737 Low Voltage Circuit 783 High Voltage Circuit
Transition: When ILI:
Maintained: While > IT
Low Woltage High Voltage
VLY-767 f23 75.3
US 8,136,890 B2
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U.S. Patent US 8,136,890 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2012 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,136,890 B2
7(27C 7(22
US 8,136,890 B2
1. 2
SHOCKPROOF DEVICES AND METHODS second coil equals to or exceeds a threshold magnetic field.
The device can further include a second low voltage circuit
RELATED APPLICATIONS configured to carry a third current I and provide an assistive
magnetic field that is added to the magnetic field due to the I.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional No. 5 Current.
61/041,895, filed Apr. 2, 2008. In another embodiment, a device for preventing an electric
shock, the device includes a low Voltage source, high Voltage
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION input terminals for connecting to a high Voltage source, a
power outlet comprising a positive a pair of output terminals
1. Field of the Invention 10 for providing either a low Voltage current (I) or a high Volt
This invention relates generally to shock-proof electrical age current (I) to an external electrical load, and a control
output devices and methods, and more particularly to shock relay for selectively providing power from one of the low
proof electrical output devices and methods that distinguish Voltage and the high Voltage to the power outlet, wherein the
between an actual electrical load and a false load created by control relay comprises a low Voltage coil configured to carry
living beings in contact with the output of a device, a high 15 the It current and a high Voltage coil configured to carry the I.
Voltage being applied at the output only when an actual elec current. In one aspect, the low Voltage source is configured to
trical load is present at the output. provide a low DC voltage in the range between about 1 mV to
2. Background about 30V. In another aspect, the low voltage source is con
Electrical receptacle outlets in walls and floors present figured to provide a low AC Voltage in the range between
serious hazards to the public. The U.S. Consumer Product about 1 mVrms to about 30Vrms. In another aspect, the high
Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that 3,900 injuries Voltage source provides an AC Voltage in the range of about
associated with electrical receptacle outlets are treated in 3OVrms to about 500 Vrms. In another aspect, the high volt
hospital each year. Approximately one third of these injuries age source provides an AC Voltage in the range of about
occur when young children insert metal objects, such as hair 500Vrms to about 10,000 Vrms. In another aspect, the low
pins and keys, into the outlet, resulting in electric shock or 25 Voltage source comprises a step-down transformer. Further,
burn injuries to the hands or fingers, and, in many instances, the control relay can include a default state and an energized
death. The CPSC also estimates that electrical receptacles are state, and wherein low voltage is provided in the default state
involved in 5,300 fires annually, which claim, on average, 40 and high Voltage is provided in the energized state. Also, the
lives and injure 110 consumers. Thus, there is a need to control relay can switch from the default state to the energized
develop a cost-effective and compact shock proof device that 30 state when a magnetic field produced by the magnetic core
can prevent electrical shock-related injuries to humans. due to the It current flowing in the low Voltage coil equals or
exceeds a threshold magnetic field. In another aspect, the
SUMMARY OF CERTAIN INVENTIVE ASPECTS magnetic field exceeds the threshold magnetic field when the
magnitude of the It current equals to or exceeds a low Voltage
The system, method, and devices of the invention each 35 current threshold value. In another aspect, the control relay
have several aspects, no single one of which is solely respon switches from the default state to the energized state when an
sible for its desirable attributes. Without limiting the scope of external electrical load having a load impedance (Z) that is
this invention, its more prominent features will now be dis less than a threshold impedance is connected to the power
cussed briefly. After considering this discussion, and particu outlet. The threshold impedance can be between about 500S2
larly after reading the section entitled “Detailed Description 40 and about 10 kS2, or between about 10 kS2 and about 100 kS2.
of Certain Embodiments' one will understand how the fea In another aspect, the control relay remains in the energized
tures of this invention provide advantages over shock preven state while a magnetic filed produced by the magnetic core
tive devices and methods. due to the I current flowing in the high Voltage coil equals to
In one embodiment, a device for preventing an electric or exceeds a threshold magnetic field. The control relay can
shock, the device includes output terminals for connecting to 45 further include a magnetic core that is disposed within the
an external load, a low Voltage circuit for carrying a first high Voltage coil and the low Voltage coil, a lever system
current (I) to the output terminals, the low voltage circuit comprising a Support frame disposed with respect to at least
comprising a first coil disposed about a magnetic core, a high one of the low Voltage coil and the high Voltage coil, a pivot
Voltage circuit for carrying a second current (I) to the output connected to the Support frame, a metallic strip rotatably
terminals, the high Voltage circuit comprising a second coil 50 connected to the pivot, the metallic strip having a first side and
disposed about the magnetic core; and a control relay config a second side, and a common contact disposed on the metallic
ured to electrically connect one of the high Voltage circuit and strip, a high Voltage contact disposed on the first side of the
the low voltage circuit to the output terminals based at least metallic strip, and a low Voltage contact disposed on the
partly on the first current (I). The control relay can include a second side of the metallic strip. The magnetic core can
default state and an energized state, and wherein the low 55 comprise a soft magnetic material. In another aspect, the
Voltage circuit is connected to the output terminals in the metallic strip is a bimetallic strip that is configured to convert
default state and the high Voltage circuit is connected to the a temperature change into a mechanical displacement. In
output terminals in the energized state. The control relay can another aspect, the pivot comprises a spring that is configured
be configured to switch from the default state to the energized to apply a torque on the metallic strip Such that the common
state when a magnetic field produced by the magnetic core 60 contact makes an electrical contact with the low Voltage con
due to the It current flowing in the first coil equals or exceeds tact in the default State. In another aspect, Switching from the
a threshold magnetic field, and in some aspects the magnetic default State to the energized State occurs when a magnetic
field exceeds the threshold magnetic field when the magni field produced the magnetic core due to the It current flowing
tude of the It current equals to or exceeds a low Voltage in the low voltage coil exerts an attractive force between the
current threshold value. In another aspect, the control relay 65 magnetic core and the metallic strip strong enough to over
remains in the energized State while a magnetic filed pro come the torque provided by the spring. The device can
duced by the magnetic core due to the It current flowing in the further include a secondary low Voltage coil that is configured
US 8,136,890 B2
3 4
to carry a secondary low Voltage current and provide an batteries. In yet other embodiments, the low voltage source
assistive magnetic field that is added to a magnetic field due to 102 can include a high frequency signal Source such as a radio
the It current. frequency generator.
