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TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan

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Restrictive Housing Plan


Restrictive Housing Plan


There are occasions within a correctional setting when it becomes necessary to place offenders in
restrictive housing to preserve the safety and security of both offenders and staff. The Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) policy, Administrative Directive (AD)-03.50, “Restrictive
Housing” directs the TDCJ to develop a Restrictive Housing Plan which establishes uniform rules and
regulations to guide staff in both the conditions and procedures relating to offenders in restrictive

The TDCJ is fully committed to abide by and enforce the provisions outlined herein, and all employees
are expected to comply with its requirements.

Supersedes: Administrative Segregation Plan, March 2012

Lorie Davis, Director Date

Correctional Institutions Division

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan i August 2019


Restrictive Housing Plan

Table of Contents

DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................2

PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................................................4

I. CATEGORIES OF RESTRICTIVE HOUSING ...........................................................................4

A. Security Detention ...................................................................................................4

B. Pre-Hearing Detention .............................................................................................5

C. Transient Pending the Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation ...............5

II. PLACEMENT PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................6

A. Initial Placement ......................................................................................................6

B. Notification to Medical/Mental Health ....................................................................6

C. Security Detention ...................................................................................................7

D. Pre-Hearing Detention .............................................................................................9

E. Transient Pending the Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation .............10

III. REVIEW PROCEDURES AFTER INITIAL PLACEMENT .......................................................10

A. Review Procedures by the Unit RHC ....................................................................11

B. Review Procedures by the SCC .............................................................................12

C. Hearing Temporarily Suspended ...........................................................................13

D. Special Reviews .....................................................................................................14

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan ii August 2019

IV. STEP-DOWN PROGRAMS ...................................................................................................14

A. Cognitive Intervention Pre-Release Program ........................................................14

B. Mental Health Therapeutic Diversion Program .....................................................14

C. Cognitive Intervention Transition Program ...........................................................14

D. Chronically Mentally Ill Program ..........................................................................14

E. Gang Renouncement and Dissociation Process .....................................................15

F. Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offenders ...................................................15

G. Returning Population Gang Renouncement and Disassociation Process ..............15

H. Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative Program ....................................15


A. Security Threat Group Offenders...........................................................................15

B. General Procedures ................................................................................................16

VI. APPEAL PROCESS ..............................................................................................................16

VII. CONDITIONS.......................................................................................................................17

A. Orientation .............................................................................................................17

B. Housing ..................................................................................................................17

C. Solid Outer Door ....................................................................................................17

D. Cell Fixtures ...........................................................................................................17

E. Recreation ..............................................................................................................18

F. Visitation ................................................................................................................19

G. Telephone Calls......................................................................................................19

H. Meals ....................................................................................................................19

I. Correspondence/Commissary ................................................................................20

J. Property ..................................................................................................................20

K. Personal Hygiene ...................................................................................................23

L. In-Cell Programs ....................................................................................................23

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan iv August 2019
M. In-Cell Correspondence Courses ...........................................................................23

N. Educational Services ..............................................................................................24

O. Other In-Cell Services............................................................................................24

P. Health Care ............................................................................................................24

VIII. MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ............................................................................................24

A. Staffing...................................................................................................................24

B. Housing Practices...................................................................................................25

C. Offender Management Restrictions .......................................................................25

D. Searches ................................................................................................................26

E. Security During Visitation .....................................................................................27

F. General Library ......................................................................................................28

G. Law Library ...........................................................................................................28

H. Parole Interviews ...................................................................................................29

I. Security Measures ..................................................................................................29

J. Visits and Inspections ............................................................................................30

IX. RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................30

A. Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201...................................................30

B. Daily Activity Log, I-216 ......................................................................................32

C. Other Restrictive Housing Records .......................................................................33

D. Unit File .................................................................................................................33

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan iv August 2019


















TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan v August 2019




The purpose of the Restrictive Housing Plan is to provide uniform rules and regulations for the use
of restrictive housing within the TDCJ. This Plan is intended to guide TDCJ staff in matters of both
the conditions and procedures relating to offenders in restrictive housing.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 1 August 2019


“Alternative Meal Service” includes foods provided to comply with the medical, religious, or
security requirements. Alternative meals must be designed to ensure that basic health needs are
met and are provided in strict compliance with policies signed by the Executive Director, Health
Services Director, the registered dietician, and for religious diets, by the appropriate religious

“Cell Search” is a thorough physical examination to verify the structural integrity of all areas of an
offender’s assigned housing area, including the cell door, windows, bars, cell fixtures, locking
mechanisms, door tracks, walls, expanded metal, floors, and food slots if applicable, to ensure these
items have not been tampered with or damaged and to identify any contraband. Offenders shall be
required to exit the cell, so a proper cell search can be conducted.

