Spring Problems
Spring Problems
Spring Problems
1. A coil spring has 10 coils. The ends are squared and ground. Determine the number of active coils.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
2. A coil spring has 10 coils. The ends are squared. Determine the number of active coils.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
3. The solid and working deflection of a coil spring are 12 mm and 10 mm, respectively. Determine the clash
A. 15 % B. 20 % C. 25 % D. 10 %
4. A coil spring has a free length of 350 mm and solid length of 338 mm. Determine the working deflection if the
clash allowance is 20 %.
A. 10 mm B. 15 mm C. 20 mm D. 5 mm
5. A helical coil spring has a wire diameter 1/8 inch and a spring index of 8. Determine the outer diameter of the coil.
6. A helical coil spring has a mean diameter of 1 inch and a wire diameter of 1/8 inch. Determine the stress
concentration factor.
7. A helical coil spring has a mean coil diameter of 1 inch and a wire diameter of 1/8 inch. The maximum stress is 60
ksi and the stress concentration factor is 1.19. Determine the direct shear load it can support.
8. A helical coil spring has a mean coil diameter of 1 inch and a wire diameter of 1/8 inch. It can support a load of
38.7 lb. Determine the number of the active coils if the axial deflection is 1 inch (G = 12.5 x 10 6 psi).
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
9. A coil spring is to have a spring index of 6 and is to deflect 1/2 inch under a load of 50 lb. The shear modulus of
elasticity is 12 x 103 ksi and the spring have 12 active coils. Find the mean diameter of the coil.
10. A helical steel spring has a maximum load of 800 lb and a corresponding deflection of 2 inches, If it has 8 active
coils and an index of 6, what minimum shear strength of the spring material is required?
11. A helical spring is compressed by 30 mm. The spring scale is 18 kN/m while its allowable shear stress is 345 MPa
and the spring index is 8. What is the diameter of the spring wire?
12. A coil spring is subjected to a direct shear load of 40 kN. The deflection caused was 254 mm. Determine the
spring gradient.
A. 60 mm B. 70 mm C. 75 mm D. 80 mm
14. Three extension springs are hooked in parallel and supports a load of 0.45 kN. One spring is rated at 0.009 kN/mm
and the two other springs are rated each at 0.018 kN/mm. Determine the deflection of the load.
A. 5 mm B. 15 mm C. 10 mm D. 20 mm
15. Three extension springs supports a load of 0.45 kN. One spring has a constant of 0.09 kN/mm is in series with
two springs in parallel each has a constant of 0.18 kN/mm. Determine the deflection of the load.
16. A three extension coil springs are hooked in series that support a single weight of 100 kg. The first spring is rated
at 0.40 kg/mm and the other two springs are rated at 0.64 kg/mm. Compute the total deflection.
17. Compute the maximum deflection of a 20 coils helical spring having a load of 75 kg. The spring is a squared and
ground ends with a modulus of elasticity in shear of 79.84 GPa, outside diameter of 101.6 mm, wire diameter of
9.525 mm.
18. A high alloy spring having squared and ground ends and has a total of 16 coils and modulus of elasticity in shear
of 85 GPa. Compute the Wahl’s factor. The spring outside diameter is 9.66 cm and wire diameter is 0.65 cm.
19. A helical spring having squared and grounds ends has a total of 18 coils and its material has modulus of elasticity
in shear of 78.910 GPa. If the spring has an outside diameter of 10.42 cm and a wire diameter of 0.625 cm, compute
the maximum deflection that can be produced in the spring due to a load of 50 kg.
20. A coiled spring with 5 cm of outside diameter is required to work under the load of 190 N. The wire diameter is
5 mm, the spring is to have 6 active coils and the ends are to be closed and grounds. Determine the total number of
coils. The modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa and the mean radius is to be 23 mm, with 7 mm pitch of spring.
21. Compute the deflection of an 18 coils helical spring having a load of 100 kg. The modulus of elasticity in shear of
spring is 96.62 GPa, OD of 9.256 cm and with a wire diameter of 9.525 mm. The spring is squared and ground ends.
A. 9 cm B. 101 mm C. 11 mm D. 14 mm
22. A spring with 12 active coils and a spring index of 9 supports a static load of 220 N with a deflection of 12 mm.
The shear modulus of the spring material is 83 GPa. What is the theoretical wire diameter?
A. 18 mm B. 16 mm C. 14 mm D. 20 mm
23. All four compression coil spring support one load of 400 kg. All four springs are arranged in parallel and rated
same at 0.709 kg/mm. Compute the deflection in mm.
25. An elevator falls freely due to cable failure which strikes and deflects a coil spring which has a resisting force of
36 kN. The maximum induced stress is 352 MPa. Find the wire diameter in mm. Assume that the spring index is 7.
A. 41 mm B. 47 mm C. 44 mm D. 50 mm
26. A weight of 160 lb falls from a height of 2.5 ft to the center of a horizontal platform mounted on four helical
springs. At impact each spring deflects 3 inches. Calculate the wire diameter if the maximum design stress is 60,000
psi and spring index of 5.
27 – 31.
A spring is designed to fire a 2 kilogram projectile. The outside diameter of the coil is 160 mm with an 18
mm wire and a total of 22 coils squared and ground. The spring has a free length of 650 mm. When set or loaded
the spring is compressed to a length of 450 mm. The shear elastic limit of the spring material is 580 MPa with a shear
modulus of elasticity of 82 GN/m2. Determine: