Series Full - Highschool Drama
Series Full - Highschool Drama
Series Full - Highschool Drama
Authors Note
Episode 1- A single life
Episode 2- Going back to the UNKNOWN
Episode 3- Is it friendship?
Episode 4- Handling Asher
Episode 5- At the party
Episode 6- The Contagious Attraction
Episode 7- That night… Love or Below?
Authors Note...
Teenagers could be playful around, but honestly being
romantic and bringing romance in to the life of a teen is a
complex theory.
Though now a days we see so many relationships around, one
could be for name’s sake and one could a real-life situation.
Teens go through a pretty lot in this generation. Not goanna
lie, how many of them will be crying and going to bed or
depressed in their lives. One main thing that adults and
parents should understand is-
Others, its love, I mean that they didn’t receive that affection
from others. Yet, there is also another story of getting
attracted and having a crush. But I feel when parents get far
away from their child, the love goes away. This where
attraction arises and I’m completely being honest. In my life
I’ve seen real – life examples and found a conclusion to it.
Though those teens do not really know the actual reason, by
from their past I can find that love and affection from their
friends or parents weren’t a great hand for them.
So, I totally support the fact when a girl is going thru a lot.
I’ve never changed anyone’s life, but I did resolve their small
problems in life that were troubling a lot. I’m not a good
advisor, but I do think that I’d be a better one helping teens
in this way.
Amyra had suffered through many friendship breakups and hurtful moments. She
was hunting and exploring that one friend who she wanted always to remain in her
heart. But that one person to find wasn't an easy choice. She studied in a unisex
school. After a certain grade, boys and girls are separated. But her first best friend
was a boy. A boy named 'Asher'. Amyra, now a 17-year-old, had no connections and
had forgotten about this relation until she came across pictures and memories with
him laughing and happy. Her parents and his parents were family friends but when
she reached a certain age, they slowly started to separate from them to avoid any
other complications between them. But Amyra had a deep thought. After she had
gone through a million hurtful moments in her life, from Shreya who had left her
from Middle school to France and Alysa who fooled and betrayed her while Kiara and
herself having to handle Bethany from intervening their bond.
Amyra had a tough life. A life she concluded that no one was meant for her. But now
as Kiara had entered her life, the doubt started to grow bigger and bigger. Will she
ever leave me? was the biggest question. Amyra didn’t want to face another
depression phase. She hardly accepted change from relationships... Especially when
she trusted someone who was the closest, that is when betrayal started its game.
When Bethany intervened in every part of their moments, Amyra didn't stand her.
She had nights tearing and writing in her diary on how her life with Kiara should be
safeguarded. It soon triggered her so much, even she didn’t have the guts to go and
say Kiara how she feels about all of this. Amyra was scared that she will have to
face betrayal the 1.1 millionth time... But she only had one person she had to go
back to.
Episode 2
~Going back to the UNKNOWN~
"Seriously, the one who is sitting in front of you in Miss Hannah's Tuition class"
Amyra texted.
"Oh, I see. Where do you want to meet? At Starbucks will be nice" texts back Asher.
"And one more thing, let's keep this a secret, don't tell your parents, okay?" Amyra
"Very funny, just shut and come as I say." Amyra replied rolling her eyes
"See you, Ash, and my name is Amyra." She replied shaking her head
Amyra asked Asher, "What part of let’s keep this a secret didn’t u understand, nor
did I tell you to invite anyone."
"Aye you! Shall I call Kiara to have coffee?" Amyra told his friend.
Amyra said in her mind, "It's not fine, I want to be alone with Asher."
She said, "You know what, I am calling her, you guys meeting up at a restaurant
nearby and just don't tell all of this okay, please!"
Amyra called Kiara and told her all of this and she immediately said yes.