In certain embodiments, the power outlet 103 can be in the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS form of household electrical receptacles, for example, those
providing 125 or 230VAC power to household appliances, for
FIG. 1 shows a block diagram illustrating a shock proof example. In other embodiments, the power outlet 103 can be
device according to certain embodiments. in the form of an electrical contactor found in industrial plants
FIG. 2 shows another block diagram illustrating an for providing 230 or 460V power to electrical machineries. In
example of a shock proof electrical receptacle as an embodi 10 Some embodiments, the high Voltage can be as high as
ment of the shock proof device such as the one shown in FIG. 10,000Vrms. The particular form that the power outlet 103
1. takes, of course, depends largely on the application.
FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram illustrating an embodi In certain embodiments, the switching coil system 106
ment of the control relay that can be used in various embodi includes one common magnetic core 130 about which both
ments of the shock proof device Such as the ones shown in
15 the low voltage coil (LVC) 110 and the high voltage coil
FIGS. 1 and 2. (HVC) 120 are disposed. In other embodiments, the switch
ing coil system 106 can include two magnetic cores about
FIG. 4 shows a block diagram illustrating a low Voltage which the LVC 110 and the HVC 120 are separately disposed.
assisted shock proof device according to certain embodi In some embodiments, the LVC and/or HVC 110, 120 are
mentS. wound directly on the same magnetic core 130. In other
FIG. 5 shows a schematic diagram illustrating a low volt embodiments, the LVC and/or HVC 110, 120 are pre-formed
age (LV) assisted control relay 101B that can be used in a low and placed around the magnetic core 130. In certain embodi
voltage (LV) assisted shock control relay 100B such as the ments, the magnetic core 130 includes a high permeability
one illustrated by FIG. 4. metal Such as Soft iron or steel. In some embodiments, the
FIG. 6 shows a schematic diagram illustrating an electro 25 magnetic core 130 is stationary and configured to attract the
mechanical shock proof device that incorporates additional metal strip 151 that is mechanically and electrically con
safety features that can prevent a shock caused by touching a nected to the common contact 153. In other embodiments, the
live line when the shock proof device is energized. Switching coil system 106 may not include a magnetic core,
and, instead, relies on a free-air magnetic field generated by
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN 30 the LVC or the HVC to attract the metal strip 151. In yet other
INVENTIVE EMBODIMENTS embodiments (not shown), the magnetic core 130 is not sta
tionary and configured to move up or down when at least one
Certain embodiments provide a system and method for of the low and high voltage coils 110, 120 is energized, and
preventing electrical shock. physically pushes on the metal strip 151 to move the metal
The following detailed description is directed to certain 35 strip 151 from the low voltage contact 163 to the high voltage
sample embodiments of the invention. However, the inven contact 161. In yet other embodiments, the metallic strip is a
tion can be embodied in a multitude of different ways as flexible membrane fixedly supported at least on one end that
defined and covered by the claims. In this description, refer can be deflected by the magnetic field produced by the mag
ence is made to the drawings wherein like parts are designated netic core so that the common contact disposed on the metal
with like numerals throughout. 40 lic strip can contact the high Voltage contact when the metallic
Shock Proof Device strip is deflected. Various components of the control relay 101
Exemplary implementations of various embodiments of a including the switching coil system 106 will be described in
shock proof device are described herein. FIG. 1 shows a block detail with reference to FIG. 3 below.
diagram illustrating a shock proof device 100 according to The low voltage contact 163 of the control relay 101 is
certain embodiments. The device 100 comprises a control 45 connected to the V, terminal 185 of the low voltage source
relay 101, a low voltage source 102, a power outlet 103, and 102, and the high voltage contact 161 of the control relay 101
high voltage inputs 108, 109 connected to a high voltage is connected to the V terminal 108. The common contact
source 107. The control relay 101 includes a switching coil 153 is connected to the positive output terminal 191 of the
system 106, a common contact 153, a high Voltage contact power outlet 103. The negative output terminal 193 of the
161, a low voltage contact 163, and a metallic strip 151. The 50 power outlet 103 is connected to the V, terminal 187 of the
switching coil system 106 includes a low voltage coil (LVC) low voltage source 102.
