LP Action 10 Term 4 MSA
LP Action 10 Term 4 MSA
LP Action 10 Term 4 MSA
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Amazing facts about space
Learning objectives - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences
and feelings; - recognize the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in
unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and
curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
-introduce new vocabulary
-listen for confirmation
Value links Hospitality: Traditionally a nomadic culture, hospitality has always been an
important part of Kazakh culture.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
Lead – In vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
questions statements related Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1a P:97
the lesson • Learners fill the gaps. Descriptor:
• Direct Ss' attention to the
Presentati ANSWERS - fill the gaps
on part. picture and ask them to read the 1 particles - complete the Card
30 min texts. 2 waves texts Worksheet
Go through the words in the list 3 radio
Total: 2 point
and explain/ elicit the meanings 4 surface
of any unknown words. 5. atmosphere
Give Ss time to complete the 6 Stars
7 dwarf Students
texts. Check Ss' answers. 8 solar book
9 telescopes
Differentiation: «Verbal support»
method is used to help Ss use new • Learners listen and
words in the sentences.
check. Self assessment
ANSWERS Descriptor:
Ex: 1b P: 97
Student’s own answer. - listen and check.
•Play the recording. Ss listen and
Total: 2 point
check their answers to Ex. 1a.
Play the video for Ss and elicit Descriptor:
their comments. - answer the
• Pupils answer the question
question. Tell the class. - еell the class
Over to you Total: 2 point
Elicit answers to the questions in ANSWERS
the rubric from various Ss around I was impressed that the
the class. footprints on the Moon
will stay there for at least -Make CCQ
Conclusion during the lesson 100 million years and that questions Yes / No
some tasks differentiated by an 11-year-old girl got to Total: 1 point
outcomes of the students and by name a dwarf planet.
their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title UFO tour
Learning objectives - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax
to talk about a range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- talk about space and expand the topic
- predict the content of the text
- identify the writer's purpose
Value links Tradition: Kazakh traditions and culture have been passed on from one
generation to another through oral histories told by traditional Kazakh tribal
leaders and elders.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
Lead – In vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
questions statements related Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:98
the lesson • Learners listen and Descriptor:
• Explain/Elicit what UFO means read the headlines.
Presentati (unidentified flying object). - listen and read
on part. Answer the question. Card
Play the recording. Ss listen and the headlines
30 min ANSWERS
read the headlines. Explain/Elicit A - An alien spacecraft
- answer the Worksheet
the meanings of any unknown probably crashed on a ranch question
words/phrases (e.g. flying saucer in the Roswell region and it Total: 2 point
= name for an alien spacecraft was captured by some people.
from science fiction). B - I think some people
Elicit what various Ss think
reported finding a strange Students
wreckage and they think alien
happened in these incidents. bodies were examined at book
Roswell Army Base.
C - A police officer reported a
Differentiation: «Verbal support» sighting of an alien spacecraft
method is used to help Ss use new in Socorro, New Mexico.
words in the sentences. D - Thousands of people
witnessed strange lights over Self assessment
Phoenix, Arizona
Ex: 2 P: 98 Descriptor:
• Learners read the title
• Direct Ss' attention to the title of the text and the - read the title of
and the introduction in the text. introduction. Read the text
Elicit Ss' guesses as to what it can through to find out. - read through to
be about. ANSWERS find out
Ss read the text to see if their I think the text is about a Total: 2 point
guesses were correct. journalist investigating the
case of the UFO crash landing
Ex: 3 P: 99 in New Mexico in 1947 and
whether or not it may actually
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-H have happened
and give them time to read the • Pupils read the text Descriptor:
text again and match them to the again. Seven sentences - read the text
gaps 1-7. are missing. Match - match each
Check Ss' answers around the each sentence to the sentence to the
gap. gap.