Then she chased out his friend and Asher asked, "Why do you always start a
“Are you trying to flirt with me?" with a smirk
Amyra said disgusted, "Excuse me KID, I wanted to meet you for something else,
not for a date. FYI u aint even registered as a man least of all a boy to me in the first
Asher says "make sense why u called me kid, okay okay, Cut to the chase what’s up
Amyra, says " Do you remember the times we were best friends when we were in
preschool and Kindergarten ryt? U know my mom used to say that you were the
only one that I'd be friends with and have fun with with, if you were absent in school
school, I’d cry for that too, have you seen any pictures of us? How happy our lives
Asher, I came to you seeking that you r my 1st best friend, coz I am going through
trauma these past months and even years. No one has lookup to me as friend than
u did when we were small. I can't even open up to my best friend so I decided to
come to you.
We have met in so many parties and gatherings but we haven't spoken to each
other as a friend because of our parents. But Asher, why did we separate? It wasn't
a friendship breakup did you know that? “I explained with my eyes tearing up
Asher goes like" Hey hey, why are you tearing, don't pls!"
Amyra continues, "Asher, my life with my friends isn’t that easy. After we separated
to girls and boys, that is when friendship hurtled me so much. People betrayed me,
left me and currently intervening with my best friend"
" I actually dont even feel the guts to go and talk to her, coz I’m scared that I’d face
another betrayal. I can't open this to my parents too, they'd thing that for these
small problems it’s like the world is ending for me" "But what clicked is to tell you
when I accidently scrolled pictures of you and me in my mom’s phone, I thought
that you probably forgot me and you wouldn’t remember the moments we
cherished together and laughed together as well. However, I decided to tell the
traumatic life I had because I think my little self would tell it to you too"
Asher asks "What are you really going through Amyra, tell me its fine"
"Asher, I had night crying seeking that no one wants to be friends with me and
trust me. They think I am the snitch of the class while im not, they r jealous of my,
as I gained all teachers trust, they think that im too good... But Asher, I have a life
too. I am so sensitive to this friendship things. But now currently I am having a
speck of connection with Kiara like a sister. She has stood up for me, been my
occupier, my teacher and the one who had my back all the time. But this thing is
slowly stating to fade away considering Bethany who's trying to ruin it. I am
scared. I am scared that I am going to feel a loss. “That’s why I had you as an
option to tell.
Asher comforts her, " See u want me to go confront her? I’ll do it, I’ll do whatever
makes you happy. and for your record I didn't forget you. Ur my friend, a friend I
knew until now. I have seen u everywhere in parties, tuitions but we didn't have that
guts to speak, because we were brought up like that No boys in your life and No
girls in my life. I know now your mentally affected, from your past life and currently
what you’re facing now.
What I can remember is your just my classmate for now and a friend in the past, but
I didn’t know that you'd come up to me like this"
Amyra replies "Confronting her? No, that would be a bad idea, see whatever it is,
this is between me and you, our parents shouldn’t know that we met, we act like
strangers, and Asher, thank you thank you for being there for me, plus you haven’t
changed a bit Asher” when Amyra was friends with him...
Asher says, "Its nothing bro, just felt bad ...So, I’ll take my leave, it getting dark shall
I drop u off?"
"No no its fine I’ll take the taxi" said Amyra, "The least is I cud do to comfort you I
insist come a free ride wouldn’t cost u anything ryt" asked Asher. "Aye stop playing
around, Okay I’ll come, but drop me of few blocks away, I dont want my parents to
see me getting off a random person’s car"
Episode 3
~Is it friendship?~
That night Amyra felt relieved. She felt like as if something had sunken into the
ocean of her life. It is always said, "when you keep things inside , it hurts alot. But
when you let it go, that is when u face episode of life called 'freedom'" Though
Amyra had betrayel issues , she also had pressure in studies and a hard push from
her parents. Amyra had a tough life on balancing work and home life. She'd always
thought "Why can't i be happy like how happy i am in this picture when i am small?
Why is it so hard to be teenage girl? Why cant anyone understand for who I am?"
"Yup doin good, whats with the sudden visit grl?" said Amyra
Amyra narrated on how she felt and what's triggering her so much. It's like she
finally opened to the most wonderful people in their life , Asher & Kiara.
