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Martin Scrivener (martin@scrivenerpublishing.com)
Phillip Carmical (pcarmical@scrivenerpublishing.com)
Deepwater Flexible
Risers and Pipelines
Yong Bai
This edition first published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
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Preface xix
Acknowledgment xxi
About the Author xxiii
Part 1: Local Analysis 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Flexible Pipelines Overview 3
1.2 Environmental Conditions 4
1.3 Flexible Pipeline Geometry 7
1.4 Base Case-Failure Modes and Design Criteria 9
1.5 Reinforcements 10
1.6 Project and Objectives 12
References 12
2 Structural Design of Flexible Pipes in Different Water Depth 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Theoretical Models 15
2.3 Comparison and Discussion 24
2.4 Conclusions 34
References 34
3 Structural Design of High Pressure Flexible Pipes
of Different Internal Diameter 35
3.1 Introduction References 35
3.2 Analytical Models 37
3.2.1 Cylindrical Layers 37
3.2.2 Helix Layers 39
3.2.3 The Stiffness Matrix of Pipe as a Whole Helix Layers 40
3.2.4 Blasting Failure Criterion 41
3.3 FEA Modeling Description 42
3.4 Result and Discussion 46
vi Contents
3.5 Design 50
3.6 Conclusions 54
References 55
4 Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Theoretical Models 58
4.2.1 Mechanical Model of Pressure Armor Layer 58
4.2.2 Mechanical Behavior of Tensile Armor Layer 61
4.2.3 Overall Mechanical Behavior 63
4.3 Numerical Model 64
4.3.1 Pressure Armor Stiffness 64
4.3.2 Full Pipe 69
4.4 Comparison and Discussion 71
4.5 Parametric Study 77
4.6 Conclusions 79
References 80
5 Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 83
5.1 Abstract 83
5.2 Introduction 83
5.3 Cross-Sectional Design 85
5.4 Case Study 87
5.5 Design Result 94
5.6 Finite Elements Analysis 97
5.7 Conclusion 100
References 101
6 Unbonded Flexible Pipe Under Bending 103
6.1 Introduction 103
6.2 Helical Layer Within No-Slip Range 104
6.2.1 Geometry of Helical Layer 104
6.2.2 Bending Stiffness of Helical Layer 108
6.3 Helical Layer Within Slip Range 109
6.3.1 Critical Curvature 109
6.3.2 Axial Force in Helical Wire Within Slip Range 111
6.3.3 Axial Force in Helical Wire Within No-Slip Range 112
6.3.4 Bending Stiffness of Helical Layer 114
References 116
Contents vii
Deepwater flexible risers and pipelines are challenges for deepwater oil
and gas productions. This is particularly important when we use FPSO and
semi-submersible solutions. In the Gulf of Mexico, deepwater flexible ris-
ers and pipelines are also widely used for tie-in of new production wells
and manifolds to existing production systems such as TLPs and Spars, etc.
The author has been fortunately involved with deepwater flexible risers
and pipelines projects when he was working in the USA and Norway. In
the past 15 years, he has been engaged in research and consulting of rel-
evant subjects. This book summarizes his work in four different subject
Part I deals with mechanics of deepwater risers where our focus is cross-
section design of the risers under combined loads. We derived formu-
lation for strength analysis of deepwater flexible pipes under internal
pressure, external pressure, tension, torsion, and bending curvatures. We
also address strength of the pipe during coiling, installation, and possible
failure during the process.
Part III is devoted to a new kind of flexible pipe that is made of fiberglass
material. We derived formations for pipes under internal pressure, exter-
nal pressure, tension, bending, and torsion.
xx Preface
Riser connectors are perhaps the single most critical element in the
safety and integrity of the riser and pipeline systems.
We wish that this book will be a useful reference source of flexible risers
and pipelines design and analysis for subsea engineers. This book mainly
considers deepwater water applications. For shallow applications, we
recommend our book “Flexible Pipelines and Power Cables”. For cross-
sectional design, we recommend our book entitled “Flexible Pipes”. All
three books are published by Scrivener Publishing and Wiley.
The authors would like to appreciate Prof. Yong Bai’s graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows at Zhejiang University who provided the initial tech-
nical writing for Chapters 2, 3, and 4 (Fancesco Cornacchia, Qiangqiang
Shao, and Dr. Ting Liu), Chapter 6 (Dr. Yutian Lu), Chapter 7 (Dr. Yuxin
Xu and Dr. Pan Fang). Chapters 9 to 11 (Dr. Weidong Ruan), Chapters 12
and 13 (Dr. DaPeng Zhang), Chapters 14 (Dr. KA Jiamg), Chapters 17
and 18 (Dr. Wei Qin), Chapter 19 (Dr. XiaoJie Zhang), Chapter 20 (Dr.
Shanying Lin), Chapter 21 (Dr. Yuxin Xu), Chapter 22 (Dr. Yifan Gao),
Chapter 23 (Ms. Xinyu Sun), Chapter 24 (Dr. Mohsen Saneian), Chapters
25 to 26 (Dr. Wei Qin) Chapter 29 (Dr. Zhao Wamg). Thanks to all persons
involved in reviewing this book. The authors also would like to thank the
flexible pipe manufacturing company OPR Inc. for their support for pub-
lishing this book.
The author is grateful to Ms. Xin Zhou who provided editorial assistance.
I am thankful to Martin Scrivener and Phillip Carmical of the Scrivener
Publishing and Wiley.
About the Author
Professor Yong Bai is the president of Offshore Pipelines and Risers Inc. and
also the director of the Offshore Engineering Research Center at Zhejiang
University. He has previously taught at the University of Stavanger in
Norway where he was a professor of offshore structures. He has also
worked with ABS as manager of the Offshore Technology Department and
DNV as a JIP project manager.
Professor Yong Bai has also worked for Shell International E&P as a
staff engineer. Through working at JP Kenny as manager of advanced
engineering and at MCS as vice president of engineering, he has contrib-
uted to the advancement of methods and tools for the design and analysis
of subsea pipelines and risers.
Professor Bai is the author of approximately 10 books such as “Marine
Structural Design” and “Subsea Pipelines and Risers”. He authored more
than 100 SCI and EI papers on the design and installation of subsea pipe-
lines and risers.
Part 1
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (3–14) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
4 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
compared to steel, so that the plastic layers govern the temperature profile
through the pipe wall. Operating temperature is the foremost principle
for selecting the polymer material in order to ensure the correct mechan-
ical behavior of the pipe. In fact, for a given material, as the temperature
rises the magnitude of the yield stress and Young modulus decreases, so
the ultimate strain increases and vice versa, leading to various mechanical
response properties during the service life of the structures. Generally,
temperature profile impacts most of the design parameters, it is also
influenced by the water depth outwardly and by the reservoir formation
internally; thus, it must be carefully considered for both service limit state
and ultimate limit state.
Cross-sectional integrity needs to be mentioned for a remarkable pipe-
line design, which is of relevant importance especially for deep water.
In fact, here hydro-static pressure is high, and the cross-section must be
dimensioned against local buckling failure which is extremely influenced
by imperfections. Not only, any other steel components provide structural
support against axial, bending, and torsional loads, and their integrity
is essential. Corrosion and cracks damages are hard to detect, being the
structural profile made by different layers. Considering the conservative
but actual hypothesis of failure of polymeric materials, steel corrosion is
caused by interaction with salt water, air, or internal acid fluids or combi-
nation of them, which chemically alter materials. Besides the mechanical
properties and price, the main driver for the selection of steel materials
is the corrosion resistance to operating environment. The annulus condi-
tions are continuously tested and monitored, and it is common practice
to include deterioration protections such as coating, corrosion inhibitors,
application of special materials and cathodic protection, in addition to
lubrication oil distributed along the pipe during the manufacturing.
During the years, the availability of reservoirs onshore and in shal-
low water has decreased, and the need of petroleum pushed the industry
to open new challenging offshore campaigns. The employment of flexi-
ble pipes in subsea brings researchers to focus on the estimation of the
structural behavior in deep waters. Here, the environmental conditions are
tougher, and reinforcements are necessary. Hydro-static pressure rises as
water depth increases, which leads to considerable hoop stresses and buck-
ling issues. For the whole pipe, this problem is managed making use
of devices that enhance the strength in this sense, but at the same time,
they bring additional structural weight and increasing gravity loads.
Now, it can be deduced that as the water column grows, the magni-
tude of the tensile load rises. Dynamic tension is amplified by existing drag
6 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
This work is focused on unbonded type, i.e., when layers are not
connected into a single structure, but each component makes up a cylin-
drical layer that is able to slide relatively to the other layers. Composite-
based unbonded flexible pipes are defined as the base-case for this work
and, basically, are composed by an innermost thermoplastic layer called
liner made of polyester material that surrounds the collected material. Two
(or four) layers of carbon steel material strip reinforcements, adjacently,
spirally wounded around the outer surface of the innermost cylinder at an
opposite lay angle of about 55°, one by one (or two by two) to withstand
torque loading. This profile must provide mainly support against tensile
loads. Finally, an outermost polymeric sheath to prevent contamination
from the external environment.
On the other hand, metal-based unbonded flexible pipes are suitable for
static and dynamic applications with length of several hundred meters;
they are compound by nine layers with different functions. The inter-
locked metal carcass layer and the pressure armor layer are added in the
profile with respect to the unbonded FCP. The first is needed to prevent the
collapse due to high hydro static pressure or sudden depressurization of
internal fluids and also to avoid erosion from the extracted materials; the
second provides strength against high hoop stresses due to internal and
external pressure. Also, the tensile strength is improved, substituting strips
with wires, which show wider cross-sectional dimensions.
A further division among unbonded pipelines is made considering the
presence of the steel carcass supporting the inner liner: if it is included in
the design, the pipe can be named rough bore; if not, it is a smooth bore
structure see Figure 1.3.
4 6
4 5
3 5
• Collapse
• Burst
• Tensile failure
• Compressive failure
• Overbending
• Torsional failure
• Fatigue failure
• Erosion
• Corrosion
All the components are subjected to external loads and they have dif-
ferent reactions and strength, and in general, the effects increase as
the water depth grows. Some failure mechanisms for specific elements
appear as results of the failure mode due to loads for which they are not
designed for. For composite unbonded pipelines, it is common that steel
strips, which are designed for withstanding axial loads, may buckle under
excessive hydro-static pressure or tensile loads, as well as during the trans-
port phase.
10 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
• Strain
• Creep
• Stress
• Hydrostatic collapse
• Mechanical collapse
• Torsion
• Crushing collapse and ovalization
• Compression
• Service life factors
Details of design criterion and analysis methods may be founded in Ref [5–7].
1.5 Reinforcements
In order to improve the performance of flexible pipelines, especially for
deep water cases, reinforcements must be included in the cross-section
design, depending on the environmental conditions.
The interlocked carcass is the innermost layer, and it is the only com-
ponent in direct contact to the fluid in the bore. It is a corrugated metallic
tube, fabricated spirally winding a corrugated profile, which is shown in
Figure 1.4, around a mandrel at an angle close to 90°, so that each sec-
tion can slide on the adjacent, releasing the required bending stiffness.
Introduction 11
The structure is not fluid tight, and its steel material needs to be chemically
resistant to the conveyed liquids and gases.
The main reason of considering the carcass in the design is to provide
enough radial resistance against external pressure. Moreover, it delivers
the required strength in case of build-up (rapid decompression caused by
low pressure shut-down in the annulus) but also for crushing loads during
installation operations, handling of the pipe, and pippin tools.
Issues about internal pressure, which may cause high hoop stresses,
can be avoided or limited designing a pressure armor. It is a corrugate
profile which shows notable strength in the hoop direction, where the
cross-sections are interlocked and free to slide one to each other, in order
to confer low bending stiffness at the same time. The metallic cross-section
can have different forms; the most used Z-shaped and C-shaped are illus-
trate in Figure 1.5.
When dealing with deep waters, withstanding high tension is one of
the main challenges. Strips are too thin to carry substantial axial loads
and they must be increased in size, for rectangular or close to rectangular
shape. Thus, a proper design provides the employment of wires, in two or
four layers winded at an angle with the longitudinal axis within about 35°
and 55°. The winding angle is opposite one by one, or two by two, layers to
provide torsional resistance for the two directions.
1. N. Ismail, R. Nielsen, and M. Kanarellis, Design Considerations for Selection
of Flexible Riser Configuration, PD-Vol. 42, Offshore and Arctic Operations,
ASME, 1992.
2. Ruan W, Bai Y, Cheng P. Static analysis of deepwater lazy-wave umbilical on
elastic seabed[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 91: 73–83.
Introduction 13
2.1 Introduction
Flexible pipelines must be designed considering the extreme case in which
a leakage through the layers can happen. The external pressure would be
applied directly on the innermost PE layer, which provides only hydraulic
insulation thus to the carcass surface. Mostly, the issue is relevant for deep
water depth because of high hydrostatic pressures and tools to design the
interlocked carcass under code requirements are needed. This work aims
to give an estimation of the critical buckling load for interlocked carcass
accounting for imperfections, which is valid when the profile can be
considered as thin wall. The collapse behavior is influenced by the initial
geometrical imperfections which can be depicted solving the problem on
an ovalized deformed shape. The numerical simulation aims to repro-
duce the actual behavior of the structure, validating the theoretical model.
The analyzed case has been also compared with two corresponding steel
strips reinforced thermoplastic pipes (SSRTP), in order to evaluate when
the support of the interlocked carcass is needed for a real design and envi-
ronmental conditions case. The results obtained from the theoretical and
the numerical simulations lead to a remarkable confidence in the models
thanks to a relatively small difference achieved between the outcomes.
This chapter is quoted from Ref. [1].
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (15–34) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
16 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
d 2uR MR 2 (2.1)
+ u R = −
dϑ 2 EI
for which, uR1 is the initial radial displacement, and p is the uniform pres-
sure applied on the external surface of the bar. The initial displacement is
function of the circumferential reference coordinate (R) and also of the
initial ovality1 so that
D0max − D0min
δ1 = (2.4)
D0max + D0min
uR1 x D0max
Figure 2.1 Schematic representation reference systems, initial radial displacements and
initial diameters.
Structural Design of Flexible Pipes 17
where D0max and D0min are the initial maximum and minimum diameters,
respectively, which account for initial displacement as it can be seen in
Figure 2.3.
By replacing Eq. (2.2) into Eq. (2.1), it is possible to get
uR1 p cos(2ϑ )
uR = (2.6)
pcr − p
uR1 p
uRmax = (2.7)
pcr − p
Ovality shows the variation of the minor and major axes. It is com-
puted step by step for each load increment by adding and subtracting,
respectively, the magnitude of the displacements for the corresponding
step from the diameters. Limit value is considered, conservatively, as 20
times the initial one and it is equal to L = 0.04. Besides this value,
the pipe can be considered not suitable anymore for its purpose, being
rough liner crucial elements and easily affected by turbulence due to
internal flow. As it will be shown for both theoretical and numerical sim-
ulation, the pipe can be considered collapsed at L, it already exhibits large
development of ovalization for almost stable pressure value.
If the pressure armor layer is not taken into account in the pipe con-
figuration, as discussed in [1], the critical load for a perfect ring can be
expressed as
3EI eq
pcr = (2.8)
18 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
where, EIeq is the equivalent ring bending stiffness of each layer per unit
length of the pipe. For the interlocked carcass it is equal to
EI 2
EI eq = Kn (2.9)
for which, n is the number of tendons in the layer, Lp is the pitch length,
K is a factor that is function of the lay angle and of the moment of inertia
of the section (for massive cross-section as carcass K = 1) and I2’ is the
smallest moment of inertia of the cross- section which can be computed,
referring to Figure 2.2, as follows:
I3 + I 2 ( I 3 − I 2 )2 + 4 I 32
I 2′ = − (2.10)
2 2
To better control the model and to compare results, the actual load is
normalized with respect to the theoretical buckling load that accounts for
imperfections at its threshold L, it is equal to
µ= (2.11)
X3' X3
Ni Nj
pcr = ∑pi =1
cr ,steel + ∑p j =1
cr ,PE
for which, i and j are the number of steel and PE layers respectively. The
two terms of Eq. (2.12) are derived by Eq. (2.8) for both steel and poly-
meric materials, as follows:
pcri ,steel = (2.13)
4 L p ,i Ri3
j 3E jf,t I jf
p cr ,PE = (2.14)
R 3j
for which, n is the number of tendons in the layer, and the other
parameters of Eq. (2.13) are previously mentioned. Steel strips are treated
as elastic, while inner and outer PE layers are considered in plastic field.
Physical non-linearities of the plastic material are expressed considering
for each incremental step the update tangential modulus Ej, i, equivalent
moment of inertia Ij and mean radius Rj.
In this section, the behavior of the stainless-steel carcass under exter-
nal pressure is simulated using the commercial finite element software
ABAQUS [4]. Finite element method (FEM)simulation is required to con-
firm theoretical results for the collapse behavior, thus for predicting radial
displacements for each load step when the pipe is affected by hydro-static
pressure. The established model is based on the pessimistic hypothesis
that all the outer sheaths are damaged, and the external pressure acts
directly on the interlocked carcass; thus, the latter must be designed to
carry the full load. The model developed is a 3D ring model which assumes
that the lay angle can be neglected. The simpler 3D ring simulation shows
good agreement comparing outcomes with full 3D pipe model when the
purpose is the computation of the collapse pressure for the carcass layer
[5]. At the same time, this assumption reduces significantly the compu-
tational time. The latter is further reduced if the initial imperfections are
considered symmetrically distributed on the cross-section plane. The
symmetry along the longitudinal direction of the pipe can be taken into
account in order to further reduce the number of operations, so that it is
useful to consider half of the ring, as shown in Figure 2.5.
20 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
L5 φ1
Rtip L1
φ3 L4
L6 R2 R1
L1 L2
φ2 R3 Rtip
The initial imperfections are given using a helical path that can simulate
the initial displacements along both x and y directions using sweep com-
mand for two different initial radii that account for ovality equal to L = 0.04.
The cross-section is imported in the xz plane and follows half of the ellip-
tical path. The greater diameter is considered along the y direction, instead
the other lays on the x direction, as it is shown in Figure 2.5.
Due to the complex shape, proper of the geometry of the carcass and
many possibilities of contact, “General contact” is chosen to simulate the
interactions among the three parts, until the buckling collapse is reached.
For this unbonded condition, “Frictionless” tangential behavior and “Hard
contact” normal behavior with “Allow separation after contact” are cho-
sen. The latter is defined by (p-h)model, which relates p: contact pressure
among surfaces and h: overclosure between contact surfaces respectively.
When h < 0, it means no contact pressure, while for any positive contact h
is set equal to zero [6].
Also, the plastic behavior of the material is taken into account to verify
if the collapse happens in elastic or plastic field and if the hypothesis of
considering only elastic behavior in the theoretical model makes sense.
As it is shown in Figure 2.6, the material properties for the carcass layer
consider a linear elastic behavior, following the Hooke’s law during the first
stage then again, a linear behavior due to the plastic tangent modulus for
simulating high strain against low stress increments in the plastic field,
which accounts for an isotropic hardening law [7].
The external pressure is considered as constant along the width, in z
direction and applied directly on the external surface. The kinematic is
governed by the boundary conditions that must mainly avoid rigid body
displacements. The possibility of assigning symmetric boundary condition
with respect to the xz plane is exploited in order to allow displacement in x
direction (U1) at the bases of the ring, which also fix the pitch as constant
during the simulation. For simulating the occurrence of the local bucking
of the ring, the only allowed displacements in the middle of the ring are in
y direction (U2), as depicted in Figure 2.7.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Kinetic energy
Strain energy
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
as can be seen in Figure 2.9. This type of components matches very good
the purpose of the model, in fact these can be used for linear and complex
non-linear analysis producing high accuracy results when contacts, plas-
ticity and non-linear geometry are considered [8].
where, Dmax and Dmin are the maximum and minimum diameters uploaded
step by step from the results of the of the displacements, along x and y
directions, respectively.
In the same way, outcomes for finite element model are computed
extracting U1 and U2 and they are plotted in Figure 2.12. As previ-
ously said, it can be seen that the external surface displays different
magnitude of displacements along x and y directions, as shown in Figures
2.10 and 2.11.
As it was shown by Gay [7], the pre-buckling behaviors match one to
each other with very low error. In Figure 2.14, it can be observed that for
small value of external pressure the ovality increases linearly. In this phase,
the very small difference between theoretical and numerical models can be
caused by the fact that the theoretical model regards as an equivalent ring.
Vice versa, the actual geometry shows gaps among the different parts, so
it is obvious that results show a slightly different about stiffness. When
the pressure increases, a non-linear trend is illustrated for both models.
Numerical results show wider ovality for the same load, compared to ana-
lytical outcomes because of theoretical limits that consider as critical
load the one for the case with no imperfections. As it was expected,
the comparison between results makes sense in order to understand the
pre-buckling behavior in terms of displacements and not in terms of col-
lapse load. In fact, from Figure 2.12, the relevant output that comes out, in
terms of pressure, is an error equal to 36% between theoretical and numer-
ical outcomes when dealing with imperfections Table 2.3.
26 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
U, U1
Y +1.149e+04
Z X −3.352e+00
U, U2
Y +1.321e+00
0.035 FEM
No imperfections
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
0.035 4in
0.030 4.5in
0.025 5in
0.020 5.5in
0.015 6.5in
0.010 7in
0.005 7.5
0 20 40 60
External pressure
Figure 2.13 Ovality versus load for different geometries, where dashed lines stand for
numerical results and continuous line stand for theoretical results.
Structural Design of Flexible Pipes 29
45 Theoretical
No imperfections
Collapse load
15 20 25 30
Theoretical modified
Theoretical-Trend Line
15 20 25 30
The extracted polynomial trend line depicts the guideline for the
new theoretical model, and has the following formulation:
pcr = 0.0512 − 3.6206 + 66.3 (2.17)
t t
Eq. (2.17) is an estimation of the collapse pressure valid for the initial
imperfection considered. It shows conservative results and it obviates the
30 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
No imperfections
Collapse load 35
New theoretical
30 New theoretical-Trend line
15 20 25 30
Figure 2.16 Critical load comparison for all the model established versus dimensionless
employment of the buckling load for the perfect ring, in the theoretical
model, which leads to underestimation of collapse conditions.
In order to get a behavior closer to the actual, Eq. (2.7) is developed
again exploiting Eq. (2.16) as theoretical derivation to get the critical buck-
ling load, which, for the case with D = 6 in, produces pcr = 9.12 MPa. As
previously done, dimensionless load and ovality are plotted for both theo-
retical and numerical models, as shown in Figure 2.17.
The modified theoretical model exhibits an acceptable error equal to e =
2.58%, and it obviates to the previous discrepancy simulating the behavior
in terms of load in addition to displacements.
Finally, the theoretical prediction of local stresses is precise if consider-
ing pipes or rings geometry but for the stainless-steel interlocked carcass,
due to the intricate profile of the cross section, while affordable results
could be obtained from FEM analysis. The actual stress magnitude is not
constant along the structure; in fact, dissimilar values are reached in two
different points under analysis. In Figure 2.18, it is reported the relation-
ship between stress and strain for the critical point between the two, at
limit value of ovality. It is important to focus the attention on the highest
stress value reached which is equal to about 400 MPa, which is far below
the proportional limit stress equal to 600 MPa. Thus, it is possible to delib-
erate on the right assumption done for the theoretical model of consider-
ing elastic material properties only.
In this section, the results about the collapse study for the interlocked
carcass are compared with the one for a steel strip reinforced thermoplastic
Structural Design of Flexible Pipes 31
New theoretical
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 2.17 Results comparison for FEM and modified theoretical model.
True stress
500 Proportional limit state
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
dimensions. In Table 2.5, all the needed geometrical parameters are listed,
named as previously done.
The solution derived from the already verified theoretical model in
Bai, Yong, et al. [3] is applied for both the design cases and results are
reported in Table 2 . 6. SSRTP-2 shows collapse pressure highly improved
compared to SSRT-1, while, as it was expected, it is still much lower than
the one that considers the interlocked carcass in the design. Being the
strips weak elements and mostly suitable for withstanding tensile and tor-
sional loads, it is necessary to underline that the contribution of the
plastic layers cannot be negligible, being equal to the 71% and 32% of the
overall resistance, for SSRT-1 and SSRT-2, respectively.
Considering that for each meter of water depth, the corresponding
external pressure acting is equal to 0.01MPa; it is possible to deliberate
that a 6-in inner diameter flexible pipe with interlocked carcass is suitable
above 900-m depth. On the other hand, very low strength against exter-
nal pressure for steel strip reinforced thermoplastic pipes is revealed
from the analysis compared to the reinforced cross-section, which means
that they are mostly suitable for cases of very shallow water, being the
cross-section not massive. In particular, SSRTP-1 and SSRTP-2 are appro-
priate until 20 and 37 m of water depth. Outcomes do not consider safety
factor which must be taken into account considering the environmental
conditions at the site.
2.4 Conclusions
Throughout this report, the collapse behavior of an interlocked carcass
is simulated, and results are investigated theoretically and numerically.
A variation of a primary adopted theoretical model is proposed which
may be of interest for practical applications. In order to do so, a series of
numerical models for the calibration were needed, leading to an empirical
formulation. The latter is valid in terms of both pre-buckling and collapse
conditions for a defined value of initial ovalzation, so that the critical pres-
sure is computed neglecting the friction between layers for both models.
Outcomes are compared with a steel strip reinforced thermoplastic pipes
under the same requirements, in order to understand when the reinforce-
ment is required. This study can provide support for factory engineers
due to the accurate and reliable results that show very small difference
between numerical and theoretical models.
1. Fergestad, D, Lotveit, S.A., ‘Handbook on Design and Operation of
Flexible Pipes[Z], NTNU, 4Subsea and MARINTEK, 2014.
2. Timoshenko, S. P., and Gere, J. M., 1961, Theory of Elastic Stability,
McGrawHill International Book Company, Inc., New York.
3. Bai, Yong, et al. “Buckling stability of steel strip reinforced thermoplas-
tic pipe subjected to external pressure.” Composite Structures 152 (2016):
4. ABAQUS. 2014. User’s and theory manual version[Z]. 2014.
5. American Petroleum Institute, 2002, API recommended Practice 17B,
Information Handling Services, API, Washington D.C.
6. An C, Duan M, Toledo Filho RD, et al. Collapse of sandwich pipes with
PVA fiber reinforced cementitious composites core under external pres-
sure. Ocean Eng 2014;82:1–13.
7. Neto, Alfredo Gay, and Clóvis de Arruda Martins. “A comparative wet
collapse buckling study for the carcass layer of flexible pipes.” Journal of
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 134.3 (2012): 031701.
8. Kim T S, Kuwamura H. Finite element modeling of bolted connections
in thinwalled stainless steel plates under static shear[J]. Thin-Walled
Structures, 2007, 45(4): 407-421.
Structural Design of High
Pressure Flexible Pipes of
Different Internal Diameter
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (35–56) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
36 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
and friction. The thin tube theory with the consideration of radial strain is
applied to the cylindrical layers.
The internal strain energy is
2 ∫ ∫ ∫ (ε σ + ε σ
1 1 2 2 + ε 3σ 3 + τ 12γ 12 )dv (3.1)
where ε1, ε2, ε3 and γ12 are strain components, σ1, σ2, σ3, and τ12 are corre-
sponding stress components. The related parameters definition is shown
in Figure 3.2.
Considering the global elongation, torsion, and volume change of the
cylindrical components under pressure, the work of external forces is
expressed by
where Pi, Po, ΔVi, ΔVo denote internal pressure and external pressure and
the changes in internal volume and in external volume, respectively.
Using the principle of virtual work, which implies equating the variation
of the external work to the variation of the internal energy, the equilibrium
equations are derived.
y' y
L ∆U
∆φ x
γ12 ε2
ε1 z
Undeformed tube
Deformed tube
δU = δW (3.3)
To calculate this equation, the matrix form of stiffness equations for
the thin tube theory is derived:
(2G + λ )A λA λA 2 2
0 ∆ϕ N + π Pi Ri − π Po Ro
0 GJ 0 0 L T
λA 0 (2G + λ )A λA ur 2 Piπ Ri R − 2 Poπ Ro R
−Pπ R t − P π R t
λA 0 λA (2G + λ )A R
i i o o
uL u ∆ϕ
ε1 = cos 2 α + r sin 2 α + R sin α cosα (3.5)
ε2 = (3.6)
Therefore, the internal work can be expressed as these two parts above
adding together:
2(1 − v 2 )cos a ∫ (ε 2
1 )
+ 2vε1ε 2 + ε 22 dz (3.7)
40 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
k11 k12 k13 k14 2 2
∆ϕ N + π Pi Ri − π Po Ro
k21 k22 k23 k24 L T
u =
k31 k32 k33 k34
R 2 Piπ Ri R − 2 Poπ Ro R
k41 k42 k43 k444 R − Piπ Rit − Poπ Rot
Helical Strip α
S' α’
θ · (R+Ur) + R · ∆φ
(a) (b)
It will be assumed that all layers of the pipe are numbered consecutively
from 1 (the innermost layer) to N (the outermost layer), where N is the total
number of layers of the pipe. Combine the stiffness matrix together, Eqs.
(3.9) to (3.12) are derived:
(uR ) j (ut ) j
∑j =1
(k11 ) j
+ ∑
j =1
(k12 ) j
+ ∑
j =1
(k13 ) j
R j
+ (k14 ) j
t j
=N + ∑ (π P R − π P R )
j =1
i i
(uR ) j (ut ) j
∑j =1
(k21 ) j L +
L ∑ j =1
(k22 ) j
+ ∑ (k
j =1
23 j
+ (k24 ) j
uL ∆ϕ (uR ) j (ut ) j
(k31 ) j + (k32 ) j + (k33 ) j + (k34 ) j = 2π ( Pi ) j Ri R − 2π ( Po ) j Ro R
L L Rj tj
uL ∆ϕ (uR ) j (ut ) j
(k41 ) j + (k42 ) j + (k43 ) j + (k44 ) j = −π ( Pi ) j ( Ri ) j t j − π ( Po ) j ( Ro ) j t j
L L Rj tj
Still, lacking of equations for solving all unknown variables, the consis-
tent in the radial direction is added to solve the problem:
where j denotes the layer number. For some applications, the calculated
contact pressure between layers may be found negative. Treating such a case
requires a change of unknowns. The contact pressure is known and equal
to zero and the gap between the two layers becomes the new unknown.
API17J [9] stipulates that the bearing capacity of the structure can be
determined by the yield strength of the material or 0. 9 times of the ulti-
mate tensile strength. In order to simulate the properties of steel used in
practice, the Ramberg-Osgood model expressed in Eq. (3.14) is used to
describe the non-linear stress-strain relationship of the armor layers. For
this model, the pressure armor’s ultimate strength is 630 MPa.
σ 3 σ
ε = 1 + (3.14)
E 7 σ y
normal direction is set by hard contact, and the tangential direction is set
by non-friction.
In order to control the boundary conditions of the model conve-
niently, two reference point (RP-1 and RP-2) are set at the center of the
44 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
0 20 40 60 80 100
Internal pressure (MPa)
of the hourglass energy, the ratio of artificial strain energy to strain energy
is extracted as shown in Figure 3.8. With the loading process, it can be seen
that the ratio is smaller than 5%, which indicates the hourglass energy
is quite small and the result of the simulation is reliable. But, when the
pressure occurs to 80 MPa approximately, the curve rises sharply which
indicates that the pressure might reach to the ultimate strength and the
model appears the large deformation. From the result of Figures 3.7 and
3.8, it can be regarded that the FEA model is correct.
10MPa 20MPa
30MPa 40MPa
50MPa 60MPa
70MPa 80MPa
begin to appear. The growth rate of the Mises stress obtained from FEM is
slower than that from the theory. The main reason is that the self-locking
of the pressure armor in the finite element method will cause the redistri-
bution of stress in the section, which makes it difficult to predict the stress.
While the theoretical method doesn’t take this change into consideration.
Structural Design of High Pressure Flexible Pipes 49
Abaqus Matlab
Maximum von Mises stress 800
0 20 40 60 80 100
Internal pressure (MPa)
Abaqus Matlab
0 20 40 60 80 100
Axial displacement (mm)
After yielding, the maximum von Mises stress of two models keep
increasing slowly and the Matlab’s reaches to the ultimate strength firstly.
Generally speaking, the difference between the two methods is not very
big. The analytical result is 71 MPa while numerical result is 74 MPa when
the maximum von Mises stress reaches to the yield strength. As for getting
to the ultimate strength, the analytical result is 75 MPa while the numer-
ical result is 80 MPa.
If the deformation of pipe is not restricted, the pipe cannot function
normally. Figures 3.12 and 3.13 show the relationship between the axial
displacement and the internal pressure and between the radial displace-
ment and the internal pressure, respectively. The axial displacement takes
the value of the coupling point RP2, and the radial displacement takes the
50 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Abaqus Matlab
Radical displacement (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Internal pressure (MPa)
value of the middle node of the Z-section selected. It can be found that
the theoretical curve is in same trend with the finite element curve.
While, FEM always lags behind the theoretical curve. This is because
the deformation of the pressure armor will be limited by its self-
locking structure, but this effect is not considered in the theoretical
model. Therefore, in the subsequent deformation development, the
finite element method needs more internal pressure to obtain the same
deformation as the theoretical model. When the internal pressure contin-
ues to increase and reaches to the ultimate strength, the axial displacement
and radial displacement begin to increase sharply. This also indicates that
the pressure armor is the main internal pressure resistant structure. When
it fails, it is considered that the pipe will soon fail.
3.5 Design
It can be found that the results in two models are in good agreement and
the theoretical model has high accuracy in predicting the burst pressure of
pipe. The results may be of interest to the manufacture factory engineers.
It is convenient to design the structure of pipes by using the theoretical
model under different internal pressure and different given radius. Other
most simplify formulas are proposed in Handbook [6] which are shown
in the below. The contribution of tensile armor to burst pressure resistance
is expressed by
ph = Ff σ u sin 2 a (3.15)
Structural Design of High Pressure Flexible Pipes 51
where ttot is the total thickness of the double tensile armor layers, R is the
mean radius of layer, a is the winding angle, and σu is the ultimate tensile
strength of the layer. The contribution of the tensile armor to end cap pres-
sure resistance is expressed by
pa = 2 t F σ cos 2 a
2 tot f u (3.16)
where Rint is the inner radius of the layer. The contribution of the pres-
sure armor to burst pressure resistance is expressed by
pp = ∑RF σ
j =1
fj uj (3.17)
where tj denotes the thickness of pressure spiral with layer number j and
R is the mean radius of the Np pressure layers, respectively. The fill factor
Ffj for pressure spiral wire layer j. The total hoop pressure resistance is the
obtained by summing the contribution from each layer as
phoop = pp + ph (3.18)
The burst pressure is then given by the smallest of phoop and pa:
A2 55 MPa 53 MPa
B2 38 MPa 30 MPa
Structural Design of High Pressure Flexible Pipes 53
Try steel strip reinforced
thermoplastic pipe
3.6 Conclusions
Within this chapter, the burst behavior of the flexible pipe was investi-
gated by both theoretical model and numerical simulation. The accuracy
and reliability of the theoretical model is verified by the good agree-
ment between the two sets of results. But it is worth noting that this
chapter is limited to prediction of pressure armor stresses during pipe
operation only, and that the residual wires stresses from manufacturing
are disregarded and not taken in consideration. Also, a simplified software
to design structure section with the given radius and internal pressure is
presented, which can provide some references for the factory engineers.
From the research, we can learn that:
1. Fernando, U. S., Sheldrake, T., Tan, Z., and Clements, R., 2004, “The Stress
Analysis and Residual Stress Evaluation of Pressure Armor Layers in
Flexible Pipes Using 3D Finite Element Models,” Proceedings of ASME 23rd
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering.
2. Neto, A. G., de Arruda Martins, C., Pesce, C. P., Meirelles, C. O. C., Malta,
E. R., Neto, T. F. B., and Godinho, C. A. F., 2013, “Prediction of Burst in
Flexible Pipes”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 135,
1, 011401.
3. De Oliveira, J. G., Goto, Y., and Okamoto, T., 1985, “Theoretical and method-
ological approaches to flexible pipe design and application”, In Proceedings.
Offshore Technology Conference. New York NY[PROC. OFFSHORE
TECHNOL. CONF.]. Vol. 3, pp. 517.
4. Zhu X K, Leis B N. Average shear stress yield criterion and its application
to plastic collapse analysis of pipelines[J]. International Journal of Pressure
Vessels and Piping, 2006, 83(9): 663–671.
5. Chen B, Nielsen R, Colquhoun R S. Theoretical models for prediction of burst
and collapse and their verification by testing[C]. Flexible Pipe Technology-
International Seminar on Recent Research and Development, Norway. 1992.
6. D. Fergestad and S. A. Løtveit, Handbook on design and operation of flexible
pipes[R]. 2014.
7. Kebadze E. Theoretical modelling of unbonded flexible pipe cross-
sections[D]. South Bank University, 2000.
8. Knapp R H. Derivation of a new stiffness matrix for helically armoured cables
considering tension and torsion[J]. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, 1979, 14(4): 515–529.
9. API 17J. Specification for unbonded flexible pipe[S]. Washington, DC:
American Petroleum Institute, 2014.
10. Witz, J. A. (1996). A case study in the cross-section analysis of flexible risers.
Marine Structures, 9(9), 885–904.
11. Bai Y, Chen W, Xiong H, et al. Analysis of steel strip reinforced thermoplastic
pipe under internal pressure. Ships Offshore Struct 2015:1–8.
Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes
4.1 Introduction
Flexible pipelines must be designed considering the extreme situation for
which additional components are needed against severe loading and environ-
mental conditions. Tensile armor is employed in case of high tensile forces,
which increase with water depth; and massive components used against high
internal and external pressures. In this chapter, the mechanical behavior of the
pipe under pure tension is investigated by both theoretical and numerical anal-
ysis, and then, the contribution of the external pressure to the axial problem
is examined using an analytical analysis. As the deformations along the lon-
gitudinal direction of the studied pipe highly depend on the radial stiffness
of the cross section, the influence of the pressure armor is carefully evaluated
in the inception phase, and its radial stiffness is verified by its own numerical
results. The plastic behavior for both steel and polymer layers is taken into
account by using the secant modulus method. Moreover, this work answers a
question raised by producers that need to know when tensile armor is required
to reinforce Metallic Strip Flexible Pipes (MSFP). The theoretical model is
employed to carry out the comparison between pipes with different configu-
rations, in order to investigate the influencing parameters of the tensile stiff-
ness. The results obtained from the theoretical and the numerical simulations
lead to a remarkable confidence in the analytical solution thanks to a relatively
small difference between the outcomes. This chapter is quoted from Ref. [1].
A more detailed configuration of the strip-wound flexible tubing can be found
in the relevant literature [2, 3]. Knapp et al. [4, 5] used the energy method to
study the stiffness matrix of the spiral reinforcement layer under tensile and
torsional loads, and derived some classic formulas. Feret et al. [6] proposed a
simplified formula to calculate different stresses and contact pressures under
axisymmetric loads. Ramos et al. [7, 8] made some additional contributions to
the pipeline response. Saevik[9–11] has developed a model to predict the stress
of axisymmetric effects Dong [12], Guo [13], and Neto [20] made further
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (57–82) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
58 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
z layers
Pressure Tensile
armor armor
research on the mechanical model of flexible pipe from the perspective of vir-
tual work principle.
Pext PC y
Figure 4.2 Contact pressures between layers mechanical model of pressure armor layer.
12 I eq (4.1)
heq =
Eeq = E (4.2)
heq L p
for which, Ieq is the equivalent moment of inertia per unit length, A′ is
the cross- sectional area of the pressure armor according to API 17B [17],
n is the number of tendons per each layer, Lp is the pitch length, and E is the
Young’s modulus of the material. Ieq is computed as in Ref. [1]:
knI 2′
I eq = (4.3)
where k is depending on both lay angle and moment of inertia of the cross
section, and I2′ is the smallest moment of inertia, which can be computed,
referring to Figure 4.3, as follows:
I3 + I 2 ( I 3 − I 2 )2 + 4 I 32
I 2′ = − (4.4)
2 2
layers, it can be simplified into a planar ring under the same pressure. The
equivalent Young’s modulus Eeq and thickness heq for pressure armor can be
used in the calculation, where the mean radius for the equivalent cylinder
is kept the same as its actual one, as can be seen in Figure 4.4.
Keeping the main radius as reference, it is possible to figure out the
radial stiffness of the pressure armor, defined as done by Lu [18]:
K= (4.5)
where, DRC is the radial displacement of the external surface of the cyl-
inder due to PC.
Radial stiffness, according to the elastic theory for a thin-walled tube, as
shown in [18], can be expressed as follows:
(ν + 1) (1 − 2ν )R eq 2 eq 2
2 + R1 R 2
K= (4.6)
Eeq R eq 2 eq 2
2 − R1 )
where ν is the Poisson ratio of the material.
R 2πR
Figure 4.5 Contraction and elongation for a representative pitch length of tensile wire.
respectively. The mathematical model adopted here was quoted from Knapp
[4]. Ignoring the rotation term, the expression can be written as
∆L 2 ∆R
ε i = ε l ,i + ε r ,i = cos α − W sin 2α (4.7)
L Rm ,i
where α is the winding angle of the wires, Rm,i is the mean radius, and L
is length of the pipe.
The tensile force along the axial direction of the helix can be divided into
two components: the hoop direction and the axial directions of the pipe.
The hoop stresses per each wire can be expressed as
σh, i σh, i
tensile armor’s cylinder can be seen in Figure 4.6, and the contact pressures
can be derived as
σ h ,i hβi
Pi − Pi+1 = (4.9)
Rm ,i
Pc =Ω1ΔL−Ω2RW+Pext (4.10)
1 1 1
Ω1 = hβ Es sin 2α cos 2 α +
Rm1 Rm 2 L (4.11)
1 1
Ω2 = hβ Es sin 4α 2 + 2 (4.12)
Rm1 Rm 2
can be obtained by summing up the tensile resistance from the force of each
wire, as well as the contributions of the internal and external HDPE layers:
2 2
F= ∑n ε E A cos α + ∑ A
i =1
i i s
j =1
EP (4.13)
4.20 95
0.74 0.85 3.00
85 3.00
10.50 3.00 85
85 85
0.85 0.65
3.00 0.65
95 4.20 85
The external pressure supposed as constant along the width of the ring
and applied directly on the external surface. Kinematic is governed by the
boundary conditions, and symmetric boundary condition with respect to
the xy plane is exploited. The pitch length is kept unchanged during the sim-
ulation. U1 displacements are allowed at the bases of the ring (z = 0), while
U2 displacements are allowed in the middle surface of the ring (x = 0), as
shown in Figure 4.8.
C3D8R element (eight-node continuum linear brick elements with
reduced integration and hourglass control) is used for the mesh of the two
parts, as shown in Figure 4.9. These elements can be used for linear and com-
plex non-linear analysis producing high accuracy results when contacts and
non-linear geometry are considered, as discussed by Kim et al. [22].
Due to the frictionless contacts of this case, “Dynamic implicit” simu-
lation is activated to obtain the radial displacements, thanks to the possi-
bility of applying larger increments and achieve higher accuracy compared
to a Dynamic explicit analysis. Large strains are activated automatically by
ABAQUS environment and implementation within its FE analysis because
the flag “Nonlinear geometry” has been activated during the ABAQUS sim-
ulation. Moreover, material is considered as elastic in this case, with prop-
erties shown in Table 4.1. In order to achieve relatively accurate quasi-static
analysis results from the dynamic analysis, the ratio between kinetic energy
(ALLKE) and strain energy (ALLSE) for the whole model should be low
enough during its whole process, and their corresponding energies are illus-
trated in Figure 4.10, which shows that the numerical results are reliable.
