EJST Pogaceanetal.
EJST Pogaceanetal.
EJST Pogaceanetal.
9 5,045
4 authors, including:
Maria Gavrilescu
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
All content following this page was uploaded by Raluca Hlihor on 08 July 2015.
This paper aims to provide a perspective on the possibility that consumers could be
exposed to pesticides, by estimating quantities of pesticide residues in tomatoes from
field crops. Twelve pesticides, 7 fungicides and 5 insecticides respectively have been
analyzed in field-grown tomatoes samples within the Mureş Fitosanitary Unit (Romania)
by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer with flight time, using the
multi-residual method. This study highlights the necessity of pesticides monitoring in
field-grown tomatoes, to warrant that their levels do not pose risks to human health. A
number of three treatments were applied at the recommended normal doses to field-
grown tomatoes samples at an interval of 20 days during 2012. The final residual
amounts of pesticides in tomatoes were below the MRLs, except for chlorothalonil and
bifenthrin. The analysis of health risk estimates based on consumption data in Europe
and Romania revealed that the target pesticides do not pose a risk to human health.
1. Introduction
Corresponding author, e-mail: mgav@ch.tuiasi.ro
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
cultivated in China, even as about 7,500 years ago rice and sorghum were
farmed in a region of Africa, the Sahel [1]. During time, the farmed crops began
to endure from pests and diseases causing high production breakdown, so that
people started to find ways of overcome these problems. About 4500 years ago
Sumerians who used sulphur compounds as insecticides to control insects and
mites, whilst about 3200 years ago the Chinese were using mercury and
arsenical compounds for controlling body lice [2]. Persians used the powder of
pyrethrum (derived from the dried flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium
‗Pyrethrum daisies‘) as an insecticide for over 2000 years to protect stored grain.
In the 1600s, ants were controlled with mixtures of honey and arsenic [1].
The start of the 19th century found scientists working for a better
understanding of fungi behaviour, and sulphur compounds were developed as
fungicides [3, 4]. In 1807, copper sulphate solution was used to control bunt
disease in wheat. In the late 19th century, arsenic compounds were introduced to
control insect attack on fruit and vegetable crops. Paris green, developed in 1867
from a copper & arsenic mixture, was applied broadly to control the potato
beetle and protect grapes from insect damage [2]. Inorganic compounds, such as
sodium chlorate and sulphuric acid, or organic chemicals derived from natural
sources were still extensively used in pest control up to 1940s. Chemical
research was directed toward cheap chemicals with persistence in sunlight and
low toxicity to man, but with the ability to kill insect pests rapidly. In 1938
Muller demonstrated that DDT would certainly meet these requirements. Its
Humans in the environment
accessibility for the period of World War II led to early use as a 10% dust on
humans, for example in Naples, to repress a typhus outbreak [5].
After the World War II, the production of synthetic pesticides accelerated,
with the discovery of the effects of DDT, BHC, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin,
chlordane, parathion, captan and 2,4-D [K.S. Delaplane, Pesticide Usage in the
United States: History, Benefits, Risks, and Trends, 1996, online at
http://ipm.ncsu.edu/safety/factsheets/pestuse.pdf]. A new chemical age began,
and farmers were the main reason for the new age. By 1952, there were almost
10,000 separate new pesticide products registered with the USDA [B. Ganzel,
Farming in the 1940s. The Chemical Age Dawns in Agriculture, online at
A chronology of the modern era of pesticide development is shown in
Table 1 [4].
Pesticides have certainly facilitated to increase agricultural production and
control vectors of disease over the past decades. Farmers consider pesticides as
an indispensable means to guarantee that they can preserve production of crops
of quality and quantity to satisfy an increasing human population. Latest
approximations of crop losses due to insect pests, diseases generated by a variety
of pathogens and rivalry from weeds, in spite of present control practices, range
from 26 to 40% for major crops, with weeds causing the highest potential loss
[5, 6]. Unfortunately, some pests became genetically resistant to pesticides under
constant chemical pressure, while non-target plants and animals were harmed,
and pesticide residues appeared in unexpected places [5]. In 1962, Rachel
Carson, in her well-known book, ‗Silent spring‘, due to which public confidence
in pesticide use was shaken, said that ―…. man is a part of nature, and his war
against nature is inevitably a war against himself‖ [7].
Nowadays, pesticides are among the most extensively used chemicals in
the world, being also among the most hazardous compounds to the environment
and humans. The pathways of humans‘ exposure to pesticides are numerous,
since pesticide residues can be found virtually everywhere. Pesticides have also
posed a number of problems for agriculture, since they kill beneficial insects and
assist in developing pesticide-resistant pests [3]. In this context, a regulatory
framework was developed during time, but, despite of this, the adverse impacts
of agricultural pesticide use continue to be serious concern. Simultaneously,
incomplete knowledge of existing and potential effects of pesticides continues to
influence people perception on the dangers and benefits of pesticide use [8, 9].