Kiara reveals the truth, "Actually, Asher called me the other day, to help you as he
told that you r going thru a hard time with your parents as well as handling Bethany.
Thats why i decided to come today to ask. Just know you can trust me okay. You
know how much i adore you right. You are my world. I don't know what will i do
without my weido. You just are a bunch of smile and laughter. Tell me whatever you
want to, ill try my best to keep my baby grl happy"
Amyra told" Awwh Kiara , i knew i could count on you , u just thought me the deep
meaning of our special bonds. Can we hug it out"
Kiara hugs Amyra and that's when all settles of. She had no idea of Asher had a
back on helping her.
Later that evening, Amyra had to attend Miss Hannah class. She spotted Asher
alone standing beside a tree waiting for others to go in. Amyra ran with a speed as
her dress flew like wings and her hair like a spread of a peacock to hug him. He was
shocked, tensed and didnt know what to do.
"Umm sorry asher, im sorry, i didnt mean to.Embaressingly uttered Amyra. I coudn't
help it but thank you in way of helping. You have no idea how this means to me. Just
forget abt the hug, sometimes i cannot control myself. okay!"
Asher, " That was fast, damn!, Okay okay, as i said anything for my friend to be
happy" Right! At that moment Miss Hanah opened the door and they all went in.
A text from Asher. "Can we meet after class?" And Amyra physically gives a side -
eye look to the asher who sits behind her.
"What do you want? , My problems are okay now, why do wanna meet? If r parents
find out we r done" amyra texts back.
"See if it abt the hug I'm sorry, dont take that in another way" Amyra sends again..
"I have to say yes for all your meet and keep it a secret from our parents, but when i
ask you that is when our parents will out hah?" Asher texts her.
"what the hell r u talking abt, ru mad. Asher i'm sorry i sent you the wrong signal. I
am not intrested. Please lets please keep it as friends. I dont want to be in a
relationship and i have never been with also" emotionally Amyra sends HIM.
"Oh ma god, u take things pretty srs.I was joking can u just come , please, im sorry
for sending that seesh" replied Asher
" Okay I am coming coz i trust you , u better keep it" texts back Amyra.
"See you soon then at Starbucks same place like b4 with a wink emoji" Sends Asher.
" Stop playin around or else i wont come. Okay see u (GOD PLEASE HELP ME FROM
THIS WEIDO)!" Sends Amyra.
After Miss Hanah's Tuition class, Everyone bid farewell to Miss Hanah, and levaes the
class. "Shall i pick up and lets go together" Sends Asher
"Asher , I'll come in a taxi, just leaver... I am already pissed that your calling me for
no reason" replies back amyra.
Both of them meets up, orders their favorite coffee and Amyra says,
" Calm down my child, Just wanna check up on you whether your okay not!" said
"Didn't u just check up on me right b4 class?, why r u acting weird?" Amyra asked
"I just wanna have chit chat with you thats it" Asked Asher
" ASHER ! , this is not the time for a chit chat. I called u for the reason, i thought u
as friend , u just think that im a simple dork to act for all your nonsense. Asher
whats up with you. U know what meeting with you was incorrect at the first place."
screamed Amyra
"But Nooooo" trying to stop Amyra from screaming and wanting her to listen to him"
" Enough of your buts, Thank you for arranging this "so called date" and please stop
sending me vibes to hangout with you. dont ever think of texting, see im blocking
you infront of yourface. I knew this wud happen at the moment when send that
messsage..." aggressively Amyra told.
Amyra took her order and stormed out of the cafe immediately. Asher tried to stop
her but she continued her to walk away...
Immediately at that moment, Amyra started to greive. She was very very
dissapointed with him. She quickly phoned Kiara, and told her to pick her up. During
that call, Kiara asked was she okay? but Amyra replied, No I am not , a lot happened
, Come theres a lot to tell. While waiting, Amyra coudn't just stop thinking of what
Asher thought about her. She just questioned god " Why me? Why did he do this to
me, i really do not know what kind of intensions he had but i thought he was a really
sweet and a good guy. Why would he do these kind of nonsense?" Then she hears a
scream from far away , "AMYRA AMYRA , Can you please wait?"