ANSWERS Total: 2 point
Ex: 4 P: 99
1G 2D 3A 4H 5F 6C
• Explain that writers write
7B Descriptor:
articles in order to inform, to
persuade or entertain readers. - listen to the text
Play the recording. Ss listen and • Pupils listen to the text. - answer the
follow the text in their books. Answer the question. question
Ask Ss to identify the reason why ANSWERS Total: 2 point
the writer wrote the article. The writer's purpose is to
inform readers about the
Conclusion during the lesson UFO discovery tour and -Make CCQ
some tasks differentiated by what it's like at Roswell.
outcomes of the students and by questions Yes / No
The writer also describes Total: 1 point
their abilities.
how the tour can make a
sceptic wonder if it's all
true or not
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Grammar: The passive
Learning objectives deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics; - write coherently at text level using a variety of
connectors on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- consolidate new vocabulary
- study/revise the passive
Value links Freedom: Freedom is the major value of the civil society being formed
in Kazakhstan. This must provide everyone with the possibility of creative
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
Lead – In vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
questions statements related Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:5 P:99
the lesson • Learners choose the Descriptor:
• Explain the task and give Ss correct words in bold.
Presentati time to complete it. - choose the
on part. Then makes sentences Card
Check Ss' answers. using the other options. correct words in
30 min bold Worksheet
Differentiation: «Verbal support» 1 trip - makes sentences
method is used to help Ss use new 2 spot using the other
words in the sentences. 3 desert options
4 examined
5 site
Total: 2 point Students
6 locals book
7 events
Ex: 6 P: 99
• Learners match the
• Explain the task and go through
words/phrases in bold
the list of words in the rubric and
with their meanings.
give Ss time to match them to the
words in bold in the text. ANSWERS
wandered away: walked
Tell Ss they may use their without a purpose
dictionaries if necessary. debris: destroyed remains
Self assessment
• Check Ss' answers. creepy: scary
soared into the sky: moved Descriptor:
quickly up - match the
hovering: floating in the same
position words/phrases in
Ex: 7 P: 99 eerie: strange & frightening bold
• Explain that we use the passive disturbed: bothered - use your
disappointed: felt unhappy dictionaries
to talk about actions when the
• Pupils use the passive Total: 2 point
person who carries out the action
is unknown, unimportant or
obvious from the context. We also We use the passive to talk
use the passive in formal writing. about actions when the
Explain/Elicit that we form the person who carries out the
passive with the verb to be + past action is unknown, Descriptor:
participle of the main verb. Point unimportant or obvious - use the passive to
out that the subject of the active from the context. We also talk about actions
sentence becomes the agent in use the passive in formal Total: 2 point
the passive sentence and is writing such as in a news
introduced with 'by' whereas the report or headline. We
object of the active sentence form the passive with the
becomes the subject in the verb to be + past participle
passive sentence. Refer Ss to the of the main verb. The -Make CCQ
Grammar Reference section for subject of the active questions Yes / No
more details. sentence becomes the Total: 1 point
agent in the passive
sentence and is introduced
with 'by' whereas the
Conclusion during the lesson
some tasks differentiated by object of the active
outcomes of the students and by sentence becomes the
their abilities. subject in the passive
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Moving out
Learning objectives - understand the main points in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; - understand specific information and detail in extended
texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and
some unfamiliar topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- consolidate vocabulary
- predict the content of a text
- read for cohesion and coherence
Value links Patriotism: The formation of civil society institutions is impossible without
the development of a patriotism shared by the entire Kazakhstan, and with
deep roots in the culture, psychology, and historical past of the Kazakhs.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:100
the lesson • Learners say the Descriptor:
• Elicit the names of the planets in names of the planets in
Presentati our solar system from Ss around - say the names of
on part. our solar systems. Card
the class. the planets
30 min ANSWERS
Play the recording. Ss listen and - correct Worksheet
Mercury, Venus, Earth,
check if they named them all as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, pronunciation and
well as practice the correct Uranus, Neptune intonation
pronunciation and intonation. Total: 2 point
• Learners read the title
Differentiation: «Verbal support» of the text and the quote.