The external surface of the ring’s displacements in radial direction
against external pressure is extracted out from 12 points, located along the
external surface. The behaviors for two representative points are shown in
Figure 4.11; they exhibit likely linear relationship, slightly influenced by
non-linearities which can be attributed to the presence of gaps between the
Each curve is then linearized, and the corresponding radial stiffness can
be obtained. For the pressure armor, the radial stiffness is acquired as the
average among the results for the 12 points and it results in 256.22 MPa/
mm. Comparing the value with the theoretical results 253.08 MPa/mm,
the percentage error is equal to 1.23%.
Once the numerical radial stiffness of the pressure armor is verified, the
comparisons for the whole model are treated.
Energy (J)
0 10 20 30 40 50
External pressure (MPa)
Radial displacement (mm)
K = 239.69 MPa
K = 268.8 MPa
0 20 40 60
External pressure (MPa)
Figure 4.11 Pressure against radial displacements for two representative points.
Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes 69
Stress (MPa)
0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016
Stress (MPa)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Y RP-2
× RP-2
8000 ALLKE
7000 ALLSE
Energy (J)
0 5 10 15
Longitudinal displacement (mm)
U3 = UR1 = UR2 = 0. C3D8R is also used in this model, and their complex
geometry and structure is shown in Figure 4.15.
The obtained kinetic and strain energy are shown in Figure 4.16, Figure
4.17, which shows relatively good results when the elongation reaches
about 12 mm.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Elongation strain
Point A-1
Point A-2
Mises stress (MPa)
Figure 4.19 Points selected on the pressure armor external surface for contact pressure
the material’s proportional limit stress. This might result in a smaller tensile
force in the numerical model, especially in the later stage when comparing to
the theoretical results which regards the pressure armor as elastic.
From the theoretical model, it can be found that, the contribution of the
plastic layers corresponds to 5.74% of the total tensile strength, as shown in
Figure 4.20, where W stands for tensile wire strength, while WP accounts
also for HDPE layers. This result demonstrates the neglection of their influ-
ence is reasonable for further studies in order to get conservative results.
Tensile force (kN)
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
Elongation strain
Contact pressure (kN)
20 FEM
10 Theory
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Tensile force (kN)
Figure 4.21 Contact pressure between pressure armor and inner tensile armor layer.
Contact pressure (MPa)
5 Theory
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Tensile force (kN)
Eq. (4.9) could be used as a rough estimation to carry out the contact pres-
sure between the two different layers.
The evaluation in terms of stresses regards the tensile armor is con-
ducted, being the one that provides most of the strength in the longitu-
dinal direction. The theoretical model assumes that strain and stress is
axisymmetric, i.e., the stress for all the wires at the same pipe cross sec-
tion is assumed to be the same. Von Mises stress contour plot of the outer
tensile armor layer is shown in Figure 4.23, with its active view cut in z
plane. Selecting the points from all the wires located at the mid-span and
comparing their stresses and strain with the theoretical results as shown
in Figure 4.24, it can be observed that, even if there are some fluctuations,
their amplitude is still not high.
A random wire from each layer was chosen to conduct the comparison
between the Mises stress and the elongation, as shown in Figures 4.25 and
4.26. The comparison between the trends leads to a remarkable confidence
in terms of stress behavior.
Once the validity of the theoretical model is proved, it is extended in
order to consider the contribution of the external pressure. Longitudinal
displacements are applied at a constant rate until 20 mm, while constant
pressure equal to 20 MPa is applied on the outer surface of the tensile
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
0.006 600
0.005 500
Stress (MPa)
Theory-Strain 450
0.004 FEM-Strain 400
0.003 300
0.002 200
0 10 20
Wire number
Figure 4.24 Strain and stress distribution for outer tensile armor layer.
Stress (MPa)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Elongation strain
Figure 4.25 Mises stress comparison for inner tensile armor layer.
Stress (MPa)
200 Theory
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Elongation strain
Figure 4.26 Mises stress comparison for outer tensile armor layer.
Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes 77
500 T
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Elongation strain
Figure 4.27 Tensile strength comparison for the pipe subjected to pure tension and
combined external and tensile loads.
sin 2α cos 2 α 1 1 1 1
Ω1 = hβ Es + + + (4.15)
L Rm1 Rm 2 Rm3 Rm 4
1 1 1 1
Ω2 = hβ ES sin 4α 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (4.16)
Rm1 Rm 2 Rm3 Rm 4
Tensile forces comparison for those pipes with three different config-
urations is shown in Figure 4.29. As expected, the strength provided by
MSFP is the lowest. In fact, for the same inner diameter, the MSFP shows a
decrement in axial resistance equal to 81.07% compared to the case which
includes two tensile armor layers. At the same time, it is possible to see
the improvement in terms of tensile capacity when the pressure armor
Tensile force (kN)
1200 Case 1
Case 2
800 Case 3
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Elongation strain
is included in the MSFP design equal to 81.53%, which results from the
comparison between Case 1 and Case 2. When both the pressure and ten-
sile armor layers are included in the design, the high strength in radial
direction is not only provided by the pressure armor but also by the ten-
sile armor due to its relevant thickness. Thus, reducing the thickness of
the wires not only affects the tensile capacity itself but also the loss of the
external capacity.
Being the elongation of the pipe strictly related to its weight, which
mostly depends on the amount of the reinforcement needed as well as the
water depth, it is possible to assert that the steel strip reinforcements in
terms of axial strength of the pipe are suitable for shallow waters. On the
other hand, the contribution of thick steel wires is suitable for extreme
loading conditions such as for deep water design. It is noteworthythat for
both Cases 2 and 3, the contribution of the radial stiffness induced by pres-
sure armor plays an important role in terms of axial capacity of the pipe.
4.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, an easy theoretical method for estimating the tensile stiff-
ness of the unbonded flexible pipe is verified by numerical simulations.
Secant modulus is employed in order to carry out the plastic behavior of
the material, and this theoretical model is suitable for high loading con-
ditions, which can provide relatively accurate tensile strength for pipeline
engineers. The following conclusions could be drawn.
When considering both pressure and tensile armor layers in the pipe’s
profile, the external pressure will not have very big impact on its tensile
capacity as the radial stiffness of the pressure armor are large enough to
resist the radial deformation induced by external pressure.
MSFP is only suitable for shallow water application. Adding a certain
profile of pressure armor into MSFP leads to a significant increase in terms
of resistance capacity (about eight times). In order to avoid material waste,
the profile of the pressure armor could be adjusted according to the water
depth, and this can make MSFP exploitable for deeper water depth.
Tangent modulus should be used for next works in order to obtain more
accurate results. The contribution of the interlocked carcass should also
be taken into account in future works, to verify whether its radial stiffness
leads to a remarkable increasing tensile capacity of the pipe.
80 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
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Computers & Structures, 2011, 89(23): 2273-2291.
11. Sævik, S., Gjøsteen, J. Strength analysis modelling of flexible umbilical
members for marine structures[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012,
2012(1): 1-18.
12. Dong L, Zhang Q, Huang Y. Energy approaches based axisymmetric analysis
of unbonded flexible risers[J]. Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue
Ban)/J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol (Nature Science Edition)2013;41(5).
13. Guo Y, Chen X, Fu S, Wang D. Mechanical Behavior Analysis for Unbonded
Umbilical under Axial Loads[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 1007-7294(2017)
14. de Sousa, JoséRenato M., et al. “Structural response of a flexible pipe with
damaged tensile armor wires under pure tension.” Marine Structures
39(2014): 1–38.
15. Yue, Qianjin, et al. “Tension behavior prediction of flexible pipelines in shal-
low water.” Ocean Engineering 58(2013): 201–207.
16. Jiang, K., Liu, T., Yuan, S., & Bai, Y. (2018, June). Mechanical Behaviors of
Metallic Strip Flexible Pipe Under Axisymmetric Loads. In ASME2018 37th
Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes 81
5.1 Abstract
Flexible pipe is compounded by many concentric layers, with different
structural and operational functions. These layers are usually made of dis-
tinct materials, including metal and plastic. To accurately meet the work-
ing requirements of the pipe and reduce its production cost, the primary
purpose of this chapter is to present the cross-sectional design procedure
and the case study for a specific unbonded flexible pipe is also illustrated.
In this chapter, the mathematical analysis and finite element analy-
sis are employed to study the properties of pipe under different working
conditions. A theoretical model for stresses and deformations of the pipe
has been studied, and the obtained results have been compared with the
ones from the FEM which is used to simulate the pipe under different
working conditions. Additionally, the several models will be developed to
study mechanical responses of pipes subjected to several loads. The results
and FEA models can be useful for the designing structure of flexible pipes.
5.2 Introduction
The increasingly employment of unbonded flexible pipe in the oil/gas
industry has brought significant challenges in the design process. The
design of flexible pipe includes cross-sectional design and accessories
design (bend stiffeners, etc.). The primary purpose of this chapter is to
present the cross-sectional design procedure and the case study for a spe-
cific unbonded flexible pipe is also illustrated. It is widely recognized that
the special construction of layers contributes to the extensively application
of unbonded flexible pipe in the deep water.
The geometrical parameters of each layer need to be identified in the
basic design phase. The structure of flexible pipe can be categorized into
three different components: (1) Metallic helix layer (carcass and pres-
sure armor) with large winding angle and irregular profile. Generally, the
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (83–102) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
84 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
winding angle of carcass and pressure armor is between 85° and 90°,
which makes the interlocked structure. (2) Metallic helix layer (tensile
armor) with small winding angle and rectangular profile. This component
is used to sustain longitudinal load. The profile, winding angle and num-
ber of helix can be modified to accommodate different working environ-
ments. The winding angle is usually between 35° and 60° considering the
mechanical properties and manufacture condition. (3) Cylindrical layer,
which mainly works as a sealing or anti- friction/anti-corrosion compo-
nent, and thus, it is usually made of polymers such as HDPE and PA, etc.
The criterion and requirements on unbonded flexible pipe are generally
from API. API 17B [1] gives detailed potential failure mechanisms of dif-
ferent failure modes which include collapse, burst and compressive failure,
etc. But, it does not provide the exact formula or methodology to predict
these failure modes. Understanding the mechanical responses of flexible
pipes subjected to different load conditions is significant for predicting
ultimate strength, so it is vital for the cross-sectional design.
The basic design idea can be concluded as follows: (1) Obtain the
different load conditions and load value that the flexible pipe may sustain
in the installation and operation process by global analysis. (2) Specify
the geometrical and material parameters of each layer based on the load
conditions and “engineer judgment”. (3) Verify the ultimate strength of
flexible pipe under different load conditions and make sure the designed
flexible pipe meet the corresponding standard requirements. In this chap-
ter, the analytical method is used to give an estimation of the mechanical
properties and the strength capacities for some specified cases which are
part of the design requirement prescribed in API 17J [2]. There are lots of
achievements in designing process in the literature for decades. Feret and
Bournazel [3] proposed the equation of equilibrium between stresses of
each layer and pressures in the radial direction, their method can be used
to estimate the mechanical responses of flexible pipe under axisymmetric
loads. Witz [4] first presented a case study in the structural analysis of an
unbonded flexible riser cross-section under tension, torsion and bending.
Handbook of Design and Operation of flexible pipes [5] described some
simple method to estimate mechanical responses of flexible pipes under
different failure modes, but it may be too conservative. Chen [6] consid-
ered the helix structure of flexible pipes and the contributions of burst
capacity provided by tensile armor. Corresponding experiments were car-
ried out to validate his theory. Wellstream Corporation [7] used Barlow’s
formula for thin-walled cylinders and the correction factor called “filling
fraction” to describe pressure armor. Neto et al. [8] simplified the pressure
armor as ring to predict burst pressure, an FE model was also established
Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 85
with specific profile and winding angle of pressure armor to verify the
theory. But, they ignored the contribution of tensile armor layers. de Sousa
et al. [9] considered the carcass and pressure armor as orthotropic shells,
the equivalent thickness was applied to simulate these layers.
In the design process, all associated factors should be taken into con-
sideration to optimize and ensure the reliability and safety of the designed
pipelines. The correlative factors include the transported product, the
functional requirement, the surrounding infrastructure and environment
of the pipelines in service, and the operation and installation conditions.
In view of all those factors, the designed flexible pipe should satisfy the
corresponding standard requirements.
Understanding the mechanical responses and failure modes of the flex-
ible pipe when subjected to different load conditions is of key importance
for obtaining a relatively reliable designed cross-section. The ultimate
strength of the cross-section is governed by the geometrical configuration
of the linear, outer sheath of the pipe, the tendon and the winding angles of
the reinforcement layers, and the cross-section design analysis is normally
based on the pressure rating and use of analytical models considering
axisymmetric alone [5]. In this part, the analytical method is used to give
an estimation of the mechanical properties and the strength capacities for
some specified cases which are part of the design requirement prescribed
in API 17J [2]. Those issues address here include the burst pressure of the
metallic strip flexible pipe subjected to internal pressure, tension, the col-
lapse pressure due to external pressure can endure. The below formulas
86 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
can be used under the specific condition and in a simplified way to provide
some references for the early stages of the design procedures.
In the design process, all associated factors should be taken into con-
sideration to optimize and ensure the reliability and safety of the designed
pipelines. The correlative factors include the transported product, the
functional requirement, the surrounding infrastructure and environment
of the pipelines in service, and the operation and installation conditions.
In view of all those factors, the designed flexible pipe should satisfy the
corresponding standard requirements.
The cross-section configuration and dimensions are selected based on
the pipe’s functional requirements. Pipe dimensions are often specified by
the purchaser. Cross-section design calculations and checks are typically
carried out by the manufacturer using proprietary software. In order for
the manufacturer to supply pipes according to API 17J (2008) or API 17K
(2005), the design methodology including software validation shall be ver-
ified by an independent third party [5].
Carcass is a corrugated metallic tube fabricated by forming the strip
and spirally winding it around a mandrel. The edges of each winding are
formed so that they interlock with the adjacent winding. The carcass layer
prevents collapse under external hydrostatic pressure and in cases of rapid
decompression. The carcass structure is not fluid-tight. Its material has
been selected to be chemically resistant to the conveyed fluid.
Pressure sheath is a polymer layer extruded over the carcass to form
a boundary for the conveyed. For each pipe, the material and thickness are
selected to assure sufficient integrity against leakage over the service life.
Materials are selected that retain high strain at break relative to allowable
values when subjected to the expected thermal and chemical degradation
based on the production fluid conditions.
Pressure armor, as shown in Figure 5.2, is an armor layer consisting of
a wound profiled strip which resists internal and external pressure in the
hoop direction and provides a guard against creep extrusion of the pressure
sheath. The strip profile interlocks the edges as they are formed around
the pipe. The considerations for the selection of material of pressure
armor are strength, resistance to wear and compatibility with the chemi-
cals in the annulus environment see Figure 5.1.
The tensile armor layers consist of carbon steel wires formed into helix,
installed in contra-wound pairs of layers. The layers are preformed and
wound over the underlying layer and secured by tape. Tensile armor wires
are essentially rectangular in cross-section and are laid with small gaps
between adjacent wires. Tensile armor layers provide both hoop and axial
strength, the component of each governed by the lay angle. The con-
siderations for the selection of material of tensile armor wires are strength,
resistance to fatigue, and compatibility with the chemicals in the annulus
The tape layer prevents metal to metal contact during repetitive bend-
ing, which is used on all flexible pipe in dynamic service. The tape elimi-
nates metal wear at this interface during manufacturing, installation, and
operation. The effectiveness of the anti-wear layers in preventing wear
of the steel reinforcement is documented by several full scale tests,
References [10] and [11] (Design Report for Flexible Dynamic Riser).
The shield is an external polymer barrier extrusion applied to resist
mechanical damage and intrusion of sea water. For each pipe design, the
material and thickness is selected to assure sufficient integrity against
intrusion of seawater, mechanical abrasion and expected ultraviolet expo-
sure over the service life. Pipe bending, axial elongation and compres-
sion, external and internal pressure, installation, abrasion, local loads, and
manufacturing tolerances are considered in specifying the material and
The flow chart of design procedure is summarized in Figure 5.3.
conditions of different layers
Establish FEM
the tensile armor layers. The other is the axial load on the tensile armor
layers could be much greater than the hoop load on the tensile armor
layers, which may fail in axial tension without the first standard reached.
In terms of the pipe with one free end, the ultimate strength under
internal pressure can be calculated with two standards. One is the stress
in the pressure armor ultimately reach the yield point, and another is after
yielding of the pressure armor, the additional internal pressure is resisted
by the tensile armor.
In this study, the standards of the pipe with one sealed end and free end
are compared.
Theoretical Calculate
In order to simulate the mechanical behavior of the flexible pipes through
two kinds of layers, several simplifying hypotheses are made ahead as
(1) All materials are homogeneous and isotropic and have lin-
ear elastic behavior.
(2) The strains, which occur in any part of the pipe, must be
small enough.
(3) Mean radius and thickness variations of the layers are
assumed to be uniform in each layer.
(4) Pipe ovalization due to the applied loads can be neglected.
(5) Gap between adjacent layers is not allowed in the unstressed
initial state.
(6) Friction is neglected in the whole analytical process.
(7) There is no contact between adjacent tendons of the
same layer, whatever be the configuration.
90 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
2 ∫ ∫ ∫ (ε σ + ε σ
1 1 2 2 + ε 3σ 3 + τ 12γ 12 )dv (5.1)
where, ε1, ε2, ε3, and γ12 are strain components, and σ1, σ2, σ3, and τ12 are
corresponding s tress components. The related parameter definition is
shown in Figure 5.4.
The potential of external forces is expressed by
where ΔVo denote internal pressure and external pressure, the changes in
internal volume and in external volume, respectively. According to the
theory of energy conservation, the matrix form of stiffness equations for
the thin tube theory is derived:
(2G + λ )A 0 λA λA Np
0 GJ 0 0 L Tp
λA 0 (2G + λ )A λA ur 2 Piπ Ri R − 2 Poπ Ro R
λA 0 λA (2G + λ )A R
− Piπ Rit − Poπ Rot
t (5.3)
uL u ϕ
εh = cos 2 α + r sin 2 α + R sin α cosα (5.4)
∑ EAi
∫ (ε )
U= h + 2νε h ε 3 + ε 32 dz (5.5)
2 i =1 (1 − ν 2 )cos α
where εh and ε3 denote the axial strain and radial strain, respectively.
Similarly, differential internal work is equal to differential external work,
which assembles the equations into a specific matrix as
92 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
cos3 α i R sin α i cos2 α i sin 2 α i cosα i v cosα i
R sin α i cos 2 α i R 2 sin 2 α i cosα i R sin3 α i vR sin α i Nh
nEAi sin 4 α i v sin 2 α i L Th
2 sin 2 α i cosα i R sin3 α i =
1−ν cosα i cosα i ur 2Piπ Ri R − 2Poπ Ro R
v sin 2 α i 1 R − Piπ Ri R − Poπ Ro R
v cosα i vR sin α i ut
cosα i cosα i
Collapse Design
Resistance to collapse is one of the design requirements; it is necessary
to check the ability of pipeline to bear external pressure. According to
document S A. [5], the critical pressure used to predict crushing can be
calculated as follows.
3EI eqi
pcr = ∑ i =1
Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 93
Et 3
EI eq = (5.9)
12(1 − ν 2 )
EI 2′
EI eq = Kn (5.10)
Tension Design
For the situation of a riser, the catenary theory is introduced to validate the
design results from the previous parts under tension. Based on the config-
uration as shown in Figure 5.5, The specific calculation is shown as follows:
TV = TT sin θ = ωl (5.11)
∑ π ∆ ( Rn2 ) ρn + π Ri2 ρi
ω = n=1
− ρw g π Ro2
π Ro2
l = h 1+ (5.14)
A To
To X
a= (5.15)
Load Analysis
The allowable stress of metallic layers can be refer to API 17J, in which
the material utilization factor is 0.67 for carcass and 0.85 for both pressure
armor layer and tensile armor layer in extreme operation situation. The
allowable strain of polymeric layer is selected to be 7.7%. The detail infor-
mation can be seen in Table 5.4, σy denotes the yield stress.
The axisymmetric loads can be divided into tension, internal pressure
and external pressure. The different load cases are essential to evaluate
the maximum stress or strain that each layer may sustain. Table 5.5 shows
the load cases the pipe might subjected to during operation.
Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 95
The Von mises stress in metallic layers and the equivalent strain in
polymeric layers are calculated separately using the theoretical method
mentioned above four load cases. Then, the maximum stress in the metal-
lic layers and the maximum strain in the polymeric layers under differ-
ent load cases are summarized for the pipe design. Table 5.6 displays the
results of the analysis, which suggest that the pipe designs are suitable for
the intended service conditions. σa and εa denote the allowable stress and
allowable strain, respectively.
The σ/σa(ε/εa) can be regarded as utilization ratio, which represents the
percentage of strength usage in layers. It can be observed that all the uti-
lization ratio are below 1.0, which suggests that the designed pipe can
satisfy the requirements and work safely under designed situations. The
wet collapse pressure is calculated using Eqs. (15.1)~(5.15). The collapse
pressure is 7.8 MPa.
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
U, U3
Step: Step-2
Increment 1119711: Step Time = 0.1000
Z X Primary Var: U, U3
Deformed Var: U Deformation Scale Factor: +1.000e+00
simulates the remained seven layers with equivalent stiffness. The collapse
moment of the model is shown in Figure 5.9.
The theoretical results and FEM results are contrasted in Table 5.7. The
theoretical results have favorable agreement with the FEM results, which
shows that the two methods are valid to predict the mechanical behavior
of flexible pipes.
U, U2
5.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, a design procedure and a case study for a typical unbounded
flexible pipe is illustrated. Based on the design requirements, firstly the
cross-sectional configuration of the pipe was proposed. Then the possible
load conditions were presented and the theoretical method was used to
calculate the mechanical behaviors of this pipe under those load condi-
tions. The possible stresses/strains of each layer are then collected together
to verify the most dangerous load conditions for each layer, and the
utilization ratio of each layer which should be less than 1.0 are obtained.
Finally, the FEM model was established to verify the accuracy of the
designed flexible pipe.
It turns out that the theoretical and FEM method exhibit good agree-
ment. The basic idea of theoretical method is to use the principle of virtue
work to get the equivalent equilibrium of different layers and then assem-
bly them in the layers order. The helical construction of tape layer was
neglected for its low contributions to the strength capacity and thus it was
considered as cylindrical components.
In the FE model, the equivalent thickness and stiffness was introduced
to simulate the complicated profile of carcass and pressure armor layer to
save computational resources. And the results validated this simplification.
Further work includes the torsional and bending analysis. And the
bending may combine with other loads to form different load conditions.
The corresponding experiments are also necessary to validate the designed
Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 101
1. API, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe, API RP 17B, Fifth Edition,
American Petroleum Institute, 2014.
2. API, Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe, API Specification 17J,
Furth Edition, American Petroleum Institute, 2014.
3. Feret, J. J., and C. L. Bournazel. “Calculation of stresses and slip in structural
layers of unbonded flexible pipes. “Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering 109. 3(1987): 263–269.
4. Witz, J. A. “A case study in the cross-section analysis of flexible risers.
“Marine Structures 9. 9(1996): 885–904.
5. S. Berge and A. Olufsen, Handbook on Design and Operation of Flexible
Pipes, SINTEF Report STF70, A92006, 1992.
6. Chen, B. and Nielsen, R., 1992, “Theoretical models for prediction of burst
& collapse and their verification by testing”, International seminar on recent
research and development within flexible pipe technology.
7. Colquhoun, R. S., R. T. Hill, and R. Nielsen. “Design and materials con-
siderations for high pressure flexible flowlines. “Advances in Subsea Pipeline
Engineering and Technology. Springer Netherlands, 1990. 145–178.
8. Neto, Alfredo Gay, et al. “Burst Prediction of Flexible Pipes. “ASME 2010
29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010.
9. de Sousa, JoséRenato M., et al. “A study on the response of a flexible pipe to
combined axisymmetric loads. “ASME 2013 32nd International Conference
on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 2013.
10. Design report for flexible dynamic riser, B725ENG006, Wellstream
11. Kebadze, Elizbar, 2000, “Theoretical modelling of unbonded flexible pipe
cross-sections”. South Bank University.
12. Knapp, R. H., 1979, “Derivation of a new stiffness matrix for helically
armoured cables considering tension and torsion”, International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 14. 4, pp. 515–529.
Unbonded Flexible Pipe Under Bending
6.1 Introduction
Unbonded flexible pipes are helically reinforced structures with high axial
stiffness and low bending stiffness. The pipe consists of several layers, and
each layer has its own particular function. One layer is tensile armor made
of helical wires with a rectangular cross-section to carry either axial or
bending loads. The helical and armor layers represent the main character-
istic components of the helical structure. The behavior of the helical wire
is simple when the pipe is only exposed to axisymmetric loads because it
is assumed not to have relative sliding between the helical wire and under-
lying surface. However, pipe bending is complex and is caused not just by
slip mechanism but also by the non-axisymmetric status of the pipe.
Many studies on this issue have been completed. Love [1] developed
a set of nonlinear differential equations that describes the equilibrium of
thin rods under both bending and twist. Costello [2] assumed the helical
wire as a helical spring and applied Love’s equations to predict the bend-
ing stiffness of a helical spring during bending. Lutchansky [3] directly
derived the axial stress of the helical wire by assuming the slip is along
the original path. Knapp [4] assumed the helical wire follows the initial
line of contact between the wire and underlying cylindrical surface during
bending and investigated the axial strain of a helical wire with and without
friction. Feret and Bournazel [5] rigorously analyzed the behavior of an
unbonded flexible pipe and presented the wire stresses by assuming the
helical wire follows the geodesic path once slippage takes place. Raoof [6]
proposed that the wire bending stress is composed of two components: the
first component is the axial stress generated in the wires due to interwire/
interlayer shear interactions between the wires in a bent cable, and the
second component is associated with the wires bending about their own
axes. Witz and Tan [7] developed a general analytical model to predict the
relationship between curvature and bending moment of a flexural struc-
ture. It assumed that at a certain curvature slippage would take place in the
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (103–116) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
104 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
top region and the strain would distribute into a non-zero constant strain
state. Kraincanic and Kebadze [8] gave an analytical formula to determine
the bending moment–curvature relationship. As the curvature reaches the
minimum critical curvature, some parts of the helical wire will slip along
their own axes; however, the rest will not slip. Zhang and Qiu [9] developed
a numerical model to simulate the tensile behavior of a pipe bending. It
was assumed that all slippage along a wire is proportional to the geodesic.
In other words, the wire configuration during slipping as the pipe bends
can be completely represented by a single proportional factor. Savik [10]
proposed a numerical, finite element solution for the response of the heli-
cal wires of a flexible pipe under bending that included friction restraining
slippage. Corre and Probyn [11] focused on the validation of the 3-D FEM
for cyclic bending under a tension load case. The hysteretic curves of the
axial strain in helical wires subjected to bending were derived.
The mechanism of the unbonded flexible pipe under bending is com-
plicated because the helical wire can slip relatively to the underlying layer.
The slippage will dramatically change the strain of the helical wire which,
in turn, induces a large response in the pipe.
The bending analysis of an unbonded flexible pipe is based on Kebadze’s
theory model, including the changes of the interlayer pressure between
layers during the process. The theory model can get the axial force in heli-
cal wires and the bending stiffness of unbonded flexible pipes. The main
assumptions used throughout the analysis are follows:
Oc e3
ac E2 ρ=1/κ
In the figure, the helical layer contains two basic components: the cylin-
der and helical wire.
To describe the geometry of the wire in the deformed cable, a referential
coordinate system with origin is defined, the right-handed orthonormal
set of basis vectors, is shown in Figure 6.1. The vectors and define the ver-
tical plane in which the centerline of the cable bends. A local right-handed
orthonormal coordinate system is attached to the cross-section of the cable
at its center, such that is tangent to the cable centerline and is parallel to.
The orthonormal local basis can then be expressed in terms of components
on the reference basis as
e1 = (cosφ, −sinφ, 0)
e3 = (0,0,1)
With respect to the reference coordinate system, the center of the wire
in the cable cross-section is located at
a = ac + aw (6.2)
where is the vector from to the center of the cable cross-section as shown
in Figure 6.2.
106 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Oc e3 (Neutral Axis)
Helcial wire i
At this point, it is assumed that the cable is deformed into a curve with
constant curvature. Letting denote the constant radius of curvature mea-
sured from along. Furthermore, using a polar coordinate system, where R
is the distance from the center of the cable to the center of the wire and is
constant for a given layer, is the polar angle from to, and both are defined
on the cable cross-section as shown in Figure 6.2.
Substituting these relations into Eq. (6.3), one obtains
( ρ − Rcosθ )sinϕ
a = ( ρ − Rcosθ )cosϕ (6.3)
− Rsinθ
b n
ds 0 κ n −κ g t
ds = −κ n 0 τ n (6.5)
κ g −τ 0 b
where is the geodesic curvature of the curve, is the normal curvature of the
curve, and is the relative torsion (also called geodesic torsion) of the curve.
The following definitions of the curvature components are shown:
dt dn
κn = n⋅ = −t ⋅
ds ds
db dt (6.6)
κ g = t ⋅ = −b ⋅
ds ds
dn db
τ = b⋅ = n⋅
ds ds
ϕ= s (6.7)
θ= s (6.8)
where is the lay angle of the helical wire and is the arc length of the helical
The longitudinal component of the Green strain tensor along the rod
center line is further determined by considering the displacement relative
to the undeformed reference system
1 1
E11 = (t ⋅ t − t 0 ⋅ t 0 ) = − Rcos 2α cosθκ + ( Rcosα cosθκ )2 (6.9)
2 2
sin 2α (6.11)
κn = − cos 4α cosθκ
κg = −cosα(1 + sin2α)sinθκ (6.12)
sinα cosα
τ= + sinα cos 3α cosθκ (6.13)
∫ ( EAε )
1 2
Ui = ib + EIb∆κ n2 + EIn∆κ g2 + GJ∆τ 2 ds (6.14)
2 0
Unbonded Flexible Pipe Under Bending 109
W = MκL (6.15)
where is the bending moment at the end of the flexible pipe and is the
length of the flexible pipe.
For a static system,
Π=U–W (6.16)
δΠ = δU – δW = 0 (6.17)
Mns = nEAR 2cos 3ακ (6.18)
EIns = nEAR 2cos 3α (6.19)
From Eqs. (6.18) and (6.19), the bending stiffness of the helical layer is
linear when no relative slip occurs.
ds Pt+dPt Pt
≥f (6.20)
where is tension in the helical wire and is the friction of the helical wire.
The tension in the helical wire contains two parts:
where is the tension induced by the axisymmetric load and is the tension
induced by the bending.
The uniform radial load produced by the helical wire is shown below:
pn = −κnPt (6.22)
Considering the external pressure load, the friction of the helical wire is
where is the friction coefficient between the helical wire and inner tube
and is the friction coefficient between the helical wire and external tube.
Substituting Eq. (6.21) into Eq. (6.23)
f = f0 – μiκnEARcos2αcosθκ (6.24)
The curvature of the helical wire along the arc length is variable under
bending deformation, but compared to the initial value, the change part is
small. Eq. (6.20) can be simplified as
κ cr = (6.27)
EAsinα cos 2α 1 + µi2 sin 2α
=f (6.28)
dPst sinα
⋅ = µi (κ n Pt + Pow ) + µo Pow (6.29)
dθ R
dPst R
− µi sinα Pt − ( µi + µo )Pow = 0 (6.30)
dθ sinα
Pst = D1e µiθ sinα + ( µi + µo )Pow (6.31)
µi sin 2α
112 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Pta ( µi + µo )Pow
µi sin 2 α
D1 =
e µi (π /2 )sinα
F F' F
(a) (b)
First stage
Third stage
The axial displacement of beam, [mm]
No-slip area Slip area No-slip area
0.03 A C A
Transition area Transition area
0.02 B B
0 20 40 60 80 100
The length of beam, [mm]
First stage
Third stage
The axial force of beam, [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100
The length of beam, [mm]
0 θ1 θ2 π 2π θ
The first derivative of the axial force at the critical point has to be con-
tinuous as well:
dPnst R
− µi sinα Pnst − ( µi + µo )Pow = 0 (6.33)
dθ sinα
Combining Eqs. (6.31) and (6.32), the axial force of the helical wire can
be obtained.
θ1 θ2 π
M = −2 fc
σ ns +
σs +
σ ns Rcosθ cos 2α Rtdθ (6.34)
Unbonded Flexible Pipe Under Bending 115
Oc e3
t dz
where is the axial stress in no-slip part and is the axial stress in the slipping
In order to ensure the helical layer and equivalent tube have the same
area, a filling coefficient is introduced.
fc = (6.35)
2π Rcosα
nEAR 2cos 3α
EI s = f1 (θ1 ,θ 2 ) (6.37)
116 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
1. E. H. Love. A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity: Cambridge
University Press;1944.
2. G. A. Costello. Theory of wire rope: Springer;1990.
3. M. Lutchansky. Axial stresses in armor wires of bent submarine cables.
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 1969;91: 687–91.
4. R. H. Knapp. Helical wire stresses in bent cables. Journal of Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 1988;110: 55–61.
5. J. Feret, C. Bournazel. Calculation of stresses and slip in structural lay-
ers of unbonded flexible pipes. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering. 1987;109: 263–9.
6. M. Raoof, Y. Huang. Wire stress calculations in helical strands undergoing
bending. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 1992;114:
7. J. Witz, Z. Tan. On the flexural structural behaviour of flexible pipes, umbil-
icals and marine cables. Marine structures. 1992;5: 229–49.
8. I.Kraincanic, E. Kebadze. Slip initiation and progression in helical armouring
layers of unbonded flexible pipes and its effect on pipe bending behaviour.
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 2001;36: 265–75.
9. Y. Zhang, L. Qiu. Numerical model to simulate tensile wire behavior in
unbonded flexible pipe during bending. ASME 2007 26th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering: American
Society of Mechanical Engineers;2007. p. 17–29.
10. S. Sævik, J. Gjøsteen. Strength Analysis Modelling of Flexible Umbilical
Members for Marine Structures. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2012;2012.
11. V. L. Corre, I. Probyn. Validation of a 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Model of Deep Water Steel Tube Umbilical in Combined Tension and Cyclic
Bending. In: Proceeding of OMAE: ASME;2009.
12. L. Dong, Y. Huang, G. Dong, Q. Zhang, G. Liu. Behavior of tensile wires in
unbonded flexible pipe under compression and design optimization for pre-
vention. Marine structures. 2015;42: 154–174.
Coiling of Flexible Pipes
7.1 Introduction
Composite flexible pipes used in ocean engineering have become more
and more popular due to their special properties, such as corrosion resis-
tance and strong flexibility, which makes this type of pipes easy to trans-
port, install, and operate. As a relatively new type of composite flexible
pipe, metallic strip flexible pipe (MSFP) is composed of two HDPE lay-
ers separated by four steel strips reinforcement annular. This pipe with
a sandwich structure is a particular kind of composite characterized by
the combination of two different materials, contributing with their single
properties to the global structure performance. Compared to other types
of composite pipe, MSFP has advantages in relatively cheap reinforcement
material and a simpler manufacturing process, which results in low pro-
duction costs. Thus, they are regarded as a popular choice for submarine
pipelines transporting oil and gas.
During the practical manufacturing process, ready-made flexible pipe-
lines are usually twined around a coiling drum, as shown in Figure 7.1, so
that much more space can be saved. It is clear that the smaller the drum’s
radius is, the less space it will take. Thus, more pipes can be transported at
one time and the cost will be reduced. However, the lack of an interlocked
carcass layer in MFSP may lead to a weak radial stiffness. For example, the
bending-induced radial pressure may provoke buckling failures (Figure
7.2) with possible radial formations as the reeling process is usually con-
ducted with low tension and bending. Pipe mechanics analysis in reeling
operation is illustrated in Figure 7.3.
With considerable attention has been paid to the security and reliability
of flexible pipes in the laying process, literature on its mechanical behavior
during reeling operation has emerged relatively slowly and in a more
scattered way. Szczoka [1] adopted the rigid finite element method to
present the static and dynamic response of an offshore pipe reel-laying
process. Ruan et al. [2] presented a safe assessment of a floating platform
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (117–144) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
118 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Coiling drum
Coiling drum
complicated and not fully understood. The pipeline coiled on the reeling
drum is in the form of space spiral. Besides, the friction and complex
interactions between multiple layers in unbonded pipes greatly increase
the difficulty of mathematical derivation and finite element analysis. The
layered combination of two materials also contributes to the nonlinear
behavior of MSFP. Therefore, experimental methods would be a favorable
way to explore the mechanical behavior of MSFP.
The objective of this chapter is to predict the global mechanical behavior
of MSFP during the reeling operation before transportation. Laboratorial
tests of MSFP under tension and bending are conducted to acquire its non-
linear tension-strain and moment-curvature relation, which would be
introduced into the global model. A finite element model with MSFP,
bearing plate and coiling drum is built to obtain the global mechanical
responses during the reeling operation. Additional parameter analyses are
done in ABAQUS to acquire the influence factors. The given conclusions
in this chapter may provide a comprehensive concept for understanding
the mechanical behavior of MSFP during reeling operation and a valuable
reference for optimizing its design.
Inter diameter
50 mm
Outer diameter 74 mm
Stress (MPa)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
End fitting
340 mm
Test section
1100 mm
End fitting
340 mm
connected to the machine by two flanges to avoid the test failure caused
by specimens slipping during the test. The axis of specimens is aligned
with fixtures of the testing machine to make sure that uniformly load is
applied. According to (ASTM) D2105-2001 [11], the loading speed is set
as 1 mm/s. The tensile tests were performed on two sets of MSFP speci-
mens, and the corresponding tension-extension curves for two specimens
are illustrated in Figure 7.9.
Coiling of Flexible Pipes 123
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Load (kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Extension (mm)
displacement gauge
Loading beam
Loading roller
Rigid region
Δ Test section
Test section
300 mm 600 mm
800 mm
1400 mm 300 mm
l L1 l
7.2.4 Summary
In this section, tensile and bending tests of MSFP are conducted to
acquire its tension-extension and moment-curvature relationship. The
experimental results are input into the following global model established
by the finite element method and compared with the simulation results to
reveal the interaction between the combined loads. Besides, the obtained
Coiling of Flexible Pipes 125
2000 Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Bending moment (N•M)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Curvature (rad/m)
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
60 Fitting curve
Load (kN)
10 6
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Extension (mm)
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Bending moment (N.M) Fitting curve
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Curvature (rad/m)
modulus when the strain is 0.05% and 0.25% based on the standard
ISO527-2012 [12], and the value is taken as 978 MPa. Moreover, the bend-
ing behavior of MSFP is presented by a typical bi-linear bending model
[13], as shown in Figure 7.14.
The ready-made flexible pipes are usually tens of meters or even hun-
dreds of meters, so it is impossible to simulate reeling operation without
any simplification of the structure considering the limitation of compu-
tational costs. In this chapter, the reeling pipeline, therefore, is simplified
as a long beam owing properties akin to original MSFP in the following
global analysis.
1-2 plane (SF3), however, are relatively small. Figures 7.20, 7.21, and 7.22
present the contour plots of forces in three directions when the reeling
is finished. It can be observed that these forces are quite average in the
straight section but differ in coiled section.
In order to obtain the stress along the pipeline after winding, a path is
established along the axial direction of the pipeline, as shown in Figure 7.23.
The nodes are allocated on the pipe every other 0.1 m. The endpoint tension
applied at is Node 1 and the endpoint adhered to the coiling drum surface
is Node 501. Whereas the true distance along the path is defined from Node
501, which means the true distance at Node 501 is 0 m and the true distance
at Node 1 is 50 m. Figure 7.24 shows the variation of tension along the
true distance. It can be observed that SF1 has fluctuations, but the varia-
tion is quite small. The difference between the minimum value (18,544 N)
and the maximum value (20,000 N) is 7.3%. Besides, the axial force of
130 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
(Avg: 75%)
(Avg: 75%)
(Avg: 75%)
End: 1
6 11
16 21
SF1 (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along the path (m)
the pipeline coiled on the drum is smaller than the unwinding part, which
means bending behavior reduces the effect of axial force to some extent.
Another load drawing more attention is the bending moment in the
reeling plane, especially when the radius of the coiling drum is small.
Excessive curvature resulted in the small radius would probably cause
the buckling failure of the pipeline. The twisting moment is so small that
can be neglected. Figure 7.25 shows the contour plots of bending moment
(SM2) around local 1 direction when the reeling is finished, and Figure
7.26 gives the relationship of corresponding bending moment and true
132 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
(Avg: 75%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along the path (m)
distance along the path. It can be observed that the distribution of bend-
ing moment along the reeled pipeline is even, slightly fluctuating around
540 N⋅m. Meanwhile, the unrolled pipeline does not show the existence
of the bending moment. According to the MSFP bending test (Figure
7.14), the corresponding bending moment obtained by the curvature of
the coiling drum is 401 N⋅m, which is smaller than the simulating result.
The difference occurred possibly because the reeled pipeline is no lon-
ger a standard circle resulted from the downward movement of the coiling
Coiling of Flexible Pipes 133
drum. Besides, the existence of the tension in the pipeline also causes the
rise of the bending moment.
Figure 7.27 presents the contour plots of SM3 distributed along the
pipe when the reeling is finished. The bending moment around local-3
direction (SM3) may be caused by the deadweight of the pipeline and the
component force induced by space helical structure. It can be observed
that the bending moment in this direction is not so large. SM3 distributed
along the above path is shown in Figure 7.28. The bending moment SM3
of the start point of the pipeline is 0 N⋅m and the magnitude of bend-
ing moment increases with the true distance raising. The largest bending
(Avg: 75%)
SM3 (N·m)
0 10 20 30 40 50
True distance along the path (m)
moment is 45.28 N⋅m, located on the attached point between the pipe-
line and the bearing plate. The magnitude of SM3 then drops to 0 N⋅m.
Therefore, engineers should pay more attention to the end of the reeled
pipeline near the bearing plate in the practical reeling operation.
SF1 (N)
18600 Case2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along the path (m)
Figure 7.29 SF1 along the path in different coiling drum diameter.
SM3 (N·m)
Case 1
-60 Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along the path (m)
Figure 7.30 SM3 along the path in different coiling drum diameter.
moment. In the actual reeling process, the bending moment will decrease
by adding the diameter of the coiling drum.
SM2 (N·m)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along the path (m)
Figure 7.31 SM2 along the path in different coiling drum diameter.
SF1 (N)
18600 Case1
18300 Case3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
each case are shown in Figures 7.32, 7.33, and 7.34, respectively. It can be
found that the axial force SF1 changes slightly in each case and there is
no big difference with each other. Bending moment SM3 has a linear
increasing trend. The greater the sinking distance is, the larger the winding
angle of MSFP will be achieved. The maximum SM3 in each case is shown
in Table 7.2.
SM3 (N·m)
Case 1
-40 Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
SM2 (N·m)
200 Case3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value
is 50%, indicating that the sinking distance has a great impact on SM3.
SM2 for each case, however, is almost identical. This is because the outer
diameters of the coiling drums remain the same so that the curvatures of
the reeled pipes also remain quite similar.
In a word, sinking distance of the drum has a significant influence on
SM3 but the slight effect on SM2. The sinking distance should be con-
trol to a certain value during the reeling process.
SF1 (N)
18600 Case2
18300 Case4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
SM3 (N·m)
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
-40 Case 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
SM2 (N·m)
200 Case3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
Node 1
Node 2
SF1 (N)
18600 Case2
18300 Case4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
Figure 7.39 SF1 along the path in different location of the bearing plate.
