Week 2 DLP 2
Week 2 DLP 2
Week 2 DLP 2
I. Learning Objectives:
a. define arguments;
I. Preliminary Activities
A. Greetings
Good morning, class. How are you today? Good morning, Ma’am. We are all doing
I’m so glad to hear that. So, I am expecting that
you will all give your best in our class today. Can Yes, Ma’am.
you do that?
B. Motivation
Let’s do a simple brush up of what we have Ma’am, we have learned how to Identify the Key
learned last meeting. Anyone? Structural Elements of Exposition-Statement of
D. Lesson Proper
Now, let me ask you, do we always agree on No, Ma’am.
anything or everything?
Let’s have our learning objectives first. (A student will raise his/her hand.)
Who wants to read?
Thank you.
May I ask when did you last argue about (Answer of the students may vary.)
Firstly, we have The Conclusion. Who wants to (A student may raise his/her hand.)
read the definition?
When we are writing the conclusion, it must be It has a lot of interpretation and leads to
clear, specific, and free from ambiguities. When we confusion, Ma’am.
say ambiguities, what does it mean?
Exactly! Now, let’s have the second one which is (A student may raise his/her hand.)
The Premise. Who wants to read the definition?
Let’s consider the following examples. Who wants (A student may raise his/her hand.)
to read?
For the first example, we have the conclusion Because they are harmful to one’s physical,
prohibited drugs should be banned. How come? mental, social, and emotional being.
What’s the reason behind?
Lastly, example number three, we have the The medical experts are trying to discover a
reason…. Everybody read. COVID-19 vaccine.
Third, provide supporting arguments and We use facts, statistics, and claims from
evidence. Strengthen your argument with experts.
evidence. What are these pieces of evidence?
E. Application
Do you have any question in mind before we (Questions may vary depending on the
begin? clarifications needed by the students.)
Please take out your ¼ sheet of paper. Read the (Questions may vary depending on the
directions carefully and provide answers only. Any clarifications needed by the students.)
question before you begin?
H. Assignment
Prepared by:
Practice Teacher
English Teacher