Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
* Writing is a Process
• Re-read the essays you wrote last year. This will give
you a clear sense of how your writing has improved.
Academic writing are the traits taught while writing essays for college or
university that can be useful in the workplace. Academic writing involves
communicating ideas clearly and concisely and conveying arguments in
a logical and convincing manner. The skills used in this kind of writing
are transferable to a range of workplace tasks, so many employers look
for these skills in candidates (Indeed UK, 2024).
Academic writing is writing which communicates ideas, information and research to
the wider academic community. It can be divided into 2 types: (i) student academic
writing, which is used as a form of assessment at university as preparation for
study; and (ii) expert academic writing, which is writing that is intended for
publication in an academic journal or book. Both types of academic writing (student
& expert) are expected to adhere to same standards (EAP Foundation, 2024).
Academic writing should have a Opinions and arguments in academic As an academic writer, you should not simply accept
clear and well-structured version. writing should be supported by evidence. everything you read as fact. You need to analyze and evaluate
Structure will often derive from Often the writing will be based on information you are writing about, in other words make
the genre of writing. The writing information from experts in the field, and judgements about it, before you decide whether and how to
should be coherent, with logical as such, it will be important integrate it into your own writing. This is known as critical
progression throughout, to reference the information appropriately, writing - requires a great deal of research in order for the writer
and cohesive, with the different parts for example via the use of in-text to develop a deep enough understanding of the topic to be
of the writing clearly connected. citations and a reference section. truly critical about it.
Academic writing should Academic writing should use clear It is objective. In other words, Academic writing is more formal than
be balanced. This means and precise language to ensure the emphasis is placed on the everyday writing. It tends to use longer
giving consideration to all reader understands the meaning. arguments and information, words and more complex sentences,
sides of the issue and This includes use of technical rather than on the writer. As a while avoiding contractions and colloquial
avoiding bias. As noted vocabulary, which should be used result, academic writing tends to or informal words or expressions that
above, all research, when it conveys the meaning more use nouns and noun phrases might be common in spoken English.
evidence and arguments precisely than a similar non- more than verbs and adverbs. It There are words and collocations which
can be challenged, and it technical term. Sometimes such also tends to use more passive are used in academic writing more
is important for the technical vocabulary may structures, rather than active frequently than in non-academic writing,
academic writer to show need defining, though only if the voice. For example: Water was and researchers have developed lists of
their stance on a particular term is not commonly used by heated rather than I heated these words and phrases to help students
topic, in other words how others in the same discipline and will water. of academic English
strong their claims are. not be readily understood by reader.
1. Arrange your points 2. Write in structured 3. Use formal 4. Be concise 5. Summarize work of
in logical order paragraphs language other writers
• Have a clear idea of what • Use paragraphs to • You are expected to use • You are expected to use • You are expected to use
you want to say structure your ideas formal language and not formal language and not formal language and not
confrontational or dismissive confrontational or dismissive confrontational or dismissive
• Create a list of your main • Each of the points or
language language language
points theme forms a different
paragraph • Each subject discipline has • Only include one main idea • Summary provides a
• Think about what the
certain writing styles and per sentence shortened version of someone
reader needs to know • From the 1st or 2nd
sentence make your point terms, that you will be used to • Keep your sentences to a else’s work. Make sure you:
• Once you have a clear as you progress with your
idea of what is required for clear so that a reader can reasonable length ✔ identify relevant points
your project and you can follow the line of reasoning • Express precisely what you depending on your
start planning your • The rest of paragraph • Do not use of long sentences mean purpose
research and gathering should explain point/theme and complicated vocabulary ✔ Write a shortened version,
• Long sentences can be
evidence in detail and provide • Avoid using colloquialisms, difficult to follow and this in your own words, to show
• Find academic information relevant slang terms, regional dialects may distract from your point your understanding
from reliable, reviewed and evidence/references • Write words out in full rather ✔ Include an in-text citation
• Avoid repetition
published resources • Evidence can be data, than shortening them. Instead and reference to the
(journals, books, facts, quotations, of writing “can’t don't” or “isn't” • Avoid using redundant original author
conference proceedings). arguments, statistics, you are expected to write words
• Revise, edit and proofread
research and theories “cannot, do not” or “is not”
• Avoid publications from your work
predatory publishers • Do not use personal nouns
✔ Most writing will require
(e.g. I, me, you, us, we) may several drafts and
lead the reader to believe the
revisions to improve clarity
study was overly subjective and quality
1. Essay
2. Research Paper or Article
3. Dissertations / Theses
4. Research proposals
5. Literature Review
6. Lab report
7. Annotated bibliography
8. Case study
Academic texts can be divided into 7 types: essay, research paper, thesis or dissertation,
research proposal, literature review, lab report and annotated bibliography.
A. Introduction
B. General Structure
Paragraph Requirement
The first paragraph serves as introduction and the last paragraph, conclusion.
The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay. Introduction aims at grabbing the
attention of your reader and makes a few statements on background,
the main ideas and outline of your essay.
Body paragraph is the main paragraph of an essay. Each paragraph in an essay works
like a links in a chain, contributing to the wholeness of the work.
However paragraphs are to be written in such a way as to make them
stand independent of the totality of the essay.
Concluding paragraph is the last paragraph of the essay. You are expected to restate your
thesis statement given in the introduction, summarize the points
through which you explained your thesis statement in the body
paragraphs and finish your essay with a concluding remark.
C. Detail Parts
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendices
• Discussion Essay (bài thảo luận) start by presenting the issue - the problem you have to solve then explain and discuss the evidence and
different points of view regarding the issue. You would finish by comparing and contrasting the different arguments and making a choice -
your final position.
• Challenge Essay (bài tranh luận) are challenging a given theory by showing where it is weak and proposing a better theory. Start by
introducing the theory you are challenging. You would then analyse and evaluate it to show where it is weak and propose a better
• Factorial Essays (bài luận sự kiện) are organised around the facts that either lead to or are consequences of a state of affairs. Discuss
the facts that lead to or cause a state of affairs, start by describing the state of affairs you are interested in, then present the factors that led
to the state of affairs. These would be grouped in some way, analysed and evaluated. You would finish by concluding about, for example,
the importance of the factors you have discussed.
• Consequential Essay (luận tình huống) discuss the facts that result from a state of affairs. Start by describing the state of affairs you are
interested in. You would then present the factors that resulted from or were caused by the state of affairs. These would be grouped in some
way, analysed and evaluated. You would finish by concluding about, for example, the importance of the state of affairs in contributing to the
consequences you have discussed.
• Commentary Essays (bài bình luận) normally focus on texts. Your introduction would therefore introduce the text(s). You would then follow
this with a series of comments that analyse and evaluate the text(s) given. You may be required to compare and contrast the texts. You
would conclude by summarising your comments. 28
* 5-paragraph essay
The classic so-called 5-paragraph essay consists of:
• 1 introductory paragraph;
• 3 body paragraphs;
• a concluding paragraph.