method is used to help Ss use new Answer the question. book
words in the sentences. ANSWERS
Ex: 2 P: 100 The problems of space
colonisation are the lack of
• Read the title of the text and the technology and the lack of
quotation aloud and ask Ss to money. For example, it would
think about the questions in the take 1,000 years to travel to
rubric. the nearest star system and it Self assessment
Give Ss time to read the text and costs £6,000 to put half a kilo Descriptor:
of anything into near-Earth
then elicit answers to the orbit. The solution may be to - read the title of
questions from Ss around the give 0.25% of the world's the text
class. financial resources to fund - answer the
space colonisation
Ex: 3 P: 101 Total: 2 point
• Pupils for each gap,
• Explain the task and ask Ss to choose from the
read the sentences A-H and then sentences.
give them time to read the text ANSWERS
again and match them to the gaps 1 F 2 A 3C 4 H 5 G 6E
Ask Ss to check their answers Descriptor:
with their partner and then elicit - choose from the
justifications from Ss around the sentences
class. - choose from the
Ex: 4 P: 101 • Pupils fill the gaps .
Total: 2 point
• Explain the task and give Ss time
1 overcome
to complete it. 2 self-sufficient
Check Ss' answers. 3 warm up
4 release -Make CCQ
Conclusion during the lesson 5 afford
some tasks differentiated by questions Yes / No
outcomes of the students and by Total: 1 point
their abilities. .
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Grammar: Conditionals types
Learning objectives - use infinitive forms after an increased number of verbs
and adjectives use gerund forms after a variety of verbs and
prepositions use a variety of prepositional and phrasal verb on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
exploring a range of perspectives on the world;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
-consolidate new vocabulary
- practise mixed conditionals
- consolidate information in a text.
Value links Respect: Respect of elders and of the spiritual freedom of other nations
are principal values. It is important to develop a productive dialogue
between confessions and to acknowledge religion as an element of civil
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:5 P:101
the lesson • Learners choose the Descriptor:
• Explain the task and give Ss correct words. Check in
Presentati time to complete it. Ss can use - choose the
on part. your dictionary. Card
their dictionaries to look up any correct words
30 min ANSWERS
unknown words. - check in your Worksheet
1 Supplies
Check Ss' answers. 2 overcome dictionary
3 wipe out Total: 2 point
Differentiation: «Verbal support» 4 endless
method is used to help Ss use new Students
words in the sentences. • Learners give an
example for each type. book
Ex: 6 P: 101
• Refer Ss to the Grammar ANSWERS
Reference section at the back of type 2: If I won the
their books and briefly revise money, I would buy a new
conditional types 2 and 3 by
type 3: If Ann had been Self assessment
giving examples for each type. more careful, she wouldn't
have made such a big
Ex: 7 P: 101 • Pupils rewrite the - give an example
• Explain the task and read out sentences using mixed -complete the task
the example. conditionals, as in the
Total: 2 point
Give Ss time to complete the task example.
and then check Ss' answers. ANSWERS
2 If Mark had handed in
his project, he would pass
the astronomy course.
3 If Greg hadn't been
studying all night, he
wouldn't be tired now.
4 If Janet wasn't interested Descriptor:
in astronomy, she wouldn't - rewrite the
have visited the sentences
Ex: 8 P: 101 planetarium yesterday - use mixed
• Play the recording. Ss listen and • Pupils fill the gaps conditionals
follow the text in their books. listen and read the Total: 2 point
Then Ss talk in pairs and tell their article.
partner three reasons why space ANSWERS
colonisation is difficult. Colonising space is
Monitor the activity around the difficult because it is
class and then ask some pairs to expensive to put things
report back to the class. -Make CCQ
into space. It is also a questions Yes / No
long way to the nearest
Conclusion during the lesson solar system which may Total: 1 point
some tasks differentiated by have Earth-like planets
outcomes of the students and by and we don't have the
their abilities. technology to travel fast
in space
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Sci – Fi – Films
Learning objectives -understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit
agreement between speakers on a range of general and curricular
topics; explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a
wide range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- prepare for a reading task
- introduce the topic
- read for specific information
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:102
the lesson • Learners check these Descriptor:
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the words in the word list.
