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Arcane Traditions (BW) v10

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by Sean Landis, William Klemt

A DiceDelvers Production
Version 1.0

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
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This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
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DiceDelvers, original content copyright ©2017 Sean Landis, William Klemt. Published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

“The Alchemist” by Mattheus von Helmont is in the Public Domain.

Sean Landis, William Klemt. Not for resale. School Specialization & Potion Mastery 2
roll. You can’t use this ability again until you
School Specialization finish a short rest.
During their arcane studies, wizards typically Enchantment. The spell save DC of your
learn numerous spells from all eight schools enchantment spells is increased by 1.
of magic. A wizard may find, however, that Evocation. After you roll damage from an
they have an aptitude in one arcane school evocation spell, you can reroll any 1’s. You
over the others. Focusing their studies, these must use the new rolls.
wizards become school specialists. Though Illusion. The spell save DC of your illusion
narrower in their studies than a generalist, spells is increased by 1.
school specialists exhibit a depth of Necromancy. When you hit a target with a
understanding and mastery over their chosen necromancy spell, or a target fails a saving
school of magic unrivaled by wizards of other throw against your necromancy spell, that
arcane traditions. target cannot regain hit points until the start
Giants in their respective fields, these of your next turn.
wizards are often the heads of departments Transmutation. After casting a transmutation
at magical universities, or may conduct spell you gain resistance to your choice of
experimental research in their towers on the bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
outskirts of cities. until the start of your next turn.

Savant Maven
Beginning when you select this archetype at Beginning at 6th level, casting a spell from
2nd level, the gold and time you must spend your school comes so easily to you that you
to copy a spell of your chosen school into can use some of the spells magical energy to
your spellbook is halved. recharge your own abilities. When you cast a
spell from your school using a 2nd level or
higher spell slot, you regain one expended
Specialization spell slot. The slot you regain must be of a
When you reach 2nd level, you choose a level lower than the spell you cast and can’t
school of magic to specialize in one of the be higher than 5th level.
eight schools, listed below. Your choice
confers certain benefits, which improve at
14th level.
School Spell Mastery
Abjuration. When you cast an abjuration By 10th level, your mastery over spells of your
spell, your AC increases by 1 until the start of school is prodigious. Once per long rest you
your next turn. can cast a 1st level spell of your school
Conjuration. Creatures summoned by your without expending a spell slot.
conjuration spells have 5 temporary hit
points. Improved Specialization
Divination. After casting a divination spell, At 14th level, your mastery over your selected
you can choose to reroll one saving throw, school of magic improves.
attack roll, or ability check you make within Abjuration. When you cast an abjuration
the next 10 minutes. You must use the new spell, your AC increases by 2 until the start of
your next turn.

Sean Landis, William Klemt. Not for resale. School Specialization & Potion Mastery 3
Conjuration. Creatures summoned by your
conjuration spells have 30 temporary hit
Divination. After casting a divination spell,
you can choose to reroll one saving throw,
attack roll, or ability check. You must use the
new roll. After you use this ability twice, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.
Enchantment. The spell save DC of your
enchantment spells increases by 2, instead of
Evocation. After you roll damage from an
evocation spell, you can reroll any 1’s and 2’s.
You must use the new rolls.
Illusion. The spell save DC of your illusion
spells increases by 2, instead of 1.
Necromancy. When you hit a target with a
necromancy spell, or a target fails or succeeds
a saving throw against your necromancy spell,
that target cannot regain hit points until the
start of your next turn.
Transmutation. After casting a transmutation
spell, you gain resistance to your choice of
either bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, acid,
cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage until
the start of your next turn.

