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MCQ - D04 Oct 2024

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Chapter: 7 Std 12 : Chemistry Date : 07/10/24

Total Marks: 100 MCQ Time:
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [100]

221) How many p-electrons are present in phthalimide ?

(A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 5 (D) 10
2. ) Which reagent is useful in the conversion of ethanenitrile to ethanal ?
(A) Anhydrous CrO3 (B) PCC (C) DIBAL-H (D) LiAlH4

3. ) Which compound has highest value of pKa ?

(A) p-cresol (B) phenol (C) o-nitrophenol (D) m-nitrophenol
4. ) Salicylaldehyde on heating with zinc dust give ......... organic product.
(A) Benzoic acid (B) Benzaldehyde (C) Benzyl alcohol (D) Benzene
5. ) Which compound will give yellow precipitate on reaction with sodium hypoiodite ?
(A) isobutyl alcohol (B) tert-Butyl alcohol (C) n-Butyl alcohol (D) sec-Butyl alcohol
6. ) How many monochloro structural isomers expected to be formed on free radical mono-chlorination
of iso-pentane ?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 5
CH3 - C - OH ¾¾¾
® x
215) | here what will be ‘x’ product ?
(A) 2-methyl propan-1-ol (B) propene (C) 2-methyl propene (D) propane-1-ol
8. ) With alcoxide ion, which compound will give best result in Williamson synthesis reaction ?
(A) CH3CH2Cl (B) (CH3)2CHCl (C) (CH3)3CCl (D) (CH3CH2)2CHCl

9. ) Which will be the final product by reaction of formaldehyde with ethyl magnesium bromide ?
(A) propane-l-ol (B) propane-2-o
(C) butane-2-ol (D) 2-methyl propane-2-ol
10. ) Under identical condition, which of the following has highest boiling point ?
(A) Propan-1-ol (B) Butan-1-ol (C) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol (D) Butan-2-ol
11. ) Which product is obtained by oxidation of phenol with chromic acid ?
(A) Benzene (B) Benzoic acid (C) Benzoquinone (D) Acetophenone
12. ) Reduction of which compound gives 2° alcohol ?
(A) Acetaldehyde (B) Acetic acid (C) Acetone (D) Ethyl acetate
13. ) How many chiral carbons are in pentan-2, 3, 4-triol ?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 2
14. ) What is the product of Riemer-Temann reaction ?
(A) Salicylic acid (B) Benzoquinone (C) Salicylaldehyde (D) Picric acid
15. ) Which of the following has highest value of pKa ?
(A) m-nitro phenol (B) p-nitrophenol (C) phenol (D) p-cresol
16. ) From which of the following organic compounds phenol can not be prepared ?
(A) Isopropyl benzene (B) Benzene sulphonic acid
(C) Chloro benzene (D) Toluene
) From which of the following organic compounds phenol can not be prepared ?
(A) Isopropyl benzene (B) Benzene sulphonic acid
(C) Chloro benzene (D) Toluene
17. ) Which one would be useful to distinguish between phenol and ethanol ?
(A) Sodium metal (B) Anhydrous ZnCl2 + Conc. HCl
(C) Neutral FeCl3 (D) All of them

18. ) Which of the following compound does not contain phenolic “–OH” group in it ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
19. ) Which product is obtained when one mole of ether (R–O–R) is reacted with one mole of HX ?
(A) Only R – X (B) Only R – OH (C) R – X + R – OH (D) 2R – X + H2O

20. ) Which of the following compound has highest boiling point ?