Amyra knew who it was. She just ignored, and continued to greive upon what
happened. She coudn't control her tears. As said , Amyra is easily affected by her
freinds who ever hurted her. He came near to her, held her hand, "Amyra I'm really
sorry, just come in we can fix" . Immediately Amyra grabbed her hand out of his and
cried and screamed at him , "So now u wanna fix it hah? U know its true what they
say, Sugar and Salt tastes the same. Watch who your going for. You just thankfully
proved it. Asher, Just know that I actually thought that you were sweet and a
companion to me, but you lost all my faith menas you lost trust."
Asher says" I was playing around Amyra, Just stop being dramatic and listen, we'll
be friends okay.."
"Asher just leave, i do not want you even the next minute here, JUST LEAVE!"
Kiara arrived and Amyra just stormed at his face. Amyra narrated what happened at
the cafe and showed the textx that he sent. She also mentioned that she accidently
hugged him for saving her life. Though All her issues are solved, Amyra enters a
phase that every teenage girl would face... But she is never an easy going person to
flirt with or someone she can go for a lets say"Love at first sight". She is strong with
her intensions and didn't have options to choose from, but she had this thing, she
wants a person who she saw the heart and find that true chemistry and bond
between each other..
Now she wasn't focused in that phase of life, but what annoys her the most is , the
guys think that girls are only made for love and romance... For a simple talk or a
simple hangout makes them think that girls are like this which she completely
Moreover, Later Kiara consoled her and made her feel better. But Amyra was
pondering deep about it and also had a small percentage of fear that triggered that
will her parents get to know this secret meet. Amyra tried to stay calm and wrote
this incident in her diary. Well, it was yet another frienship break with a
misunderstanding of being something beyond frienship between Amyra and Asher.
Few days later, Mr and Mrs Anderson , Amyra's Parents, gets invited to a party by
Asher's Parents. When Amyra heard about it, she knew she was going to face her
devil for the rest of that day. Amyra and Kiara had a good fashion sense.Kiara came
over to help her and console her on going to the party. It was a Thursday where
they, were invited to Asher's Party. On that day, Mrs.Anderson rushes to Amyra's
room and says "Amyra, Its actually
Ashers bday party, dress something nice and elegant not a pant and t shirt." Amyra
says , "Does this day have to get any worse?" Kiara says,"You do have a blue party
frock yah?, wear that you'll be the stunning queen of that crowd" Amyra
replies"FINE, uhhh. I'll wear that."
Well, well , Amyra was a beautiful princess that night. When Mr Anderson’s Family
arrived at the party, Asher’s Parents warmly welcomed them. Amyra was nervous
and Asher’s mom said, “Oh, my darling princess, looking good, how r you?” Amyra
replied, “Aww thank you aunty, I’m doing well”
Asher’s Mom proceeded to walk them to the sitting area, there was a huge crowd
and some of Amyra’s juniors and seniors from school came too. She binds with
people easily, so it was jackpot for her. She knew that her night was gonna be an
epic one!
While she was walking with her mom, she spots Asher approaching on the opposite
side of her. She stood up straight and didn’t bother giving eye contact, but this guy
was kept looking as if it was Niagara Falls in Canada. She gave a complete side eye,
and immediately he turned away pretending that he didn’t see this goddess angel.
On his side of thought, Asher’s mind was still on the toxic side. He badly had a crush
on Amyra at the first meeting thinking that she had that feeling too. Poor him, it was
only a onesided love. But he didn’t stop, until she adores him passionately, he
would continue to send vibes too get the opposite attraction.