Sean Landis, William Klemt. Not for resale. School Specialization & Potion Mastery 4
required to discover the recipe renders the
Potion Mastery potion inert.
Throughout their arcane careers, many You also gain the ability to brew special
wizards at least dabble in potion brewing. Recipe Book potions that don’t require as
Some wizards, however, become enthralled much time or material to craft as normal
by the subtle art of crafting potions and oils. potions. Brewing a Recipe Book potion
Wizards who embark on this arcane tradition requires alchemist's tools and an amount of
become potion masters. Potion masters time that varies by rarity, as outlined in the
require much less time and materials to craft table below.
potions, and their potions are often more The number of potions that you can create
potent than those of their peers. with this feature depends on the potion's
Potion masters are relatively rare in the rarity value, also detailed in the table below.
world, but can be found in a variety of The cumulative value of all your potions
vocations. Some may teach, but often they go brewed with this feature can’t exceed your
into business, selling the results of their Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
experiments to kings and adventurers. Many For example, if you have an Intelligence
potion masters become adventurers modifier of +3, you can brew three common
themselves, always on the lookout for new potions, two common potions and one
recipes to learn or ingredients to brew with. uncommon potion, or one rare potion. If you
brew a new potion after you have reached
this limit, the oldest potion become inert.
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this tradition at 2nd level,
Rarity Time/Gold to Copy Brew Time Value
you gain proficiency with alchemist’s tools.
Common 1 hour / 25 gp 1 hour 1
Recipe Book Uncommon 2 hours / 50 gp 2 hours 2
At 2nd level, you can craft magical potions Rare 4 hours / 100 gp 4 hours 3
and a section of your spellbook is dedicated Very Rare 6 hours / 150 gp 8 hours 4
to potion recipes. Choose two recipes from Legendary 8 hours / 225 gp 16 hours 5
the recipe list at the end of this section of
common or uncommon rarity.
You learn two new recipes at 6th, 10th, and
Starting at 6th level, you become more adept
14th level. The recipe must be of a rarity you
at the dangerous art of mixing potions. When
can brew or lower. When you learn a new
you decide to mix two portions together, you
recipe, you may replace one of your current
can make a DC 15 Intelligence (alchemist’s
recipes with a different one of a rarity you can
tools) check. On a success, you add +10 to the
d100 roll made to determine the outcome of
When you find a potion on your adventures,
the potion mixture.
you can take some time to examine and
experiment with the potion to learn the
recipe. The time and money required to do Signature Potion
this depends on the rarity of the potion as By 10th level, you’ve brewed certain recipes
seen on the table below. The experimentation so often they have become rote. Choose one

Sean Landis, William Klemt. Not for resale. School Specialization & Potion Mastery 5
common or uncommon recipe. You can craft Potion of Gaseous Form
this potion over the course of a short rest and Potion of Heroism
Potion of Invulnerability
it does not count against the number of Potion of Mind Reading
potions you can brew with your Recipe Book Potion of Stone Giant Strength
feature. Potion of Superior Healing*

Potent Potables Very Rare

Oil of Sharpness
At 14th level, you have learned how to brew Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
particularly potent potions. When you brew a Potion of Flying
potion from your Recipe Book, you can Potion of Invisibility
choose to make it potent. A potent potion Potion of Longevity
Potion of Speed
counts as one rarity higher for the purposes
Potion of Supreme Healing*
of determining the time required to brew and Potion of Vitality*
its rarity value. Legendary potions can’t be
made potent with this feature. Legendary
Choose a potion from your recipe book with Potion of Storm Giant Strength
a duration of less than 8 hours. The potent in

version of this potion has a duration of 8


Potion List
*Requires proficiency in Herbalism Kit to brew
Potion of Climbing
Potion of Healing*

Oil of Slipperiness
Philter of Love
Potion of Animal Friendship
Potion of Fire Breath
Potion of Greater Healing*
Potion of Growth
Potion of Hill Giant Strength
Potion of Poison
Potion of Resistance
Potion of Water Breathing

Elixir of Health*
Oil of Etherealness
Potion of Clairvoyance
Potion of Diminution
Potion of Fire Giant Strength
Potion of Frost Giant Strength

Sean Landis, William Klemt. Not for resale. School Specialization & Potion Mastery 6

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