Battery Plasma
Control Control
Circuitl 12. Circuit II ().
100 C.
Power Supply 102
Plasma Arc
Control Unit 106. Torch 108
F.G. 1
Battery Plasma
Control Control
Circuit 112 Circuit II ()
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Dec. 20, 2016 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9,522.438 B2
923.6 S
32 - - - 2- - - - PLASMASYSTEM - - - - SNS - - - -YS- - - - - -
O ? 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 3
U.S. Patent Dec. 20, 2016 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9,522.438 B2
FIG. 4
U.S. Patent Dec. 20, 2016 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9,522.438 B2
Supply power to the power supply from a battery
Generate a second signal, by the control unit, based on the at least one
parameter of the battery
Control, using the control circuit, operation of the plasma arc torch
based on the second signal
US 9,522,438 B2
1. 2
BATTERY CONTROLLED PLASMAARC In some embodiments, controlling operation of the
TORCH SYSTEM plasma arc torch includes preventing the plasma arc torch
from being shut down in accordance with the second signal.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION In some embodiments, controlling operation of the
plasma arc torch includes adjusting an output power Sup
The present invention relates generally to a battery plied by the power Supply to the plasma arc torch based on
powered plasma arc torch system, and more particularly, to the at least one parameter of the battery. For example, the
optimization of battery performance and cutting perfor output power can be lowered when a temperature of the
mance by the plasma arc torch system. battery is below a threshold. As another example, the output
10 power can be modified to maintain the plasma arc when the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION at least one parameter of the battery exceeds a threshold.
In some embodiments, controlling operation of the
Thermal processing torches, such as plasma arc torches, plasma arc torch includes adjusting power delivered to the
are widely used in the heating, cutting, gouging and marking plasma arc torch based on the at least one parameter of the
of materials. A plasma arc torch generally includes an
15 battery. For example, the power delivered to the plasma arc
torch can be lowered when a temperature of the battery is
electrode, a nozzle having a central exit orifice mounted below a threshold.
within a torch body, electrical connections, passages for In some embodiments, controlling operation of the
cooling, and passages for arc control fluids (e.g., plasma plasma arc torch includes using a cutting program, a current
gas). Optionally, a Swirl ring is employed to control fluid ramping profile or a gas ramping profile, or a combination
flow patterns in the plasma chamber formed between the thereof, to operate the plasma arc torch.
electrode and the nozzle. In some torches, a retaining cap In some embodiments, the method further includes trans
can be used to maintain the nozzle and/or Swirl ring in the mitting the first signal via a power connection while the
plasma arc torch. In operation, the torch produces a plasma power connection provides power from the battery to the
arc, which is a constricted jet of an ionized gas with high 25 power Supply.
temperature and Sufficient momentum to assist with removal In some embodiments, the method further includes adjust
of molten metal. ing the at least one parameter of the battery based on the
The operation of a plasma arc torch can be powered, at operation of the plasma arc torch.
least partially, by a battery pack including one or more In some embodiments, the method further includes locat
battery cells. However, Such a design poses a challenging 30 ing a plasma control circuit and a battery control circuit in
technical problem due the nature of batteries. For example, a single enclosure. The battery control circuit determines the
battery performance is often reduced in cold-temperature at least one parameter of the battery and forwards the
environment. Hence, an increased number of battery cells parameter to the plasma control circuit. The plasma control
are often required to maintain a minimum input voltage circuit controls the operation of the plasma arc torch based
Supplied to the plasma arc torch, thereby increasing the 35 on the at least one parameter.
overall size, weight and cost of the battery pack. In today's In some embodiments, the method further includes locat
market, no light-weight, reasonably-sized and low-cost bat ing a plasma control circuit and a battery control circuit on
tery packs exist that can power a plasma arc torch to enable a single circuit board inside of the control unit. The battery
relatively long cutting time at a wide range of environmental control circuit determines the at least one parameter of the
temperatures. In addition, a plasma arc torch system needs 40 battery and forwards the parameter to the plasma control
to maintain many other battery attributes within acceptable circuit. The plasma control circuit controls the operating
operating ranges so as to optimize battery performance process of the plasma arc torch based on the at least one
while minimizing battery cost, size and weight. These bat parameter.
tery attributes include, for example, battery Voltage, current, In another aspect, a plasma arc torch system is provided.
number of charge and/or discharge cycles. 45 The plasma arc torch system includes a power Supply for
Supplying an operating power to operate a plasma arc torch.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The system includes a battery for providing at least a portion
of the operating power to generate a plasma arc. The system
Thus, Systems and methods are needed to optimize battery further includes a control unit for controlling at least one
performance of a plasma arc torch system while reducing 50 operating parameter of the plasma arc torch based on battery
cost, size and weight. Specifically, battery performance data. The control unit includes: 1) a plasma control circuit
needs to be optimized with respect to one or more battery coupled to the power Supply for controlling the at least one
attributes, including temperature. In addition, Systems and operating parameter of the plasma arc torch, and 2) a battery
methods are needed to optimize operation of a plasma arc control circuit coupled to the battery and in communication
torch based on battery attributes. 55 with the plasma control circuit. The battery control circuit is
In one aspect, a method is provided for operating a plasma configured to determine the battery data and provide the
arc torch system having a power Supply and a plasma arc battery data to the plasma control circuit.
torch. The method includes Supplying power to the power In some embodiments, the plasma arc torch system fur
supply from a battery. The battery provides at least a portion ther includes a circuit board including both the plasma
of the power to generate a plasma arc by the plasma arc 60 control circuit and the battery control circuit. In some
torch. The method also includes communicating a first embodiments, the plasma arc torch system further includes
signal, indicating at least one parameter of the battery, a single enclosure housing both the plasma control circuit
between the battery and a control unit of the power supply, and the battery control circuit.
generating a second signal, by the control unit, based on the In some embodiments, the control unit is integrated with
at least one parameter of the battery, and controlling, using 65 the power Supply. The plasma arc torch system can further
the control circuit, operation of the plasma arc torch based include a power connection between the power Supply and
on the second signal. the battery. The power connection can be configured to
US 9,522,438 B2
3 4
perform at least one of 1) providing an electrical connection FIG. 3 illustrates a plot of test data for a battery cell.
between the battery and the power Supply, 2) transmitting FIG. 4 illustrates a plot of test data for another battery cell.
the battery data between the battery and the control unit of FIG. 5 shows an exemplary process for operating the
the power Supply, or 3) transmitting at least one instruction plasma arc torch system of FIG. 1.
for operating the plasma arc torch between battery and the
control unit of the power Supply. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
In some embodiments, the plasma arc torch system fur INVENTION
ther includes a heating or cooling unit in thermal commu
nication with the battery. The control unit is adapted to In a battery-powered plasma arc torch system, where at
adjust a temperature of the heating or cooling unit to 10 least one battery cell provides some, most, or all of the input
modulate a temperature of the battery based on the at least power to the plasma system, it is important to optimize
one operating parameter of the plasma arc torch. The heating battery performance and attributes (e.g., battery tempera
or cooling unit can be integrated with the battery. ture, Voltage, and/or current) and plasma cutting perfor
In other examples, any of the aspects above can include mance (e.g., cut duration, performance at extreme tempera
one or more of the following features. In some embodi 15 tures, cut speed, cut thickness, cut quality, and/or
ments, the at least one parameter of the battery includes one consumable life). Technologies of the present invention can
of a battery current, temperature, State of charge, coulomb maintain attributes of one or more battery cells of a plasma
count, Voltage, age, number of cycles, date, internal imped arc torch system within their preferred operating ranges and
ance, state of health, time to empty, time to full, discharge use the battery data to control operation of a plasma arc
status, charge status, or capacity, or a combination thereof. torch. A control scheme implementing the principles of the
In some embodiments, the first signal includes informa present invention is adapted to optimize both plasma cutting
tion displayable by the plasma arc torch system to an and battery performance.
operator of the plasma arc torch. The information may not be FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary plasma arc torch system
used by the control unit to control the operation of the according to Some embodiments of the present invention.
plasma arc torch. 25 The plasma arc torch system 100 includes a power supply
In another aspect, a method is provided for operating a 102, a battery pack 104, a control unit 106 and a plasma arch
plasma arc torch system having a power Supply and a plasma torch 108. The battery pack 104, in connection with the
arc torch. The method includes Supplying power to the power supply 102, provides at least a portion of the oper
power supply from a battery. The battery provides at least a ating power to generate a plasma arc by the plasma arc torch
portion of the power to generate a plasma arc by the plasma 30 108. In some embodiments, the power supply 102 is adapted
arc torch. The method includes communicating a first signal, to convert an input power, expressed as a combination of
indicating at least one parameter of the battery, between the input voltage and input current, to a power level required to
battery and a control unit of the power supply. The method operate the plasma arc torch 108, including a required
further includes generating a second signal, by the control Voltage level and/or a required current level. In some
unit, based on the at least one parameter of the battery and 35 embodiments, the power used to operate the plasma arc
maintaining, by the control circuit, the plasma arc generated torch 108 is supplied entirely by the battery pack 104. In
by the plasma arc torch by adjusting at least one of the at some embodiments, the plasma arc torch 108 is powered by
least one parameter of the battery or an operating parameter the battery pack 104 as well as another power source (not
of the plasma arc torch. The method can also include shown). Such as a power source connected to the wall. The
maintaining the plasma arc when a temperature of the 40 battery pack 104 can include one or more battery cells, each
battery exceeds a threshold. The at least one parameter of the of which can be replaceable or rechargeable. The control
battery can include one of battery temperature, state of unit 106 is configured to control at least one operating
charge, Voltage, current, or power. The operating parameter parameter of the plasma arc torch based on information
of the plasma arc torch can include one of power, current, a collected about the battery pack 104. The control unit 106
cutting program, a current ramping profile or a gas ramping 45 can also control performance of the battery pack 104. FIG.
profile. 1 illustrates the control unit 106 being located inside of the
It should also be understood that various aspects and power Supply 102. Such as being integrated with the power
embodiments of the invention can be combined in various supply 102. However, in other embodiments, the control unit
ways. Based on the teachings of this specification, a person 106 is located external to the power supply 102, but main
of ordinary skill in the art can readily determine how to 50 tains electrical communication with the power supply 102.
combine these various embodiments. For example, in some In addition, the system 100 can include various user controls
embodiments, any of the aspects above can include one or (not shown). Such as a current limiting Switch, a toggle
more of the above features. One embodiment of the inven Switch, a key pad, a touch pad, dials, knobs or other means
tion can provide all of the above features and advantages. to enable a user to manipulate or otherwise control param
55 eters of the torch 108.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The plasma arc torch 108 has a variety of applications,
Such as cutting thick plates of steel and cutting compara
The advantages of the invention described above, together tively thin sheets of galvanized metal commonly used in
with further advantages, may be better understood by refer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
ring to the following description taken in conjunction with 60 The basic components of the plasma arc torch 108 can
the accompanying drawings. The drawings are not neces include a torch body, an electrode (cathode) mounted within
sarily to Scale, emphasis instead generally being placed upon the body, a nozzle (anode) with a central exit orifice, a gas
illustrating the principles of the invention. Source to provide a flow of an ionizable gas, electrical
FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary plasma arc torch system connections, passages for cooling and arc control fluids, and
according to Some embodiments of the present invention. 65 a power source that produces a pilot arc in the gas, typically
FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary control unit of the plasma between the electrode and the nozzle, and then a plasma arc,
arch torch system of FIG. 1. a conductive flow of the ionized gas from the electrode to a
US 9,522,438 B2
5 6
workpiece. The gas can be non-oxidizing, e.g. nitrogen, specific cutting program, a current ramping profile or a gas
argon/hydrogen, or argon, or oxidizing, e.g. oxygen or air. ramping profile, or a combination thereof, to operate the
In some embodiments, there is a power connection 114 plasma arc torch based on the battery data. In some embodi
between the power supply 102 and the battery pack 104. The ments, the control unit causes the plasma arc torch system
power connection 114 is configured to provide an electrical 100 to configure itself differently depending on the state and
connection between the battery pack 104 and the power type of the battery pack 104. For example, the system 100
Supply 102. The power connection 114 can also transmit, can configure itself differently depending on whether the
between the battery pack 104 and the power supply 102, at battery is Suited for a 30-amp process or a 45-amp process.
