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RF25W Alkenes and Alkynes

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Subject : Chemistry

Standard : 11
Alkenes and Alkynes

............ Chemistry - Section A (MCQ) ............ (A) Propane (B) Propene

(C) Propyne (D) Propanol
(1) Alcoholic solution of KOH is used for [IIT 1990]
(A) Dehydration (B) Dehydrogenation (9) The dehydrohalogenation of neopentyl bromide
with alcoholic KOH mainly gives [IIT 1990]
(C) (D) Dehalogenation (A) (B)
Dehydrohalogenation 2−methyl−1−butene 2−methyl−2−butene
(C) (D) 2−butene
(2) The intermediate during the addition of HCl to
2, 2−dimethyl−1−butene
propene in the presence of peroxide is [IIT 1997]
• +
(A) CH3 CHCH2 Cl (B) CH3 CHCH3
(10) The predominant product formed, when 3−

methyl-2 -pentene reacts with HOCl, is [IIT 1995]
(C) CH3 CH2 CH2 (D) CH3 CH2 CH2
(3) In which of the following, addition of HBr does Cl OH
not take place against Markownikoff’s rule or |
Anti-Markownikoff addition of HBr is not (A) CH3 − CH2 − C − CH − CH3
observed for [AIPMT 1994 , IIT 1985] |
(A) Propene (B) But−1−ene CH3
(C) But−2−ene (D) Pent−2−ene Cl Cl
(4) A gas formed by the action of alcoholic KOH on |
ethyl iodide, decolorises alkaline KM nO4 (B) CH3 − CH2 − C − CH − CH3
solution. The gas is [IIT 1982] |

(A) CH4 (B) C2 H6 CH3

(C) C2 H4 (D) C2 H2 OH
(5) During debromination of meso-dibromobutane, |
the major compound formed is [IIT 1997] (C) CH3 − CH2 − C − CH − CH3
(A) n−butane (B) 1−butane |
CH3 Cl
(C) cis−2−butene (D) trans−2−butene
(6) The compound having both sp and sp2 hybridised |
carbon atom is [IIT 1981] (D) CH3 − CH2 − C − CH − CH3
(A) Propene (B) Propyne |
(C) Propadiene (D) None of these CH3
(7) In the presence of peroxide, hydrogen chloride
and hydrogen iodide do not give (11) The reagent which is used to distinguish between
anti-Markovnikoff’s addition to alkenes because propene and propyne is [IIT 2000 , AIIMS 2000]
[IIT 2001]
(A) Bromine (B) Alkaline KM nO4
(A) Both are highly ionic (C) Ammoniacal AgN O3 (D) Ozone
(B) One is oxidising and the other is reducing (12) Butene−1 may be converted to butane by
(C) One of the steps is endothermic in both the reaction with [AIEEE 2003]
cases (A) Zn − HCl (B) Sn − HCl
(D) All the steps are exothermic in both the cases (C) Zn − Hg (D) P d / H2
(8) n−propyl bromide on treatment with ethanolic (13) The product of acid catalyzed hydration of
potassium hydroxide produces [IIT 1987] 2−phenyl propene is [IIT 2004]

(A) (B) OHOH
3−phenyl−2−propanol 1−phenyl−2−propanol ||
(C) (A) CH3 − C − CH − CH2 CH3
2−phenyl−2−propanol |
2−phenyl−1−propanol CH3

(14) Which of these does not follow

Anti-Markownikoff’s rule [AIEEE 2004]
(A) 2−butene (B) 1−butene
(C) 2−pentene (D) 2−hexene

(15) The reaction of propene with HOCl proceeds via

the addition of [IIT 2001] (D)
(A) H + in the first step
(B) Cl+ in the first step
(C) OH − in the first step
(D) Cl+ and OH − in a single step (19) In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene
affords the compound ′ B ′
O3 H O
CH3 − CH = CH − CH3 −→ A−−2→ B.
(16) Which of the following used for the conversion of The compound B is [AIEEE 2008]
2− hexyne into trans −2− hexane [IIT 2004]
(A) H2 /P d/BaSO4 (B) H2 , P tO2 (C) CH3 CH2 COCH3 (D) CH3 CHO
(C) N aBH4 (D) Li − N H3 /C2 H5 OH (20) Ozonolysis of an organic compound gives
formaldehyde as one of the products. This
confirms the presence of : [AIEEE 2011]
(17) The reaction of with HBr gives [IIT 1998] (A) two ethylenic double bonds
(B) a vinyl group
(C) an isopropyl group
(A) (D) an acetylenic triple bond