(A) Butan-2-ol (B) Butan-1-ol (C) Pentan-1-ol (D) Propan-1-ol
21. ) Possible isomers of monohydric phenol having molecular formula C7H8O are ......
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 2
200) The reagent (X) in the given reaction is phenol ¾¾¾¾
22. ® Parabromophenol.
273 k
(A) Br2/CH3COOH (B) Br2/FeBr3 (C) Bromine water (D) Br2/CS2

23. ) By which of the following reactions, ether compound will be obtained easily ?
(A) (CH 3)3CONa + CH3Cl ® (B) (CH3)3CONa + (CH3)3C – Cl ®
(C) (CH3)3CONa + (CH3)2CHCl ® (D) (CH3)2CHONa + (CH3)2CHCl ®
24. ) How much litres of dihydrogen gas will be produced at STP in the reaction of ethanol with 12 gram
of Mg ? (Mg = 24 gram/mol)
(A) 11.2 litre (B) 2.24 litre (C) 22.4 litre (D) 5.6 litre
Cu / 573 K
197) Substance A ¾¾¾¾¾¾
25. ® isobutlyene, which is the structural formula of the substance A in
(C) CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3 (D) (CH3)3C – OH
26. ) Which of the following substance does not produce tri-iodomethane with the mixture of alkali and
I2 ?
(A) Propan-1-ol (B) Ethanol (C) Dimethyl ketone (D) Ethanal
27. ) Give the IUPAC name of the product obtained when phenol is oxidized by chromic acid (Na2Cr2O7
+ Conc. H2SO4)
(A) Cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione (B) Cyclohexa-1,4-dione
(C) Cyclohexanone (D) Cyclohexa-1,4-diene-2,5-dione
28. ) Name the product obtained by the following reaction ?
(BH3 )2
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH = CH2 ¾¾¾¾¾¾ +
H2 O2/OH
(A) Pentan-3-ol (B) Pentan-2-ol
(C) Pentan-1-ol (D) 2-methyl butan-2-ol
29. ) Identify Pyridinium chlorochromate from the following :
+ – + – + – + –
(A) NHCrO3Cl (B) NHCrO2Cl (C) NCrO3Cl (D) NH 2CrO3Cl

Wish You - All The Best

30. ) Which of the following reaction will give isopropanol ? Choose the right answer.
(i) CH3 MgI
(I) Acetone ¾¾¾¾¾¾
(ii) H2O

(i) CH 3 Mg1
(II) CH3CHO ¾¾¾¾¾¾(ii) H2O

(i) CH 3MgI
(III) HCHO ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ®
(ii) H2O
(IV) 2 - Chloropropane ¾¾¾¾¾¾
Aq. NaOH

(A) (I) & (II) (B) (II) & (IV) (C) (II) & (III) (D) (I), (II) & (IV)
Reduction Dehydration
191) ¾¾¾¾¾
31. P ® Q¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾ ® R¾¾¾¾¾¾® S What is P, Q, R, S ?


3 3 2 3 3 2
3 3 2 2 2 3 2
3 3 2 2 2 3 2
(D) P = CH CH C1Q = CH CH OHR = CH =CH S = CH CH C1
3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2
32. ) Which reagent is used in bromination of methoxy benzene ?
(A) Br 2 water (B) Br2 / Acetic acid (C) Br2 / Fe Br3 (D) Br2 / CH3CHO

33. ) Which of the following pair gets converted into alcohol by reduction ?
(A) Acetic acid and acetaldehyde (B) Ethyl benzoate and benzoic acid
(C) Chloro ethane (D) (A) and (B) both
34. ) Which of the following alcohol is most reactive with HCl in presence of anhydrous Zinc chloride
at room temperature ?
(A) CH 3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH (B) (CH3)3 – C – OH
(C) (CH3)3 – C – CH2OH (D) (CH3)2 CH – OH

35. ) Which of the following alcohol is secondary (2°) alcohol ?

(A) Isobutyl alcohol (B) Ethylene glycol (C) Neo pentanol (D) Iso propyl alcohol
36. ) In section - I conversion are given and in section-II name of reaction are given match section-I and
Section - I Section - II
(1) Ethyl acetate (a) Wurtz-Fittig
from ethanol reaction
(2) Ethoxy ethane (b) Esterification
from ethanol
(3) Salicyl aldehyde (c) Reimer - Tiemann
from phenol reaction
(4) Ethyl benzene (d) Etherification
from reaction
chlorobenzene (e) Alkylation reaction

(A) (1) ® (e), (2) ® (b), (3) ® (a), (4) ® (d) (B) (1) ® (b), (2) ® (d), (3) ® (c), (4) ® (a)
(C) (1) ® (c), (2) ® (e), (3) ® (d), (4) ® (b) (D) (1) ® (d), (2) ® (a), (3) ® (e), (4) ® (c)
37. ) Which is the correct priority order for absolute configuration ?