Presentati back of their books and give them - check these
on part. time to look up the meanings of
ANSWERS words Card
30 min Student’s own answer
the words/phrases given. - give them time to Worksheet
Alternatively, elicit the meaning of look up the
any unknown words meanings
Total: 2 point
Differentiation: «Verbal support» Students
method is used to help Ss use new
words in the sentences. book
• Learners write down
Ex: 2 P: 103
three question.
• Read out the questions in the
rubric and ask Ss to say what they
Avatar is a 3D science-fiction
know about the film Avatar, and film with special visual effects.
think of questions about it. The words in Ex.1 refer to the
Elicit questions from Ss around new techniques used to make Self assessment
the class and write three of them it. Descriptor:
1 Where was the film set?
on the board. 2 Who directed the film? - read out the
3 What was so special about questions in the
Ex: 3 P: 103 the special effects in the film? rubric
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-6 - write down three
• Pupils read the article. question
and the
For questions choose Total: 2 point
possible answers and give them
the best answer. Give
time to read the text again and
reasons for your
choose the correct answers. Descriptor:
Check Ss' answers around the - read the
class and ask Ss to justify their questions
answers with examples from the 1 D (E. 7-9)
- choose the best
text. 2 Β (ε. 11-13) answer
3 A ('special') Total: 2 point
4 C (8. 38-42)
Conclusion during the lesson 5 B (8.44-56) -Make CCQ
some tasks differentiated by 6 B (8. 62-64)
questions Yes / No
outcomes of the students and by
their abilities. Total: 1 point
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Grammar: Reported speech
Learning objectives - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a
range of general and curricular topics; - use a variety of reported statements and question
forms on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- answer comprehension questions on a text
- consolidate new vocabulary through synonymous words/phrase
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:4 P:103
the lesson • Learners answer the Descriptor:
• Give Ss time to read the text following question.
Presentati again and answer the questions in - read the text
on part. their own words without copying
ANSWERS - answer the Card
1 It took Cameron a long time
30 min the information straight from the to produce Avatar because questions Worksheet
text. the technology he needed to Total: 2 point
Check Ss' answers around the make the film totally realistic
class. was not available. He had to
wait for some of the
technology to be invented and Students
Differentiation: «Verbal support» he invented some himself so
method is used to help Ss use new that he could make the film book
the way he wanted to make it
words in the sentences. 2 He developed a special 3D
camera. He used a virtual
camera and a simulation
camera to create a 3D Fusion Self assessment
Ex: 5 P: 103 • Learners find words in
• Read the words/phrases in the the text Descriptor:
list and give Ss time to find their ANSWERS - read the
synonyms in the text. Para A: affected = words/phrases in
Elicit answers from various Ss influenced, was developed the list
around the class. = came along - find their
Para B: broadly = widely, synonyms in the
join together = combine text.
Para C: produce = develop, Total: 2 point
really = truly, combined =
Para E: fascinate = absorb,
sense = feeling, made
available to the public =
• Learners rewrite the Descriptor:
Ex: 6 P: 103 sentences in reported - rewrite the
• Refer Ss to the Grammar speech. sentences
Reference section to revise ANSWERS - complete the task
reported speech, give them time 1 He said (that) Avatar had Total: 2 point
spectacular special effects.
to complete the task and check Ss' 2 She asked if/whether we
answers. could make the characters -Make CCQ
look more realistic.
3 They said (that) they had
questions Yes / No
used state-of-the-art Total: 1 point
technology to create the film.
4 David asked me who the
main characters in the film
5 She asked him if/whether he
thought the film would be a
Conclusion during the lesson box office hit.
some tasks differentiated by 6 The scientist says (that) we
outcomes of the students and by need to improve computer
their abilities. technology further.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Writing: A film review
Learning objectives - use a variety of prepositional phrases before nouns
and adjectives; use a number of dependent prepositions following;
nouns and adjectives and a variety of prepositions following verbs
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics; - write coherently at text level using a variety of
connectors on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- analyse a model for structure and content
- present/practise topic-based vocabulary
- identify adjectives in a model
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:104
the lesson • Learners read the Descriptor:
• Ask Ss to read out the Writing review and match the
Presentati Tip and learn about the genre and - read the review
on part. paragraph to the Card
content of the type of writing. headings. - match the
30 min Then give Ss time to read the paragraph to the Worksheet
model review and match the A2
paragraphs to the headings. B1 Total: 2 point
Check Ss' answers. C4
Differentiation: «Verbal support» • Learners choose the
method is used to help Ss use new correct word/phrases. book
words in the sentences. Check your dictionary.