SM3 (N·m)
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
-30 Case 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
Figure 7.40 SM3 along the path in different location of the bearing plate.
Axial forces SF1 reach the maximum value 20,000 N after a certain fluc-
tuation in all cases. It can be found that the value of bending moment SM3
is smaller as the distance between the bearing plate and the drum becomes
larger. The value of maximum SM3 in each case is shown in Table 7.4. The
difference between the maximum and minimum value is 8%. In addition,
there is also little difference between SM2 in each case.
142 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
400 Case1
SM2 (N·m)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
True distance along path (m)
Figure 7.41 SM2 along the path in different location of the bearing plate.
7.5 Conclusions
In this chapter, the mechanical behavior of MSFP during reeling operation
is investigated through local and global analysis. Tensile and bending tests
are conducted to get the tension-extension and moment-curvature rela-
tion. The mechanical properties of MSFP are then invoked into the global
analysis model in which deformation and forces are predicted and pre-
sented. After that, an extensive parametric analysis using FEM is carried
out to study the influencing mechanisms on MSFP. Beneficial conclusions
can be drawn as follows:
1. Szczotka, M. (2011). Dynamic analysis of an offshore pipe laying opera-
tion using the reel method. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 27(1), 44–55.
2. Ruan, W., Bai, Y., Zhang, T., Cao, Y., & Liu, D. (2018). Safety assessment
study of a planned offshore floating platform pipelaying test. Ships
and Offshore Structures, 13(sup1), 202–213.
3. Longva, V., & Sævik, S. (2015). A Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for
reeling analysis of history-dependent multilayered beams. Computers
& structures, 146, 44–58.
4. Longva, V., & Sævik, S. (2016). On prediction of torque in flexible
pipe reeling operations using a Lagrangian–Eulerian FE framework.
Marine Structures, 46, 229–254.
5. Maincon, P. E. (2017). Torsion in Flexible Pipes, Umbilicals and Cables
Under Loadout to Installation Vessels. In ASME 2017 36th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering-Volume 3B:
Structures, Safety and Reliability.
6. Xu, Y., Bai, Y., Fang, P., Yuan, S., & Liu, C. (2019). Structural analysis of fibre-
glass reinforced bonded flexible pipe subjected to tension. Ships and
Offshore Structures, 14(7), 777–787
7. Bahtui, A., Bahai, H., & Alfano, G. (2009). Numerical and analytical model-
ing of unbonded flexible risers. Journal of offshore mechanics and
Arctic engineering, 131(2)
8. Bai, Y., Liu, T., Cheng, P., Yuan, S., Yao, D., & Tang, G. (2016). Buckling
stability of steel strip reinforced thermoplastic pipe subjected to external
pressure. Composite Structures, 152, 528–537.
9. Fang, P., Yuan, S., Cheng, P., Bai, Y., & Xu, Y. (2019). Mechanical responses of
metallic strip flexible pipes subjected to pure torsion. Applied Ocean
Research, 86, 13–27.
144 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
10. Bai, Y., Han, P., Liu, T., Yuan, S., & Tang, G. (2018). Mechanical responses
of metallic strip flexible pipe subjected to combined bending and external
pressure. Ships and Offshore Structures, 13(3), 320–329.
11. ASTM D2015-01. (2014). Standard test method for longitudinal tensile
properties of “fiberglass” pipe and tube.
12. ISO 527-2012. Plastics-determination of Tensile Properties, 1–11.12.
13. Fergestad, D., & Løtveit, S. A. (2014). Handbook on design and operation of
flexible pipes. NTNU, 4Subsea and MARINTEK, 1.
Part 2
Flexible Risers and Flowlines
8.1 Introduction
Flexible risers and flowlines (referred to as flexible pipes in the remainder
of this chapter) trace their origins to pioneering work carried out in the
late 1970s. Initially, flexible pipes were used in relatively benign weather
environments such as offshore Brazil, the Far East, and the Mediterranean.
However, since then, flexible pipe technology has advanced rapidly, and
today, flexible pipes are used in various fields in the North Sea and are
also gaining popularity in the Gulf of Mexico. Flexible pipe applications
include water depths own to 8,000 ft, high pressure up to 10,000 psi, and
high temperatures above 150°F, as well as the ability to withstand large
vessel motions in adverse weather conditions.
The main characteristic of a flexible pipe is its low relative bending to
axial stiffness. This characteristic is achieved through the use of a number
of layers of different material in the pipe wall fabrication. These layers are
able to slip past each other when under the influence of external and inter-
nal loads, and hence, this characteristic gives a flexible pipe its property of a
low bending stiffness. The flexible pipe composite structure combines steel
armor layers with high stiffness to provide strength, and polymer sealing
layers with low stiffness to provide fluid integrity. This construction gives
flexible pipes a number of advantages over other types of pipelines and ris-
ers such as steel catenary risers. These advantages include prefabrication,
storage in long lengths on reels, reduced transport and installation costs,
and suitability for use with compliant structures.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (147–158) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
148 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
used in short sections such as jumpers. Figure 8.1 shows a bonded flexible
pipe cross-section [1, 3, 4].
Figure 8.2 shows a picture from the Heidrun TLP where 5½ “produc-
tion and 2” gas lift hoses are connected to production tree.
On the other hand, unbonded flexible pipes can be manufactured
for dynamic applications in lengths of several hundred meters. Unless
otherwise stated, the rest of this Chapter shall deal with unbonded flexible
pipes. Figure 8.3 shows a typical cross-section of an unbonded flexible
pipe. This figure clearly identifies the five main components of the flexi-
ble pipe cross-section. The space between the internal polymer sheath and
Figure 8.2 Production and gas lift hoses on the Heidrun TLP (Antal et al., 2003) [1].
Flexible Risers and Flowlines 149
1. Carcass
2. Internal Fluid Barrier
3. Pressure Armor
4. Anti-Wear Layer
5. Tensile Armor
6. Anti-Wear Layer
7. Armor Wire
8. Anti-Birdcaging Layer
9. External Fluid Barrier
Figure 8.3 Typical cross-section of an unbonded flexible pipe (Zhang et al., 2003) [8].
the external polymer sheath is known as the pipe annulus. The five main
components of the flexible pipe wall shall be dealt with in the following
sections [2, 4−6].
8.2.1 Carcass
The carcass forms the innermost layer of the flexible pipe cross-section. It
is commonly made of a stainless steel flat strip that is formed into an inter-
locking profile as seen in Figure 8.2. Different steel grades can be used to
form the carcass, and the choice of material usually depends on the inter-
nal fluid characteristics. The most common grades used to manufacture
the carcass are AISI grades 304 and 316, and Duplex. The inner bore fluid
is free to flow through the carcass profile and therefore the carcass material
needs to be corrosion-resistant to the bore fluid.
The main function of the carcass is to prevent pipe collapse due to
hydrostatic pressure or build-up of gases in the annulus. The build-up of
gases in the annulus could be a potential failure mode for the pipe and
occurs in hydrocarbon-carrying pipes when gases from the inner pipe bore
diffuse through the internal polymer sheath into the annulus. In the case of
150 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
bell mouth
θ Τ
Figure 8.4 General arrangement for local curvature analysis at the bellmouth or stiffener
(Zhang et al., 2003).
high strength steel wires for “sour” pipe applications. The alternative would
be to use additional steel layers with a UTS as low as 750 MPa (105 ksi).
barrier against seawater. It also provides a level of protection for the armor
wires against clashing with other objects and during installation.
are essential for the pressure sheath and sealing ring dimensions, pressure
armor termination, and bolt torquing to ensure the adequate transfer of
load from the steel layers of the pipe onto the vessel structure. Epoxy filling
should be carried out using the appropriate techniques to ensure no air
gaps are produced. The correct positioning and functioning of the annulus
vent ports are also important to ensure no build-up of gases in the annulus
(discussed further in Section 8.3.2).
The most severe location for fatigue damage in the risers is usually in
the top hang off region. The riser is protected from over bending in this
area by either a bend stiffener or a bellmouth. The detailed local anal-
ysis for the curvature or bellmouth is carried out using 2D finite ele-
ment model. Figure 8.4 shows the basic arrangement for the top stiffener
and bellmouth.
The bending stiffener is modeled by a 2D tapered unsymmetric beam
element and the pipe is simulated by a 2D beam element. The interface
between the pipe and the bend stiffener is represented by a 2D general
contact element. Both to non-linear stress strain curve of the bend stiffener
and the non-linear bending curvature hysteresis loop are considered in the
analysis. If a bellmouth is used, a steel 2D solid element is adopted.
Knowing the top tensions and angles for each load case from the global
dynamic analysis, the curvature distribution along the flexible riser can be
found by applying these tensions and angles at the bottom of the models as
shown in Figure 8.4.
pressure loss in the inner bore of the pipe (say through an emergency
shutdown of the system), the pressure in the annulus due to these diffused
gases might be greater than the pressure in the inner bore. This could lead
to collapse of the internal polymer sheath, loss of fluid integrity, and failure
of the pipe. The steel carcass is designed to withstand this collapse pressure
due to gas build-up in the annulus. However, pipe designs without a steel
carcass also exist, especially for non-hydrocarbon carrying pipes, and this
failure mode has been documented to occur in flexible pipes.
In order to prevent the build-up of gases in the annulus due to diffu-
sion, a venting system is incorporated into the pipe structure to enable
the annulus gases to be vented out to atmosphere. Three vent valves are
incorporated into both end fitting arrangements of a pipe. The vent valves
are directly connected to the annulus and are designed to operate at a pre-
set pressure of about 30–45 psi. The vent valves in the end fitting arrange-
ment located subsea are sealed to prevent any ingress of seawater into
the annulus.
Mooring Design
Mooring Line
RAO Offset
Loads Optimization
Design Criteria
Riser System
Design Complete
Figure 8.5 Mooring and riser system design (Seymour et al., 2003) [7].
Riser Loads
Vessel Topside:
Manufacturing Qualification Bellmouth, I-tube,
Testing Porch, etc.
Riser Ancillaries:
Delivery and Certification Bend Stiffener,
Installation Abrasion Protection
Subsea Structure:
Seabed Anchor
Figure 8.6 Overview of riser system interface design (Seymour et al., 2003) [7].
Existing WI lines
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
WD (feet)
Figure 8.7 Water injection flexible pipe technology limits (Remery et al., 2004).
158 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
1. Antal, S., Nagy, T., Boros, A. (2003), “Improvement of Bonded Flexible Pipe
according to New API Stnadrad 17K”, OTC 15167.
2. API Specification 17J(1999), “Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe”.
3. API Specification 17K(2001), “Specification for Bonded Flexible Pipe”.
4. API Recommended Practice 17B(2002), “Recommended Practice for
Flexible Pipe”.
5. NACE MR 01-75, “Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for
Oilfield Equipment”.
6. Remery, J., Gallard R. and Balague, B. (2004), “Design and Qualification
Testing of a Flexible Riser for 10, 000 psi and 6300 ft WD for the Gulf of
Mexico”, Deep Oil Technology Conference, New Orleans.
7. Seymour, B., Zhang, H. and Wibner, C. “Integrated Riser and Morring
Design for the P-43and P-48 FPSOs”, OTC 15140.
8. Zhang, Y., Chen, B., Qiu, L., Hill, T. and Case, M. “State of the Art Analytical
Tools Improve Optimization of Unbonded Flexible Pipes for Deepwater
Environments”, OTC 15169.
Lazy-Wave Static Analysis
9.1 Introduction
Industry practice requires several types of flexible riser configurations
typically used in conjunction with floating production/loading systems.
Figure 9.1 illustrates these six main types of flexible riser configura-
tions. The feasible configurations differ in the use of buoyancy modules
and the methods of anchoring to the seafloor. Configuration design
considerations include several factors such as water depth, host vessel
access/hang-off location, field layout such as the quantity and types of
risers and mooring layout, environmental data, and host vessel motion
• Free-Hanging Catenary
This is the simplest configuration for a flexible riser. It is also the cheap-
est to install because of the minimal subsea infrastructure and easy
installation. However, a free-hanging catenary is exposed to severe
loading due to high vessel motions. The riser simply lifted off or low-
ered down on the seabed. Thus, the free-hanging catenary is likely to
suffer from compression buckling at the riser touchdown point (TDP)
and tensile armor wire “birdcaging”. The riser is appropriate for water
depth from medium to deep water in medium environmental condi-
tions. However, in deeper water, the top tension is large due to the long-
suspended riser length.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (159–188) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
160 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
bend stiffener and can maintain their configuration even if the riser fluid
density changes.
The wave type risers are appropriate for water depth from shallow to
deep water. The steep wave risers are suitable for congested seabed devel-
opments and have a good dynamic response.
• Pliant Wave
The pliant wave configuration is similar to the steep wave configuration
except a subsea anchor controls the TDP, i.e., the tension in the riser is
transferred to the anchor and not to the TDP. The pliant wave has the
additional benefit that it is tied back to the well located beneath the floater.
This makes well intervention possible without an additional vessel.
This configuration can accommodate a wide range of bore fluid densi-
ties and vessel motions without causing any significant change in configu-
ration and inducing high stress in the pipe structure. Due to the complex
subsea installation that is required, it would be suggested only if simple
catenary, lazy wave, or steep wave configurations are not viable. Moreover,
this configuration is appropriate for a wide range of water depths and
retains the advantages of both lazy wave and steep wave.
In this chapter, a reasonable analytical model is presented to study the
static behavior of deep water lazy-wave risers by taking the effect of envi-
ronmental loads and elastic seabed into account. Furthermore, a series of
sensitivity analyses are also presented to highlight the influencing param-
eters in lazy wave configuration, like seabed stiffness, hang-off inclination
angle, etc. The works of the theoretical analysis and FEA in the chapter are
quoted from the paper of “Static analysis of deep water lazy-wave umbilical
on elastic seabed”.[2] Lazy wave configuration is illustrated in Figure 9.2.
Riser Base
Well Approach GC683
Well Approach
Buoyancy section
Water depth WD
Decline section
DP Hang-off section
Touchdown segment BLP
Seabed x1/x2 Boundary-layer segment
distance of the lowest point in the sag bend from the sea level is herein
set as ysag. For a differential element of the riser illustrated in Figure 9.4,
the equilibrium of force and bending moment can be derived as
T = V2 + H2 (9.6)
Sea level x
Current F nds
y arch
Water depth
y sag
Arch bend
Sag bend
respectively. Cd and Cτ are the drag coefficient in the normal and tangen-
tial direction, respectively. ρw is sea density; vc is current velocity; D is the
outer diameter of the riser; w is the submerged weight per unit length of
the riser; ds is the length of each differential element; θ is the inclination
angle of the riser from horizontal direction to axial direction.
The effect of riser’s flexural stiffness leads to Eq. (9.3), which is too
complicated to solve directly. For simplification, the hang-off section is
considered as a cable without any flexural stiffness due to its property
of long length in deep water. Catenary theory is thus adopted to ana-
lyze the behavior of the hang-off section. The inclination angle, θ, can
be derived from Eq. (9.3) by ignoring the higher order terms and flexural
θ = arctan (9.7)
The curvature, κ, along the riser can be obtained based on the catenary
κ = dθ/ds (9.8)
Once the displacement, inclination angle, and curvature along the riser
are obtained, the approximation of the real bending moment, M, and shear
force, S, can be derived through the following:
M = EI κ = − EI (9.10)
dM d 2θ
S=− = EI 2 (9.11)
ds ds
166 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
where EI is the flexural stiffness of the riser. Note: shear force is set to be
positive when in clockwise direction.
d 4 y1 d 2 y1
EI − T = w ( L ≤ x1 ≤ 0) (9.12)
dx14 dx12
S+dS M
T+dT M + dM S
Seabed x1 TDP
where T denotes the unknown constant axial tension at the TDP; L is the
x1-coordinate at BLP in the local coordinate system (x1, y1).
The general solution of Eqs. (9.4)–(9.12) can be obtained as following:
w 2
y1 = − x1 + c1 + c2 x1 + c3 sinh(γ x1 ) + c4 cosh(γ x1 ) (9.13)
where c1, c2, c3, and c4 are the unknown coefficients and
γ= (9.14)
d 2 y1
M1 ( x ) = − EI (9.15)
d 3 y1
S1 ( x ) = EI 3 (9.16)
S+dS M T
T +dT M+dM S
Seabed x2 TDP
d 4 y2 d 2 y2
EI −T + ky 2 = w (0 ≤ x 2 ≤ +∞) (9.17)
dx 24 dx 22
where T is the axial tension at the TDP, and k is the elastic stiffness of the
seabed. As the effect of seabed friction is neglected, axial tension along
the length of the touchdown segment keeps nearly constant. It can be
found that Eq. (9.17) is a four-order ordinary differential equation. For
T > 2 EIk , no real solution can be obtained. Whereas, for T ≤ 2 EIk , the
general solution can be obtained:
y2 = + c5 exp(−α x 2 )cos(β x 2 ) + c6 exp(−α x 2 )sin(β x 2 )
+ c7 exp(α x 2 )cos(β x 2 ) + c8 exp(α x 2 )sin(β x 2 )
where c5, c6, c7, and c8 are the unknown coefficients and
1 k T 1 k T
α= 2 + , β= 2 − (9.19)
When x2→∞, the elastic deformation of the seabed is only subjected to the
submerged weight and seabed resistance, i.e., y2=w/k. Therefore, c7 and c8
are both equal to zero and Eq. (9.18) then can be reduced to:
170 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
y2 = + c5 exp(−α x 2 )cos(β x 2 ) + c6 exp(−α x 2 )sin(β x 2 ) (9.20)
d 2 y2
M 2 ( x ) = − EI (9.21)
dx 22
d 3 y2
S2 ( x ) = EI (9.22)
dx 23
y(0) = 0
HOP θ (0) = θ 0 (9.23)
M (0) = 0
y1 ( L ) = y BLP
θ1 ( L ) = θ BLP
BLP (9.24)
κ 1 ( L ) = κ BLP
S1 ( L ) = SBLP
Lazy-Wave Static Analysis 171
y1 (0) = y 2 (0) = 0
θ1 (0) = θ 2 (0)
TDP (9.25)
M1 (0) = M 2 (0)
S1 (0) = S2 (2)
Ti = Vi 2 + Hi2 (9.28)
θi = arctan(Vi/Hi) (9.29)
Mi = − EI (9.32)
Si = − (9.33)
Adjust the No
|WD-D/2-yBLP+y1(L)| <ε1
value of T0
No Adjust the
|S+ BLP-S- +
BLP|/S BLP<ε2 value of θBLP
Output the final configuration, inclination angle,
bending moment and shear
view of lazy-wave riser model, and the main features of this FEM are pre-
sented below.
9.5.1 Environment
A 3D space is set up to model the sea environment. The seabed model
is defined with “Flat” shape type and linear stiffness, neglecting the effect
of seabed friction. Current is assumed to be a steady flow and current
method is adopted by interpolation method. The wind load is neglected
in the model.
9.5.2 Riser
Based on the lumped mass method, the riser is modeled as a line, which
is divided into a series of line segments.[7] The riser is thus modeled by
this element with constant outer diameter, submerged weight, and flexural
stiffness, except for the buoyancy section. The buoyancy section is mod-
eled with the equivalent outer diameter, submerged weight, and flexural
stiffness, which is quite different from other parts of lazy-wave riser.
Analytical model
200 FEM by OrcaFlex
y (m)
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
x (m)
Analytical model
450 FEM by OrcaFlex
Tension (KN)
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
x (m)
10 8
Analytical model Analytical model
8 7
6 6
4 5
-6 1
-8 0
-10 -1
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600
x (m) x (m)
(a) (b)
Figure 9.11 (a) Comparison of lazy-wave bending moments. (b) Comparison of bending
moments in TDP area.
Analytical model 1.25
Analytical model
1.25 FEM by OrcaFlex FEM by OrcaFlex
0.75 0.75
Shear (KN)
Shear (KN)
0.50 0.50
-0.25 0.00
-0.50 -0.25
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700
x (m) x (m)
(a) (b)
Figure 9.12 (a) Comparison of lazy-wave shears. (b) Comparison of shears in TDP.
factors that determine the riser’s lateral resistance to prevent from being
moved sideways.[8] It is, therefore, necessary to investigate the effect of seabed
stiffness. Six different kinds of seabed stiffnesses ranging from 50 to 300
kN·m2 are selected for the analyses, and the corresponding configurations
look almost the same. As shown in Figure 9.13, the local maximum bend-
ing moment in TDP area changes little as the seabed stiffness increases.
However, the bending moment at TDP surprisingly decreases. Figure 9.14
shows the results of the local maximum shear in TDP area and shear at
TDP with different seabed stiffness, which both increase accordingly as the
Mmax in TDP area
8 Moment at TDP
Bending moment (KN·m)
50 100 150 200 250 300
Seabed stiffness (KN·m2)
Smax in TDP area
1.25 Shear at TDP
Shear (KN)
50 100 150 200 250 300
Seabed stiffness (KN·m2)
Figure 9.15 Inclination angle at TDP with the variation of seabed stiffness.
seabed stiffness increases. Also, the results of the inclination angle at TDP
and maximum embedment into the seabed are shown in Figures 9.15 and
9.16, respectively. It can be found that the inclination angle at TDP decreases
dramatically with the increasing of seabed stiffness. The maximum embed-
ment into the seabed also decreases, similar to the inclination angle at TDP.
When the seabed stiffness goes to infinity, the inclination angle at TDP and
maximum embedment into the seabed would tend to be zero. Thus, large
seabed stiffness will reduce the on-bottom stability of the riser. In short, it
can be concluded that seabed stiffness has scarce effect on the configura-
tion, tension, and bending moment, but leads to the increasing of the shear
in TDP area and the decreasing of embedment into the seabed.
50 100 150 200 250 300
Seabed stiffness (KN·m2)
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
x (m)
Figure 9.17 Lazy-wave configuration with the variation of hang-off inclination angle.
Tension at HOP
Tension (KN)
Tension at TDP
83 84 85 86 87 88
Hang-off inclination angle (deg)
Mmax in TDP area
83 84 85 86 87 88
Hang-off inclination angle (deg)
Figure 9.19 Bending moment with the variation of hang-off inclination angle.
83 84 85 86 87 88
Hang-off inclination angle (deg)
Figure 9.20 Shear with the variation of hang- off inclination angle.
Lazy-Wave Static Analysis 185
200 572m
400 622m
600 722m
800 772m
y (m)
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
x (m)
Figure 9.21 Lazy-wave configuration with the variation of buoyancy section length.
Tension at HOP
Tension (KN)
Tension at TDP
500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
Bending moment (KN·m) Mmax in sag bend
Mmax in arch bend
Mmax in TDP area
500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
Figure 9.23 Bending moment with the variation of buoyancy section length.
Shear (KN)
500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
section length. The local maximum shear in TDP area and shear at TDP
also increase nearly linearly with the increase of the buoyancy section
length. It is thus obvious that buoyancy section length plays a significant
role in the optimization of lazy-wave configuration. Large length of the
buoyancy section will also reduce the tension of lazy-wave configuration,
and aggravate the bending moment and shear, which is the same effect
with hang-off inclination angle.
9.8 Conclusions
This study presents a reasonable analytical model to study the mechanical
behavior of deep water lazy-wave riser considering the effect of environ-
mental loads and elastic seabed. Owing to the boundary-layer phenom-
enon, the analytical model is divided into three parts to analyze: cable
segment suspended in the water, boundary-layer segment near the TDP,
and touchdown segment laid on the seabed. To verify the accuracy of
the proposed model, a finite element model by OrcaFlex was employed.
The results obtained from the analytical model and FEM by OrcaFlex
closely coincide with one another, indicating the accuracy of the proposed
model in predicting the static behavior of deep water lazy-wave riser.
Furthermore, parametric studies, such as seabed stiffness, hang-off incli-
nation angle, etc., are conducted to determine the different effects of the
selected parameters on the static behavior of lazy-wave riser. The following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. N. Ismail, R. Nielsen, and M. Kanarellis, Design Considerations for
Selection of Flexible Riser Configuration, PD-Vol. 42, Offshore and Arctic
Operations, ASME, 1992.
2. Ruan W, Bai Y, Cheng P. Static analysis of deepwater lazy-wave umbilical on
elastic seabed[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 91: 73–83.
3. Garrett D L. Dynamic analysis of slender rods[J]. J. Energy Resour. Technol.;
(United States), 1982, 104(4).
4. Croll J G A. Bending boundary layers in tensioned cables and rods[J].
Applied ocean research, 2000, 22(4): 241–253.
5. Bai Y, and Bai Q. Subsea pipelines and risers. Elsevier, 2005.
6. Palmer A C, King R A. Submarine Pipeline Engineering[M]. PennWell
Books, 2004.
7. Orcina Ltd., Visual ORCAFLEX User Manual, Ulverston, Cumbria, UK,
8. Palmer A. Touchdown indentation of the seabed[J]. Applied Ocean Research,
2008, 30(3): 235–238.
Steep-Wave Static Configuration
10.1 Introduction
To overcome harsh environments and high pressure, six main configura-
tions of steel catenary riser have been developed, such as simple catenary,
lazy wave, steep wave, lazy S, steep S, and pliant wave. Each configuration
has its advantage to make itself better appropriate for particular applica-
tions. Among these configurations, the steep wave riser is considered better
to accommodate the geometry in deep water, and it is suitable for applica-
tions where the riser terminates at a subsea base or completion. As shown
in Figure 10.1, typical steep wave riser is composed of a taut lower pipe
connected to a positively buoyant section of catenary pipeline which itself
joins the sagging part of the riser which in turn ends at the vessel[1]. It is
similar to the lazy wave configuration but has a nearly vertical connection
at the seabed where a subsea base controls the touch-down point. Steep
wave risers can accommodate large vessel offsets and effectively reduce the
potential compression buckling at TDP. It is able to maintain its configu-
ration even if the riser fluid density changes. However, it requires a subsea
base and subsea bend stiffener.
Relatively, little research has been done on steep wave riser. Pinto and
Lima[2] presented the final results of FSO steep-wave riser configuration
design in the deepwater (815 m) Roncador field and gave a complete report
of that project. Then, numerical simulations by Riflex were performed to
study the influence of the armor on the response of the steep-wave riser in
water at a depth of 300 m under irregular waves[3].
Sun and Bo[4] adopted the lumped mass method to perform the global
analysis on the steep wave flexible riser and found that the steep wave riser
is not very sensitive to the ocean current. Steep wave configuration and
lazy wave configuration used on the Auger TLP were specifically devel-
oped for application with a tanker FPSO located in a harsh environment[5].
Key mechanical design issues and material selection for different ser-
vice conditions are discussed. Budgetary costs for a range of typical field
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (189–212) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
190 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Sea level
Buoyancy modules
Subsea base
application are also presented in this chapter. Santillan S. T.[6] put forward
an elastic approach to describe the analysis of steep-wave flexible risers by
a finite difference technique. A free-vibration analysis was also conducted
for small-amplitude oscillations.
This chapter presents a numerical method to study the static two-
dimensional behavior of steep wave riser by taking the effect of current
loading in to account. Due to the lifting effect of buoyancy modules
attached to part of the riser, the behavior of the steep wave riser is sub-
jected to large deformation and behaves nonlinearly. Therefore, based on
the large deformation beam theory and mechanics equilibrium principle,
a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations describing the motion
of the steep wave riser are developed. Then, finite difference method and
shooting method are combined effectively to solve the ordinary differen-
tial equations with zero moment boundary conditions at both the seabed
end and surface end of the steep wave riser. The resulting non-linear finite
difference formulations can be solved by the Newton-Raphson method
with the Jacobian matrix evaluated in an approximate manner. To verify
the accuracy of the proposed method, FEM by OrcaFlex is employed and
the results from the two methods show excellent consistency.
Hang-off segment
Buoyancy segment
Water depth WD
y L2
y T+δT
F wδs
Fn = ρw Cd D ds vc sinθ vc sinθ (10.2)
dF dθ
−T + w cosθ + Fn = 0 (10.3)
ds ds
d2M dθ
−T + w cosθ + Fn = 0 (10.4)
ds 2
Based on the large deflection beam theory, the bending moment then
can be obtained:
M = EIκ = EI (10.5)
where EI denotes the flexural stiffness of the riser and κ denotes the cur-
vature of the riser.
Combining Eqs. (10.4) and (10.5), the final normal mechanics equilib-
rium differential equation can be expressed as
d 3θ dθ
EI −T + w cosθ + Fn = 0 (10.6)
ds 3
On the other hand, resolving forces parallel to the segment axis leads to
Fτ = ρwCτ π D ds vc cosθ vc cosθ (10.8)
where Fτ represents the drag force in the axial direction per unit length of
the riser, and Cτ is the drag coefficient in the axial direction.
For simplification, Eq. (10.7) then can be simplified as
dθ dT
F + − w sinθ + Fτ = 0 (10.9)
ds ds
d 2θ dθ dT
EI + − w sinθ + Fτ = 0 (10.10)
ds 2 ds ds
194 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
As both the axial deformation and shear deformation are not consid-
ered in the analysis, the horizontal and vertical displacements in the global
coordinate (x, y) then can be expressed as
∫ ∫
x = cosθ ds , y = sinθ ds (10.11)
Once the displacements, inclination angle and curvature along the riser
are obtained, the bending moment M and shear force F can be derived as
M = EIκ = EI (10.12)
dM d 2θ
F= = EI 2 (10.13)
ds ds
M (0) = 0 (10.14)
196 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
On the other hand, the hang-off location of the steep wave riser is usu-
ally hinged to the vessel or platform by a ball joint. The inclination angle
of the hang-off point can be measured by instrument. Thus, the boundary
condition of the hang-off point in the global coordinate system (x, y) can
be expressed as
θi + 2 − 3θi +1 + 3θi − θi −1 θ −θ 1
EI − Ti i +1 i + w cosθi + ρwCd D vc sinθi vc sinθi = 0
(ds ) 3
ds 2
Steep-Wave Static Configuration 197
i+1 ds
i ds
i-1 ds
θi +1 − 2θi + θi −1 θi +1 − θi Ti +1 − Ti 1
EI ⋅ + − w sinθi + ρwCτ π D vc cosθi vc cosθi = 0
(ds )2 ds ds 2
Adjust the No
value of Tn+1
Obtain initial value of θ1, θ2,……θn, and T1,
T2, …… Tn+1, select Tn+1 as a known parameter
No Adjust the
value of Tn+1
As shown in Figure 10.6, the steep wave configurations from the two
methods seem to be consistent. The difference mainly happens at the hang-
off segment. The horizontal distances from the hang-off point to the TDP
obtained from numerical method and FEM by OrcaFlex are 1,018 and
1,012 m, respectively, and the difference is less than 3.0%. Also, the highest
vertical locations of the arch bend from the two methods are 891.6 and
893.2 m, respectively. The lowest vertical locations of the sag bend from the
two methods are 755.1 and 755.1 m, respectively.
200 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Numerical method
1400 FEM by OrcaFlex
y (m)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x (m)
454.70 kN. While under the same condition, the upper end tension in sim-
ple catenary configuration without the addition of buoyancy modules can
reach upto 915.63 kN, which is greater than that in the steep wave con-
figuration. It can be seen that the steep wave configuration can effectively
reduce the upper end tension.
Figure 10.8 shows the comparison of riser’s bending moments, and the
overall bending moments almost perfectly match. As expected, two local
Numerical method
FEM by OrcaFlex
Tension (KN)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x (m)
Numerical method
FEM by OrcaFlex
Bending moment (KN·m)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x (m)
maximum bending moments occur at the peak point in the arch bend
and the lowest point in the sag bend. In addition, the values of bending
moments at the LP and DP turn out to be zero. It can be found that the
bending moments in the neighborhood of the LP and DP change very
obviously. The maximum bending moments in the steep wave configura-
tion from numerical method and FEM by OrcaFlex are −4.520 and −4.588
kN·m respectively, which are very close. The comparison of riser’s shear
forces is shown in Figure 10.9. The overall shear forces in Figure 10.9 match
very well, except at the two locations of HOP and TDP. Furthermore, two
local maximum shear forces occur at the DP and LP and the shear force in
other location is very close to zero.
Numerical method
0.75 FEM by OrcaFlex
Shear force (KN)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
x (m)
Shear force (KN)
–0.06 DP
Numerical method
–0.12 FEM by OrcaFlex
100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150
x (m)
0.8 Numerical method
FEM by OrcaFlex
Shear force (KN)
450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500
x (m)
Figures 10.10 and 10.11 show the shear forces in the localization around
the DP and LP, respectively. The two curves of shear forces in the neighbor-
hood of the DP are almost parallel and the two curves of shear forces in the
neighborhood of the LP are also almost parallel. It is mainly caused by the
location difference of the DP and LP obtained from the two methods. The local
maximum shear forces in the neighborhood of DP from numerical method
and FEM by OrcaFlex are −0.1145 and −0.1187 kN, respectively. The local
maximum shear forces in the neighborhood of DP from numerical method
and FEM by OrcaFlex are 0.8261 and 0. 8258 kN, respectively.
1400 0.455m
1200 0.465m
1000 0.470m
y (m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
x (m)
Figure 10.12 Steep wave configuration with the variation of buoyancy segment’s
equivalent outer diameter.
150 Tension at HOP
Tension at TDP
0.450 0.455 0.460 0.465 0.470
Equivalent diameter of buoyancy segment (m)
Figure 10.13 Tension with the variation of buoyancy segment’s equivalent outer diameter.
Mmax in arch bend
5.0 Mmax in sag bend
0.450 0.455 0.460 0.465 0.470
Equivalent diameter of buoyancy segment (m)
Figure 10.14 Bending moment with the variation of buoyancy segment’s equivalent outer
Shear force(KN)
Fmax at DP
Fmax at LP
0.450 0.455 0.460 0.465 0.470
Equivalent diameter of buoyancy segment (m)
1400 622m
1000 772m
y (m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
x (m)
Figure 10.16 Steep wave configuration with the variation of buoyancy segment length.
Tension (KN)
Tension at HOP
Tension at TDP
550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
segment length has little effect on the horizontal distance between TDP
to HOP. In addition, the tension at HOP decreases by 8.57%, from 476.3
to 435.5 kN, while the tension at TDP increases by 60.05%, from 175.7 to
281.2 kN (shown in Figure 10.17). It shows that the buoyancy segment
length has a more prominent influence on the tension at TDP than on the
tension at HOP. Also, the two local maximum bending moments increase
linearly with the increasing of the buoyancy segment length. However, the
maximum shears at DP and LP decrease linearly. Thus, it can be found that
large length of the buoyancy segment can optimize the distribution of the
Steep-Wave Static Configuration 207
Mmax in arch bend
5.0 Mmax in sag bend
Bending moment (KN.m)
550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
Figure 10.18 Bending moment with the variation of buoyancy segment length.
Fmax at DP
1.0 Fmax at LP
Shear force (KN)
550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800
Length of buoyancy section (m)
Figure 10.19 Shear force with the variation of buoyancy segment length.
tension and shear force along the steep wave riser; however, it will aggra-
vate the bending moment.
segment are selected to move towards the hang-off point along the riser
length by ± 50 or ± 100 m. The effects of buoyancy segment location are
well illustrated in Figures 10.20 to 10.23. As buoyancy segment moves
closer to HOP, i.e., the hang-off segment length is shortened, the vertical
location of arch bend raises up accordingly.
As the buoyancy segment location varies from −100 to 100 m, the ten-
sion at HOP decreases from 508.1 to 402.1 kN, by 20.86%. On other hand,
the tension at TDP decreases from 278.0 to 175.1 kN, by 37.01%. Therefore,
buoyancy segment location can effectively reduce the tension at the two
1400 –50m
1200 50m
1000 100m
y (m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
x (m)
Figure 10.20 Steep wave configuration with the variation of buoyancy segment location.
Tension (KN)
150 Tension at HOP
Tension at TDP
–100 –50 0 50 100
Location of buoyancy section (m)
Mmax in arch bend
5.0 Mmax in sag bend
Bending moment (KN.m)
–100 –50 0 50 100
Location of buoyancy section (m)
Shear force(KN)
Fmax at DP
0.4 Fmax at LP
−100 −50 0 50 100
Location buoyancy section (m)
ends of steep wave riser when close to the hang-off point. In addition, it
also will result in the deterioration of maximum bending moments in arch
bend and sag bend, and the reduction of shear force along the riser.
1400 -0.2m/s
1000 0.4m/s
y (m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
x (m)
Tension (KN)
Tension at HOP
Tension at TDP
–0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Current velocity (m/s)
Mmax in arch bend
5.0 Mmax in sag bend
Bending moment (KN.m)
–0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Current velocity (m/s)
Shear force(KN)
Fmax at DP
0.4 Fmax at LP
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Current velocity (m/s)
weight. The local maximum bending moments in arch bend and sag bend
descend to some extent. In Figure 10.27, as current velocity increases from
−0.4 to 0.4 m/s, the shear at HOP increases from 0.732 to 0.873 kN, by
19.26%, while the shear at TDP increases from −0.089 to −0.128 kN, by
43.82%. As expected, the change rates of tension, bending moment and
shear grow with the absolute value of current velocity increases. It can be
found that with current velocity increases, the effect on the behavior of
steep wave riser will be more and more obvious.
212 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
10.6 Conclusions
The mechanical behavior of 2D steep wave riser under current load is stud-
ied based on large deformation beam theory and mechanics equilibrium
principle. With an assumption that the riser connections to the subsea base
and to FPSO are both hinged connections, finite difference method and
shooting method are applied to solve the equations. Sensitivity of param-
eters, including buoyancy segment’s equivalent outer diameter, buoyancy
segment length, buoyancy segment location, and current velocity are stud-
ied carefully. Results from the proposed method have matched well with
the results from OrcaFlex. The results effectively demonstrate the ability
of the proposed method in predicting the non-linear static behavior of 2D
steep wave riser under current load.
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8. Sparks C P. Fundamentals of marine riser mechanics: basic principles and
simplified analyses[M]. PennWell Books, 2007.
9. Bai Y, Yu B, Cheng P. Offshore Installation of Reinforced Thermoplastic
Pipe(RTP). The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering
Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2012.
3D Rod Theory for Static
and Dynamic Analysis
11.1 Introduction
Nowadays, unbonded flexible pipe is extensively used to transport gas/
oil drilled from underneath the seabed to platforms in numerous offshore
engineering applications due to its advantages of good compliance with
platform movements, high flexibility to absorb harsh environmental load-
ings, good corrosion resistance, and low installation cost. So far, it has been
operated in water depths of more than 3,000 m. As illustrated in Figure
11.1, the typical structure of an unbonded flexible pipe is mainly made
of several steel and plastic concentric layers with low bending stiffness
but relatively high radial and longitudinal stiffness. Three types of metal-
lic layers turn out to mainly withstand the imposed structural loads
(Fergestad et al., 2014): inner carcass mainly provides strength against
external hydrostatic pressure and crushing loads during installation oper-
ations; pressure armor provides resistance against the hoop stress caused
by internal pressure; tensile armors provide strength against the axial stress
caused by internal pressure and by external loads.
As the global performance of an unbonded flexible riser in the marine
environment is crucial during the riser-configuration design phase, the rel-
evant research has drawn more and more attention. Due to the versatility
in handling complex flexible pipe profile and boundary conditions, finite
element method (FEM) turns out to be the most popular methodology to
solve nonlinear riser dynamics problems[2−7]. It could be interpreted as an
application of Galerkin’s method for a particular choice of shape func-
tions. On the basis of conservation of linear momentum and moment of
momentum, the rod theory[8−12] was put forward and improved to acquire
the riser/mooring line dynamic behavior by using Galerkin’s method. The
rod’s nodal position coordinate and its derivatives can be directly defined
in the global coordinate system. It is the author’s belief that, to date,
Texas A&M University[13−17] did the more prominent research on the rod
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (213–246) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
214 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Outer sheath
theory and has developed CABLE 3D numerical code to study the static/
dynamic response of the floating production system including the plat-
form, mooring lines and risers.
The current study on the riser dynamics is prevailingly aimed at the
rigid pipe. However, due to the multilayer structure and low bending stiff-
ness, the dynamic problem of the unbonded flexible pipe is considerably
different from that of rigid pipe, e.g., complex boundary condition and
bending hysteretic behavior. Traditionally, the flexible pipe global analy-
sis simply considers the top-end connection condition as hinged, and the
bend stiffener (BS) is excluded since its influence on the response is con-
trolled within a relatively small region. Only a few literature introduced
the bend restriction effect into the flexible pipe global analysis[18–19], and
numerous studies on the BS constraint mainly tended to the local analy-
sis[18, 20–25]. In addition, the bending hysteretic behavior of an unbonded
flexible pipe[26–31] has been widely investigated based on the local analy-
sis, such as FEM and experiment. To the author’s knowledge, the effect
of bending hysteretic behavior has not been adequately investigated in the
global analysis.
In this chapter, a developed finite element model based on the rod
theory is put forward to acquire the static/dynamic response of a flexible
riser subjected to hydrodynamic loadings and platform motion. The for-
mulations proposed are defined in the absolute coordinate. In this math-
ematical model, Newmark-β method combined with Newton-Raphson
iterative method is employed for the time domain integration of the riser
3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 215
dynamics. The effects of the BS constraint and flexible pipe bending hyster-
etic behavior are also considered in the model to accurately simulate the
static/dynamic response of flexible pipe in the case study, especially for the
top-end region and touchdown zone (TDZ). Thus, the effects of BS con-
straint, bending hysteretic behavior and top angle constraint are also fully
investigated and some conclusions are obtained.
11.2 Nomenclature
y z
Wave x Platform motion
Water depth
Bend stiffener constraint
Unbonded flexible pipe
Touchdown point
Anchoring point
Mr + 2 ρi AU
i r ′ + ( EI e r ′′ )′′ − (λ r ′ )′ = q (11.1)
where λ = Tw + po Ao − pi Ai − ρi AU
i − EI eκ 2 = Te − EI eκ 2 . λ is a scalar
function, also called Lagrange multiplier, since it is introduced as a result
of the assumption of extensible condition in the stretching constraint
equation below. The corresponding detailed derivation process can be
obtained from the paper by Garrett (1982). Herein, a prime denotes
differentiation with respect to arc-length s, and a superposed dot denotes
differentiation with respect to time t.
In this mathematical model, the flexible riser is considered to be
extensible and the stretch is linear and small. Therefore, the vector r must
satisfy a stretching constrain equation:
r′ · r′ = (1 + ε)2 ≈ 1 + 2ε (11.2)
Tw + 2υ ( po Ao − pi Ai ) λ − (1 − 2υ )( po Ao − pi Ai ) + ρi AU (11.3)
ε= ≈ i
where the item EIeκ2 is very small compared to the effective tension Te
and may be ignored when calculating the effective tension. Namely, λ
approximates to the effective tension Te.
Then, the constraint equation with small elongation can be derived
from Eqs. (11.2) and (11.3):
1 λ − (1 − 2υ )( po Ao − pi Ai ) + ρi AU (11.4)
(r ′ ⋅ r ′ − 1) − i
2 EA
{ }
= EI e r ′′ai′(s ) 0L + λ r ′ − ( EI e r ′′ )′ − 2 ρi AU
i r ai (s )
y u23 y
(u11,u12,u13) u21 λ1
z z L
u41 λ2
u43 u42 -
x λ3
(a) (b)
The first term on the right-hand side of the equation above is related
to the moments at the element ends, and the second term is the forces at
the element ends. The right-hand terms symbol the generalized internal
forces, denoted as “fin”.