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38. ) Which of the following is correct order of boiling point of alcohol ?
(i) Propan - 1 - ol (ii) Butan - 1 - ol
(iii) Butan - 2 - ol (iv) 2-Methyl propan - 2-ol
(A) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) (B) (i) < (ii) < (iv) < (iii)
(C) (i) < (iv) < (iii) < (ii) (D) (i) < (ii) < (iii) < (iv)
39. ) How many number of carbon atoms are present in 1-phenyl ethanol ?
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9
40. ) Which of the following statement is true ?
(A) 3° carbocation is formed by the loss of a water molecule from the oxonium ion. This step is fast.
(B) 3° carbocation reacts with Cl– rapidly and forms chloro alkane.
(C) 1° and 2° alcohol reacts with pBr3 to form alkene.
(D) Tertiary alcohol is converted in to an ion through protonation by H+ of acid is slow step.
41. ) Salicylaldehide can be prepared by ...... .
(A) Fitting reaction (B) Reimer - Tiemann reaction
(C) Fries rearrangement reaction (D) Kolbe - Schmitt reaction
42. ) Give bond angle in C – O – C and hybridization of oxygen atom in simple ether.
(A) 180°, sp (B) 117°, sp2 (C) 111.7°, sp3 (D) 109°, sp3
Zn dust (Alkylation)
43. ) In the following reaction X ¾¾¾¾¾
® Y ¾¾¾¾¾¾® Z What is X and Z ?
D Propene
(A) X = BenzeneZ = Cumene (B) X = PhenolZ = Benzene
(C) X = PhenolZ = Cumene (D) X = BenzeneZ = Phenol
44. ) Dehydration of 3° alcohol undergoes in presence of :
(A) 20 % H3PO4 (B) 85 % H3PO4 (C) 50 % H3PO4 (D) con. H2SO4

45. ) In “lucas test” which of the following alcohol cannot give any change ?
(A) Butylalcohol (B) 2-butanol (C) 2-methyl propan-2-ol (D) 2-propanol
46. ) Match Column-I with Column-II :
Column-I Column-II
(P) CH3CHO + CH3CH2MgBr ® Intermediate Product ® (i) 2-methyl
(Q) C6H5OH + CH3 COCl ¾¾¾¾ ® (ii) Ethyl Bromide
(R) CH3CH2 – O – CH2CH3 + 2HBr ¾¾® (iii) Phenyl
(S) CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr + CH3COCH3 ® Intermediate Product ® (iv) Butan-2-ol