110, a high voltage coil (HVC) 120, a magnetic core 130. The The high voltage inputs 108, 109 can be connected to an
low Voltage source includes a negative low Voltage (V) external high voltage source, e.g., 110VAC outlet. An external
terminal 185 and a positive low voltage (V) terminal 187. electrical load 500, e.g., an appliance, power tool, Vacuum,
The power outlet 103 includes a positive output terminal 191 55 can be connected (e.g., plugged or wired) into the power
and a negative output terminal 193. The high voltage inputs outlet 103 of the shock proof device 100. The external elec
108, 109 include a positive or “hot” (V) terminal 108 and a trical load 500 has a load impedance (Z) 510 which, in
negative or neutral (V) terminal 109. general, includes a real component Rand an imaginary com
In certain embodiments, the low voltage source 102 ponent X. When the external electrical load 500 is connected
receives power from the high voltage source 107. The low 60 to the power outlet 103, the device 100 “sees” the load imped
Voltage source 102 can include a step-down transformer con ance (Z) 510.
figured to provide a low AC Voltage of a known ratio (e.g., The control relay 101 can be thought of as a single-pole
20:1) of the high voltage input. In some of those embodiments double-throw (SPDT) relay with the common terminal cor
including the step-down transformer, the low Voltage source responding to the common contact 153, a normally-closed
102 can further include one or more diodes for rectifying the 65 (NC) terminal corresponding to the low voltage contact 163,
low AC output voltage into a DC voltage. In other embodi and a normally-open (NO) terminal corresponding to the high
ments, the low voltage source 102 includes one or more voltage contact 161. The control relay is controlled by mag
US 8,136,890 B2
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nitudes of I and I flowing through the normally-closed most conditions (e.g., wet), a human body touching the power
contact and the normally-open contact, respectively. The con outlet 103 would fail to draw a low voltage current (I) suf
trol relay 101 is in its default state, in which the common ficient enough to cause the common contact 153 to switch
contact 153 is in a mechanical and electrical contact with the from its default connection to the low voltage contact 163 to
low voltage contact 163, when one of the following condi the high voltage contact 161. On the other hand, when an
tions exists: (a) no external electrical load 500 is present, e.g., external electrical load 500 is connected to the power outlet
the output terminals 191,193 are open; (b) there is an external 103, the requisite I, 21 condition is satisfied under most
electrical load 500, but its load impedance (Z) exceeds a circumstances, thereby causing the common contact 153 to
certain threshold load impedance (Z) such that the I stays switch from the low voltage contact 163 to the high voltage
below a certain threshold low Voltage current (I); and (c) 10 contact 161.
the low Voltage source is not powered, because the shock FIG. 2 shows another block diagram illustrating an
proof device 100, for example, is not connected to a high example of a shock proof electrical receptacle 200. Compo
Voltage source, which provides power to the low Voltage nents of the shock proof electrical receptacle 200 can be
Source in Some embodiments. substantially the same as those of the shock proof device 100
It is important to note that the condition (a) (no external 15 illustrated in FIG. 1, and, thus, descriptions of those compo
electrical load) also encompasses the condition in which a nents given above also apply here. Special and/or additional
human body part is in contact with one or both terminals 191, features of the particular embodiment shown in FIG. 2 will be
193 of the power outlet 103. The impedance presented by described here. The power outlet 103 can be in the form of an
human body can depend on internal impedance and imped electrical receptacle providing a single-phase electrical
ance of skin. The internal impedance can depend on a variety power. The power outlet 103 shown can be the grounded 3-pin
of factors including current path and Surface area of contact. 125 V receptacle commonly found in North America, the
The impedance of skin can also depend on a variety of factors ungrounded 2-pin 125 V receptacle also found in North
including Voltage, frequency, length of time, Surface area of America, or the European style 2-pin 250V receptacle com
contact, pressure of contact, temperature, and amount of monly found in Europe and parts of Asia. In the particular
moisture. In certain embodiments, the threshold load imped 25 embodiment shown, the low voltage source 102 gets its power
ance (ZT) is between about 500S2 and about 10 kS2. In other from the high voltage source 107 by having its input terminals
embodiments, the ZT impedance is between about 10 kS2 and 183 and 181 connected to V, and V, , respectively. In
about 100 kS2. It will be appreciated that the threshold load certain embodiments, the low voltage output of the low volt
impedance below which the relay switches from the low age source 102 is a low DC voltage in the range between about
Voltage configuration to the high Voltage configuration is a 30 1 mV to about 30V. In other embodiments, the low voltage
design parameter that can be selected depending on the appli output can be a low AC voltage in the range between about 1
cation. mVrms and about 30V. In yet other embodiments, the low
When an external electrical load 500 with ZsZ, is con Voltage output can be a high frequency, e.g., radio frequency,
nected to the device 100 Such that the I2I condition is signal.
satisfied, the control relay 101 switches to its energized state, 35 FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram illustrating an embodi
where the common contact 153 comes into a mechanical and ment of the control relay 101 that can be used in various
electrical contact with the high voltage contact 161, thereby embodiments of the shock proof device such as the ones
connecting the Veterminal 108 to the positive output termi shown in FIGS. 1 and 2. The control relay 101 comprises a
nal 191 and allowing a high Voltage current (I) to flow low voltage coil (LVC) 110, a high voltage coil (HVC) 120, a
through the load impedance 510 of the external electrical load 40 magnetic core 130 disposed within the low voltage coil 110
500. Henceforth, this condition for switching from the low and the high voltage coil 120, a lever system 150, a high
voltage contact 163 to the high voltage contact 161 will be voltage contact 161, and a low voltage contact 163. The low
referred to as the “L-H switching condition' The connection voltage coil (LVC) 110 includes a LVC input 111, a LVC
between the common contact 153 and the high voltage con output 113, and a LVC winding 115. The high voltage coil
tact 161 is maintained while the high Voltage current I stays 45 (HVC) 120 includes a HVC input 121, a HVC output 123, and
above a certain threshold value I (I.2I (). Hence a HVC winding 125. The lever system 150 includes a metallic
forth, this condition for maintaining the Switch at the high strip 151, a common contact 153, a pivot 155, and a support
voltage contact 161 will be referred to as the “H maintenance frame 157. The control relay 101 further includes a delay
condition.” capacitor 165. In some embodiments, the Switching coil sys
The shock proof device 100 can include: 1) a low voltage 50 tem 106 shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 can comprise the LVC 110.
circuit 181 comprising the NC contacts (e.g., between the the HVC 120, and the magnetic core 130.