Inserting Eq. (11.5) and shape functions into Eq. (11.7), the following
set of ordinary differential equations could be obtained for small elonga-
tion element:
α ikm =
∫ 0
ai′′(ξ )ak′′(ξ ) pm (ξ )dξ βikm =
ai′(ξ )ak′ (ξ ) pm (ξ )dξ γ ikm =
ai (ξ )ak (ξ ) pm (ξ )dξ
µim =
∫ 0
ai (ξ ) pm (ξ )dξ τ m =
pm (ξ )dξ ηmn =
∫ 0
pm (ξ ) pn (ξ )dξ ζ ik =
∫ 0
ai′((ξ )ak (ξ )dξ
{ }
δ x = δ u11 , δ u12 , δ u13 , δ u21 , δ u22 , δ u23 , δλ1 , δλ2 , δ u31 , δ u32 , δ u33 , δ u41 , δ u42 , δ u43 , δλ3
220 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
κcr Curvature
slip mode
stick mode
Bending Moment
B 1
A κcr
EI = EI for κ ≤ κ cr ;
e b
EI e = [EIb ⋅κ cr + EI f ⋅ (κ − κ cr )]/ κ for κ ≥ κ cr .
e ,n +1 =( EI e ,n ⋅κ n + EI b ⋅ δκ n +1 ) κ n +1 for κ n+1 ,κ n instick mode;
EI e ,n +1 =( EI e ,n ⋅κ n + EI f ⋅ δκ n +1 ) κ n +1 for κ n+1 , κ n inslipmode;
EI for κ n instick mode;κ n+1 inslipmodee.
e ,n +1 =( EI e ,n ⋅κ n + EI b ⋅ δκ n +1, st + EI f ⋅ δκ n +1, sl ) κ n +1
where the subscript n or n + 1 denotes the time step; “st” and “sl” rep-
resent the stick mode and the slip mode, respectively.
damage. The BS’s root end is rigidly fixed to the platform and its tip end is
free. BSs are usually fabricated with polymeric materials, such as a poly-
ether polyurethane (Vaz et al., 2004). In this study, the top-end boundary
condition is rigidly fixed and the restriction effect of the BS is also taken
into account to reflect a more realistic condition in the top-end region.
Thus, more accurate stresses can be obtained and a better estimation
of the fatigue damage can also be achieved. The polyurethane stress-strain
constitutive model herein is assumed to be linear, that is to say, the BS may
possess an elastic Young’s modulus. Therefore, the bending stiffness of the
BS may strongly depend on the polyurethane constitutive model and geo-
metric configuration. Also, the loads acting on the BS could be described
as a function of the BS’s length and bending stiffness.
As illustrated in Figure 11.6, the BS geometry is generally given in
terms of the constant inner diameter Di and variational outer diame-
ter Do(S) as a function of the BS’s length. The effects of the radial clear-
ance and friction force between the BS and flexible pipe are ignored in this
study. Then the bending stiffness distribution along the BS’s length can be
Ebπ 4
EIb (S ) =
Do (S ) − Di4 ) 0 ≤ S ≤ Sb (11.4)
Then, the total bending stiffness distribution along the BS’s length
could be written as the bending stiffness combination of the BS and
unbonded flexible pipe:
Rigid connection
Flexible pipe
Radial clearance
k( R − r ⋅ e − W ) R − r ⋅ e y − WD > 0
y D
q spring = (11.16)
0 R − r ⋅ e y − WD ≤ 0
∫ 0
q spring ai (s )ds =
ai (s ) ds ⋅[k( R − WD )] −
ai (s )ak (s )ds ⋅ k ⋅ uk 2
3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 225
Figure 11.8 (Hou et al., 2013), which may result in the inaccuracy of the
curvature distribution. Also, a 2-m-long BS is rigidly fixed to the platform
with a Young’s Modulus of 45 MPa. It has a root outer radius of 0.625 m and
tip outer radius of 0.450 m. It also has a constant inner radius of 0.450 m.
The profile of the BS is shown in Figure 11.9.
Table 11.2 shows the main parameters of the environmental and the
hydrodynamic coefficients. The current is not considered in this study.
Therefore, airy wave theory is adopted to simulate the wave response.
The propagation direction of the wave is set along the positive x direction.
Bending Moment (kN·m)
–0.1 –0.05 0 0.05 0.1
Curvature (rad/m)
External profile
Bend stiffener profile (m)
Internal profile
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Curvature (rad/m)
0 FEM by OrcaFlex
Mathematical model
–300 –599.6
160 170 180 190
Effective tension (kN)
400 60
600 625 650 675 700
FEM by OrcaFlex
0.015 Mathematical model
Curvature (rad/m)
0.000 0.02
–0.015 0 2 4 6 8 500 600 700
FEM by OrcaFlex
Mathematical model
Declination angle (°)
140 176
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Riser arc length (m)
two local maximum curvatures generate in the top-end region and TDZ,
respectively (see Figure 11.12). In the top-end region, there are typically
two critical points at the BS flange, where the curvature limit may be
exceeded, namely, the BS’s root end and tip end. In this case study, the
curvature magnitudes in the BS’s root end and tip end are very close.
The bending curvature first decreases along the constant-diameter part of
the BS, then raises up along the variational-diameter part, finally drops
beyond the scope of the BS constraint. The zone of a riser significantly
influenced by the bending stiffness EI(s) equals to about 3 EI/T from
the end terminations, according to Sparks[36]. It can be observed that the
curvature tends to be zero after 7-m riser arc length as shown in Figure
11.12, which can demonstrate the valid zone influenced by the bending
As shown in Figure 11.13, the declination angle first raises up in the top-
end region, then declines along the flexible riser suspended in the water
and finally keeps nearly constant along the flexible riser resting on the
3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 231
Mathematical model
900 FEM by OrcaFlex
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s)
Curvature at bend stiffener’s root end (rad/m)
Mathematical model
−0.0050 FEM by OrcaFlex
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s)
Figure 11.15 Time history response of curvatures at bend stiffener’s root end.
trends by the two techniques are very similar. Additionally, the dynamic
curvature results obtained from FEM by OrcaFlex are slightly more severe
than those from the mathematical model. The curvature magnitude at the
BS’s root end by the mathematical model, as illustrated in Figure 11.15,
ranges from −0.0051 to −0.0081 rad/m. In the meantime, the curvature
variation at the bend stiffener’s tip end (see Figure 11.16), is from −0.
0050 to −0.0079 rad/m. These two curvature distribution curves approach
somewhat closely.
3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 233
Mathematical model
–0.0085 FEM by OrcaFlex
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s)
Figure 11.16 Time history response of curvatures at bend stiffener’s tip end.
Mathematical model
Maximum curvature in TDZ (rad/m)
FEM by OrcaFlex
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s)
Mathematical model
FEM by OrcaFlex
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
Bending curvature (rad/m)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Effective tension (kN)
Mathematical model
Vertical displacement at TDP (m)
FEM by OrcaFlex
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s)
Additionally, under the top heave harmonic excitation, the TDP effective
tension derived from the mathematical model ranges from 36.4014 to
91.2413 kN, the peak of which increases 46.33% in comparison with the
static value 62.3531 kN. It follows that the top heave harmonic excitation
has a more significant enhancement on the TDP effective tension than the
top effective tension. Once the top heave harmonic excitation tends to be
more sever, effective compression phenomenon may occur in the TDZ,
which may lead to the global instability of a flexible riser and, therefore, to
the possible overbending.
236 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Mathematical model
100 FEM by OrcaFlex
0.020 0.030
900 –0.003
Top effective tension (kN)
650 –0.015
600 –0.018
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) Top effective tension variation (d) Curvature variation at BS’s root end
Curvature at 22m arc length from top (rad/m)
0.000 0.00035
Curvature at BS’s tip end (rad/m)
–0.001 0.00030
–0.002 0.00025
–0.003 0.00020
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 –0.00005 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Time (s)
(e) Curvature variation at BS’s tip end (f) Curvature at 22m arc length point from
top end
the effect of the BS constraint that influences the riser’s effective tension is
mainly limited within the top-end region, it can be assumed that the top
connection condition may have little impact on the riser’s effective tension.
Figures 11.22d and 11.22e show the time history responses of the curva-
ture at the BS’s root end and tip end, respectively. In the hinged connection
case, the curvature magnitudes at the BS’s root end and tip end slightly
fluctuate in zero curvature, which differ greatly from the other two cases.
Since the top hinged connection would lead to the curvature distortion
in the top-end region, it is not feasible to simplify the top connection as
hinged when conducting the flexible riser’s global analysis. Additionally, in
the rigid connection case, the curvature magnitude and amplitude at the
BS’s root end are much larger than these in the rigid connection with BS
case, as shown in Figure 11.22d. However, in the rigid connection case,
the curvature magnitude and amplitude at the BS’s tip end are a little
less than those in the rigid connection with BS case (see Figure 11.22e).
It can be observed that the BS not only can optimize the curvature distri-
bution but also can optimize the curvature amplitude. Furthermore, the
curvature variation curves at 22-m arc length point measured from the
top end with the three top connection conditions (shown in Figure 11.22f)
are almost coincided and, consequently, the top connection condition has
hardly any influence on the curvature behavior below a certain arc length
measured from the top end. The effective influencing zone might depend
on the effective tension, bending stiffness, and BS’s length.
0.020 0.032
Curvature (rad/m)
0.005 500 550 600 650 700
–0.005 –0.005
–0.010 0.012
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Riser arc length (m) Time (s)
900 –0.0050
Top effective tension (kN)
850 –0.0055
650 –0.0080
600 –0.0085
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) Top effective tension variation (d) Curvature variation at BS’s root end
Curvature at BS's tip end (rad/m)
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Hysteretic stiffness Nonlinear stiffness
(e) Curvature variation at BS’s tip end Stick stiffness Slip stiffness
equal. Additionally, the top effective tension curves in the three top angle
cases (see Figure 11.24c) almost coincide. It can be seen that the effects
of the top angle on the maximum curvature in the TDZ and top effective
tension are similar with those of the BS.
0.020 0.028
0.005 0.022
500 550 600 650 700
–0.005 -0.005
–0.010 -0.010
-0.015 0.014
–0.015 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Unbonded flexible pipe arc length (m) Time (s)
(a) Static curvature distribution (b) Maximum curvature variation in TDZ
950 0.000
Curvature at BS's root end (rad/m)
900 −0.002
Top effective tension (kN)
850 −0.004
800 −0.006
750 −0.008
700 −0.010
650 −0.012
600 −0.014
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) Top effective tension variation (d) Curvature variation at BS’s root end
Curvature at 22m arc length from top (rad/m)
–0.002 0.00030
Curvature at BS’s tip end (rad/m)
–0.004 0.00025
–0.006 0.00020
–0.008 0.00015
–0.010 0.00010
–0.012 0.00005
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Time (s) Time (s)
(e) Curvature variation at BS’s tip end (f) Curvature at 22m arc length point
from top end
However, in the top-end region, the top angle has a significant influ-
ence on the curvature variation (see Figures 11.24d and 11.24e). As the
top angle 5° is the closest angle to the top hinged angle in the three cases,
the dynamic curvature magnitude in top angle 5° case is controlled within
a small value in the top-end region. The setting of top angle 5° is
therefore more reasonable than the two other top angles in this case study.
Furthermore, from Figures 11.24d and 11.24e, it seems that the curvature
variation at the BS’s root end or tip end is almost the same for all three
cases, and the main difference is found in the average curvature value.
Furthermore, the corresponding curvature amplitudes seem nearly equal
for the three cases. In short, the top angle can alter the curvature distri-
bution in the top-end region. The time history responses of the curvatures
at 22-m arc length point measured from the top end with different top
angles are illustrated in Figure 11.24f and the results show little difference.
11.6 Conclusions
This study develops a flexible riser global dynamic analysis model which
takes the BS constraint and flexible pipe bending hysteretic behavior into
account. The model can accurately predict the static/dynamic response of
the flexible riser, especially for the top-end region and TDZ. In this chap-
ter, a case study with the top heave harmonic excitation is conducted and
the static/dynamic response characteristics in the top-end region and TDZ
are studied. The effects of BS constraint, bending hysteretic behavior, and
top angle constraint are also investigated and conclusions are summarized
as follows:
(1) The effective tension in the TDZ obtained from the math-
ematical model seems a little less than that derived from
FEM by OrcaFlex, which may be primarily induced by the
neglect of the item EIeκ2 in calculating the effective tension.
(2) The amplitude effect of the top heave harmonic excitation
on the TDP effective tension is greater than that on the top
effective tension.
(3) The relation between the effective tension and effective
bending stiffness of the maximum curvature point in the
TDZ shows an approximately closed loop. When the effec-
tive tension increases, the effective bending stiffness then
decreases and vice versa.
3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 243
1. Fergestad D, Løtveit S A. Handbook on Design and Operation of Flexible
Pipes[J]. 2014.
2. Owen, D. G., Qin, K., 1986. Model Tests and Analysis of Flexible Riser
Systems Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Tokyo 1986.
3. Vogel, H., Natvig, B. J., 1987. Dynamics of flexible hose riser systems.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 109, No. 3, 244–248.
4. Seyed, F. B., Patel, M. H., Holland, A. P., 1987. Dynamic Analysis
of Flexible Catenary Risers Including Internal Flow Effects Dynamics of
Compliant Structures, Final Report, Project 12, Vol. III 1987.
5. McNamara J F, O’Brien P J, Gilroy S G. Nonlinear analysis of flexible ris-
ers using hybrid finite elements[J]. Journal of offshore mechanics and arctic
engineering, 1988, 110(3): 197–204.
6. Fylling, I., Larsen, C. M., Sodahl, N., Passano, E., Bech, A., Engseth, A. G., Lie, E. ,
Ormberg, H., 1998. Riflex user’s manual. Marintek Report, Trondheim, Norway.
7. Chai Y T, Varyani K S. An absolute coordinate formulation for three-
dimensional flexible pipe analysis[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2006, 33(1): 23–58.
244 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
12.1 Introduction
Underwater towed system is a kind of underwater detecting device which
is widely used in ocean monitoring, ocean research and military affairs.
It is usually composed of marine exploration ship, guided towline, towed
cable, towed underwater vehicle. The actual marine environment disturbs
the normal operation of underwater towed systems at all times. Moreover,
there is a complex interaction between towing ships, towed cables and
towed bodies. Therefore, it is very important to obtain the motion law and
get the characteristics of the towed system during the process of moving,
more and more scholars and researchers are working on this research.
Keqiang et al. [1] established the marine cable-body system model and
simulated the motion of the system in time domain. Koh and Rong [2]
used finite difference method to analyze the cable hydrodynamic model,
in their research, the cable position at each time was taken as a variable
to approximate the cable governing equation. The model of Ablow and
Schechter [3] was based on a fully three-dimensional code and the finite
difference method has been used to solve the numerical problem. It can be
used to predict the motion of the towed cable system under most work-
ing conditions, which has been widely used in the towed cable systems. A
single node finite element method to calculate the dynamic model of the
towed cable was used by Sun [4], in which the displacement of the node
was replaced by the position of each node, which greatly simplifies the cal-
culation process of the finite element method.
At present, the underwater vehicle 6-DOF equations were firstly pro-
posed by Gertler and Hargen and then improved by Abkowitz which is
used for the simulation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the under-
water body at the cable tail [5, 6]. When the mass difference between sur-
face ship and towed underwater vehicle is not large, it is considered that
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (247–266) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
248 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
R represents the node position of the cable;
π π
M Ai = ∆ si mi + Di2 (Can − 1) I − ∆ si Di2 (Can − 1)(τ i ⊗ τ i−1 )
4 4
Cable-Body of the Deep Underwater Towed System 249
Tei = EAε i = EA
∆sεi ,
is the effective tension at the node; Δs0i = L0/(N − 1) is the original length
of each cable,
1 π
FdIi = ρsw Di 1 + ε i ∆ si (Cdni |vni | vni + π Cdti |vti| vti ) + Di2 ρswCani ∆ si (awi − (awi ⋅ τ i ))τ i
2 4
ρsw is the sea density, Di is the diameter of the towed cable, Cdni is the
normal drag coefficient, Cdti is the tangential drag coefficient, Cani is the
normal inertia coefficient;
Vi is the shear force on the i-th node, wi is the weight of the unit length
of the marine cable, and H is the torque on the cable.
During the course of the towed system, the towed cable and the towed
body interacts with each other. The towed cable provides tension to drag
the towed body forward, and in turn the drag of the towed body also affects
the motion of the towed cable, especially the original configuration and
tension distribution of the towed cable. In this chapter, the towed body is
regarded as a six-degree-of-freedom rigid body with a certain mass and
mass distribution. Its center of gravity coordinates (CG) in the local coor-
dinate system is expressed as (xG, yG, zG), (ϕ, θ, ψ) represent the Euler
angles of the local coordinate system (x, y, z) with respective to the inertial
coordinate system-roll angle, pitch angle, and yaw angle. The transforma-
tion matrix T between the inertial coordinate system and the local coordi-
nate system can be expressed as
cosψ cosθ cosψ sinθ sin φ − sinψ cos φ cosψ sinθ cos φ + sinψ sin φ
T = sinψ cosθ sinψ sinθ sin φ + cosψ cos φ sinψ sinθ cos φ − cosψ sin φ
− sinθ cosθ sin φ cosθ cos φ
According to the analysis of the drag force and its plane motion equa-
tion, the six-degree-of-freedom motion equation of the towed body is
written as
X = m[(u + qw − rv ) − xG (q 2 + r 2 ) + yG ( pq − r ) + z G ( pr + q )]
Y = m[(v + ru − pw ) − yG ( p 2 + r 2 ) + z G (qr − p ) + xG (qp + r )]
Z = m[(w + pv − qu) − z G ( p 2 + q 2 ) + xG (rp − q ) + yG (rq + p )]
K = I x p + ( I x − I y )qr − I xz (r + pq) + I yz (r 2 − q 2 ) + I xy ( pr − q ) +
m[ yG (w + pv − qu) − z G (v + ru − pw )]
M = I y q + ( I x − I z )rp − I xy ( p + qr ) + I xz ( p 2 − r 2 ) + I yz (qp − r ) +
m[z G (u + qw − rv ) − xG (w + vp − qu)]
N = I z r + ( I y − I x ) pq − I yz (q + rp) + I xy (q 2 − p 2 ) + I xz (rp − p ) +
m[xG (v + ru − pw ) − yG (u + qw − vr )]
Cable-Body of the Deep Underwater Towed System 251
1 0 − sinθ φ
q = 0 cosφ cosθ sin φ θ (12.4)
r 0 − sin φ cosθ cosφ ψ
In the towed system, the boundary condition of the towed cable can be
divided into two parts. The first part is the first boundary condition of the
towed cable, that is, the velocity at the upper end of the cable is the same
as the speed of the towing ship; the other part is the bottom end boundary
condition, that is, the bottom end velocity of the towed cable is the same
as that of the towed body, and the initial value of the bottom end tension is
not zero. The initial condition of this chapter is that the ship travels straight
at a certain speed, so the velocity components at the upper end of the towed
cable vx, vy, and vz can be given.
great significance. When the towing ship rotates, different cable length and
speed have influence on the rotating radius of towed body. The rotating
radius of a towed body can be expressed as:
L ln(1 − U 0 /U )
R0 = − (12.5)
R0, the rotating radius of the towed body; L, the length of the towed
body; U, the direct speed of the towed body before turning; and U0, the
turning speed of the towed body.
Tables 12.1 and 12.2 show the physical parameters of the towed cable
and the towed body: L1 and L2 are the lengths of the towed cable and the
towed body, respectively; D and d are the diameters of the cable and the
towed body, respectively; m is the weight of the unit length of the marine
cable, m0 is the mass of the towed body; Cn and Ct are the normal drag
coefficient and the tangential drag coefficient, respectively; Ax and Az are
the towing areas in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively; EI
is the bending stiffness of the towed cable; and μ is Poisson ratio. Torque is
ignored in calculation.
as in reference [8]. In order to reduce computation time and make the two
systems have the same radius of rotation, the towed speed of the towing
ship in my model is given a higher speed and angular velocity. As a result,
we can see that the time for the system to reach stability is different from
that in reference [8]. But, when the system is in the stable state (in refer-
ence [8], it is 2–7 h; in my simulation model, it is 500–2,000 s), the curves
of my simulation model in OrcaFlex (in Figure 12.4) are basically consis-
tent with the curves in reference [8]. This shows that the dynamic model
of reference [8] can be reproduced in OrcaFlex under certain assumptions
see Figure 12.5.
R=80m ship
R/L=0.17 body R=95m ship
R/L=0.21 body
150 200
50 50
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 –200 –100 0 100 200
X(m) X(m)
(a) R=80m (b) R=95m
R/L=0.26 body R=160m ship
R/L=0.35 body
200 300
–200 –100 0 100 200 –300 –200–100 0 100 200 300
X(m) X(m)
(c) R=120m (d) R=160m
3000 m
1500 2600 m
2200 m
Vehicle Depth (m)
1800 m
3000 1400 m
3500 100 m
600 m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hours)
0 R=2600m
Vehicle Depth/m
Figure 12.5 The configuration of the towed cable of reference [8] in OrcaFlex.
600 ship
200 200
0 0
depth 200
360 depth
420 400
440 450
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 0 300 600 900 1200
T(s) T(s)
(a) V=2m/s (b) V=3m/s
20 27
18 21
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
T(s) T(s)
(a) V=2m/s (b) V=3m/s
200 d=0.028m
250 d=0.035m
Figure 12.9 Depth variation of the towed body with the change of the diameter of the
7.5 d=0.030m
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 12.10 Maximum tension variation of the towed body with the change of the
diameter of the cable.
Rel = ≈ Ul × 106 ,
Rel is the Reynolds number which is related to the length. For the towed
cable normal resistance, the viscous pressure resistance is the main com-
ponent. When the Reynolds number range is 100 < Red < 105, the normal
drag coefficient is Cn ≈ 1.2; in the Reynolds number 105 < Red < 106, the
normal drag coefficient will decrease rapidly, which may reach about 0.3.
But, in fact, as the cable swings in the water, it is difficult to determine
the drag coefficient of the cable in the water, and due to variation in angle
between water flow and cable tangent, the normal drag coefficient may
reach 1.4 to 1.7 or even higher.
The tangential drag force of the cable is closely related to the Reynolds
number, the angle of attack, the surface roughness and the vibration of
the cable. Approximation functions for Ct can be found in the relevant
research [9, 10]. The tangential drag coefficient is difficult to determine. In
general, the tangential drag coefficient differs from the normal drag coeffi-
cient by two orders of magnitude. The relationship can be written as: Ct =
γCn, γ is a constant, generally, 0.01 ≤ γ ≤ 0.03.
In this section, the influence of the tangential and normal drag coef-
ficients on the steady-state motion of the towed system is analyzed. The
following four values are calculated, respectively, and the rest of the param-
eters remain unchanged.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
7 Cn=1.44
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
100 Ct=0.01
150 Ct=0.02
towed system is in the stable state, the tension of the towed cable is deter-
mined by Ct, the towed depth of the towed body is determined by Cn, as
well as the ocean current velocity and the density of the towed cable.
Here, I have to point out that as reference [11] does not use the same
cable and towed body specifications, it is impossible to make some com-
parisons between the model in this chapter and in reference [11]. Some
important parameters for the simulation in OrcaFlex cannot be found in
reference [11]. As a result, now it is hard for me to build the model of refer-
ence [11] in OrcaFlex. If enough parameters of the model can be obtained,
I think it is possible to run it in OrcaFlex. I will try it in the further research.
Although the simulation parameters and simulation methods are different,
they come to the same conclusions indeedly.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 12.15 Distribution of tension along the length direction of the 300-m cable (in
Cable-Body of the Deep Underwater Towed System 263
Cd=1.44, Ca=1
Cd=1.44, Ca=0.75
Cd=1.44, Ca=0.25
Cd=1.44, Ca=0
Figure 12.16 Distribution of tension along the length direction of the 300-m cable (the
drag coefficient is kept constant, while added mass coefficient is varied).
constant and just change the additional mass coefficient in a certain range,
maybe the influence will not be clearly reflected. In my opinion, to some
extent, this will amplify the influence of the change of the additional mass
coefficient on the calculation results, which makes the calculation more
convenient to observe. The results are shown in Figures 12.15 and 12.16.
From Figure 12.15 to 12.16, it can be concluded that the added mass
coefficient affects the magnitude of the tension of the towed cable, but its
effect is not as significant as the drag coefficient. It can be seen from Figure
12.15 (in Matlab) that the proportion of the components of the drag force
in the tension distribution is larger than that of the additional inertial force.
Compared with the current amplitude, as the diameter of the towed cable
and the additional inertial force is very small, the drag force plays a major
role. Different added mass coefficients cause different tension values, but
the change is very small, just as shown in Figure 12.16.
12.4 Conclusions
1. During the whole process, there is a turning critical radius,
the towed body motion always lags behind the towing ship
motion; in the course of turning, the trajectory of the towed
body is located inside the trajectory of the towing ship, the
turning radius of the towed body and the time required for
264 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Funding for this work was provided by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (grant no. 11272160).
1. Zhu Keqiang, Li Daochang, Li Weiyang, 2002, “Lumped-parameter anal-
ysis method for time-domain of ocean cable-body systems”, The Ocean
Engineering, 20(2), pp.100–104.
2. Koh C G, Rong Y, 2004, “Dynamic analysis of large displacement cable
motion with experimental verification”, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
27(2), pp.1–2.
3. Ablow C M, Schechter S, 1983, “Numerical simulation of undersea cable
dynamics”, Ocean Engineering, 10(6), pp. 443–457.
Cable-Body of the Deep Underwater Towed System 265
13.1 Introduction
The umbilical cable can assembly electric cable, optical cable, steel tube,
and other fillers in a certain way, which can realize the integrated trans-
mission of different media. It is mainly used for the connection of the float
underwater production equipment and subsea production system and it
also can provide power, signal transmission, and hydraulic and corrosion
inhibitors, and other reagents for underwater oil exploration equipment.
Since the early finite element technology and computer performance
were not yet mature, based on small deformation and linear elasticity
assumptions, some analytical analysis for umbilical cable were made by
some scholars (Fachri P et al., 2014) [1]. Combined with the experimental
results, the influence of the length of the finite element and the terminal
on the bending stress of umbilical cable was discussed by Witz and Tan Z
(1992) [2]. Considering material nonlinearity, gap formation, and the lat-
eral contact between helical component and helical component curvature
change and other factors, Custodio et al. derived an overall response non-
linear calculation method for the umbilical cable each layer stress and the
whole structure [3]. Sævik and Bruaseth (2005) [4] and Shunfeng Gong
et al. (2014) [5] made some theoretical and experimental research on the
complex cross-section of umbilical cable, then they put forward a finite
element analysis method that took the contact and internal pressure for
umbilical cable into account under different load conditions. A fatigue
assessment of the Foinaven dynamic umbilical including VIV was given
by F. Trarieux et al. [6]. Weidong Ruan et al. (2014) made a static analysis
of deepwater lazy-wave umbilical [7]. Yong Bai et al. (2015) [8] made an
analytical prediction of umbilical behavior under combined tension and
internal pressure, in which the contact problem between two adjacent lay-
ers has been taken into account. The umbilical deployment modeling for
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (267–294) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
268 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
tethered UAV detecting oil pollution from was made by Frédéric Muttin
(2011), in which two continuous models are presented using a Lagrangian
approach or an updated Lagrangian one, both including different kinds
of boundary condition at the umbilical bottom end [9]. When the umbil-
ical cable is on work status, the additional dynamic load caused by the
heave and rotation motion of the floating structures which is connected
with the umbilical cable and the combined action of the wind, wave and
current make the configuration of the umbilical cable be constantly chang-
ing under water. All these factors will inevitably result in the occurrence
of extrusion-compression, stretching, bending, and twisting in varying
degrees for the umbilical cable. The change of the configuration of the
umbilical cable can cause the collision with the adjacent risers. Collision
is a complex and strongly nonlinear dynamic response process, which is
a complex and strong nonlinear dynamic response of structures in very
short time. This kind of collision is called interference. Cycle and continu-
ous collisions will accelerate the wear and fatigue of the umbilical cable. At
present, there are few researches on the interference for the umbilical cable
in the domestic and foreign literatures.
A fast and accurate contact algorithm is very important to study the
dynamic analysis of the umbilical cable. The collision between the umbil-
ical cable and adjacent risers involves complex contact settings, and
the position of collision changes with time and the configuration of the
umbilical cable. The twist among the umbilical cable and other cables is
extremely easy to happen during the collision process. As the dynamic
operation process will result in large displacement, which makes the orig-
inal contact relations become more complex. Therefore, if using the finite
element method and finite element software ABAQUS to analyze the inter-
ference, due to the randomness and uncertainty of the collision, the con-
tact setting of model parts has become more difficult. To make it possible,
sometimes, a specific unit to form a grid position interpolation function
is needed in ABAQUS. What’s worse, the workload of the direct program-
ming is too huge, whose calculation process is extremely difficult to con-
vergence. There are many dynamic modeling methods for umbilical cable,
such as lumped mass method, finite element method, and finite difference
method, and so on. Among them, the physical meaning of lumped mass
method is clear, the algorithm is simple and easy to understand, with a
wide range of applicability and scalability. In consideration of the bend
moment and torque, the lumped mass method was derived. Based on the
hydrodynamic software OrcaFlex [10], combined with the lumped mass
method, the dynamic analysis model of umbilical cable under interference
has been made. The nonlinear dynamic characteristics of the interference
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 269
M+∂M/∂sε sε
–M sε Te +∂T/∂sε sε
V+∂V/∂sε sε
W + Weh + Wg
∂( M + H )
• ∇sε − V × ( Rk+1 − Rk ) + ∇sε • q = 0 (13.2)
sε represents the length direction of the marine cable, w is the weight of
the unit length of the marine cable, and w eh is hydrodynamic load per unit
Torque vector H, moment vector M, and effective tension Te are respec-
tively related to torsional stiffness GIp, bending stiffness EI, and axial stiff-
ness EA:
Te = EAε (13.3)
( )
H = H ∂R ∂sε = GI Pθ ′ ∂R ∂sε( ) (13.4)
( ) (
M = EI ∂R ∂sε × ∂ 2 R ∂sε2 ) (13.5)
The torque H and the distributed load can be obtained from (13.2) mul-
tiplied by the unit tangent vector to get the scalar formula:
∂H ∂R
+q• =0 (13.6)
∂sε ∂sε
The flow field around the pipeline is very complex due to the influence
of water flow and wave. Although the Navier-Stokes equations or discrete
vortex model (DVM)–based on the numerical solution of the CFD can be
used to determine the hydrodynamic load value, but the program did not
have enough economic benefits. The Morison equation of the semi empir-
ical method is presented as follows:
1 π
w eh = ρsw D(Cdn |vn|vn + π Cdt |vt|vt ) + D 2 ρswCanan (13.7)
2 4
vt = ∂R ∂sε vc + vw − ∂R ∂t • ∂R ∂t
) )
vn = vc + vw − ∂R ∂t − vt
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 271
H = H ∂R ∂sε = Ht k ) (13.9)
( ) ( )
M = EI ∂R ∂sε × ∂ 2 R ∂sε2 = EIt k × (t k − t k−1 ) ∆sε k (13.10)
Segment 2
Segment 1
Segment 3
Real Umbilical
Segment 2
Segment 1
Segment 3
Node 2 Node 3
Lumped Mass
Node 1
(M − Mk
k +1
) (
H k+1 − H k )
+ t k × Vk = −qk (13.11)
∆sε k ∆sε k
Then, we put Eqs. (13.8) and (13.9) into Eq. (13.11), we can get the
expression form of Eq. (13.12):
EIt k+1 × (t k+1 − t k ) EIt k × (t k − t k−1 ) H k+1 • t k+1 − H k • t k
− + + t k × Vk = −qk
∆sε k +1 ∆sε k ∆sε2k ∆sε k
As t k × (t k × Vk ) = −Vk , we can get the following equation:
EIt k × (t k × t k+1 ) EIt k × (t k−1 × t k ) H k+1t k × t k+1
Vk = − + + t k × qk (13.15)
∆sε k +1 ∆sε k ∆sε2k ∆sε k
M Ak Rk = Tek − Tek−1 + FdI k + Vk − Vk−1 + w k ∆ sk (13.16)
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 273
Tek = EAε k ⋅ tk (13.17)
π π
M Ak = ∆ sk mk + Dk2 (Can − 1) I − ∆ sk Dk2 (Can − 1)(t k ⊗ t k−1 )
4 4
( ))
( π
FdI k = ρsw Dk 1 + ε k ∆ sk Cdnk vnk vnk + π Cdtk vtk vtk + Dk2 ρsw Cank ∆ sk aw k − aw k ⋅ t k t k
2 4
EI k+1t k × (t k × t k+1 ) EI k t k × (t k−1 × t k ) H k+1t k × t k+1
Vk = − +
∆sε k ∆sε k+1 ∆sk2 ∆sε k
The presented method can also be used for the calculation of the follow-
ing equation:
274 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
t k × (t k − 1 × t k ) = − t k (t k − 1 ⋅ t k ) + t k − 1 (t k ⋅ t k )
( )(
= − t x k , t yk , t z k ⋅ t x k −1 t x k + t yk −1 t yk + t z k −1 t z k )
+ t xk −1 , t yk −1 , t ) ⋅ (t
z k −1
xk +t +t2
zk )
( ) ( ) (
= −t xk t yk −1 t yk + t z k −1 t z k − t yk t x k −1 t xk + t z k −1 t z k − t z k t xk −1 t xk + t yk −1 t yk )
+t x k −1 t + t 2
zk ) + t (t
y k −1
xk +t 2
zk )
0 −t z k t yk −t 2 − t 2 t x k t yk t xk tzk
yk zk
Qk = t z k 0 −t x k 2
, Qk = t x t y −t z2k − t x2k t yk t z k
k k
t yk t xk 0 t x tz t yk t z k −t x2k − t y2k
k k
Based on Eqs. (13.22), (13.23), and (13.24), each term of Eq. (13.19) can
be expressed as
EI k+1t k × (t k × t k+1 ) EI k+1
= Qk2 ( Rk+2 − Rk+1 ) (13.25)
∆sε k ∆sε k+1 2
∆sε k ∆sε k+1
EI k t k × (t k−1 × t k ) EI k 2
= − Qk ( Rk − Rk−1 ) (13.26)
∆sε2k ∆sε2k ∆sε k−1
H k+1t k × t k+1 H k+1
= Qk ( Rk+2 − Rk+1 ) (13.27)
∆sε k ∆sε k ∆sε k+1
EI t × (t k × t k +1 ) EI k t k (t k −1 × t k ) H k +1t k × t k +1
Vk − Vk −1 = k +1 k − +
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sk2 ∆sε k
EI t × (t k × t k +1 ) EI k t k × (t k −1 × t k ) H k +1t k × t k +1
− k +1 k − +
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sk2 ∆sε k
= k +1
Qk2 ( Rk + 2 − Rk +1 ) + 2 k Qk2 ( Rk − Rk −1 )
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sε k ∆sε k −1
H k +1 EI k EI
+ Qk ( Rk + 2 − Rk +1 ) − Qk2−1 ( Rk +1 − Rk ) + 2 k −1
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 2
∆sε k −1 ∆sε k sε k −1 sε k − 2
Qk2−1 ( Rk −1 − Rk − 2 ) + Qk −1 ( Rk +1 − Rk ) = 2 k −1 Qk2−1 Rk − 2
∆ssε k −1 ∆sε k ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k − 2
+ − 2 k Qk2 − 2 k −1 Qk2−1 Rk −1 + k 2 k
EI Q 2 + Qk2−1
Qk −1 Rk
∆sε k ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k − 2 ∆sε k ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k
EI k +1 EI H H
+ − Qk2 − k
Qk2−1 − k
Qk −1 − k +1
Qk Rk +1
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sε k −1 ∆sε2k ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k ∆sε k ∆sε k +1
EIk + 1 H k +1
+ Qk2 + Qk Rk + 2
∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sε k ∆sε k +1
Tek − Tek −1 = Tek t k − Tek −1 t k −1
( ) (
= Tek ( Rk +1 − Rk ) ∆sε k − Tek −1 ( Rk − Rk −1 ) ∆sε k −1 )
= Tek −1 ∆sε k −1 , −Tek −1 ∆sε k −1 ,Tek ∆sε k ,Tek ∆sε k ⋅ Rk −1 , Rk , Rk +1 )
= EAk −1ε k −1 ∆sε k −1 , − EAk −1ε k −1 ∆sε k −1 − EAk ε k ∆sε k , EAk ε k ∆sε k ⋅ Rk −1 , Rk , Rk +1 )
K k Rk−2 , Rk−1 , Rk , Rk+1 , Rk+2 } T
= Fek (13.30)
where Kk denotes the k-th segmental stiffness matrix, which consists of the
following five sub-matrices:
276 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
EI k−1
Ak = 2
Qk2−1 (13.32)
∆s ∆sε k−2
ε k −1
EI k EI EA ε
Bk = − Qk2 − 2 k−1 Qk2−1 + k−1 k−1 I (13.33)
∆s ∆sε k−1
εk ∆sε k−1 ∆sε k−2 ∆sε k−1
Ck =
EI k Qk2 + Qk2−1
)Hk EA ε EA ε
Qk−1 − k k + k−1 k−1 I
∆sε k ∆sε k−1 ∆sε k−1 ∆sε k ∆sε k ∆sε k−1
EI k +1 EI k Hk H k +1 EA ε
Dk = − Qk2 − Qk2−1 − Qk2−1 − Qk + k k I
∆sε k ∆sε2k +1 ∆sε k −1 ∆sε2k ∆sε k −1 ∆sε k ∆sε k ∆sε k +1 ∆sε k
EI k+1 H k+1
Ek = Qk2 + Qk (13.36)
∆sε k ∆sε k+1 ∆sε k ∆sε k+1
1 0 0
I= 0 1 0 (13.37)
0 0 1
Based on Eq. (13.16), the external forces of Eqs. (13.30) and (13.31)
are as the following expression:
Fek = − FdI k − w k ∆ sk + M Ak Rk (13.38)
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 277
The velocity and acceleration of the nodes in Eq. (13.40) can be obtained
by using the Newmark-β algorithm:
Rk(n ) = Rk(n−1) + R k(n−1)∆t + − β Rk(n−1) + β Rk(n ) ∆t 2 (13.39)
( )
R k(n ) = R k(n−1) + Rk(n−1) + Rk(n ) ∆t
Therefore, for the time step (n), the equation of motion in the inertial
frame is
[K] is the inertial stiffness matrix of 3N × 3N, {R} and {Fe} are the
three-dimensional nodal position vector and the external force vector,
respectively. Through the numerical integration of the above-mentioned
single-node position vector and velocity vector, we can get the nodal dis-
placement, velocity vector, and pipeline tension with time response.
The analytical method can be applied to the large deformation dynamic
analysis of the ocean flexible cable, which is convenient for the analysis and
design of the submarine pipelines. It can solve a series of ocean cable and
pipeline problems by using three position degrees of freedom and an inde-
pendent torsion variable of each node, which has important significance
for the practical engineering design.
Among them, δ is the distance between the two middle axial axes of the
umbilical cable and riser, Fd is the structural damping force, and K is the
coefficient of the contact stiffness and its expression is as the following:
1 1
k = 1/ + (13.43)
k1 k2
K2 and K1, respectively, are the contact coefficient of the umbilical cable
and riser, the unit is kN/m.
Splined Line Segment x
Contact Surface
Line End Axes
Penetrating Line Nodes
Fd = cv (13.44)
K B = ( EI )0 + ∑ 2 2+Ev I+cossinαα
i =1
i i
280 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
KT = ( EA)0 + ∑ E A 1 − Θ2RR tan α cos α
i =1
i i
K= ∑ A E R sin α ⋅ cosα ⋅+ J G
i =1
i i i
2 2
i i c c (13.47)
where KT is the overall equivalent axial stiffness of the pipeline; (AE)0 is the
axial stiffness of the vertical cylinder element; n is the number of helical
units; AiEi is the axial stiffness of the i-th element; Rc is the radius of the
core, Ri is the distance from the wire to the center of the cylinder. Θ is a
variable, when the core is assumed to be a rigid material, Θ is taken as 0,
and Θ is taken as 1 when the core is an incompressible soft material. In the
formula (13.47), K is the torsional stiffness, and JcGc is the torsional stiff-
ness of the center cylinder.
The outer layer of the steel tube umbilical cable is usually protected by a
polymer sheath, and the inner layer of the umbilical cable is composed of
nine steel tubes, four cables, and fillers, which are composed of a plurality of
functional members wound at a certain helical angle. The specific composi-
tion of the tube element comprises central tube elements and external tube
elements. In four 1-inch central tubes, one is for the methanol delivery, one
is for the hydraulic return, one is the ring hole tube, one is the spare tube; in
five external 1/2 inch tubes, four tubes are for the hydraulic transmission,
one is the scale inhibitor tube. Electrical unit: the internal is three copper
conductors, the external is insulation and filling layer. The rest is filler. The
specific section size of the umbilical cable is shown in Figure 13.4, the size
of the unit is mm. After equivalent calculation based on the above method,
the equivalent bending stiffness of the umbilical cable is 14. 4 kN•m2, the
equivalent axial stiffness is 509MN, and the torsional stiffness of 45 kN•m2.
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 281
R16, 24
6 5
R66, 46
T2 T3
φ 32, 47 R65, 27
1 4
R16, 24
R13, 2
R3, 84
2 3
T1 9
7 8
x = R · a · cos(ωt − φ) (13.48)
x is the platform displacement (in length units for surge, sway
and heave, and in degrees for roll, pitch, and yaw);
a and ω are wave amplitude (in length units) and frequency (in
radians/second), respectively;
t is time (in seconds);
R and φ are the RAO amplitude and phase, respectively.
train? For an infinitesimal wave in deep water then airy wave theory is
accurate. For finite waves, a non-linear theory should be used. In order to
decide which wave theory to use, one must calculate the U numerical value
which is given by:
U = HL2 / d3 (13.49)
Riser Umbilical
100 0° 0°
30° 1.2 30°
The Maximum Clashing Force/KN
60° 60°
0 0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Arc Length of Riser/m
the top of the riser and the umbilical cable at a distance around 150 m
(100–200 m), and the mutation point of the clashing force for different
wave will be slightly different. It is found that there is a certain similarity
between the clashing force curve geometrical shapes of the umbilical cable
and the riser along the length direction, which indicates that the range of
the interference occurs in the range of the riser length, no collision hap-
pened outside the length of the riser. The distribution of standard devi-
ation of the clashing force of the umbilical cable and the riser along the
length direction are also observed. It is found that the geometrical shapes
of the umbilical cable and the riser have some similarity, which indicates
that the trends of the change of the clashing force have similar distribution
and variation in the time and along the length direction. At the same time,
the numerical values and distribution positions of the clashing force under
different wave directions are slightly different because the change in the
wave direction does not change for the riser and the umbilical cable them-
selves, but that the change of wave direction will affect the motion of the
platform which is connected to the upper end of the system; that is to say,
the change of wave direction will affect the upper end restraint of the riser
and umbilical cable; in a certain range, the change of the motion trajectory
of the platform will also change the configuration of the riser and umbil-
ical cable and it can cause small amplitude fluctuations in the numerical
value size and position of the clashing force. At the same time, the form
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 285
of collision for the umbilical cable and the riser is not the same under dif-
ferent wave directions; when it is under 0° and 180° wave directions, the
special layout between the wave direction and the two pipelines makes the
umbilical cable and riser have a frontal collision, so the collision position
of the clashing force occurs more in advance than other wave directions.
What’s more, relevant measures should be taken to relieve the collision in
the relevant area of 150, 300, and 485 m from the upper end.