(21) Which compound would give 5− keto −2−

methylhexanal upon ozonolysis ? [JEE MAIN 2015]
(A) (B)


(22) 3− Methyl−pent −2− ene on reaction with HBr

in presence of peroxide forms an addition
(18) On vigorous oxidation by permanganate solution product. The number of possible stereoisomers
(CH3 )2 C = CH − CH2 CH2 CH3 gives [AIEEE 2002] for the product is [JEE MAIN 2017]

(A) 6 (B) 0 (A) (B)
(C) 2 (D) 4

(23) When 2− butyne is treated with H2 / Lindlar’s
catalyst, compound X is produced as the major (C)
product and when treated with N a/liq. N H3 it
produces Y as the major product. Which of the
following statements is correct? [JEE MAIN 2018]
(A) Y will have higher dipole moment and higher
boiling point than X
(B) Y will have higher dipole moment and lower
boiling point than X
(C) X will have lower dipole moment and lower (26) What is the major product expected from the
boiling point than Y following reaction ?
(D) X will have higher dipole moment and higher Where D is an isotope of hydrogen [JEE MAIN 2015]
boiling point than Y

(A) (B)
(24) The major product of the following reaction is [JEE
MAIN 2018]

(D) Both (b) and (c)

(A) (B)


(27) In the presence of peroxide, HCl and HI do not

give anti-Markownikoff’s addition of alkenes
because [JEE MAIN 2014]
(A) One of the steps is endothermic in HCl and
(B) Both HCl and HI are strong acids
(C) HCl is oxidizing and the HI is reducing
(25) The major product of the following reaction is [JEE
MAIN 2017]
(D) All the steps are exothermic is HCl and HI

(28) The addition of HI in the presence of peroxide

catalyst does not follow anti-Markovnikov’s rule
because [JEE MAIN 2013]

(A) HI is a strong reducing agent CH3 − C = CH − CH2 CH3
(B) H − I bond is too strong to be broken (A) |
(C) I atom combines with H atom to give back (B)
(D) Iodine atom is not reactive enough to add
across a double bond

(C) C = CH − CH3
CH 3
(29) Which of the following is Lindlar catalyst ? [JEE MAIN
2021] CH3
(A) Zinc chloride and HCl |
(B) Cold dilute solution of KM nO4 (D) CH3 − C − CH = CH2
(C) Sodium and Liquid N H3 CH3
(D) Partially deactivated palladised charcoal (32) Hydrogenation of the adjoining compound in the
presence of poisoned palladium catalyst gives [IIT
(30) The major product formed in the following (A) An optically active compound
reaction is: [JEE MAIN 2021]
(B) An optically inactive compound

(C) A racemic mixture

(D) A diastereomeric mixture
(A) (B)
(33) Which of the following represents the given
mode of hybridisation sp2 − sp2 − sp − sp from
left to right [IIT 2003]
(A) H2 C = CH − C ≡ CH
(C) (D) (B) HC ≡ C − C ≡ CH
(C) H2 C = C = C = CH2

(34) The product(s) obtained via oxymercuration

(HgSO4 + H2 SO4 ) of 1− butyne would be [IIT 1999]
(31) The major product formed in the following (A) ||
reaction is : [JEE MAIN 2021] CH3 − CH2 − C − CH3
(B) CH3 − CH2 − CH2 − CHO
(C) CH3 − CH2 − CHO + HCHO

(35) When propyne reacts with aqueous H2 SO4 in the (A) P t/H2 (B) Li/N H3
presence of Hg SO4 , the major product is [IIT 1983]
(C) P d/BaSO4 (D) LiAlH4
(A) Propanal
(B) Propyl hydrogen sulphate (43) Which one of the following class of compounds is
obtained by polymerization of acetylene? [JEE MAIN
(C) Acetone 2014]