“Extended Restrictive Housing” is housing that separates an offender from contact with the general
population while confining the offender to a cell for 22 hours or more per day for more than 30 days
for the safe and secure operation of the facility.

“Multidisciplinary Services Team” provides integrated services by assessing an offender’s needs;

developing an individualized plan and ensuring that services are delivered in an effective manner to
assist the inmate in transition to general population or the community, i.e. Unit Classification
Committee. The team may include a facility administrator as well as correctional, treatment, and
program staff.

“Multidisciplinary Treatment Team” provides an integrated team approach to offender care and
treatment. Members meet to develop and provide necessary health and behavioral health care
services and individualized treatment for offenders with emphasis on addressing needs during
confinement in restrictive housing and step-down programs. The team may include psychologists,
psychiatric practitioners, licensed social workers, licensed mental health counselors, registered
nurses, activity therapists, and correctional staff.

“Offender Protection Investigation” (OPI) is a formal administrative investigative report

documenting facts and findings associated with offender-on-offender allegations of sexual abuse,
sexual harassment, extortion, violence, or threats of violence.

“Restrictive Housing Committee” (RHC) is responsible for rendering decisions regarding an

offender’s placement and release from restrictive housing. This committee consists of the following
staff: the warden or designee, captain or above, who shall serve as the chairperson; a lieutenant,
or above, or classification staff; a correctional officer, or above, who is assigned to the restrictive
housing area; and a representative from the medical or mental health department as an additional
member, if needed, who shall function in a consultative capacity for issues impacting the
physical or mental well-being of the offender.

“Step-Down Program” is a program that includes a system of review and establishes criteria to
prepare an offender for transition into general population or the community. Individualized

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 2 August 2019

programs involve a coordinated, multidisciplinary team approach that includes mental health, case
management, and correctional staff. Medical personnel will be part of the multidisciplinary team
when offenders who have chronic care or other significant medical needs participate in the program.

“Treatment Plan” is a written assessment of individual needs, required services, and interventions,
including short-term and long-term goals, measureable outcomes, and the roles of healthcare and
non-healthcare personnel for providing necessary treatment and services in accordance with the
offender’s needs and problem areas.

“Youthful Offender” is an offender who is 17 years old or younger.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 3 August 2019



Restrictive Housing is a non-punitive, maximum custody status involving the separation of

an offender from general population for maintaining safety, security, and order among
offenders, staff, and the public, and includes state jail offenders in special management
custody (SR). An offender is considered to be in restrictive housing any time the offender is
separated from the general population by confinement, by themselves, in a cell for 22 hours
or more each day to preserve the safe and secure operation of the facility. An offender is
considered to be in extended restrictive housing any time the offender is separated from the
general population by confinement in a cell for 22 hours or more each day for more than 30
days to preserve the safe and secure operation of the facility. Offenders in extended
restrictive housing may develop symptoms of acute anxiety or other medical and or mental
health issues; therefore, regular psychological assessment and treatment is necessary to
preserve the behavioral health of these offenders.

For the purpose of this Plan, restrictive housing consists of the following categories:
security detention; pre-hearing detention (PHD); and transient status pending the outcome of
an Offender Protection Investigation (OPI). An offender is not considered to be in
restrictive housing if the offender is separated due to an institutional lockdown; housed on a
non-permanent unit of assignment, including offenders who are housed on a non-permanent
unit of assignment to facilitate transport to and from medical appointments; or separated for
medical or psychiatric care at the direction of a health care provider. At no time shall
restrictive housing be used as punishment for misconduct. Punishment of an offender shall
be assessed and imposed in accordance with the Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for
Offenders. Procedures and standards for medical and psychiatric segregation are governed
by Correctional Managed Health Care (CMHC) policies.

Note: Confinement of pregnant offenders or youthful offenders in extended restrictive

housing is strictly prohibited. An offender will not be placed in restrictive housing on the
basis of Gender Identity alone.

A. Security Detention

Security detention is used for an offender who is a current escape risk; threat to the
physical safety of other offenders or staff, to include volunteers and contract staff;
threat to the order and security of the prison as evidenced by repetitive serious
disciplinary violations; or a confirmed member of a security threat group (STG).
STG members may be placed in security detention in accordance with the
procedures outlined in the TDCJ Security Threat Group Plan.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 4 August 2019

Security detention includes Levels I, II, and III. These categories are assigned to an
offender based on the offender’s behavior. The Restrictive Housing Committee
(RHC) and the State Classification Committee (SCC) have the authority to change
an offender’s assigned level.

1. “Level I Security Detention” is used to designate offenders who generally

maintain good behavior but require separation from general population
offenders. Offenders assigned to this custody may have a history of
assaultive behavior, but the offender’s current behavior, within the last 90
days, is non-assaultive in nature.

2. “Level II Security Detention” is used to designate offenders who may be

chronic rule violators or have a recent history of in-prison assaultive or
aggressive behavior which occurred within the last 90 days. This behavior is
documented with a major disciplinary case.

3. “Level III Security Detention” is used to designate offenders who have been
charged with a major disciplinary case within the last 30 days. Offenders
assigned to this custody have current behaviors which are assaultive or
aggressive in nature, such as institutional violence, weapon possession,
assault or attempted assault on staff or offenders, or fighting with or without
a weapon.

B. Pre-Hearing Detention

PHD is used when an offender is charged with, or suspected of a disciplinary

violation, when at least one of the following conditions exists: the offender is a
current escape risk; the offender’s presence in general population would create a
threat to the physical safety of other offenders or staff, to include volunteers and
contract employees; or it is necessary to maintain the integrity of an investigation,
such as to preserve information or evidence in either the offender's possession or
another offender’s possession. An offender shall not be placed in PHD solely
because the offender is being reviewed by the unit for protection or is suspected of
STG participation.

C. Transient Status Pending Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation

Transient Status Pending Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation (OPI) is a

status reserved for offenders who are placed in restrictive housing on a temporary
basis pending the outcome of a formal investigation related to allegations of sexual
abuse, sexual harassment, extortion, violence, or threats of violence.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 5 August 2019


A. Initial Placement

Confinement in restrictive housing shall be in accordance with the appropriate

confinement procedures for the offender’s specific category of restrictive housing.
Initial placement of offenders from general population into security detention or
PHD shall be made by the highest-ranking security supervisor on duty, lieutenant or
above. This action must be approved, denied, or modified within 24 hours by the
warden or designee, captain or above. The approving authority must not have been
involved in the initial placement.

B. Notification to Medical/Mental Health

Once a decision has been made to place an offender in a restrictive housing

category, unit medical staff shall be notified, and the offender shall receive a
physical evaluation in accordance with Correctional Managed Health Care (CMHC)
Policy E-39.1, “Health Evaluation and Documentation in Segregation/Restrictive

1. Notification to Medical

A security supervisor shall be responsible for immediately notifying medical

of the decision to place an offender in restrictive housing.

a. Notification for offenders being placed in security detention shall be

documented on the Security Detention Initial Placement and
Notification, I-169.

b. Notification for offenders being placed in PHD or transient status

pending the outcome of an OPI shall be documented on the
Restrictive Housing Log, I-188.

c. On units with 24 hour onsite medical staff; the security supervisor

shall provide the notification to medical by phone, or notification can
be made when the offender is taken to medical for the physical
evaluation. The notification to medical shall be provided by email
during the absence of medical staff.

2. Physical Evaluation

a. An offender who is determined by security staff to require placement

in restrictive housing, and who has no apparent medical or mental
health problems, such as bleeding, contusion, vomiting, diminished
consciousness, or disorientation, may be placed in restrictive housing
without a prior health evaluation. An offender placed in restrictive

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 6 August 2019

housing in these situations must have a physical evaluation by a
licensed health care provider completed as soon as possible and
documented in accordance with CMHC Policy E-39.1, but no later
than 12 hours after placement for facilities with 24-hour onsite
medical staff and 24 hours for all other facilities.

b. Initial and regular medical evaluations of restrictive housing

offenders are outlined in CMHC Policy E-39.1.

3. Mental Health Appraisal

a. All offenders placed in restrictive housing will be appraised by a

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) within 7 days of
placement in accordance with CMHC Policy E-39.1.

b. If confinement in restrictive housing continues beyond 30 days, a

behavioral health assessment shall be completed at least every 30
days for offenders with a diagnosed behavioral health disorder, and
more frequently if clinically indicated. For offenders without a
behavioral health disorder, an assessment shall be completed every
90 days, and more frequently if clinically indicated.

c. Behavioral health assessments shall be conducted in a manner that

ensures confidentiality.

C. Security Detention

1. The highest-ranking security supervisor on duty, lieutenant or above, may

place an offender in security detention prior to the offender receiving a
written notice specifying the reasons for confinement to security detention
and the initial hearing in cases when the offender is an immediate threat to
the physical safety of other offenders or staff, to include volunteers and
contract employees. This action must be approved, denied, or modified
within 24 hours by the warden or designee, captain or above. The approving
authority must not have been involved in the initial placement.

a. If the action is denied, the offender shall be released from security


b. If the action is approved, the offender shall be given a copy of the

Security Detention Initial Placement and Notification, I-169,
specifying the reasons for confinement in security detention.

2. Initial placement in security detention shall be documented on the Security

Detention Initial Placement and Notification, I-169. This form shall be
completed prior to the initial hearing and retained in the offender’s unit file.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 7 August 2019

3. Security detention offenders shall be assigned to Level I status unless their
behavior warrants a more restrictive level. The initial decision related to an
offender’s assignment to a level shall be made by the highest-ranking
security supervisor on duty at the time the offender is placed in security
detention housing.