0° 0° 0°
41 30° 30° 30°
60° 60° 60°
60° 4000 90° 4000 90°
0° 0°
The Standard Deviation of the Effective Tension/KN
30° 30°
60° 60°
3000 90° 250 90°
The Minimum Effective Tension/KN
120° 120°
2500 150° 150°
180° 200 180°
500 50
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Arc of Length of Riser/m Arc of Length of Riser/m
150°, 30°, 120°, 60°, and 90°. In sharp contrast to the standard deviation of
the effective tension of the umbilical cable, the numerical value of the stan-
dard deviation of the effective tension of the riser decreases linearly along
the length direction and reaches zero at the free end, indicating the more
gradual trend in the riser tension along the length, the discrete degree of
the effective tension is more and more weak, which shows the effective
tension of the riser along the length direction is approaching their respec-
tive averages under different wave directions in the time domain; in other
words, the closer to the free end, the smaller the amplitude of the tension
is in the time domain, the reason for this phenomenon is: with the distance
from the free end closer, the sharp and violent stretching action of the plat-
form’s motion on the riser is buffered by the damping action of the water,
which makes the sharp change in the time domain gradually approaching
to a constant load. At the same time, comparative observation of umbilical
cable and the riser effective tension distribution along the length direction,
the maximum effective tension along the riser length direction occurs at
the upper end, but the maximum effective tension of the umbilical cable
does not occur at the upper end, which is at the position which has a dis-
tance of 25 m from the upper end.
30° 0°
0.0025 60°
0.00045 30°
0.0012 30°
The Minimum Curvature/(rad/m)
The Maximum Curvature/(rad/m)
Figure 13.8 The distribution of the curvature of the umbilical cable under interference.
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 289
0.0005 30°
0 100 200 300 400 500 500 700
Arc Length of Umbilical/m
Figure 13.9 The distribution of standard deviation of the curvature of the umbilical cable
under interference.
0° 0°
The Maximum Bend Moment/(KN.m)
30° 30°
60° 550 60°
The Mean Bend Moment/(KN.m)
0° 0°
30° 30°
The Minimum Bend Moment/(kN.m)
140 150
100 100
60 50
20 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 −100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Arc Length of Umbilical/m Arc Length of Umbilical/m
Figure 13.10 The distribution of the bending moment of the umbilical cable under
290 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
0° 0°
30° 30°
0.0020 0.0005
The Maximum Curvature/(rad/m)
60° 60°
0.0018 90° 90°
1000 30°
0.00030 120° 60°
150° 90°
180° 120°
800 150°
0.00010 400
0.00005 200
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Arc Length of Riser/m Arc Length of Riser/m
240 30° 0°
The Mean Bend Moment/(kN.m)
220 60°
The Standard Deviation of the
120 120°
180 150° 150°
160 180° 180°
120 80
100 60
60 40
20 20
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Arc Length of Riser/m Arc Length of Riser/m
Figure 13.11 The distribution of the curvature and bending behavior of the riser under
constraint, the upper load generated by the motion of the platform cannot
be effectively released, so once the bending near the upper end and the
anchored end of the umbilical cable occurs, there is less room for recovery.
At the same time, it is found that the bending of the riser is more serious
and the bending moment is larger, which indicates that the bending of the
riser is more severe and frequent. With the comparative observation of
mean value distribution of the bending moment along the length direction
Umbilical Cable Dynamic Analysis Under Interference 291
of the umbilical cable and the riser, it is different from the distributions of
the bending moment for the umbilical cable that other than 0° and 180°,
the distributions of the mean bending moment of the riser under different
wave directions along the length direction of the cable all have three peaks
(occurred at 50, 300, 400 m from the upper end), but there is no obvious
peaks of the mean bending moment of the umbilical cable under different
wave directions except the anchored end and the upper end; the causes of
this phenomenon is: the fixation at both ends of the umbilical cable makes
it more easily transfer the bending moment but also has a limit function
in the middle area of the bending of the umbilical cable; in sharp contrast
to the umbilical cable, as the lower end of the riser is a free end, with the
waves of ups and downs, it is more prone to drift with waves, so that there
is a greater degree of flexion at another position besides the upper end
and the bottom end. It is further observed that there are only two peaks
of the mean value of the bending moment of the riser along the length
direction under 0° and 180°wave directions; because of the layout relation
between the two pipelines and the wave angle of 0° and 180° so that the
collision between the riser and the umbilical cable is the frontal collision,
and the collision makes the bending of the riser cling to the umbilical cable
in some degree, as the umbilical cable is fixed at both ends, which acts as a
hindrance on the swinging and bending of the riser, so that a constraint is
imposed on the bending of the riser, as a result, the degree of curvature in
the intermediate zone of the riser is greatly reduced.
13.5 Conclusion
1. The umbilical cable and riser don’t collide with each other
in the 0- to 100-m length range, the reason for this phenom-
enon is that the fixation and confinement of the upper part
of the platform for the umbilical cable and the riser is dom-
inant in this region; with the increase in length and depth,
the flexibility of the riser and umbilical cables is beginning
to be manifested, the occurrence of different degrees of
bending and swing of the umbilical cable and riser begins to
appear, as the free end of the riser is unrestricted, the impact
of the wave causes the riser to start the lateral swing, which is
somewhat similar to the waving of the whip, which, in turn,
makes its spatial structure and configuration constantly
changing; this motion is the most intense at the free end.
292 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
7. The curvature has some lag compared with the change of the
bending moment along the length, the curves of the bend-
ing moment of the umbilical cable under different wave
directions are distinct but the curves of the curvature of the
umbilical cable under different wave directions appear to
have a large degree of overlap; for a specific wave direction,
the curve of the curvature for the umbilical cable is a seg-
mented horizontal line parallel to the horizontal direction of
the cable length which has different discontinuous curvature
values and its distribution trend presents the characteristic
of ladder distribution except the two ends.
8. The load generated by the motions of the upper platform can
be effectively released to a certain extent by the free con-
straint of the riser, and then, every position of the riser can
be restored after being bent; because both ends of the umbil-
ical cable are always in a state of constraint, the upper load
generated by the motion of the platform cannot be effec-
tively released, so once the bending near the upper end and
the anchored end of the umbilical cable occurs, there is less
room for recovery; the fixation at both ends of the umbilical
cable makes it more easily transfer the bending moment but
also has a limit function in the middle area of the bending of
the umbilical cable; in sharp contrast to the umbilical cable,
as the lower end of the riser is a free end, with the waves of
ups and downs, it is more prone to drift with waves, so that
there is a greater degree of flexion at another position besides
the upper end and the bottom end. It is further observed that
there are only two peaks of the mean value of the bending
moment of the riser along the length direction under 0° and
180° wave directions; because of the layout relation between
the two pipelines and the wave angle of 0° and 180°, so that
the collision between the riser and the umbilical cable is the
frontal collision, and the collision makes the bending of
the riser cling to the umbilical cable in some degree, as the
umbilical cable is fixed at both ends, which acts as a hin-
drance on the swinging and bending of the riser, so that a
constraint is imposed on the bending of the riser, as a result,
the degree of curvature in the intermediate zone of the riser
is greatly reduced.
294 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
1. Fachri P, Nasution, SveinSævik, et al. (2014). Finite element analysis of the
fatigue strength of copper power conductors exposed to tension and bending
.loads. International Journal of Fatigue. 59: 114–128.
2. Witz JA, Tan Z. (1992). On the axial torsional structural behavior of flexible
pipes, umbilicals and marine cables. Marine Structure. 5(2–3): 229–249.
3. Custodio AB, Vaz MA. (2002). A nonlinear formulation for the axisymmet-
ric response of umbilical cables and flexible pipes. Applied Ocean Research.
24: 21–9
4. Sævik S, Bruaseth S. (2005). Theoretical and experimental studies of the
axisymmetric behaviour of complex umbilical cross sections. Applied Ocean
Research. 27(2): 97–106.
5. Shunfeng Gong, PuXu, Sheng Bao, et al. (2014). Numerical modelling on
dynamic behaviour of deep water S-lay pipeline. Ocean Engineering. 88:
6. F. Trarieux, G. J. Lyons, M. H. Patel. (2006). Investigations with a bandwidth
measure for fatigue assessment of the Foinaven dynamic umbilical including
VIV. Engineering Structures. 28: 1671–1690.
7. WeidongRuan, YongBai, Peng Cheng. (2014). Static analysis of deepwater
lazy-wave umbilical on elastic seabed. Ocean Engineering. 91: 73–83.
8. Yong Bai, Yutian Lu, Peng Cheng. (2015). Analytical prediction of umbilical
behavior under combined tension and internal pressure. Ocean Engineering.
109: 135–144.
9. Frédéric Muttin. (2011). Umbilical deployment modeling for tethered UAV
detecting oil pollution from Ship. Applied Ocean Research. 33: 332–343.
10. Orcina. (2014). OrcaFlex manual. (http: //www. orcina. com)
11. Costello G A, Philips J W. (1976). Effective modulus of twisted wire cables.
Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division. 102(1): 171–181.
Fatigue Analysis of Flexible Riser
14.1 Introduction
In the deep-sea environment, flexible pipe has the advantages of strong
adaptability and weak coupling with the platform. Therefore, non-
bonded flexible pipes are mainly used at depths of 2,000 m, but its appli-
cation has even exceeded depths of more than 3,000 m. More and more
severe marine environmental conditions on the flexible pipe fatigue
design also put forward higher requirements. In addition, some of the
early installation has been completed in the installation of flexible pipe is
still part of the service. Some current marine environmental conditions
have exceeded the original environmental condition design standards.
In such a marine environment, the flexible pipe may be approaching, or
has reached, its ultimate fatigue life. It is necessary to evaluate its fatigue
life again and decide whether to continue using it. The fatigue life of the
flexible pipe is a key measure of its fatigue performance, which directly
determines the safety and reliability of the long-term service in deep-
water environments. Due to the complexity of the flexible riser struc-
ture and the marine environment, and taking into account the economics
and safety of ocean engineering, the stress fatigue analysis of flexible ris-
ers requires a safety factor of at least 10, according to the API Spec 17J
[1] specification. In order to predict the fatigue life of the flexible pipe
effectively, it is necessary to establish a reasonable fatigue analysis model
of the flexible pipe to provide the theoretical basis for the fatigue design
of the flexible pipe.
In this chapter, the nonlinear finite element software OrcaFlex [2] is
used to establish the global model of the flexible riser. The influence of
random wave, ocean current, and platform motion is taken into account.
Nonlinear finite element method is used to obtain the tension and curva-
ture. Then, based on the local model of flexible pipe under axial symmetry
and bending load, the load response time course of the flexible pipe is con-
verted into the stress response time of the tensile armor. Finally, the rain
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (295–316) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
296 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
flow counting method is used to calculate the stress cycle, and the fatigue
damage is obtained by combining the S-N curve to form a theoretical
method to calculate the fatigue life of the flexible pipe. Taking the 4-inch
diameter flexible pipe with 800-m depth as an example, the fatigue life
of the spiral strip of the flexible pipe is analyzed, and the influence of the
average stress, the friction coefficient, and the ellipticity is also analyzed.
The latter two are more complex and difficult to simulate, so in marine
engineering, these are usually considered as the reduction of the material
fatigue performance.
Fatigue Analysis of Flexible Riser 297
on the quality of the node, the pipeline by the axial force, bending, and
twisting and other loads will also act on the node.
Flexible pipe is a composite spiral wound structure made up of bearing
components such as skeleton and anti-armor layer and other high-strength
steel, and non-load-bearing components such as anti-wear and outer jacket
and other polymer materials. In OrcaFlex flexible pipe is simplified as a
tube unit, and the structural performance of the flexible pipe cannot be
defined by the constitutive relation of the material. Therefore, it is gener-
ally necessary to impart tension, twist, and bending stiffness to the spring
element between the nodes. According to the flexible axis axisymmetric
theoretical model proposed, the tensile stiffness and torsional stiffness of
the flexible pipe are linear. The spiral strip in the flexible pipe tensile layer
will undergo relative slip under the bending deformation, which makes the
bending stiffness of the flexible pipe have obvious nonlinearity. Although
OrcaFlex supports non-linear input of bending stiffness, this leads to the
convergence problem of the model and increases the computational cycle.
Therefore, in the actual engineering, to ensure the convergence of the cal-
culation, the calculation cycle is shortened making the results conserva-
tive in the global analysis model only consider the bending stiffness of the
flexible pipe after slippage.
y z
Platform motion
Wave x
Water depth
Unbonded flexible pipes
has been greatly reduced. This reduction in computing time has resulted
in the time domain method being more widely used.
The global analysis of flexible pipes involves a large number of geomet-
ric nonlinearity, so this chapter uses time domain simulation analysis. The
whole analysis process is divided into two steps: the first step is the static
calculation to determine the equilibrium position of the pipeline to get
the initial configuration of the pipeline; the second part is the dynamic
calculation, the static calculation of the pipeline displacement and the
force condition as the initial conditions, the explicit integral method
is used to solve the internal force and deformation of the flexible pipe at
each time step according to the time increment step, and finally, the time
course response result of the axial force and curvature of the flexible pipe
is obtained.
= +
Po Po
Pi Pi
Oc e3
O κ
exceeds the critical curvature. The spiral strip begins to slip, the bending
moment-curvature relation of the flexible pipe starts to become nonlinear
and then becomes linear again. The bending stiffness of the flexible pipe is
also from the maximum gradually diminishes the last remain unchanged
for EIns. In order to simplify the fatigue stress calculation, the bend-
ing hysteresis curve with bilinear curve will be used in this chapter, as
shown in Figure 14.5.
Under random waves and during the process of loading and unloading,
the bending deformation of a flexible pipe will be constantly changing.
As shown in Figure 14.5, if the bending curvature of the next step is less
than the critical curvature, the bending stiffness of the flexible pipe is EIns
(path AB). If the critical curvature is exceeded, the bending stiffness
of the flexible pipe is EIns (path AC). If the curvature of the flexible
pipe begins to decrease, when the reduced amplitude is less than the crit-
ical curvature the spiral strip will be in a non-slip state and the bending
stiffness of the flexible pipe is EIns (path CD). When the reduced ampli-
tude is greater than the critical curvature, the spiral strip enters the slip
state and the flexural rigidity of the flexible pipe becomes EIns (path DB).
Under the influence of bending load, the change of the curvature of the
spiral strip at the four corners will cause the corresponding local bending
stress. Therefore, the fatigue stress of the spiral strip under the bending
load is
where εb is the axial strain of spiral strip under axisymmetric load, Δκ2
and Δκ3 are the changes of the curvature and the curvature of the spiral
strip under the bending load, respectively.
Fatigue Analysis of Flexible Riser 305
where a and m are two parameters that need to be determined by the test,
Δσ is the stress range.
In order to provide a large tensile stiffness, flexible pipe generally
use low-alloy high- strength steel, the ultimate strength is between 700
to 1,400 MPa. According to the DNV-RP-C203 specification, when the
yield stress of high-strength steel is greater than 500 MPa and the surface
roughness Ra = 3.2 or less, the fatigue life can be calculated using the fol-
lowing equation [5]:
The fatigue test is usually carried out at a moderate stress range. The
critical point of the applicable range of Eq. (14.4) in the dry environment
is Δσ = 235 MPa, N = 2 × 106, as shown in Figure 14.6.
When the stress range is less than 235 MPa, it is considered that
there is a definite fatigue limit. The S-N curve of the high life area is rep-
resented by a horizontal straight line and becomes a median S-N bilinear
curve. If the high-strength steel is in seawater but there is electrode pro-
tection, when the fatigue life exceeds 2 × 106, the S-N relationship of the
high life area is the same as that of the previous curve, and the S-N curve
is a single straight line.
In the long-term use of flexible pipes, seawater and other gases are gen-
erally present between the inner watertight layer and the outer watertight
Stress range (MPa)
Seawater with
100 cathodic protection
10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000
Number of cycles
layer. Therefore, in this chapter, the gap between the watertight layer and
the outer watertight layer is considered to be a wet environment, that is, the
use of SN curve of a single linear form.
d= ∑di
i (14.5)
where d is the total amount of damage in the event of fatigue damage, and
di is the amount of damage in the stress range of Si.
Miner’s linear cumulative damage theory holds that the ratio of the dam-
age component to the total amount of structural damage to damage at a
stress range is equal to the ratio of the number of cycles of the stress range to
the number of cycles of structural fatigue failure under a single stress range:
di ni
= (14.6)
d Ni
where ni is the number of cycles under the stress range Si, and Ni is the
number of cycles of structural fatigue failure under the stress range Si.
The following formula is usually defined as the fatigue cumulative dam-
age of the structure:
D= ∑ Nn
308 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
In the whole dynamic time domain analysis of the flexible pipe, the
dynamic analysis time is Td, and the fatigue cumulative damage degree
of the spiral strip of the tensile armor layer is D. When the fatigue cumu-
lative damage degree of the spiral strip reaches 1, the spiral strip reaches
its fatigue life, and the expression is
Tf = (14.8)
σ min
Rσ = (14.9)
σ max
From the engineering experience, it can be seen that the stress ratio of
the spiral strip in the flexible pipe tensile armor layer is between 0.1 and
0.5, and the Goodman correction theory and Gerber correction theory are
often used:
σa σm
+ =1 (14.10)
σe σu
σa σ
+ m =1 (14.11)
σe σu
Fatigue Analysis of Flexible Riser 309
σe Ge
σu σm
respectively. The riser points are fixed, and the anchor points of the seabed
are hinged. In this numerical calculation model, 1,200-m long catenary
riser is divided into 795 differential units for mechanical analysis.
Figure 14.8 shows the plane of the bending stiffener, the figure shows
the detailed geometric parameters of the bending stiffener. This chapter
assumes that the material of the bending stiffener is linear, and the
modulus of elasticity usually takes 10% of the strain corresponding to
the secant modulus, which is 150 MPa.
This chapter assumes that the waves are incident in the 0° direction
along the floating platform. The JONSWAP random wave spectrum is used
as the input parameter for the global analysis model. A total of six sea con-
ditions are shown in Table 14.2. The velocity of surface current is 0.8 m/s
and the velocity of seabed current is 0 m/s, and its propagation direction
is along the positive x-axis direction. The normal stiffness of the seabed is
6 × 103 N/m2, and the friction coefficient between the seabed and the pipe-
line is simulated by the coulomb friction model. The friction coefficient is
0.55. The hydrodynamic coefficients in the model are shown in Table 14.4.
The dynamic time domain analysis is carried out using the nonlinear
finite element software OrcaFlex. The dynamic time domain analysis time
of the global model is 1,200 s. The static calculation of the axial force and
curvature distribution of the flexible riser is shown in Figure 14.9 before
dynamic time domain analysis. Due to the effect of the flexible pipe, the
maximum axial force of the riser is at the suspension point and the size is
563.55 kN. As the depth of water gradually increases, the axial force of the
flexible pipe is gradually reduced to 43.08 kN, as shown in Figure 14.9a.
0.2m 1.7m
0.325m 0.154m
600 0.06
Curvature (rad/m)
400 0.04
Tension (kN)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Length (m) Length (m)
(a) Tension (b) Curvature
600 70
580 65
Tension (kN)
Tension (kN)
560 60
540 55
520 50
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t (s) t (s)
(a) Hang-off point (b) Touch down point
0.15 0.013
0.10 0.011
κ (m–1)
κ (m–1)
0.05 0.009
0.00 0.007
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t (s) t(s)
(a) Hang-off point (b) Touch down point
390 390
380 380
fa (MPa)
fa (MPa)
370 370
360 360
350 350
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t (s) t (s)
(a) Stress caused by axisymmetric (b) Stress caused by axisymmetric
loads in the inner layer loads in the outer layer
80 80
40 40
fb (MPa)
fb (MPa)
0 0
−40 −40
−80 −80
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t (s) t (s)
(c) Stress caused by the bending (d) Stress caused by the bending
load in the inner layer load in the outer layer
Figure 14.12 Time history response of stress of helical strip at top point.
or greater than the critical curvature, the stress amplitude caused by the
bending load will reach the maximum.
The stress response time of the flexible riser’s tensile layer is obtained.
The relationship between the average stress, the stress range, and the
number of actions is obtained by the rain flow counting method. Then,
the Gerber correction theory is used to modify the average stress.
According to the high-strength steel S-N curve in the DVN-C203
standard, combined with Miner linear cumulative damage theory, the
fatigue life of flexible pipe tensile layer can ultimately be obtained, as
shown in Figure 14.13. Fatigue life must consider a factor of safety
of 10.
Figure 14.13 shows the distribution of the fatigue life ofthe flexible
pipe’s tensile armor layer spiral strip along the ring. The minimum fatigue
life of the outer spiral strip at the suspension point of the flexible riser is
314 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Fatigue lifes(years)
Fatigue lifes(years)
10000 1E9
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
θ θ
(a) Hang-off point (b) Touch down point
6.34 × 103 years, and the minimum fatigue life of the inner spiral strip is
30.4 years. The fatigue life of the inner spiral strip is 99.52% lower than that
of the outer spiral strip. Therefore, in the suspension point of the flexible
pipe area, the inner spiral strip is more prone to fatigue damage than
the outer spiral strip. The fatigue life of the flexible standpoint is shown
in Figure 14.13b. The minimum fatigue life of the touch down point is
2.08 × 106 years, which is much greater than the minimum fatigue life
at the point of suspension. In addition, there was no significant differ-
ence in the fatigue life between the inner and the outer spiral strips at
the touch down point. From the above results, it can be seen that under
the catenary configuration, the most prone to fatigue damage is the
inner layer of the tensile layer at the hanging point, the fatigue life is
30.4 years.
1. API 17J. Specification for unbonded flexible pipe. American Petroleum
2. Orcina. OrcaFlex User Manual, version9.7a[M]. Cumbria, UK: 2014.
3. Sævik, S. On stresses and fatigue in flexible pipes[D]. Norway: Norwegian
University of Science and Technology 1992.
4. Grealish, F.,Smith, R.,Zimmerman, J. New industry guidelines for fatigue
analysis of unbonded flexible risers[C]. In Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, USA, 2006.
5. DNV-RP-C203. Fatigue Analyisis of Flexible Riser-Effect of Mean
Stress Correction Procedures[M], Norwegian University of Science and
Fatigue Analysis of Flexible Riser 315
15.1 Introduction
15.1.1 General
The plan for umbilical delivery typically includes an overall schedule plan
for the following:
• Feasibility study;
• Umbilical specifications and request for quotation (RFQ);
• (Fatigue and other) qualification tests–specifications and
• Long-lead item procurement;
• Bid evaluation;
• Supplier selection;
• Project sanction and umbilical procurement;
• Detailed umbilical design and analysis by the supplier;
• 3rd party design verification by an analysis specialist;
• Prototype qualification tests;
• Umbilical manufacturing (typically requires a period of 1 year);
• System integration test;
• Umbilical delivery to host vessel;
• Commissioning;
• System start-up;
• Project management, QA/QC.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (317–336) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
318 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
dynamic loads from wave action and currents, it may be equipped with
steel armoring. The composition of the control umbilical varies considerable
from one control system to the next, and it is determined primarily by the
requirements of the particular system being used.
• Direct hydraulic;
• Piloted hydraulic;
• Sequential hydraulic;
• Electro hydraulic;
• Multiplex electro hydraulic
The direct hydraulic control system is the least complex of the five alterna-
tives and has the fewest number of subsea components. Each subsea func-
tion requires a hydraulic flow path from the surface. Actuation of a valve on
the surface control panel results in pressurized fluid being routed through
a dedicated flow path to the selected subsea tree valve actuator. This system
with one line per subsea function is best suited for applications where the
control distance is relative short (actuation of a valve 4,000 m away from
the surface facility can take as long as three hours), and a limited num-
ber of subsea functions to be operated. As the number of subsea functions
increases, so does the outer diameter of the control umbilical and its cost.
Piloted hydraulic systems improve the response time by storing the
hydraulic pressure energy at the site. Actuators are then activated by send-
ing a hydraulic signal to a pilot valve, which opens and allows fluid from
the accumulated storage to activate the actuator.
The sequential hydraulic control system has, as with the piloted system,
an accumulator and control valves placed subsea. Control is then achieved
by sending a pressure signal to a sequence valve that is pre-set to operate
or shift at specific pressure levels. At this signal pressure level, the sequence
valve shifts and hydraulic fluid from the accumulators is routed to a group
of pre-selected gate valve operators. As signal pressure is increased in
a series of discrete steps, the sequence valve shifts and operates the next
group of pre-selected tree valves. This system is suitable for operating
at long distances and is cost effective at these distances due to the small
322 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
modules. The carbon fiber rods enhance axial stiffness as they have a Young’s
modulus close to the value of steel but with only a fraction of the weight.
One of the concerns for use of the carbon fiber rods is their capacity for com-
pressive loads. It is hence beneficial to conduct some tests that document the
minimum bending radius (MBR) and compressive strength of the umbilical.
If the currents in severe for ultra-deepwater umbilical, it might be nec-
essary to use strakes for VIV protection, although the use of strakes has so
far not been required yet. The strakes may for instance be a 16D triple start
helix with a strake height of 0.25D.
(2) Long-Distance
The length for Na Kika, Thunder Horse and Atlantis umbilicals is 130, 65,
and 45 km, respectively. The longest yet developed is 165 km in a single
length, for Statoil’s Snohvit development off northern Norway. One of the
constraints on umbilical length is the capacity of the installation equip-
ment. The Nexans-operated installation vessel, Bourbon Skagerrak, can
carry up to 6,500 tons of cable, that equals to a length of 260 km, assuming
umbilical unit weight is 25 kg/m.
(3) High Voltage Power Cables
The design constraints are the low yield strength of copper, which requires an
increasing amount of protection as depths increase, and the weight of steel
armoring employed to provide that protection as depths increase. Fatigue of
copper cables in dynamic umbilical is another technical challenge.
(4) Integrated Production Umbilical (IPU®)
Heggadal (2004) presented an integrated production umbilical (IPU®)
where the flowline and the umbilical are combined in one single line, see
Figure 15.2. The IPU cross- section consists of the following elements:
HV power cables
Flow line
Heating pipes
FO temperature
PVC matrix
Electrical quads
Hydraulic/Service lines
Methanol injection
Weight Elements
Figure 15.2 IPU dynamic cross-section, super duplex flowline (Heggadal, 2004).
To qualify a new design concept like this, a series of analysis and quali-
fication tests were conducted as below (Heggadal, 2004):
(1) Analysis
• Global riser analysis and fatigue analysis;
• Corrosion and hydrogen induced cracking assessment;
• Thermal analysis;
• Structural analysis (prod. pipe, topside, and subsea termination);
• Reeling analysis;
• Electrical analysis;
• Reeling, trawl interaction, and on-bottom studies.
• Repair trial;
• Vessel trial;
• System test;
• Dynamic riser full scale testing.
Once the cross-section has been designed, an initial static analysis may
be performed for the umbilical in the mean vessel position. The length of
umbilical from the hang-off point to the touchdown point and its projected
horizontal length (which is the horizontal distance from the hang-off point
to the touchdown point) may be estimated using simple catenary theory.
The static catenary analysis may also predict the effective tension at the
hang off point, and at the TDP region, respectively. The minimum bend
radius (MBR) at the TDP region may be calculated using the catenary the-
ory, and be compared with an acceptance criterion.
The chapter shows both frictionless (lower bounding) and full friction
(upper bounding) models to evaluate the bend radius. It also indicates that
the frictionless model is more likely to be realistic, based on the experi-
ments conducted. The allowable MBR of the umbilical can be easily deter-
mined once the allowable bending stress is known.
provide adequate fatigue life for the umbilical. Design analysis resulted
from extreme analysis are:
Welding Transport Reel
Straightener Tensioner Stinger
certain limits to avoid unstable fracture or plastic collapse for a given tube
material and weld procedure. Accumulated plastic strain is the general
criteria used by umbilical suppliers to determine whether the amount of
plastic loading on the steel tubes is acceptable. An allowable accumulated
plastic strain level of 2% is recommended for umbilical design.
Figure 15.3 shows a schematic of deformations that are likely to take
place during the fabrication and installation of a steel tube umbilical. All
the processes shown in this diagram are likely to induce plastic strain in
the umbilical.
These aspects of fatigue analysis are described below. The main differ-
ence between fatigue analysis for an umbilical and a SCR is the effect of fric-
tion when the tubes in the umbilical slide against their conduits and each
other due to bending of the umbilical. The methodology discussed here
for umbilical in-place fatigue analysis is based on two OTC Papers: Paper
13203 by DUCO (Hoffman, 2001), and Paper 16631 by MCS (Kavanagh
et al., 2004). In-place fatigue analysis is required to prove that the fatigue
life of the umbilical is 10 times the design life.
The methodology for accounting for accumulated plastic strain and low
cycle fatigue has already been considered in Section 15.5. The calculations
for accumulated plastic strain and low cycle fatigue are carried out for both
fabrication and installation together.
The methodology for the calculation of wave induced fatigue damage
during the critical stages of installation is similar to the in-place fatigue
assessment described in Section 15.6. However, there are some aspects of
installation fatigue analysis that do not apply to in- place fatigue analysis.
Assuming that the maximum value of the bottom tension is 7.28 kips,
the submerged weight is 9.71(lbs/ft), the required on-seabed length for a
friction coefficient of 0.5 is
L = 7.28*1,000(lbs)/[0.5*9.71(lbs/ft)]
= 1,450 ft
Almar-Naess, A. (1985), “Fatigue Handbook: Offshore Steel Structures”, Tapir.
API 17E: “Specification for Subsea Umbilical”, The American Petroleum Institute.
API Recommended Practice 2RD, (1998), “Design of Risers for Floating
Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension Leg Platforms”, 1st Edition.
Bjornstad, B. (2000), “Umbilical Stretches Subsea Performance”, E & P Magazine,
August 2004.
DNV Offshore Standard OS-F101(2000), “Submarine Pipeline Systems”.
DNV Recommended Practice, RP-C203(2000), “Fatigue Strength Analysis of
Offshore Steel Structures”.
GE Research & Development Center (2000), “Influence of Mean Stress on Low
Cycle Fatigue in High Temperature Water”, Doc. No. 2000CRD025, May 2000.
Heggdal, O. (2004): “Integrated Production Umbilical (IPU®) for the Fram Ost
(20 km Tie-Back) Qualification and Testing, Deep Oil Technology (DOT),
Dec. 2004, New Orleans.
Hoffman, J., Dupont W., Reynolds B. (2001), “A Fatigue-Life Prediction Model for
Metallic Tube Umbilicals”, OTC Paper 13203.
ISO 13628-5, 2000, “Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries–Design and Operation
of Subsea Production Systems”, Part 5: Subsea Umbilicals, 2002.
Kavanagh, W. K., Doynov, K., Gallagher, D., Bai, Y. (2004), “The Effect of Tube
Friction on the Fatigue Life of Steel Tube Umbilical Risers–New Approaches
to Evaluating Fatigue Life using Enhanced Nonlinear Time Domain Methods”,
OTC Paper 16631.
Knapp, RH, (1988): “Helical Wire Stresses in Bent Cables”, Journal of Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, No. 110, pages 55–61, February 1988.
MCS (2004), Flexcom, Version 7, User’s Manual.
Steel Tube Umbilical and Control Systems 335
16.1 Introduction
A critical component in the wet tree development of deep water fields
is the umbilical riser. Failure of the umbilical can result in partial or total
loss of production, with resulting severe economic consequences. In many
recent deep water projects, steel tubes for control and injection lines have
become the preferred solution over traditional thermoplastic hose based
designs. The fatigue design of these steel tube umbilicals (STUs) with accu-
rate modeling of the steel tube interaction friction stresses is critical for
any development using STUs.
Simplified conservative approaches where the non-linearities of the
tube friction are ignored have frequently been used for STU fatigue design.
This chapter presents the theoretical basis for an enhanced non-linear time
domain fatigue model for deep water STUs. In developing this model, the
authors have proposed an analytical fatigue design approach that accounts
for the non-linearity of tube friction using slip theory combined with
time-domain global and local analytical methods.
A worked example is presented, where an ExxonMobil West of Africa
field development STU has been analyzed using both the enhanced non-
linear time domain fatigue model and an alternative simplified model.
The enhanced non-linear time domain fatigue model, has been used to
evaluate the influence on fatigue life of several parameters, including fric-
tion, water depth and STU cross-section geometry, some of which become
increasingly important in deeper water.
The merits of the enhanced nonlinear fatigue model over the simplified
model are critically evaluated, as are the lessons learned on the impor-
tance of critical design parameters and analysis assumptions affecting
STU fatigue life. Conclusions are also presented on the benefit of further
enhancement of the analytical approaches commonly used to design for
umbilical fatigue. The analysis in this chapter is quoted from reference [1].
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (337–358) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
338 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
∆σ A = 2 2 • SDT /A (16.3)
2 π RL
From the theory developed in [2], it is shown that the frictional contact
force, assuming a straight umbilical, is evaluated as
angle, the term has been found to be very small relative to the first term
and the authors have chosen to retain the term according to the model
presented in [2]. Further model enhancement is considered necessary to
validate the existence of this term for more generalized application.
In the absence of capturing the correct phasing of bending and tension,
the Simplified Approach presented in [2] conservatively sums the stress
contributions from all sources before calculating a total stress range for
fatigue damage calculations.
Tz = Tp/1.18 (16.8)
D= ∑ Nn
i =1
Stress and Fatigue of Umbilicals 343
N = KΔσ−m (16.11)
life = (16.12)
µ Fc (t ) (16.13)
σ FS (t ) =
where Fc(t) is time history of contact force and k(t) is time history of global
curvature. The time history of frictional contact force in a straight umbili-
cal is calculated as follows:
between the large inner tube and the underlying support structure near
center of the umbilical.
For a structure of make-up similar to Figure 16.5, Fc may be calculated
as the inner tube contact force added to additional contact force contribu-
tions derived from the outer steel tube layer, as illustrated by Figure 16.6.
One way to estimate this enhanced Fc term is to first calculate the inner
tube Fc based on Eq. (16.15) and then augment that by an additional Fc
contribution from the outer layer tubes, as follows:
where Fc−TOT is total radial contact term to use for friction stress calcula-
tions, Fc−TOT outer tube radial contact force from Eq. (16.15) applied to
outer layer, Fc−IT′(t) is inner tube radial contact force from Eq. (16.15)
applied to inner layer, Fc−OT′ is amount of the outer tube radial con-
tact force from Eq. (16.15) which is transmitted directly to the inner tube.
Assuming that the supporting structure surrounding the tube does not
share the radial load, a conservative approach to Eq. (16.16) is to assume
that Fc−OT(t) = Fc−OT′(t), thereby assuming that the outer tube radial load
is transmitted entirely to the inner tube, without any support from the
surrounding structure. This approach represents an analytical estimate of
this contribution only, for the case where plastic spacers exist between the
tubes. Additional investigation of the friction contribution of outer tubes
is required to achieve greater confidence in the magnitude of this term.
For the sake of the worked example presented later in this chapter, the
simple case of no outside tubes has been taken for the associated paramet-
ric study.
D= ∑ Nn
i =1
ith stress bin. For each bin, N is calculated using the following S-N curve
N = KΔσ−m (16.22)
where m and K are material constants. Finally, the fatigue life of the STU is
calculated as shown in Eq. (16.12).
Figure 16.2 presents an example time history of the friction stress expe-
rienced by a tube within an STU as predicted by the enhanced nonlin-
ear time domain fatigue model. The friction stress time history shown in
Figure 16.2 can be described as the bending friction stress bound by the
sliding (or tensile) friction stress. The friction stress equals the bending
friction stress until the tensile friction stress is exceeded and at this point
slip occurs. Physically, the tubes slip when the STU experiences large cur-
vatures. Here, the tubes are slipping longitudinally within the umbilical,
and friction stress experienced by the tube as it slips is dependent on the
umbilical tension. When the curvatures reduce and the bending friction
stress becomes smaller than the tensile friction stress, the tubes stick and
the bending friction stress dominates again.
STU stress behavior can be described by the curvature-stress plot pre-
sented in Figure 16.3. Initially, at smaller curvatures, the umbilical behaves
like a steel catenary riser (SCR), i.e., plane sections remain plane. Here,
the tubes are in a non-slip condition and bending occurs about the STU
neutral axis. At a certain curvature level, slip occurs and subsequently the
348 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Bending Friction Stress
Tension Friction stress
Compression Friction Stress
10 Overall Friction Stress
Stress (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)
Figure 16.2 Time history of friction stress for increased tension model.
tubes are bending about their own neutral axis; hence, the stress no
longer increases linearly with STU curvature. This stress behavior is accu-
rately modeled in the enhanced non-linear time domain fatigue model.
Large Inner Tubes
Outer Tube
Friction due
to Fc-OT
Inner Tube
Friction due to
Fc-IT + Fc-OT
Center of
This type of STU is unlike the base case which assumes that the
metal tubes are in contact with polymer layers between the tubes. Here,
a friction coefficient of 0.3 has been taken to represent metal-to-metal
Results from the Metal-to-Metal Friction model, presented in Table
16.3, which also represent the case of a 50% increase in friction from any
source, show that increased friction forces due, for example, to metal-to-
metal contact or additional outer tube frictional forces, result in a 23%
reduction in fatigue life of the analyzed STU. This demonstrates the critical
importance of the selection of an appropriate friction coefficient, consis-
tent with the contact surfaces in an STU fatigue model, in determining
fatigue life.
Also illustrated by this result is the importance of considering the effect
of the contact force of an outer layer of tubes, as illustrated schematically
in Figure 16.6, in generating higher friction forces and fatigue damage in
inner tubes for a multi-layer tube makeup.
16.4 Conclusions
• An enhanced non-linear time domain STU fatigue model
has been developed. Comparisons have been made between
the enhanced non-linear time domain fatigue model and a
simplified approach. The enhanced model has been devel-
oped to account for non-linearities associated with the STU
friction as well as the correct phasing of the tension and
bending components of tube stress.
• The enhanced nonlinear time domain approach presents a
more advanced model of STU fatigue responses than sim-
plified models by modeling slip behavior and a phase con-
sistent time history of tube stress. A worked example of
an ExxonMobil West of Africa field STU has been used to
demonstrate the sensitivity of umbilical fatigue life to key
design inputs.
• The time domain modeling of friction where all non-lin-
earities are accounted for and correct phasing is used in the
analysis provides a more realistic model of fatigue behavior
than alternative simplified models.
• Differences in friction coefficient due to different materi-
als in contact produce significantly different fatigue lives,
emphasizing a) the importance of appropriate friction coef-
ficient selection and b) the potential benefit of achieving
contact surfaces with lower friction coefficients.
• Increased contact forces in a multi-layer STU result in
higher friction forces on inner layer tubes, and the potential
for higher fatigue damage in inner layer tubes. This effect
needs to be further quantified as an input to decision on the
radial placement of fatigue sensitive tubes.
• Fatigue design of STUs in deeper water present an increas-
ing challenge in terms of fatigue design, largely due to the
higher inter-layer contact force between tube and surround-
ing structure under higher hang-off tensions. Consequently,
for deepwater STUs, the accurate modeling of friction is an
important contributor to achieving confidence in umbilical
fatigue design.
• Frictionless modeling of the fatigue behavior of an STU
leads to unconservative predictions of fatigue life because it
ignores a potentially important contributor to tube fatigue
356 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
16.5 Recommendations
• The fatigue model presented in this chapter has been shown
to be a significant enhancement on existing simplified
methods. However, this work has highlighted several issues
worthy of further development, among them:
1. Kavanagh W K, Doynov K, Gallagher D, et al. The effect of tube friction
on the fatigue life of steel tube umbilical risers-new approaches to evaluating
fatigue life using enhanced nonlinear time domain methods[C]//Offshore
Technology Conference. Offshore Technology Conference, 2004.
2. Hoffman J, Dupont W, Reynolds B. A Fatigue-Life Prediction Model for
Metallic Tube Umbilicals. Offshore Technology Conference, 2001.
3. Barltrop N D P, Adams A J. Dynamics of fixed marine structures. Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2013.
4. ASTM E-1049, “Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analyses”,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard, 1997.
Cross-Sectional Stiffness for Umbilicals
17.1 Introduction
An umbilical cable is an important part of offshore oil and gas exploita-
tion project. It provides a communication and control link between a
submerged system and a surface vessel. It generally consists of various
functional elements for hydraulic, electrical power, and signal transmission
such as hydraulic tubes, electric cables, optical fibers, etc. The functional
elements surrounded by protective layers are normally wound in a heli-
cal manner around a central, large diameter, thin walled tube. The protec-
tive layers are designed to protect the functional elements from chemical
and mechanical damage which are generally either polymeric sheaths or
metallic armor wires. Generally, the helical structure is the main structure
of umbilical cables, and it has a great influence on mechanical behavior.
This helical structure is widely applied in the engineering as it is capable of
supporting high axial loads with comparatively low bending stiffness. As
a result, several researchers have worked on developing theoretical mod-
els for umbilical cables based on the knowledge of the helix material and
The initial helical model was developed by Hruska [1–3]. The wires
in the model were assumed to be subjected to pure tensile forces (no
moments). The model was extended by Hruska to multi-strand wire
ropes for obtaining wire stress, and the interlayer pressure under tension
and torsion. In a 7 × 1 single strand model, Machida and Druelli [4]
accounted for the moments in helixes and gave explicit expressions of
axial force, bending and twisting moments in the helical wires. Knapp
[5, 6] adopted the well-known energy method to derive the equilibrium
equations and considered the compressibility and material nonlinearity
of the core element in helical armored cable. According to the above the-
ory, the resultant force and moment acting on the helix cross-sections
are obtained by accounting for the geometry and deformation of helical
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (359–374) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
360 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
wires. There is no resultant force and moment per unit length acting
along the helix.
Another fundamental approach for predicting the mechanical behavior
of helical structure is the application of Love’s [7] six nonlinear differential
equations describing the equilibrium of thin rods under both bending and
twisting. In a 7 × 1 single strand model, Costello and Philips [8] treated
the cables as groups of separate curved rods based on Love’s theory and
gave a rigorous derivation but assumed the extension of helical wires was
a small quantity of the order of the strains in the theory. Subsequently,
Costello and Philips [9] ended up removing this assumption. A math-
ematical model of a strand was developed by Utting and Jones [10] to
explore the importance of Poisson effects in wires, wire flattening under
interface pressure and the effect of friction between the core and helical
wires. In a comparable article [11], the theoretical results were compared
to previously published analytical work and the corresponding experi-
mental results. Witz and Tan [12] considered the umbilical cable as two
basic components: cylindrical elements and helical elements. The analy-
sis of cylindrical elements and helical elements are based on both thin
shell theory and Love’s theory. The continuity of interface pressure and
helical radius was considered to evaluate the load-displacement relation-
ship. Kumar and Botsis [13] made an attempt to experimentally test the
validity of the deformation derivation results earlier obtained for multi-
layered wire rope strands with metallic core. Earlier deformation relations
are utilized for predicting the maximum contact stress under tension and
torsion. Research undertaken in the mechanical behavior of umbilical
cables was presented by CP Pesce [14]. A mathematical model was also
developed combining equilibrium equations, geometric compatibility and
constitutive relations under external loads. This is generally the case when
working with complex cross-sectional designs. The behavior of a helical
wire on a frictionless cylindrical surface subjected to bending was studied
by Østergaard and Lyckegaard [15]. Gopinath [16] obtained the stiffness
matrix of a single-layered stranded cable by using the thin rod theory. The
linear elastic model under static loading conditions experiences the com-
bination of tension, torsion and bending.
In the theoretical model, lateral contact between wires as well as the fric-
tion conditions between the wires or between a wire and the core are always
negligible. To solve these problems finite element method is used to make
the model comparable with the practical condition of the umbilical cable.
