Mathematics Combined
Mathematics Combined
Mathematics Combined
Apply the relationships and differences between the set of rational and irrational numbers and use them to
Learning Outcome(s)
solve problems.
a. Develop the real number system using the closure property.
b. Distinguish between rational and irrational numbers using conversion of common to decimal fractions
and solve related problems.
a) How does the closure property contribute to the development of the real number system, and what
fundamental principles does it establish?
Essential Question(s) linked
to the Knowledge Hierarchy
b) How does the process of converting a common fraction to a decimal provide insights into the nature of
aligned with the Content
a number, and how can this help us distinguish between rational and irrational numbers?
Standards and Learning
c) In what real-world situations might the ability to distinguish between rational and irrational numbers
be crucial? How can the conversion of fractions to decimals aid us in solving practical problems that
involve both types of numbers?
Small group and large group discussions, mixed-ability groups, mixed-gender group, think-pair-share,
Pedagogical Strategies
“Know, Want-to-know, and Learned (KWL)”, Individualized practice, etc.
Teaching & Learning Mathematical sets, computer with organising software like Excel, A4, A3 papers, manila cards, flip
Resources charts, markers, colour pens, projector, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) Keep content expectation to developing the real number system using the closure property.
b) Extend content expectation to include distinguishing between rational and irrational numbers.
c) Extend content to include using personal organisers to distinguishing between rational and irrational
numbers in real-life context.
a) Use organisers discussed in class to organise the different subsets of the real-number system.
b) Use organisers discussed in class with some modifications and make use of computer application
Process software to organise the different subsets of the real-number system.
c) Use their personal organisers including the use of computer application software to organise the
different subsets of the real-number system and distinguish between rational and irrational numbers.
a) Accept responses on task sheets on developing the real number system using the closure property.
b) Accept responses on task sheets on developing the real number system using the closure property and
distinguishing between rational and irrational numbers.
Product c) Accept fully, completed tasks and give additional tasks where necessary, on developing the real
number system using the closure property and represent it with personal models and distinguishing
between rational and irrational numbers using real-life examples.
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
b) Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
c) Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
a) What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
b) What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
c) Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
d) Were the different subgroups in the class catered?
e) Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to aligned to the
Starter reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Activity (e.g. 30 minutes) Level 3
Introduction (e.g. 25 minutes) Introduction (e.g. 25 minutes)
Answer at least two
In a whole class play the game: I. In mixed-ability groups, I. In mixed-ability groups, use the of the following
“Real Number Relay”. present learners with a model model of the real number system questions.
of the real number system and given and identify numbers that are
Instructions tasked them to identify rational and those that are 1. Establish at least two
I. Prepare large sheets of paper numbers that are rational and irrational. Encourage learners to real life applications
with categories written on those that are irrational. show respect for individual views, or uses of rational
them, such as "Whole Encourage learners to show beliefs, religions, and cultures as and irrational
Numbers," "Integers," respect for individual views, they interact and collaborate in numbers.
"Rational Numbers," beliefs, religions, and cultures their groups and make presentations 2. investigate and
"Irrational Numbers," and as they interact and of their work. classified each of the
"Real Numbers." Place these collaborate in their groups and following as either
sheets at different locations in make presentations of their rational or irrational
the classroom or outdoor work. number.
area. a. 75 %
II. Write various numbers on the II. Call groups to make II. Call groups to make presentations b.
index cards, including presentations of their notes to of their notes to the class. 0.7142857142857143…
integers, fractions, decimals, the class. 125
and irrational numbers. c.
Ensure that there is a mix of Activity 1 (e.g. 30 minutes) d. √ 8
different types of numbers. Activity 1 (e.g. 30 minutes) I. In an all-inclusive group discussion, e. 3.14159265358979…
III. Divide the class into teams, I. In an all-inclusive group learners discuss, with examples, the f. 2 √ 7
and assign each team a discussion, task learners to differences between rational and
starting point. discuss, with examples, the irrational numbers. 3. Convert the following
IV. Each team will send one differences between rational decimals into
member at a time to pick a and irrational numbers. fractions
number card, identify the type a. 0. 5̇
of number it represents, and II. Task groups to use a model II. Use a model to distinguish between b. 0. 6̇ 2̇
place it on the correct to distinguish between rational and irrational numbers. c. 1. 6̇
category sheet. rational and irrational d. 2. 8̇ 1̇
V. Emphasize that the team
members must be accurate E.g.
and quick, as the goal is to
complete the relay in the
shortest time.
d) Lead the class to summarise the main ideas in the lesson for learners to write in their notes. (Offer learners the opportunity to ask
questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
e) Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 2 Duration 4hrs Form 1
Number for
Strand Sub-Strand Real number system
Everyday Life
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of real number system and the operations of the various
Content Standard 2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of real number system with respect to the concepts and
vocabulary of sets, establish their relationships and carry out simple surveys using the properties of
1. Apply the relationship and differences between the set of rational and irrational numbers and use
these to solve problems
Learning Outcome(s)
2. Analyse and solve real world problems involving union, intersection and complements and their
applications to tree set problems using simple surveys
1. Establish the properties of real numbers with respect to commutative, associative, identity, inverse,
Learning distributive, etc.
Indicator(s) 2. Review the properties of subsets (two and three), their vocabulary and operations and use it to solve
real life problem
1. Why is it important to understand properties and operation involving integers and negative
Essential Question(s) linked
natural number?
to the Knowledge Hierarchy
2. How do you correlate the relationship of the real number properties as commutative,
aligned with the Content
associative, distributive, identity and closure?
Standards and Learning
3. How can the understanding of these properties be assessed through problem solving and real-
world application?
Pedagogical Strategies Group tasks, Individual works, Diamond Nine, talk for learning
Teaching & Learning Models such as number lines; number tracks; algebraic tiles; Multi-base Arithmetic Blocks, Graph
Resources board/sheets, right-angle triangle (wheel of theodorus), etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) limit content expectation to real number properties real numbers in respect to commutative,
association distributive, identity and closure.
b) extend content expectation to include relationship and difference in the properties of real numbers
(thus; commutative, associative, identity, inverse distributive).
c) Extend the content expectation to analyse the properties of subsets (two and three), their vocabulary
and operations and use it to solve real life problem.
a) Group discussion and oral presentation on commutative, association, distributive, identity etc.
Process b) Group discussion and written presentation on properties of real
c) Pair discussion and individual presentation on real word problem using the properties
a) Establish the properties of real numbers with respect to commutative, associative, identity, inverse,
and distributive
b) Solve at least 4 problems involving the relationship of commutative, distributive and association
c) Solve at least 4 problem involving identity and inverse
d) solve real world problem with the concept of any two properties of set Investigate, where possible,
in at least two of the following sectors:
Product i) Daily transactions,
j) Computing,
k) technology,
l) medicine,
m) agriculture,
n) food and garment production
o) energy sector,
ii. Task learners to discuss and ii. In your groups, discuss the respective
come up with concept of properties of real number and exchange your Level 2
properties of real numbers. work discussion, criticism and suggestions with 2. Which
Encourage learners to show other groups property tells
respect for individual views, us that when
beliefs, religions, and cultures we change the
as they interact and collaborate order of
in their groups and make numbers when
presentations of their work. we are adding,
Note: Allow for peer review on the answer
each group’s presentation and does not
lead immediate feedback. change
3. Use distributive
Activity 1, 40 minutes Activity 1: (40 minutes) property to solve the
i. In an initiated talk for i. Share with the class how you establish that, following
learning all-inclusive group for any given set of numbers a , b∧c the 108 ÷ 12
discussion, guide learners to following properties hold.
establish these properties in Level 3
real number system d. Commutative,
a. Commutative, e. Associative, Investigate, where
a. Associative, f. distributive, possible, application
b. distributive, g. distributive, of the various subsets
c. distributive, properties with written examples of the real
properties with written
ii.. Present your in individual groups work for
whole class discussion and feedback. Please be
ii. Call out groups to present tolerant and circumspect with your criticisms
their responses for whole class and commentary on others’ presentations.
discussion and feedback.
Encourage learners to be
tolerant and circumspect with Thus;
their criticisms and Commutative property: Explains why order
commentary on others’ of terms does not matter whiles adding or
presentations. multiplying two numerals. The positions of
terms do not affect results.
Associative property: Regardless of how
numbers are grouped, adding or multiplying
them together does not change the results. Here
the placement of parentheses does not matter.
The order of operation does not affect results.
Distributive property: This tells us that in
solving expressions such as a ( b +c ), we can
find the sum of the products (a × b) and (a × c)
Identity property: When a number is
multiplied by 1, the product is the number
itself. 1 is called multiplicative identity
Also, when a number is added to 0, the result is
the number itself. 0 is called additive identity
Inverse property:
a. Additive Inverse: This occurs when the
sum of two addends gives 0.
b. Multiplicative inverse: This occurs
when product of a number and its
inverse gives us 1.
Activity 2: (40 minutes)
i. Discuss among yourselves in your individual
groups how to use worksheets to establish the
distributive property operation and investigate
its applications in other areas of knowledge.
Please ask questions and contribute to the
Activity 2: (40 minutes) presentations. Tell how confidently and
i. In small learning groups, effectively your friends presented their work
using worksheets, establish the including the use of the right vocabulary for the
distributive property operation concept being treated.
and investigate its applications
in other areas of knowledge.
Establish that for any three numbers a , b∧c ,
the distributive property connects (¿)∧¿ or
(¿)∧¿ as follows
a. a∗( b+ c )=a∗b+ a∗c , [* is
distributed over +)
ie .10∗( 6+ 4 )=(10∗6)+(10∗4)=100
b. a∗( b−c )=( a∗b )−(a∗c ), [‘*’ is
distributed over ‘ –‘).
Find the area of the shaded portion in the figure
below, using distributive property of operation.
ii. Through individual work
guide learners to find areas of 2.5m
the shaded portions, applying
appropriate properties of 3m
() ()
2 2
d 6
Area of pond = π = π =
2 2
2 2
9 π=28 .23 m ≅ 28 m
The actual land area covered by the rice
(i). before the creation of the fish pond
= (250−4)( 200−4)=48,216 m2
(ii). After the creation of the fish pond =
2 2 2
48,216 m −28 m =48,188m
b. If GHs 28.00=1 m2 , then x=48,188 m2
48,188 m
x= 2
=GHs 1,721.00
28 m
The farmer will need GHs 1,721.00 to spray the
Lesson Closure
Activity 10minutes
i. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners to
brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of real number properties? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Hint: Link the concept of operations by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
ii. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the aligned to the
Starter Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction (20 minutes) Level 2
Group Activity- (10mins) 2. Use a model to
Review learners’ previous show the real
knowledge on the properties i. In an all-inclusive class i. Ask learners to brainstorm and do oral number system and
of real numbers with respect discussion, lead the class to presentation on set operations of numbers identify all the
to commutative, associative,
identity, inverse, distributive, brainstorm on the various regarding commutative, associative, subsets.
operations of numbers. distributive, identity, and closure concepts.
Encourage learners to be Please be tolerant and circumspect with your AP: Learners use a
tolerant and circumspect criticisms and commentary on others’ model learnt in class.
with their criticisms and presentations.
commentary on others’ P: Learners may use
presentations. their own models
including generating it
ii. In small learning groups, ii. using your worksheet, establish the with a computer.
using worksheets, establish distributive and associativity concept of
the distributive property operation and investigate its applications in HP: learners use a
operation and investigate its other areas of knowledge for a written computer to generate
applications in other areas presentation. the model and describe
of knowledge. the subsets using
symbols. Learners also
pose their own
questions and solve.
Level 2
Activity 1 (40minutes) Activity 1 (40 minutes) 2a. In a survey of a
group of people, 60
i. In an interactive activity, i. in your group discussion, investigate write liked tea, 45 liked
review subsets, unions, down your findings on subsets, union, coffee, 30 liked
intersections, regions of two intersections, region of two and three sets Venn milk, 25 liked
and three sets Venn diagram diagram and their properties of operations to coffee as well as
and their properties of investigate real life problems for peer tea, 20 liked tea as
operations to investigate real interaction and class presentations well as milk, 15
life problems liked coffee as well
ii. In your groups, write down your findings on as milk and 10
ii. Then, in mixed-gender subsets, unions, intersections regions of two liked all three. How
groups, present learners with and their operations and identify at least two many people were
the explanation of subsets, areas in real life where applicable for class asked this
unions, intersections, regions of presentation question? Solve by
two and three sets operations, using Venn-
and apply that knowledge in Subsets: If every member of set A is also a diagram.
solving related problems. member of set B, then A is a subset of B, we
write this as A ⊆ B. We can say A is contained Level 3
in B, 2b. As a researcher,
or B⊇ A , here, B is a superset of A, B includes how would you use a
A, or B contains A. Venn Diagram as an
If A is not a subset of B, we write A ⊈ B . organizer to organise
However, if A is a subset of B ( A ⊆ B), but A is and present data
not equal to B, then we say A is a proper collected among your
subset of B, written as A ⊂ Bor A ⊊ B. friends.
i. A is a proper subset of B; A ⊂ B
ii. A is not a subset of C ;
iii. Bis a proper subset of U ;
Activity 2: (40minutes) iv. Etc.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
iii. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners to
brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups in
our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
iv. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 3 Duration 2: hours Form 1
Number for Sub-
Strand Real number system
Everyday Life Strand
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of real number system and the operations of the various
Content Standard 4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of real number system with respect to the concepts and
vocabulary of sets, establish their relationships and carry out simple surveys using the properties of
3. Apply the relationship and differences between the set of rational and irrational numbers and use
these to solve problems
Learning Outcome(s)
4. Analyse ad solve real world problems involving union, intersection and complements and their
applications to tree set problems using simple surveys
3. Establish the properties of real numbers with respect to commutative, associative, identity, inverse,
Learning distributive, etc.