(A) P ® (iv), Q ® (iii), R ® (ii), S ® (i) (B) P ® (i), Q ® (iii), R ® (iv), S ® (ii)
(C) P ® (ii), Q ® (iv), R ® (i), S ® (iii) (D) P ® (iv), Q ® (iii), R ® (i), S ® (ii)
47. ) Sodium phenoxide on reaction with methyl iodide produces compound X, which on Friedel-Craft’s
acylation produces compounds Y and Z. Mention compounds X, Y and Z.
(A) X = Methoxy Benzene,Y = o-methoxy toluene,Z = p-methoxy toluene
(B) X = Methoxy Benzene,Y = o-chloro anisole,Z = p-chloro anisole
(C) X = Anisole, Y = 1(2-methoxy phenyl) ethan - 1 - one,Z = 1(4-methoxy phenyl) ethan - 1 - one
(D) X = Anisole, Y = o - nitro Anisole,Z = p-nitro anisole
48. ) Which of the following compound cannot be oxidized by chromic acid and when Lucas test is
performed on it, oily drops appear in on the upper layer of mixture ?
(A) Butane-1-o1 (B)Best
Wish You - All The Propane-2-o1
(C) Propane-1-o1 (D) 2-methyl propane-2-o1
) Which of the following compound cannot be oxidized by chromic acid and when Lucas test is
performed on it, oily drops appear in on the upper layer of mixture ?
(A) Butane-1-o1 (B) Propane-2-o1
(C) Propane-1-o1 (D) 2-methyl propane-2-o1
49. ) Give the correct order of acidic strength of the following alcohols.
(A) 2-methyl propan-2-o1 > propan-1-o1> propan-2-o1
(B) Propan-1-o1 > propan-2-o1 > 2-methyl propan-2-o1
(C) 2-methyl propan-2-o1 > propan-2-o1> propan-1-o1
(D) Propan-1-o1 > 2-methyl propan-2-o1 > propan-2-o1 >
50. ) Which of the following product is obtained on performing Riemer Tiemann reaction on phenol ?
(A) Salicylic acid (B) Phenyl acetate
(C) Salicylaldehyde (D) 1, 4 Benzoquinone
51. ) Which of the following is a product of hydrolysis of diethyl ether ?
(A) Ethene (B) Ethane (C) Ethanol (D) Ethyne
170) Which of the following is used as a solvent in oxidation of Alcohol by Pyridinium chloro chromate ?
(A) Chloro methane (B) Trichloro ethane (C) Trichloro methane (D) Dichloro methane
53. ) What is obtained as end product when phenol dissolved in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide
is heated with carbon dioxide gas at 398K temperature and 4-7 bar pressure ?
(A) Cumene hydro peroxide (B) Sodium phenoxide
(C) Salicylaldehyde (D) Sodium salicylate
54. ) Which of the following alcohol will respond to Lucas test slowest ?
(A) Secondary butyl alcohol (B) 3° - butanol
(C) Neo pentyl alcohol (D) None of the above
55. ) How many alcohols and ethers are possible with general formula C4H10O ?
(A) 7 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 8
56. ) What is the IUPAC name of the product obtained from oxidation of phenol ?
(A) 1, 4 - Benzoquinone (B) 1, 2 - Benzo Catechol
(C) Cyclohexa - 2, 5 - diene - 1, 4 - dione (D) None of these
CH2 – CH3

165) IUPAC name of the is ...........
(A) 2-Ethyl-5-methyl cyclohexanol (B) 5-Methyl-2-ethyl cyclohexanol
(C) 2-Methyl-5-ethyl cyclohexanol (D) 5-Ethyl-2-methyl cyclohexanol
58. ) Choose the correct order of boiling point for ethanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol.
(A) Ethanol > ethylene glycol > glycerol (B) Ethanol > glycerol > ethylene glycol
(C) Glycerol > ethylene glycol > ethanol (D) Glycerol > ethanol > ethylene glycol
59. ) Minimum carbon containing 2° alcohol undergoes dehydration and gives A. Benzene diazonium
chloride when heated with water gives B which on reduction by zinc metal gives A and C also react
with other. Name the process between A and C.
(A) Reimer – Tiemann Reaction (B) Kolbe–Schmitt Reaction
(C) Cumene Process (D) Fries Rearrangement
60. ) Which of the following alcohol undergo dehydration reaction with Cu (Copper) metal at 573 K
temperature ?
(A) Primary and Tertiary (B) Secondary and Tertiary
(C) Primary and Secondary (D) Only Tertiary
Wish You - All The Best
temperature ?
(A) Primary and Tertiary (B) Secondary and Tertiary
(C) Primary and Secondary (D) Only Tertiary
61. ) Which product is obtained between reaction of CH3ONa and (CH3)3 CBr ?
(A) Both alkene and ether(B) Only Ether (C) Only Alkene (D) Alcohol
62. ) Which reaction is used to prepare salicylic acid from phenol ?
(A) Etard’s reaction (B) Kolbe’s reaction
(C) Stephen reaction (D) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
63. ) Which of the following reactions will not give Benzene ?
(A) C 6 H5OH + Zn ¾¾
® (B) C6 H5N +2 Cl - + H3PO2 + H2O ®
(C) C6 H5COONa + Sodalime ¾¾
® [O]
(D) C 6 H5OH + H 2 CrO 4 ¾¾®
64. ) Which compound having maximum value of pKa from following ?
(A) o – O2N – C6H4 – OH (B) m – O2N – C6H4 – OH
(C) p – O2N – C6H4 – OH (D) C6H5OH
65. ) Which Grignard reagent gives 2-methyl propane-1-ol with reaction with methanal ?
(A) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Mg – X
(B) CH3 – CH = CH – Mg – X