common contact 153 and the low voltage contact 163) and the The magnetic core 130 can include one or more soft mag
load impedance Z. 510; and 2) a high voltage circuit 183 netic materials that become magnetized when either the LVC
comprising the NO contacts (e.g., between the common con 110 or the HVC 120 is energized by a current flowing in the
tact 153 and the high voltage contact 161) and the and the load 55 coil. As used herein, the term “soft magnetic material” refers
impedance Z, 510. In terms of this dual circuit framework, to a ferromagnetic material that loses its memory of previous
the It flowing in the low voltage circuit 181 through the load magnetization that is commonly used in electromagnets to
impedance 510 is driven by the low voltage source 102, while multiply (often hundreds or thousands of times) the magnetic
the It flowing in the high voltage circuit 183 through the load field of a wire that carries an electrical current. The soft
impedance 510 is driven by the high voltage source 107. The 60 magnetic material can include, but is not limited to, one or
positive output terminal 191 of the shock proof device 100 more of crystalline ferromagnetic materials such as cobalt,
receives the negative low voltage (V, ) when the L-H switch iron, FeCFeO. NiOFeO, CuOFeO, MgOFeO, MnBi,
ing condition (e.g., I, 2I) is not satisfied. This can occur, Ni, MnSb, MnOFeOYFesO, CrO, MnAS, and Gd. The
for example, when there is no load or a high impedance load Soft material can also include one or more of non-crystalline
connected to the power outlet, or when a proper low Voltage 65 ferromagnetic alloys, e.g., Metglas(R), created by vary rapid
is not present at the low voltage source 102. A human body quenching of a liquid alloy Such as comprising iron and
typically represents a high impedance path. Therefore, under boron. In some embodiments, the magnetic core 130 extends
US 8,136,890 B2
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outside the top edge of the upper coil 110 as shown in FIG. 3 embodiments, the metallic strip 151 comprises a bimetallic
so that it can be positioned closer to the lower surface of the strip that is configured to convert a temperature change into a
metallic strip 151. In other embodiments, the top or “head mechanical displacement so as to function as a fuse.
portion of the magnetic core (the portion closest to the mag The choices for the number of windings for the LVC coil
netic strip 151) has a greater diameter than the remaining part 115, N., and the number of windings for the HVC winding
of the magnetic core 130 such as to increase the net attractive 125, N, depend on various factors such as the current
force applied on the metallic strip 151. rating of the shock proof device 100, the ratio of the high
In the particular embodiment shown in FIG. 3, the lever voltage to the low voltage, the effective permeability of the
system 150 is configured to provide a relay switching from a magnetic core, the restorative torque of the spring in the pivot
normally closed (NC) position to a normally open (NO) posi 10
155, the magnetic properties of the metallic strip 151, the
tion when the magnetic core 130 produces a magnetic field length of the lever between the pivot and where the magnetic
(B) that exceeds a threshold magnetic field (B). This condi attractive force is applied, and the relative positions of the
tion (BDB) is met when the L-H switching condition is met. LVC 110 and the HVC 120. The thickness of the HVC wind
In other words, I can be thought of as the amount of ing, of course, depends on the current rating of the device 100.
current that will generate B. When this happens, the attrac 15
tive force between the magnetic core 130 and the metallic In certain embodiments, the LVC 110 is positioned on top
strip 151 causes the relay switching. The lever system 150, of the HVC 120 so as to be closer to the lever system 150 as
therefore, has two states: a default state and an energized shown in FIG. 3. In other embodiments, the HVC 120 is
state. The lever system 150 is in the default state when neither positioned on top of the LVC 110. In yet other embodiments,
the LVC 110 nor the HVC 120 is sufficiently energized. A the LVC 110 is wound or positioned closer to the magnetic
spring (not shown) incorporated in the pivot 155 provides a core 130 and the HVC 120 is wound or positioned outside the
counterclockwise torque on the metallic strip 151 towards the LVC 110. In yet other embodiments, the HVC 120 is wound
support frame 157, thereby causing the common contact 153 or positioned closer to the magnetic core 130 and the LVC 110
to mechanically contact the low Voltage contact 163 and make is wound or positioned outside the LVC 110. In yet other
an electrical contact with the same. This default state corre 25 embodiments, the control relay 101 is filled with oil (for
sponds to the default state of the SPDT relay discussed above. example, a mineral oil or methylsterate) to prevent or reduce
The lever system 150 goes to the energized state, when the electrical sparks and welding of contacts, and extend the
L-H Switching condition (I.2I, ) is satisfied, the LVC usable life time of the relay.
110 is sufficiently energized, and the magnetic core 130 pro With references to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, the operation of the
duces a magnetic field that exceeds B. In that case, a clock 30 shock proof device 100 will be described with respect the
wise torque produced by an attractive force between the voltage potential of the positive output terminal 191 in differ
metallic strip 151 and the magnetic core 130 overcomes the ent possible situations. When the device 100 is not connected
counterclockwise torque provided by the spring in the pivot to a high Voltage source, there is no current flowing through
155, thereby causing the common contact 153 to make an the high voltage circuit 183 or the low voltage circuit 181.