Indicator(s) 4. Review the properties of subsets (two and three), their vocabulary and operations and use it to solve
real life problem
Essential Question(s) a) How are real numbers represented on a number line?
linked to the b) How does the application of properties with respect to communication, associative, identity,
Knowledge Hierarchy inverse, distributive etc. be established real number?
aligned with the c) What are other ways can the properties of subsets, their vocabulary and operations be used to
Content Standards solve real life problem?
and Learning
Group tasks, Individual works, Diamond Nine, talk for learning
Teaching & Learning Models such as number lines; number tracks; algebraic tiles; Multibase Arithmetic Blocks, Graph
Resources board/sheets, right-angle triangle (wheel of theodorus), etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) Limit content expectations to how to establish properties of real numbers with regards to commutative,
associative and distributive.
b) Extend content expectations to including the establishment of identity and inverse.
c) Extend content expectation to including the use of ICT tools such as PPTs to establish properties of
subsets, their vocabulary and operations using it to solve real life problems.
a)Group discussion and oral presentations on problems involving properties of real number system with
regards to commutative, and associative distributive
b) Group discussion and written presentation on problems involving properties of real numbers such as
identity and inverse.
c) Pair discussions and individual presentation on problems involving the properties of subsets, their
vocabulary and operations using it to solve real life problems with aid of some ICT tools.
a) Solve problems on properties of real numbers with regards to commutative, associative and
b) Solve problems on properties of real numbers with regards to commutative, associative and
Product distributive including identity and inverse.
c) Solve problems on properties of real numbers with regards to commutative, associative and
distributive including identity and inverse and the properties of subsets, their vocabulary and
operations used to solve real life problems.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
to the Curriculum and
Starter Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- ( 5mins) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Challenge students with a I. Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss the 1. Outline the key properties
logic puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability properties of real number system of the real number system.
puzzles, hand and numbers groups, then present them come out with the various ways Level 2: Skills of
template. with a model of real they relate to real-life. Please as Conceptual Understanding;
number system and task you carry out your discussions,
them on properties with show respect to others’ views, as
Given the information on set, use it
regards to commutative, you interact and collaborate with
to solve the questions that
associative and group members. follow;
distributive. U ={ wholenumbers between 30 }
A={ Natural numbers within 20 }
II. (ungrouped) and task II. (ungrouped) and task them to B= { prime numbers }
them to discuss and come discuss and come up with set of C={factors of 20 }
up with set of numbers, numbers, establishing the various a) Determine the set of numbers
establishing the properties of the real number in U, A, B, and C.
commutative, associative system based on the operations b) Represent the information in a
and distributive properties (such as ∪∧∩ )and give them Venn diagram
of the real number system different ways they can establish c) Use the operations “U” and “
properties the properties that relate to real- ∩” to determine
Encourage learners to show world situations. commutative ,associative,
respect for individual diverse distributive properties
views as they interact and 2. Explain with justifications
collaborate in their groups. whether there is any worth in
organizing a given data collected
before presenting it to your
III. Using Think-pair-share in III. In your groups, discuss and audience.
an interactive and learner come up with new subsets which
centered classroom apply the show Union, Intersection and
concept of Venn diagram to Complement of sets. Please show
solve three set problems respect for others’ views, beliefs, Level 2: Skills of conceptual
using Group religions, and cultures as you Understanding;
work/collaborative learning interact and collaborate in your Read the problem below and
ensuring balance in the groups and make presentations of answer at least one of the
differentiation of the various your work. questions that follow:
proficiency levels couple with
GESI. . Three committees A, B and C
form a union, U, in a School. If the
IV. Group learners to U has a total population of 380
IV. Experiential Learning: collaboratively be engage in members, n(A) = 200, n(B)=155 ,
Group learners to hands-on activity to create set n(C) = 110,
collaboratively be engage problems and apply set identities, n( A ∩ B)=50 , n ( B∩ C ) =35
in hands-on activity to algebra and properties of n ( A ∩C )=44 and
create set problems and operations to solve the problems. n( A ∩ B ∩C)=14 , illustrate this
apply set identities, information in a Venn-diagram
algebra and properties of and find the following:
operations to solve the
problems. a. '
n( A ∩ B ∩C )
' '
b. n( A ∩ B ∩C )
' '
c. n( A ∩ B ∩ C)
d. n( A ∩ B ∩C )
e. n( A ∩ B ∩C)
f. n( A ∩ B ∩C)
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) g. n( A ∪ B ∪ C)
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) I. Share with the class what you
I. Using the KWL strategy, know about set identities, algebra
transition learners from and properties of operations of A survey conducted at Bosomtwe
consolidating their some set of numbers in the real district Hospital revealed that out
previous knowledge to the number system. of the number of 80 patients
new learning. admitted in June last year, 33
suffered from diarrhea, 41
suffered from malaria, 29 suffered
II. In your groups, demonstrate how from typhoid, 9 suffered from
II. Group learners based on the properties (such as U and ∩) diarrhea only, 12 suffered from
mixed ability (Gender and identities like the complement, malaria only, 7 suffered from
balance). Let them De Morgan’s law. Relate them to typhoid only and 11 were sick of
demonstrate properties of the Venn diagram. Please be wary all the three diseases.
sets that leading to some of the use of the IT tools like the a. Represent this information in a
identities of sets consider calculators for this task. Use it Venn diagram
GESI and SEL in the lesson. appropriately as expected of you. b. Use your diagram to find the
number of patients who suffered
i. diarrhea and malaria only?
Activity 2 ( 30 minutes) ii. diarrhea and typhoid only?
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) II. Design a presentation using a iii. malaria and typhoid only?
II. In an all-inclusive class computer application tool such as iv. none of the three diseases?
discussion, lead the class to PPTs, and organize various ways of
discuss the various ways of representing information on the 3. Obtain a past WASSCE
representing sets identities on Venn diagram involving the various result for your school for data
the Venn diagram. Using set identities. for a particular year and
some ICT tools presentation construct a frequency
distribution table for the number
methods. Encourage learners Set identities and Venn diagrams: of “As” for all the subjects.
to be tolerant and For any three sets A, B and C, the
circumspect with their following holds:
criticisms and commentary 1. AUB = BUA
on others’ presentations. 2. AƲ(BՈ C) = (A ƲB)Ո(A ƲC)
3. AՈ(BƲC) = (AՈ B)Ʋ(A ՈC)
Illustration of AՈ(BƲC ) =
( AՈ B)Ʋ (A ՈC )in the Venn
diagrams below
b) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
c) Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
to the Curriculum and
Starter Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Encourage algebraic 1. Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss the Write the laws or properties of set
thinking with number logic themselves in mixed-ability properties of operation of set. ( such operations.
Challenge students with a groups, then present them as Level 2: Skills of conceptual
logic puzzle, quadrilateral with of problems Venn n( A ∪ B)=n (A )+ n(B)−n( A ∩ B) ). Understanding;
puzzles, hand and numbers diagram. Please as you carry out your In a class of 35 boys, A is the set
template, mental discussions, show respect to others’ of boys who take athletics and C
mathematics Test. views, as you interact and collaborate is the set who play cricket. n (A)
with group members. = 15, n(C) = 16, n(A∩C) = 5.
Using the whole class as the
II. Using experiential Universal set, draw a Venn
learning let the learners use II. using groups task learners solve diagram and mark the numbers
the various properties of set problems consisting Venn diagram. in their appropriate regions. ii.
operation and task them to establishing the various properties of How many boys take neither
solve problems consisting the real number system and give them athletics nor cricket?
Venn diagram. different ways they can establish the Level 3: Skills of conceptual
Encourage learners to show properties. Understanding;
respect for individual diverse 1. A survey conducted at Maase
views as they interact and Hospital revealed that out of the
collaborate in their groups. number of 80 patients admitted
in June last year, 33 suffered
from diarrhea, 41 suffered from
malaria, 29 suffered from
typhoid, 9 suffered from diarrhea
only, 12 suffered from malaria
. only, 7 suffered from typhoid
only and 11 were sick of all the
three diseases. a. Represent this
information in a Venn diagram
b. Use your diagram to find the
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) number of patients who suffered
III. Using the KWL strategy, Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) from;
transition learners from III. Share with the class what you i. diarrhea and malaria only?
consolidating their know on the application of the ii. diarrhea and typhoid only?
previous knowledge to the properties of set. iii. malaria and typhoid only?
new learning. iv. none of the three diseases?
Let A represents students who chose
Arabic, E represents people who
chose English and F represents
people chose French n(AUEUF) =
63, n(A) = 28, n(E) = 30, n(F) = 25,
n(A∩E) only = 11, n(A∩F) only = 9,
n(E∩F) only = 10, n(A∩E∩F) = x
ii. Method 1
For set A, a + 9 + x +11 = 28 a = 8
– x ………. .(1)
For set E‟
b + 11 10 + x = 30 b = 9 – x ………..
For set F,
c + 9 + 10 + x = 25 c = 6 – x
But a = A only, b = E only and c = F
only For three sets A, E, and F
without complement,
n(AUEUF) = A only + E only + F
only + (A∩E) only + (A∩F) only +
(E∩F) only + n(A∩E∩F)
43 = 8 – x + 9 – x + 6 – x + 11 + 9 +
10 + x 43 = 53 – 2x
2x = 10
iii. Exactly two languages, = 9 + 11
+ 10 = 30
iv. Arabic only or English only or
French only = a + b + c = 8 – x + 9
– x + 6 – x,
(But x = 5) = 8 – 5 + 9 – 5 + 6 – 5 =
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes)
I. Using a computer Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
application tool for I. Design a presentation using a
presentations such as computer application tool such as
PPTs (where available), PPTs, and present your answers
call out groups to present using various methods of solving
answers in of problems problems involving Venn
involving Venn diagram. diagram.
Be fair in the allocation of
resources to groups for
their presentations.
II. Offer the opportunity for
the class to ask questions and
make contributions to the II. Please ask questions and
presentations. Encourage contributions to the presentations.
learners to comment on how Tell how confident and effective your
confident and effective their friends’ presented their work
friends presented their work including the use of the right
including the use of the right vocabulary for the concept being
vocabulary for the concept treated.
being treated.
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
In a whole class discussion, Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
demonstrate to the various
I. Contribute to a whole class
ways of solving problems
discussion, Ask questions for further
regarding sets. Give learners the
clarification to consolidate your ideas.
opportunity to ask questions for
Please be wary of biases about others
further clarification to
seeking further explanation and
consolidate their ideas.
clarification from the class.
Encourage learners to be wary
of biases about the
presentations and abilities of
different groups as they seek
further explanation and
clarification from the class.
Lesson Closure
a) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
b) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Essential Question(s) linked a) what is modulo arithmetic and how does it differ from regular arithmetic?
to the Knowledge Hierarchy
b) How do you perform the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using modulo arithmetic?
aligned with the Content
Standards and Learning c)How do I relate modulo arithmetic to cyclic patterns and repeating sequences?
b) Solve at least three problems on addition and multiplication table on modulo arithmetic.
c) Use the concept of modulo arithmetic and number bases to solve real life problem.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce aligned to the
Starter as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
GROUP activity 10 minutes INTRODUCTION: (10 INTRODUCTION: (10 minutes)
Review previous lessons with minutes) In a large class discussion revise with Answer at least one
students on integers and In a large class discussion revise students’ integers and number patterns question from the
number patterns. with students’ integers and problem below
number patterns
ACTIVITY I 30 minutes Level I
ACTIVITY 1 (30 minute) I. In your group discussion
I. In an interactive and undertake brief review on sorting 1. Five ladies have 197
differentiated learning and divisibility rules of integers tubers of yam. They
environment, initiate a smaller and determine their connections shared it equally without
group discussion for learners to to modular arithmetic using cutting any of the tubers.
undertake brief review on sorting models. If they decided to sell
and divisibility rules of integers the remaining tubers at
and determine their connections GHs20.00 per tuber,
to modular arithmetic using a. how many tubers
models were left after they took
such as number arrays their shares?
ACTIVITY II (30 minutes) b. how much did they
realize from the sales?
ACTIVITY2 (30 minutes) Level II
In mixed gender ability
groupings guide students to Sort II. In your groups sort integers into 2Find the remainder
integers into odd and even blocks odd and even blocks (mod2 and when 345 is divided
(mod2 and mod3 mod3 by 8.
Application of the Concept with
From above we see that the odd and
even blocks for mod 2 and mod 3
For modulo 2, the integers are sorted
into 2 distinct subsets as,
{. . . , −4, −2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, . . .} with
remainder ‘0’
{. . . , −3, −1, 1, 3, 5, 7, . .}. with
remainder ‘1’
Lesson Closure
ACTIVITY 10 minutes
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
II. Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners to
share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Learning Outcome(s) Make connections between fractions and decimals and use them to solve daily problems
1. Establish the concept of fractions, and investigate the connections between fractions and decimal
Learning numbers.
Indicator(s) 2. Establish additive and multiplicative inverses of fractions using multi-purpose model charts
Essential Question(s) 1.How do you apply the concept of fractions in sharing an amount of money?
linked to the 2. How do I represent a given two fraction using multi- purpose chart and investigate as well.?
Knowledge Hierarchy 3. How can you establish the concept of additive and multiplicative inverse of fractions using any
aligned with the ICT tools?
Content Standards
and Learning
Problem-based learning, collaborative activities
Teaching & Learning Models such as number lines; number tracks; algebraic tiles; Multibase Arithmetic Blocks, Graph
Resources board/sheets, right-angle triangle (wheel of theodorus), etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a.) Limit content expectation to how to express a given quantities to fraction and investigate the
connection between fractions and decimal
Content b.) Extend the content to investigate the connection between f ractions and decimal using modern
c.) Extend the content on how to establish additive and multiplication inverse of fractions using multi -
purpose model chart.
a. Group discussion and oral presentation on how to simplify fractions to its lowest term
b. Group discussion and writing presentation on investigation the connection of fractions and decimal
c. Pair discussion and individual presentation on additive and multiplicative inverse of fractions
a). Express a given quantities as fraction and investigate the connection between fractions and decimal
b). Epress the ff fractions and decimal using modern technology.
Product c). solve problem on additive and multiplicative inverse of fractions and decimal using multi -purpose
model chart.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
to the Curriculum and
Starter Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- ( 10mins) Introduction ( 30 minutes) Introduction ( 30 minutes)
Review learners’ previous Level 1: Recall;
knowledge on real III. Help learners to IV. In your groups, discuss the 4. Change the following
numbers using real-life organise themselves in fractions and come out with two fractions to decimal
examples from home , by; mixed-ability groups, then different ways that you can write 1. 2\
asking learners in mixed- present them with whole fractions. Please as you carry out 4
gender groups to discuss number and task them to your discussions, show respect to 2. 3/
the nature of real numbers discuss and come up with others’ views as you interact and 2
and prepare a sample for two different ways they can collaborate with group members.
whole-class discussion. write the whole nummber Level 2: Skills of conceptual
that will make it appealing V. In your groups, discuss the various Understanding;
to users. Encourage ways to write fractions. Please be 5. Convert the ff to
learners to show respect for tolerant and circumspect with your percentages
individual diverse views as criticisms and commentary on 1. 2/
they interact and others’ presentations. 3
collaborate in their groups. 2. 3/
IV. In an all-inclusive Level 2: Skills of percentages
class discussion, lead the
class to discuss the various Understanding;
ways to express whole 6. Expresss .
numbers using presentation €45 as a percentage of 50%
methods. Encourage
learners to be tolerant and
circumspect with their
criticisms and commentary
on others’ presentations.
Activity 1 ( 20 minutes)
Activity 1 ( 20 minutes) V. Share with the class what you know
V. Using the KWL strategy, about fraction.
transition learners from
consolidating their
previous knowledge to the VI. In your groups, write the integers
new learning. into a decimals and percentages
using an Excel sheet or Microsoft
VI. In mixed-gender groups, Word application where available.
present learners with Please be wary of the use of the IT
fractions and write them tool for this task. Use it
into different form using appropriately as expected of you.