Episode 5
~At the party~
Asher and his friends were hanging out, while Amyra and the girls were chatting,
more than spilling tea. Amyra knew people that her classmates weren’t going to be
there so, before she left her house, she phoned Kiara to attend the party. Kiara’s
parents know Asher’s dad in work matters so its fine to have over. And plus, Kiara
wouldn’t miss it, if it was seeing her boyfriend. Yes, he was there too, Asher’s friend!
Around 30 mins later, Kiara texted me that she was there, and I went to the gate to
welcome her. Amyra couldn’t believe her eyes; she was matching her from top to
Kiara asked, “My dear twin how do I look?”, Amyra replied, “Absolutely gorgeous my
love.” “Oh my god there he comes; well, he doesn’t know that I’d be coming” Kiara
excitedly said.
“Quickly come inside, I have an idea, Let’s surprise him” Amyra dragged her in.
“Okay , so your gonna text him saying “ Turn behind from where ever ur staying”,
and u’ll be standing, then u ask , who’s standing, lets see his romantic reply.” Amyra
narrated the idea
“Amyra, why didn’t you find your guy yet, you have the most passionate ideas bro,
now c’mon lets play” Kiara asked.
Amyra says , “Coaches don’t play in the game” , and continued to set the scene.
Kiara texted him, and he was shocked and froze to see her.
“Awww , Thank you sweetie pie.., When ur coming to hangout?, I know ur with ur
friends but a small secret walk wont hurt yah” Kiara asked.
“Well I can ditch these fellows saying that its an emergency an leave for u” he
“I did drove and came in Amyra’s car, we can use that and go somewhere but like
after dinner k?” kiara asked again.
“No prob , anything for little princess, until then I can’t take eyes off you, go hide
somewhere now b4 I drag u with me” he eagerly replied.
“Wooah calm down chill, people r around, k then see u , and stop staring ,
sometimes you’ll go blind” Kiara replied funnily
“Bye, and stop staring , I can see u watching me for ages” Kiara replied.
Amyra was enjoying their romantic texts and said “Kiara you two are the most
perfect match, srsly, dating secretly and having that chemistry is truly a luckiest
thing you have”
Kiara smiled, “One day you’ll have this thing too, dw”
“Funny okay c’mon lets go have fun” Amyra said.
While Amyra entered the sitting room, her mom called her, and asked to handover
the gift to Asher, while wishing him “Happy Birthday”. At first, she refused, but her
mom didn’t agree, she said “go with Kiara and hand the gift what’ so hard in that?”,
Amyra aggressively replied, “Uhh fine”
Amyra approaches Asher the worst enemy of all, and hands over, and here comes a
reply from Asher, “oooo, someone’s coming back ic”
“Stop flirting will you people r around, you still didn’t learn lesson hah” , Amyra
being ignorant replied.
“I will definitely learn the lesson until I find myself taken ” Deeply Asher said.
“OK, go ahead, I don’t care, and don’t even try texting me, I know how many
messages I have unread from today, so stop trying to get me? Btw, Happy birthday
to you monkey!” aggressively Amyra told.
When Amyra left, Asher thought, “Did she just call me a monkey? so she thinks I’m
funny, yk sometimes this cud be a unique way of Amyra trifling with me, who
knows. My first ever crush, the sweetest little pie that I’ve ever seen.
Asher approaches the boys, and they ask, “oooh some1’s smiling happily, whats
up?, where were you, got a another creature too play with”,
Asher, “Guys, not like that, tried my level best but kinda didn’t work but I hope so it
will, but cupid hit me too hard ya’ll, I cant resist the feelings for her.”
Everyone makes fun at him, “Bro, he’s going through a phase of puberty right now.”
Asher says, “Guys enough, messing abt my grl, nahhh, ill hammer you all.”
“So now your showing your guts to us, hah? oh no, becoz his grl is just nearby to
see us being hammered by the so called, ‘MONKEY’ that she called.” The boys
roasted him back.
Guys if you don’t know anything, just all of you shut! – Asher screams loudly and
looks at who turned to saw.
Amyra approached them, “aye, nonsense, there are other people around, don’t you
know that, keep Ur mouth shut a little bit. And besides, instead of playing nonsense
go help ur mother there, she’s been searching you for ages.”