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
70,000 times their original concentration [4]. They are not biodegradable or very
little biodegradable. The pesticide degradation needs particular reaction
conditions] [10-14].
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) defines pesticides
as [2, http://www.epa.gov/kidshometour/pest.htm]: ―A pesticide is a chemical
used to prevent, destroy, or repel pests. Pests can be insects, mice and other
animals, weeds, fungi, or microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Some
examples of pests are termites causing damage to our homes, dandelions in the
lawn, and fleas on our dogs and cats. Pesticides also are used to kill organisms
that can cause diseases‖. USEPA [http://www.epa.gov/kidshometour/pest.htm]
made a classification of pesticides, according to their types, purposes and uses,
as presented in Table 2.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has defined pesticide as
[http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/a0220e/a0220e00.pdf]: ―Any substance or
mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any
pest, including vectors of human or animal disease, unwanted species of plants
or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering with the production,
processing, storage, transport or marketing of food, agricultural commodities,
wood and wood products or animal feedstuffs, or substances which may be
administered to animals for the control of insects, arachnids or other pests in or
on their bodies. The term includes substances intended for use as a plant growth
regulator, defoliant, desiccant or agent for thinning fruit or preventing the
premature fall of fruit. Also used as substances applied to crops either before or
after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and
Pesticides are designed to be toxic to living bodies, so that they inevitably
pose risks and need to be used safely and disposed properly [15-20]. During
years, the intensive use of pesticides led to serious environmental problems such
as perturbation of the natural balance, widespread pest resistance, environmental
pollution, hazards to non-target organisms and wildlife, and hazards to humans.
Unfortunately, due to their impacts, the use of pesticide contributed to
biodiversity loss, along with habitat loss and climate change, since they affect
wildlife directly and indirectly by means of food sources [16, 17, 21-23].
The use of pesticide in agriculture is the subject to permanent monitoring
due to possible risk for human health [24-27]. Intake of active ingredients
through food ingestion has been shown to be up to five orders of magnitude
higher than other exposure routes like air inhalation and ingestion of drinking
water. Furthermore, because fruits and vegetables are consumed raw or semi-
processed, it is expected to contain higher pesticide residue levels than other
food groups like milk or meat [28, 29]. The consumption of pesticides
contaminated food can seriously deplete some essential nutrients in the body that
are further responsible for serious damage associated with health risks [9, 22, 23,
27, 30-34]. Fresh vegetables and fruits are representing some of the most
important commodities in human diet due to the presence of meaningfully
amounts of nutrients and minerals. However, at the same time, due to
Humans in the environment
agricultural practices they can also turn out to be a source of toxic substances
such as pesticides [35-38].
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
of the tomatoes is usually done by using two or three treatments with different
types of pesticides.
Talstar 10
EC 100 g/L
Pyrethroids 0.05 Insecticide <0.2
(emulsifiable bifenthrin
Fastac 10 EC
100 g/L alfa-
(emulsifiable Pyrethroids 0.02 Insecticide <0.5
Karate Zeon
50 g/L lambda
(concentrated Pyrethroids 0.02 Insecticide <0.1
Decis 2.5 EC
25 g/L
(emulsifiable Pyrethroids 0.05 Insecticide <0.3
* [48]
**MRLs - maximum residue limits set by European Union legislation
Humans in the environment
The pesticides residuals from the food products have to be low and under the
MRLs established by each country [24, 44, 46, 47]. Table 3 includes the MRLs
established by the European Union, for each of the analyzed pesticides.
Analysis of multiple pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables is often a
time-consuming, labour-intensive, and expensive process due to the complexity
of the many analytes and matrices involved [49]. A large variety of methods
have been used in the determination of different pesticides in these foods. The
most frequently used technique for analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and
vegetables is gas chromatography with different selective detectors as flame
photometric (FPD) (Ueno, et al, 2003) [50, 51], pulsed flame photometric
(PFPD) [52], nitrogen–phosphorus (NPD) [53], and electron-capture detectors
(ECD) ( [54, 55]. Numerous method use gas chromatography coupled with mass
spectrometry (GC-MSD) [51, 56, 57], due to the possibility of confirming
pesticide identity in these matrices.