(C) CH3 – CH – Mg – X

(D) CH3 – CH – CH2 – Mg – X


66. ) From following IUPAC name of compound is ?
(A) 2-ethoxy-1, 1-dimethyl cyclohexane (B) 1-ethoxy-2, 2-dimethyl cyclohexane
(C) 5-ethoxy-6, 6-dimethyl cyclohexane (D) 1-ethoxy-6, 6-dimethyl cyclohexane
CH2 – C – OCH3 NaBH4
67. ¾¾¾¾® “X”.. What is “X” in reaction ?
CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – OH CH2 – CH – CH3
(A) (B)

CH2 – C – OCH3 CH2 – CH2 – CH3
(C) (D)

68. ) Which reagent is required to convert cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone ?

(A) PCC (B) O3/H2O-Zn dust (C) Anhydrous CrO3 (D) DIBAL-H

69. ) Which of the following has highest boiling point ?

(A) n-Butane (B) Ethoxy ethane (C) Pentanal (D) Pentan-1-ol
70. ) 1 mole of metal ‘M’ reacts completely with alcohol to give 1.5 moles of H2. Then what will be the
valency of metal ‘M’ ?
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

Wish You - All The Best

71. ) Give the IUPAC name for methyl salicylate.
(A) Methoxy benzoic acid (B) 2-Hydroxy benzoic acid
(C) Methyl-2-hydroxy benzoate (D) Methyl-3-hydroxy benzoate
72. ) Which is the major product obtained by hydrolysis of compound formed by reaction between
formaldehyde and ethyl magnesium bromide ?
(A) Ethan-1-ol (B) Propan-2-ol
(C) Propan-1-ol (D) 2-Methyl-propan-2-ol
73. ) Which of the following alcohol has the highest boiling point ?
(A) Butan-2-ol (B) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol (C) Propan-2-ol (D) Butan-1-ol
74. ) Which is the correct structural formula of Aspirin ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

75.7) Which is the final product obtained by the reaction of a Grignard reagent ethyl Magnesium bromide
with propanone ?
(A) Pentane-1-ol (B) 2-Methylbutane-2-ol
(C) Pentane-2-ol (D) 3-Methylbutane-2-ol
76. ) The IUPAC name of the product obtained by the oxidation of phenol with the help of chromic acid
is ........... .
(A) Cyclo hexa – 2,4 – diene – 1,4 – dione (B) Cyclo hexa – 2,5 – diene – 1,4 – dione
(C) Cyclo hexa – 2,5 – diene – 1,4 – diol (D) Cyclo hexa – 2,4 – diene – 1,4 – diol
77. ) How many gm. of ethanol is required in the reaction with Na metal in order to give 560 ml.
dihydrogen gas at STP ? [mole. mass of ethanol = 46 gm mol–1]
(A) 1.15 (B) 2.3 (C) 4.6 (D) 11.5
78. ) Which products are otained when phenyl ethanoate reacts in presence of Anh. AICl3 ?
(A) o – Hydroxy acetophenone andp – Hydroxy acetophenone
(B) o – Methoxy acetophenone andp – Methoxy acetophenone
(C) o – Methyl acetophenone andp – Methyl acetophenone
(D) o – Ethoxy acetophenone andp – Ethoxy acetophenone
143) How many s and p bonds are present respectively in the final product obtained by the Reimer-
Tiemann reaction of phenol ?
(A) 15 and 3 (B) 14 and 4 (C) 15 and 4 (D) 14 and 3
80. ) Which of the following reagent reacts with but-1-ene to give optically inactive product ?
(A) Br2/CCl4 (B) HBr
(C) H2 O/H+ (D) (BH3)2/H2O2(OH–)

81. ) Which reagents from the following give aldehyde by reacting with primary alcohol ?
(A) PCC + CH2Cl2 (B) KMnO4 + H2SO4
(C) KMnO4 + KOH (D) Na2Cr2O7 + H2SO4

82. ) Which of the following is an analgesic drug ?