Excel sheet or Microsoft
Word application where Activity 2 ( 20 minutes)
available. IV. Design a presentation using a
computer application tool such as
Activity 2: ( 20 minutes) PPTs, and present your decimals and
II. Using a computer percentages to the class.
application tool for
presentations such as PPTs
(where available), call out V. Please ask questions and
groups to present their contributions to the presentations.
fractions to the class. Be Tell how confident and effective
fair in the allocation of your friends’ presented their work
resources to groups for including the use of the right
their presentations. vocabulary for the concept being
III. Offer the opportunity for treated.
the class to ask questions
and make contributions to Activity 3 ( 30 minutes)
the presentations. Contribute to a whole class discussion,
Encourage learners to how fractions can be written into a
comment on how confident decimals and percentages . Ask
and effective their friends questions for further clarification to
presented their work consolidate your ideas. Please be wary
including the use of the of biases about others seeking further
right vocabulary for the explanation and clarification from the
concept being treated. class.
Activity 3 ( 30minutes)
In a whole class discussion,
demonstrate to the class how to
write fractions into decimals and
percentages . Give learners the
opportunity to ask questions for
further clarification to
consolidate their ideas.
Encourage learners to be wary of
biases about the presentations
and abilities of different groups
as they seek further explanation
and clarification from the class.
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 20 minutes)
d) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
e) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
f) Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
h) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Learning Outcome(s) Create strategies for solving percent problems involving personal or household finance
Learning Develop models to examine connections between and among fractions, percentages and decimal numbers and
Indicator(s) make generalizations
Essential Question(s) a) what are the connections percentage, fraction, and decimal?
linked to the Knowledge b) how would you explore properties of rational numbers from diagrams to establish strategies for reviewing
Hierarchy aligned with the connection between fractions and decimal numbers and solve real-life problems involving them?
the Content Standards c) how can learners develop models to examine connections between and among fractions, percentages and
and Learning Indicators decimal numbers, and make generalizations?
Pedagogical Strategies Think-pair-share, Group project, Problem-Based Learning, Onion ring, etc.
Teaching & Learning Cuisenaire rods, fractional chart, number tracks, algebraic tiles, Multibase Arithmetic Blocks, Graph
Resources board/sheets, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a) Restrict content expectation on the connections between percentage, fraction, and decimal
b) Extend the content expectation on rational numbers from diagrams to establish strategies for reviewing the
Content connection between fractions and decimal numbers and solve real-life problems
c) Extend the content expectation on making generalization with the connection between and among
fractions, percentages and decimal in real life situations
a) Group discussion for learner to explore the connections between percentage, fraction, and decimal
b) Group discussion and presentations on rational numbers from diagrams to establish strategies for reviewing the
Process connection between fractions and decimal numbers and solve real-life problems
c) develop models to examine connections between and among fractions, percentages and decimal numbers, and
make generalizations
Product a) explain the relationship existing between percentage, fraction, and decimal
with it
b) In real word problem, illustrate the connection on proportional reasoning and percentages.
c) Determine how to develop models to examine and generalize connection between and among fractions,
percentages and decimal in real life situations
3.What is 3 out
of 5 expressed
as a
Activity 1: (40minutes) percentage?
i. Using the KWL strategy, learners Activity 1: (40 minutes)
transition from consolidating their i. Share with the class what you know about the 4.If 18 out of
previous knowledge to the new learning connections or relationship among fraction, 30 students
percentage and decimals prefer gablee,
ii. In mixed-gender groups, present what
learners with real sample scenarios on percentage of
fractions, percentage and decimal ii. In your groups, outlined the fraction, the students
applications and let leaners link up the percentage and decimal concepts in the various prefer gablee?
connections. Encourage learners to be scenarios.
tolerant and circumspect with their 5.A class
criticisms and commentary on others’ Example. scored an
presentations. To turn a percentage to a fraction, write it as “out average of 75%
of 100” on a test. If this
. is equivalent to
To turn a fraction into a percentage, we multiply 3/5 of the total
the fraction by 100 out of 100. So, we multiply score, what was
the numerator by 100 and divide it by 100. the maximum
Activity 2: 40mins possible score?
( )1
Fraction: Fractions are represented as a
numerical value, which defines a part of a
whole. A fraction can be a portion or
section of any quantity (ie. out of a
whole), where the whole can be any
number, a set, or a thing.
Decimal: a number whose 'whole' part and
ii. Through a gamification learning 'fractional' part is separated by a decimal
approach and onion ring, provide point
learners Learning Tasks for practice
to discover representations in
estimations, computations, and
The Game
a) addition using words like plus, add,
calculate the sum, increase a number by,
and find the total.
b) subtraction using words like minus,
from a number take, find the difference,
and what must be added to make.
c) multiplication using words like times,
multiply, find the product, square, and
what must be divided by … to give ….
d) Division using words like divide, share,
how many times does it go into? and
what must be multiplied by … to give
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 10 minutes)
IV. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
V. Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
∴ The selling
How much is the interest after 4 years = GH¢ 2640
price is GH¢
Profit and loss; 2640.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
v. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners to
brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups in
our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
vi. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 7 Duration 4hours 1
Number for everyday Sub-
Strand Proportional reasoning
Life Strand
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of proportional reasoning on percentages and use it to solve
Content Standard
everyday life problems including simple interest, discount, profit, loss, commission, etc.
Learning Outcome(s) Create strategies for solving percent problems involving personal or household finance
Process a) Solve problems on expressing positive and negative whole and rational quantities into percentages.
d) Solve problems including expressing real numbered quantities into percentages.
b) Solve at least 2 problems on percentages that involve the real number system using ICT tools
a) Group discussion and oral presentation on involving the application of percentages.
b) Group discussion and written presentations on problems of expressing real numbered quantities into
other aspects of percentages (such as commission and discounts ).
c) Pair discussion and individual presentations on problems of percentages involving compound interest
and mini project of proportional reasoning using ICT tools.
Keywords Percentage, proportion, word problems proportion, operation and real number system
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity 5minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Ask learners to find five ways
VII.Help learners to organize Outline the ways o of
to represent a number, such themselves in mixed-abilityVIII. In your groups, discuss how the various expressing fractions and
as 1000, or have learners groups. Then present them set of numbers could be expressed as whole numbers as
represent the day of the month with a model of ways of percentages. Please as you carry out percentages.
or the day of school in a expressing various quantities your discussions, show respect to
variety of ways as percentages. others’ views, as you interact and Level 2: Skills of
collaborate with group members. conceptual
VIII. (ungrouped) and task them toIX. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss and Understanding;
discuss and come up with the come up with the various ways of Write the following as
various ways of expressing expressing quantities of whole numbers percentages;
quantities of whole numbers and rational numbers. 15 40
1. 2.
and rational numbers. 100 100
Encourage learners to show
respect for individual diverse Level 2: Skills of
views as they interact and conceptual
collaborate in their groups. Present your answers on
the following question
A sales girl is paid her
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) basic monthly salary of
I. Using the KWL strategy, I. Share with the class what you know Ghȼ15,000.00. In
transition learners from about expressing the application of addition, she earns a
consolidating their previous percentages. Give scenarios for learners to commission of 2% on
knowledge to the new learning. comprehend the ways percentages of all her sales. In a
quantities work. particular month, her
II. In mixed-gender groups, sales amounted to
present learners with real world II. In your groups, express percentages of Ghȼ1.5 million.
problem or scenario that depicts quantities given scenarios of your daily Calculate her gross
percentages and ask them to activities Please be wary of the use of the income for that month.
express the quantities in the IT tool for this task. Use it appropriately
scenarios into percentages. as expected of you.
For example:
Increase in population
=17,000,000 – 5,000,000
×100 %=240 %
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
I. Using a computer I. Design a presentation using a
application tool for computer application tool such as PPTs,
presentations such as PPTs as well as board illustrations and
(where available) as well as present your answers on commission and
board illustrations, call out discounts.
groups to present the ways For example:
they express some quantities Mr. Brown wants to buy a calculator
as percentages considering whose price is quoted as Gh¢5300.00
commission and discount. Be with 10% discount. Find:
fair in the allocation of i. the discount,
resources to groups for their ii. how much he will pay for the item.
Method 1
Original price = Gh¢5,300.00
Rate = 10% =
i. Discount = Rate × Original price
Discount = ×Gh ¢ 530 = Gh¢530.00
ii. New price = Original price –
Discount New price = Gh¢(5,300 – 530)
= Gh¢4,770.00
II. Offer the opportunity for
the class to ask questions and II. Please ask questions and
make contributions to the contributions to the presentations. Tell
presentations. Encourage how confident and effective your
learners to comment on how friends’ presented their work including
confident and effective their the use of the right vocabulary for the
friends presented their work concept being treated.
including the use of the right
vocabulary for the concept
being treated.
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
In a whole class discussion, Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
demonstrate to the class how to I. Contribute to a whole class discussion, how
express quantities as commission to express quantities as commission and
and discounts. discounts.
Give learners the opportunity to Ask questions for further clarification to
ask questions for further consolidate your ideas. Please be wary of
clarification to consolidate their biases about others seeking further
ideas. Encourage learners to be explanation and clarification from the class.
wary of biases about the
presentations and abilities of
different groups as they seek
further explanation and clarification
from the class.
Lesson Closure
d) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
e) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity 5minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Encourage algebraic thinkingIX. Help learners to organize Express in your own
with number logic. themselves in mixed-ability I. In your groups, discuss the various ways words simple and
By Challenge students with a groups. Then present them percentages could be expressed in terms of compound interest.
logic puzzle, with a model of ways of commission and discounts. Please as you
expressing understanding on carry out your discussions, show respect to Level 2: Skills of
commission of quantities as others’ views, as you interact and conceptual
percentages. collaborate with group members. Understanding;
X. A certain principal
amounts to Ghc15000 in
XI. (ungrouped) and task them to II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss 2.5 years and to Ghc.
discuss and solve problems on and solve problems on the various ways 16500 in 4 years at the
the various ways percentages percentages could be expressed in terms of same rate of interest.
could be expressed in terms of commission and discounts. Outline the various key
commission and discounts.. words of simple interest
Encourage learners to show in the problem.
respect for individual diverse
views as they interact and 3: Skills of conceptual
collaborate in their groups. understanding
Present your answers on
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) the following question
I. Using the KWL strategy, I. Share with the class what you know below
transition learners from about expressing the application of
consolidating their previous percentages. Give scenarios for learners to A certain principal
knowledge to the new learning. comprehend the ways percentages of amounts to Ghc15000 in
quantities work. 2.5 years and to Ghc.
II. In mixed-gender groups, 16500 in 4 years at the
present learners with real world II. In your groups, express quantities in same rate of interest.
problem or scenario that depicts terms of simple and compound interest. Find the rate of interest.
percentages and ask them to Please be wary of the use of the IT tool for
express the quantities in terms of this task. Use it appropriately as expected
simple and compound interest. of you.
III. put learners into smaller
groups and discuss the various III. in smaller groups discuss in your own
key words of simple interest and understanding the key concepts or words
compound interest. under simple and compound interest.
Abbreviated as SI =
Compound Interest
In compound interest, the
principal amount with interest
after the first unit of time
becomes the principal for the
next unit.
Abbreviated as Amount = P * [1
+ R/100]t, when compounded
Sometimes, the interest is also
calculated half-yearly or
When compounded semi-
annually or half-yearly,
Worked Examples
Example 1: A sum of GHc.
25000 becomes GHc. 27250 at
the end of 3 years when
calculated at simple interest.
Find the rate of interest.
Simple interest = 27250 –
25000 = 2250
Time = 3 years.
PTR SI ×100
SI = →R=
100 PT
2250× 100
25000 X 3
→ R = 3%.
Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
I. Design a presentation using a computer
application tool such as PPTs, as well as
board illustrations, present your answers
on problems involving simple and
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) compound interest.
I. Using a computer application For example:
tool for presentations such as Find the present worth of GHc 78000 due
PPTs and smart board (where in 4 years at 5% interest per year.
available) as well as board
illustrations, call out groups to Solution:
present the ways they express Amount with interest after 4 years =
some quantities in terms of GHc. 78000
simple and compound interest. Therefore, simple interest = 78000 –
Be fair in the allocation of Principal.
resources to groups for their Let the principal amount be p.
presentations. 78000 – p = (p×4×5)/100
→ p=13000
Principal = 78000 – 13000
= GHc. 65000
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
I. Contribute to a whole class discussion, how
to express quantities in terms of simple and
compound interest..
Ask questions for further clarification to
consolidate your ideas. Please be wary of
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes) biases about others seeking further
In a whole class discussion, explanation and clarification from the class.
demonstrate to the class how to
express quantities in terms of
simple and compound interest.
Give learners the opportunity to
ask questions for further
clarification to consolidate their
ideas. Encourage learners to be
wary of biases about the
presentations and abilities of
different groups as they seek
further explanation and clarification
from the class.
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 5 minutes)
k) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
l) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Essential a) What strategies and techniques can be use used to solve problem involving algebraic reasoning?
Question(s) b) How does algebraic reasoning contribute to a deeper understanding of mathematical concept and
linked to the relationships?
Knowledge c)How does algebraic reasoning relate to other areas of mathematics, such as geometry and statistics?
aligned with
the Content
Standards and
Mixed-ability groupings, whole class discussions, Brainstorming, Problem-based learning
Teaching &
Learning Algebraic tiles, cut out shapes of different colours, A4 sheets, coloured pencils/pens, paper grids, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a) Limit content expectation to algebraic reasoning
b) Extend content expectation to include strategies and techniques in solving algebraic related problems
c) Extend the content expectation to include strategies, techniques and application in real life situation
In mixed ability groups, learner discuss and make oral, written presentation on definition of algebraic reasoning,
formulate strategies and techniques to solve real life algebraic reasoning situation
a) Outline the meaning of algebraic reasoning and some key terms ensuring inclusiveness and national values
b) Use numbers, patterns, and variables to formulate mathematical expressions and apply the algebraic order of the
Product four operations to solve problems
c)Investigate and solve an of word problem related to geometry or statistics which could be solve through algebraic
strategy and technique
Keywords Monomials, Binomials, variables, co- efficient, like terms ,unlike terms, Trinomials.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject aligned to the
Starter Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
minutes) minutes Review with students on properties of operations such as Level 3
Review with students on commutative associative as well as order of operations Answer at least one
Review properties of operations such of the following
students’ as commutative associative questions.
previous as well as order of
knowledge on operations 1. Identify patterns
properties of from the following
operations such sets of numbers and
as ACTIVITY I (25minutes) create a
associative as
In Mixed-ability groupings expression for each.
well as order of
guide students to investigate ACTIVITY I( 25 minutes) a. 1, 3,5, 7, 9…
by using numbers, patterns, b.-1, 2, 5, 8, 11…
In your groups investigate how to formulate mathematical
and variables to formulate
expressions using numbers, patterns, and variables.
mathematical expressions. 2. Ama is collecting
Example: seashells on the
i. Squares are arranged as shown below, investigate the beach. On her first
perimeters and write an algebraic expression if the pattern day, she collected 1
continuous. seashell. Each day
after that she
collected 2 more
seashells than the
Fig.1 fig.2 fig.3 previous day. How
many seashells will
Ans.: 2x+2 she have on the five
day? Generate a
pattern and use it to
ACTIVITY II (20 minutes) Fig.4 fig.5 fig.6
3. In a math
In a whole class discussion, competition,
teacher engages learners in ACTIVITY II( 20 minutes) participants are
sharing the meaning of asked to solve a
some key terms ensuring series of problems.
inclusiveness and national Discuss the meaning of the following terminologies In the first round,
values. Example: each contestant
solves 1 problem. In
each subsequent
Definition of key concepts round, they solve 2
Algebraic expression in mathematics is an expression which is more problems than
made up variables, constants and arithmetic operations. (addition, in the previous
subtraction, multiplication and division) Examples: round. How many
3 x−5 , n+8 , x , 2x + 3x – 5, 2x+5xy+3 etc.