electrical and mechanical contact with the high Voltage con 35 Therefore, neither the LVC 110 nor the HVC 120 is ener
tact 161. This energized State corresponds to the energized gized. Consequently, the magnetic core 130 is not magne
state of the SPDT relay. The lever system 150 remains in the tized; the common contact 153, which is connected to the
rotated State while the H maintenance condition (I.2I ) positive output terminal 191 of the power outlet 103, is con
is satisfied. nected to the low voltage contact 163. With no high voltage
The delay capacitor 165 is configured to provide reliable 40 present, the positive output terminal 191 is not “hot”
relay Switching. In the absence of the delay capacitor, as the In operation, the device 100 may be connected to a high
lever system 140 makes a transition from the default state to voltage source 107, but no load is connected to the power
the energized State, there exists a short Switching time, outlet 103. The low voltage source 102 receives the V and
between when IL ceases to flow in the low voltage circuit 181 the V, from the high voltage source 107 and produces a low
(FIG. 1) and when a sufficient I flows in the high voltage 45 Voltage comprising V, and V. However, there is no I
circuit 183 (FIG. 1), during which neither the LVC 110 northe current flowing through the low Voltage circuit because an
HVC 120 is sufficiently energized. During this switching electrical open exists between the positive output terminal
time, there can be an interruption in the attractive force 191 and the negative terminal 193. Therefore, the LVC 110 is
between the magnetic core 130 and the metallic strip 151. not energized. Also, with an electrical open existing between
Depending on the length of the Switching time, this interrup 50 the common contact 153 and the high voltage contact 161,
tion can cause the lever system 140 to return to the default there is no I current flowing through the high Voltage circuit
state, where again the LVC is energized and the magnetic core Therefore, the HVC 120 is also not energized. With the LVC
130 exerts an attractive force on the metallic strip 151. This 110 and the HVC 120 un-energized, the magnetic core 130
can lead to an undesirable mechanical toggling or oscillation. does not attract the metallic strip 151 to cause the relay
The delay capacitor 165, which is charged before the switch 55 switching. Consequently, the positive output terminal 191 is
ing, can provide a reserve of charges that can continue to at the V, Voltage level, and, therefore, not “hot.”
Supply I current during the Switching time until a sufficient Now suppose that the device 100 is connected to a high
I develops in the newly established high Voltage circuit. Voltage source, but no load is connected to the power outlet,
Note that the positive lead and the negative lead of the delay but a human body part is touching one or both of the output
capacitor 165 are connected to the LVC input 111 and the 60 terminals 191 and 193. As discussed above, a human skin
LVC output 113, respectively. The choice of the capacitance presents a very high impedance path between the positive
for the delay capacitor depends on the desired delay time and output terminal 191 and the negative output terminal 193.
the intrinsic resistance of the coil that it is connected to. In Consequently, the device 100 can be configured such that I
certain embodiments where the intrinsic resistance of the current flowing in the low Voltage circuit through the human
LVC was about 102, 2000 uF delay capacitance was used. In 65 body will not meet the L-H switching condition and cause the
other embodiments where the intrinsic resistance was about relay switching. Therefore, the positive output terminal 191
300S.2, 5 uF delay capacitance was sufficient. In certain remains at the V, Voltage level, and, therefore, not “hot”
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Now suppose that the device 100 is connected to the high and the energized LVC2 410 generates an assistive magnetic
voltage source and an external load 500 is connected to the field B, that is added to the B to produce the total magnetic
power outlet 103. Assuming that the load impedance (Z) 510 field B:
of the external load is below the threshold impedance Z a B=B+B. Equation 1
sufficiently high I, current can flow in the low voltage circuit 5
via the LVC 110 so as to cause the magnetic core 130 to attract The secondary low voltage circuit 401 assists the high
and rotate the metallic strip 151. During this rotation, the Voltage circuit 183 by producing the assistive magnetic field
common contact 153 loses an existing mechanical and elec Ba. In this sense, the shock proof device 100B will be hence
trical contact with the low voltage contact 161 and establishes 10 forth referred to as the “low voltage assisted shock proof
device.” For the switches to remain in the energized states the
a new mechanical and electrical contact with the high Voltage total magnetic field B must be equal to or greater than a
contact 163. When this happens, the I, stops flowing in the threshold magnetic field BT:
low Voltage circuit, and the I starts to flow in the high Voltage
circuit, thereby maintaining the control relay 100 in its ener B2B Equation 2
gized State. From this point on, high Voltage is Supplied to the 15 Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) leads to the following relay main
outlet until the external load is turned off or unplugged from tenance condition:
the outlet, at which time the control relay switches from the
energized state to the default state because there is no I, B2B1-B Equation 3
current for the magnetic core 130 attract the metallic strip 151 Therefore, the addition of the secondary low voltage circuit
and maintain the control relay in the energized State. 2O 401 reduces the field requirement for the HVC 120. For
Low Voltage Assisted Shock Proof Device example, if I flowing through the LVC2410 generates B.
In certain cases, it is desirable to minimize N., the total that is 80% of B, the HVC 120 only needs to generate 20%
number of HVC coil windings. This is especially true when of the field it would have had to generate in absence of the
the current rating of the shock proof device is high Such that secondary low voltage circuit 401. That reduction in the field
it is necessary to use a relatively thick wire for the HVC 25 requirement can translate into 80% reduction in the number
winding. The HVC can become bulky and harder to manu of HVC 120 windings.
facture. In addition to accommodate the bigger HVC, the FIG. 5 shows a schematic diagram illustrating a low volt
shock proof device 100 may become bigger. On the other age (LV) assisted control relay 101B that can be used in a low
hand, if not enough windings are provided for the HVC 120, 30 voltage (LV) assisted shock control relay 100B such as the
the operating range of shock proof device may become lim one illustrated by FIG. 4. The pivot is positioned on the left
ited. For example, if a low I is drawn by an external load, hand side so as to reduce the amount of magnetic field
magnetic field B produced by the magnetic core 130 may not HVC cantobecause
the rotation. Therefore, the LVC and the
smaller. The LV assisted control relay
reach above the threshold magnetic field B to cause the relay 101B may include components that are included in the con
to switch from the default position to the energized position. 35 trol relay 101 shown in FIG. 3. Accordingly, only certain
Even if the relay Switching occurs during an inrush period features of the LV assisted control relay 101B will be
(e.g., a period immediately after turning on a motor-driven described.