least one of the following information: data about the battery The system can also operate at other current levels and, as
pack 104, instructions for operating the plasma arc, or 10 Such, configure itself accordingly.
instructions for adjusting attributes associated with the bat In addition, the control unit 106, based on the battery data,
tery pack 104. can send an audio or visual signal to an operator of the torch
FIG. 2 illustrates exemplary an exemplary control unit of 108 to alert the operator to certain battery conditions. The
the plasma arc torch system 100 FIG.1. The control unit 106 control unit 106, based on the battery data, can also send a
includes a plasma control circuit 110 in communication with 15 signal to a user interface of the plasma arc torch system 100
a battery control circuit 112. The plasma control unit 110 is for displaying certain information. Such a signal may not be
coupled to the power supply 102 and controls at least one used for directly controlling the operation of the plasma arc
operating parameter of the plasma arc torch 108 based on torch 108. An operator, in response to receiving an alert
battery data obtained from the battery control circuit 112. signal from the plasma arc torch system 100, can improve
The battery control circuit 112 is coupled to the battery pack battery performance and/or torch performance by, for
104. The battery control circuit 110 determines information example, selecting an appropriate cutting mode, changing
about the battery pack 104 and provides at least a portion of cutting current or other torch parameters, or modifying how
the battery data to the plasma control circuit 110. The battery cutting is being performed, such as cut faster, cut slower,
control circuit 110 also controls performance of the battery lower cut height, etc.
pack 104 based on the battery data and information about the 25 In some embodiments, the control unit 106, based on the
plasma arc torch 108 obtained from the plasma control battery data, can send signals to the battery pack 104 to
circuit 110. The plasma control circuit 110 and the battery adjust certain battery attributes, thereby optimizing battery
control circuit 112 can be located in a single enclosure or performance. For example, the control unit 106 can turn the
different enclosures, where each enclosure can include one battery pack 104 on or off, provide setpoint information
or more circuit boards implementing the plasma control 30 (e.g., current and/or power level setpoints), define fault
circuit 110 and the battery control circuit 112. The plasma conditions and/or set current output. In some embodiments,
control circuit 110 and the battery control circuit 112 can be the control unit 106 can adjust the temperature of a heating
located on a single circuit board or different circuit boards. and/or cooling unit (not shown) that is in thermal commu
One or more of the enclosure(s) or circuit board(s) can be nication with the battery pack 104 so as to modulate the
located inside or outside of the power supply 102. 35 temperature of the battery pack 104. The heating and/or cool
Battery data transmitted between the battery pack 104 and unit can be integrated with the battery pack 104 or external
the control unit 106 includes, for example, battery current, to the battery pack 104.
temperature, state of charge, coulomb count, Voltage, age, Run time tests, which measure the length of time a battery
number of cycles, date, internal impedance, state of health, cell can Support plasma arc torch cutting performance, have
time to empty capacity, time to full capacity, discharge 40 been conducted for multiple battery cells manufactured by
status, charge status, or capacity, or a combination thereof. multiple battery manufacturers. Each battery cell is also
The control unit 106, based on the battery data, can auto tested at different environmental temperatures within a tem
matically regulate the operation of the plasma arc torch 108 perature-controlled chamber and at different loading condi
by controlling various inputs Supplied to the plasma arc tions, such as with a nominal load and several arc stretches.
torch 108, Such as the Voltage, current, gas pressure, cutting 45 Loads and loading conditions can be explained with refer
mode. In some embodiments, the control unit 106 adjusts an ence to the plasma arc torch Powermax30TM manufactured
output power supplied by the power supply 102 to the by Hypertherm Inc. This torch has a rated output of 30 A and
plasma arc torch 108 based on the battery data. For example, 83V, which forms a 2.49 kW arc load. At an internal
the control unit 106 can cause the power supply 102 to efficiency of approximately 80%, this torch thus requires an
modify its output power in order to maintain a plasma arc 50 input power of approximately 3.1 kW to support its opera
generated by the plasma arc torch 108, even when a param tion. One arc-stretch condition for the Powermax30TM torch
eter of the battery exceeds a threshold (i.e., above a thresh may be that if the torch requires 125 V in the arc at a current
old or below a threshold). This threshold can be a battery of 32 A, which translates to an arc load of 4.0 kW, an input
temperature threshold. For instance, the output power can be power of 5.0 kW to the torch is required at 80% efficiency.
lowered when a temperature of the battery is below a 55 Another arc-stretch condition may be that if the torch
threshold. In some embodiments, the control unit 106 requires 150V in the arc at a current of 32 A, which
adjusts the overall power delivered to the plasma arc torch translates to an arc load of 4.8 kW, an input power of 6.0 kW
based on the battery data. For example, the control unit 106 to the torch is required at 80% efficiency. Generally, for the
can lower the overall power delivered to the plasma arc torch battery cells tested, test results show that output voltage of
108 when a temperature of the battery is below a threshold. 60 the cells decrease with decreasing environmental tempera
Such overall power can be generated by the battery pack 104 ture, resulting in an increase in the output current required
as well as by one or more additional power sources. In some for delivering the same amount of power to a load, thereby
embodiments, the control unit 106, based on the battery data reducing run time. In addition, run time is reduced with
from the battery pack 104, can prevent the plasma arc torch increased load.
from being shut down, even when the battery temperature is 65 FIG. 3 illustrates a plot of test data for one of the battery
below a certain threshold. In some embodiments, the control cells, which shows cell voltage output trend over time at six
unit 106 can cause the system 100 to automatically select a different environmental temperatures. As shown, at environ
US 9,522,438 B2
7 8
mental temperatures of about -20°C. and about -10°C., the second signal (step 508) to optimize torch performance. The
cell cannot meet the minimum input voltage requirement to second signal can include a power input to the plasma arc
operate a plasma arc torch and stops cutting operation after torch 108, a current input to the plasma arc torch 108 and/or
less than 30 seconds, even though the cell has enough energy a selection of a cutting program, a current ramping profile or
to continue the cutting operation. At the environmental a gas ramping profile for operating the plasma arc torch 108.
temperature of about 40° C., the battery cell reaches its In some embodiments, the control unit 106 can further
maximum operating temperature and stops cutting after 6.5 generate a third signal based on the battery data and com
minutes of operation, even though the cell has enough municate the signal to the battery pack 104 to optimize
energy to continue to cut. FIG. 4 shows a plot of test data for battery performance. The third signal can include, for
another battery cell at the environmental temperature of 40° 10 example, a desired battery temperature, state of charge,
C. As shown, cell temperature increases over time during Voltage, current, or power. In some embodiments, the third
torch operation due to self heating while cell Voltage signal includes desired value(s) for the parameter(s) asso
decreases over time. This battery cell is smaller than the one ciated with the first signal. In general, the process 500 can
used in FIG. 3, as such, it reaches its maximum temperature be performed on a periodic or continuous basis while
sooner in comparison to the battery cell of FIG. 3. Similar 15 operating the plasma arc torch 108.
to the battery cell of FIG.3, the battery cell of FIG. 4 reaches It should also be understood that various aspects and
its maximum operating temperature at the environmental embodiments of the invention can be combined in various
temperature of about 40°C. and stops functioning thereafter. ways. Based on the teachings of this specification, a person
Therefore, to maximize torch run time, the control unit of ordinary skill in the art can readily determine how to
106 can adjust at least one of the plasma arc torch 108 combine these various embodiments.
operating parameters or attributes of the battery pack 104. What is claimed is:
Since run time is reduced with decreased environmental 1. A method for operating a plasma arc torch system
temperature and increased load, the control unit 106 can having a power Supply and a plasma arc torch, the method
control plasma arc as a function of temperature and/or load. comprising:
For example, the control unit 106 can reduce a load condi 25 Supplying power to the power Supply from a battery,
tion, such as decrease the arc length, when the battery pack wherein the battery provides at least a portion of the
104 is cold or when the load is too high. The control unit 106 power to generate a plasma arc by the plasma arc torch;
can also reduce the output current and/or the output power Supplying operating power to the plasma arc torch from
generated by the battery pack 104 when it is cold. Further the power Supply:
more, the control unit 106 can adjust the battery temperature 30 communicating a first signal, indicating at least one
itself when the environmental temperature approaches a parameter of the battery including a temperature of the
certain high- or low-temperature threshold by, for example, battery, between the battery and a plasma control circuit
modulating the temperature of the heating and/or cooling of a control unit, wherein the plasma control circuit is
unit in thermal communication with the battery pack 104 so coupled to the power Supply:
as to maintain the battery temperature within an acceptable 35 generating a second signal, by a battery control circuit of
range. the control unit, based on the at least one parameter of
The plasma arc torch system 100 thus allows more energy the battery, wherein the battery control circuit is
to be extracted from the battery pack 104, resulting in longer coupled to the battery;
cut durations, more battery cycles, improved cold tempera lowering, using the plasma control circuit, the operating
ture performance, among other benefits. In addition, the 40 power Supplied to the plasma arc torch based on the
plasma arc torch system 100 can use a smaller battery pack second signal when the temperature of the battery is
104 with fewer and/or lighter cells since the system 100 below a threshold to maintain the plasma arc; and
maximizes battery utilization. Using a smaller battery pack increasing, using the plasma control circuit, the operating
104 also reduces battery cost and weight. power Supplied to the plasma arc torch based on the
FIG. 5 shows an exemplary process for operating the 45 second signal when the temperature of the battery
plasma arc torch system 100 of FIG. 1. The process 500 exceeds the threshold to maintain the plasma arc.
starts with the battery pack 104 Supplying power to the 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one
power supply 102 (step 502), where the battery pack 104 parameter of the battery further comprises at least one of a
provides at least a portion of the power to generate a plasma battery current, state of charge, coulomb count, Voltage, age,
arc by the plasma arc torch 108. In some embodiments, other 50 number of cycles, date, internal impedance, state of health,
power sources, combined with the battery pack 104, provide time to empty capacity, time to full capacity, discharge
sufficient power to the plasma arc torch 108 to generate and status, charge status, or capacity, or a combination thereof.
maintain a plasma arc. The process 500 includes transmit 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising preventing,
ting a first signal, indicating at least one parameter of the by the plasma control circuit, the plasma arc torch from
battery pack 104, between the battery pack 104 and the 55 being shut down in accordance with the second signal.
control unit 106 of the power supply 102 (step 504). The first 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising transmitting
signal can include parameter values associated with the the first signal via a power connection while the power
battery pack 104, describing the status of various param connection provides power from the battery to the power
eters/attributes of the battery pack 104. For example, the first Supply.