2 2
problems will they
Term: Is the parts of the expression, e.g. x2 + 5x -4 (three terms) need to solve in the
Variable: Is a symbol (usually a letter), used to represent one or 7th round?
more numbers in algebraic expression (e.g. from above, x, n, are
the variables)
Monomials: An algebraic expression with only one term (e.g.: y, .
2x2, -5a etc.)
Binomial: An algebraic expression with two terms (e.g.: 7x2+3,
y-2, 4x+9, n-m etc.)
Trinomial: Algebraic expressions with three terms (e.g.: 2x2+5x-
3, a-5b+2c, 8x+5y-z)
Coefficient: Is a number attached to a variable in an algebraic
expression. Consider the expressions below and their responding
x +5 x−3 9 a−3b +2
1 5 9 -3
Constant Term: is a number or symbol which is not attached to
any variable in an expression. From the above expressions the
constant terms are -3 and 2
The diagram below gives a summary of the terms explained.
d) The age of Mr. Mensah is thrice his son’s age plus ten.
Learning Task for practice b.( x +2 ) (x−4)
c. (y +7 )(y + 1)
Expand and simplify the following expressions d (z + 2 )(z – 5)(x
a) (x +4 )(x−4) +1)
b) ¿
c) (x +4 )(x+2) e. identify the main
d) ¿ ideas/skills needed in
expanding algebraic
Lesson Closure
ACTIVITY (10minutes)
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Talk for learning: using In pairs discuss how to use the idea of finding the area
think pair share in small
mixed gender/ability groups, of rectangles to factorize the trinomial expression using
learners factorize direct and algebraic tiles. Factorizing using algebraic tiles
indirect expressions using Example 1
algebraic tiles
Factorize x + (-2) = 5 using the algebraic tiles
Step 1
Let’s represent the equation with our algebraic tiles
Step 2: Transpose -2 by adding 2 to both sides (yellow
squares are positive while red squares are negative numbers)
Step 3: Simplify
ACTIVITY 10 minutes
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Process a). Group and oral presentation on how to use the idea of perfect square numbers in solving problems
including difference of two square of binomial
b). Group and writing presentation on applying the idea of operations on simple algebraic fractions
including monomial and `binomial .
c). Pair and individual presentation on how to apply and analyze the condition under which algebraic
fraction is undefined.
a). solve the problem by applying the idea of perfect square of binomial
b).Simplify algebraic fractions including monomial and binomial denominators.
c). Solve and determine the conditions under which the given algebraic fraction is undefined
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- . 10mins) Introduction . 30 minutes)
Review learners’ previous Introduction . 30 minutes) Level 1
knowledge on algebral using I. In your groups, discuss how the terms in simplify
real-life examples ; asking I. Help learners to algebraic expression are identify and
learners in mixed-gender organise themselves come out with how to analyze the 2 x+ 4=16
groups to discuss the what in mixed-ability operations on sample algebraic expression
algebraic expression and groups, then present make it appealing to other users. Please as
Level 2
prepare a sample for whole- them with some you carry out your discussions, show
class discussion. expression and task respect to others’ views as you interact 12 xy
them to discuss and and collaborate with group members. ∗14 x
come up with two
different ways they II. In your groups, discuss
can present the data coefficient of a expression.
that will make it Please be tolerant and
appealing to users. circumspect with your
Encourage learners criticisms and commentary on
to show respect for others’ presentations.
individual diverse
views as they interact
and collaborate in
their groups. Activity 1 . 30 minutes)
Activity 1 . 30 minutes) I. Share with the class what you know
I. Using the KWL strategy, about perfect square .
transition learners from
consolidating their
previous knowledge to II. In your groups, recognize perfect
the new learning. squares and apply the idea to solve
problems including the difference of
Activity 2: . 20 minutes) two square of binomial the using an
I. Using a computer Excel sheet or Microsoft Word
application tool for application where available. Please be
presentations such as wary of the use of the IT tool for this
PPTs on forming task. Use it appropriately as expected
algebraic expressions of you.
(where available), call
out groups to present Activity 2 . 20 minutes)
their algebraic I. Design a presentation using a
expression to the class. computer application tool such as
Be fair in the allocation PPTs, and present your binomial
of resources to groups for expression to the class.
their presentations.
Activity 3 . 15 minutes)
In a whole class discussion,
demonstrate how to analyze and
apply operation on simple algebraic II. Please ask questions and contributions
fraction which include monomial to the presentations. Tell how confident
and binomial to the class. Give and effective your friends’ presented
learners the opportunity to ask their work including the use of the right
questions for further clarification to vocabulary for the concept being
consolidate their ideas. Encourage treated.
learners to be wary of biases about
the presentations and abilities of
different groups as they seek
further explanation and clarification
from the class. Activity 3 . 15 minutes)
Contribute to a whole class discussion, how
to analyze and apply operation on simple
algebraic fractions including monomial and
binomial denominator. Ask questions for
further clarification to consolidate your
ideas. Please be wary of biases about others
seeking further explanation and clarification
from the class.
Lesson Closure
Activity . 5 minutes)
a) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
b) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies Assessment DoK
to reinforce as in the Subject Manual aligned to the
Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- . 15 mins) Introduction . 30 minutes) Introduction . 30 minutes)
Review learners’ previous I. In your groups, discuss how perfect LEVEL 1
knowledge on algebraic I.Help learners to organise square numbers be use to solve problems FACTORIZE THE
expression using real-life themselves in mixed-ability in our daily life and identify life experience FOLLOWING
examples ; asking learners in groups, then present them with where difference of two square binomial. COMPLTELY
mixed-gender groups to some expression and task them Please as you carry out your discussions,
discuss the what algebraic to discuss and come with the show respect to others’ views as you
expression and prepare a algebraic fractions of binomial interact and collaborate with group LEVEL 2
sample for whole-class denominator that will make it members. 2 2
x −y
discussion. appealing to users. Encourage 2
learners to show respect for II .In your groups, discuss how to ( x− y )
individual diverse views as they determine the denominator of a
interact and collaborate in their binomial expression . Please be
groups. tolerant and circumspect with your
criticisms and commentary on others’
Activity 1 . 20 minutes) presentations.
II. Using the KWL strategy,
transition learners from
consolidating their Activity 1 20 minute
previous knowledge . Group and oral presentation on how to
square binomial to the use the idea of perfect square numbers in
new learning. lesolving problems including difference of
two square of binomial
ACTIVITY 2 (20 minute)
I. In an interactive and
differentiated learning ACTIVITY 2 (20 minutes)
environment, initiate a smaller In mixed gender ability groupings guide
group discussion for learners to students to solve fraction with binomial
undertake brief review on finding denominator.
the perfect square numbers
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 5 minutes)
o) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
p) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Learning Outcome(s) Model and solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable including problems in real life.
1. Construct and interpret formulae for a given task and apply to problems involving a change of subjects
2. Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable for a given problem and relate it to real life
Essential Question(s) a) How would learners understand linear equations and inequalities in one variable by modelling?
linked to the b) Hould would the knowledge of equations and inequalities in one variable be apply in different t in area
Knowledge Hierarchy of study in the mathematics?
aligned with the c) How can I relate linear equations and inequalities in one variable in real word problem to be
Content Standards and investigate by learners accurately?
Learning Indicators
Pedagogical Strategies Think-pair-share, problem-based learning
Teaching & Learning Algebraic tiles, Patterns, calculator, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a) Limit content expectation on linear equations and inequalities in one variable
b) Extend content expectation to linear equation and inequalities including real word problem
Content c) Extend content expectation to linear equation and inequalities in one variable to include in solving real life
a) In a small group, learners are guarded to mold simple linear and inequality equations through patterns
b) Group to discuss samples of graphical liner equations and inequalities to give oral and written
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject aligned to the
Starter Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity Assessment
Group Activity-10 Introduction: (20 minutes) Introduction: (20 minutes) Level 1
i. In mixed-ability groups, i. In your groups, solve determine the conditions under Learners answer
Through present learners with a simple which algebraic fraction is zero or undefined. at least one of the
brainstorming, algebraic fraction including questions below
questions and answers monomial and binomial Example 1.P = 2(l +w),
techniques take denominators and determine the find w
learners through series conditions under which algebraic Simplify the following
of activities to fraction is zero or undefined and x 1 3 2.
operations on simple a. + + h
tasked them to practice samples x −5 x +6 x−2 x−3
A= ( a+b) , find b
algebraic fractions 2
including monomial ii. Task learners in the form of
and binomial Level 2
mixed ability groups, to discuss
denominators and
and come up with conditions for b. 3.The perimeter
determine the
algebraic fraction to be of a football field
conditions under
which algebraic undefined or zero. Encourage in a rectangular
fraction is zero or learners to show respect for form of a certain
undefined individual views, beliefs,
school is 296m.
religions, and cultures as they
interact and collaborate in their If the breadth is
groups and make presentations d. 2
of the length,
of their work. 3
find the length.
4.Find the
number N, such
e. 1
that when of it
Condition for algebraic fraction to be undefined or is added to 8, the
zero result is the same
Algebraic fraction is said to be undefined or have no 1
as 18 from of
meaning if the denominator is equal to zero. 2
Note: it.
Level 3
Answer at
. This implies least one of
the questions
. This implies
Solve the
, This implies (It cannot be defined)
1.4(x -5)= 14 -
This implies
E.g.: Condition under which is undefined and 2.If the angles in
a−4 a triangle are 2x,
determine the value of a 3x, and 7x. Find
Condition: a-4=0 in degrees
Condition: under which the fraction is zero, put the whole a. the value of x
fraction to zero
b. the size of each
Activity 1:40 minutes angle in the
, 3a = 0, a=0 Therefore when a is 0 the
i. Using think-pair- share fraction is zero triangle
activity, lead learners to discover
and identify relationships 3.A rectangle
between quantities, perform Activity 1:40 minutes whose length is
change of subject and substitute one and three-
i. In pairs, construct and interpret formulae for a given
values into formulae and use it to fifths times its
task and apply to problems involving a change of
solve problems. width has a
perimeter 65
Employ differentiated assessment and ensure values such inches. Find its
as tolerance, truth, honesty, respect for others’ views, etc. dimensions
among learners.
4. The sum of
three consecutive
NOTE; even numbers is
A formula is a rule which gives the relationship between 96. What are the
things or quantities. The letters in the formula always numbers?
stand for something specific, like cost, speed, number of
books, etc. Answer at least
There is always more than one unknown in a formula. E.g. one the
C=4v + 5 questions below
1. Solve and
ii. In your groups, kindly discuss how sample of graph the
formulae were formulated and use them to solve solution set of the
ii. Through a collaborative problems. following
learning, guide learners to
Example a.3 x+ 7<16
formulate formulae and apply
them where appropriate The perimeter of a rectangle P=2l +2b, the area of a b.−2 x+1 ≥ 21
triangle A= bh
2 c. - 7(2 x−1 ¿<1
Application of concepts and examples
Change of subjects and its application of relation d. 3x - 5(3
Example 1 −x ¿<¿1
Change of subjects in a given formula.
1.Make c the subject of the relation y = mx + c 5−x x −2
e. + 2≤
3 2
To make c the subject, subtract mx from both sides of the
mx−mx+ c= y−mx 2.The sum of two
∴ c= y −mx times a number
ii. From the equation 3c + 2r = md + k, make r the and 7 is not less
subject. than the sum of
thrice that
Solution number and one.
Given 3c + 2r = md + k, Find the possible
Make 2r the subject: range of values of
2r = md + k – 3c the number.
Divide both sides by 2.
md k 3c
2 Level 3
Example 2: Answer at least
one of the
The relation between energy E, mass m, and velocity of questions
. Solve the
light v, is given by E = mv following
Find the value v, when E=20 and m=5 equations
Solution 1.4(x -5)= 14 -
Given that E = mv2 5(2-x)
E 2.If the angles in
2 m a triangle are 2x,
v =
3x, and 7x. Find
E in degrees
m a. the value of x
20 ∴ v =2 b. the size of each
v= angle in the
3.A rectangle
whose length is
one and three-
iii. In pairs, solve the following problems;
fifths times its
Solve for the variable indicated in the following width has a
equations. perimeter 65
a) 3 x 12 21 inches. Find its
b) 7( x 6) 3( x 9) dimensions
iii. Using the think pair share 4. The sum of
activities, guide learners to Solution three consecutive
discuss and explain a linear (a) To solve 3 x 12 21 , even numbers is
equation in one unknown 96. What are the
add 12 to both sides of the equation, 3x 33
(variable), ensuring inclusion of numbers?
then divide both sides of the equation by 3, to make x the
all learners Answer at least
one the questions
x 11 below
3 1. Solve and
(b) To solve the equation 7( x 6) 3( x 9) , graph the
First multiply the brackets on both sides of the equation, solution set of the
7 x 42 3 x 27 following
Then subtract 3x from both sides 4 x 42 27 a.3x+7 <16
Then add 42 to both sides of the equation. b.-2x+1≥21
4 x 69 c. - 7(2x-1) <1
Divide both sides of the equation by 4. d. 3x - 5(3-x)<1
69 e.(5-x)/3+2≤(x-
x 17 1
4 4
2.The sum of two
times a number
and 7 is not less
Activity 2; 40mins than the sum of
Activity 2; 40mins thrice that
number and one.
i. In your respective groups of working, discuss and Find the possible
i. In mixed ability groups, let presents a written presentation on how linear equalities are range of values of
learners extend the idea of linear formulated and how they differ from linear equations. the number.
equation to explain linear Please be tolerant and circumspect with your criticisms
inequality, including real life and commentary on others’ presentations.
activities to enable conceptual
understanding. Encourage
learners to be tolerant and Inequalities
circumspect with their criticisms linear inequality in one variable is of the form
and commentary on others’ ax +b <c , ax+ b ≤c , ax +b> c , ax +b ≥ c .
presentations. Folding the human right arm resembles the idea of greater
than (>) symbol and that of the left arm also resembles the
idea of less than (<) symbol.
4 5 (4 is less than 5)
6 4 (6 is greater than 4)
x 4 (Depending on the values of x, which is an unknown
ii. in pairs, solve linear equations and inequalities in one
variable for a given problem and relate it to real life
iii. In your groups, read and discuss the given word
problems involving linear equations and inequalities and
translate them into mathematical statement and solve.
ii. Using the think pair share
If Kofi’s age now is 30 years, what is his age in 5 years’
activities, assist learners discuss
and explain a linear equation inExplore: what facts are you given?
one unknown (variable),
* The fact already given is 30 years
ensuring inclusion of all learners.