device during which a much larger than normal current flows The LV assisted control relay 101B may comprise a dual
through the motor windings) of the external electrical load contact lever system 150B in place of the lever system 150
(when B2B), the Switch may become de-energized and 40 described above with reference to FIG. 3. The dual contact
revert back to the default state during a normal operation of lever system 150B includes, in addition to a common contact
the load when B may fall below B. 153, a metallic strip 151, a pivot 155, and a support frame 157,
One way to reduce or minimize N., without sacrificing an extended lever portion comprising a second metallic strip
the operation range of the shock proof device is to introduce 405, and a movable assistive contact 403. The movable assis
a secondary low voltage (LV) circuit 401 as illustrated in FIG. 45 tive contact 403 can be disposed at a second distal end of the
4. The low voltage (LV) assisted shock proof device 100B lever system opposite to a first distal end where the common
illustrated by FIG. 4 is similar to the shock proof device 100 contact 153 is disposed. The extended lever portion can be
illustrated by FIG. 1 except for the addition of the secondary joined to the rest of the dual contact lever system 150B via an
LV circuit 401. The secondary LV circuit 401 comprises a insulating layer 409. Such a joint can be formed by, for
second low voltage source 102B and a control relay 101B. In 50 example, epoxy-bonding the extended leverportion to the rest
most cases, the second low Voltage source 102B is the same as of the lever system 150B with a rubberpiece inserted between
the low Voltage source 102, but in Some cases, they may be the two as the insulating layer 409.
different. The control relay 102 B comprises, in addition to The LV assisted control relay 101B can also include a
components described with respect to FIG. 1, a stationary combined high voltage and low voltage coil (HLVC) 120B in
assistive contact 401, a movable assistive contact 403, and a 55 place of the high voltage coil 120 shown in FIG.3. The HLVC
second low voltage coil (LVC2) 410. 120B can include two sets of coils HVC 120 and 410 (for
The control relay 101B can be thought of as comprising example, see FIG. 4). As before, the HVC 120 comprises the
two sets of switches: 1) a single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) HVC winding 125, the HVC input 121, and the HVC output
Switch comprising the common contact 153, the low Voltage 123. The LVC2410 comprises a LVC2 winding 415, a LVC2
contact 163, and the high Voltage contact 161; and 2) a single- 60 input 411, and a LVC2 output 413. In the embodiment shown,
pole-single-throw (SPST) switch comprising the stationary the LVC2410 and the HVC 120 are wound together in such a
assistive contact 401 and the movable assistive contact 403. way that the relatively thin LVC2 winding 415 fills the void
When the L-H switching condition (I.2I, ) is satisfied created by the relatively thick HVC winding 125. This design
such that B-B, the SPDT and SPST switches simultaneously minimizes the volume of the combined HLVC 120B. The
change state from their default positions to their energized 65 LVC2 input 411 is electrically connected to the second metal
positions, thereby energizing the HVC 120 and the LVC2 lic strip 405. The LVC2 output is electrically connected to V,
410. The energized HVC generates a first magnetic field B. which is shared by the LVC output 113.
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11 12
In operation, the LV assisted shock proof device 100B is detector 620 can comprise a first amperage sensor 621, a
connected to an external load, e.g., an appliance, Such that the second amperage sensor 623, and a difference detector 625.
L-H Switching condition (I.2I) is satisfied, the dual The amperage sensors 621, 623, which are precisely matched
contact lever system 150B changes its state from the default to each other, are made to sense high Voltage currents on live
state (shown in FIG. 4) to an energized State. In the energized lines—the phase or hot line 601 carrying the V. Voltage and
state, the common contact 153 makes a mechanical and elec the grounded or neutral line 602 carrying the V. Voltage.
trical contact with the high voltage contact 161. In the dual The outputs of the amperage sensors 621, 623 are fed into two
contact lever system 150B, however, the movable assistive separate inputs 626, 627 of the difference detector 625. The
contact 403 is brought into a mechanical and electrical con difference detector 625 provides one (e.g., high) output when
tact with the stationary assistive contact 401, thereby com 10 the currents in the hot line 601, and the neutral line 602 are
pleting the LVC2410. The completion of the LVC2 causes the matched and another (e.g., low) output when the currents are
secondary low Voltage current I to flow from the V, to V, not matched, indicating a current leakage. The current leak
through the LVC2 winding 415. As before, the delay capaci age can be caused, for example, by a human or a pet touching
tor 165 can prevent a mechanical oscillation during the relay one of the lines and drawing an extra current. The difference
Switching. The assistive magnetic field B. generated by the 15 detector 625 can include a triode, a triac or any other bidirec
flow of I, in the LVC2 410 assists the magnetic field B, tional electronic switch which can conduct current in either
generated by the flow of I in the HVC 120 in maintaining the direction when it is triggered (turned on). The bio-impedance
dual contact lever 150B, and, therefore, the control relay sensor 630 is configured to sense electrical impedance pre
101B, in the energized state. Once the external load is sented by a living organism, e.g., a human or a dog. Such
removed, for example, turning off an “ON” switch on the bio-impedance sensors can be implemented as touch sensors
external load or unplugging the load from the shock proof for use in a light Switch or a computer keypad. The in-line
device, the HVC rapidly de-energizes, and the dual contact relays 640, 650 are configured to close when a positive volt
lever system 150B is released from its energized position to age is provided on the positive inputs 645, 655, and to open
assume its default position. when no voltage is provided on the positive inputs.