Asher srsly, got embarrassed in front of everyone, the boys couldn’t handle their
laugh and was trying so hard to make the scene funny.
Episode 6
~The Contagious Attraction~
The party continued and the night was reserved for an epic dance floor. All the
guests at the party were banging and dancing with really good moves enjoying the
music while Amyra and Kiara turned their dances into great moves. As the night
progressed at Asher's birthday party, Amyra found herself getting drawn into the
atmosphere despite her earlier reservations. The music was lively, the
conversations were buzzing, and the energy was contagious.
Then an announcement came “Ya’ll here comes the bday boy, give it up for Asher.”
With a dramatic music to make him enter the dance floor.
His entrance was nothing to talk about. Amyra couldn’t catch but she had butterflies
and goosebumps around her. The hottest fit, and the eyes deeper than the ocean,
his smile a sudden beam, made a whole package – meaning boyfriend material.
Amyra took her innocence out for a while, and really, literally, couldn’t believe her
eyes on what ROMEO she saw on Asher.
She whispered to Kiara, “Bro, I haven’t seen Asher like this b4, I didn’t know this
good – toxic look fits his personality”.
Kiara,” So Ur Simping on him ryt now. After treating him this bad”
Amyra, “Bro no I am not, I wud never, he’s an okay type” bluffed Amyra
During that time, Amidst the crowd, she caught glimpses of Asher, his eyes
occasionally finding hers before quickly looking away.
Amyra couldn't shake off the feeling of his gaze lingering on her, and it stirred
something within her that she couldn't quite define. She found herself stealing
glances in his direction more often than she'd like and try to admit, to him but it
really questioned her decision to.
As the night wore on, Amyra and Asher found themselves inadvertently gravitating
towards each other, drawn by an invisible thread of curiosity and attraction. They
engaged in lighthearted banter, exchanging playful teasing and laughter as they
navigated the social dynamics of the party.
At one point, Amyra found herself standing alone by the refreshment table, sipping
on a drink as she watched others enjoy and dance by their side.
Suddenly, she felt a presence beside her and turned to find Asher standing there, a
small smile playing on his lips.
"Hey," he greeted softly, his gaze searching hers. "Mind if I join you?"
Amyra hesitated for a moment before nodding, her heart racing at the proximity
between them.
“So you thought I was pretty mean hah?” Amyra says back
Amyra yet surprised replied, “Coz I’m surrounded with the hottest heart”
“Yes sure , why not” Amyra hopefully replied and was excited.
the atmosphere between them shifted, charged with an undeniable tension. Their
moves were slow and steady, and Amyra was enjoying every part of her move with
Asher. Lets just say that she was intoxicated with the drink, a little, though she
didn’t loose a mind, she was in her senses while playing a little with Asher.
Amyra felt her pulse quicken as Asher's gaze lingered on her lips, and she found
herself leaning in closer, drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain.
And then, in a moment that took both of them by surprise, their lips met in a tender,
hesitant kiss. A kiss made her fall so deeply that she forgot whose air she was
breathing. When they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, Amyra felt a rush
of emotions coursing through her veins.
"I... I didn't expect that," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Asher smiled, his fingers gently brushing against hers as he replied, "Me neither. But
sometimes, the most unexpected moments turn out to be the most unforgettable."
Asher slams her to the wall, grabs her by her waist and continues to look into her
eyes and feel the love cherish upon the skies, and hugged her. “Amyra yk I as
waiting for this particular moment, and for this particular day, just to get my love
onto my hands swaying and feel the warmth with you, never in my life, I had this
kind of adrenaline rush in my body and cannot believe that you fell for me
unexpectedly” whispered Asher to her ears while hugging her.
“You still can’t stop making me uncomfortable around you hah?” Amyra sarcastically
“If you have a choice, I’ll make you comfortable, with another tender moment.
Asher flirts with a smirk.
Episode 7
~That night, Love OR Below ~