(D) Propanol (A) Poly-yne (B) Poly-ene

(36) Which of the following has acidic hydrogen [IIT 1985 , (C) Poly-ester (D) Poly-amine
IIT 1989]
(44) The reagent needed for converting
(A) Ethyne (B) Ethene
P h − C ≡ C − P h → [JEE MAIN 2014]
(C) Ethane (D) Benzene
(37) What is the product when acetylene reacts with
hypochlorous acid [AIEEE 2002]
(A) CH3 COCl (B) ClCH2 CHO (A) Cat. Hydrogenation (B) H2 / Lindlar Cat.
(C) Cl2 CHCHO (D) ClCHCOOH (C) Li/N H3 (D) LiAlH4
Hg 2+ /H +
(38) P h − C ≡ C − CH3 −−−−−−→ A. A is [IIT 2002] (45) The major product of the following reaction is
(A) (B) CH3 CH2 CH − CH2
(i) KOH alc.
| | −−−−−−−→ [JEE MAIN 2019]
(ii) N aN H2
Br Br in liq. N H3

(A) CH3 CH = C = CH2

(D) CH3 CH2 CH − CH2
(C) (B) | |
N H2 N H2
(C) CH3 CH = CHCH2 N H2
(D) CH3 CH2 C ≡ CH

(46) The major product of the following reaction is

(39) Which of the following reactions will yield 2, 2−
(i) DCl (1 equiv)
dibromopropane? [AIEEE 2007] CH3 C ≡ CH −−−−−−−−−→ [JEE MAIN 2019]
(ii) Dl
(A) CH3 − CH = CH2 + HBr → (A) (B) CH3 C(I)(Cl)CHD2
(B) CH3 − C ≡ CH + 2HBr → CH3 CD(I)CHD(Cl)
(C) CH3 CH = CHBr + HBr → (C) CH3 CD2 CH(Cl)(I) CH3 CD(Cl)CHD(I)
(D) CH ≡ CH + 2HBr → (47) Which of the following compounds produces an
(40) The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium in optically inactive compound on hydrogenation ?
liquid ammonia is [AIEEE 2008] [JEE MAIN 2020]
(A) (B)
(A) CH3 CH2 CH2 C ≡ CCH2 CH2 CH3
(B) CH3 CH2 C ≡ CH
(C) CH3 CH ≡ CHCH3
(D) CH3 CH2 C ≡ CCH2 CH3 (D)
(41) The treatment of CH3 M gX with CH3 C ≡ C − H
produces [AIEEE 2008]
(A) CH3 − CH = CH2 (B) CH3 C ≡ C − CH3
(C) (D) CH4 (48) Metallic sodium does not react normally with: [JEE
MAIN 2021]
| |
(A) tert−butyl al cohol (B) But−2−yne
CH3 − C = C − CH3
(C) Ethyne (D) gaseous ammonia
(42) 2− Hexyne gives trans −2− Hexene on treatment
with : [AIEEE 2012] (49) In the given reactions identify A and B. [JEE MAIN 2024]

(A) A:–PentyneB: trans-2-butene
(B) A:n-PentaneB:trans-2-tebutene
(C) A: 2-Pentyne B:Cis-2-butene
(D) A:n-Pentane B:Cis-2-butene
(50) The reagent (s) for the following conversion,
is/are [IIT 2007]

(A) alcoholic KOH (B) alcoholic KOH

(C) aqueous KOH followed by NaNH2
followed by NaNH2 (D) Zn/CH3 OH

.......... Chemistry - Section B (NUMERIC) ..........

(51) Total number of hydroxyl groups present in a

molecule of the major product P is. . . . . . . . [IIT 2019]

Subject : Chemistry
Standard : 11
(Answer Key)

Chemistry - Section A (MCQ)

1-C 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-B 9-B 10 - C

11 - C 12 - D 13 - C 14 - A 15 - D 16 - D 17 - B 18 - D 19 - D 20 - B
21 - D 22 - D 23 - D 24 - B 25 - B 26 - D 27 - A 28 - D 29 - D 30 - A
31 - B 32 - B 33 - A 34 - A 35 - C 36 - A 37 - C 38 - A 39 - B 40 - B
41 - D 42 - B 43 - B 44 - C 45 - D 46 - B 47 - B 48 - B 49 - A 50 - B

Chemistry - Section B (NUMERIC)

51 - 6

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