1 set
Ex: 2 P: 104
2 is based on
• Ask Ss to read the sentences 3 main
and choose the correct Self assessment
4 dull, twist
words/phrases in bold. 5 box office hit
Check Ss' answers. 6 lead Descriptor:
• Learners which - choose the
Ex: 3 P: 104 adjectives has the writer correct
• Elicit the adjectives used to used to describe
following in the review.
describe the items 1-6 in the - check your
model from Ss around the class. 1 exciting dictionary
2 fast-moving Total: 2 point
Ex: 4 P: 104 3 action-packed
4 impressive
• Give Ss time to complete the 5 superb Descriptor:
sentences using the words in the 6 spectacular - complete the
list. • Learners fill the gaps. . sentences
Check Ss' answers. ANSWERS Total: 2 point
1 predictable
Conclusion during the lesson 2 gripping -Make CCQ
some tasks differentiated by 3 well-developed, questions Yes / No
outcomes of the students and by likeable
4 surprising Total: 1 point
their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Grammar: The passive
Learning objectives - use a wide variety of conjunctions on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
-practise vocabulary for recommending
- review/practise the passive
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:5 P:105
the lesson • Learners fill in the gaps Descriptor:
• Explain the task and give Ss with the phrases in the
Presentati time to complete it. - fill in the gaps
on part. list. Card
Check Ss' answers by askings - complete the
30 min ANSWERS task
around the class to read out their Worksheet
A 1 would definitely
sentences. recommend Total: 2 point
2 well worth seeing
Differentiation: «Verbal support» B 3 you are looking for
method is used to help Ss use new 4 is definitely for you Students
words in the sentences. 5 box office hits
C 6 make sure it's this one book
7 won't regret it
Ex: 6 P: 105 • Learners find the
• Ask Ss to read the film review in passive forms in the film
Ex. 1 again and identify the review. Then, rewrite
passive forms. Self assessment
these sentences in the
Then ask Ss to check their passive.
answers in the Grammar ANSWERS Descriptor:
Reference section. Guardians of the Galaxy was - find the passive
Give S time to complete the task. directed by James Gunn. form
Check Ss' answers. 2 In the film, the astronauts
were being attacked by aliens. - rewrite these
Then give Ss time to complete the 3 The new sci-fi film is being sentences
task. watched by thousands of
Total: 2 point
people at the cinema.
Check Ss' answers. 4 The lead role is played by
Ex: 7 P: 105 Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner Descriptor:
2049. - read the rubric
• Ask Ss to read the rubric, 5 Simplistic special effects are
underline the key words and then used in the film. - underline the key
answer the questions. 6 This film is being highly words
Explain to Ss that it is very recommended by lots of Total: 2 point
important to read the rubric
• Learners read the
carefully so that they include all -Make CCQ
the points mentioned. rubric and underline the
key words, then answer questions Yes / No
Check Ss' answers around the Total: 1 point
class. the question.
1 a review of a sci-fi film
2 readers of a website
Conclusion during the lesson 3 present tenses
some tasks differentiated by 4 title and type of film, name
outcomes of the students and by of director, whether you
their abilities. recommend it, main points of
plot, general comments on
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Culture corner
Learning objectives explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a
wide range of general and curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
-introduce the topic and listen and read for gist
-read for specific information
- consolidate new vocabulary
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:106
the lesson • Learners listen and Descriptor:
•Elicit what, if anything, Ss know read the text. Answer
Presentati about the NASA and ISS. Elicit - listen and read
on part. the question. the text Card
various questions from S55
30 min ANSWERS - answer the
around the class and write two of Worksheet
NASA - National question.