4. An offender shall be brought before the RHC for an initial hearing within
seven days of the offender receiving written notice or placement in security
detention, whichever occurs first, unless medical, mental health, safety, or
security concerns preclude the offender’s presence, as outlined below:

a. The offender shall be provided the same due process as afforded

during disciplinary hearings in accordance with the TDCJ
Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for Offenders, GR-106, unless
otherwise required by this Plan;

b. The RHC shall review alternatives that may be available to safely

manage the threat posed by the offender other than placement in
restrictive housing, as well as the category, level, restrictions, and
any other similar decisions made at the time of initial placement and
complete the Security Detention Initial Hearing Record, I-169A, and
Classification Committee Docket, SSP-109. Alternatives may
include referrals to applicable programs, assignment to different
housing areas, job changes, or referrals to mental health.

5. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the RHC shall determine
whether to continue the offender’s confinement in security detention or
release the offender to general population.

6. If the RHC determines the offender shall remain confined to security

detention, the RHC shall further determine whether any of the following
special conditions or restrictions are required for security purposes:

a. Level of security detention;

b. Security precaution designator(s) (SPD);

c. Recreation or exercise precautions;

d. Personal property restrictions;

e. Known enemies, by name and TDCJ number as found on the

mainframe UCR 07 Screen;

f. STG affiliations;

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 8 August 2019

g. Restraint requirements for movement;
h. Physical health conditions;

i. Mental health conditions;

j. Special diet requirements to include medical or religious;

k. Medication requirements; or

l. Any other special circumstances related to the offender’s assignment

to security detention.

7. Upon confirmation of assignment to security detention by the RHC, the

offender shall be provided a copy of the Factors that may be Considered for
Release from Security Detention, I-169B, and advised of the factors which
may be considered at subsequent review hearings as outlined in Section III,
“Review Procedures After Initial Placement.” The offender shall
acknowledge receipt of the factors by signing Section IV of the Security
Detention Initial Hearing Record, I-169A.

8. The offender shall have the right to appeal the decision of the RHC through
the offender grievance procedures. The grievance shall not be reviewed by
an individual who served on the RHC.

9. The RHC shall notify the SCC, in writing, of its initial decision. The RHC’s
decision shall be affirmed or denied by the SCC. Offenders in restrictive
housing shall be reviewed every 7 days following initial placement for the
first 60 days, and at least every 30 days thereafter.

D. Pre-Hearing Detention:

1. An offender charged with, or suspected of, a disciplinary violation may be

placed in PHD without notice or hearing only if the offender falls into one of
the following categories:

a. The offender is a current escape risk;

b. The offender’s presence in general population would create a threat

to the physical safety of other offenders or staff; or

c. It is necessary to maintain the integrity of an investigation, such as to

preserve the integrity of information in either the offender’s
possession or another offender’s possession.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 9 August 2019

2. The decision to place an offender in PHD without written notice or an initial
hearing shall be made by the highest-ranking security supervisor on duty,
lieutenant or above. This action must be approved, denied, or modified
within 24 hours by the warden or designee, captain or above. The approving
authority must not have been involved in the initial placement. If the action
is denied, the offender shall be released from PHD.

3. Initial placement in PHD shall be documented on the Restrictive Housing

Log, I-188 and Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201.

4. Offenders housed in PHD shall generally be categorized as Level I; however,

the authorizing official may decide to assign the offender a more restrictive
level based on the offender’s behavior.

5. Whenever possible, a disciplinary hearing shall be held within 72 hours of

the offender’s placement in PHD. If the disciplinary hearing is not held
within 72 hours, the reason for the delay shall be included in the record of
the hearing.

6. If the offender is housed in PHD for 10 days without a disciplinary hearing,

the offender shall be released from PHD, unless time in PHD is extended by
the warden. The original 10-day period may be extended an additional 10
days if the warden documents in writing that it is necessary to complete the
investigation, specifying the reasons for the extension. Only one extension
may be granted.

7. If an offender in PHD temporarily departs the unit, such as for medical

reasons, the offender’s time in PHD shall continue after returning, with no
credit given for the absent days. If the offender is permanently reassigned,
the receiving unit may continue or discontinue PHD housing.

E. Transient Status Pending the Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation

Offenders who are placed in transient status pending the outcome of an OPI are
considered to be in restrictive housing as their placement in this status is necessary to
preserve the safe and secure operation of the facility. Offenders assigned to this
restrictive housing category are generally placed in the same manner as offenders
assigned to PHD. Initial placement shall be documented on the Restrictive Housing
Log, I-188 and Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201. Additional details
regarding the Offender Protection Investigation process can be found in the TDCJ
PREA Plan and the Safe Prisons Operations Manual.


TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 10 August 2019

All required reviews may be conducted earlier than the scheduled time frame to be held with
other planned reviews. All scheduled review dates that fall on a weekend or holiday should
be conducted no later than the last working day prior to the scheduled review date.

A. Review Procedures by the Restrictive Housing Committee

All RHC hearings shall be documented on the appropriate form and maintained in
the offender’s unit classification file.

1. All offenders initially placed in restrictive housing shall be afforded an initial

hearing within 7 days and shall undergo a documentation review by the RHC
every 7 days for the first 60 days, and at least every 30 days thereafter to
determine if the offender is suitable for placement in a less restrictive
category or custody. These reviews and outcomes shall be documented on
the Security Detention Level Review/Placement on Restriction, I-203 for
security detention offenders, or the Restrictive Housing Review, I-203A, for
offenders in all other categories of restrictive housing.

2. The RHC shall review security detention offenders assigned to Level III
every 30 days for any major disciplinary infractions involving assaultive or
aggressive behavior. If there are none, the security detention offender shall
be promoted to a Level II.

3. Within 90 days of the initial hearing, the RHC shall review security
detention offenders assigned to Level II for major disciplinary infractions. If
there are none, a Level II security detention offender shall be promoted to
Level I. Subsequent review hearings shall be held within 30 days of the
previous RHC hearing.

4. Restrictive housing offenders do not need to be present at the subsequent 7

day and 30-day reviews, unless it is deemed appropriate by the RHC.

5. The restrictive housing offender shall be notified in writing within 24 hours

of any decision made by the RHC.

6. At the subsequent 7 day and 30-day reviews, the RHC, or SCC if the hearing
is combined with the 6-month SCC hearing, shall consider the restrictive
housing offender for promotion in time-earning class if eligible, possible
change in level, or recommend the offender be released from restrictive
housing. If the restrictive housing offender is on any type of restriction, such
as paper gown, paper mask, property, or food loaf restriction, the RHC or
SCC shall also review the offender for continuation or removal of the
restriction. Units may elect to use the I-206, Restriction Tracking Log.

7. Recommendations for promotions in time-earning class shall be made to the

Classification and Records, Time Section, via email and shall be based on

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 11 August 2019

the same criteria used for consideration of general population offenders in
accordance with AD-04.81, “Review Process for Promotion in Time-Earning
Class.” Recommendations for promotions in time earning class may be
coordinated to coincide with a regularly-scheduled review, at which time an
SCC member shall be present as a member of the reviewing committee.
Security detention offenders must be reviewed and considered for time-
earning class promotion after maintaining a clear disciplinary record for 12
months; however, shall not be promoted above the time-earning class of

8. Subsequent reviews regarding an offender’s assignment to Level I, Level II,

or Level III during confinement in restrictive housing may be made by the
warden, assistant warden, major, security detention security supervisor, or
any regularly scheduled RHC or SCC. All such decisions made by an
individual, other than the RHC or SCC, shall be affirmed or denied by the

9. When a security detention or PHD offender is assigned a more restrictive

level, the classification docket and the Security Detention Level
Review/Placement on Restriction, I-203 shall reflect the safety or security
reasons for the change in level.

10. A subsequent review by the RHC for a change in an offender’s level does
not require notification to or confirmation by the SCC.

11. Current security detention levels and subsequent review dates shall be
documented on the SSP109 and entered on the UC00 01 screen.

12. PHD and OPI decisions made by the RHC shall be documented on the R050
Restrictive Housing Review Form.

B. Review Procedures by the SCC

1. 60 Day SCC Review Hearing

Within 60 days of the initial 7-day hearing, the security detention offender’s
status shall be reviewed by the SCC and their decisions documented on the
State Classification Committee Security Detention Review Hearing Record,
I-189. The 60-day SCC review is not necessary for STG members. These
reviews are conducted in accordance with the TDCJ Security Threat Group

a. The unit shall notify Classification and Records to schedule hearings.

Telephonic hearings shall be conducted when SCC hearings cannot
be scheduled within the appropriate time frame.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 12 August 2019

b. The SCC shall consist of a representative of the SCC, the warden or
designee, and other staff as deemed appropriate.