(A) Aspirin (B) Ranitidine (C) Erythromycin (D) Luminal
83. ) Which of the following statement is not correct ?
(A) Phenol is used to prepare analgesic drugs.
(B) Phenol is neutralised by sodium carbonate.
(C) Solubility of phenol in water is more than that of chlorobenzene.
(D) Boiling point of o-nitrophenol is lower than that of p-nitrophenol.
Wish You - All The Best
(B) Phenol is neutralised by sodium carbonate.
(C) Solubility of phenol in water is more than that of chlorobenzene.
(D) Boiling point of o-nitrophenol is lower than that of p-nitrophenol.
84. ) Which reagent is used for bromination of methy1 phenyl ether ?
(A) Br2/Red P (B) Br2/CH3COOH (C) Br2/FeBr3 (D) HBr/D

85. ) In which of the following reactions of alcohol there is no cleavage of C – O bond ?

(A) Oxidation reaction of alcohol.
(B) Dehydration reaction of alcohol.
(C) Reduction reaction of alcohol.
(D) Reaction of alcohol with phosphorous tribromide.
86. ) Which one of the following compounds do not give primary alcohol on reduction ?
(A) Propanoic acid (B) Propanal (C) Methyl propanoate (D) Propan-2-one
87. ) Following options contain the pairs of the name of reaction and the name of final product, which pair is
incorrect ?
(A) Kolbe-Schmitt reaction ® 2-Hydroxy benzoic acid
(B) Cumene Process ® Phenol and acetone
(C) Reimer-Tiemann reaction ® 2-Hydroxy benzaldehyde
(D) Fries rearrangement ® Methoxy benzoic acid
88. ) Which of the following compound is more acidic ?

(A) CH 3 · OH (B) CH3 · CH · CH3

CH 3
(C) CH3 · CH2 · CH2 · OH (D) |
CH 3 · C – CH 3
89. ) The organic compound A on reaction with Na2Cr2O7 / H2SO4 gives B. This B on reduction in presence of
Ni gives ethyl alcohol. What is A ?
(A) Ethanoic acid (B) Ethene (C) Ethanal (D) Ethanol
90. ) Which two statement of the following are true for phenol ?
(1) Phenol is more acidic than alcohol.
(2) Malamine plastic can be prepared from phenol.
(3) It gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3.
(4) It gives phenetol on heating with CH3COCl.
(A) Statement-(3) Statement-(4) (B) Statement-(1) Statement-(4)
(C) Statement-(2) Statement-(3) (D) Statement-(1) Statement-(3)
91. ) How this compound CH3 – C – CH2 OH respond the Lucas test ?

(A) No reaction (B) Coloured layer formed

(C) Oily droplets appear (D) Mixture becomes milky white
92. ) Which of the following compound having mixture obtained on fermentation ?
(A) 1-propanol (B) Ethanol (C) Glucose (D) Glycerol
93. ) By which process phenyl acetate can be converted in to hydroxy acetophenone ?
(A) Fries rearrangement (B) Reimer-Tiemann process
(C) Kolbe-Schmitt reaction (D) Acetylation
Wish You - All The Best
) By which process phenyl acetate can be converted in to hydroxy acetophenone ?
(A) Fries rearrangement (B) Reimer-Tiemann process
(C) Kolbe-Schmitt reaction (D) Acetylation
94. ) Which amongst the following will be most readily dehydrated under acidic conditions ?
(A) (B) (C) OH (D)
95. ) Consider the following reaction and identify the product (P).
CH3 – CH – CH – CH 3
HBr Product (P)
CH 3 Br
| |
(A) CH3 – C – CH 2 Br (B) CH3 – C – CH2 – CH 3
| |
CH 3 CH3

(C) CH3CH = CH – CH3 (D) CH 3 – CH – CH – CH 3

| |
CH 3 Br
96. ) Consider the following reaction :
CH2 – O A+B
Identify products A and B.

