Fffilosertt PDF
Fffilosertt PDF
Fffilosertt PDF
Good morning, everyone. In our class today, we are going to discuss the shift from the
modern episteme to a new episteme as described in Pablo Manolo Rodríguez's book Las
palabras en las cosas. To understand this shift, it is important to first understand the
characteristics of the modern episteme.
Rodríguez, following the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, argues that a new episteme has been
emerging, moving away from the focus on the "figure of man" and toward a new
understanding of life, labor, and language. This new episteme is characterized by:
● Dispersion and regrouping of life and labor: The once-unified concepts of life and
labor have been fragmented into different branches. Life is now studied through fields
like genetics, immunology, and cognitive sciences, while labor has been dispersed
through automation and robotics.
● The rise of information and communication: Information has become a central
organizing principle in these new fields, leading to a re-grouping of life and labor
around concepts like genetic code and machine code.
● Shift from finite to finite-unlimited: While the modern episteme focused on the
limitations of human understanding, the new episteme recognizes the vast potential of
information to create a practically unlimited number of combinations from a finite set
of components.
● Emergence of the "superhuman": This new episteme suggests a shift away from the
"figure of man" towards a new form, neither God nor man, that embraces the
possibilities of information and its influence on life, labor, and language.
This new episteme has also led to the emergence of societies of control as described by
Deleuze. These societies are characterized by: