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Unit 1
Introduction to psychology: What is psychology - Psychology of Adolescents: Adolescence and
its characteristics- Developmental task – social change – Morality, family relationship, personality changes- hazards of adolescence. Unit 2 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology: Nature of psychological disorders – Types of psychological disorders: Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum, Obsessive Compulsion Disorder and Stress related Disorders, Somatic Symptom Disorders and Dissociative Disorders, Substance related and Additive Disorders Unit 3 Emotional Intelligence: Nature of Emotions – Physiological basis of emotions - Managing Emotions – Emotional Intelligence- - Cognitive basis of emotions. Components of Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social skills. Dimensions of Emotional intelligence- Developing Emotional Intelligence - Measuring EI Unit 4 Perception: From Sensory process to perception – Perceptual process. Personality: Basic Concept of Personality – Biological and socio cultural determinants – Genetic influence – Sigmund freud’s psycho analysis – Erikson Psycho social theory. Unit 5 Learning: Principle of learning - Memory -Types of learning – Improving learning- . principles of reinforcement, techniques for improving study skills. Self-analysis through SWOT, Maslow’s hierarchy of motivation, importance of self-esteem and enhancement of self-esteem. Text Books 1. Clifford T.Morgan, Richard A.King, John R.Weisz, John Scholpler(1993)- Introduction to Psychology-McGraw Hill Education (India) Private limited, New Delhi. 2. Elizabeth B.Hurlock: Developmental Psychology – A life span approach, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, (5th Edition),1981 3. Daniel Goleman (1996). Emotional Intelligence- Why it can Matter More than IQ. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group References: 1. Baron A. Robert, ”Psychology”, Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi 2001 2. Henry E.Garrett , Columbia University(2014) - General Psychology ,Surjeeth Publications, Delhi