CPAR-LESSON 5-6-2nd-Quarter
CPAR-LESSON 5-6-2nd-Quarter
CPAR-LESSON 5-6-2nd-Quarter
Lesson 5
(Subject, Function, Medium, Technique, Organization, & Style)
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the student is expected to:
1. Show understanding of the materials and techniques
2. Discriminate among various materials and techniques
3. Research and techniques and performance practices applied to contemporary arts;
4. Identify local materials used in creating art;
5. Critique available materials and appropriate techniques;
6. Justify the use of materials and the application of techniques.
What I Need to know
1. Subject – serves as the foundation of the creation of the work of art. The subject matter is
the most obvious aspect of an artwork. It is what the work of art depicts or represents. It may
be a person, an object, a scene, or an event.
2. Subject Vs Content
Subject Matter Content
Literal visible image in a work Includes the connotative, symbolic, and
e.g. still life, portrait landscape etc. suggestive aspects of the image
Communication of ideas, feelings and
reactions connected with the subject
Prepared by:
Lesson 6
(The Visual Arts: A Feast for the Eyes)
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the student is expected to:
1. Consolidate relevant concepts to plan for a production
2. Design a production using available materials and appropriate techniques
3. Conceptualize contemporary art based on techniques and performance practices in their
4. Apply artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation;
5. Incorporate contemporary characteristics to one’s creation with attention to detail;
6. Create the intended final product using appropriate materials for the best possible output.
What I need to know
1. What is Painting?
Painting is the application of paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface. It is the
art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments.
Pigments are vegetable or mineral extracts which make up the coloring matter of paint.
The prepared pigment is mixed with the vehicle which is liquid part.
2. Functions of Painting
Paintings in the museums preserves for its historical value
To symbolize present situations
Used for office and home decoration
Have impact to us, we feel and understand what the painter is trying to convey and
resembles part of personality
3. Painting Media
1. Acrylic paint – is a synthetic paint, with pigments dispersed in a synthetic vehicle made
from polymerized acrylic acid esters, the most important of which polymethyl
2. Encaustic – is a medium, technique or process of painting with molten wax, resin, and
pigments that are fused after application into a continuous layer and fix to a support
with heat, and achieves lustrous enamel appearance.
3. Fresco – is a method of painting on plaster, either dry or wet.
4. Gouache – is a heavy, opaque watercolor paint, sometimes body color, producing a less
wet-appearing and more strongly colored picture than ordinary watercolor.
5. Magna paint – are permanent pigments ground in an acrylic resin with solvent and
6. Oil Paint – is a slow drying paint made when pigments are mixed with an oil, linseed oil
being most traditional.
7. Pastel – is an art medium in the form of stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and
a binder.
8. Tempera – is a paint and process involving an egg emulsion of oil and water.
9. Watercolor – any paint that uses water as a solvent.
4. Elements of Painting
1. Distance – it is important to train oneself to look at each of these distance one after
other consecutively.
a. Foreground
b. Background
c. Middle ground
2. Color
a. Hue – is the name of any color as found in its pure state in the spectrum or
rainbow, or that aspect of any color
b. Value - refers to the brightness or darken of a color.
c. Intensity - is the brightness or dullness of a hue or color
Warm colors – red, yellow and orange
Cool colors – blue, green and violet
Neutral colors – black, white and gray
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School
Senior High School Department