In certain embodiments, the movable assistive contact is 25 Referring to FIG. 6, the start-up operation (e.g., energizing
not disposed at the second distal end of the dual contact lever of the control relay when a load is first presented) of the
system 150B as shown in FIG. 5, but at somewhere between live-line shock proof device 100C can be similar to that of the
the first distal end and the second distal end. In some embodi other shock proof devices 100, 100B described above. As
ments, the extended lever portion or section is formed, e.g., with the control relays 101 and 101B shown in FIGS. 1-5, the
extruded, at the same time as the remaining section of the 30 negative (or neutral) low voltage V, can be provided to the
lever system 105B with an insulating barrier region electri electromechanical relay 611. The low voltage current I,
cally separating the two sections. In some embodiments, the passes through the power outlet 103 across the output termi
LVC2 winding 415 is not wound with the HVC winding 125 nals 191, 193 when an external electrical load is plugged in
so as to fill the void created by the HVC winding. Instead, the and turned on. The low Voltage current I first reaches the
LVC2 winding is disposed inside the HVC winding. In other 35 common contact (the lowermost of the three contacts) of the
embodiments, the LVC2 winding 415 is disposed between the electromechanical relay 611, from which it makes its way to
LVC winding 115 and the HVC winding 125. In yet other the low voltage contact (the middle contact of the three con
embodiments, the LVC2 winding 415 is disposed either tacts) and then to the delay capacitor 617, where the I charges
inside or outside the LVC winding 115. the delay capacitor. Soon after the delay capacitor 617 is
Shock Proof Device with Additional Safety Features 40 charged, the current sensing relay 613 senses high Voltage
FIG. 6 shows a schematic diagram illustrating an electro current I flowing to the external electrical load, at which
mechanical shock proof device 100C that incorporates safety point the current sensing relay 613 Switches, causing the
features that can prevent a shock caused by touching a live delay capacitor 617 to discharge and energize the Switching
line when the shock proof device is energized. The electro inputs (the contacts identified by the (+) and (-) symbols at
mechanical shock proof device 100C comprises a control 45 the bottom of the main relay. This causes the existing contact
relay 101C, a low voltage source 102, a power outlet 103 between the common contact and the low Voltage contact of
having a positive output terminal 191, and a negative output the electromechanical relay to be broken and, in place of this
terminal 193. In the embodiments shown in FIG. 6, the con connection, a contact is established between the common
trol relay 103C comprises a standard electromechanical relay contact and the high Voltage contact of the electromechanical
611, a current sensing relay 613, and a delay capacitor 615. In 50 relay. From this point on, high Voltage (V, V, ) is Supplied
the embodiment shown in FIG. 6, the electromechanical relay to the power outlet 103 until the external electrical load (not
611 includes a standard single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) shown) is unplugged or turned off at which time the Switch
relay with control inputs. However, in other embodiments, 614 in the current sensing relay 613 opens up, which, in turn,
the control relay 101C can be the non LV assisted control causes the electromechanical relay 611 to return to its default
relay 101 as shown in FIGS. 1-3 or the LV assisted control 55 state, namely, a low Voltage configuration.
relay 101B as shown in FIGS. 4-5. In certain embodiments, In addition to the basic functionalities of presenting high
the current sensing relay comprises a reed Switch 614 and a Voltages to the power outlet only when it is connected to an
coil 615 wound on the reed switch, where the coil 615 is made external electrical load as described above, the electrome
to carry the high Voltage current I. When there is a Sufficient chanical shock proof device 100C. can have additional safety
It flowing through the coil 615, the magnetic field generated 60 features including detecting a human or a pet touching a live
by the coil actuates the reed switch 614. However, it will be wire while the device 100C is energized. This additional
appreciated that this is just one of many different ways to safety feature is realized by one or a combination of leakage
implement the current sensing relay 613. current detection provided by the balanced load detector 620
The electromechanical shock proof device 100C can also and human/pet sensing provided by the bio-impedance detec
include other safety elements including a balanced load 65 tor 630.
detector 620, a bio-impedance sensor 630, a first in-line relay In absence of a current leakage somewhere in the high
640, and/or a second in-line relay 650. The balanced load Voltage circuit, a positive high Voltage load current flowing to
US 8,136,890 B2
13 14
an electrical load through the hotline 601 should be the same a low Voltage circuit for carrying a first current (I) to the
as a negative load current flowing from the electrical load in output terminals, the low Voltage circuit comprising a
the neutral line 602. Therefore, under the normal circum first coil disposed about a magnetic core;
stances, the outputs of the matched amperage sensors 621, a high Voltage circuit for carrying a second current (I) to
623 are substantially the same, and the output of the differ 5 the output terminals, the high Voltage circuit comprising
ence detector 625 is high indicating the load currents are a second coil disposed about the magnetic core; and
balanced. The high output of the difference detector 625 is a control relay configured to electrically connect the output
provided to the input of the bio-impedance sensor 630, terminals to only one of the high Voltage circuit and the
thereby causing its output to go high. However, if there is a low voltage circuit based at least partly on the first cur
current leakage caused by a component or a wire shorted to a 10 rent (I),
ground or, more importantly, by a person or a pet touching a wherein the control relay includes a default state and an
live wire (either the hotline or the neutral line), the outputs of energized State, and wherein the low Voltage circuit is
the matched amperage sensors 621, 623 will no longer be the connected to the output terminals in the default state and
same, and the imbalance causes the output of the difference the high Voltage circuit is connected to the output termi
detector 625 to go low. The low output of the difference 15 nals in the energized State, wherein the control relay is
detector 625 causes the output of the bio-impedance sensor configured to switch from the default state to the ener
630 to go low. This in turn causes the both in-line relays 640, gized State when a magnetic field produced by the mag
650 to open, thereby disconnecting the live high voltage lines netic core due to the It current flowing in the first coil
from the power outlet 103. equals or exceeds a threshold magnetic field, and
It is worth noting that unlike conventional ground fault wherein the control relay remains in the energized state
interrupt (GFI) devices, the balanced load detector shown in while a magnetic field produced by the magnetic core
FIG. 6 does not require a reference to ground. Thus, if a due to the I current flowing in the second coil equals to
person were to grab both or either of the negative and the or exceeds a threshold magnetic field.