them on the board. Aeronautics and Space
Play the recording. Ss listen and Administration Total: 2 point
read the text and see if the ISS- International Space
questions were answered. Station When was NASA
set up? (1950s) When did Students
Differentiation: «Verbal support» the ISS go into space? (not book
method is used to help Ss use new answered
• Learners read the text
words in the sentences. again and mark the
Ex: 2 P: 106 ANSWERS
• Explain the task and ask Ss to Self assessment
1 DS
read the sentences 1-6 and then 2 F (1969)
read the text again and mark them 3T Descriptor:
as true, false or doesn't say
5 F (Baikonur Cosmodrome,
- read the text
according to the text. Tyuratam, Kazakhstan) again
Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to 6 DS - mark the
justify their answers. • Learners fill the gaps. statements
ANSWERS Total: 2 point
Ex: 3 P: 106 1 exploration
2 operations
•Explain the task. 3 science Descriptor:
Give Ss time to complete the task, 4 technology - fill the gaps
referring back to the text if 5 Planetary
- complete the task
necessary. 6 aeronautics
Total: 2 point
Check Ss' answers.
-Make CCQ
Conclusion during the lesson questions Yes / No
some tasks differentiated by Total: 1 point
outcomes of the students and by
their abilities.
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days
Short term plan: term 4
Grade: 10 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Curricular: Literature
Learning objectives deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics; - write coherently at text level using a variety of
connectors on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- introduce the topic and listen for gist
- read for cohesion and coherence
Value links Respect - treating people with respect, value and courtesy.
Especially apologising to them where the situation calls for it.
Students' attention is
Pre- drawn to the lesson.
«Brainsto Students say different Good job!
rming» words from the picture Descriptor:
method - remembers the
7 min. •Learners remember lesson passed worksheet
previous lesson Point 1
vocabulary Assessment
•Learners answer the make basic
Lead – In statements related
questions Picture
to personal
information, people
and objects
Middle of Ex:1 P:107
the lesson • Learners look at the Descriptor:
• Read the rubric aloud and direct picture and read the
Presentati Ss' attention to the picture. Elicit - look at the
on part. text. Answer the picture Card
that triffids are strange plants. question.
30 min Play the recording. Ss listen and - answer the Worksheet
ANSWERS question.
find out the answer. Triffids appear in a
science-fiction novel by Total: 2 point
John Wyndham. They are
tall plants with legs that
seem intelligent, but are
Differentiation: «Verbal support» aggressive and attack book
method is used to help Ss use new people with their poisonous
words in the sentences. stings
• Learners read the text.
Ex: 2 P: 107 For each gap choose
• Explain the task and ask Ss to from the sentences. Self assessment
read the sentences A-H. ANSWERS
Then give Ss time to read the text 1 H They don't 'hear'. They're
and complete the task. just plants. Descriptor:
Check Ss' answers around the
2 E ... numbers collected - look at the
along the fence ... didn't do
class. Ask Ss to justify their anything ... They simply picture
answers. settled down - choose from the
3 A... complete darkness...
turned on the light
4 C... pulled the window Total: 2 point
shut ... as it closed...
5 F took no risks ... thick
clothing and gloves leather
helmet ... goggles ... wire
mask... largest carving knife ...
6 D... in a fine spray ... misted
the goggles wash it off my Descriptor:
7 G last of the intruders... - choose from the
Ex: 3 P: 107 broke in again. sentences
• Explain the task and give Ss • Learners match the Total: 2 point
time to complete it. words in bold.
Check Ss' answers. ANSWERS
wriggled = turned quickly
Ex: 4 P: 107 viciously = violently
smacked = hit sharply
• Explain the task and give Ss intruders = invaders
some time to complete it. • Learners write the
Check Ss' answers around the adjectives the author -Make CCQ
class. uses to describe the
questions Yes / No
ANSWERS Total: 1 point
Conclusion during the lesson 1 slashing 2 grey 3 complete
some tasks differentiated by 4 leathery green 5 thick
outcomes of the students and by 6 leather 7 largest carving
their abilities. 8 fine
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on Success
5 min what they have learned at the
Ex: P:
Home task:
Write the days