2. SCC Six Month Subsequent Review Hearings

a. SCC subsequent review hearings shall be held within six months of
the previous SCC subsequent review hearing, but no later than the
last working day of the month in which the subsequent review
hearing is due. SCC subsequent review hearings shall be
documented on the I-189.

b. A restrictive housing offender shall be provided with written notice

of the hearing at least 24 hours, but no more than two weeks prior to
the SCC subsequent review hearing, unless extenuating
circumstances or an emergency prevents meeting the timelines. The
offender has the right to attend the SCC subsequent review hearing,
unless the offender presents a threat to the security of offenders or
staff by attending the hearing; in these situations, an explanation shall
be noted on the I-189. The offender also has the right to make a
statement, submit written statements from witnesses, and submit
other documentary evidence during the SCC subsequent review
hearing. If the offender refuses to attend, the hearing may be held in
the offender’s absence.

c. Based on the evidence presented at the SCC subsequent review

hearing, and the criteria for an offender’s release from security
detention, the SCC shall determine whether reasons exist to continue
the confinement of the offender in security detention. If the SCC
determines the offender shall remain in security detention, the SCC
must further determine if any of the current conditions or restrictions
will change, or if the level of assignment will change.

d. After the SCC subsequent review hearing, the SCC shall provide the
offender with written documentation of the decision, including the
reasons for the decision and summarizing the information presented
and considered.

C. Hearing Temporarily Suspended

If an offender departs the unit of assignment but is not being assigned to another unit
and will return to the original unit of assignment, the scheduled hearing shall be
temporarily suspended. Once the offender has returned to the unit of assignment,
the hearing shall resume. Any time the offender was absent from the unit shall not be
considered when calculating the offender’s next classification committee review
date, such as the 7-day, 30-day, or 6-month review. The committee conducting the
review hearing, either the RHC or the SCC, shall document the reason the hearing
was delayed.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 13 August 2019

D. Special Reviews

Unit administration may request to have an offender reviewed prior to the six-month
review. The RHC shall make the request for a special review in writing to the
chairman of the SCC and shall include justification for the review and possible
removal from security detention in the request.


The TDCJ has various step-down programs available to help facilitate the reintegration of
offenders into general population or the community. Effort shall be made to ensure
offenders are not released directly into the community from extended restrictive housing.

A. Cognitive Intervention Pre-Release Program

The Cognitive Intervention Pre-Release Program (CIPP) targets restrictive housing

offenders prior to release into the community. The curriculum uses evidence-
based principles and strategies targeting offender criminogenic needs, cognitive
behavioral interventions, and the enhancement of reentry opportunities for
offenders when released. Eligible offenders are allowed group recreation.

B. Mental Health Therapeutic Division Program

The Mental Health Therapeutic Diversion Program’s (MHTDP) goal is to provide

mental health assessments, evaluations and treatment services to offenders
assigned to restrictive housing with a history of mental illness to help improve the
offender’s decision-making abilities, impulse control, quality of life, and prepare
the offender for release to a less restrictive environment.

C. Cognitive Intervention Transition Program

The Cognitive Intervention Transition Program (CITP) assists offenders in the

transition from restrictive housing to the general population environment. The
process involves three phases with a focus on improving emotional balance,
beliefs, dysfunctional thinking patterns, life and coping skills, problem solving,
and building/maintaining appropriate and healthy relationships.

D. Chronically Mentally Ill Program

The Chronically Mentally Ill (CMI) program provides mental health evaluation,
treatment and sheltered housing for chronically mentally ill offenders who,
require single cell housing due to their mental illness or custody status and have

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 14 August 2019

demonstrated or are anticipated to not function well in general populations. Refer
to CMHC Policy G-52.2, “Admission to the Chronic Mentally Ill Sheltered
Housing,” for additional information.

E. Gang Renouncement and Disassociation Process

The Gang Renouncement and Disassociation (GRAD) program is designed to

give an STG member the ability to disassociate with their current affiliation, with
the possibility of being assigned to general population following successful
completion. The curriculum provides cognitive intervention, anger management,
substance abuse education, and programming addressing criminal addictive
behavior. Additional information on the GRAD process is available in the
Security Threat Group Operations Manual.

F. Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offenders

The Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offenders (PAMIO) program provides
mental health evaluation and treatment for aggressive mentally ill offenders.
Information regarding how to refer an offender for the program is available in the
CMHC Policy A-08.10, “The Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offender

G. Returning Population Gang Renouncement and Disassociation Process

The Returning Population Gang Renouncement and Disassociation (RP-GRAD)

process provides STG members who are returning to prison with an opportunity
to immediately renounce their affiliation with the group, with the possibility of
being reassigned into general population following successful completion of the

H. Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative

The Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) is a pre-release,

street ready initiative for male security detention offenders. An offender may be
assigned to the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) program
prior to the offender’s release from incarceration based on a Texas Board of
Pardons and Paroles (BPP) release vote. This program is designed to reduce
recidivism by better preparing and assisting offenders confined to security
detention to successfully reenter their communities. Additional information on
the SVORI program is available in the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry
Initiative Program Operations Manual.


A. Security Threat Group Offenders

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 15 August 2019

The release of STG offenders assigned to security detention custody shall be in
accordance with the Security Threat Group Plan.