positive high voltage live wires being monitored by the bal 2. The device of claim 1, wherein the magnetic field
ance load detector 620, the difference detector element 625 25 exceeds the threshold magnetic field when the magnitude of
would interpret the imbalance and no longer provide an out the It current equals to or exceeds a low Voltage current
put signal, thereby tripping the appropriate relay(s) and cut threshold value.
ting off high Voltage power. 3. The device of claim 1, further comprising a second low
In addition to the safety feature provided by the balanced Voltage circuit configured to carry a third current I and
load detector 620, the bio-impedance sensor 630 can detect a 30 provide an assistive magnetic field that is added to the mag
human or a pet touching a live line and trip the relays 640, netic field due to the It current.
650. Thus, the bio-impedance sensor 630 can provide a 4. A device for preventing an electric shock, the device
redundancy to the live-line touch monitoring provided by the comprising:
balanced load detector 620. In certain cases, the bio-imped a low Voltage source;
ance sensor 630 can provide a faster response time than the 35 high Voltage input terminals for connecting to a high Volt
balanced load detector. Certain embodiments of the electro age Source:
mechanical shock proof device 100C include the balanced a power outlet comprising a pair of output terminals for
load detector 620, but not the bio-impedance sensor 630. providing either a low Voltage current (I) or a high
Other embodiments include the bio-impedance sensor 630, Voltage current (I) to an external electrical load; and
but not the balanced load detector 620. Yet other embodi 40 a control relay for selectively providing power from one of
ments include an additional bio-impedance sensor installed the low Voltage source and the high Voltage source to the
on the hot line 601 side. Yet other embodiments include the power outlet, wherein the control relay comprises a low
first in-line relay 640, but not the second in-line relay 650. Voltage coil configured to carry the It current and a high
Various embodiments of shock proof devices described Voltage coil configured to carry the It current,
herein can have a plurality of applications including, but not 45 wherein the control relay includes a default state and an
limited to, light Switches (3-way and dimmer), plug strips energized State, wherein low Voltage is provided in the
(and plug molds), circuit breakers, wall plug-in overlays, default State and high Voltage is provided in the ener
machineries, generators, arc welders, leakage preventions in gized State, and wherein the control relay remains in the
cars and houses, extension cord adaptors (male and female, energized State while a magnetic field produced by the
integral), light bulb socket adaptor, screw-in fuses/breakers, 50 magnetic core due to the It current flowing in the high
and tract lighting. For example, when applied to the arc weld Voltage coil equals to or exceeds a threshold magnetic
ers, the shock proof device can prevent an electrical shock as field.
well as unnecessary current draw by the arc welder when the 5. The device of claim 4, wherein the control relay switches
arc welding is not taking place (when the welding rod is not from the default state to the energized State when a magnetic
touching the work piece.) 55 field produced by the magnetic core due to the It current
While the above detailed description has shown, described, flowing in the low Voltage coil equals or exceeds a threshold
and pointed out the fundamental novel features of the inven magnetic field.
tion as applied to various embodiments, it will be understood 6. The device of claim 5, wherein the magnetic field
that various omissions and Substitutions and changes in the exceeds the threshold magnetic field when the magnitude of
form and details of the system illustrated may be made by 60 the It current equals to or exceeds a low Voltage current
those skilled in the art, without departing from the intent of threshold value.
the invention. 7. The device of claim 4, wherein the control relay switches
from the default state to the energized state when an external
What is claimed is: electrical load having a load impedance (Z) that is less than
1. A device for preventing an electric shock, the device 65 a threshold impedance is connected to the power outlet.
comprising: 8. The device of claim 7, wherein the threshold impedance
output terminals for connecting to an external load; is between about 500S2 and about 10 kS2.
US 8,136,890 B2
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9. The device of claim 7, wherein the threshold impedance 12. The device of claim 10, wherein the metallic strip is a
is between about 10 kS2and about 100 kS2. bimetallic strip that is configured to convert a temperature
10. The device of claim 4, wherein the control relay further change into a mechanical displacement.
comprises: 13. The device of claim 10, wherein the pivot comprises a
a magnetic core that is disposed within the high Voltage coil 5 spring that is configured to apply a torque on the metallic strip
and the low Voltage coil; Such that the common contact makes an electrical contact
a lever system comprising with the low voltage contact in the default state.
a Support frame disposed with respect to at least one of 14. The device of claim 13, wherein a switching from the
the low Voltage coil and the high Voltage coil, default State to the energized State occurs when a magnetic
a pivot connected to the Support frame, 10 field produced the magnetic core due to the It current flowing
a metallic strip rotatably connected to the pivot, the in the low voltage coil exerts an attractive force between the
metallic strip having a first side and a second side, and magnetic core and the metallic strip strong enough to over
a common contact disposed on the metallic strip: come the torque provided by the spring.
a high Voltage contact disposed on the first side of the 15. The device of claim 10, further comprising a secondary
metallic strip; and 15 low Voltage coil that is configured to carry a secondary low
a low Voltage contact disposed on the second side of the Voltage current and provide an assistive magnetic field that is
metallic strip. added to a magnetic field due to the I current.
11. The device of claim 10, wherein the magnetic core
comprises a soft magnetic material. k k k k k