FYP BSCS Students Handbook-V2.0
FYP BSCS Students Handbook-V2.0
FYP BSCS Students Handbook-V2.0
Faculty of Computing
Riphah International University
Table of Contents:
01. Glossary 03
02. Introduction 04
2.1. Focus 05
2.2. Importance of Final Year Project 06
03. Selecting Your Project & Team Members 07
3.1 Project Team 07
3.2 Choosing Your Project & Supervisor 07
3.3 Finalizing Project Proposal 08
04. Literature / Markey Survey 10
05. Documentation 12
5.1 Project Report 12
5.2 A Very Short Guide to Good Writing 14
5.3 Giving Presentations 16
06. Project Assessment 18
07. Schedule & Milestones 20
08. Policies 21
09. Responsibilities of Project Students 23
10. Appendices 25
The Final Year Project (FYP) is a mandatory prerequisite for award of degree in BS (CS).
It provides you with an opportunity to apply the theories and principles learned in
different courses, and integrate material learned at different stages of your BSCS degree
program to solve a Complex Computing Problem. There may also be a need for
additional, domain specific knowledge in a project, which will necessitate additional
2.1. Focus
The objective of FYP is to provide solution of a Complex Computing Problem. A
Complex Computing Problem is a computing problem having some or all of the
following characteristics:
Extent of stakeholder
6 involvement and level of Involves diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs
conflicting requirements
This may take many forms, for example: a program, an application, a server, a library, a
collection of programs, an embedded system, a hardware-software system, plug-ins,
extensions, modifications to existing solution/software, etc.
You should focus on following sound Computer Science principles and evaluating your
work thoroughly. You will do literature review (background research) into both the
You must also consider the principles of quality software development studied in
Software Engineering/OOAD, which can be summarized as follows:
The developed solution(code) and final report will be the main output of the project,
which should show that your solution is of suitable quality and solves user needs.
• It is the largest single piece of work you will do during your degree course.
• It is the part of the curriculum that allows you to specialize in a topic you are
good at or enjoy.
• It is the part of your degree program that prospective employers will most likely
ask you about at an interview.
• It allows you to show off a wide range of skills and knowledge learned during
your course.
• It encourages integration of material learned in several courses.
Responsibility: It is important to note that you are responsible for the success of your
project. Your supervisor is only supposed to provide you with guidance and feedback –
you must not rely on your supervisor as if he/she is your project manager or team lead. It
is also your responsibility to keep record and submit the monthly attendance status of the
meeting held with the supervisor, with supervisor’s consent (Template-08).
Use “Template-01” to fill in the details of project team members and submit hard
copy to Project Coordinator before the end of first week (1st Semester).
Use “Template-03” to create project proposal presentation. You will need to submit
soft copy (PDF Format) of your presentation to project coordinator before the end
of fourth week (1st Semester).
After the proposal presentation you will need to finalize your project proposal (including
initial plan) in consultation with project supervisor.
Use “Template-04” to create final project proposal and submit both hard copy
(signed by project supervisor) and soft copy (PDF Format) to project coordinator
before the end of sixth week (1st Semester).
At this stage you are only finalizing project proposal, therefore your project plan (“Work
Breakdown Structure” and “Roles & Responsibility Matrix”) can be based on rough
estimates. You must regularly refine both “Work Breakdown Structure” and “Roles &
Responsibility Matrix” as you elicit more requirements during your project.
A critical factor that will determine quality and success of FYP is your ability to manage
time. Final Year Projects are completely different from smaller projects you may have
undertaken. This project will require a considerable amount of your time: approximately
240+ hours / person.
Begin your project early, work consistently at it, and track your progress. Your project
plan helps you to think about all the things you need to do, their inter-relationships, and
the time each will take.
Ideally you should conduct literature review for problem identification. However even
after you have defended your project proposal, you must conduct detailed literature
review to gain more insight about the problem you are trying to solve by critically
evaluating the state-of-the-art solutions. This is an essential step that will help you
become an expert in the problem at hand: a problem-domain expert.
• It shows that you not only understand what you want to do, but you understand
what others have done related to your project. If you can tell people about what
has already been done and what methods already exist, then your readers will
think that at least you are interested in your topic, have some self-initiative and
are informed and up-to-date.
• It shows that you are intelligent enough to evaluate the quality of the other work
done on the subject, i.e., it shows that you are capable of thinking critically and
identifying strengths and weakness.
• It gives you opportunity to tell how your project is related to previous work done
by others on the subject.
• It tells the reader if you are simply going to duplicate others’ work for the sake of
gaining a better understanding, improve upon others’ work or perhaps combine
the methodology of two or more existing approaches to solving a problem.
The only way to become an expert in both the problem domain and the solution domain is
to learn as much as possible about the area and to learn it as quickly and efficiently as
Go online and search for research articles, books and papers related to your subject. Be
creative and persistent in your keyword search until you hunt down good references or
examples. A separate guideline on keyword search (query string) will be provided
• After you feel satisfied that you know all or most of the existing
approaches/methods, list out all the approaches/methods, in a logical sequence
(perhaps in chronological order).
• For each approach/method: describe how it works and what its components are;
mention its strengths and/or weaknesses; tell if you will use or omit the approach
for your project and why or why not.
Finally, it is very important that you realize that, to fully understand anything that you
read, you must write it up in your own words. If you can’t express or speak about a given
idea, then you haven’t truly understood it in any useful way.
• So that you can be given credit for it (your marks depend on it);
• So that others can carry on your work and develop or maintain your system.
The best way to organize your writing is to keep a log book of all work in progress. You
should go out and buy a nice hard-cover notebook and write everything you do on the
project into this log book every day. Every thought and observation you have on your
project should go into this book, along with notes of meetings with your supervisor,
results, theoretical developments, calculations, everything. This log book will become an
invaluable source of material when you come to write up your project in the final report.
Your final year project provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to
use your judgment. This means that you must show your skill at assimilating (to
incorporate, understand), synthesizing (to produce, blend) and critically appraising (to
critically evaluate) all material relevant to the project.
Your main opportunity to display your talents at assimilation and synthesis comes when
you describe the background material you read, the requirements, specification, and
design phases of your work. Needless to say, synthesis means that you must write the text
yourself, expressing your understanding of the material in your own words.
It is extremely important that you also appraise, or assess, your work critically, i.e. with
objectivity and with a view to seeing how it could be improved. Such honest criticism
does not mean you will receive fewer marks; in fact, it is likely that you will receive
more. Typically, you exercise your talents of critical appraisal at the end of the report in
“conclusion and outlook” chapter (Chapter 7) but you can also exercise it throughout the
report wherever it seems appropriate. Note that this exercise of critical appraisal is
different from the testing processes of verification, validation, and evaluation, which refer
to the functionality of the system you have designed. The critique you write applies less
to the system and more to the overall objectives, methodologies, and findings of the
The structure of your report is critical to the impact you make in your writing. Remember
that you are trying to convey a message to the reader and, since this message is likely to
be quite complicated, you must assist him or her by making your points clearly and in a
logical order.
Because all engineering projects involve (or should involve) the exercise of a fairly
standard engineering methodology (requirements, specification, modeling, realization,
testing & evaluation), you can, if you wish, adopt a fairly standard structure. However,
that this does not mean that you just simply have to fill in the gaps in a general report
template (Template-05): this standard structure simply provides you with a place to start
as you begin to design the final structure and content of your report. You will still have to
do quite a lot of work to make it fit your own project.
• Use short sentences and make sure the sentences are complete.
• Good writing strikes a balance between short sentences and longer more
descriptive ones. Just as in oral communication, the full stops mean pauses: too
many pauses and the text sounds disconnected, too few and it can be hard to
follow the story line. Strike a balance but favour brevity over complexity.
