Vargas 2009
Vargas 2009
Vargas 2009
Physica B
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The g-value of Er3þ doped unfilled skutterudite CoSb3 (Th ) reveals the
existence of an additional sixth order term in the crystal field Hamiltonian
J.M. Vargas a, F.A. Garcia a, C. Rettori a,, D.J. Garcia b, B. Sales c, P. Schlottmann d, S.B. Oseroff e
Instituto de Fı́sica ‘‘Gleb Wataghin’’, UNICAMP, Campinas-SP 13083-970, Brazil
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Tecnicas & Centro Atómico Bariloche, S.C. de Bariloche, RN, Argentina
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182, USA
a r t i c l e in fo abstract
Electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments have been carried out in single crystals of the unfilled
PACS: skutterudite CoSb3 doped with Er ions. The X- (9.5 GHz) and Q- (34.4 GHz) band spectra obtained at low
75.20.En temperature (4–20 K) shown a temperature independent g-value of 6.21(5). This g-value can only be
75.20.Hr explained with the addition of a second sixth order Bt6 ðO26 O66 Þ term to the usual cubic crystal field
76.30.v Hamiltonian. The ESR of Er3þ show the typical temperature dependence of the line-shape and line-
76.30.Kg width expected for insulating host.
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Filled skutterudite
Rare-earth metal
0921-4526/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3036 J.M. Vargas et al. / Physica B 404 (2009) 3035–3037
3. Results and discussion expected for insulating hosts; (ii) the Q-band line-width data is
similar to the X-band one, therefore, no inhomogeneous
Fig. 1 shows the X-band ESR spectrum at T ¼ 4:2 K, with the broadening is observed; and (iii) an exponential increase of DH
typical resolved hyperfine structure of Er3þ . The resonances at high-T is observed. The homogeneous line broadening results
correspond to the 166 Er3þ (I ¼ 0) and 167 Er3þ (I ¼ 72) isotopes [6]. from a phonon spin-lattice relaxation process involving excited CF
The Lorentzian line-shapes are expected for insulating hosts and levels. In this case the T-dependence of the line-width can be
the hyperfine structure corresponds to a hyperfine parameter of written as
A ¼ 78:5ð5Þ Oe. The g-value of 6.21(5) at T ¼ 4:2 K is quite different
than those expected for isolated G7 (gG7 ¼ 6:80) and G6 DH ¼ a þ c ; ð1Þ
(gG6 ¼ 6:00) doublets in the usual Oh cubic symmetry. Besides, ½eD=kT 1
this value is smaller than that measured for the Er3þ in the semi- where a is the residual line-width, c is a constant and D is the
metallic skutterudite CeFe4 P12 , g ¼ 6:408ð3Þ [7]. The g-value is energy separation between the ground and first excited state.
found to be T-independent between 4.2 and 20 K and Q-band From the fitting of the line-width using Eq. (1), we obtain
experiments gives also a g-value of 6.21(5). The T-dependence of a ¼ 5:4ð4Þ Oe, c ¼ 0:0009ð1Þ Oe=K3 , and D ¼ 84ð15Þ K. It is
the ESR intensity follows approximately the Curie–Weiss behavior interesting to mention that the D value is similar to the one
(not showed), indicating that the resonance arise from a Kramers reported for the Er3þ ions doped into the filled skutterudite
doublet ground state of the CF split J-multiplet of Er3þ (J ¼ 15 2 ). CeFe4 P12 . Therefore, the crystal field environment is probably
Fig. 2 shows the T-dependence of the line-width, DH, at X- and similar for Er3þ in both, unfilled CoSb3 (insulator) and filled
Q-band between 4.2 and 20 K. These results shows that: (i) a CeFe4 P12 (semiconductor) skutterudite systems.
linear T-term (Korringa relaxation) is negligible at low-T, as Fig. 3 shows the magnetization loop (750 kOe) at T ¼ 2 K, after
substraction of the sample holder and host CoSb3 diamagnetic
contributions. From the low-field magnetic susceptibility we
estimate an Er3þ concentration of 1000 ppm. The
magnetization loops show that: (i) there is no saturation up to
H ¼ 750 kOe; and (ii) it is magnetically reversible with no
hysteresis effects, indicating the absence of strong interactions
between the localized 4fEr3þ ions.
The striking large g-shift measured for the Er3þ resonance
could only be explained by the absence of two symmetry
operations in the T and Th groups, namely C4 and C20 rotations
[8]. Takegahara et al. noticed that due to the absence of these
symmetry operations [9], the CF Hamiltonian (HCF ) should include
an additional sixth order terms with an extra crystal field
parameter (CFP), Bt6 . Therefore, for Th symmetry, in terms of
Steven’s operators [10], the HCF should be written as
HCF ¼ Bc4 ðO04 þ 5O44 Þ þ Bc6 ðO06 21O46 Þ þ Bt6 ðO26 O66 Þ; ð2Þ
where the last term is absent in the ordinary cubic symmetry Oh.
We now add the Zeeman term gJ mB H J to Eq. (2), where gJ is the
Lande g-factor, mB the Bohr magneton, J the total angular
momentum for Er3þ ion and H is the external magnetic field.
Fig. 1. ESR spectrum of Er3þ in CoSb3 measured at T ¼ 4:2 K. Following Lea, Leask and Wolf (LLW) [11] the Hamiltonian can be
1 7 4. Conclusions
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6:8 in yellow). The white region in Fig. 4 corresponds to the
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obtained for the set of (x; y) values indicated by the dashed blue shift is always negative, i.e., for ya0 the g-value is reduced respect to that of
y ¼ 0. Considered the measured g-value of 6.21(5) for Er3þ in our sample and
line in Fig. 4, and correspond to the G15 ground state arising from the g-values of gG7 ¼ 6:80 and gG6 ¼ 6:00 for isolated Er3þ ions (y ¼ 0), the G15
the G7 [13]. These results do not depend on the sign of y. ground state (ya0) with a g-value of 6.21 can only arise from a G7 .