* The fact yet to be found is 5 years’ time
What fact do you need to find?
iii Through a problem-based * Thus, how many years together would Kofi in the
learning, provide learners with coming 5 years(future)?
written samples problems Plan; Write an equation
involving the use of inequalities Let m be Kofi’s age now
as tool to solve His age in 5 years’ time
m = 30 + 5
m = 35 years, Kofi will be 35years
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
II. Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes.
(Offer learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
a) What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
b) What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
c) Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the
concept taught?
d) Were the different subgroups in the class catered?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject aligned to the
Starter Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- (10) Introductory Activity: 20 Introductory Activity: 20 minutes
Review learners’ minutes
previous knowledge In your groups, look at the posters and watch the
solving problems In mixed-ability groups, present videos, discuss how to solve problems of inequalities
involving linear learners with a math posters and through graphs. Please as you carry out this activity,
graphs videos of graphing inequalities show respect to others’ views as you interact and
and tasked them to picture the collaborate with group members.
solution set by a graph on a
number line or the use of
Geodot to generate conjectures.
Activity 1 (40 minutes)
Note that this combines the symbol ‘< ‘and ‘=’ and means
that either
a < b or a = b. Similarly, a ≥ b reads “a is greater than or
equal to b”. Implying, either a > b or a = b. etc.
Example 1
Find the solution set of the following;
Dividing both sides by 23 yields 23
x : x
Hence the truth set is 23 .
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
II. Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes.
(Offer learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
a) What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
b) What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
c) Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the
concept taught?
d) Were the different subgroups in the class catered?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 11 Duration 4hours 1
Strand Algebraic thinking Sub-Strand Patterns and relationships
Content Demonstrate understanding of mapping, relations, and functions and the ability to interpret the graph of a function
Standard and its applications in real-life problems in a different context
Learning Distinguish between relations and functions including determining the rules for functions, then draw graphs of
Outcome(s) functions and interpret them
1. Distinguish between relations, and functions using models such as graphs and investigate relationships
Learning between two number sets and determine rules for mappings or functions.
Indicator(s) 2. Draw graphs of linear functions and interpret them.
Essential a) What are the differences that exist between relations and functions and how their differences could be
Question(s) expressed, using graphs, ICT tools etc.
linked to the b) How does the use of two number sets determine rules for mappings or functions
Knowledge c) How can the graphs of linear functions and their interpretations be related to the real life problem
aligned with
the Content
and Learning
Mixed-ability groups, Brainstorming, Whole class discussions
Teaching &
Learning Algebraic tiles, Patterns, calculator, computer, mobile phone, UTube videos, Paper grids, Maths posters, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) Limit content expectation to differences between relations and functions.
b) Extend content expectations to differences between relations and functions including how their differences could be
expressed, using graphs, ICT tools etc.
c) Extend content expectations to including graphs of linear functions and their interpretations on issues regarding real life
a) Group discussions and oral presentations on problems, involving relations and function.
b) Experiential learning and individual presentations on how the differences between relation and function could be
expressed, using graphs, ICT tools etc.
c) Pair discussions and individual presentations on graphs of linear functions and their interpretations be related to the
real life problem.
a) Solve at least two problems on the differences between relations and functions
b) Solve additional problems on how two number sets determine the rules for mapping or functions.
d) Solve additional problems on the graphs of linear functions and their interpretations on issues, regarding real life
Keywords Relation, mapping, domain, co-domain and range
Lesson 1
DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in to the
Starter the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(group activity Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1:
5m) Help learners to organize themselves in mixed-ability groups. Then I. In your groups, discuss Recall;
knowledge of present them with a story or scenario of a relation (such as family the relations that exist 1. Define
classifying with it members). between the members of the relation and
primary and XII. family based on the mapping
secondary data as lineages of father and 2. outline the
quantitative and (ungrouped) and task them to discuss and explain relations in their mother. Please as you carry types of
qualitative using own words. out your discussions. Show relations
real-life examples Encourage learners to show respect for individual diverse views as respect to others’ views as
from school they interact and collaborate in their group you interact and
records, by; collaborate with group
asking learners in members. Level 2: Skills
mixed-gender of conceptual
groups to discuss II. In your groups, discuss Understanding;
the ways of the various ways that Give a list of
classifying relation can be expressed in two sets and
primary and Activity 1 (30 minutes) our real life situations other apply the
secondary data as I. Using the KWL strategy, transition learners from consolidating than family. concept of
quantitative and their previous knowledge to the new learning. Please be tolerant and relations and
qualitative and circumspect with your mapping of the
prepare a sample criticisms and commentary Given sets.
for whole-class on others’ presentations.
discussion. II. In mixed-gender groups, present learners with word description of Level 3: Skills
Challenge set that can be identified in the class and task learners based on Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) of conceptual
students with a relations and mappings. I. Share with the class what Understanding;
logic puzzle, you know about relations 1. Find the rule
quadrilateral RELATIONS and mappings and relate of the following
puzzles, hand and them to real life illustration mapping
numbers template and examples.
P 5 6
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes)
Using a computer application tool for presentations such as PPTs
(where available), call out groups to present their views on the rules
of mapping with assistance. Be fair in the allocation of resources to
groups for their presentations.
Example: Rule for linear mapping
The rule is of the form y=mx+c
Where y=ax+ b
constant difference of the co−domain
constant difference of the domain
And b is the constant.
For example:
The rule of the mapping is of the form y=ax+ b
8−4 Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
2−0 I. Design a
presentation using a
a=2 computer application tool
Put the value of a into the equation y=2 x +b … (1) such as PPTs, and
Now take any coordinate say (0,4) and put it into equation 1(i.e. x=4 present data set that are
And y=4 , belong to both qualitative
4=2 ( 0 )+ b and quantitative.
Put b back into equation 1 to give the rule for the mapping above. II. Please ask questions
∴ y=2 x+ 4 and contributions to the
presentations. Tell how
III. Offer the opportunity for the class to ask questions and confident and effective
make contributions to the presentations. Encourage your friends’ presented
learners to comment on how confident and effective their their work including the
friends presented their work including the use of the right use of the right
vocabulary for the concept being treated. vocabulary for the
concept being treated.
s) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in to the
Starter the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1:
5m) I. Help learners to organize themselves in mixed-ability groups. Then I. In your groups, discuss Recall;
Challenge present them with a model of ways of expressing sets in terms of the kinds of mappings and Outline the key
students with a relations and kinds of mappings. give the kinds of relations characteristics
logic puzzle, that exist between sets. that can found
quadrilateral Please as you carry out on functions.
puzzles, hand and your discussions. Show
numbers template respect to others’ views as Level 2: Skills
II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss and solve problems on the you interact and of conceptual
various ways of finding the rules of mappings of some particular collaborate with group Understanding;
relations. members. Draw the
Encourage learners to show respect for individual diverse views as graph of
they interact and collaborate in their groups II. In your groups, discuss y=4 x +6 and
the various ways of finding explain what
the rules of mappings of happens if the
Activity 1 (30 minutes) some particular relations. coefficient 4 is
I. Using the KWL strategy, transition learners from consolidating Please be tolerant and changed to 2,1,
their previous knowledge to the new learning. circumspect with your 0 and -1
criticisms and commentary respectively.
on others’ presentations. Solution:
XIII. In mixed-gender groups, present learners with the concept of As the co-
functions with respect to set of numbers efficient
decreases, the
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) line is rotated
II. Share with the class clockwise
what you know about about (0, 6)
various methods of
collecting real-world
Draw the
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) following
I. using experiential learning, in group task learners to use any of Activity 2 ( 30 minutes) linear graphs
the available IT tools, (such as geogebra) come out with an In small groups, learners and interpret
explanation, why the graph of a linear function is a straight line. research, using any of the them
available IT tools, to come ii. y=2 x +3
II. In smaller groups task learners to use the geogebra application to out with an explanation, 1
iii. y= x−3
draw a graph of a function why the graph of a linear 2
function is a straight line. iv. 2 y−6=4 x
In pairs, task learners to
draw a straight line given a
gradient and justify their
Task learners while they are in their various groups on the using a
linear graph to explain the concept of functions.
For example:
Draw the graph of a straight line with the following gradient and
explain your answer.
The graph with the gradient 1 passes through the origin Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
Contribute to a whole class
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
discussion, how to relate the
In a whole class discussion, demonstrate to the class how to relate the
graph to the concepts of
graph to the concepts of function and how functions relate to real- world.
function and how functions
Give learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification to
relate to real- world.
consolidate their ideas. Encourage learners to be wary of biases about the
presentations and abilities of different groups as they seek further Ask questions for further
explanation and clarification from the class. clarification to consolidate
your ideas. Please be wary
of biases about others
seeking further explanation
and clarification from the
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 5 minutes)
y) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
z) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
1. Extend the knowledge of coordinates of two points to find the gradient and equation of a straight line
Indicator(s) 2. Recognize and interpret two points on a straight line and use it to find the distance between them
Essential Question(s) linked a) what is the gradient of a line and how is it calculated?
to the Knowledge Hierarchy b) how does the gradient of line affect its steepness?
aligned with the Content c) In what real life situation would can the concept of gradient and equations of a line be applied?
Standards and Learning
Pedagogical Strategies Collaborative learning, etc.
Teaching & Learning
mobile phone, you tube videos etc., Paper grids, Maths posters, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Review learners’ previous Help learners to organise In your groups, discuss how to solve Answer at least one of the
knowledge on coordinates themselves in mixed-ability problems binomial expression using the following
and their applications. groups, then ask them to Pascal’s triangle. Please as you carry out 1. Suppose A is the point (3,
solve problems on your discussions, show respect to others’
4) and B is the point (8, 14).
coordinates. Encourage views as you interacts and collaborate with
What is the gradient?
learners to show respect for group members.
individual diverse views as 2. Calculate the gradient of
they interact and collaborate the line given the
in their groups. coordinates A(2,6 and B(8,24)
Activity 1 (40 minutes)
i. In your group, discus among yourselves 3.Create the equation of a line
Activity 1(40 minutes) how you could extend the knowledge of which passes through the
coordinates of two points to find the points (-2, -3) and (1, -1).
i. Through talk for learning gradient and equation of a straight line
4. Write the equation of the
approach, engage learners to line that passes through the
extend the knowledge of How to understand the gradient of a line point (3, -1) with a slope of 3.
coordinates of two points to Imagine walking up a set of stairs. Each
find the gradient and equation step has the same height and you can only
of a straight line take one step forward each time you move.
If the steps are taller, you will reach the top
of the stairs quicker, if each step is shorter,
you will reach the top of the stairs more
Let’s look at sets of stairs,
For example,
Given the equation 2 y−6 x=12, first
rewrite the equation in the general form
y=mx+c , where x is the gradient.
Therefore, 2 y−6 x=12 can be written as
2 y=6 x +12
Now, making y the subject we have
y=3 x +6.
Activity 2; 40mins
i. Discusses in pairs the midpoint of a line
segment using real activity. Deduce
through your discussions, the magnitude
of a line segment and determine the
distance between two points and write
Activity 2; 40mins short notes for feedback. Please respect
one another in the process.
i. Using think-pair-share Real-Life Example: Consider a door
strategies, guide learners to frame and the floor. The door frame
discuss midpoint of a line (vertical line) and the floor (horizontal
segment using everyday real line) intersect to form a right angle,
making them perpendicular.
Deduce, through discussions,
the magnitude of a line Worked Examples
segment and determine the Example 1
distance between two points Identify which of the lines are parallel and
using everyday activity which perpendicular.
a . y=3 x +1
b . y=3 x +12
c . y= x−5
d . y=−4 x+1
Parallel lines have the same slope. Since
the functions y=3 x +1
y=3 x +12 each have the same slope 3,
they represent parallel lines.
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups in
our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
viii. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
a) What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
b) What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
c) Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the
concept taught?
d) Were the different subgroups in the class catered?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as
the Curriculum and Subject
Starter in the Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- (10) Introduction (20 minutes) Introduction (20 minutes) ii. Level 3
Review learners’ previous
knowledge on mid-point of I. Help learners to organise I. In your groups, discuss how to solve Answer at least one of the
line segment themselves in mixed- problems on gradient and straight lines. following
ability groups, then ask Please as you carry out your 1.Show that the following
them to solve problems discussions, show respect to others’
pairs of lines are parallel.
gradient and straight views as you interacts and collaborate
lines. Encourage learners with group members. (a) 3 y=6 x +9 and
to show respect for 2 y +12=4 x
individual diverse views (b) 5 y +3 x=2 and
as they interact and 15 y=−9 x – 12
collaborate in their 2. Are lines L1, through points
groups. II. In your groups, discuss gradient and (-2, 3) and (1, 7) and L2
straight lines. Please be tolerant and through points (2, 4) and (6,
II. In an all-inclusive class circumspect with your criticisms and 1) perpendicular? Explain.
discussion, lead the class commentary on others’ presentations.
to discuss the various
3. Examine the equation of
solutions on the gradient
and straight lines. the line which passes through
Encourage learners to be the point (2, 3) and parallel to
tolerant and circumspect the line 2y – x = 3
with their criticisms and 4. Show that the graphs of
commentary on others’ 3 x 4 y 4 and
4 x 3 y 12 are
perpendicular lines.
Activity 1 (40 minutes) Activity 1 (40 minutes)
5. Find the distance between
i. Using the KWL strategy, i. In your groups, investigate the magnitude
transition learners from of line segment and describe how long a the points (1,1) and (7,9).
consolidating their previous line links to two points to establish their 6. Given that A(3,6) and
knowledge to the new relationships through problem solving B(7,3), find the length of AB
Finding the magnitude of line segment
The magnitude of a line also known as
i. Guide learners in their “length”, “distance” or “modulus” of a line
collaborative groups to describe how long a line links to two
deduce, through discussions, points.
the magnitude of a line
segment and determine the Relating length of objects discussed from
distance between two points activities, if P and Q have coordinates (x1,
using everyday activity. y1) and (x2, y2). From the figure below
Q(x2, y2)
P(x1, y1)
x x2 x1 x x2 x1
y y2 y1
Where means a change
By Pythagoras theorem,
PQ x 2 y 2
PQ x 2 y 2
x2 x1 y2 y1
2 2
PQ ( x2 x1 ) 2 ( y2 y1 ) 2
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups in
our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
x. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
e) What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
f) What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
g) Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the
concept taught?
h) Were the different subgroups in the class catered?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 13 Duration 4hours 1
Strand Geometry around us Spatial sense
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of spatial sense with respect to angles, parallel lines, transversal
Content Standard
and polygons, and apply their properties to solve everyday life problems.
Draw and describe angles of various measures; solve problems on Pythagorean theorem, parallel lines,
Learning Outcome(s) perpendicular lines and transversal; use the exterior angle theorem of a triangle and calculate the sums
of interior and exterior angles of polygons.
1. Draw and describe angles with various measures, including acute, right, straight, obtuse and
reflex angles.
2. Solve problems that involve parallel lines, perpendicular lines and transversal, and pairs of angles
formed between them.
Essential Question(s) 1. How will the angle of a ladder which is leaned against a wall be measured?
linked to the 2. How can the idea of angles be use to solve real life problems of a two parallel lines ?
Knowledge Hierarchy 3. In what areas of life can the idea of transversal and angles formed be used .
aligned with the
Content Standards and
Learning Indicators
Experiential learning, Group activities, etc.
Teaching & Learning GeoGebra, Tape measure, carpenters square, compass, clock face, geo dot, Mathematical sets, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a). limit the content expectation on drawing of angles with various measures and their properties .
b). Extend the content expectation on solving problems that involve parallel lines.
c) Extend the content expectation on solving problems using the application of Pythagorean therom
Process a). Group discussion and oral presentation on how to measure the angle of a given object.
b).Group discussion and writing presentation on how to use the idea of angles to solve real life problem.
c.) Pair discussion and individual presentation of solving problems that involve transversal and pair of
angles formed between them.
a). solve for the angle of a ladder which leaned against a wall of a given length.
b). Estimate the angle that will be form with a given hypotenuse and opposite
c). solve for the angle of the given sine and cosine .
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- ( 10 mins) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1
Challenge students with a I.Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss how angles are a). Estimate the angle
logic puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability formed and come out with the various that will be form with a
puzzles, hand and numbers groups, then present them ways they you can formed them . Please as given hypotenuse 4 and
template. with a model of objects such you carry out your discussions, show opposite 6
as book, cardboard and task respect to others’ views, as you interact level 2
them to for form angles from and collaborate with group members. c). solve for the angle of
them. II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss the given sine 45 and
and come up with different types of cosine 20.
II.(ungrouped) and task them to angles.
discuss and come with different Encourage learners to show respect
types of angles. for individual diverse views as they
Encourage learners to show interact and collaborate in their groups.
respect for individual diverse
views as they interact and
collaborate in their groups. ACTIVITY 1 ( 30 MINUTES)
MINUTES) I.In your groups, discuss and come up
I. Using Think-pair- with more samples of angles from the
share in an classroom. Please show respect for
interactive and others’ views, beliefs, religions, and
learner centered cultures as you interact and
classroom identify the collaborate in your groups and make
angles formed from presentations of your work.
the classroom
buildings using II. Group learners to collaboratively be
Group engage in hands-on activity to create
work/collaborative new set of angles using their
learning ensuring protectors.
balance in the
differentiation of the Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
various proficiency I. Design a presentation using a
levels couple with computer application tool such as
GESI. PPTs, and draw an acute, right,
II. Experiential Learning: straight, obtuse and reflex angles
Group learners to
collaboratively be engage in
hands-on activity to draw
angles using their protectors.
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes)
I. In an all-inclusive class
discussion, lead the class
to discuss the how to
draw an acute, right,
straight, obtuse and
reflex angles.
. Using some ICT
tools presentation
methods. Encourage
learners to be
tolerant and
circumspect with
their criticisms and
commentary on
Lesson Closure
d) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
e) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Review learners’ previous Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes)
knowledge on angles using I.Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss how angles are
real-life examples ; asking themselves in mixed-ability formed and come out with the various
learners in mixed-gender groups, then present them with a ways they you can formed them . Please as
groups to discuss the what p as object which contain you carry out your discussions, show
angles and prepare a sample parallel lines, cardboard and respect to others’ views, as you interact
for whole-class discussion. task them to form angles from and collaborate with group members.
them. II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss
and come up with different types of
II.(ungrouped) and task them to angles.
discuss and come with different Encourage learners to show respect
parallel lines. for individual diverse views as they
Encourage learners to show interact and collaborate in their groups.
respect for individual diverse ACTIVITY 1 ( 30 MINUTES)
MINUTES) I.In your groups, discuss and come up
I.Using Think-pair-share with some angles formed from a
in an interactive and parallel line . Please show respect for
learner centered others’ views, beliefs, religions, and
classroom identify the cultures as you interact and
angles formed from collaborate in your groups and make
within a parallel lines presentations of your work.
work/collaborative II. Group learners to collaboratively be
learning ensuring engage in hands-on activity to identify
balance in the such of angles .
differentiation of the
various proficiency levels
couple with GESI.
II. Experiential Learning:
Group learners to
collaboratively be engage in
hands-on activity to draw
angles using their protectors.
Lesson Closure
f) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
g) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
a. In mixed ability grouping, learners are guided to discover the concept of the Pythagoras theorem, relate it
application with right-angle triangle concept and use it to real life problems.
b. learners brainstorm the properties of quadrilateral in a whole class discussion
c. In mixed ability grouping, learners are guide to used the properties of quadrilaterals and calculate the sums of
interior angles and exterior angles of a polygon and how they could be used to solve real life problems
Keywords Pythagorean theorem, quadrilateral, polygon, interior, exterior, angles and properties
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the
the Curriculum and Subject
Starter Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- Introduction.20 Introduction. 20 minutes Level 2
10mins minutes 1. Explain the Pythagoras
In your groups, discuss for oral presentation the exterior
theorem and give reasons
angle theorem of a triangle and establish the formula to solve
Review learners’ Use talks for problems on triangles why it only applies to the
previous learning strategy, right angled triangle.
knowledge on the task learners in
exterior angle convenient groups to 2. Use a model to verify the
theorem of a discuss the Exterior Pythagoras theorem.
triangles and Angle Theorem of a
identify various triangle and establish 3. Research and provide at
properties of the formula to solve least 4 examples of real-
special triangles problems on life uses of Pythagorean
triangles. Activity; 1 (40minutes) Theorem.
Provide an explanation on why a triangle with the side length
ratio of 3:4:5 is a right triangle.
ii. With a Think-pair- Solution
share technique, pairs We can prove this by using the Pythagorean Theorem as
and engage learners follows:
Pythagorean ⇒ 32 + 42 = 52
⇒ 9 + 16 = 25
Solve problems using Pythagorean theorem.
A rectangular playing field is 20 metres long. A straight path
is cut across the field along one of its diagonal. If the length
of the path in metres is 25m; how wide is the playing field?
This is a right-angled triangle.
Let x = with
x = 15m
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
xi. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xii. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the
the Curriculum and Subject
Starter Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Review learners’ Introduction (20 Introduction (20minutes) Level 2
previous minutes) Learner responds to oral questioning on basic concept of 1. Use an example to
knowledge on Brainstorm learners geometry around us and Pythagoras theorem application develop a formula for
Pythagoras for oral presentation determining the sum of
concepts some key notes on the interior angles of a
Pythagoras theorem polygon.
and the application in
the concepts of 2. Work out the size of the
geometry around us angle labeled x.
Regular Polygons: In a regular polygon, all interior angles (a) Work out the size of
have the same measure. For example, in a regular hexagon, angle a.
each interior angle measures 120 degrees because (b) Work out the size of
(6−2) x 180 angle b.
Activity2:(40 =120.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
xiii. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xiv. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 15 Duration 2hours 1
Strand Geometry around us Measurement
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept of measurement with respect to bearings and
Content Standard
Interpret information about real-world applications of vectors and recognize vectors with the same
Learning Outcome(s)
magnitude and direction but different positions as equal vectors.
Learning Recognize a vector as a quantity with both magnitude and direction, and identify, gather, and interpret
Indicator(s) information about real-world applications of vectors.
Essential Question(s) a) How do vectors differ from scalar?
linked to the b) How does information gathered, identified and interpreted from real-world application be used to
Knowledge Hierarchy differentiate between vector as a quantity and direction?
aligned with the c) How does the use of ICT tools be used to gather, identify and interpret information real-world
Content Standards and application of vector quantity with both magnitude and direction?
Learning Indicators
Pedagogical Strategies Talk for learning, etc.
Teaching & Learning
Computer, GeoGebra, Tape measure, carpenters square, compass, clock face, geodot, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes)
mixed-gender groups, discuss with Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
learner and demonstrate some key I. Design a presentation using a
concepts in vector (such as types of computer application tool such as PPTs,
vectors and their applications). and present on the types of vectors.
Be fair in the allocation of resources Please ask questions and contributions
to groups for their presentations. to the presentations. Tell how confident
Offer the opportunity for the class to and effective your friends’ presented
ask questions and make contributions their work including the use of the right
to the presentations. Encourage vocabulary for the concept being
learners to comment on how treated.
confident and effective their friends
presented their work including the
use of the right vocabulary for the
concept being treated.
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
In a whole class discussion, demonstrate
to the class how the types of vectors are Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
and their real-world applications.
Contribute to a whole class discussion,
Give learners the opportunity to ask
how the types of vectors are and their
questions for further clarification to
real-world applications. Ask questions
consolidate their ideas. Encourage
for further clarification to consolidate your
learners to be wary of biases about the
ideas. Please be wary of biases about
presentations and abilities of different
others seeking further explanation and
groups as they seek further explanation
clarification from the class.
and clarification from the class.
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 5 minutes)
d) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
e) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to aligned to the
Starter reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity 5 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Challenge students with a I. Help learners to organize In your groups, discuss the types of Outline the key
logic puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability groups. vectors. Please as you carry out your characteristics of a
puzzles, hand and numbers Then ask them to mention the types of discussions. Show respect to others’ vector.
template, vectors. views as you interact and collaborate Outline the quantities
with group members. that make a vector
II. Using talk for learning strategy, Level 2: Skills of
lead the class to discuss (dwelling on II. In your groups, explain vectors conceptual
their experiences from JHS) the including using models to demonstrate it Understanding;
concept of vectors. meaning. Please be tolerant and Explain at least two
Encourage learners to show respect circumspect with your criticisms and types of vectors.
for individual diverse views as they commentary on others’ presentations.
interact and collaborate in their Level 3: Skills of
groups conceptual
Using geogebra
demonstrate the
various ways vectors
Activity 1 (30 minutes) Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) can be drawn and
I.Using the KWL strategy, transition I. Share with the class what you know calculated.
learners from consolidating their about vector.
previous knowledge to the new
I. Give learners scenarios depicting I. in smaller groups task learners to
vectors and task them measure velocity on the time graph using
their measuring tools.
Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
In a whole class discussion, demonstrate Activity 3 ( 15 minutes)
to the class how the types of vectors are
Contribute to a whole class discussion,
and their real-world applications.
how the types of vectors are and their
Give learners the opportunity to ask
real-world applications. Ask questions
questions for further clarification to
for further clarification to consolidate your
consolidate their ideas. Encourage
ideas. Please be wary of biases about
learners to be wary of biases about the
others seeking further explanation and
presentations and abilities of different
clarification from the class.
groups as they seek further explanation
and clarification from the class.
Lesson Closure
Activity ( 5 minutes)
k) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
l) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Process Using Hand -on activities, collaborative learning. Think pair share.
a) Calculate the coordinates and the length of a given vector?
b) Determine whether given pairs of vectors are equal or not
Example 1: Consider two displacement vectors in a
coordinate system. If vector A represents a displacement
of 5 meters to the east, and vector B represents a
displacement of 5 meters to the east, then vector A and
vector B are equal. They have the same magnitude (5
meters) and the same direction (east).
Lesson Closure
ACTIVITY (10 minutes)
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the
the Curriculum
Starter Subject Manual
and Subject
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Lesson Closure
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- ( 5mins) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes)
Challenge students with a I.Assis learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss the how to
ratio puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability apply the given ratio in real life
puzzles, hand and numbers groups, then present them with a experience and come out with the
template. ratio questions using model of various ways to find it equivalent .
real number system and task to Please as you carry out your
apply them in real life situation. discussions, show respect to others’
ACTIVITY 1 (20 MINUTES) views, as you interact and collaborate
I.Using Think-pair-share in with group members.
an interactive and learner ACTIVITY 1 ( 20 MINUTES)
centered classroom identify
the the three basic I.In your groups, discuss and come up
trigonometric ratio with the three basic trigonometric
( tangent, sine and cosine of ratio. Please show respect for others’
an acute angles in degree views, beliefs, religions, and cultures
using Group as you interact and collaborate in your
work/collaborative learning groups and make presentations of your
ensuring balance in the work.
differentiation of the various
proficiency levels couple II. Group learners to collaboratively be
with GESI. engage in hands-on activity to find the
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) acute angle using the three basic
I. In an all-inclusive class trigonometric ratio.
discussion, lead the class
to investigate the three Activity 2 ( 30 minutes)
basic trigonometric ratio Design a presentation using a computer
. Using some ICT tools application tool such as PPTs, to
presentation methods. investigate the three basic trigonometric
Encourage learners to be ratio of angles.
tolerant and circumspect
with their criticisms and
commentary on others’
Lesson Closure
a.Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
b).Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes.
(Offer learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson Closure
Activity . 15 minutes)
a) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
b) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Subject Week 18 Duration 4hours Form 1
Geometry Sub-
Strand Measurement
around us Strand
Content Standard Demonstrate conceptual understanding of the measurement of perimeter and area of circles and quadrilaterals
Identify and compare referents for SI and imperial area measurements, estimate perimeter and area of 2-D shapes and
solve problems that involve of a given regular, composite or irregular 2-D shapes.
1. Solve problems that involve identifying and comparing referents for SI and imperial area measurements of
regular, composite and irregular 2-D shapes including decimal and fractional measurements and verify the
2. Estimate the perimeter and area of a given regular, composite or irregular 2-D shapes.
3. Solve a contextual problem that involves the perimeter and area of a regular, a composite or an irregular 2-D
Essential a) how can you solve problems that involve identifying and comparing referents for SI and imperial area
Question(s) measurements of regular, composite and irregular 2-D shapes including decimal and fractional
linked to the measurements and verify the solutions?
Knowledge b) How can one estimate the perimeter and area of a given regular or irregular 2-D shapes?
Hierarchy aligned c) How would I help learner to use the perimeter and area to solve real world problem?
with the Content
Standards and
Experiential learning, Think-square-share, Think-pair-share, Talk for learning, etc.
Teaching & Rainbow angle circles, Precision balance with weights, Geo pegs and peg boards, Magnetic demonstration set, SAFE-
Learning T Rulers, Centimetre grid board, Folding geometric shapes, Computer software applications like GeoGebra., Tape
Resources measure, carpenters square, compass, geodot, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) Limit the content expectation on measurement for SI and imperial area of shapes.
b) Extend the content expectation of the concept to estimate perimeter and area of 2-D shapes
c) Extend the content expectation on measurement of shapes to estimate perimeter and area of 2-D shapes and solve
problems that involve of a given regular and irregular shapes
In collaborative series of activities, learners are guided to learn how to take measurement for SI and imperial
Process area of shapes, perimeters and areas as well as solving real life problem related to 2-D shapes.
Keywords 2-D shapes, measurement, regular, composite, irregular, SI, imperial, perimeter and area.
Lesson 1
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Assessment DoK aligned to the
Starter Subject Manual Curriculum and Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- Introduction (20 Introduction (20minutes) Provide referents for measuring
(10mins) minutes) the area of given items.
i. In your groups use either tape measure, ruler, carpenters
Review learners’
previous square, compass to take measurement of any available object
i. Through a 1. What are the referents for
knowledge on the Structuring Talk and record your findings for general class discussion.
measuring the following?
concept of for Learning:
measurement by engage learners to Area of a floor tile
engaging them in series of activities Area of a postage stamp
real life activities involving Area of a fingernail
that involve measurement in Area of exercise notebook
the classroom Area of an ice rink surface
Area of a sheet of plywood
40minutes) Level 3
Activity 1;40 minutes) Pose problems on area
i. through i. In your groups, identify and compare referents for area measurement for others to solve
problem-based measurements in SI and imperial units.
learning approach,
provide samples
of problems that
involve ii. In your groups, investigate any two of the area of 2-D
identifying and shapes (both regular and irregular) and estimate the perimeter
comparing using geodot.
referents for SI Examples
and imperial area Find the area of the shape on the grid
measurements of
regular, composite
and irregular 2-D
shapes including
decimal and
guide learners to
solve and verify
the solutions. For this problem, some part of the shape does not occupy
complete squares. Because of that, we need to approximate
its perimeter. If it occupies about 1/2 of the unit square, we
can combine two such halves to form an area of 1 square unit.
ii. In an all-
inclusive class
discussion, lead
the class to
discuss the how to
estimate the
perimeter and area
of a given regular,
composite or
irregular 2-D
shapes. Encourage
learners to be
tolerant and
circumspect with
their criticisms
and commentary
on others’
Lesson Closure
Activity (5 minutes)
xv. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xvi. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Assessment DoK aligned to the
Starter Subject Manual Curriculum and Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- Introduction (20 minutes) 1. Deduce the formulae for
(10mins) Introduction (20 determining the perimeter and
minutes) In your groups, discuss how to estimate the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles.
Review learners’ area of a given regular, composite or irregular 2-D shapes.
previous In an all-inclusive Please be tolerant and circumspect with your criticisms and 2. Deduce the formulae for
knowledge class discussion, commentary on others’ presentations. determining the perimeter and
through lead the class set area of circles and
brainstorming on problems to parallelograms.
how to estimate discuss by
the perimeter and brainstorming
area of a given how to estimate
regular, the perimeter and
composite or
area of a given
irregular 2-D regular, composite
shapes or irregular 2-D
shapes. Encourage
learners to be
tolerant and
circumspect with
their criticisms
and commentary
on others’
Area of a rectangle =
Area of a square =
length × width
x2 square units
= l × w square units
Activity 2 (40 minutes)
a) What is the space available for Mr. Pongo to cultivate his 2. A school wants to fence its
plants? rectangular playing field
b) What is the amount of wire mesh he needs to fence round measuring 120m by 94m with
the garden completely? wire mesh. How many metres
A cell phone must have a range of 5 miles in all of wire mesh will be needed
directions. Work out the area covered by one mesh. to complete the fencing? (No
A circular mirror has an area of 144 square inches. What gate)
is the diameter of the mirror?
Pose problems on area and
Example: Solve the following problems perimeter measurements for
Naa Cordei drew a circle that has a circumference of 13 others to solve.
cm. If she draws another circle with a radius that is 4
Activity2(40 times greater, what will be the circumference? Level 3
minutes) A small pizza at Eddy’s Pizza has an area of 29 in2. A Analyse and solve problems on
large pizza has a radius that is triple the radius of a small area and perimeter of rectangles
i. Using think- pizza. What is the area of a large pizza? when one or more dimensions of
square share Akrofi had a triangular goat pen with a perimeter of 12 ft. the shape is changed.
activities, task He made it bigger by doubling the dimensions. What is
learners to solve the perimeter now? 3. Adomakoa has a rectangular
problems, using table with an area of 2 m2.
formulas for She is going to buy another
ii. In your group discuss and give oral presentations on effect
determining the table that has dimensions that
of changing the measurement of one or more dimensions on
perimeter/area of are double the first table.
area and perimeter of rectangles
regular, composite What is the area of
and irregular 2-D Adomakoa’s new table?
shapes, including Effect of changing the measurement of one or more
circles. dimensions on area and perimeter of rectangles.
ii. Using talk for
learning strategy, Changing the measurement of one or more dimensions has
learners in groups effect on the determination of the area and perimeter of
explain, using rectangles.
examples, the
effect of changing
the measurement
of one or more
dimensions on
area and perimeter
of rectangles.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
xvii. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xviii. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 19 Duration 2hours 1
Making sense of and using Sub- Statistical reasoning and its application in real life
data Strand
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of the appropriateness of data collection methods to collect
Content Standard
everyday life data.
Decide whether or not a selected data collection method is appropriate given a particular data, justify
Learning Outcome(s)
responses, and collect both qualitative and quantitative data with the appropriate methods.
1. Classify data (primary and secondary) as quantitative (discrete and continuous), qualitative
(nominal and ordinal), numerical, categorical, grouped, ungrouped, etc.
2. Identify and validate quantitative data collection methods (Survey/Questionnaire, Interviews,
Observation, Existing Data, and Probability) and use it to collect everyday-life data.
3. Identify and validate qualitative data collection methods (interviews, observations, focus groups,
oral histories, online tracking, social media monitoring, etc.) and use it to collect everyday-life
a) How does data (primary and secondary) as quantitative (discrete and continuous), qualitative
Essential Question(s) (nominal and ordinal), numerical, categorical, grouped, ungrouped, etc. be classified?
linked to the b) How can the Identification and validation of quantitative data collection methods
Knowledge Hierarchy (Survey/Questionnaire, Interviews, Observation, Existing Data, and Probability) be used to collect
aligned with the everyday-life data?
Content Standards and c) How does Identifying and validation of qualitative data collection methods (interviews,
Learning Indicators observations, focus groups oral histories, online tracking, social media monitoring, etc.) be used to
collect everyday-life data?
Pedagogical Strategies Project-based learning, Think-pair-share, etc.
Teaching & Learning Sample questionnaire, interview guides, observation guide, computer assisted telephone interview guide,
Resources etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a) Limit content expectations to classify primary and secondary data as quantitative and qualitative data.
b) Extend content expectation to identification and validation of quantitative data using the various
methods of collecting real-world data.
c) Extend content expectation to identifying and validation of qualitative data collection methods and
using it to collect everyday-life data.
a) Solve problems on the classification of at least one each of primary and secondary data as
quantitative and qualitative data.
b) Solve problems on identification and validation of quantitative data using the various methods of
Process collecting real-world data.
c) Solve problems on the identifying and validation of qualitative data collection methods and using it
to collect everyday-life data.
a) Group discussions and oral presentations on the classification of at least one each of primary and
secondary data as quantitative and qualitative data.
b) Group discussion and written presentations on the identification and validation of quantitative data
Product using the various methods of collecting real-world data.
c) Pair discussions and individual presentations on the identifying and validation of qualitative data
collection methods and using it to collect everyday-life data.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to aligned to the
Starter reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity 5minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Ask learners to find five ways I. Help learners to organize themselves I. In your groups, discuss classification 1. Outline the key
to represent a number, such in mixed-ability groups. Then present of primary and secondary data as characteristics that
as 1000, or have learners them with a model of ways of data quantitative and qualitative data and can be used to
represent the day of the come out with two different ways that identify qualitative
month or the day of school in you can present the data to make it and quantitative
a variety of ways appealing to other users. Please as you data.
carry out your discussions. Show Level 2: Skills of
II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss respect to others’ views as you interact conceptual
and solve problems on the major and collaborate with group members. Understanding;
category of data (primary and secondary II. In your groups, discuss the various II. Explain with
data ). methods of collecting real-world data justifications how
Encourage learners to show respect for and ensure the identification and quantitative and
individual diverse views as they interact validation of data. Please be tolerant qualitative data are
and collaborate in their groups and circumspect with your criticisms collected and their
and commentary on others’ purpose for being
presentations. collected, presenting
it to your audience.
Level 3: Skills of
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) III. Take a data set of
Activity 1 (30 minutes) I. Share with the class what you know your choice and put
I. Using the KWL strategy, transition about various methods of collecting them into group and
learners from consolidating their real-world data. ungrouped form and
previous knowledge to the new learning. calculate for their
central tendencies.
II. Using collaboration put learners in II. In your groups, organize the data
mixed-gender groups, present to into quantitative and qualitative and
learners key concepts of quantitative and indicate the method used to collect
qualitative data. And with real sample them, using an Excel sheet or
data collected from the school Microsoft Word application where
community let learners categorize them available. Please be wary of the use of
as qualitative and quantitative data the IT tool for this task. Use it
(Past WASSCE results, enrolment appropriately as expected of you.
records, athletics records, etc.) and ask
them to organize it into a frequency
distribution table using an Excel sheet or
Microsoft Word application where
III. Using experiential learning group
learners to discuss how to group data
based on interval group and ungroup
data categories. III. In your group discuss the how data
can be grouped and give one list of
Grouped and Ungrouped Data: each of the data groupings.
When working with data, it can be
classified as either grouped or
ungrouped, depending on how the values
are organized and presented. Grouping
data involves categorizing it into Activity 2 ( 30minutes)
intervals or classes, while ungrouped I. Design a presentation using a
data consists of individual, distinct computer application tool such as
values. PPTs, and present data set that are
belong to both qualitative and
Ungrouped data refers to a raw set of quantitative.
individual observations or values
without any categorization or grouping.
Each data point is unique and stands II. Please ask questions and
alone. For instance, if you record the contributions to the presentations. Tell
heights of a group of individuals without how confident and effective your
categorizing them into ranges, you friends’ presented their work including
would have ungrouped data. the use of the right vocabulary for the
For example: concept being treated.
Height (in inches): 62, 65, 67, 63, 70,
68, 66, 64, 69, 71
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes)
I. Using a computer application tool for
presentations such as PPTs (where
available), call out groups to present
their views on classification and
validation of data set into quantitative
and qualitative using the various
methods of collecting data to the class.
Be fair in the allocation of resources to
groups for their presentations.
II. Offer the opportunity for the class to
ask questions and make contributions to
the presentations. Encourage learners to
comment on how confident and effective
their friends presented their work
including the use of the right vocabulary
for the concept being treated.
s) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to Assessment DoK
aligned to the
reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- ( 5mins) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Review learners’ previous I. Help learners to organize themselves I. In your groups, discuss classification 1. Outline the
knowledge of classifying in mixed-ability groups. Then present of primary and secondary data as methods of collecting
primary and secondary data them with different data set and let them quantitative and qualitative data and qualitative and
as quantitative and identify them as grouped and non- come out with two different ways that quantitative data
qualitative using real-life grouped data. you can present the data to make it respectively.
examples from school appealing to other users. Please as you Level 2: Skills of
records, by; asking learners carry out your discussions. Show conceptual
in mixed-gender groups to respect to others’ views as you interact Understanding;
discuss the ways of and collaborate with group members. II. Explain with
classifying primary and justifications how
secondary data as II. (ungrouped) and task them to discuss II. In your groups, identify a data set quantitative and
quantitative and qualitative and solve problems on the central as ungrouped or grouped and qualitative data are
and prepare a sample for tendencies of data they have identified as calculate the central tendencies of such collected and their
whole-class discussion. grouped and non-grouped data set. Please be tolerant and purpose for being
Challenge students with a Encourage learners to show respect for circumspect with your criticisms and collected, presenting
logic puzzle, quadrilateral individual diverse views as they interact commentary on others’ presentations. it to your audience.
puzzles, hand and numbers and collaborate in their groups Level 3: Skills of
template conceptual
ii. discuss the
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) relevance of data
I. Using the KWL strategy, transition I. Share with the class what you know collection methods in
learners from consolidating their about various methods of collecting the scientific
previous knowledge to the new learning. real-world data. research process.
a) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Organise and present data (grouped/ungrouped) using frequency tables, line graphs, pie charts, multiple bar graphs, info
graphics, etc., including generating 3D graphs/charts with appropriate digital technology (where available) and solve
problems on them.
Essential a)How do you organize and present grouped and ungrouped data in a frequency distribution table?
Question(s) b)How do you calculate the mean, median ,and mode for grouped and ungrouped data ?
linked to c)How can I use grouped and ungrouped data to make informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions?
with the
Think-pair-share, Collaborative learning activities, etc.
l Strategies
Teaching & Graph sheets, mathematical sets, computer with data organising software like excel, power point, A4, A3 papers, flip charts,
Learning colour pens, Reports from analysed data, manila cards, worksheets, posters, teaching presentations, enquiry project-
Resources template, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
a) Limit content expectation on grouped and ungrouped data in frequency distribution table.
Content b) Extend content expectation on grouped and ungrouped data to include line graph and bar chart.
c) Extend content expectation on grouped and ungrouped data to include and how to make informed decision and draw
meaningful conclusion.
Think- pair share activities, Interactive technology, mixed ability groupings, videos,
Level 2
Draw a multiple bar chart for a
given grouped or ungrouped
Lesson Closure
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson Closure
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Essential Question(s) 1. How will the interpretation of data be relevant to our daily life?.
linked to the 2. How to you justify the idea of central tendency?
Knowledge Hierarchy 3. How do you argue to support personal choices as well as incorporate the views and
aligned with the perspective of others to assess and make inferences of data presented in every day life
Content Standards and
Learning Indicators
Pedagogical Strategies Collaborative learning activities, etc.
Graph sheets, mathematical sets, computer with data organising software like excel, power point, A4, A3
Teaching & Learning
papers, flip charts, colour pens, Reports from analysed data, manila cards, worksheets, posters, teaching
presentations, enquiry project-template, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Content a). limit the content expectation to analyze and interpret data using descriptive statistics ( measures of
central tendency/ location and minimum &maximum values )
b). Extend the content expectation to justifying which of the averages best represent the data.
c). Extend the content expectation to using mathematical arguments to support personal choices as well
as incorporate the view and the perspectives of others to assess and make inferences of data presented in
every day life.
a). Group discussion and oral presentation on collection of data from the end of term exams
b). Group discussion and writing presentation on collection and representation of data using excel
Process c).Think Pair Share and individual presentation use mathematical argument to support personal choices
of data.
a). visit the next class to collect data on their favorite food
b). Organize the data given on a frequency table.
c.) From the table find the average mean
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- . 15mins) Introduction . 20 minutes) Introduction . 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Review learners’ previous 10. Outline the key
knowledge of frequency I. Help learners to I. In your groups, discuss the features of a frequency
distribution tables using real- organise themselves in data and come out with two distribution table.
life examples from school mixed-ability groups, different ways that you can Level 2: Skills of
records, by; asking learners in then present them with present the data to make it conceptual
mixed-gender groups to raw numeric data appealing to other users. Understanding;
discuss the features of the (ungrouped) and task Please as you carry out your 11. Explain with
frequency distribution table them to discuss and discussions, show respect to justifications whether
and prepare a sample for come up with two others’ views as you interact there is any worth in
whole-class discussion. different ways they can and collaborate with group organizing a given
present the data that members. data collected before
will make it appealing presenting it to your
to users. Encourage audience.
learners to show Level 2: Skills of
respect for individual conceptual
diverse views as they II. In your groups, discuss the Understanding;
interact and various data presentation 12. Obtain a past
collaborate in their methods. Please be tolerant and WASSCE result for
groups. circumspect with your your school for data
criticisms and commentary on for a particular year
II. In an all-inclusive others’ presentations. and construct a
class discussion, lead frequency distribution
the class to discuss the Activity 1 . 30 minutes) table for the number of
various data
IX. Share with the class what you know “As” for all the
presentation methods. about data collection methods. subjects.