• If you use pictures and diagrams (and you should), make sure each one has a self-
contained explanatory caption. Never refer to a picture or diagram in the main text
without saying what it is. For example, never say “Figure 2.3 shows the results of
the noise test” and then carry on to another topic. Help the reader. Summarize the
content of the figure in a short sentence: “Figure 2.3 shows the results of the noise
test which demonstrate the robustness of the system to Gaussian noise with a
standard deviation of 2.3 or less.” If you have copied the figure from a book or
article you must cite the source.
• Make the paragraph your unit of construction. Each paragraph should bind one or
more sentences about a given subject or idea. If the subject or idea changes, start a
new paragraph.
Remember, if you want to learn how to write a good report, you need to do two things:
you need to read other good reports and you need to practice your own writing.
1. Proposal presentation to entire faculty in 4th week of your first semester. (Use
2. Progress presentation with your prototype demo to FYP Evaluation Committee
in week immediately after finals of your first semester. (Use Template-07)
3. Final presentation along with your demo to FYP Evaluation Committee in 14th
week of second semester. (Use Template-06)
Important Requirement:
You have learned much about presentation skills during your degree program and it
wouldn’t be appropriate to attempt to review everything you have been taught already.
However, a few pointers may help you give a professional and impressive presentation:
• Don’t depend too much on PowerPoint slides: your speech is the presentation and
the slides support you (not the other way around).
• Take your time: pause frequently. Sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing.
Short one-second rests create dramatic impact and also give your audience time to
assimilate what you’ve said. Of course, you also have to maintain continuity and
flow; otherwise people forget what you are talking about. It’s a question of
In the week immediately after finals you will make Progress Presentation (you will also
show first five chapters of your report and your working prototype) to FYP Evaluation
Committee. FYP Evaluation committee will evaluate your progress according to the
following criteria:
Evaluation Method:
• 50% by Exam Committee Average + 50% by Supervisor
• Supervisor may evaluate each member of the project group individually
• Decision of the Exam Committee and Supervisor will be final.
For Example:
• Average Marks by Faculty for the Group: 68 (34 %)
• Supervisor Marks for Student 1: 76 (38%)
FYP Evaluation Committee will evaluate you based upon difficulty level (scope,
complexity, creativity and amount of self-learning involved in developing the final
system) and quality (presentation, usability, system design, documentation, and coding).
The following rubric will be used for evaluation:
Total 100
Evaluation Method:
• 50% by Exam Committee Average + 50% by Supervisor
• Supervisor may evaluate each member of the project group individually
• Decision of the Exam Committee and Supervisor will be final.
For Example:
• Average Marks by Faculty for the Group: 68 (34 %)
• Supervisor Marks for Student 1: 76 (38%)
• Supervisor Marks for Student 2: 60 (30%)
• Supervisor Marks for Student 3: 92 (46%)
Tip: Important things that Exam Committee may thoroughly check during the exam:
Week 1 Attend Orientation Project Coordinator • Submit Project Team List (Both SOFT
Seminar. & HARD COPY - Use Template-01)
Week 6 Finalize Project Project Coordinator • Submit Project Proposal & Plan (Both
Proposal SOFT & HARD COPY - Use
Week 15 Open House Industry, Faculty & • Banners, Posters, Brochure, Story
Students Board, Prototype, Project Report
Week 15 Open House Industry, Faculty & • Banners, Posters, Brochure, Story
Students Board, Prototype, Project Report,
Complete Software System
Student must submit monthly attendance status (Template-08) to the coordinator. See
Section 9 for details.
8.3. Plagiarism
Any piece of code, framework or component developed by someone else that you are
using in your project must be properly acknowledged / referenced in your documentation.
You cannot claim any such code, framework or component as your own. Your efforts
Success & effectiveness of FYP process depends on how everyone involved play their
role. It is therefore important that you clearly understand your responsibilities in this
course. Project students must:
The project coordinator is responsible for overall administration (with assistance from
in-charge program and program coordinator) of the FYP process: