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7641 Assignment 2 Fall 2024

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CS7641 Assignment 2

Randomized Optimization
Fall 2024

1 Assignment Weight
The assignment is worth 15% of the total points.
Read everything below carefully as this assignment has changed term-over-term.

2 Objective
The purpose of this project is to explore random search. As always, it is important to realize that understanding
an algorithm or technique requires more than reading about that algorithm or even implementing it. One should
actually have experience seeing how it behaves under a variety of circumstances.
As such, you will be asked to implement several randomized search algorithms. In addition, you will be asked
to exercise your creativity in coming up with problems that exercise the strengths of each method.
You may program in any language that you wish insofar as you feel the need to program. As always, it is your
responsibility to make sure that we can actually recreate your narrative.
Please note, this class implements changes to the assignments term-over-term as we are calibrating the course
incrementally. Please read through everything, even if you are submitting work from a previous semester as the
requirements will likely have changed.

3 Procedure

3.1 The Problems You Give Us

You must implement three local random search algorithms. They are:

1. Randomized hill climbing

2. Simulated annealing
3. A genetic algorithm

You will then create two optimization problem domains. For the purpose of this assignment an ”optimization
problem” is a fitness function one is trying to maximize (as opposed to a cost function one is trying to minimize).
This choice doesn’t make the problem easier or harder, but picking one of the dualities maintains consistent
grading. Please note that the problems you create should be over discrete-valued parameter spaces. Bit strings
are preferable.
You will apply all three search techniques to these two optimization problems. The first problem should highlight
advantages with simulated annealing, and the second should discuss the genetic algorithm. Be creative and
thoughtful. It is not required that the problems be overly-complicated or painful long in runtime. They can
be simple. For example, the 4-peaks and k-color problems are rather straightforward, but illustrate relative
strengths rather neatly.

Extra Credit Opportunity:
There is an opportunity to add 5 points of extra credit. In addition to the above algorithms, you will also
implement an additional search algorithm, MIMIC, to the second optimization problem as a comparison to
the genetic algorithm. To receive full points, you need to give a visualization or measure with reasonable
explanation. This is not mandatory and may require more time for proper analysis.

3.2 The Problems Given to You

In addition to analyzing discrete optimization problems, you will also use the first three algorithms to find good
weights for a neural network. In particular, you will use them instead of backprop for the neural network you
used in Assignment 1 on at least one of the problems you created for Assignment 1. Notice that this part of
the assignment is about an optimization problem and about supervised learning problems. That means that
looking at only the loss or only the accuracy will not tell you the whole story. You will need to integrate your
knowledge on optimization problem analysis and supervised learning nuances to craft a detailed report.
Below are common pitfalls:

• The weights in a neural network are continuous and real-valued instead of discrete so you might want to
think a little bit about what it means to apply these sorts of algorithms in such a domain.
• There are different loss and activation functions for NNs. If you use different libraries across your assign-
ments, you either need to make sure those are the same or retune your model using the new library.

3.3 Experiments and Analysis

Including consideration from your Assignment 1 report for experiments and analysis, your Assignment 2 report
should contain:

• The results you obtained running the algorithms on the networks. Why did you get the results you did?
What sort of changes might you make to each of those algorithms to improve performance? Supporting
graphs and/or tables should be included to help with arguments and strengthen hypotheses.
• A description of your optimization problems, and why you feel that they are interesting and exercise
the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Think hard about this. To be interesting the problems
should be non-trivial on the one hand, but capable of admitting comparisons and analysis of the various
algorithms on the other.
• You must contain a hypothesis about the optimization problems. Must like the previous assignment, this
is open-ended. Whatever hypothesis you choose, you will need to back it up with experimentation and
thorough discussion. It is not enough to just show results.
• Understanding of each algorithm’s tuning for selected hyperparameter ranges. Please experiment with
more than one hyperparameter and make sure the results and subsequent analysis you provide are mean-
ingful. You are required to state your optimal parameters with rationale but not explicitly required to
include graphs.
• Analyses of your results. Why did you get the results you did? Compare and contrast the different
algorithms. What sort of changes might you make to each of those algorithms to improve performance?
How fast were they in terms of wall clock time? Iterations? Would cross validation help? How much
performance was due to the problems you chose? Which algorithm performed best? How do you define
best? Be creative and think of as many questions you can, and as many answers as you can.

Analysis writeup is limited to 8 pages. The page limit does include your citations. Anything past 8 pages
will not be read. Please keep your analysis as concise while still covering the requirements of the assignment.
As a final check during your submission process, download the submission to double check everything looks
correct on Canvas. Try not wait until the last minute to submit as you will only be tempting Murphy’s Law.
In addition, your report must be written in LaTeX on Overleaf. You can create an account with your
Georgia Tech email (e.g. gburdell3@gatech.edu). When submitting your report, you are required to include
a ’READ ONLY’ link to the Overleaf Project. If a link is not provided in the report or Canvas submission
comment, 5 points will be deduced from your score. Do not share the project directly with the Instructor or
TAs via email. For a starting template, please use the IEEE Conference template.

Update for Fall 2024
The resticted datasets from A1 will be true for this assignment. Since you are more focused on the optimzation
aspect, you should not need to worry about switching up the data. Same rules apply to this assignment, ff
these datasets are used in your assignments, we will not grade the reports, and you will receive a zero for the
assignment. Double-check that the data set used is not on this list from A1.

3.4 Acceptable Libraries

Here are a few examples of acceptable libraries. You can use other libraries as long as they fulfill the conditions
mentioned above.
Machine learning libraries:

• mlrose-hiive (python) https://pypi.org/project/mlrose-hiive/

• ABAGAIL (java) https://github.com/pushkar/ABAGAIL
• pyperch (python) https://github.com/jlm429/pyperch


• matplotlib (python)

• seaborn (python)
• yellowbrick (python)
• ggplot2 (R)

4 Submission Details
The due date is indicated on the Canvas page for this assignment. Make sure you have set your
timezone in Canvas to ensure the deadline is accurate. We are in the Eastern Time Zone for the course.
Due Date: Indicated as “Due” on Canvas
Late Due Date [20 point penalty per day]: Indicated as “Until” on Canvas.
You must submit:

• A file named README.txt containing instructions for running your code (see note below)

• A file named yourgtaccount-analysis.pdf containing your writeup (GT account is what you log in with,
not your all-digits ID)
• Your source code in your personal repository on Georgia Tech’s private GitHub.

You may submit the assignment as many times as you wish up to the due date, but, we will only consider your
last submission for grading purposes.
Note: we need to be able to get to your code and your data. Providing entire libraries isn’t necessary when a
URL would suffice; however, you should at least provide any files you found necessary to change and enough
support and explanation so we can reproduce your results on a standard linux machine.

5 Feedback Requests
When your assignment is scored, you will receive feedback explaining your errors and successes in some level of
detail. This feedback is for your benefit, both on this assignment and for future assignments. It is considered
a part of your learning goal to internalize this feedback. We strive to give meaningful feedback with a human
interaction at scale. We have a multitude of mechanisms behind the scenes to ensure grading consistency with

meaningful feedback. This can be difficult, however sometimes feedback isn’t always as clear as you need. If
you are confused by a piece of feedback, please start a private thread on Ed and we will jump in to help clarify.
Previously, we have had a different rescore policy in this class which usually resulted in the same grade or lower.
Many times there is a disconnect between what may be important or may have been missed in analysis. For
this reason, we will not be conducting any rescore requests this term.

6 Plagiarism and Proper Citation

The easiest way to fail this class is to plagiarize. Using the analysis, code or graphs of others in this class
is considered plagiarism. The assignments are designed to force you to immerse yourself in the empirical and
engineering side of ML that one must master to be a viable practitioner and researcher. It is important that you
understand why your algorithms work and how they are affected by your choices in data and hyperparameters.
The phrase ”as long as you participate in this journey of exploring, tuning, and analyzing” is key. We take this
very seriously and you should too.
What is plagiarism?
If you copy any amount of text from other students, websites, or any other source without proper attribution,
that is plagiarism. The most common form of plagiarism is copying definitions or explanations from wikipedia
or similar websites. We use an anti-cheat tool to find out which parts of the assignments are your own and
there is a near 100 percent chance we will find out if you copy or paraphrase text or plots from online articles,
assignments of other students (even across sections and previous courses), or website repositories.
What does it mean to be original?
In this course, we care very much about your analysis. It must be original. Original here means two things: 1)
the text of the written report must be your own and 2) the exploration that leads to your analysis must be your
own. Plagiarism typically refers to the former explicitly, but in this case it also refers to the latter explicitly.
It is well known that for this course we do not care about code. We are not interested in your working out the
edge cases in k-nn, or proving your skills with python. While there is some value in implementing algorithms
yourselves in general, here we are interested in your grokking the practice of ML itself. That practice is about
the interaction of algorithms with data. As such, the vast majority of what you’re going to learn in order to
master the empirical practice of ML flows from doing your own analysis of the data, hyper parameters, and so
on; hence, you are allowed to steal ML code from libraries but are not allowed to steal code written explicitly
for this course, particularly those parts of code that automate exploration. You will be tempted to just run said
code that has already been overfit to the specific datasets used by that code and will therefore learn very little.
How to cite:
If you are referring to information you got from a third-party source or paraphrasing another author, you need
to cite them right where you do so and provide a reference at the end of the document [Col]. Furthermore,
“if you use an author’s specific word or words, you must place those words within quotation marks and you
must credit the source.” [Wis]. It is good style to use quotations sparingly. Obviously, you cannot quote other
people’s assignment and assume that is acceptable. Speaking of acceptable, citing is not a get-out-of-jail-free
card. You cannot copy text willy nilly, but cite it all and then claim it’s not plagiarism just because you cited it.
Too many quotes of more than, say, two sentences will be considered plagiarism and a terminal lack of academic
Your README file will include pointers to any code and libraries you used.
If we catch you. . .
We report all suspected cases of plagiarism to the Office of Student Integrity. Students who are under investi-
gation are not allowed to drop from the course in question, and the consequences can be severe, ranging from
a lowered grade to expulsion from the program.

7 Version Control
• v1.0 - 08/22/2024 - TJL finalized A2 for Fall 2024 term.

[Col] Williams College. Citing Your Sources: Citing Basics. url: https://libguides.williams.edu/citing.
[Wis] University of Wisconsin - Madison. Quoting and Paraphrasing. url: https : / / writing . wisc . edu /

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