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Linear City

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Linear City

By Arturo Soria y Mata

Presented by :
Shahed Atieh 0217494
Bushra aljamal 0216345
Arturo Soria y Mata
Arturo Soria y Mata (1844-1920) was an
internationally important Spanish urban planner
whose work remains highly inspirational today.

He is most well known for his concept of the

Linear City for application to Madrid and

He studied the civil engineer career, but he

didn't finish it.
Concept of Linear
The linear city was a proposal
made by Arturo Soria at the end
of the 19th century, to turn
Madrid into a more human city ,
a city which was closer to

Arturo Soria´s aim was to solve

some of the problems that Madrid
had at that time: transport,
overpopulation and sanitary
There were two different theories to solve the problems
caused by the industrial revolution:

Naturistic theories: Arturo

Soria wanted to integrate
nature into the city. Thus, he
decided to plant several rows
of trees along the street. The
houses would also have a
garden and an orchard.
There were two different theories to solve the problems
caused by the industrial revolution:

Hygienist theories: Their objective

was to improve the sanitary
conditions of the city. The proposals
to achieve this were:

- to plant trees near the houses

- to build wider streets
- to build detached or semidetached
houses so that the different families
didn´t live so close to each other.
Linear City
The final project was a linear city surrounded by nature, and with a
central area for services
Linear City
Arturo Soria y Mata's idea of the Linear City (1882) replaced the
traditional idea of the city as a center and a periphery with the
idea of constructing linear sections of infrastructure roads,
railways, gas, water, etc. along an optimal line and then
attaching the other components of the city along the length of
this line.

As the city expanded, additional sectors would be added to

the end of each band, so that the city would become ever
longer, without growing wider.
Linear City
The linear city was an urban plan for an elongated urban formation.
All other functions were arranged along that axis with defined width
and indefinite length, intersected at certain intervals by secondary
perpendicular streets. The layout consisted of large blocks with
residential buildings surrounded by vegetation with commercial and
public structures situated at intersections.
Objectives of linear city
To create less populated suburbs

To preserve individualism

To make nature part of the city

To solve the problems of transport: Its main

objective was to make the trips between the
country and the city quicker.
Objectives of linear city
Parceling out around a linear center line of
the main street.

Streets had to be 200 meter long and 20

meter wide, and the center line of the street
had to connect with the different blocks of
houses , all of regular shapes :squares,
rectangles or trapeziums

The city should grow parallel to the main

The sectors of a linear city
The linear city was an urban plan for an elongated urban formation. The city would
consist of a series of functionally specialized parallel sectors. Generally, the city would
run parallel to a river and be built so that the dominant wind would blow from the
residential areas to the industrial strip. The sectors of a linear city would be:

A purely segregated zone for railway lines

A zone of production and communal enterprises, with related scientific, technical and
educational institutions
A green belt or buffer zone with major highway
A residential zone, including a band of social institutions
A park zone, and an agricultural zone with gardens and state-run farms
The Houses in the linear city
The new houses were bigger and
had a garden. There was also a
vegetable garden or a space for
working the land. Arturo Soria left
the architects free to build
different models of houses in
order to avoid monotony.
Services in the linear city


Sport facilities

City today
The demographic boom of Madrid,
the rise of prices and the proximity
of the linear city to the city center
put an end to the project.

Today the only remains of the linear

city are the central line of the main
street and some middle-class
Chandigarh City
Chandigarh is one of the most significant urban
planning experiments of the 20th century.
Chandigarh was the dream city of India's first
Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru. After the
partition of India in 1947, the former British
province of Punjab was split between (mostly
Sikhs) East Punjab in India and (mostly
Muslim) West Punjab in Pakistan. The Indian
Punjab required a new capital city to replace
Lahore, which became part of Pakistan during
the partition.
Chandigarh City
Le Corbusier divided the city into 63
“Sectors”. Each Sector or the neighbored
unit, is quite similar to the traditional Indian
'mohalla'. The primary module of the city’s
design is a sector, of size 800×1200 m. Each
sector is a self sufficient unit having shops,
school, health centers and places of
recreations and worship. The population of a
sector varies between 3000 and 2000
depending upon the sizes of plots and the
topography of the area. Convenient walking
distance for social services like schools and
shopping centers are provided.
Chandigarh City
The Line
is a linear smart city under construction in
Saudi Arabia in Neom, Tabuk Province,
which is designed to have no cars, streets or
carbon emissions
The Line
The plan is for the Line to eventually have a
length of 170 km , though its initial stage,
which will be finished by 2030, will be just
2.4 km and it will reach a height of 500 m ,
with a width of 200 m . It will be wrapped in a
mirrored exterior and host an air-conditioned
city of around 300,000 people with AI tech
and heavy surveillance to keep an eye on
how everything is running – from garbage
collection to water usage.
Advantages Of Linear
High accessibility

Adaptability to linear growth

Disadvantages Of
Linear City
slow and limited growth rate due to only being able to
grow at one end,

A lack of centrality (which is psychologically important)

limitations of choice of connections and direction of

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