B. General Procedures

1. The RHC may make recommendations to the SCC for removal of an

offender from extended restrictive housing who is between routine SCC

2. When considering the release of an offender from security detention to the

general population, the SCC may base the decision on whether the offender
would still be:

a. An escape risk;

b. A physical threat to staff or other offenders; or

c. A threat to the order and security of the prison as evidenced by

repeated, serious disciplinary violations.

3. In addition to using professional judgment and assessing the above criteria,

the SCC may consider the following factors relating to the offender’s
behavior while assigned to security detention:

a. Any disciplinary violations, including the seriousness and frequency

of the violations;

b. Medical evaluations;

c. Relationships with other offenders and staff;

d. Participation in programs in which the offender is eligible to

participate; and

e. The offender’s expressed desire to remain in, or stated readiness to

be released from, security detention.

4. If the offender is released from security detention by the SCC, the SCC shall
determine the offender’s custody designation.

5. Effort shall be made to ensure offenders released from security detention

transition through one of the available stepdown programs if possible.


TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 16 August 2019

A. Offenders shall have the right to appeal the decisions of the RHC and the SCC as
outlined in the Offender Grievance Procedures.

B. A warden may challenge an SCC decision by making an appeal to the Departmental

Review Board (DRB). The offender’s status shall remain unchanged until the DRB
hears the appeal and renders a decision.


The following conditions shall apply to all offenders in restrictive housing.

A. Orientation

Offenders who are assigned directly to restrictive housing shall be provided with
orientation materials that include written materials about the facility’s programs,
rules, and regulations. Language assistance shall be provided as needed for
offenders who do not speak English in accordance with AD-04.25, “Language
Assistance Services to Offenders Identified as Monolingual Spanish-Speaking;” and
AD-06.25, “Qualified Interpreter Services – American Sign Language.”

Staff shall observe offenders as they review the orientation materials, specifically
taking notice of an offender’s behavior and any special problems. When a literacy
problem exists, a staff member shall assist the offender in understanding the
material. Completion of orientation shall be documented on the Security Detention
Initial Placement and Notification, I-169, or attachment B Orientation Document,
and signed and dated by each offender. The original shall be filed in the offenders
unit classification file, with a copy provided to the offender.

B. Housing

The warden or designee shall designate specific cells or housing areas capable of
providing separation from the general population and the required degree of security
and control based on the category and level of the offenders in restrictive housing.
Living conditions approximate those of the general population; exceptions shall be
clearly documented.

C. Solid Outer Door

The implementation of offender management status and use of a solid outer door
shall be in accordance with AD-03.80, “Implementation of Offender Management

D. Cell Fixtures

Cells that house restrictive housing offenders shall have all the permanent fixtures of
cells that house general population offenders. Electrical outlets may be removed

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 17 August 2019

from cells housing Level III security detention offenders for safety or management
reasons on a case-by-case basis with approval by the appropriate regional director.

E. Recreation

1. Schedule:

Offenders in any category of restrictive housing shall be recreated indoors or

outdoors at least one hour within the first 72 hours of placement in restrictive
housing. Thereafter, offenders shall be allowed physical recreation outside
of their cells, to include the opportunity to recreate outdoors, weather
permitting. The recreation of offenders shall be in accordance with the
offender’s assigned category and level, unless security or safety
considerations dictate otherwise. If an offender refuses the offer to recreate,
the refusal shall be noted on the Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-
201, and the Daily Activity Log, I-216.

a. Level I Offenders

(1) One hour per day, seven days a week, with two hours of the
weekly out-of-cell recreation taking place outdoors; or

(2) Two hours, five days a week, with two hours of the weekly
out-of-cell recreation taking place outdoors.

(3) Group recreation may be allowed at the warden’s discretion

with the approval of the appropriate regional director, deputy
director of Prison and Jail Operations for the Correctional
Institutions Division (CID), and the CID director.

It shall be at the warden or designee’s discretion as to which one of

the two schedules is used.

b. Level II and Level III Offenders

One hour, five days a week, with one hour of the weekly out-of-cell
recreation taking place outdoors.

c. If an offender declines the offer to recreate, the offender shall be

allowed to shower and then be returned to the cell.

d. Alternative days shall be made available when an offender is unable

to go outside for recreation due to inclement weather.

2. Equipment:

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 18 August 2019

Indoor recreational areas shall be equipped with a minimum of one exercise
mat, one chinning bar, a game table, a toilet, and a drinking fountain.
Outdoor recreation yards shall have a hard surface, asphalt or concrete,
one basketball goal, one basketball or handball, and one chinning bar.

3. Denial of Recreation:

Offenders in restrictive housing may, on a case-by-case basis, be denied the

opportunity for out-of-cell recreation when fulfillment of the requirement
would create an immediate and serious threat to the physical safety or
security of the offender, other offenders, or staff. Recreation shall not be
denied if an alternate location for offender recreation is available and can be
used without immediate and serious threat to the physical safety or security
of the offender.