Custodio and Vaz [17] presented a finite element formulation and
applied the principle of virtual work, as well as solving the Jacobi matrix by
Newton’s method for the umbilical model. The model takes into account
Cross-Sectional Stiffness for Umbilicals 361
of all the spiral components in the same layer is consistent, which is divided
into two kinds of bending states (before sliding and after sliding) to ana-
lyze respectively. There are two constraints to prevent the sliding between
components in this kind of the structure: structural constraint and fric-
tion constraint. Unless the structure is destroyed, the structure constraint
cannot be overcame to take place the sliding, and it can be overcame to
take place the sliding with a certain bending value. Therefore, when the
section of the spiral component is rectangular, due to the constraints of
the structure constraints, the spiral components will occur the torsional
deformation; when the cross-section is circular, the spiral structure will
overcome the friction constraint and produce the torsional deformation.
In the umbilical structure, the spiral component sections are all circular, so
its bending stiffness is obtained according to Witz bending theory.
( EI ) = ( EI )o + ∑ E2I (1 + cos α )
i =1
i i 2
i (17.1)
( EI ) = ( EI )o + ∑ 22+EvI sin
i =1
i i
Since each structure layer exists the contact and friction in the full slid-
ing phase, according to the fold beam theory, this interlayer effect will influ-
ence the equivalent flexural center position of each component and has
impact on the bending stiffness. But the difficulty is that this influence is
difficult to derive and express through analytic formulas. Internationally, it
is generally used to construct a complex three-dimensional finite element
model to quantify the impact of this friction by building large computing
devices, such as large computers or fleets. However, because of the high
nonlinear calculation, a huge amount of calculation, and a very uncer-
tain process, the calculation strongly depends on the choice of computing
skills, which is still confined to the academic research and is different to
realize the popularization and application in engineering practice. To meet
Cross-Sectional Stiffness for Umbilicals 365
E jπ
kcylinder = ∑ 64 (D
j =1
j − d 4j ) (17.6)
where EI: bending stiffness of the armored steel wire, for the circular
π Dsteel
cross-section of the steel wire, I = ; for the rectangle cross-section
of the steel wire, I = ; GJ: torsional stiffness of the armored steel wire,
12 4
π Dsteel
for the circular cross-section of the steel wire, J = ; for the rectangle
3 32
cross-section of the steel wire, J = ;
j: number of the cylindrical layer;
D: outer radius of the cylindrical layer;
d: inner radius of the cylindrical layer.
From the formula above, it can be seen that:
F k11k12
= (17.7)
M1 k21k22 ∆ϕ
k11 = ∑ A E 1 − Θ2 RR tan α cos α + A E
i =1
i i
i c c (17.8)
k21 = ∑ A E 1 − Θ2 RR tan α cos α sinα
i =1
i i
i i (17.10)
Θ Rc
k11 =
i =1
ni Ai Ei 1 −
2 Ri
tan 2 α i cos3 α i + Ac Ec
For the umbilical that torsion can occur at both ends of the structure,
its tensile stiffness can be expressed as
k = k11 + k12 (17.13)
Generally speaking, when the umbilical cord occurs the axial displace-
ment, the angle of the negative direction will happen. Therefore, the cal-
culation result of the case that no torsion can occur at both ends of the
structure would be larger than the case that torsion can occur at both ends
of the structure.
For the cable wires with two fixed-ends, the tensile stiffness can be
expressed as
Θ Rc 3
kT = ksteel + kelse = χ
i =1
ni Ai Ei 1 −
2 Ri
tan α i cos α i + Ac Ec
368 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
From Eq. (17.8), the tensile rigidities of the steel pipe, cable wire, filling,
sheath units are related to the elastic modulus of the unit material and area.
According to the tensile stiffness expression of the armored wire, the
influencing factors affecting the tensile stiffness can include the following:
k= ∑ A E R sinα cosα + J G
j =1
i i i
2 2
i i c c (17.15)
Rmin = cosα i − R (17.16)
2ε max
ε max
F= ( EA)tensile (17.17)
cosα i
1. Hoop stress
The hoop stress of the steel pipe is produced by the internal pressure of the
pipe, and the formula is
(D 2 + d 2 )
σ hoop = p (17.18)
(D 2 − d 2 )
2. Radial stress
Radial stress is produced by the internal pressure and external pressure,
and the calculation formula is
σradial = −p (17.19)
3. Axial stress
Axial stress can be produced by the tensile and bending load. Because of
the end sealing of the steel pipe, internal pressure can produce the axial
stress inside the steel tube. The method of determining the axial stress
components can be concluded to the following:
σ ATension = (17.20)
Cross-Sectional Stiffness for Umbilicals 371
(d + 2t )E
σ ABending = (17.21)
ρπ ID 2
σ AEndCap = (17.22)
4 ATube
The axial stress of the steel pipe is the sum of each of these components,
that is to say:
σAxial = σATension + σABending + σAEndCap (17.23)
The load capacity of the steel pipe is determined by its ultimate stress
state. The hoop, radial, and axial stress were combined with the von Mises
yield criterion to check the stress was satisfied with the yield strength of
the material. The von Mises stress of the steel tube is met with the yield
strength of the internal pressure, stretching, and bending load, which is
the curve of the tensile–bending bearing capacity under certain internal
pressure of the umbilical.
The relation between the von Mises stress and each stress component
is shown as below:
2 2 2
σ e = σ radius + σ hoop + σ axial + σ hoopσ radius − σ hoopσ axial − σ radiusσ axial
372 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
When σe = γσyield (γ is the safety factor), the steel pipe reaches the critical
When the internal pressure of the umbilical is determined, the hoop
stress component and radial stress component can be determined directly
by the formula above. Choosing the equivalent stress value in the critical
state of the steel pipe, Eq. (17.25) is a binary equation of the axial stress
2 2 2
σ axial − (σ hoop + σ radius )σ axial + σ radius + σ hoop − σ hoopσ radius − σ e2 = 0
To solve this quadratic equation, the critical value of the axial stress
of the steel pipe σaxial[σhoop(p), σradius(p), σe] is obtained under the speci-
fied internal pressure. Under the conditions of steel pipe parameters, the
critical value of the axial stress σaxial(p) is only the function of internal
Eq. (17.23) shows that the axial stress of the steel pipe is a linear com-
bination of the axial stress component. Therefore, the axial stress is also a
function of tensile load and bending radius, that is to say, σaxial(p, σe) = f(f, ρ).
Therefore, the tensile-bending capacity curve of the umbilical is obtained by
the combination of different tensile-bending load.
1. Hruska F H. Calculation of stresses in wire ropes[J]. Wire and wire prod-
ucts, 1951, 26: 766–767, 799–801.
2. Hruska F H. Tangential forces in wire ropes[J]. Wire and wire products,
1953, 28(5): 455–460.
3. Hruska F H. Radial forces in wire ropes[J]. Wire and wire products,
1952, 27(5): 459–463.
4. Machida S, Durelli A J. Response of a strand to axial and torsional displace-
ments[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 1973, 15(4): 241–251.
5. Knapp R H. Derivation of a new stiffness matrix for helically armoured cables
considering tension and torsion[J]. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, 1979, 14(4): 515–59.
6. Knapp R H. Nonlinear analysis of a helically armored cable with nonuniform
mechanical properties in tension and torsion[C]//OCEAN 75 Conference.
IEEE, 1975: 155–164.
7. Love A E H. A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity[M].
Cambridge university press, 2013.
Cross-Sectional Stiffness for Umbilicals 373
18.1 Introduction
18.1.1 General
Early umbilical cable ducts used thermoplastic hoses, but as the water
depth increased, problems gradually emerged, such as fluid penetration,
water tightness, and the limitations of the hose body’s resistance to crush-
ing and stretching. Therefore, in the 1990s, the steel pipe umbilical cable
was introduced. The steel pipe material was carbon steel, duplex stainless
steel, super duplex stainless steel, etc., which greatly enhanced the mechan-
ical properties of the umbilical cable, and also increased the water depth
range of the umbilical cable.
Steel pipe unit: Usually, the inner part is steel pipe, and the
outer layer is wrapped with polymer layer to avoid direct
contact between steel pipes. The main function is to pro-
vide hydraulic pressure for underwater production system
and chemical agents required for oil field development,
Cable unit: The inside is a stranded copper conductor, the outer
part is covered with an insulating layer and a shielding layer,
and the outermost layer is a polymer sheath layer mainly
for supplying electric energy or transmitting signals to the
underwater production system.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (375–384) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
376 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
The design of the umbilical cable is embodied in two aspects, first of all, the
designability of the internal functional components. It can contain only a
single functional component, such as only the cable inside, the transmission
of electric or electrical signals, or the integration of multi-functional compo-
nents, such as cables, fibers, steel pipes, and other functional components so
that electricity can be used. Integrated transmission of signals and hydrau-
lics. The design of the internal functional components is mainly determined
by the needs of the umbilical cable to be served.
Secondly, the design can be embodied in the designability of the umbili-
cal cable structure, mainly to enhance the designability of the components.
The reinforcing member is mainly for providing mechanical protection
to the internal functional components of the umbilical cable so that the
umbilical cable meets the design requirements of strength and fatigue.
Unit Size
Bend Stiffness
Stiffness Analysis
Tensile Stifness
Satisfaction NO
Satisfaction NO
Satisfaction NO
Touchdown point
Sagbend region
umbilical cable and make the cross-section full weight meet the require-
ments. The cable should generally be in the center of the umbilical cable.
If it contains steel pipes or hoses, the crushing force of the steel pipe
should be considered.
Unbonded Composite
Another way to increase flexibility in the umbilical is that the compo-
nents are combined in a non-bonded manner, which means that when
the umbilical is bent to a certain extent, relative sliding between the
components occurs. If the members in the umbilical cable adopt a spiral
structure, but the components are not combined in a non-bonded man-
ner but are completely consolidated together, then when bending, the
components in the umbilical cable will be integrated as a whole, and If
the central axis of the cable is used as the curved neutral axis, if the non-
bonded form is adopted, the bending will also gradually deform around
the respective axes of the members after the sliding occurs between the
members, so that the bending moment of inertia is significantly reduced
and the bending rigidity is also drastically reduced. Studies have shown
that in the initial stage of bending of the umbilical cable, there is no slid-
ing between the components due to the contact friction. At this time,
the members are bonded together, and the bending stiffness is at a large
value. When the bending continues to a certain extent after that, the
members gradually overcome the maximum static friction and slide, and
the bending stiffness will decrease rapidly.
384 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
1. API 17E. Speccification for Subsea Production Control Umblica. 2010.
2. ISO 13628-5:2009 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and opera-
tion of subsea production systems - Part 5: Subsea umbilicals.
3. Beattie, M., et al., Caesar-Tonga Project Steel Lazy Wave Riser Design, OTC
24232, 2013.
Part 3
Collapse Strength of Fiber Glass
Reinforced Riser
19.1 Introduction
Fiber glass reinforced bonded flexible pipe (FGRFP) has a lot of advan-
tages compared with other composite pipes. According to the produc-
tion process of composite pipes, composite pipes can be divided into two
types: unbonded flexible pipe and bonded flexible pipe. The remarkable
difference between unbonded flexible pipe and bonded flexible pipe is
that there is a hollow annuls in the pipe wall of unbonded flexible pipe,
while bonded flexible pipe have not hollow annuls in its pipe wall. This
difference makes the unbonded flexible pipe is easier to form high pres-
sure in hollow annuls than bonded flexible pipe. The high pressure in
annuls will lead to inner layer and outer cover burst. In addition, FGRFP
also has an advantage on cost. Therefore, FGRFP has a great value in
ocean engineering.
Many scholars have developed some mechanic analysis methods on cyl-
inder shells since nineteenth century. Bryan, G.H. [1] used the energy test
to analyze the collapse of long-thin tubes under external pressure. The form
of collapse pressure conducted by Bryan is P = c(t/d)3. Carman [2] studied
the collapse pressure of short-thin tubes by using experiment methods. He
also deduced a critical length formula. Windenburg et al. [3] discussed the
collapse pressure of three classes of pipes, which are infinite length pipe,
finite length pipe subjected to external pressure only, and finite length pipe
with external pressure and axial pressure.
In addition, there has been a lot of research done about flexible pipes
under external pressure. Kaveh Arjomandi et al. [4–7] have studied
the stability, post-buckling, and elastic buckling capacity of sandwich
pipes under eternal pressure. Yong Bai et al. [8–13] has analyzed buck-
ling stability of steel strip reinforced thermoplastic pipe and unbonded
multi-layer pipe subjected to external pressure and bending moment.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (387–404) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
388 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Leone Corradi et al. [14, 15] studied the collapse capability of thick
cylinders under radial pressure and axial load. Gong Shunfeng et al.
[16–18] have investigated asymmetric buckling of offshore pipelines
under combined tension, bending and external pressure. Rouzbeh
Hashemian et al. [19, 20] studied the buckling capability of sandwich
pipes by means of finite difference model and finite element formu-
lation. At present, the study was focus on the buckling capability and
limit strength of flexible pipes.
However, little research has been done on the mechanics of FGRFP.
The collapse capability and limit strength of FGRFP is still not so clear.
As we all known, the external pressure will increase along with the
depth of the water. Therefore, it is urgent to analyze the mechanism
of FGRFP for better usage. This chapter will establish the equilibrium
equations of FGRFP under external pressure based on the theories of
nonlinear buckling and virtual work principle for numerical analysis.
In addition, the external pressure test and finite element analysis will
be also conducted.
σ D D12 D13 ε z
z 11
σ θ = D21 D22 D23 εθ (19.1)
τ D D32 D333 γ θr
θr 31
0, σ e < σ e ,max
Q= 1 E
4σ 2 E − 1 σ e ≥ σ e ,max
e t
M 1 + ξηV fg
= (19.4)
M m 1 − ηV fg
M fg M fg
η= −1 M + ξ (19.5)
Mm m
ξE = 2, ξG = 1 (19.6)
ε x = ε x0 + ζκ (19.7)
ε x0 is the axial strain at neutral plane. ζ is the distance between the point
of εx and neutral plane.
The formula of hoop strain is
v′ + w 1 v′ + w 1 v + w′ γ′
εθ = + + + z ⋅ κ θ + θ (19.9)
R 2 R 2 R R
v ′ − w ′′ v − w′
κθ = 1− (19.10)
R 2 R
y w.z
2π N l t2 (i )
∫ ∑∫
i =1 t1 (i )
(σ xδε x + σ θδεθ + τ θrδγ θr )(R + z )dz dθ = δWe
δWe = PδV = PR δ w + (2wδ w + 2vδ v + wδ v ′ + vδ w − vδ w ′ − wδ v ) dθ
V = π R2 + R
w + 2 R (v − vw + vw + w ) dθ (19.13)
No Yes
pressure decreases as the ovality increases. We can call this stage the buck-
ling stage. The ultimate external pressure bearing capacity is 17.58 MPa.
External Pressure (MPa)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Ovality (%)
Step: buckle0523-1
Mode 1: EigenValue = 1.2871
External Pressure (MPa)
–0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
The node displacement at the top of pipe’s cross section (mm)
Figure 19.8 The curve of external pressure and node displacement at the top of pipe
the waist of the pipe’s cross-section, as shown in Figure 19.10. When FGRFP
is subjected to external pressure and there are already imperfections at first,
the external pressure is in a dominant position. The node at the top of the
pipe’s cross-section will move to the center of the cross-section under the
external pressure. Therefore, the node displacement at the top of the pipe’s
cross-section will be negative at first. Because of the imperfection at the
waist of the pipe’s cross-section, the node displacement at the waist of the
pipe’s cross-section increased faster than the node displacement at the top
of the pipe’s cross-section, as shown in Figure 19.9. The difference in node
displacement at the top and waist of the pipe’s cross-section gives a raising
force to the top node of the pipe’s cross-section. The node displacement at
Collapse Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 399
External Pressure (MPa)
–3.5 –3 –2.5 –2 –1.5 –1 –0.5 0
The node displacement at the waist of pipe’s cross section (mm)
Figure 19.9 The curve of external pressure and node displacement at the waist of pipe.
Imperfection Imperfection
the top of the pipe’s cross-section will gradually become positive when the
raising force is greater than external pressure. From Figures 19.8 and 19.9,
we can get that the buckling external pressure of FGRFP with imperfection
is around 20.99MPa.
3) Stress of FGRFP
The FGRFP is consisted of three layers: inner layer, reinforced layer, and
outer layer. The stress nephogram of each layer is shown in Figure 19.11.
From the stress nephogram of FGRFP, we can see that the inner layer
and outer layer will reach the ultimate strength, 23Mpa. The reinforced
layer has eight layers. We can name the eight layers from inside to outside
400 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
S, Mises
Envelope (max)
(Avg: 75%)
as the first reinforced layer to the eighth reinforced layer. The stress at bot-
tom and top side of the eighth reinforced layer has the minimum value
in the reinforced layer, 99.21Mpa. The stress at the bottom and top side
Collapse Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 401
300 waist
Stress (MPa)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The layer number
Figure 19.12 The stress curve at top and waist of pipe’s cross-section change with
of the first reinforced layer has the maximum value in reinforced layer,
333.9 Mpa. We can extract the stress at top side and waist side of the pipe’s
cross-section for each reinforced layer. The stress change along with the
thickness of FGRFP is shown in Figure 19.12. The stress at the top of pipe’s
cross-section decreases from the inner reinforced layer to the outer rein-
forced layer. The stress at waist of pipe’s cross-section is increass from the
inner reinforced layer to the outer reinforced layer.
19.6 Conclusion
The buckling pressure of FGRFP is 18.33 MPa in external pressure
test. The buckling pressure of FGRFP is 17.58 MPa by using numerical
method. The relative error is 4.09% between external pressure test and
numerical method. The buckling pressure of FGRFP is 20.99 MPa by using
finite element method. The relative error is 14.51% between external pres-
sure test and finite element method.
The reasons causing the difference between the three methods are listed
as follows:
Even though there are some differences in those three methods, the
results of buckling pressure of those three methods can verified each other
to some extent. Therefore, those three methods in this chapter can be used
to analyze the buckling pressure of FGRFP.
1. G.H., B., 1888. Application of the Energy Test to the Collapse of a Long Thin
Pipe Under External Pressure. Cambridge Phill. Soc. Proc. 6, 287–292.
2. Carman, A.P., 1916. LXI. The collapse of short thin tubes. The London,
Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 32
(192), 559–566.
3. Windenburg, D.F., Trilling, C., 1934. Collapse by instability of thin cylindri-
cal shells under external pressure. Trans Asme 11, 819–825.
4. Arjomandi, K., Taheri, F., 2010. Elastic buckling capacity of bonded and
unbonded sandwich pipes under external hydrostatic pressure. Journal Of
Mechanics Of Materials And Structures 5 (3), 391–408.
5. Arjomandi, K., Taheri, F., 2011a. The influence of intra-layer adhesion con-
figuration on the pressure capacity and optimized configuration of sandwich
pipes. Ocean Engineering 38 (17-18), 1869–1882.
6. Arjomandi, K., Taheri, F., 2011b. A new look at the external pressure capacity
of sandwich pipes. Marine Structures 24 (1), 23–42.
7. Arjomandi, K., Taheri, F., 2011c. Stability and post-buckling response of
sandwich pipes under hydrostatic external pressure. International Journal
Of Pressure Vessels And Piping 88 (4), 138-148.
8. Bai, Y., Igland, R.T., Moan, T., 1997. Tube collapse under combined external
pressure, tension and bending. Marine Structures 10 (5), 389–410.
9. Bai, Y., Liu, T., Cheng, P., Yuan, S.A., Yao, D.Z., Tang, G., 2016a. Buckling
stability of steel strip reinforced thermoplastic pipe subjected to external
pressure. Composite Structures 152, 528–537.
10. Bai, Y., Tang, J.D., Xu, W.P., Cao, Y., Wang, R.S., 2015a. Collapse of reinforced
thermoplastic pipe (RTP) under combined external pressure and bending
moment. Ocean Engineering 94, 10–18.
11. Bai, Y., Wang, N.S., Cheng, P., Qiao, H.D., Yu, B.B., 2015b. Collapse and
Buckling Behaviors of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe Under External
Collapse Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 403
20.1 Introduction
Composite pipes have been widely used in marine oil and gas transpor-
tation. They are normally divided into two main categories: unbonded
flexible pipes and bonded flexible pipes [1–4]. Fiber Glass Reinforced
flexible pipes (FGRFPs), as a new-styled bonded flexible pipe, overcome
some flaws like high-priced production and overweight property belong to
conventional unbonded flexible pipes, having better industry application
potential and development value [5–7].
Typical FGRFP are composited of inner PE layer, outer PE layer,
and fiber glass reinforced layers sandwiched in the middle, as shown in
Figure 20.1.
Internal pressure is the most common load during the service of
flexible pipes and risers, Bai et al. [8, 9] did some theoretical analy-
sis about the mechanical behavior of metallic strip flexible pipes and
umbilical under internal pressure based on elastic theory and principle
of virtual work. Fan et al. [10] investigated the change of internal pressure
while filament wound reinforcement tube has been damaged. However,
the analysis of mechanical behavior of FGRFP under internal pressure is
still not enough. From the above, to obtain the mechanical responses of
FGRFP under internal pressure, a short-term burst pressure test is carried
out and a 3D finite element model is established. Then, an analytical
model considering plane stress state of fiber glass reinforced layers is
established. The detailed stress of each layer and the ultimate internal
stress of FGRFP are calculated by analytical method. Finally, parametric
analyses like winding angle of fiber glass and radius-thickness ratio are
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (405–420) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
406 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
External PE
Internal PE
20.2 Experiment
20.2.1 Dimensions and Material Properties of FGRFP
Specimens used in this research were produced by Shang Hai Fei Zhou
Bo Yuan Petroleum Equipment company. Components of the FRFP are:
an inner UHMWPE, an outer HDPE, and eight reinforced layers consist
of HDPE and fiber glass. The fiber glass in odd reinforced layers wind in
one direction, while the fiber glass in other reinforced layers wind in the
converse direction. Detailed material properties and geometric parameters
of the specimens are listed in Tables 20.1 and 20.2.
0.61 MPa/s
0.92 MPa/s
0.77 MPa/s
0 50 100 150
reinforced layers while Truss element is used to simulate the fiber glass.
Since FGRFP belongs to bonded flexible pipes, fiber glass is then embed-
ded into the matrix. As shown in Figure 20.3, fiber glass is winded as the
same angle but in opposite directions.
(a) (b)
(1) F
iber glass and matrix in reinforced layers are bonded with-
out any slippage during deformation process; Each layer is
bonded closely without any slippage.
410 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Bottom Left Corner
(Avg: 75%)
Bottom Left Corner
(Avg: 75%)
(Avg: 75%)
Inner layer
(Avg: 79%)
Outer layer
Figure 20.5 Axial stress distributions of each layer under internal pressure.
Burst Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 411
(2) Th
e cross-section of FGRFP always perpendicular to the
center axis during deformation process.
(3) The mechanical properties stay unchanged during com-
posite processing, and they do not change with time or
(4) All the materials are considered as linear elasticity. Inner
layer and outer layer are homogeneous while reinforced lay-
ers are anisotropy.
In which, ur, uθ, and uz are the axial displacement, the hoop displace-
ment, and the radial displacement, respectively. The constitutive relation
of the kth layer in global coordinate system is
(k ) (k ) (k )
σz C11 C12 C133 0 0 C16 εz
σθ C21 C22 C23 0 0 C26 εθ
σr C31 C32 C33 0 0 C36 εr
τ θr 0 0 0 C44 C45 0 γ θr
τ zr 0 0 0 C45 C55 0 γ zr
τ zθ C16 C26 C36 0 0 C66 γ zθ
In which, Cij is the of- axial stiffness matrix. From elastic mechanics,
the stress-displacement relationship in kth layer is
412 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
r, r
θ θ
∂σ r( k ) 1 ∂τ θ( kr ) ∂τ zr( k ) σ r( k ) − σ θ( k )
+ + + = 0,
∂r r ∂θ ∂z r
∂τ θ( kr ) 1 ∂σ θ( k ) ∂τ z(θk ) 2τ θ( kr )
+ + + = 0, (20.4)
∂r r ∂θ ∂z r
∂τ zr( k ) 1 ∂τ z(θk ) ∂σ z( k ) τ zr( k )
+ + + =0
∂r r ∂θ ∂z r
Burst Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 413
Substituting Eq. (20.1) into Eq. (20.3), the equilibrium equations lead to
Substituting Eqs. (20.1), (20.2), and (20.5) into Eq. (20.4), the equilib-
rium equations lead to
∂σ r( k ) σ r( k ) − σ θ( k ) ∂τ ( k ) 2τ ( k )
+ = 0, θ r + θ r = 0 (20.6)
∂r r ∂r r
Displacements become as
B( k )
ur( k ) = A( k )r + ,
uθ( k ) = C ( k )zr , (20.7)
uz( k ) = D ( k )z + E ( k )
(k ) B( k ) ( k )
(k ) (k ) B( k )
ε = A − 2 , εθ = A + 2 ,
r r
(k ) (k )
εz = D ,
γ z(θk ) = C ( k )r , γ zr( k ) = 0, γ θ( kr ) = 0
(k ) (k ) B( k ) ( k ) (k ) B( k )
ε r =A − 2 , εθ = A + 2 ,
rk rk
ε z( k ) = D ( k )
γ zkθ = C ( k )rk , γ zr( k ) = 0, γ θ( kr ) = 0
(k ) (k ) (k )
σ Q11 Q12 Q13 ε
σθ = Q21 Q22 Q23 εθ (20.10)
τ Q Q32 Q333 γ
zθ 31 zθ
(k ) (k ) (k )
σ Q11 Q12 Q13 ε
σT = Q21 Q22 Q23 εT (20.11)
τ Q Q32 Q333 γ
LT 31 LT
τ θ(1r) (r0 ) = τ zr(1) (r0 ),τ θ(nr ) (rn ) = τ zr(n ) (rn ) (20.13)
Burst Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 415
σ z( k ) • 2πr dr = πr02 P0 (20.19)
rk −1
k =1
τ z(θk ) • r 2 dr = 0 (20.20)
rk −1
k =1
Eqs. (20.13), (20.15), (20.16), and (20.18) are constant under axial
symmetry loads. 2n + 2 equations can be obtained from the continuous
boundary condition. Because the secant modulus of fiber glass is way too
larger than the ones of PE, fiber glass is the first to fail when its axial force
reaches the biggest tensile strength.
0 50 100
Figure 20.7 Axial stress-pressure curve of inner fiber glass reinforced layer (analytical
solution and FEM).
Burst Strength of Fiber Glass Reinforced Riser 417
200 5
0 50 100
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
40 60 80
Figure 20.10 Effect of winding angle on hoop strain and axial strain.
4 6 8 10
20.7 Conclusions
To investigate the mechanical behavior of FGRFP under internal pressure,
a short-term burst pressure test, numerical simulation, and analytical solu-
tion are performed in this chapter, and the conclusions are as follows:
(1) Th
e difference of burst pressure from experimental results
and analytical results is 2.81%, which is acceptable in prac-
tical engineering. This analytical solution can be a reference
for engineering application.
(2) The difference of burst pressure from numerical solution
and analytical solution is 3.13%, and the innermost rein-
forced layer damages first under certain internal pres-
sure. The reinforced layers bear more forces than the PE
layers do, indicating the reinforced layers bear the main
forces under internal pressure.
(3) When the winding angle of fiber glass changes from 45° to
80°, with the increase of winding angle, the burst pressure
becomes larger. The optimum winding angle is 59°.
(4) With the increase of D/t ratio, the burst pressure decreases
1. Bai Y, Liu T, Cheng P, et al. Buckling stability of steel strip reinforced ther-
moplastic pipe subjected to external pressure[J]. Composite Structures,
2016, 152: 528–537.
2. Arikan H. Failure analysis of (± 55°) filament wound composite pipes
with an inclined surface crack under static internal pressure[J]. Composite
Structures, 2010, 92(1):182–187.
3. Bai Y, Chen W, Xiong H, et al. Analysis of steel strip reinforced thermo-
plastic pipe under internal pressure[J]. Ships & Offshore Structures, 2016,
4. Bai Y, Lu Y, Cheng P. Analytical prediction of umbilical behavior under
combined tension and internal pressure[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015,
420 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
21.1 Introduction
Fiber reinforced bonded pipes are extensively applied in various engi-
neering practices, such as oil transportation (Gibson and Arun, 1989). It
has been shown that fiber offers an attractive quality of enhanced strength
and deformability of bonded pipes. Normally, these pipes are composed
of two kinds of materials: fiber and resin. Fibers such as kevlar, glass,
and carbon have excellent tensile strength and specific modulus, which
have often been selected for reinforced layers. Resins have the ability of
transferring stress among fibers, which have always selected for matrix.
However, kevlar and carbon fiber are not usually used in deep-sea pipe-
lines because of high cost and electrochemical corrosion. It is widely rec-
ognized that fiberglass reinforced flexible pipe (FGRFP) is a favorable
choice for oil and gas transportation due to its advantages in being rela-
tively light weight, corrosion, and abrasion resistance. Moreover, FGRFP
can be easily coiled in thousands of meters, which is convenient for quick
installation and greatly reduces the usage of joints. However, they will
inevitably confront tensile loads that are important aspects affecting
the integrity and security of the FGRFP’s utilization in installation and
In the past decades, many achievements have been made in the field of
composite pipes subjected to tensile loads (Yue et al., 2013; Bai et al., 2017).
However, the classical laminated-plate theory has been adopted in most
studies on the mechanical properties of fiber helically reinforced bonded
composite pipes (Rosenow 1984; Xia et al., 2001; Bai et al., 2012; Hu et al.,
2015; Xing et al., 2015). This theory holds that the fiber and matrix are
merged into an integral part. Equations of thin-laminate plane deforma-
tion are established based on the Kirchhoff-Love assumption. The pipe
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (421–448) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
422 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
21.2 Experiment
21.2.1 Basic Assumptions
Figure 21.1 shows that FGRFPs are typically made up of an external
coating, reinforced tapes, and internal liner. Detailed manufacturing
dimensions of the specimens are pictured in Figure 21.2 and Table 21.1.
Internal Liner
4 mm 8*0.75 mm 3 mm
Inter diameter 50 mm
Outer diameter 76 mm
Table 21.2 shows specifications of FGRFPs. The test specimens used in this
chapter were produced by the continuously helical tape wrapping method.
There is a total of eight fiberglass reinforced layers laying helically on the
inner ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) tube. Each
reinforced layer has 18 to 21 prepreg tapes that are made of 60% (volume
Stress (MPa)
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Extension (mm)
0 –100 –200 –300 –400 –500 –600
0 –20 –40 –60 –80
Load (kN)
Fiberglass snapped
HDPE cracked
–80 –40
–100 –70
–80 (a) A1
Extension (mm)
0 –100 –200 –300 –400 –500 –600
00 0 –20 –40 –60 –80
Load (kN)
Fiberglass snapped
HDPE cracked
(b) A2
Extension (mm)
0 –100 –200 –300 –400 –500 –600
Fiberglass snapped
–80 HDPE cracked
(c) A3
(a) (b)
εz = (21.1)
Δu = u1 – u2 (21.2)
βi = (21.4)
sin α i′ β
= ia
sin α i 1 + ε i
cosα i′ 1 + ε z (21.5)
cosα i 1 + ε ia
tan α i′ β
= i
tan α i 1 + ε z
Structural Analysis of Fiberglass 431
where αi and α i′ irepresent the winding angle before and after deformation,
Ri and Ri′ represent the pitch radius before and after deformation, and βi
represents the pitch radius variation.
N1 = E1ε1A1
N2 = E2ε2A2
where N1 and N2 represent the axial tension of reinforced rope and matrix
rope respectively, and n represents the amount of fiber rope in each rein-
forced layer. ε1 and ε2 represent the corresponding axial strain. A1 and
A2 represent the corresponding cross-section area. Eq. (21.6) is, however,
only an implicit expression for the radial pressure, Pi, since the expression
for Ri′ given by Eq. (21.4) also involves Pi (Knapp, 1979). Thus, it is appar-
ent that an iterative procedure will be required to achieve a solution.
Ignoring the influence of the reinforced rope on the sectional stiffness,
the interaction force between layers can be deduced byelastic mechanics
Figure 21.8 shows the interaction force between different layers. The
deduction principle is similar, only different in section radius and bound-
ary condition. According to the plane strain assumption (that is, εz is
constant), Hooke’s Law and equilibrium equations are employed. The
432 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
P1 σ1 σ2 P2
d 2u 1 du u
+ − =0 (21.8)
dr 2 r dr r 2
R1 − R12 ( P1 − σ 1 ) 1 r12 R1 (− P1 + σ 1 )
uR1 = − λε Z + (21.9)
2(λ + G ) R12 − r12 2G R12 − r12
R2 R22 ( P2 − σ 2 ) 1 r42 P2 ( P2 + σ 2 )
uR2 = − λε Z +
2(λ + G ) R22 − r42 2G R2 − r4
2 2
β1 =
R (λ + 2G )( r − r )( R − r )(λ + G )G
2 2 2 2 2
( 2 ( R − r )( ( r
1 1
− r42 R12G 3 +
1 1 4 1 1
3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
P1 R1 + − ε Z λ + P1 r1 + r4 (ε Z − 3)λ + ( P1 + P2 )r4 +
4 2 2 4 2 4
( )) 1
P2 R22 R12 + r12 ( P1 + P2 )r42 + P2 R22 G 2 + λ((((2 − ε Z )λ + P1 )r12 +
( ) 1
(ε Z − 2)λ + P1 + P2 )r42 R12 + 2 ( P1 + P2 )r42 + P2 R22 r12 G +
1 2 2 2
r1 r4 λ ( P1 + P2 ) (21.13)
1 1 3
β2 =
( )
r12 − r42 R22G 3 + P2 R24 + ε Z − λ
( 2 2
R2 (λ + 2G ) r1 − r4 (λ + G )G 4 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
+ P2 r42 − r12 (ε Z − 3)λ + ( P1 + P2 )r12 + P1R12 R22 + r42 (( P1 + P2 )r12
4 2 4 4 4
)) 1
+ P1R12 G 2 + ((((ε Z − 2)λ + P2 )r42 + r12 ((2 − ε Z )λ + P1 + P2 ))R22
( )) 1
+r4 2( P1 + P2 )r12 + P1R12 λG + r12r42λ 2 ( P1 + P2 ))
434 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
δU + δV = 0 (21.15)
where U represents internal strain energy of the whole system, and V rep-
resents external load potential energy. U and V can be listed as follows:
δU = δU ic + δU mc + δU oc + ∑ δU
i =1
i (21.16)
δV = −Tδ(Δu) (21.17)
where Ui represents the strain energy of each rope. The subscripts ic, mc,
and oc represent the inner layer, middle layer, and outer layer of the matrix
ring, respectively, as shown in Figure 21.7. T represents the axial load. The
equilibrium equation can be obtained by next equation.
T = N ic + N mc + N oc + ∑ N cosα ′
i =1
i i (21.18)
Load (kN)
Specimen 1
30 Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Analytical Method
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
than that of the analytical method and FEM. This is due to the instability
of the initial loading process and material discrete influence. Although
the curves may have a certain range of allowable error, they are still com-
parable. Curves from those three sets of methods coincide with each other,
further implying the accuracy and reliability of virtual work.
The reason the FEM result differs from the analytical result can be clas-
sified into three major categories. Each flake of fiberglass is simplified as
eight fiberglass ropes, as shown in Figure 21.11, which makes the HDPE
area bigger than that in the experiment. The HDPE makes a large contri-
bution to tension at the early stage, so the discrepancy between the ana-
lytical results and the FE results may arise from the HDPE area. Another
reason is that the fiberglass is embedded into reinforced layers in FEM,
that means fiberglass and HDPE are fully bonded. Instead of considering
bonding between fiberglass and HDPE, the reinforced layer is simplified
as two kinds of rope arranged at intervals around the same way in the ana-
lytical model. Additionally, UHMWPE is assumed as HDPE to be better
application of analytical model, so slight differences may be caused due
to this.
Radius (mm)
Analytical Method
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
the analytical result, the radius (consistent with Figure 21.7) variation
tendency is given in Figure 21.14. The radius of each layer decreases with
the increase of axial displacement not only in the analytical analysis but
also in the FE analysis.
Curves from analytical method and FEM closely coincide with each
other when the elongation is less than 7.7%. Actually, the results from
FEM are slightly lower than that of the analytical method. The difference
between the two methods can be explained as follows. At the first stage
Structural Analysis of Fiberglass 439
120 #6
Load (N)
40 #3
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%) #2
–120 #1
Fiber Glass
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
21.5.5 Summary
According to the above analysis, the operating principle of each com-
ponent in FGRFP can be inferred. A flexible rope under tension has the
following three conditions.
Structural Analysis of Fiberglass 441
Pure PE
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
Figure 21.17 Comparison between pure PE pipe and FGRFP with the same thickness
(analytical model).
100 50°
80 60°
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
1.0 60°
0.8 55°
Contribution 45°
0.6 50°
0.2 55°
0.0 60°
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
angle is 45°. The calculations suggest that the fiberglass makes a negative
contribution to the resistance when winding angle reaches 60%, which is
unreasonable in practical terms. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose 55°
as the proper winding angle.
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
75 Fiberglass
60 D/T=6
Load (kN)
15 D/T=8
0 2 4 6 8
Extension (%)
21.7 Conclusions
In this chapter, the mechanical behavior of FGRFP subjected to tension is
investigated by experimental, theoretical, and finite element methods. A
prototype test with three specimens has been verified by both analytical
and finite element methods. Considering material nonlinearity, the pro-
posed numerical method represents a valuable alternative way to under-
stand the mechanics properties of each component. The above three
methods validate each other with good accuracy and reliability.
This procedure can be used in predicting the tension behavior of a
fiberglass reinforced pipe and should provide a useful design tool for such
pipes. Generally, the tension-extension curve shares the same trend as the
HDPE material relation. The simplified fiberglass in the inner layer shows
compressive resistance, while the outer layer provides tension resistance in
the analytical analysis.
The influence of various parameters is determined in a parametric study.
As the fiberglass winding angle increases, the tensile stiffness of FGRFP
decreases gradually. Increasing or decreasing fiberglass amount has no
significant effect on the tension-extension relation. But, the stress of each
fiberglass can be decreased by increasing the fiberglass amount. Diameter-
thickness ratio reflects flow capacity of FGRFP. The larger diameter-
thickness ratio is, the higher tension-extension relation reaches.
The results presented in this chapter are able to provide a macro concept
for understanding this newly emerging pipe subjected to tension and serve
as the primitive work of other possible loads. The described theory, finite
method, and experimental method can provide some references for the
related engineering practice to a degree and for future research on the
more comprehensive analytical derivation.
446 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
The authors would like to acknowledge Kevin Conroy who helped us to
examine the grammar of this chapter. In addition, the authors express their
gratitude to Shanghai Fei Zhou Bo Yuan Petroleum Equipment Technology
Co., Ltd. for their help on conducting the experimental studies with all
necessary equipment.
Bai, Y., Wang, Y., Cheng, P., Liu, Q., Jin, X. H., & Xu, L. B. 2012. Axial strength of
reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP). In Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st
International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
Bai Y, Liu T, Ruan W, Chen W. 2017. Mechanical behavior of metallic strip flexible
pipe subjected to tension. Composite Structures. 170.
Custodio AB, Vaz MA., Estefen SF. 1999. A survey on the response of subsea
umbilical cables under axisymmetric loads. Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian
Congress of Mechanical Engineering. p. 22–26.
Custódio, AB, Vaz MA. 2002. A nonlinear formulation for the axisymmetric
response of umbilical cables and flexible pipes. Applied Ocean Research.
de Sousa JRM, Magluta C, Roitman N, Londoño TV, Campello GC. 2013. A
study on the response of a flexible pipe to combined axisymmetric loads.
Proceedings of ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean,
Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
p. V04BT04A040-V04BT04A040
de Sousa JRM, Campello GC, Kwietniewski CEF, Ellwanger GB, Strohaecker TR.
2014. Structural response of a flexible pipe with damaged tensile armor wires
under pure tension. Marine Structures. 39:1–38.
Gibson AG, Arun S. 1989. Composite materials in the offshore industry.
Comprehensive Composite Materials. 459–478.
Hu HT, Lin WP, Tu FT. 2015. Failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composite lami-
nates subjected to biaxial loads. Composites Part B: Engineering. 83:153–165.
Knapp RH. 1975. Nonlinear analysis of a helically armored cable with nonuniform
mechanical properties in tension and torsion. Proceedings of OCEAN 75
Conference. IEEE. p. 155–164.
Knapp RH. 1979. Derivation of a new stiffness matrix for helically armoured
cables considering tension and torsion. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering. 14(4):515–529.
Rosenow MWK. 1984. Wind angle effects in glass fibre-reinforced polyester fila-
ment wound pipes. Composites. 15(2):144–152.
Structural Analysis of Fiberglass 447
22.1 Introduction
Recently, fiberglass reinforced flexible pipe (FRFP) has been widely used
in offshore transportation due to its high corrosion resistance, light weight
characteristic, and relatively low fabrication and facility cost. Compared
to other types of bonded pipes, it has a higher density and shows better
subsea mechanical behavior.
FRFP studied in this chapter, shown in (Figure 22.1), consists of a poly-
ethylene liner, eight layers of reinforced tape made of polyethylene and
fiberglass wrapping around the liner and an outer polyethylene coating. The
inner liner pipe is ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)
and the outer coating pipe is high-density polyethylene (HDPE), while the
reinforced tape is made of HDPE and fiberglass.
There are numerous papers on analyzing the responses of metallic cyl-
inder tube under pure bending. Brazier’s [1] studies clarified that the oval-
ity of cross-section leads to deterioration of flexure rigidity under bending
load. Weinitschke and Reissner [2] proved the Brazier’s work through
more formulations. The strain-displacement of infinitely-long cylinder
shell under pure bending was investigated by Gellin [3].
Shaw [4] and Kyriakides [5] analytically predicted the growth of ovality
for tubes under cyclic bending by using a number of nonlinear-hardening
plasticity models. Kyriakides and Ju [6, 7] studied the interaction of bifur-
cation and localization instability of thin-wall tube by experiments and
mathematical methods. Lee [8] used Hill’s quadratic anisotropic yield
function to predict bifurcation curvatures and wrinkle wavelengths which
are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment results. Karamanos
[9] proposed the nonlinear finite element method to investigate infinitely
long thin-wall tubes. Hauch [10] presented the predictions of ultimate
limit under various loading such as external pressure and pure bending
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (449–474) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
450 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
and used the experiments to prove them. Takano [11] presented the
displacement-strain relation by investigating the buckling of moderately
thick anisotropic cylinders. Gong [12] proposed a two-dimensional the-
oretical model to study the buckling response of offshore pipeline under
several conditions like tension and bending.
However, the studies on bending behavior of bonded flexible pipe are
still not enough. Corona and Rodrigues [13] proposed the formulation
considering nonlinear pre-buckling response, the possibility of shell-type
bifurcation, and the material failure criterion by studying the responds
and first failure of long cross-ply composite tubes under pure bending.
Xia [14] studied the bending behavior of fiber-reinforced sandwich pipes
with filament-wound. Arjomandi and Taheri [15] investigated the buck-
ling and post-buckling response of sandwich pipe line under pure bend-
ing load by using finite element mothed. Li [16] used theoretical method
to predict the buckling moments of the plastic pipe reinforced by cross-
winding steel wire (PSPs) under bending. Bai [17] studied the collapse
of reinforced thermo-plastic pipe under external pressure and bending
moment by theoretical method and finite element method, and those two
methods showed great agreement with each other [18].