Encourage learners to
be tolerant and
circumspect with their X. In your groups, organise the data into a
criticisms and frequency distribution table using an
commentary on others’ Excel sheet or Microsoft Word
presentations. application where available. Please be
wary of the use of the IT tool for this
Activity 1 . 30 minutes) task. Use it appropriately as expected
I. Using the KWL of you.
strategy, transition
learners from
consolidating their
previous knowledge Activity 2 . 30 minutes)
to the new learning. III. Design a presentation using a computer
application tool such as PPTs, and
XIV. In mixed-gender groups, present your binomial expression to the
present learners with real class.
sample data collected from
the school community (Past
WASSCE results, enrolment
records, athletics records,
etc.) and ask them to organise IV. Please ask questions and contributions
it into a frequency to the presentations. Tell how confident
distribution table using an and effective your friends’ presented
Excel sheet or Microsoft their work including the use of the right
Word application where vocabulary for the concept being
available. treated.
Activity 2: . 30 minutes)
I. Using a computer
application tool for
presentations such as
PPTs (where
available), call out
groups to present
their binomial
expression to the
class. Be fair in the
allocation of
resources to groups
for their
II. Offer the opportunity
for the class to ask
questions and make
contributions to the
Encourage learners
to comment on how
confident and
effective their friends
presented their work
including the use of
the right vocabulary
for the concept being
Lesson Closure
Activity . 15 minutes)
c) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and engage
learners to share ideas on them.
d) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- .1 5mins) Introduction . 20 minutes) Introduction . 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
1.What is
knowledge of classifying I.Help learners to I. In your groups, discuss the frequency mathematical
primary and secondary data organise themselves in distribution table and come out with how argument.
as quantitative and qualitative mixed-ability groups, to find the central tendency . Please as you .
using real-life examples from then present them with carry out your discussions, show respect to Level 2: Skills of
school records, by; asking frequency distribution others’ views as you interact and conceptual
learners in mixed-gender table and task them to collaborate with group members. Understanding;
groups to discuss the ways of discuss and come up with I. In your groups, discuss the 3.Obtain statistical
classifying primary and the central tendency. various data presentation data of your school
secondary data as quantitative Encourage learners to methods. Please be tolerant and use
and qualitative and prepare a show respect for and circumspect with your mathematical
sample for whole-class individual diverse views criticisms and commentary argument to
discussion. as they interact and on others’ presentations. support your
collaborate in their choices and the view
groups. Activity 1 . 25 minutes) to make inference of
XI. Share with the class what you know the data presented .
the central tendency and modal
Activity 1 . 25 minutes) mark of grouped data.
I.Using the KWL
strategy, transition
learners fromXII. In your groups, use mathematical
consolidating their argument to support personal choices
previous knowledge to of data with the use of Excel sheet or
the new learning. Microsoft Word application where
available. Please be wary of the use of
the IT tool for this task. Use it
appropriately as expected of you.
Activity 2: . 30 minutes)
I.Using a computer Activity 2 . 30 minutes)
application tool for I. Design a presentation using a
presentations such as computer application tool such
PPTs (where available), as PPTs, and present your
call out groups to present mathematical argument to the
their mathematical class.
argument to support their
expression to the class. II. Please ask questions and
Be fair in the allocation contributions to the
of resources to groups for presentations. Tell how
their presentations. confident and effective your
II.Offer the opportunity for the friends’ presented their work
class to ask questions and make including the use of the right
contributions to the vocabulary for the concept
presentations. Encourage being treated.
learners to comment on how Activity 3 . 15 minutes)
confident and effective their Contribute to a whole class discussion,
friends presented their work how to incorporate the views and
including the use of the right perspective of others to assess and make
vocabulary for the concept being inferences of data presented in everyday
treated life including class discussion , school
debates and school clubs . Encourage
learner to use some ICT tools to support
their presentation.
Lesson Closure
Activity . 5 minutes)
a) Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy”, and
engage learners to share ideas on them.
b) Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes.
(Offer learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
i. Make summaries of your results,
conclusions and recommendations of
your project and present them using a
power point, infographics design,
Microsoft word or handwritten to the
class or at a mini forum (including
school clubs) in the school.
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xx. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Lesson 2
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in Assessment DoK
the Subject Manual aligned to the
Curriculum and Subject
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Lesson Closure
Activity (5 minutes)
xxi. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Question on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to brainwave ideas on them.
Mention any three live applications of the concept of two set problems? (Understand, analyse and apply)
Expected Responses
For sorting or grouping
For surveys
Why is it important to use organizers such as the Venn diagram for sorting and/or grouping activities? (Understand, analyse)
Hint: Link the concept of subset by bringing up a conversation on the need to appreciate the uniqueness of different subgroups
in our society coexisting as Ghanaians. (GESI).
xxii. Using the last part of our WWH strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Have a general class voting to aid reflection.
Reflection & Remarks
What was my best moment in today’s lesson and how can I create more of such situations?
What did the learners find difficult to understand, and what activities did learners complete with ease and accuracy?
Which materials best supported the delivery of the lesson and how did learners find its use in aiding their understanding of the concept
Were the different subgroups in the class catered for?
Were the learners enthusiastic about the activities and resources employed in the delivery of the lesson?
Learning Plan
Subject Mathematics Week 23 Duration 4hours 1
Making sense of and Sub-
Strand Probability/Chance
using data Strand
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of simple and compound probability experiments involving two
Content Standard
independent events.
Determine the sample space for simple and compound probability experiments involving independent
Learning Outcome(s) events; express the probabilities of given events as fractions, decimals, percentages and/or ratios and
solve problems everyday life problems.
Learning List the elements of the sample space from a simple or compound experiment involving two independent
Indicator(s) events.
Essential Question(s) a) What are the individual events in the experiment and how are they defined?
linked to the b) How are the elements of the sample space related to the two independent events?
Knowledge Hierarchy c) What are the implications or real-life applications of the sample space and its elements?
aligned with the
Content Standards and
Learning Indicators
Pedagogical Strategies Think-pair-share, etc.
Dice, Coins, Spinners, Cards, Probability cards, Graph sheets, mathematical sets, excel, power point, A4,
Teaching & Learning
A3 papers, flip charts, colour pens, manila cards, worksheets, posters, etc.
a) Group discussions and oral presentations on the individual events in the experiment and how they are
b) Group collaborative learning session and written presentations on how the elements of the sample
space are related to the two independent events.
c) Paired group and individual presentations on the implications or real-life applications of the sample
space and its elements.
Lesson 1
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Starter (5minutes) Introduction (20 minutes) Introduction (20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Challenge students with a I. Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss classification of List the sample space of
logic puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability the value of events and calculating the a given independent
puzzles, hand and numbers groups. Then present them with a probability of such event presented. Please probability experiment.
template. model of ways of data of a tossed as you carry out your discussions. Show 1. A fair die is rolled
die. respect to others’ views as you interact once.
and collaborate with group members. List the sample space.
II. (ungrouped) and task them to 2.Two coins are tossed
discuss and solve problems on II. In your groups, discuss the various once.
the various ways a die can be methods of collecting real-world data and List the sample space
tossed and how to calculate the ensure the values of the probability of the for the experiment.
outcome of the toss. events involved in the data collected. 3.A dice and a coin are
Encourage learners to show Please be tolerant and circumspect with tossed once. List the
respect for individual diverse your criticisms and commentary on others’ sample space for the
views as they interact and presentations. experiment.
collaborate in their groups
Level 2: Skills of
b). Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies aligned to the
Starter to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Group activity 5minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Introduction ( 20 minutes) Level 1: Recall;
Challenge students with a I. Help learners to organize I. In your groups, discuss experiment withIdentify the following
logic puzzle, quadrilateral themselves in mixed-ability regards to probability. And give at least experiment as simple
puzzles, hand and numbers groups. Then present them two examples. Please as you carry out and compound
template. experiments and let them identify your discussions. Show respect to others’ experiment;
the possible outcomes views as you interact and collaborate with1. A fair die is rolled
group members. once.
II. (ungrouped) and task them to 2. Two coins are tossed
discuss and solve problems on II. In your groups, discuss the various once.
the various ways an experiment ways an experiment can be conducted to List the sample space
can be conducted to result to it result to it respective sample space. for the experiment.
respective sample space. Please be tolerant and circumspect with 3. A dice and a coin are
Encourage learners to show your criticisms and commentary on others’ tossed once. List the
respect for individual diverse presentations. sample space for the
views as they interact and experiment.
collaborate in their groups
Level 2: Skills of
Assming that a child is
Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) Activity 1 ( 30 minutes) equally likely to be a
I. Using the KWL strategy, I. Share with the class what you know boy or a girl. A family
transition learners from about the differences between independent contains 3 childred.
consolidating their previous event of probability State the probability
knowledge to the new learning. For example: that:
i. they are all boys,
II. In mixed-gender groups, Kofi and Ama were asked to hit a target. ii. they are all girls,
present learners with scenarios The probability that Kofi hits the target
expressing the independents and 2 2
was and that of Ama was . Find the
task them on that. 3 7 Level 3: Skills of
probability that conceptual
I Both of them hit the target Understanding;
ii. Only one of them hit the target A box contains 4 black
a. At least one of them hit the target. balls and 8 white balls
of the same size. What is
the probability that the
Activity 2: ( 30 minutes) first ball drawn is white
I. Using collaboration group Activity 2 ( 30 minutes) and the second ball is
learners into smaller groups to I. in your groups determine sample space black if the selection is
determine sample space of small of small and compound experiments of with replacement?
and compound experiments of independent event involving fractions,
independent event involving decimal percentages or ratio
fractions, decimal percentages
or ratio
Be fair in the allocation of Please ask questions and contributions to
resources to groups for their the presentations. Tell how confident and
presentations. effective your friends’ presented their work
Offer the opportunity for the including the use of the right vocabulary
class to ask questions and make for the concept being treated.
contributions to the
presentations. Encourage
learners to comment on how
confident and effective their
friends presented their work
including the use of the right
vocabulary for the concept being
b). Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarizing learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Essential Question(s) linked a) How can you determine if two events are independent or not?
to the Knowledge Hierarchy b) How does the outcome of one event affect the probability of another event in independent
aligned with the Content events?
Standards and Learning c) How can understanding independent events in probability be applied to fields such as
Indicators statistics, finance, and risk analysis?
Pedagogical Strategies Think-pair-share, Convenient groups, etc.
Dice, Coins, Spinners, Cards, Probability cards, Graph sheets, mathematical sets, excel, power point, A4,
Teaching & Learning
A3 papers, flip charts, colour pens, manila cards, worksheets, posters, etc.
Key Notes on Differentiation
Lesson Closure
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)
Lesson 2
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce aligned to the
Starter as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Group Activity- (10mins) Introduction ( 10 minutes Level 2
Introduction (10 minutes
III. Help learners to organise Solve a given real-life
Review learners previous themselves in mixed-ability . In your groups, discuss how to solve problem on probability
lesson on independent events groups, then ask them to solve simple equations involving probabilitys. of independent event.
simple equations involving Please as you carry out your
probability. Encourage discussions, show respect to others’ 1. A dollar-bill changer
learners to show respect for views as you interacts and collaborate on a snack machine
individual diverse views as with group members. was tested with 100
they interact and collaborate $1 bills. Twenty-five
in their groups. of the bills were
found to be
IV. In an all-inclusive class counterfeit, but only
discussion, lead the class to II. In your groups, discuss independent one was accepted by
discuss the relationship probability. Please be tolerant and the machine.
between dependent and circumspect with your criticisms and However, six of the
independents probability. commentary on others’ presentations. legal bills were
Encourage learners to be rejected. Draw a chart
tolerant and circumspect with to show the number
their criticisms and of legal and
commentary on others’ counterfeit bills that
presentations. ACTIVITY I;50 were accepted or
In your groups discuss and solve
ACTIVITY I;50 problems using real life scenarios I. What is the
In convenient groups, probability that a bill
offer learners appropriate and will be rejected given
adequate resources to create and Example 1: that it is legal?
solve some real-life problems. A message is transmitted from Node-A to II. What is the
Guide learners using Case Node-B through three intermediate nodes. probability that the
studies such as weather The message will be successfully counterfeit bill is
forecasting, sports outcome, or transmitted only if all the intermediate accepted?
business decisions. nodes are working. The probability that an
intermediate node will fail is 1%. All nodes 2. Joshua and his friend
are independent of each other. What is the bought movie tickets
probability that you will not successfully and ate a pizza. Can
transmit the message? you tell us whether it
is a dependent event
Solution or an independent
We first find the probability that you will event?
successfully transmit the message. For
successful transmission, we need all nodes 3. Alexander tossed a
to be working. The probability that a node coin and rolled a
will not fail is single 6-sided die.
P(Node does not fail) = 1– P(Node fails) = Find the probability
1 – 0.01 = 0.99. of landing head side
Since all the nodes are independent so the of the coin and rolling
probability that node 1 AND node 2 AND a 3 on the die.
node 3 do not fail = 0.99 × 0.99 × 0.99 =
0.97 4. Researchers collected
Accordingly, P(message is not successful) a random sample of
= 1 – P(message is successful) = 1-0.97 = people and
0.03 = 3%.
documented their eye
Example 2: colour.
You are travelling from location A to Eye Probability
location B using a bus and a train. The color
probability thatA the bus will get delayed Blue 0.33
is 10%, and the probability that the train Brown 0.39
will get delayed is 5%. Both events are Hazel 0.16
independent. Find the probability that: Green 0.12
1. You will experience a delay during your
travelling. If the researchers
2. You will get on time to location B randomly select two
people from their
Solution: sample, what is the
Let E1 represent the event that the bus gets probability that both will
delayed, and E2 is the event that the train have hazel eyes?
gets delayed.
We will experience a delay if either the bus
gets delayed, or the train gets delayed, or
both get delayed. So, we are interested in
ACTIVITY 2;50mins
ACTIVITY2; 50mins
In collaborative group learning: In your group use your computers to
such for more real life problems and
Guide learners to use their solve them.
computers to such for more real
life problems and solve them
using the understanding of
independent events.
I. Make a seamless transition to plenary by making reference to the “Essential Questions on Knowledge Hierarchy” and engage learners
to share ideas on them.
II.Using the last part of the KWL strategy, wrap up the lesson by summarising learners’ ideas for them to write in their notes. (Offer
learners the opportunity to ask questions for further clarification and address any misconceptions if any)