In this context, the main objectives of this paper consists in the
investigation of the occurrence and distribution of residues of 11 pesticides in
tomatoes cultivated within the Mureş Fitosanitary Unit (Romania), during a
vegetation period, using a rapid multi-residue method for the analysis based on
by gas chromatography with mass-selective detection (GC-MSD). Human health
risk estimations due to pesticides presence in tomatoes at harvest has been done
based on food consumption rate for vegetables in Europe and in Romania.
RZ-1S-cis-isomer SZ-1R-cis-isomer
Lambda-cyhalothrin Deltamethrin
Figure 1. Chemical structure of the selected pesticides for the present study.
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
(Seelze, Germany) with the purity certified between 95.1% and 99.7%. Acetone,
petroleum ether, dichloromethane, toluene and isooctane were Super Purity
Solvents supplied by Fluka& Riedel-deHaën (Sigma-Aldrich, UK). The distilled
water used was provided by a Thermo Scientific TKA system (Niederelbert
Germany). All samples were stored in a refrigerator at 40C until further use. The
standard solutions were dissolved in toluene and later stored in a refrigerator at
40C. The commercial pesticide products used in the study (Figure 1, Table 3)
were purchased from Dafcochim SRL (Tg. Mures, Romania) and Chemark Rom
SRL (Tg. Mures, Romania).
Humans in the environment
The major ions (m/z) and retention time (tR) were considered for pesticide
identification (Table 4). To evaluate the efficiency of the analytical procedures, a
recovery assay was accomplished. The method was validated by determining the
limits of quantification (LOQ), recovery percentages and coefficient of variation.
In all cases, regression coefficients (R2) resulted were higher than 0.99.
Recoveries were found from 80% to 110%.
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
guidelines: (a) a hypothetical body weights 70 kg for adults and (b) maximum
absorption rate is 100% and bioavailability rate is 100% [60, 61]. The hazard
indices for adults were calculated as the ratio between pesticide exposure doses,
and the reference doses which are considered to be safe levels of exposure over
the lifetime [60].
12 1st treatment
1st treatment
Concentration (mg/kg)
2nd treatment
10 2nd treatment 1
3rd treatment
Concentration (mg/kg)
3rd treatment MRLs, mg/kg
MRLs, mg/kg
8 0,8
6 0,6
4 0,4
2 0,2
2 5 12 Harvest 2 5 12 Harvest
7 7
Concentration (mg/kg)
3rd treatment
5 MRLs, mg/kg 5 3rd treatment
MRLs, mg/kg
4 4
3 3
2 2
2 5 12 Harvest 2 5 12 Harvest
3 1,2
Concentration (mg/kg)
1st treatment
2,5 2nd treatment
Concentration (mg/kg)
3rd treatment
MRLs, mg/kg 1st treatment
2 0,8 2nd treatment
3rd treatment
1,5 0,6 MRLs, mg/kg
1 0,4
0,5 0,2
0 0
2 5 12 Harvest 2 5 12 Harvest
Humans in the environment
1,2 1,2
1st treatment
Concentration (mg/kg)
Concentration (mg/kg)
2 5 12 Harvest 0
2 5 12 Harvest
Time (Days)
Time (Days)
1,2 1,4
Concentration (mg/kg)
Concentration (mg/kg)
1,2 1,6
Concentration (mg/kg)
Concentration (mg/kg)
0,6 0,8
0,2 0,2
0 0
2 5 12 Harvest 2 5 12 Harvest
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
Humans in the environment
As seen in Figure 3f the Bifenthrin residues were below the MRLs, 0.2
mg/kg, after 12 days of applying the second treatment. At harvesting,
considering the third treatment application, the content in residues of bifenthrin
reaches a value of 0.3 mg/kg, above the MRL.
Pogăcean et al/European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2013), 6, 79-94
4. Conclusions
The present study shows that, despite the high number of treatments with
pesticides applied to field-grown tomatoes during 2012, the contamination level
could not be considered a public health problem. From a group of 12 target
pesticides chosen in our study for tomatoes treatment, only Chlorothalonil and
Bifenthrin concentration exceeded the MRLs allowed by the UE legislation, at
the final of the treatment upon harvesting.
Estimating the degradation of pesticides in tomatoes is important for the
assessment of the diet risks and to ensure continuous monitoring of residues.
Although the study focused on the consumption data both in Europe and
Romania for adults, the human health risk estimates indicated that adults are not
subjected to any health problems due to consumption of tomatoes treated with
pesticides. A future study should aim the health risk assessment from pesticide
treated fruit and vegetable consumption by more vulnerable groups such as
children and pregnant women.
This paper was elaborated with the support of a grant of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number
PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0559, Contract 265/2011 and with the support of Plant
Protection Agency Mureş, Romania.
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