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 451
In this chapter, based on the nonlinear ring theory and the principle
of virtual work, a model which simplifies the infinite length glass fiber
pipe into a two-dimensional plane is established in the theoretical part.
This model takes the nonlinear effect of materials into consideration by
using J2 flow theory and considers the contribution of glass fiber to rein-
forced layers by introducing the reduction factor. The Newton-Raphson
method is used to solve the equilibrium equations in MATLAB. In the
FEM part, a detailed FEM is established with the glass fiber embedded.
The result obtained from those two methods showed agreement with
experiment and it proves the using of theoretical method in engineering
is possible.
22.2 Experiment
The bending experiments mothed is usually known as three-point bending
test and four-point bending test. Kagoura [17] used the three-point bend-
ing test to investigate the bending stiffness of metallic flexible pipe, and
Zheng [19] used the same experiments mothed to get the bending stiffness
of other type of flexible pipes. Since the test section is not under pure bend-
ing load in three-point bending test, there is a stress concentration on the
test section. In this chapter, the bending moment-curvature relationship of
FRFP is obtained by four-point bending test.
30 25
Engineering Stress-strain Engineering Stress-strain
True Stress-strain True Stress-strain
25 20
Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)
0 0
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Strain Strain
displacement gauge
Loading beam
Loading roller
Rigid region
Test section
Support roller
Test section
l L1 l
22.2.2 Specimen
The FRFP specimen is formed by an inner UHMWPE, an outer HDPE, and
eight reinforced layers. HDPE and fiberglass constitute the eight reinforced
layers in which the winding angle of fiberglass in odd layers is +54.7° and
the winding angle of fiberglass in even layers is −54.7° (the converses direc-
tion compared to +54.7°). Material properties and manufacturing dimen-
sions of the specimens are shown in Tables 22.2 and 22.3.
2r + D0
∆ − l ⋅ tanθ + (2r + D0 ) − =0 (22.1)
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 455
κ= (22.2)
F 1
M= ⋅ − (2r + D0 )tanθ (22.3)
cosθ cosθ
where θ is the inclination angle of the rigid region with respect to the hor-
izontal line, r is the diameter of the roller, D0 is the outer diameter of the
rigid region, l is the horizontal distance between the loading roller and the
support roller, L is the length of the test section, and F is half the thrust
generated by the jack.
(a) Specimen 1
(b) Specimen 2
(c) Specimen 3
2000 3#
Moment (N·m)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
ĸ (m–1)
the transverse shear deformation through the thickness. Under the small
deformation assumption, the axial strain is given:
ε x = ε x0 + ζκ (22.4)
where ε x0 is the strain of the axis of the pipe and ζ is the distance from any
point on the deformed section to the neutral surface under bending, as
shown in Figure 22.6.
The circumferential strain is given:
v′ + w 1 v′ + w 1 v − w′ γ′
εθ = + + + z ⋅ κ θ + θ
R 2 R 2 R R (22.6)
v ′ − w ′′ v − w′
κθ = 1−
R 2 R
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 459
γ θr = γ θ
Glass fiber
Matrix (HDPE)
Glass fiber
glass fiber
II matrix
Representative volume unit
E2 = + EPE (1 − VI ) (22.10)
EPE + EFB 1 −
E3 = + EPE 1 − FB (22.11)
VI V (22.12)
G12 = G13 = + GPE 1 − FB
GPEVI + GFB (1 − VI ) VI
G23 = + GPE (1 − VI ) (22.13)
GPE + GFB 1 −
ν FBVFB + ν PE (VI − VFB )
ν 23 = + ν PE (1 − VI ) (22.15)
+ 1−
where EPE, νPE, and GPE is the Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and shear
modulus of HDPE matrix; EFB, νFB, and GFB is the Young’s modulus,
Poisson’s ratio, and shear modulus of the fiberglass; VPE, VFB, and VI is
the volume fraction of the matrix, fiber and section I, as shown in Figure
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 461
22.8. In specific, the volume of the representative unit equals one and the
shaded part is the glass fiber.
i 1 ν12 ν13 i
ε11 − − 0 0 0 σ 11
E1 E2 E3
ν12 1 ν 23
ε 22 − − 0 0 0 σ 22
E1 E2 E3
ν13 ν 1
ε 33 − − 23 0 0 0 σ 33
i i E1 E2 E3
=S σ = 1
γ 23 0 0 0 0 0 τ 23
γ 13 0 0 0 0 0 τ 13
1 τ 12
γ 12
0 0 0 0 0
s i = Ts i TT (22.17)
462 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Without taking σr, τzθ, and τrz into consideration, the stiffness matrixes
can express as
Si S12i S14i Ci C12i C13i
11 11
C = S21i S22i S24i = C21
i i
C22 i
S41 S42i S44i i
C32 i
K i = C22
i i
/E Matrix (22.20)
where E Matrix is the Young’s modulus of the matrix for the i-th layer.
σ σ
= EPE 1 − 0.7 + 0.001 (22.21)
ε σ0 σ 0
where EPE is the elastic modulus of HDPE and σ0 is the yield stress of HDPE,
the two of them can be calculated by using the method on ISO527-2012
Based on the J2 flow theory with isotropic hardening and only three
stress components are considered, the strain rate can be expressed as
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 463
σ ε
z z
σ θ = [D ] εθ
i −1
τ γ
θr θr
1 + Q(2σ z − σ θ )2
Di = −ν + Q(2σ z − σ θ )Q(2σ θ − σ z ) (22.23)
3Q(2σ z − σ θ )τ θr
0, σ e < σ e ,max
Q= 1 E (22.25)
4σ 2 E − 1 , σ e ≥ σ e ,max
e t
∑∫ ∫
(σˆ xδε x + σˆθδεθ + τˆθrδγθr )(R + z )dz dθ = 0 (22.27)
0 t1k
∑∫ ∫
2π t2
M= f
σˆ xζ ( R + z )dz dθ (22.31)
0 t1
Y Inner Layer
Matrix Y
Z X Outer Layer
(a) Inner, outer layer and matrix (b) one layer of glas-fibers
(c) embedded fiber in matrix (d) the whole FEM model
(e) 3D solid element (38CDI) (f) Truss element (32TD)
and a nonlinear static analysis (Nlgeom option) is selected for large dis-
placement effects.
U1 = U2 = 0
On z-axis
X U1= 0 X
2000 3#
Moment (N·m)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
κ (m–1)
Figure 22.11 Comparison of results from bending test, theoretical method, and
numerical simulation.
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
uneven speed of loading is another reason for it. In general, the result shows
great agreement with each other at the period whose curvature is equal to
or less than 2m−1, and the difference between the theoretical method and
finite element method is close to each other at this period. It proves that
the simplification made in the theoretical method is reasonable when the
curvature is relatively small. When the curvature is larger than 2m−1, the
deviation of the theoretical method from finite element method increases a
little and the biggest deviation is about 4.68% less than 5% which is accept-
able in practical engineering. The main reason of this phenomenon is that
the transverse shear deformation is assumed as one-order linear in the the-
oretical method. As shown Figure 22.12, when curvature is small, the stress
of fiber is no more than 2.64 MPa basically; however, the stress of the outer
layer is generally larger than 3.21 MPa. It means that the fiber contributes
a little to the bending stiffness of pipe when the curvature is small. Instead,
when the curvature is large, the stress of the both sides of the layer of fibers
reach 30.79 MPa, which is larger than the maximum stress (21.47 MPa) of
the outer layer. It means that the fibers can play a function of constraining
to the radial deformation of the cross-section to prevent ovalization when
the curvature is relatively large. Therefore, using the reduction factor Ki
to consider the fiber’s contribution to constraint is another reason for the
difference between the theoretical method and finite element method. In
conclusion, the contribution of fibers is too small to be considered before
the curve reaches the ultimate bending moment and the result of curva-
ture-bending moment relations obtained from three methods agree well
with each other, which can prove that the simplified analytical model and
FEM are accurate and reliable.
κc (m–1) 3.2
6 7 8 9 10
(a) limit curvature--D/t curve
Mc (N•m)
6 7 8 9 10
(b) limit moment--D/t curve
curvature decrease along with the increasing thickness of FRFP, whlie the
decreasing rate slows down. More concretely, the D/t ratio raises from 6
to 10, it means that the thickness of the pipe decreases from 13 to 7.8 mm
when the diameter is 78 mm. Along with the increase of the D/t ratio, the
limit curvature and moment decreases 27% and 36% separately. This illus-
trates that the D/t ratio has a great effect on the limit moment and curvature.
orientation between the bending axis and the major axis of the ellipse, and
the most dangerous situation happens when the two axes coincide. As shown
in Figure 22.14, the limit cuvature-initial ovality and the limit moment-
initial ovality relationship are nealy linenear. More concretely, along with the
increase of the initial ovality from 0% to 5%, the limit curvature and moment
κc (m–1)
0 1 2 3 4 5
∆0 (%)
(a) limit curvature--∆0 curve
Mc (N•m)
0 1 2 3 4 5
∆0 (%)
(b) limit moment--∆0 curve
decreases only 1.4% and 8.2% separately. It can be concluded that the influ-
ence of the initial ovality on the limit curvature and moment is small.
22.7 Conclusions
This chapter presents experimental studies of the three 10-layer FRFP on
the four-point bending experiment machine in Research Lab for Civil
Engineering in China. The curvature-moment relations were recorded
during the test. Based on the nonlinear ring theory, and by introducing
the effect of the transverse shear deformation and the simplified method of
reinforced layers, the theoretical method is proposed to estimate the oval-
ization instability of FRFP under the pure bending load. Then, a 10-layer
FEM with different materials was established for a further study of the
mechanical behavior of FRFP under the bending load. Moment-curvature
relations obtained from the three methods agree with each other very well.
It proves that the theoretical method can accurately predict the response of
ovalization instability under pure bending. From comparing and discuss-
ing, the key conclusions can be drawn.
a) Comparisons are carried out between the theoretical method, numer-
ical simulation using ABAQUS and the bending test, which proves that the
54.7° winding glass fiber contributes a little to stiffness of FRFP before
collapse. Thus, the flexibility of FRFP is almost the same with the unrein-
forced HDPE pipe.
b) The theoretical method can predict mechanical behavior of the
FRFP before collapse of the pipe wall, and the reasons of slight differences
between the theoretical method and finite element method after collapse
are as follow: 1) the use of the reduction factor considers the fiber’s contri-
bution to constraint and 2) the assumption of one-order linear transverse
shear deformation.
c) Thickness of the pipe wall is a key parameter which contributes a lot
to the stiffness under pure bending, and the increasing effects on stiffness
drops down along with the increase of thickness. It means that increasing
the thickness of pipe wall is an efficient way to improve the limit curvature
of FRFP under pure bending.
d) Initial ovality has a relatively little effect to the limit curvature and
moment when the initial ovality is less than 5%. It means that the loss of
stiffness caused by initial ovality when its value is less than 5%, which is
acceptable in practical engineering.
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Bending 473
1. Brazier L G. On the flexure of thin cylindrical shells and other “thin” sec-
tions[J]. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 1927, 116(773): 104–114.
2. Reissner E, Weinitschke H J. Finite pure bending of circular cylindrical
tubes[J]. Quarterly of applied mathematics, 1963, 20(4): 305–319.
3. Gellin S. The plastic buckling of long cylindrical shells under pure bend-
ing[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1980, 16(5): 397–407.
4. Shaw P K, Kyriakides S. Inelastic analysis of thin-walled tubes under cyclic
bending[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1985, 21(11):
5. Kyriakides S, Shaw P K. Inelastic buckling of tubes under cyclic bending[J].
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 1987, 109(2): 169–178.
6. Kyriakides S, Shaw P K. Inelastic buckling of tubes under cyclic bending[J].
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 1987, 109(2): 169–178.
7. Ju G T, Kyriakides S. Bifurcation and localization instabilities in cylindrical
shells under bending—II. Predictions[J]. International journal of solids and
structures, 1992, 29(9): 1143–1171.
8. Corona E, Lee L H, Kyriakides S. Yield anisotropy effects on buckling of cir-
cular tubes under bending[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures,
2006, 43(22–23): 7099–7118.
9. Karamanos S A. Bending instabilities of elastic tubes[J]. International Journal
of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39(8): 2059–2085.
10. Hauch S R, Bai Y. Bending moment capacity of pipes[J]. Journal of Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2000, 122(4): 243–252.
11. Takano A. Buckling of thin and moderately thick anisotropic cylinders under
combined torsion and axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2011,
49(2): 304–316.
12. Gong S, Yuan L, Jin W. Buckling response of offshore pipelines under
combined tension, bending, and external pressure[J]. Journal of Zhejiang
University-SCIENCE A, 2011, 12(8): 627–636.
13. Corona E, Rodrigues A. Bending of long cross-ply composite circular
cylinders[J]. Composites Engineering, 1995, 5(2): 163–182.
14. Xia M, Takayanagi H, Kemmochi K. Bending behavior of filament-wound
fiber-reinforced sandwich pipes[J]. Composite structures, 2002, 56(2):
15. Arjomandi K, Taheri F. Bending capacity of sandwich pipes[J]. Ocean
Engineering, 2012, 48: 17–31.
16. Li X, Zheng J, Shi F, et al. Buckling analysis of plastic pipe reinforced by
cross-winding steel wire under bending[C]//ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels
and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009:
474 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
23.1 Introduction
Recently, fiberglass reinforced flexible pipe (FRFP) has been widely used
in offshore transportation due to its high corrosion resistance, light
weight characteristic, and relatively low fabrication and installation cost.
Compared to other types of bonded pipes, it has a higher density and
shows better subsea mechanical behavior.
FRFP studied in this chapter, shown in (Figure 23.1), consists of a poly-
ethylene liner, eight layers of reinforced tape made of polyethylene and
fiberglass wrapping around the liner and an outer polyethylene coating. The
inner liner pipe is ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)
and the outer coating pipe is high density polyethylene (HDPE), while the
reinforced tape is made of HDPE and fiberglass.
Flexible pipes under various loads have been studied by many scholars;
however, most of the research is confined to unbonded flexible pipes. On
the numerical side, A. Bahtui et al. [1, 2] modeled an unbonded flexible
riser under various loads in which all layers are separated with contact
interfaces between each layer. Hector E. M. Merino et al. [3] created a
FEM under torsion considering the friction and adhesion between layers,
the results show that finite element estimations agree quite well with the
experimental measurements. Then, M. S. Liu et al. [4] imported a model
into ABAQUS to simulate the riser’s mechanical behavior under torsion.
This model takes into consideration material nonlinearity and nonlin-
ear boundary conditions. On the analytical side, Bahtui et al. [2] created
an analytical model based on the hypothesis of small displacements and
strains. REN Shao-fei [5] exhibited an analytical model taking local bend-
ing and torsion of helical strips into consideration. Results show these
two factors may have great influence on torsional stiffness. Yong Bai et al.
[6] developed a modified theoretical model based on the model initially
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (475–502) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
476 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
External Coating
Reinforced Tapes
Internal Liner
23.2 Experiments
A full-scale laboratory test was conducted at the Ningbo-OPR factory in
China to study the mechanical behavior of FRFP subjected to pure torsion.
Specimens used in this research were produced by Shang Hai Fei Zhou Bo
Yuan Petroleum Equipment Company. Components of the FRFP are: an
inner UHMWPE, an outer HDPE, and eight reinforced layers consist of
HDPE and fiberglass. The fiberglass in odd reinforced layers winds in one
direction, while the fiberglass in other reinforced layers winds in the con-
verse direction. Detailed material properties and geometric parameters of
the specimens are listed in Tables 23.1 and 23.2.
Experimental Process
a) Measured the valid length and diameter of the specimens
and recorded the data (see Table 23.3).
b) Conditioned the specimen at room temperature for no less
than 2 hours.
c) Assembled the samples onto the torsion testing machine and
took care to align the axis of the specimen with the end con-
nectors of torsion machine.
d) Tightened the end connectors evenly and firmly to the
necessary degree in order to prevent slippage between
The bulge area of the first sample was located at 1/4 of distance from the
pipe’s fixed end, and the bulge area of the second sample was located at 2/5
of distance from the fixed end, while the bulge area of the third sample was
located at 1/5 of distance from the fixed end. The deformations of three
samples are shown in Figure 23.2.
In order to determine reasons for the failure of FRFP, a section along the
circumferential direction at the twist shape of the pipe was cut so that the
deformation situation inside the pipe could be examined. It can be seen
from Figures 23.3 and 23.4 that some gaps appear in the reinforced layer
and there is some arcuate deformation on the inner layer; however, these
gaps on the reinforced layers appear at different areas for each specimen.
The cross-section form of specimen 1 is similar to Figure 23.3. By remov-
ing the outer PE layer of specimen 1, it can be seen in Figure 23.5 that the
outermost reinforced layer separates slightly from the inner layers.
As shown in Figure 23.6, the torque-torsion angle relationship of three
test specimens closely aligns with one another. In the beginning phase,
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Figure 23.5 The damage of reinforced layers of Specimen 1 after parting from outer layer.
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 481
Torque (N·m)
500 specimen 1
specimen 2
specimen 3
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Torsion Angle (rad)
there are some fluctuations of the first sample which may be due to the fact
that connectors of the torsion machine were not tight enough. Therefore,
the torsion angle and small amount of torque for the first specimen in the
beginning period is not counted in the results. After passing the unstable
state, the torque goes up steadily until it drops suddenly at a peak point,
and the maximum torque recorded is regarded as the failure torque. The
failure torque obtained from the tests are 2,343 N•m for the first sample,
2,650 N•m for the second sample, and 2,777 N•m for the third one, which
demonstrate low variability. The average value of the failure torque is 2,590
N•m. The maximum torque difference of these three specimens is 15.6%,
and the maximum rotation angle difference is 8.24%, demonstrating the
accuracy and repeatability of the experiment. The above differences came
into being because of the different directions the torque applied on the
pipe’s end, the different winding angle of fiberglass in the outermost rein-
forced layer, the different amount of fiberglass, and the different distance
between each fiberglass during fabrication.
θ r
φ –φ
r, r
θ L
Figure 23.8 Relationship between on-axis coordinate (L, T, r) and off-axis coordinate
(z, θ, r).
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 483
ET = Er = + EPE (1 − VI ) (23.2)
EPE + EFB 1 −
VI V (23.3)
GLT = GLr = + GPE 1 − FB
GPEVI + GFB (1 − VI ) VI
GTr = + GPE (1 − VI ) (23.4)
GPE + GFB 1 −
µ FBVFB + µ PE (VI − VFB )
µTr = + µ PE (1 − VI ) (23.6)
+ 1−
1 µ LT µ LT
− − 0 0 0
µ 1 µ
− LT − Tr 0 0 0
µ µ 1
− LT − Tr − 0 0 0
S( k ) =
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 485
where the symbol S is on-axis flexibility matrix. The superscript “−1” in Eq.
(23.7) denotes the inverse matrix.
By introducing the flexibility and stiffness transformation matrices Tε
and Tσ which are a function of the angle α, the relationships between the
off-axis and on-axis elastic constants are expressed as
S ( k ) = Tε( k )S ( k ) Tε( k ) )
C ( k ) = Tσ( k )C ( k ) Tσ( k ) )
, k = 2, 3…n − 1 (23.10)
(k )
m2 n2 0 0 0 −mn
n m2 0 0 0 mn
Tε( k ) = 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 m n 0
0 0 0 −n m 0
2mn −2mn 0 0 0 m − n2
(k )
m2 n2 0 0 0 −2mn
n m2 0 0 0 2mn
Tσ( k ) = 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 m n 0
0 0 0 −n m 0
mn −mn 0 0 0 m − n2
(k )
C11 C12 C12 0 0 0
C12 C22 C23 0 0 0
C C23 C22 0 0 0
C = 12
(k ) (23.13)
0 0 0 C44 0 0
0 0 0 0 C55 0
0 0 0 0 0 C55
(k )
C11 C12 C13 0 0 C16
C12 C22 C23 0 0 C26
C13 C23 C33 0 0 C36
C (k ) = (23.14)
0 0 0 C44 C45 0
0 0 0 C45 C55 0
C16 C26 C36 0 0 C66
(k )
C11 C12 C13 0 0 0
C21 C22 C23 0 0 0
C C32 C33 0 0 0
−(k )
C = 31 (23.15)
0 0 0 C44 0 0
0 0 0 0 C55 0
0 0 0 0 0 C66
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 487
It can be calculated by
C ( k ) = (S ( k ) )−1 , k = 1, n. (23.16)
(k )
1 µ µ
− k − k 0 0 0
Ek Ek Ek
µ 1 µk
− k − 0 0 0
Ek Ek Ek
µ µk 1
− k − 0 0 0
Ek Ek Ek
S ( k ) =
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
where the symbol S is the off-axis flexibility matrix. Ek is the elastic mod-
ulus of PE and μk is the Poisson’s ratio of PE. The superscript “−1” in Eq.
(23.16) denotes the inverse matrix.
where, ur, uθ, and uz are radial, hoop, and axial displacements, respectively.
The strain-displacement relations can be described as
488 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Substituting Eq. (23.18) into Eq. (23.19), Eq. (23.19) can be simplified as
∂σ r( k ) 1 ∂τ θ( kr ) ∂τ zr( k ) σ r( k ) − σ θ( k )
+ + + =0 (23.21a)
∂r r ∂θ ∂z r
∂τ θ( kr ) 1 ∂σ θ( k ) ∂τ z(θk ) 2τ θ( kr )
+ + + =0 (23.21b)
∂r r ∂θ ∂z r
{σ }( k ) = C ( k ) {ε−}( k )
Substituting Eqs. (23.20) and (23.23) into Eq. (23.21), the equilibrium
equations lead to
∂σ r( k ) σ r( k ) − σ θ( k )
+ =0 (23.24a)
∂r r
∂τ θ( kr ) 2τ θ( kr )
+ =0 (23.24b)
∂r r
∂τ zr( k ) τ zr( k )
+ =0 (23.24c)
∂r r
uθ( k ) = γ 0rz + A( k )
uz( k ) = ε 0 z + B( k )
(k) (k)
ur( k ) = D ( k )r β + E ( k )r − β + α1( k )ε 0r + α 2( k )γ 0r 2
490 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
β ( k ) = C22
(k ) (k )
/ C33 (23.26a)
C12( k ) − C13( k )
α1( k ) = (k ) (k ) (23.26b)
C33 − C22
(k ) (k )
C26 − 2C36
α 2( k ) = (k ) (k ) (23.26c)
4C33 − C22
For the anisotropic materials (reinforced layers) used in this study, there
(k ) (k ) (k ) (k )
C22 /C33 > 0 and C22 /C33 ≠ 1.
Using transformation matrix Tσ( k ) and Tε( k ), strains and stresses in local
material coordinates can be obtained:
{ε }( k ) = Tε( k ) {ε }( k )
{σ }( k ) = Tσ( k ) {σ }( k )
{σ }( k ) = C ( k ) {ε }( k )
∂σ r( k ) σ r( k ) − σ θ( k )
+ =0 (23.30a)
∂r r
∂τ θ( kr ) 2τ θ( kr )
+ =0 (23.30b)
∂r r
(k) (k)
As an isotropic material, there exits C22 / C33 = 1, C12( k ) = C13( k ) and
(k) (k)
C26 (k)
= C36 = 0, which leads to β(k) = 1, α1 = α 2 = 0 (k = 1, n) in Eq.
Hence, the solutions of ur, uθ, and uz in the inner and outer layers can
be expressed by
uθ( k ) = γ 0rz + A( k )
uz( k ) = ε 0 z + B( k )
E(k )
ur( k ) = D ( k )r +
where, A(k), B(k), D(k), E(k) are unknown integration constants to be determined.
where, k = 1, 2⋯n − 1.
Axial equilibrium for a cylinder with closed ends
2π σ z( k ) (r )r dr = 0 (23.34)
rk −1
k =1
Torsion condition
2π τ z(θk ) (r )r 2 dr = T (23.35)
rk −1
k =1
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 493
Using Eq. (23.32b), Eqs. (23.33d) and (23.33e) can derive that the
integration constant, A(k) = 0. Therefore, the hoop displacement can be
expressed as follows:
uθ = γ0rz (23.36)
D (1)
D (n ) 0
E (1) 0
= [ M ]2n+2 ,2n+2 (23.37)
E(2) 0
E (n ) 0
ε0 0
γ0 T / (2 * pi )
2n+ 2 ,1
Once their values are determined, the strains and displacements are
thus obtained from Eqs. (23.20), (23.25), and (23.31), respectively. Then,
the stresses can be calculated as products of strains and stiffness matrices.
where α 0(k ) is the initial wound angle of the k-th reinforced layer. Change
of the wound angle leads to a nonlinear stiffness matrix of the reinforced
layer in the cylindrical coordinate system.
3 s s 3 3
2 s
3 s s
s s
3 3 2 1
s 2 s
s s 2s
3 2
3 2 1
s 2 1
2 3
3 s 2 3 s
1 s 3 2
2 s 3
3 2 1
s 2s 1 3
1 2
3 s 2 3
1 s 1 2
s 3
2 1 1 3
s 2 s
13 2
3 1
2 1 s
s 2 2 12 s
Y 1 s
13 1 s 2 3
s s 32
Z X 2 1 2
s 2 1
3 s s 3 3
2 s
3 s 2
2 s
3 s
3 2 s
s 2
2 3
s s s 3
3 2
2 s
2 21 3
31 3 s
s 3 1 2
2 s 3
3 2
2 2 s
2 1 s 3
1 s 1 3
3 2
s 1
s 32
2 s s 3
2 1 1
1 2
s 1
2 3 s
1 s 2 2
Y 1 2
1 s3 1
s 1
s s 3
Z X 2 2
2 1
1 s
on one of the reference point, UR3 was rotated 0.4 rad. The deformation
and von Mises stress distribution of the model is shown in Figure 23.13.
The torque-torsion angle relationship of these three methods agrees with
each other well enough in the elastic phase; however, there are still some
differences among these three methods mainly because of the material
properties. The average torsional rigidity of these three methods remains
about 8,333 N·m/rad, shown in Figure 23.14.
S, Mises
(Avg: 75%)
specimen 1
specimen 2
500 specimen 3
numerical solution
analytical solution
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
torsion angle/rad
Torque (N·m)
2000 30°
1500 40°
1000 50°
500 60°
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Torsion Angle (rad)
Torque (N·m)
1000 4mm
500 6mm
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Torsion Angle (rad)
Figure 23.16 Torque-torsion angel relations under different reinforced layer thicknesses.
the reinforced layer is, the higher the torsion rigidity becomes. The tor-
sion rigidity is 11,844 N·m/rad when the thickness of reinforced layer
is 8 mm, 57.55% higher than only 5,028 N·m/rad when the thickness is
4 mm. Therefore, torsion rigidity can be influenced greatly by the thick-
ness of reinforced layer, which, in return, can remarkably increase the
torsional resistance.
The radius-thickness ratio was modified in ABAQUS while the other
parameters were maintained the same as the original model. The inner
diameter was set up as 40, 50, and 60 mm, so the radius-thickness ratios of
these three models became 66/13, 76/13, and 86/13, respectively. As seen
in Figure 23.17, the higher the radius-thickness is, the higher the torsion
rigidity becomes. The highest torsion rigidity is 12,598 N·m/rad when
the radius-thickness ratio is 86/13, 61% higher than only 4,890 N·m/rad
when the radius-thickness ratio is 66/13. Therefore, increasing the radius-
thickness would be an effective way to enhance torsion resistance in prac-
tical engineering.
23.8 Conclusions
This chapter presents experimental studies of three 10-layer FRFP on the
torsional experiment machine in Ningbo OPR (Offshore Pipelines and
500 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Torque (N·m)
1000 66/13
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Torsion Angle (rad)
The authors would like to thank Shang Hai Fei Zhou Bo Yuan Petroleum
Equipment Company and OPR (Offshore Pipelines and Risers Inc.) for
Fiberglass Reinforced Flexible Pipes Under Torsion 501
1. Bahtui A, Bahai H, Alfano G. A finite element analysis for unbonded flex-
ible risers under torsion[J]. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, 2008, 130(4): 041301.
2. Bahtui A, Bahai H, Alfano G. Numerical and analytical modeling of
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Engineering, 2009, 131(2): 021401.
3. Merino H E M, Sousa J R M, Magluta C, et al. Numerical and experi-
mental study of a flexible pipe under torsion[C]//Proceedings of the 29th
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4. Liu M S, Liu X W, Li J Y, et al. Numerical Simulation of Flexible Multilayered
Pipe/Riser Under Torsion[J]. Strength of Materials, 2017, 49(1): 180–187.
5. Ren S, Xue H, Tang W. Analytical and numerical models to predict the behav-
ior of unbonded flexible risers under torsion[J]. China Ocean Engineering,
2016, 30(2): 243–256.
6. Bai Y, Lu Y, Cheng P. Theoretical and finite-element study of mechanical
behaviour of central, large-diameter umbilical cables under tension and tor-
sion[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2015, 10(4): 393–403.
7. Knapp R H. Nonlinear analysis of a helically armored cable with nonuniform
mechanical properties in tension and torsion[C]//OCEAN 75 Conference.
IEEE, 1975: 155–164.
8. Xia M, Takayanagi H, Kemmochi K. Analysis of multi-layered filament-
wound composite pipes under internal pressure[J]. Composite Structures,
2001, 53(4): 483–491.
9. Bai Y, Xu F, Cheng P. Investigation on the mechanical properties of the
Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) under internal pressure[C]//The
Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.
International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2012.
10. Kruijer M P, Warnet L L, Akkerman R. Analysis of the mechanical proper-
ties of a reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP)[J]. Composites Part A: Applied
Science and Manufacturing, 2005, 36(2): 291–300.
11. Zhao Y, Pang S S. Stress-strain and failure analyses of composite pipe under
torsion[J]. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 1995, 117(3): 273–278.
12. Zhu Y C. Buckling Analysis of Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Winding Steel
Wires under External Pressure[J]. Zhejiang University, 2007.
Cross-Section Design of
Fiberglass Reinforced Riser
24.1 Introduction
Compared with traditional risers, fiberglass reinforced risers have the
advantages of light weight, good corrosion resistance, and long service life,
which are widely used in risers. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a sys-
tematic method for designing the cross-section of composite pipes.
In order to meet the requirement of external pressure, thick-walled
cylindrical shell is usually used as composite pipe in engineering. This
chapter is mainly based on fiberglass reinforced riser with thickness and
diameter ratio greater than 0.1.
24.2 Nomenclature
d Diameter of fiberglass
N Total number of fiberglass
i Internal radius of riser
ro External radius of riser
α Angle between the winding direction and the axial
k Coefficient, K = ro/ri
σbg Ultimate strength of fiberglass
σbp Stress of HDPE
pB Burst pressure
n Reduction factor
pdesign Design pressure
pLTHS Long-term hydrostatic pressure
k1 Design coefficient
k3 Design coefficient
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (503–512) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
504 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
24.3.2 Material
1. Dielectric layer
The dielectric layer can be made of PVDF, which has good chemical and tem-
perature tolerance in the temperature range from 0°C (32 F) to 130°C (266 F).
3. Reinforced layer
The reinforced layer is made of fiberglass, and the tensile strength of the
same batch of fiberglass varies within 5% and should be coated with suit-
able adhesive [2].
z Nd 2 (σ bg cos 2 α − σ bp )
p =
B 2
+ σ bp ( K 2 − 1) (24.1)
4ri cosα
Nd 2 (σ bg sin 2 α − σ bp )
pθB = + σ bp ( K − 1) (24.2)
4ri (ri + ro )cosα
Cross-Section Design of Fiberglass Reinforced Riser 507
pB = min pBz , pθB ) (24.3)
The ultimate strength σbg of fiberglass and the calculated strength σbp of
polyethylene can be obtained by tensile test of glass fiber and HDPE sam-
ples. Temperature reduction factor
y = 1 0 ≤ T ≤ 20°C
y = −0.005T + 1.1 20 ≤ T ≤ 60°C
pLTHS = pB × n (24.5)
Pdesign ≤ (24.6)
pB = min pBz , pθB ) (24.9)
The ultimate strength σbg of fiberglass and the calculated strength σbp of
polyethylene can be obtained by tensile test of glass fiber and HDPE sam-
ples [6].
Design criteria for burst pressure under combined load of internal pres-
sure and bending moment
Pdesign ≤ (24.10)
T = T1 + T2 (24.11)
Cross-Section Design of Fiberglass Reinforced Riser 509
( )
T1 = π X 4 r42 − r32 + r12 − r02 ε z (24.12)
( 2
8 X1 2r23 − r13 − r33 ( X 2 X 3 − X1 )(1 + X 2 )
2 2 2 2
) 4
T2 = 2π 9 X 4 r4 − r3 + r1 − r0 + 2 X5 (1 + X 2 ) r3 − r1 (
1 2
+ 2 ( X 6 − X 2 X 7 ) r3 − r1
X2 = ν(1) (24.15)
X4 = E(1) (24.16)
− − − −
X 6 = m 4 Q11 + 2m 2n 2 Q12 + n 4 Q 22 + 4m 2n 2 Q 33 (24.19)
Q11 = , Q22 = (24.22)
1 − ν LT νTL 1 − ν LT νTL
Q12 = , Q33 = GLT (24.23)
1 − ν LT νTL
510 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
T = T1 + 2T2 (24.24)
Tdesign ≤ (24.25)
Ro × Dm × µzr 1
Rcrit ,b = ×
0.28 × t ε (24.26)
Rcrit ,b
Rdesign ≤
k2 (24.28)
2 Eθ t
Pcr = (24.29)
1 − µθ z µzθ Do
Cross-Section Design of Fiberglass Reinforced Riser 511
Pdesign ≤
k4 (24.30)
H Gm 2π
β= =
E f Af Ef R0
A f ln
1. Syed Naqvi, Karam Mahmoud, Ehab El-Salakawy. Effect of Axial Load and
Steel Fibers on the Seismic Behavior of Lap-Spliced Glass Fiber Reinforced
Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Columns[J]. Engineering
Structures, 2017,134.
2. Theeranan Thummakul, Dimitri Gidaspow, Pornpote Piumsomboon,
Benjapon Chalermsinsuwan. CFD simulation of CO2 sorption on K2CO
3 solid sorbent in novel high flux circulating-turbulent fluidized bed riser:
Parametric statistical experimental design study[J]. Applied Energy, 2017,190.
3. K.D. Do. Boundary control design for extensible marine risers in three
dimensional space[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2017,388.
4. Xiaoyuan Wang, Yalu Zhu, Minzhao Zhu, Yuezhao Zhu, Hongtu Fan,Yinfeng
Wang. Thermal analysis and optimization of an ice and snow melting system
using geothermy by super-long flexible heat pipes[J]. Applied Thermal
Engineering, 2017,112.
5. Liang Zhen, Pizhong Qiao, Junbin Zhong, Qingyuan Chen, Jin-Jian Chen,
Jian-Hua Wang. Design of steel pipe-jacking based on buckling analysis
by finite strip method[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017,132.
512 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
6. Jian Qu, Xiaojun Li, Yingying Cui, Qian Wang. Design and experimental
study on a hybrid flexible oscillating heat pipe[J]. International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017,107.
7. Stephen H. Taylor, Suresh V. Garimella. Design of electrode arrays for 3D
capacitance tomography in a planar domain[J]. International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 2017,106.
Fatigue Life Assessment of Fiberglass
Reinforced Flexible Pipes
25.1 Introduction
Fiberglass reinforced flexible pipe (FGRFP) belongs to a new type of com-
posite pipe. It is mainly composed of three layers, which are inner PE layer,
fiberglass reinforced layer, and outer PE layer. Among them, the fiberglass
reinforced layer is formed by winding the fiberglass reinforced belt around
the lining layer at a certain angle. Usually, the fiberglass reinforced layer is
composed of multi-layer structure. The three layers of structure are closely
bonded together to form the pipe body of the FGRFP. Because FGRFP is
made of non-metallic materials and PE, it has many advantages. Such as, it
has strong deformation ability, small bending radius, corrosion resistance,
and fatigue resistance.
For a long time, researchers have done a lot of research on the fatigue
analysis of flexible pipes. Sævik S et al. [1] have studied the fatigue test,
stress analysis and fatigue modeling of two kinds of non-bonded 4-inch
flexible pipe specimens. The correlation between the experimental failure
mode and the condition of fatigue model prediction has been theoretically
studied, and a good correlation between the experimental and theoretical
behavior has been observed.
Tan ZM et al. [2] studied the fatigue evaluation of flexible risers in bimodal
and proposed a more accurate irregular wave method for evaluating the
fatigue of flexible pipes. Through the OrcaFlex and its tensile line stress model,
the model produces the bending hysteresis behavior and stress results in the
dynamic excitation process, and the fatigue damage is evaluated by the rain
flow counting method.
Kraincanic I et al. [3] considered the influence of nonlinear sliding on the
bending behavior of marine flexible pipelines based on the principle of virtual
work and Coulomb friction. The mechanism of relative sliding of the unit in
the whole bending process of marine flexible pipelines is studied in detail.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (513–530) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
514 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
condition of the pipeline in the sea can be obtained. In addition, the max-
imum position of the internal force on the riser section can be obtained
by the static calculation. The second step is dynamic calculation, which
imposes a 10-year-once ocean current condition on the pipeline. The
implicit integral method is used to solve the deformation and stress of the
flexible pipe. Finally, the maximum tension and curvature of the force in
the FGRFP changing withtime is obtained. From Figures 25.1 and 25.2, it
can be seen that the tension and bending moment of flexible pipes fluctu-
ate within a certain range under the combined action of random waves,
currents, wind loads, and FPSO.
Life Assessment of Fiberglass Flexible Pipes 517
Tension (kN)
0 100 200 300
Time (s)
Bend Moment (kN·m)
The basic counting rules for rain flow counting are as follows:
(1) The rain flow sequentially flows from the inside of the peak
position of the load time history down the slope.
(2) The rain flow starts from a certain peak point and stops
when it encounters a peak larger than its initial peak.
(3) When the rainwater encounters the rain flowing down, it
must stop flowing.
(4) Take out all the full cycles and note the amplitude of each cycle.
(5) The time history of the divergent convergence load remain-
ing after the first stage count is equivalent to a convergent
divergence load time history, and the second stage rain flow
count is performed. The total number of count cycles is
equal to the sum of the count cycles of the two count phases.
By using the rain flow counting method, the tension time history curve
and the bending moment time history curve obtained by the global analy-
sis are arranged, and the histogram of the tension and bending moment
frequency distribution such as Figures 25.3 and 25.4 can be obtained.
Number of Cycles
5 6
79 78 2
77 76 10
5 0
75 0
Mean Tension(kN) Tension Amplitude(kN)
Number of Cycles
0 2
17 1
16.90.516.8 0
Bending Moment Amplitude (kN·m)
Mean Bending Moment (kN·m)
25.5 Modeling
In this chapter, the fiberglass reinforced flexible composite pipe is stud-
ied, so the composite material modeling method is adopted. At present,
there are three kinds of commonly used ABAQUS composite modeling
Because the dynamic analysis is used in the local analysis of FGRFP, the
shell element is used to establish the finite element model, and the consti-
tutive relationship between fiberglass reinforced layer and PE is established
by using the material properties of ABAQUS embedded monolayer. The
property of ABAQUS monolayer is that fiberglass reinforced layer is equiv-
alent to orthotropic macroscopic homogeneous material. This equivalence
520 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
uniform, and the stress concentration in the end part is limited by the
constraint conditions. Due to the long length of the FGRFP, the influence
of the end is not taken into account according to the principle of Saint-
Venant. Therefore, we take the element in the middle of the FGRFP as the
reference element for each layer of stress and strain.
From Figure 25.6 we can see that the stress time histories of the inner
and outer layers of PE show that the trend of the stress changes with time
is very similar. The stress of the inner and outer layers of PE fluctuates
around 3.8 MPa, and the maximum fluctuation amplitude is 0.27 MPa.
Inner PE Layer
4.2 Outer PE Layer
Stress (MPa)
50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Figure 25.6 Stress time histories of inner PE layer and outer PE layer.
522 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
This Figure 25.7 shows the stress time histories of all structural layers.
It can be seen that the stress change trend of the eight fiberglass reinforced
layers are similar. The stress of the fiberglass reinforced layers fluctuates
around 95.88 MPa, and the maximum fluctuation amplitude is 8.08 MPa.
The mean stress of the inner and outer PE layers is 3.8 MPa, and the stress
of the fiberglass reinforced layers is far greater than that of the PE layers.
In addition, the stress change amplitude of the inner and outer PE layers
is smaller than that of the fiberglass layers. It can be concluded that the
fiberglass reinforced layers are the main stress layers and the key part of
the fatigue failure of the FGRFP under the marine environment. Therefore,
the strength of the flexible pipe can be greatly enhanced by increasing the
strength of the fiberglass reinforced layers.
The Figures 25.8 and 25.9 show that the stress produced by the rein-
forced layers laid at the same angle are very similar, and the thickness has
little influence on it, compared with the reinforced layer laid at 55° of four
layers and the reinforced layer laid at −55° of four layers.
Because the stress time histories are almost the same when the laying
angle is the same, in order to compare and analyze the difference between
the stress time histories of the fiberglass reinforced layer with 55° and that
of the fiberglass reinforced layer with −55°, only two layers of the reinforced
layer with different angles are taken as the object of analysis in Figure 25.10.
By comparing the two curves, it can be seen that the stresses produced by
the two layers are different when they are subjected to the same tension
and bending moment. The stresses produced by the reinforced layer laid at
55° are slightly larger than those produced by the reinforced layer at −55°.
Stress (MPa)
Inner PE Layer
Fiber Glass Reinforced 1
Fiber Glass Reinforced 2
60 Fiber Glass Reinforced 3
Fiber Glass Reinforced 4
Fiber Glass Reinforced 5
40 Fiber Glass Reinforced 6
Fiber Glass Reinforced 7
Fiber Glass Reinforced 8
20 Outer PE Layer
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
55° Layer 1
55° Layer 3
110 55° Layer 5
55° Layer 7
Stress (MPa)
–55° Layer 2
–55° Layer 4
105 –55° Layer 6
–55° Layer 8
Stress (MPa)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
The mean stress of the fiberglass reinforced layer with 55° of paving angle
is 96.6 MPa and the change amplitude is 6.88 MPa. The mean stress of the
fiberglass reinforced layer with −55° of paving angle is 95.37 MPa and the
change amplitude is 6.81 MPa. The mean difference of fiberglass reinforced
524 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
55° Layer 1
104 –55° Layer 2
Stress (MPa)
Figure 25.10 Comparison of 55° layer and −55° layer (0.75 mm).
layer between 55° and −55° laying angle is 1.22 MPa, and the variation
amplitude difference is 0.07 MPa.
Stress (MPa)
0 100 200 300
Time (s)
Figure 25.12 shows the stress time histories produced when the thick-
ness of reinforced layer is 0.5 mm and the laying angle is 55° and −55°. It
can be seen that the fluctuation trend of the two is similar. Among them,
the stress produced by 55° fiberglass reinforced layer fluctuates around
141.1 MPa, the maximum amplitude is 10.37 MPa, and the stress produced
Stress (MPa)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Figure 25.12 Comparison of 55° layer and −55° layer (0.5 mm).
526 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
by −55° fiberglass reinforced layer fluctuates around 139.5 MPa, the maxi-
mum amplitude is 11.41 MPa.
Figure 25.13 shows the stress time histories of fiberglass reinforced layer
with thickness of 0.25 mm and laying angle of 55° and −55°, respectively.
