, Korea). The flow rate was maintained at 1.0 ml/min,
nano-formulations (uncoated and silica-coated CS-DS and the injection volume was 20 μL. The drug (insulin) was
NPs) were determined using Zetasizer (Nano ZS90, monitored by its UV absorbance at 270 nm. The run time
Malvern Instruments, UK) at 25 °C. The formulations was 9 min, and the insulin had a retention time of ~ 6 min.
were appropriately diluted with deionized water for the The insulin encapsulation efficiency was calculated for
analysis. The Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) technique each formulation from the following equation:
Initialconcentration − Supernatantconcentration
EncapsulationEfficiency% = ×100%
measured the hydrodynamic size. And the zeta poten- In vitro drug release
tial was directly measured by the migration of particles The insulin release profiles from the prepared formula-
in an electric field [20]. Each measurement was analyzed tions (ICCN and ICN) were performed using the dialy-
three times to calculate the mean values and the standard sis bag method (MWCO 12,000 g/mole; Sigma-Aldrich)
errors. The prepared formulations’ topographic proper- in two different pHs (5.5, 7) to ensure the stability and
ties were investigated by well-resolved non-contact AFM controlled release of the insulin within media like those
(Wet – SPM9600, Shimadzu, Japan). In non-contact of human GIT [16]. A volume of 20 ml of phosphate
AFM, the tip mounted on the end of a cantilever for sam- buffer saline (pH 7) was prepared at 3 7o C and intro-
ple surface scanning never contacts the sample leaving a duced to each falcon tube for each formulation as a ready
Fathy et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 Page 4 of 11
Fig. 1 TEM images for (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
Fig. 2 SEM images for (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
Fathy et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 Page 5 of 11
Fig. 3 EDX spectra for (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
Fig. 5 Zeta potential analysis for (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
Fig. 6 AFM images for (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
S˭O was found at around 1233 cm−1[22]. An intense peak tiny adjacent bands appeared in the spectrum of polysac-
was observed at about 3114 cm−1, characteristic of O–H charides and were noticed at 2490 and 2564 cm−1, cor-
stretching and intramolecular hydrogen bonds[23]. Two responding to the C-H symmetric and C-H asymmetric
Fathy et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 Page 7 of 11
Fig. 7 DSC of (A) uncoated CS-DS NPs and (B) silica-coated CS-DS NPs
It was found that there is an actual correlation between silica coat, and two mechanisms suggested this: First,
the surface roughness of NPs and their cellular attach- It was proved that the silica coating could improve the
ment [33, 34]. Rough surfaces have a high ability for the chitosan resistance against pH denaturation [43]. Sec-
entrapment of glycosylated proteins (mucins) compos- ond, the presence of a silica coat decreases the surface
ing the mucus layer lining the GIT, affecting their per- porosity of the prepared nano-carrier (demonstrated by
meability through the epithelial cells and hindering their the decreasing surface roughness values). That reduces
accessibility to blood circulation [35, 36]. Therefore, the the insulin molecules to be released, suggesting that
interaction between highly rough surfaces of uncoated the coating of ICN provides a protective shield allow-
NPs and mucus cells decreases their in vivo stability. ing controlled release of the drug during its journey
Hence, the lower roughness value (2.21 ± 0.81) of silica- through pH varieties of GIT.
coated CS-DS NPs, indicated by AFM, confirmed their
higher bioavailability than uncoated nanoparticles with a
roughness value of 7.72 ± 2.75. Conclusion
For the DSC thermogram of silica-coated CS-DS This study presents silica-coated IC as an efficient prom-
NPs, the shift in the first endothermic peak to lower ising strategy for the oral administration of insulin. The
temperature indicated the decreased crystallinity of favorable characteristics results were obtained for silica-
CS due to its entrapment with silica in addition to the coated CS NPs compared to uncoated CS NPs, includ-
interaction between polymers and silica, causing dehy- ing the relevant nano-size indicated by TEM images and
dration associated with hydrophilic groups of polymers DLS results and the colloidal stability inferred from zeta
[37–39]. The second endothermic peak (of CS-DS NPs) potential, AFM, and DSC results. The higher encapsu-
was slightly shifted to a higher temperature when add- lation efficiency was obtained at, the lower pH loading
ing silica which can be explained by higher formula- method, silica-coated ICN, achieving sustained release
tion stability due to the formed physical crosslinking results for insulin at pHs (5.5,7), mimicking the media of
[40]. It was also noted that the intensity of endothermic GIT. This work demonstrates inclusive investigation of
peaks was decreased, which may suggest the reduced a potential insulin delivery system as a novel challenge
reorganization ability of the CS-DS matrix by adding overcoming the main problems of oral peptides and pro-
silica, causing a stiffer matrix [40]. At the same time, teins administration. It should be considered a pave the
the disappearance of the exothermic peak by adding way for further research supporting its possible medical
silica may be evidence that no degradation of polymers applications in biological systems.
has occurred [39]. FTIR also characterized the silica
coating, whereas the disappearance of the peaks at
637 cm−1 and the small peaks at 2490 and 2564 cm−1, CS Chitosan
which correspond to the skeletal vibrations of poly- DS Dextran sulfate
saccharides, as well as the disappearance of the peak NPs Nanoparticles
TEOS Tetraethyl orthosilicate
at848cm−1corresponding to sulfated polysaccharides NaOH Sodium hydroxide
and the formation of glycosidic linkages as a result of NH4OH Ammonium hydroxide
the interaction of silica coating [41]. The calculated HCL Hydrochloric acid
ICCN Insulin-Chitosan Complex Nanoparticles
encapsulation efficiency was higher for the lower pH ICN Insulin-loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles
method (insulin-loaded CS NPs). That may be due to ml Millieliter
the isoelectric point of insulin (PI = 5.3), meaning that mg Millie gram
w/v Weight per Volume
insulin in acidic media less than its PI, like that of the µl Microliter
ICN method with pH 4, has positive charges. So, when IU International unit
it is first mixed with negatively charged DS before add- C Degree Celsius
RPM Revolutions per minute
ing to CS, it is expected that an electrostatic attraction TEM Transmission electron microscopy
occurs between the two oppositely charged molecules SEM Scanning electron microscopy
in addition to the electrostatic attraction that may then EDX Energy-Dispersive X-ray
DLS Dynamic Light Scattering
emerge between the positively charged CS and DS mol- AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
ecules resulting in high encapsulation efficiency [15, DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry
42]. The release profiles of ICN and silica coated ICN FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
S.M.E. Standard error of the mean
at two different pHs simulating the media of the human HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography technique
GIT were assessed. The slow and sustained release was UV–Vis Ultraviolet–visible
obtained in the case of silica-coated ICN at pHs (5.5, GIT Gastrointestinal tract
PI Isoelectric point of insulin
7), The low release of silica-coated ICN is due to the
Fathy et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2023) 24:21 Page 10 of 11
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