signal can include information about battery current, tem 60 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising adjusting the
perature, State of charge, coulomb count, Voltage, age, at least one parameter of the battery based on the operation
number of cycles, date, internal impedance, state of health, of the plasma arc torch.
time to empty capacity, time to full capacity, discharge 6. The method of claim 1, wherein lowering or increasing
status, charge status, or capacity, or a combination thereof. the operating power Supplied to the plasma arc torch com
After receiving the battery data from the battery pack 104, 65 prises using a cutting program, a current ramping profile or
the control unit 104 generates a second signal (step 506) and a gas ramping profile, or a combination thereof, to operate
controls operation of the plasma arc torch 108 based on the the plasma arc torch.
US 9,522,438 B2
9 10
7. The method of claim 1, further comprising locating a nection between the battery and the power Supply, 2) trans
plasma control circuit and a battery control circuit in a single mitting the battery data between the battery and the control
enclosure, wherein 1) the battery control circuit determines unit of the power Supply, or 3) transmitting at least one
the at least one parameter of the battery and forwards the instruction for operating the plasma arc torch between
parameter to the plasma control circuit and 2) the plasma battery and the control unit of the power supply.
control circuit controls the operation of the plasma arc torch 16. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, further
based on the at least one parameter. comprising a heating or cooling unit in thermal communi
8. The method of claim 1, further comprising locating a cation with the battery, wherein the control unit is adapted
plasma control circuit and a battery control circuit on a to adjust a temperature of the heating or cooling unit to
single circuit board inside of the control unit, wherein 1) the 10
modulate the temperature of the battery based on at least one
battery control circuit determines the at least one parameter operating parameter of the plasma arc torch.
of the battery and forwards the parameter to the plasma 17. The plasma arc torch system of claim 16, wherein the
control circuit and 2) the plasma control circuit controls the heating or cooling unit is integrated with the battery.
operating process of the plasma arc torch based on the at
least one parameter. 15 18. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, wherein the
9. The method of claim 1, wherein the first signal includes control unit is further configured to cause to display at least
information displayable by the plasma arc torch system to an a portion of the battery data to an operator of the plasma arc
operator of the plasma arc torch. torch.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein the information is not 19. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, wherein the
used by the control unit to control the operation of the battery data further comprises one of a battery current, state
plasma arc torch. of charge, coulomb count, Voltage, age, number of cycles,
11. A plasma arc torch system comprising: date, internal impedance, state of health, time to empty
a power Supply for Supplying an operating power to capacity, time to full capacity, discharge status, charge
operate a plasma arc torch; status, or capacity, or a combination thereof.
a battery for providing at least a portion of the operating 25 20. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, wherein the
power to generate a plasma arc; and control unit adjusts power Supplied by the power Supply to
a control unit including: the plasma arc torch based on the battery data.
1) a battery control circuit, coupled to the battery, 21. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, wherein the
configured to monitor battery data that includes a plasma control circuit is further configured to reduce a
temperature of the battery; and 30 power delivered to the plasma arc torch to maintain the
2) a plasma control circuit coupled to the power Supply plasma arc when the first temperature of the battery is below
and in communication with the battery control unit, the temperature threshold.
