RF25W Alkenes and Alkynes
RF25W Alkenes and Alkynes
RF25W Alkenes and Alkynes
Standard : 11
Alkenes and Alkynes
(A) (B) OHOH
3−phenyl−2−propanol 1−phenyl−2−propanol ||
(C) (A) CH3 − C − CH − CH2 CH3
2−phenyl−2−propanol |
2−phenyl−1−propanol CH3
(A) 6 (B) 0 (A) (B)
(C) 2 (D) 4
(23) When 2− butyne is treated with H2 / Lindlar’s
catalyst, compound X is produced as the major (C)
product and when treated with N a/liq. N H3 it
produces Y as the major product. Which of the
following statements is correct? [JEE MAIN 2018]
(A) Y will have higher dipole moment and higher
boiling point than X
(B) Y will have higher dipole moment and lower
boiling point than X
(C) X will have lower dipole moment and lower (26) What is the major product expected from the
boiling point than Y following reaction ?
(D) X will have higher dipole moment and higher Where D is an isotope of hydrogen [JEE MAIN 2015]
boiling point than Y
(A) (B)
(24) The major product of the following reaction is [JEE
MAIN 2018]
(A) HI is a strong reducing agent CH3 − C = CH − CH2 CH3
(B) H − I bond is too strong to be broken (A) |
(C) I atom combines with H atom to give back (B)
(D) Iodine atom is not reactive enough to add
across a double bond
(C) C = CH − CH3
CH 3
(29) Which of the following is Lindlar catalyst ? [JEE MAIN
2021] CH3
(A) Zinc chloride and HCl |
(B) Cold dilute solution of KM nO4 (D) CH3 − C − CH = CH2
(C) Sodium and Liquid N H3 CH3
(D) Partially deactivated palladised charcoal (32) Hydrogenation of the adjoining compound in the
presence of poisoned palladium catalyst gives [IIT
(30) The major product formed in the following (A) An optically active compound
reaction is: [JEE MAIN 2021]
(B) An optically inactive compound
(35) When propyne reacts with aqueous H2 SO4 in the (A) P t/H2 (B) Li/N H3
presence of Hg SO4 , the major product is [IIT 1983]
(C) P d/BaSO4 (D) LiAlH4
(A) Propanal
(B) Propyl hydrogen sulphate (43) Which one of the following class of compounds is
obtained by polymerization of acetylene? [JEE MAIN
(C) Acetone 2014]
(36) Which of the following has acidic hydrogen [IIT 1985 , (C) Poly-ester (D) Poly-amine
IIT 1989]
(44) The reagent needed for converting
(A) Ethyne (B) Ethene
P h − C ≡ C − P h → [JEE MAIN 2014]
(C) Ethane (D) Benzene
(37) What is the product when acetylene reacts with
hypochlorous acid [AIEEE 2002]
(A) CH3 COCl (B) ClCH2 CHO (A) Cat. Hydrogenation (B) H2 / Lindlar Cat.
(C) Cl2 CHCHO (D) ClCHCOOH (C) Li/N H3 (D) LiAlH4
Hg 2+ /H +
(38) P h − C ≡ C − CH3 −−−−−−→ A. A is [IIT 2002] (45) The major product of the following reaction is
(A) (B) CH3 CH2 CH − CH2
(i) KOH alc.
| | −−−−−−−→ [JEE MAIN 2019]
(ii) N aN H2
Br Br in liq. N H3
(A) A:–PentyneB: trans-2-butene
(B) A:n-PentaneB:trans-2-tebutene
(C) A: 2-Pentyne B:Cis-2-butene
(D) A:n-Pentane B:Cis-2-butene
(50) The reagent (s) for the following conversion,
is/are [IIT 2007]
Subject : Chemistry
Standard : 11
(Answer Key)
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