(A) A = CH3 and B = I (B) A = CH3 and B = OH

(C) A = CH2OH and B = I (D) A = CH2l and B = OH

97. ) Arrange the following in decreasing pKa values.


(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) IV > III > II > I (B) I > III > IV > II (C) IV > III > I > II (D) IV > II > III > I
98. ) The products (A) and (B) are respectively.
Choose the correct reaction for the following process

(A) A = B= (B) A = ,

(C) A = B= (D) A = B=
, ,

99. ) Following compounds are given

O2N NO2 Wish You - All The Best
(I) (II)
) Following compounds are given
(I) (II)

(III) (IV)

(A) I > IV > II > III (B) I > IV > III > II (C) III > II > IV > I (D) IV > I > II > III
100. ) Given below are two statements :
Statement-I : In Lucas test, primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are distinguished on the basis
of their reactivity with conc. HCl + ZnCl2, known as Lucas Reagent.
Statement-II : Primary alcohols are most reactive and immediately produce turbidity at room
temperature on reaction with Lucas Reagent.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
below :
(A) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect.
(B) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.
(C) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.
(D) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect.

Wish You - All The Best

Chapter: 7 Std 12 : Chemistry Date : 07/10/24
Total Marks: 100 MCQ Time:

Section [ A ] : 1 Mark MCQ

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 221 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q221
2. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 220 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q220
3. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 219 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q219
4. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 218 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q218
5. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 217 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q217
6. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 216 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q216
7. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 215 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q215
8. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 214 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q214
9. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 213 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q213
10. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 212 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q212
11. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 211 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q211
12. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 210 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q210
13. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 209 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q209
14. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 208 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q208
15. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 207 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q207
16. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 206 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q206
17. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 205 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q205
18. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 204 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q204
19. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 203 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q203
20. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 202 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q202
21. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 201 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q201
22. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 200 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q200
23. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 199 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q199
24. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 198 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q198
25. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 197 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q197
26. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 196 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q196
27. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 195 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q195
28. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 194 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q194
29. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 193 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q193
30. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 192 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q192
31. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 191 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q191
32. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 190 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q190

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33. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 189 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q189
34. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 188 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q188
35. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 187 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q187
36. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 186 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q186
37. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 185 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q185
38. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 184 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q184
39. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 183 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q183
40. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 182 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q182
41. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 181 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q181
42. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 180 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q180
43. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 179 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q179
44. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 178 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q178
45. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 177 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q177
46. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 176 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q176
47. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 175 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q175
48. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 174 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q174
49. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 173 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q173
50. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 172 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q172
51. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 171 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q171
52. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 170 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q170
53. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 169 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q169
54. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 168 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q168
55. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 167 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q167
56. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 166 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q166
57. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 165 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q165
58. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 164 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q164
59. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 163 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q163
60. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 162 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q162
61. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 161 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q161
62. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 160 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q160
63. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 159 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q159
64. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 158 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q158
65. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 157 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q157
66. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 156 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q156
67. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 155 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q155
68. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 154 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q154
69. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 153 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q153
70. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 152 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q152
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71. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 151 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q151
72. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 150 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q150
73. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 149 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q149
74. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 148 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q148
75. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 147 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q147
76. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 146 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q146
77. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 145 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q145
78. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 144 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q144
79. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 143 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q143
80. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 142 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q142
81. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 141 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q141
82. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 140 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q140
83. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 139 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q139
84. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 138 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q138
85. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 137 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q137
86. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 136 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q136
87. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 135 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q135
88. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 134 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q134
89. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 133 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q133
90. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 132 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q132
91. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 131 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q131
92. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 130 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q130
93. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 129 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q129
94. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 128 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q128
95. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 127 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q127
96. D Chap 7 (23-24) S6 126 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q126
97. B Chap 7 (23-24) S6 125 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q125
98. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 124 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q124
99. C Chap 7 (23-24) S6 123 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q123
100. A Chap 7 (23-24) S6 122 QP23P11B1212_P2C7S6Q122

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