the plasma control circuit configured to: 22. A method for operating a plasma arc torch system
receive the temperature of the battery from the having a power Supply and a plasma arc torch, the method
battery control circuit and determine whether the 35 comprising:
temperature is above or below a temperature Supplying power to the power Supply from a battery,
threshold; wherein the battery provides at least a portion of the
deliver, at a first temperature of the battery below the power to generate a plasma arc by the plasma arc torch;
temperature threshold, a first current to the plasma Supplying operating power to the plasma arc torch from
arc torch to maintain a plasma arc, and 40 the power Supply:
deliver, at a second temperature of the battery above communicating a first signal, indicating at least one
the temperature threshold, a second current to the parameter of the battery including a temperature of the
plasma arc torch to maintain the plasma arc, battery, between the battery and a plasma control circuit
wherein the second current is higher than the first of a control unit, wherein the plasma control circuit is
current and the second temperature of the battery 45 coupled to the power Supply:
is higher than the first temperature of the battery, generating a second signal, by a battery control circuit of
such that (i) a current of the torch is decreased from the control unit, based on the at least one parameter of
the second current to the first current when the the battery, wherein the battery control circuit is
battery temperature is below the temperature coupled to the battery;
threshold to enable torch operation when the bat 50 delivering, at a first temperature of the battery below a
tery temperature is low and ii the current is temperature threshold by the plasma control circuit, a
increased to the second current when the the first current to the plasma arc torch to maintain the
battery temperature increases to above the tem plasma arc; and
perature threshold due to self-heating of the bat delivering, at a second temperature of the battery above
tery during the torch operation. 55 the temperature threshold by the plasma arc torch, a
12. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, further second current to the plasma arc torch to maintain the
comprising a circuit board including both the plasma control plasma arc, wherein the second current is higher than
circuit and the battery control circuit. the first current and the second temperature of the
13. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, further battery is higher than the first temperature of the
comprising a single enclosure housing both the plasma 60 battery,
control circuit and the battery control circuit. such that (i) a current of the torch is decreased from the
14. The plasma arc torch system of claim 11, wherein the second current to the first current when the battery
control unit is integrated with the power Supply. temperature is below the temperature threshold to
15. The plasma arc torch system of claim 14, further enable torch operation when the battery temperature is
comprising a power connection between the power Supply 65 low and (ii) the current is increased to the second
and the battery, wherein the power connection is configured current when the the battery temperature increases to
to perform at least one of: 1) providing an electrical con above the temperature threshold.
US 9,522,438 B2
11 12
23. The method of claim 22, wherein the at least one a control unit including:
parameter of the battery further comprises at least one of 1) a battery control circuit, coupled to the battery,
State of charge, Voltage, current, or power. configured to monitor battery data that includes a
24. A plasma arc torch system comprising: temperature of the battery; and
a power supply for supplying an operating power to 5 2) a plasma control circuit coupled to the power supply
operate a plasma arc torch; and in communication with the battery control unit,
a battery for providing at least a portion of the operating the plasma control circuit configured to:
power to generate a plasma arc; and receive the temperature of the battery from the
a control unit for reducing a value of at least one operating battery control circuit and determine whether the
parameter of the plasma arc torch when a temperature 10 temperature is above or below a temperature
of the battery is below a threshold, the control unit threshold;
including: deliver, at a first temperature of the battery below the
1) a plasma control circuit coupled to the power supply temperature threshold, a first power to the plasma
for reducing the value of the at least one operating arc torch to maintain a plasma arc, and
parameter of the plasma arc torch when the tempera 15 deliver, at a second temperature of the battery above
ture of the battery is below the threshold, and the temperature threshold, a second power to the
2) a battery control circuit coupled to the battery and in plasma arc torch to maintain the plasma arc,
communication with the plasma control circuit, wherein the second power is higher than the first
wherein the battery control circuit is configured to power and the second temperature of the battery is
determine the temperature of the battery and provide higher than the first temperature of the battery,
the temperature to the plasma control circuit, such that (i) a power of the torch is decreased from
wherein the at least one operating parameter of the the second power to the first power when the
plasma arc torch comprises a current, power or load battery temperature is below the temperature
condition for operating the plasma arc torch. threshold to enable torch operation when the bat
25. A plasma arc torch system comprising: 25 tery temperature is low and (ii) the power is
a power supply for supplying an operating power to increased to the second power when the the bat
operate a plasma arc torch; tery temperature increases to above the tempera
a battery for providing at least a portion of the operating ture threshold.
power to generate a plasma arc; and ck ck ck ck ck