Similarly, the fluctuation trend of both is similar. Among them, the stress
produced by 55° fiberglass reinforced layer fluctuates around 263.2 MPa,
the maximum amplitude is 23.11 MPa, and the stress produced by −55°
Stress (MPa)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Figure 25.13 Comparison of 55° layer and −55° layer (0.25 mm).
Stress (MPa)
0 100 200 300
Time (s)
lg( N + 1) a
S = 1 + m exp − − 1
In the formula, S = σmax/σult, σmax is the tensile strength. The physical mean-
ing of the other three parameters is also very clear: parameter a is the slope
of the curve, which is related to the static strength of the material and its
structure, reflecting the fatigue resistance of the material itself; parameter B
is similar to the characteristic life, which more reflects the internal damage
extension of the material under the external load; when n →∞, S → 1 − m, so
parameter m reflects the fatigue limit of the material.
For the FGRFP which is selected in this chapter, m = 1, a = 2.1, b = 4.7.
The S-N curve is shown in Figure 25.15.
The tensile strength of glass fiber is 798 MPa. In this chapter, when the
thickness of glass fiber reinforced layer is 0.75 mm, the maximum stress is
101 MPa. Therefore,
0 2 4 6 8 10
Ig (N)
Based on the rain flow method and S-N curve, we can obtain that N =
3,000,000. Because the single damage is equal to 1 N, so the single damage
rate of FGRFP in this marine environment is 3.33 × 10−7.
25.9 Conclusion
Under the influence of marine environment, the stress produced by fiber-
glass reinforced layer in FGPFP is obviously greater than that produced by
PE layer, both of which fluctuate within a certain range. Compared with
the PE layer, the stress fluctuation of fiberglass reinforced layer is larger.
When the reinforced layer is laid at the same angle, the stress changes of
each layer are very similar. The stress of the reinforced layer laid at the neg-
ative angle has little change compared with the reinforced layer laid at the
positive angle. Fiberglass reinforced layer is the main force component of
fiberglass pipe, and it is also the key part of fatigue failure of fiberglass pipe.
The thickness of fiberglass reinforced layer has great influence on the
stress of PE layer and fiberglass reinforced layer. Therefore, the strength of
flexible pipe can be greatly improved by increasing the strength of fiber-
glass reinforced layer and choosing the appropriate thickness of fiberglass
reinforced layer.
After global analysis and local analysis, the S-N curve of FGRFP is drawn,
and the fatigue life is found out according to the calculation results and rain
Life Assessment of Fiberglass Flexible Pipes 529
flow method. It is found that under this condition, FGRFP can withstand
3,000,000 cycles of loading with a single damage rate of 3.33 × 10−7.
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the Fatigue Life of Tensile Armors of Flexible Pipes” 37th International
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International Journal of Fatigue 32(2010):134-138.
Part 4
Typical Connector Design for Risers
26.1 Introduction
In a connector, to enable contacts to other structures, all of the flexi-
ble pipe layers must be terminated. The end-fitting must have the same
structural integrity as the flexible pipe itself. As mentioned above, all
of the flexible pipe layers must be terminated so that they are capable
of transmitting the pipe induced loads such as bending moments. The
fluid barrier must be terminated in a way, which ensures no leakage
during the lifetime when considering relevant factors such as pressure,
temperature, and transported medium. Particularly, connectors used on
floating systems are subjected to large varying loads, which may cause
fatigue damage with leakage of explosive and poisonous gases and flu-
ids as a probable result. Due to the sealing requirements involved, the
connector sealing mechanism should ensure that the combined strain
induced by the in-service end loads does not result in the failure of the
sheath during the service life [1]. In this article, we have demonstrated
how the seal system used in the termination of the rough bore pipes
and smooth bore pipes have been developed. It needs to be considered
that in rough bore pipes, the carcass is the support of gaskets and also
contact pressures are carried by it. It was found that only the pipeline
size and the yield stress of carcass material effects should be considered;
thus, we can decrease the carcass radius. It means that changing the car-
cass profile has no effect in the sealing system function. Meanwhile, if
the carcass is fixed against axial movements, we can ignore the inner
liner holder. Smooth bore pipes have no carcass, so we have to use an
inner liner expander. The inner liner expander diameter is the same
as the pipe size and is a tube stretch which is pressed into the inner
liner. Therefore, the carcass was exposed to hoop stress and inner liner
expander was exposed to hoop and bending stresses.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (533–546) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
534 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
26.2 Carcass
The carcass is designed to support the inner liner of the riser against
external pressures. The external pressure can subject the inner liner in
two ways. If there is gas diffusion through the inner liner, a pressure is
built-up in the annulus between the two polymeric layers. The build-up
of this pressure usually takes more than a few days. As long as the pres-
sure inside the riser is maintained the inner liner is in mechanical equi-
librium. However, if the internal pressure is dropped quickly from high
to low, the gas is unable to diffuse back through the inner liner immedi-
ately. Accordingly, the pressure on the outside of the inner liner is much
higher than on the inside. The inner liner itself is not capable of carrying
any specific external pressure and will consequently collapse if it is not
supported on the inside. The carcass is installed to provide the inner liner
with this support. Another way the inner liner is subjected to external
pressure is if the outer sheath is damaged, and seawater enters the annu-
lus. If the pipe is unprescribed, the inner liner is subjected to an external
pressure equal to the water pressure, so the carcass is necessary to pre-
vent the collapse of the inner liner. The carcass and other components of
a riser are shown in Figure 26.1.
Nevertheless, the carcass has a significant role in the connection part
of the riser as well. The carcass role in the sealing system of a connector is
undeniable. In the following, this issue will be discussed.
bonded to
tensile armor
536 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
annulus may be built up. The outer sheath itself is not capable of carry-
ing high annulus pressure. Hence, the gas is relieved when the differential
pressure has reached a certain limit, in the order of 0.4 MPa. The gas is
relieved through the ports (vent, primary release, and secondary release),
which open at a predefined differential pressure [5].
The friction force between the crimp seal and the inner liner is the basis
of anchoring [7].
This chapter reviews the method which considers termination into two
devices. That means the seal system is not combined with the crimp ring seal.
The seal system contains many ring joints gaskets separated by mechanic
rings. The gaskets and the rings are placed on the outside of the inner liner
in a sealing insert. This seal system has also seal seats, which create sufficient
contact pressure between the gaskets and the surrounding surfaces.
the profile is possible. Depending on the profile type, the length of the car-
cass can be elongated or shortened up to 10%, due to the relative displace-
ment [9]. Theoretically, if a carcass is pulled out of a topside riser connector
and shortened due to its own weight it will not support the inner liner of
the top section of the riser as it should support. It is necessary to transfer
the force from the carcass weight to the connector; this is done by the car-
cass holder. In fact, this is done by screwing a steel bushing on the outside
of the carcass and utilizing the inherent spiral grooves. The carcass holder
is a device for mechanical fixation of the carcass; it has a thread on the
inside with the same pitch as the carcass [10].
The carcass holder is screwed on to the carcass and fixed by a number
of screws to avoid any rotations and movements. In order to prevent the
galvanic corrosion, the carcass holder is made of the same material as the
carcass. The outer diameter of the carcass holder, including the insulation
bushing, is given by the inner liner holder since both components have to
fit into the end body. The inner diameter is based on measurements of the
carcass after manufacturing.
The thread dimensions of the carcass holder depend on the carcass
dimensions. The carcass weight induces shear stress; for carrying this
stress, the teeth must have a certain thickness. This thickness can be calcu-
lated by the following equations [11]:
Wcar 3
b> (26.1)
σ y ,car Lt
Lt = N π d + (26.2)
This kind of design is not too much sensitive to variations in the carcass
outer diameter.
Installing the expander in the inner liner is a challenging task. Therefore, for
solving this problem, the inner liner will be heated up. Consequently, deter-
mining the final outer diameter of the inner liner (used to design the com-
ponents of the seal system) after installation of the expander is too difficult.
As long as the seal system is activated, choosing a criterion for the time is
another challenge. Most of the times the expander is stiff, so during activa-
tion, it does not deform. Instead, the axial displacement of the inner casing
as a function of the applied torque is analyzed during the activation [12].
Carcass and expander have many differences. While the carcass can be
regarded as a number of two-dimensional rings, due to the high pitch, as
well as, the expander has a longitudinal dimension. Hence, the carcass is
only exposed to hoop stress, while the expander is exposed to both hoop
and bending stresses. The carcass is more porous than the expander. There
is a contact pressure between the inner liner and the expander; therefore,
the pressurized fluid in the pipe doesn’t improve the seal system certainty,
as it does in rough bore pipes. Drilling some small holes in the expander
under the gaskets to make it more porous can solve this problem. However,
regarding stress concentration around the holes, drilling the expander
reduces the strength of that. Consequently, the wall thickness of the
expander should be larger.
teq = (26.3)
δ car
ε car = (26.4)
Typical Connector Design for Risers 541
where (δcar) is the radial deformation of carcass relative to the initial radius
This strain induces stress (σcar) as below:
δ car
σ car = Eε car = E (26.5)
Figure 26.5, shows the vertical direction force equilibrium and it’s given
Pc = σ θ (26.6)
Rcar Inner liner expander
For obtaining the contact pressure, Eqs. (26.4) and (26.5) is substituted
in Eq. (26.6):
Pc = E 2
δ car (26.7)
Pc ,max = σ y (26.8)
σθ σθ
δ car ,max = Rcar (26.9)
Eqs. (26.8) and (26.9) do not consider some effects, like strain hard-
ening of the carcass material or contact between neighboring profiles of
the carcass. The equations show when the same carcass profile is used,
with increasing pipe size the maximum contact pressure will be decreased.
Table 26.1 presents three various typical carcass profiles, and by replacing
this amounts in the above equations valuable results are derived.
26.8 Discussion
According to Eq. (26.7), the seal system under varying pressure has been
analyzed. A pressure cycle between P = 0 MPa and P = 20 MPa is applied
in fixed steps of ΔP = 0.4 MPa over a total of 100 increments. The radial
deformation of the carcass during activation and pressure loading is shown
in Figure 26.6. It should be noticed that when the carcass will be removed
by the pressure, the inner liner and the gasket move back to their last posi-
tion, which they had before the activation.
Deformation (mm)
100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
δcar (mm)
0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –0.8 –1 –1.2 –1.4 –1.6 –1.8 –2
Pc (MPa)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 26.7 Pc and δcar relationship for different carcass profiles and pipe sizes (values are
shown in Table 26.2).
No Pipe size (in) Rcar (mm) Profile Pc,max (MPa) δcar,max (mm)
26.9 Conclusions
This chapter discussed the role of the carcass in the sealing system of the
riser connector. The termination of the carcass is a significant matter in
the end-fitting of the riser. From Eqs. (26.8) and (26.9), the pressure at
which carcass yield is the largest possible contact pressure. The initial con-
tact pressure from crimping the gasket on the inner liner has no effect on
this contact pressure.
According to Table 26.2, if the carcass profile of the pipes is same, the
small diameter pipes are able to carry a higher contact pressure than the
larger pipes, since they are more rigid. Likewise, for equal pipe sizes, when
the contact pressure is maximum, the maximum deformation of the car-
cass is independent on the carcass profile. This is seen both for the 6-in
(40 × 1, 40 × 1.2, and 55 × 1.4 profiles) and 8-in (40 × 1.2 and 55 × 1.4 pro-
files) pipes. In addition, with increasing pipe sizes, Pc is decreased.
As a matter of fact, for the different combinations of pipe size and car-
cass profile, the pressure on the inner liner is generally smaller than the
pressure on the sealing insert, although the difference is in a range of 50%,
except for the 8-in 40 × 1.2 pipe where the difference is up to 100%. The
rigidity of the sealing insert caused this difference, whereas the supporting
carcass and the inner liner are deformable.
The gap between the inner liner and the sealing insert and also between
the inner liner and the inner casing remain independent and persistent of
carcass profiles and pipe sizes. Regarding to determine the correct activa-
tion, deformation of the carcass for all carcass profiles and pipe sizes is the
It is from Figure 26.7 that in the maximum contact pressure, the carcass
deformation is not a function of the carcass profile; actually, the only func-
tion of the yield stress of the carcass material and the pipe size affects it.
The carcass must be fixed against the axial movements, in the end-fitting;
otherwise, the seal system function is failed. Because the carcass is threated,
so external pressure causes the carcass to rotate and expand axially, which
decrease the diameter and then reduce the contact pressure. While, the
axial position of the gasket relative to the carcass is not important.
Typical Connector Design for Risers 545
This chapter showed that the carcass has a notable effect in the sealing
system, so for smooth bore pipe which has no carcass, inner liner expander
is the best substitution. It has many differences with carcass but still it is
required for improving the seal system of a riser connector.
The riser connector structure is so complicated; therefore, for future
work, finite element study for considering the carcass role in the seal-
ing system of the riser connector and comparing it with theoretical
methods would be useful for better understanding the applicability of
theoretical models.
1. American Petroleum Institute, API Publishing Services, 1220 L Street, N.W.
Washington D.C. 2005, “Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe”, API RP
17B, 5th edition, 2014.
2. American Petroleum Institute, API Publishing Services, 1220 L Street, N.W.
Washington D.C. 2005, “Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe”, API Spec
17J, 4th edition, 2014.
3. American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM, Bar Harbor Drive,
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428, USA. Test Methods for Tensile,
“Compressive and Flexural Creep and Creep Properties”, 1995.
4. Berge, S. and Eide, O. “Thermal Cycling of High Temperature Flexible Pipe”.
In Conference Papers – An International Conference on Oilfield Engineering
with Polymers. MERL, 1996.
5. Berge, S. and Eide, O. “Facility for Thermal Cycling of End Terminations of
Flexible Pipe”. In Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Flexible
Pipes, Umbilicals and Marine Cables – Material Utilization for Cyclic and
Thermal Loading. Marinflex, 1999.
6. Dansk Standard, Charlottenlund, Denmark. Geometric Product Specifications
(GSP) Surface Texture: Profile Method – “Rules and Procedures for the assess-
ment of Surface Texture”, 1st Edition, 1997.
7. Fox, R.W. and McDonald, A.T. “Introduction to Fluid Dynamics”. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc, 3rd Edition, 1985.
8. Kalman, M., Belcher, J., Chen, B., Fraser, D., Ethridge, A. and loper, C.
“Development and Testing of Non-Bonded Flexible Pipe for High Temperature/
High Pressure/Deep Water/Dynamic Sour Service Applications”. In Proceedings
of Offshore Technology Conference. Offshore Technology Conference, 1996.
9. MacFarlane, C.J. “Flexible Riser Pipes: Problems and Unknowns”. Engineering
Structures, 11, 1998.
10. Patel, M.H., Witz, J.A. and Tan, Z. “A Flexible Risers Design Manual”. Dilke
House, 1 Malet Street, London WC1E 7JN, UK, 1993.
546 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
27.1 Introduction
One of the critical areas of a flexible riser is the top part of the riser, just
before the hang-off arrangement. This area is prone to overbending, and
hence, an ancillary device is incorporated into the design to increase the
stiffness of the riser and prevent bending of the riser beyond its allow-
able bend radius. For this application, flexible pipe manufacturers tend to
use bend stiffeners to provide a better performance in applications with
high-motion vessels. Bend stiffeners also provide a moment transition
between the riser and its rigid end connection. Bend stiffeners are designed
separately from the pipe cross-section analysis, and specialized software
is used for this purpose. Global loads from the flexible riser analysis are
used as input to the bend stiffener design, and the design in detail can refer
to reference [1].
Bend stiffeners are normally made of polyurethane material, and their
shape is designed to provide a gradual stiffening to the riser as it enters
the hang-off location. The bend stiffener polyurethane material is itself
anchored in a steel collar for load transfer. Bend stiffeners are sometimes
utilized subsea, such as in steep-S or steep wave applications to provide
support to the riser at its subsea end connection and to prevent overbend-
ing at this location. Design issues for bend stiffeners include polyurethane
fatigue and creep characteristics. The cone dimensions are determined
with the most severe tension and angles combination to satisfy a mini-
mum bending radius acceptance criteria and an acceptable fatigue life for
the pressure vault and the armor wires of the flexible structure. Figure 27.1
shows an example of a bend stiffener. Note that bend stiffeners longer than
20 ft have been manufactured and are in operation in offshore applications.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (547–560) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
548 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
EI (s) SR
Load contour
αmin αmax
Ebπ 4
EI (s ) = EI r +
Ro (s ) − Ri4 ) 0 ≤ s ≤ SB (27.1)
( R − R )s 4
Eπ 4
EI (s ) = EI r + b B i
+ Ri − Ri4 0 ≤ s ≤ SB (27.2)
4 SB
where RB is the radius at the root end of the bend stiffener. Thus, the bend-
ing stiffness distribution is a function of the length and root diameter of
the bend stiffener. These parameters are in an optimization scheme consid-
ered as the unknowns that need to be determined.
In a general formulation, xs denote the vector of shape parameters used
to define the bend stiffener geometry over the length 0 s SB . The shape
function can in this case, e.g., describe a piecewise linear variation of outer
radius of the bend stiffener or any other parameterized outer geometry.
Two criteria are applied to establish optimal bend stiffener geometry:
(1) O
ptimized bend stiffener shall obtain maximum allowable
curvature given by the capacity curve for at least one loca-
tion along the load contour.
(2) The bend stiffener length shall be minimized.
The margin to the capacity curve for given values of the geometry
parameters can be expressed as
( )
m( x s , SB ) = min κ m x s , SB ,T ,α Rc (T ) − κ R (T )) for Tmin ≤ T ≤ Tmax
α Rc (T ) : Load contour;
κR(T): Capacity curve;
κm(xs, SB, T, αR): Maximum curvature along bend stiffener for loads
(T, αR) and given geometry parameters (xs, SB).
Thus, the bend stiffener optimization is recognized as a classic opti-
mization problem: Minimization of the objective function, SB with
constraints m(xs, SB) = 0. A tailor-made software, Benito, has been
established to solve this problem. The following main functionalities
have been included:
552 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
load contour
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
relative angle
Maximum bend
0.07 stiffener curvature
along load contour
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Applied tension
Outer radius
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Length coordinate
(1) Th
e entire tension range is conservatively assumed for
the maximum relative angle (i.e., design line approach, see
Figure 27.3);
(2) Capacity is described by constant curvature independent of
the effective tension;
(3) A stiffness modeling of the bend stiffener is applied (i.e.,
geometry not considered).
EI (s ) = EI r + 2TD RD2 sin 2 0 ≤ s ≤ SB = RDα R (27.4)
2 RD
It should be noted that this is the shortest possible bend stiffener for the
load case described by (αR, TD) if RD = Rc. The derived stiffness distribu-
tion given by Eq. (27.4) is for this reason also denoted the design equation
as it provides an optimal bend stiffener for one specific load case.
For more complex load cases, optimization is required considering TD
and RD as unknown parameters to determine the optimal bend stiffener
geometry. This means that an optimal configuration is sought within the
class of functions described by the design equation. The general proce-
dure as outlined in the previous section can be applied. Alternatively, a
tailor-made procedure for this simplified optimization problem can be
applied [2, 3].
Bend Stiffener and Restrictor Design 555
Figure 27.7 shows typical results for a bend stiffener geometry obtained
by the described optimization procedure, the specified critical radius of
curvature is Rc = 3m. Figure 27.7 shows the curvature along the local
model for 50 discrete points on the design line. Distinct curvature peaks
are observed close to the bend stiffener tip and at the root end. Both
peaks agree with the specified curvature capacity confirming optimal
The basis for constructing non-dimensional design curves is to apply
the described procedure to establish design parameters TD and RD for
relevant ranges of all input design parameters.
The design parameters TD and RD can hence be expressed as functions
of Tmin, Tmax, αmax, EIr, Rc, and Sr. Thus, the bend stiffener design prob-
lem is described by a functional relationship between eight parameters
expressed in terms of the basic dimensions of force [N] and length [m].
According to the principles of standard dimensional analysis, an equiva-
lent description can be obtained by a functional relationship between six
independent non-dimensional parameters. Furthermore, it can be shown
that the bend stiffener design is independent of Sr provided that Sr is suf-
ficiently long, typically Sr* = Sr/Rc [2]. The bend stiffener design is hence
completely described by the five non-dimensional parameters given in
Table 27.1.
For practical applications, it is convenient to express the nondimen-
sional design parameters TD* and RD* as function of αmax and θ* for a
Rc = 3m
0.0 Tmin
0 1 2 3 4
Non-dimensional stiffness
Tmax Rc2
θ* = parameter
EI r
RD Tr =
Tmin =0
2.0 RC 0.2
1.5 0.4
1.0 0.8
1 10 100 1000 10000
3.5 Tmax Tr = Tmax
3.0 TD 0.2
2.0 0.4
1.5 0.6
1.0 0.8
1 10 100 1000 10000
Tmaxα2max C
For non-dimensional bend stiffener load of about 30, the value of both
Tmax/TD and RD/RC is about one. The bend stiffener length is therefore
about RCαmax.
For non-dimensional bend stiffener loads greater than 30, the riser load
dominates and there is a strong dependency on the force ratio (the tension
range). The bend stiffener is longer than RCαmax for this region.
27.8 Conclusions
The bend stiffener is a vital component to ensure the structural integrity
of the interior functional and strength elements of risers and umbilicals.
A general optimization scheme has been outlined which gives the short-
est bend stiffener for a given extreme loading environment. Of particular
importance for umbilicals is the capability to include the capacity curve
and a complex extreme load description in the bend stiffener optimiza-
tion scheme. A bend stiffener design procedure suitable for use in delivery
projects is outlined. The methodology presented and the knowledge of the
shortest possible bend stiffener is also of great benefit in such projects. The
methodology is also very useful for feasibility studies.
1. SøDahl N, Ottesen T. Bend Stiffener Design for Umbilicals[C]// ASME
2011, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
2. Sødahl N, ‘Methods for Design and Analysis of Flexible Risers’, Phd Thesis,
Div of Marine Structures – NTNU 1991.
3. Sødahl N, Larsen C M, ‘Design procedure for bending stiffeners in flexible
riser systems’, 1989, PRADS 89, Varna, Bulgaria.
4. Ottesen T, Aarstein J A, ‘The statistical boundary polygon of a two parameter
stochastic process’, OMAE 2006, Hamburg.
5. Polak E, ‘Computational methods in optimization’, Academic Press, 1971.
Bend Stiffener and Restrictor Design 559
0.9 1.0 10
0.8 0.9
15 15
0.7 20 20
25 0.8 25
30 30
0.6 50 50
90 90
0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200θ*1400 θ*
560 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
30 30
1.15 25
1.2 15
10 10
0.9 0.90
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 θ*1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Tr* = 0.8 *
Tr = 0.8
1.40 1.10
R*D 90
1.15 15
1.05 10
1.00 0.90
0.95 20
0.90 50
90 0.80
0.85 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 θ*1400 θ*
End Termination Design for Umbilicals
28.1 Introduction
The end termination for umbilicals is mechanical fitting attached to the
end of an umbilical which provides a means of transferring installation
and operating loads, fluid, and electrical services to a mating assembly
mounted on the subsea installation or surface facility. Armored umbilicals
shall be terminated with end terminations with a minimum loading capa-
bility equal to or exceeding the maximum working load of the umbilical.
The terminations shall be designed for use in a marine environment.
Subsea Umbilical Termination (SUT) is the mechanism for mechani-
cally, electrically, optically, and/or hydraulically connecting an umbilical or
jumper bundle to a subsea system. The SUT contains the UTA (Umbilical
Termination Assembly) and STI (Subsea Termination Interface) but does
not include bend restrictors or stiffeners. Figures 28.1 and 28.2 illustrate
SUT for steel tube umbilical and thermoplastic umbilical.
In the design of subsea termination assembly, all parts of the SUT
need to be studied under the various loading scenarios, and for each load-
ing scenario the tensile, bending, shear, bearing, and equivalent stresses are
calculated. The calculated stresses are then compared against the allowable
stresses in the materials and if the ratio is found to be below 1, and then,
the part is considered fit for purpose under the loading scenario studied.
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (561–568) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
562 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Bend Restrictor STI UTA
Figure 28.1 Steel tube umbilical or thermoplastic umbilical with spool [1].
Bend Restrictor STI UTA
There are various types of UTA design and two of them are more
Stab Pin
Electrical Yoke Bend Limitor
Connectors SUTA Box
Bolted/Pinned Sea
Connection Floor
to the vertical sides of a UTA but have to accommodate small bore tubing
running horizontally into the back of their hydraulic couplers. The small
bore tubing has to reach down the length of the UTA (from the Back Face)
and turn at right angles to interface with MQC plate couplers and provide
compliance for couplers to float. This has a greater size constraint than the
height of plate hence affects UTA width more than height. Where MQC
plates require to be mounted on opposing sides of a UTA, this greatly
affects the final width dimension.
Typically, it affects the height, width, and length of the UTA as small
bore tubing has to route into and then out of the isolation valve before
running onto MQC plates.
Typically, cable termination type units should be packaged into the UTA
along with hose extension to output connectors. This tends to affect the
length of UTAs as umbilical cables must be run inside the UTA before ter-
minating. A level of cable over length is required to enable the cables to be
terminated outside of the enclosure and to ensure a second opportunity at
terminating if the first attempt fails.
The UTA design should identify all the relevant mechanical loads and load
combinations to be experienced by the UTA and present this in a Design
Basis document. The Design Basis document is the statement of applied
loads and load resistance requirements for the UTA load bearing structure.
The following is a list of potential candidate industry standards that may
be elected as a design specification for a UTA. Special care should be taken
when selecting a structural standard for use in a design basis as not all
sections of the standard may be applicable [6].
• DNV 2.7-3
• DNV-OS-C201
• DNV VMO Standard (DNV-OS-H101 to H206)*
• API 17A Appendix K
• API 17D Appendix K
• AISC 13th Edition (ASD)
It should be noted that all the above design standards work on the basis
of defining a static mass or weight (Static Rating) for the equipment to be
lifted/handled. All then apply design factors to the static number in order
to cover dynamic accelerations that will be experienced in an offshore lift-
ing and handling environment. Given that the identity of the installation
vessel/vessel crane/installation spread is rarely available at the time of
design of the UTA, this is the most practical way forward for UTA struc-
tural design.
will increase the total length of the STI, yet in theory, the length of the UTA
may be reduced accordingly.
1. Thomas Worzyk. Submarine Power Cables - Design, Installation, Repair,
Environmental Aspects, Springer, 2009.
2. ISO 13628-5/API 17E - Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Design and
Operation of Subsea Production Systems - Part 5: Subsea Umbilicals 2009.
3. Beedle A, Stansfield J. Current trends and design limitations of subsea
control hardware. Offshore Technology Conference, 20663, Houston, 2010.
4. IEC 60502-2 - Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages for voltages from 6kV up to 30kV, Second Edition.
5. BS EN 10244-2 2001: British Standard Steel wire and wire products. Non-
ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire. Zinc or zinc alloy coatings.
6. BS EN 10257-2 1998: British Standard Zinc or Zinc alloy coated non-alloy
steel wire for armouring either power cables or telecommunication cables.
Submarine cables.
7. International standard organization. ISO 13628 - 15 Petroleum and nat-
ural gas industries-design and operation of subsea production systems - Part
15: Subsea structures and manifolds, 2009.
Mechanical Properties of Glass
Fibre Reinforced Pipeline
During the Laying Process
29.1 Introduction
With the development of the offshore oil industry, offshore exploration
has progressed from shallow seas to deep waters. Composite materials are
being used to improve the performance of pipelines [1]. The properties
of polymeric composite materials, including their low weight, corrosion
resistance, and extended lifetime against fatigue phenomena, have ren-
dered them a competitive candidate for offshore pipeline engineering
[2, 3]. The application of glass fibre reinforced flexible pipes can improve
both production operations and deep water exploration [4]. Further, the
mechanical performance of flexible laying is better than that of other risers.
Pipeline laying methods mainly include the S-type pipe laying method,
J-type pipe laying method, rolling pipe laying method, and dragging pipe
method. Each method has its own characteristics and is suitable for differ-
ent pipeline laying conditions [5]. Pipeline laying process analysis methods
include static and dynamic analysis [6].
A variety of methods have been proposed to study the mechanical prop-
erties of metal pipelines during laying, including the catenary method,
singular perturbation method, finite difference method, finite element
method, and more [7]. In 1968, the rigid catenary method was used by
Dixon and Rutled to solve the stress and shape of deepwater submarine
pipeline S-shaped laying [8]. Gong established the static equilibrium gov-
erning the differential equation of a pipe element, using the stiffened cate-
nary theory, and the solution equations of the total pipeline configuration
from a lay-barge over a stinger to the seabed were derived [9]. Guarracino
and Mallardo applied a singular perturbation technique to the elastic
deflection of submerged pipelines [10]. Wang Lizhong et al. considered
the seabed as an elastic foundation. Based on the catenary theory and
Yong Bai. Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines, (569–588) © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC
570 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
linear beam theory, segmented models were used to solve the S-shaped
and J-shaped laying problems [11, 12]. Szczotka presented the Rigid Finite
Element Method (RFEM) to study the laying of J-pipes and compared it
with finite element ANSYS simulation results [13]. Based on the lumped
mass method, the riser was divided into a series of straight massless line
segments with a node at each end [14]. At present, scholars use ORCAFLEX
commercial software to conduct a large number of numerical simulations
on the dynamic response of offshore engineering anchor chains and risers
of different configurations and different pipeline laying methods [15–21].
Previous studies have focused on the mechanical performance of rigid
pipes during laying, while few have studied the dynamic behavior of glass
fibre reinforced pipelines. In this paper, through the finite element numer-
ical simulation method, the dynamic response characteristics of glass fibre
reinforced pipeline laying under different wave conditions were system-
atically studied. The influence of the lay angle and submerged weights on
the dynamic response of pipeline laying was discussed. Finally, we sum-
marized the factors which affect the pipeline installation stability, and put
forward suggestions for practical engineering.
π D 2 ∂u (29.1)
f I = CM ρ
4 ∂t
The drag force is related to the velocity of the fluid particle. The drag
force on the cylinder per unit height at the depth z can be expressed by the
drag coefficient CD as:
Glass Fibre Pipelines During the Laying Process 571
f D = CD µ |µ| (29.2)
The speed of the current changes slowly with time. Usually, the current
is simplified as a steady current, and it is considered that the force of the
current on the cylinder is only a drag force. Applying Morrison’s equation,
the current force f per unit height of the riser at depth z is:
ρD 2 (29.3)
f = CD µz
FD = CD ρD(v + vc )|v + vc | (29.4)
FDx = CD ρD(v x + vc cosψ )|v + vc | (29.5)
FDy = CD ρDvc sinψ |v + vc| (29.6)
The wave force of the cylinder considering the influence of the current is:
1 π D2
dFx = ρCD D(v + vc cosψ )|v + vc | ds + ρC M v x ds (29.7)
2 4
dFy = ρCD Dvc sinψ |v + vc | ds (29.8)
572 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
x = R · a · cos(ωt − φ) (29.9)
1 1 1
rt +∆t = (r − rt ) −
2 t +∆t
rt − − 1 rt (29.11)
β ∆t β ∆t 2β
rt +∆t = rt + ∆ trt + − β ∆ t 2rt + β ∆ t 2rt +∆t (29.12)
where the coefficient γ provides the weight of the linear variation between
the effect of the initial and final accelerations on the change in veloc-
ity. Similarly, the coefficient β provides the weight of the contribution of
these initial and final accelerations to the change in displacement. In the
Newmark method, γ = 1/4 and β = 1/2, which is an average acceleration
method. It is solved from the above formula:
1 1 1
rt +∆t = (r − rt ) −
2 t +∆t
rt − − 1 rt (29.13)
β ∆t β ∆t 2β
Replace the above two equations into the equation of motion at time
t + Δt:
1 γ 1 γ
M + C + K rt + ∆t = Ft + ∆t + − 1 M + − 1 C ∆ t rt
β∆t 2β 2β
1 γ 1 γ
+ M + − 1 C rt + M+ C rt
β ∆ t β β∆t
β ∆t
From the above formula, rt + Δt is obtained. rt + t and rt + t are calculated
by Equations (29.18) and (29.19).
The Newmark method is an implicit integration method. When γ≥1/2
and β≥1/4(1/2 + γ)2, the algorithm converges unconditionally. The calcu-
lation steps of the Newmark method can be summarized as follows:
1 1 1
γ ≥ , β ≥ γ +
2 4 2
1 γ 1
A1 = , A2 = , A3 =
β ∆t 2
β ∆t β ∆t
1 γ γ
A4 = − 1, A5 = − 1 ∆ t , A6 = − 1
2γ 2β β
1 1 1
rt +∆t = (r − r∆t ) −
2 t +∆t
rt − − 1 rt (29.22)
β ∆t β ∆t 2β
depth of 150 m and a departure angle of 80°. This shape is used as the initial
layout of the suspension section in the flexible laying analysis.
Figure 29.3 shows the shape of the pipeline entering the water from the
inclined slide of the pipe-laying vessel to the contact point under the con-
ditions of a water depth of 150 m and lay angles of 50, 60, 70, and 80°. This
overhang length was used as the initial layout for the dynamic analysis of
flexible laying.
Table 29.3 shows the total length, static horizontal tension, and top ten-
sion of the pipeline at different lay angles.
It can be seen from the static analysis that as the lay angle increases, the
horizontal tension and the top tension decrease. The second-order poly-
nomial fitting results are shown in Figure 29.4, through the polynomial
fitting. When the lay angle is small, the top tension is more sensitive to
changes in the lay angle. According to the maximum allowable laying ten-
sion of the flexible pipe, considering the safety factor SF = 2, a lay angle of
50° leads to a top tension greater than the allowable tension of Ta = 85kN.
Glass Fibre Pipelines During the Laying Process 577
Vertical position(m)
0 20 40 60 80
Horizontal position(m)
Figure 29.2 The static state of the pipeline under a water depth of 150 m.
V er t i c a l p o s i t i o n ( m )
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Horizontal position(m)
In the actual laying, it is necessary to select a larger lay angle. However, the
larger lay angle will lead to a smaller bending radius of the pipe contact
section, which may lead to bending failure under the action of the hull and
waves. Further dynamic analysis of flexible laying is needed to investigate
the reliability of flexible laying.
578 Deepwater Flexible Risers and Pipelines
Data point
45 Fitting curve
T o p ten s i o n ( k N )
1 2 3 4
Data point
20 Fitting curve
Top tension (kN)
1 2 3 4
Different water depth
Table 29.4 shows the static horizontal tension and top tension values
at an 80° lay angle and 80, 100, 120, and 140 m water depths, respectively.
According to Table 29.4, the top tension increases linearly with the
increase in the water depth, and the linear fitting results are shown in
Figure 29.5. Therefore, based on the maximum allowable tension of the
pipeline, the applicable water depth can be calculated.
when the wave direction is a bow sea. The statistical results of the last three
wave cycles were taken, and the change value of the maximum tension
along the flexible length coordinates is given in Figure 29.7. It can be seen
that the maximum tension value at the top of a stern sea is 40.25 kN, which
meets the requirements of the maximum allowable tension. The maximum
tension along the pipe gradually decreases. Because the first 25 m of the
hose are on the incline slide, there is a curve turning point when the pipe
detaches from the incline slide. When the pipe touches the ground, it is
subjected to axial and normal soil friction, and the tension along the pipe
decreases gradually.
Figure 29.8 gives the curve of minimum tension change along the pipe
for different wave directions during lay-up. The variation of tension at the
top is similar in the three conditions, stern sea, quarter sea, and beam sea,
Maximum effective tension(kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
Maximum effective tension(kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
0 50 100 150 200 250
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
and the location of the touchdown point changes due to hull lift and sink-
ing. The minimum tension in the touchdown area is negative in the head
sea, which will result in a possible local buckling of the pipe under pressure.
Figure 29.9 shows the curve of the minimum bend radius along the pipe
for different wave directions. It can be seen that a smaller bend radius occurs
at the top of the pipe at the point where it breaks away from the inclined slip.
In the vicinity of the pipeline touchdown, the bending radius of the head sea
and bow sea is smaller than under other conditions. The minimum bending
radius is 4.54 m in the head sea, and the minimum value of the bending
radius occurs at the position where the negative tension occurs.
Maximum effective tension(kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
Minimum effective tension(kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
Maximum bending radius(m)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Arc length(m)
Stem sea Quarter sea Beam sea Bow sea Head sea
29.5 Conclusions
This paper discusses the dynamic response of glass fibre hose laying under
different wave directions. The effects and sensitivity analysis of the lay angle
Glass Fibre Pipelines During the Laying Process 585
Stern sea
Beam sea
Head sea
Fitting curve of stern sea
Different submerged weights
0 2 4 6
Change rate relative to 0%
Figure 29.13 The relationship between the minimum bending radius and the submerged
and submerged weight are discussed. Reducing the laying angle properly
will avoid negative tension at the contact point and increase the minimum
bending radius. Adding the minimum bending radius will reduce the pos-
sibility of over bending failure in the process of laying. However, reducing
the laying angle will significantly increase the maximum tension at the top
of the pipe, which may cause it to exceed the maximum allowable tension
of the hose and cause tensile failure. Therefore, the laying angle should be
adjusted dynamically according to the wave monitoring data, to ensure the
safety of hose laying.
For the stern sea direction, the linear relationship between the rate of
change in the minimum bending radius and submerged weight is strong; in
the beam sea direction, the influence of the submerged weight on the mini-
mum bending radius is relatively small. Meanwhile, in the head sea direction,
a quadratic polynomial relationship is manifested, and the influence of the
submerged weight on the minimum bending radius is the most significant.
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590 Index
86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 110, 119, 453, 457, 460–463, 466, 472, 475,
143, 144, 217, 302, 323, 369, 370, 477, 494, 503, 506
387–390, 394–399, 401–403, 419,
447, 449, 450, 474, 501, 503–505, Initial imperfection, 16, 19, 21, 29, 64,
510, 511, 514, 534, 540, 541, 544 465
Initial ovality, 16, 470, 473
Failure criteria, 368–369, 510 Internal pressure, 36, 38, 45–50, 53–55,
Failure mode, 9, 12, 84, 85, 98–100, 85, 87–91, 94, 96–98, 213, 214,
118, 149, 154, 296, 302, 426, 427, 217, 267, 294, 296, 302, 329,
513, 515, 530 370–372, 405–410, 417–419, 447,
Fatigue damage, 6, 153, 222–223, 231, 476, 501, 508, 514, 534
233, 245, 296, 299, 305, 307, 308, Isotropic hardening, 22, 391, 463
313, 314, 318, 320, 330–333, 342,
346, 352–353, 355, 513–515, 529, J2 flow theories, 391
530, 533, 535
Finite element analysis, 83, 116, 119, Laminated-plate theory, 421, 422
120, 267, 294, 332, 361, 373, 388, Lay angle, 8, 18, 19, 31, 32, 60, 64, 87,
395, 397, 422, 465–476, 494, 501, 108, 151, 329, 340, 341, 346, 350
514, 529–530 Limit state, 5, 31
Finite element model, 4, 25, 43, 46, 55, Load case, 12, 94, 96, 104, 153–155,
120, 153, 154, 174, 187, 214, 297, 216, 300, 330, 339, 369, 554
329, 361, 364, 395–397, 405, 434,
436, 465, 494, 514, 515, 519 Material properties, 20, 22, 30, 66, 368,
Flexibility matrix, 461, 485, 487 380, 406, 407, 425, 426, 453, 465,
Flexible composite pipe, 519 477, 497, 515, 519, 520, 552, 556
Four-point bending, 123, 451, 470 Material selection, 85, 189
Four-point bending test, 451 Mechanical behavior, 5, 24, 57, 61, 63,
80, 89, 91, 92, 99, 100, 117, 119,
Gauss integration method, 465 120, 134, 139, 142, 166, 167, 174,
Geometry properties, 123 176, 187, 188, 195, 212, 240, 359,
Global analysis, 6, 84, 126, 142, 189, 360, 362, 396, 397, 402, 406, 417,
196, 212, 214, 216, 224, 236, 298, 419, 422, 442, 445, 446, 449, 465,
300, 302, 309–311, 314, 339, 343, 471, 472, 475, 477, 494, 500
514–515, 518–520, 528 Mechanical properties, 5, 39, 59, 80,
84, 85, 125, 142, 279, 369, 372,
Helical layer, 37, 91, 92, 104–106, 108, 375, 378, 380–382, 411, 420–422,
109, 114, 115, 245, 514, 515 446, 476, 483, 501, 519
Helical wire, 103–105, 107–114, 116, Metallic strip, 12, 57, 77, 80, 85, 117,
329, 334, 359–361 143, 144, 405, 446
High density polyethylene (HDPE), Minimum bending radius, 324, 369,
31, 32, 57, 58, 63, 64, 69, 70, 73, 504, 510, 547
77, 84, 95, 117, 119–123, 150, 392,
396, 406, 407, 412, 424–428, 434, Nonlinear analysis, 80, 98, 162, 243,
436, 437, 439–445, 449, 450, 452, 244, 372, 422, 446, 501
Index 591
Nonlinear behavior, 120, 174 Tensile test, 120, 122, 217, 424–426,
No-slip, 104, 112, 113, 115, 339 452, 507, 508
Tension and internal pressure, 267,
Ovalization instability, 471 294, 296, 419
Tension load, 104, 231, 440
Parametric study, 77, 134, 187, 345, Thick tubes, 403
422, 442, 445 Thin tubes, 387, 403
Pipe manufactures, 535 Time history, 123, 231–236, 238, 240,
Plastic pipe reinforced, 450, 474, 501 252, 297, 305, 311–313, 343–348,
Plastic strain, 330, 331, 333, 384 355, 515–522, 525, 526
Polymer sheath, 148–154, 280, 361, Torsion, 5, 9–11, 33, 38, 44, 55, 80,
375, 376 84, 92, 100, 101, 107, 118, 119,
Pure bending, 104, 109, 123, 363, 143, 151, 269, 270, 277, 279, 280,
449–451, 454, 457, 471, 473 282, 294, 298, 302, 327, 359–368,
372, 373, 376, 383, 415, 422, 429,
Reduction factor, 451, 462, 469, 472, 430, 434, 436, 446, 473, 475–479,
503, 507 481, 483, 485, 487, 489, 491–493,
Reinforced thermoplastic pipe, 15, 24, 495–501, 514, 529
33, 34, 51, 53–55, 80, 94, 143, 212,
388, 402, 419, 446, 474, 476, 501 Unbonded flexible pipe, 8, 10, 55, 79,
Reliabiliy, 4, 54, 64, 85, 86, 117, 143, 80, 83, 84, 91, 101, 103–105, 107,
175, 198, 227, 296, 307, 319, 437, 109, 111, 113–116, 147–149, 158,
445, 477, 496 213, 214, 216, 217, 220, 222, 223,
Representative volume unit, 391, 392, 225, 238, 241, 245, 247, 314, 387,
459, 460, 483 405, 475, 514, 529, 545
Uncertainties, 10, 356
Simple method, 84
S-N, 296, 305, 306, 308, 313, 314, 320, Virtual work, 38, 90, 338, 360, 388,
334, 339, 343, 347, 357, 527, 528 394, 401, 437, 451, 464, 513
Steel reinforcement, 87
Steel strip, 9, 15, 19, 24, 30–34, 51–55, Winding angle, 11, 32, 41, 43, 51–53,
77, 79, 80, 94, 117, 120–122, 143, 58, 59, 61, 69, 74, 83–85, 135,
296, 387, 402, 419, 514 138, 280, 361, 362, 365, 405, 406,
Steel wire, 79, 87, 150, 151, 365, 368, 416–419, 424, 431, 434, 439, 442,
369, 375, 376, 381, 382, 402, 420, 443, 445, 447, 453, 478, 481, 485,
450, 474, 501, 568 498, 500
Also of Interest