The decision to deny an offender recreation shall be in writing and shall

explain the reasons for the denial and the reasons why the use of an
alternative recreation area would not have prevented the immediate and
serious threat to the physical safety or security of the restrictive housing
offender, other offenders, or staff. Copies of the decision shall be placed in
the offender’s unit classification file.

F. Visitation

1. General Visits

Offenders in restrictive housing shall be allowed general visits based on the

category and level to which they are assigned in accordance with the TDCJ
Offender Visitation Plan.

G. Telephone Calls

1. Restrictive housing offenders are prohibited from using the Offender

Telephone System due to their custody and/or status; however, shall be
authorized access to TDCJ-owned telephones designated by the warden for
emergency purposes in accordance with ED-03.32, “Offender Access to

2. Calls placed to an offender’s attorney of record or the General Consulate

shall be requested and approved in accordance with BP-03.81, “Rules
Governing Offender Access to the Courts, Counsel, and Public Officials.”
H. Meals

Restrictive housing offenders shall have access to nutritional meals in accordance

with the Food Service Procedures Manual. Safety precautions shall be followed in
serving meals in security detention housing areas in accordance with PO-07.006,

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 19 August 2019

“Security Detention Officer.” Alternative meal service may be provided to
restrictive housing offenders based on health and safety considerations, including
instances in which an offender uses food or food service equipment in a manner that
is hazardous to self, staff, or other offenders in accordance with SM-01.29,
“Offender Management Restrictions.”

I. Correspondence/Commissary

1. Offenders in restrictive housing are permitted to write and receive

correspondence. Offenders in restrictive housing shall be provided writing
instruments, stationery, and postage either by accessing their offender trust
fund account or through the provisions for indigent supplies in accordance
with BP-03.91, “Uniform Offender Correspondence Rules.”

2. Offenders in restrictive housing shall have access to the commissary in

accordance with their assigned category and level of restrictive housing.
Commissary items shall be delivered to offenders in restrictive housing.

a. Level I offenders may spend $70 every two (2) weeks for regular
purchase items. Level I offenders are permitted to purchase a fan
and other cooling items sold in the commissary such as cooling
towels and electrolyte drink mix. Restrictive housing offenders are
allowed approved special purchases, such as a typewriter, radio, and
other similar types of purchases.

b. Level II and III offenders may, every two weeks, purchase one of
each personal hygiene items, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste,
deodorant, soap, shampoo, comb, sunscreen, shower shoes, and
feminine hygiene for female offenders, and restrictive housing
offenders may purchase a maximum of $10 in correspondence
supplies, including stamps, stamped envelopes, legal pads, writing
tablets, envelopes, pens, and pencils. Level II and III offenders are
permitted to purchase a fan and other cooling items sold in the
commissary such as cooling towels and electrolyte drink mix.
Additional correspondence supplies may be purchased upon
submission of a special purchase request by the offender and
approval by the warden or designee.

c. Offenders in security detention are not permitted to purchase razors.

J. Property

Offenders in restrictive housing are permitted to retain personal property in

accordance with AD-03.72, “Offender Property,” and the category and level to
which they have been assigned. An offender being placed in PHD or transient status

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 20 August 2019

pending the outcome of an OPI may have their property temporarily removed from
their possession and stored in the property room. The RHC may restrict, on a case-
by-case basis, only those items presenting a danger to the physical safety and
security of staff, offenders, or others, or any item that may be used to assist in an
escape. Restriction of those items shall be in accordance with SM-01.29, “Offender
Management Restrictions.”

1. Offenders in security detention are provided with suitable clothing and

allowed to possess the following basic personal property items for use in
their cells, unless there is imminent danger than an offender will destroy an
item or induce self-injury:

a. Current legal materials or legal research materials without metal

fasteners or paper clips;

b. Approved religious books or articles necessary for the practice of the

offender’s religion that does not violate the security of the prison;

c. Photographs, letters, and approved publications which shall not

contain sexually explicit images as defined in BP-03.91, “Uniform
Offender Correspondence Rules;”

d. General library books, unless the offender has previously destroyed

or damaged such books;

e. Correspondence supplies, in accordance with AD-14.09, “Postage

and Correspondence Supplies;”

f. In-cell correspondence course materials, if approved by the warden

or designee;

g. “Keep-on-person” medications, in accordance with the Pharmacy

Policy and Procedures Manual Number 50-05 or any medically-
required items;

h. Health care devices and supplies prescribed for the offender by heath
care staff;

i. One each of the following personal hygiene items: small comb or

brush, soap, a pair of shower shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste or tooth
powder, deodorant, and shampoo and conditioner;
j. One roll of toilet tissue;

k. Two pairs of TDCJ authorized or TDCJ issued shoes that are non-
steel toe;
l. Necessities items:

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 21 August 2019

Clothing and shower towels shall be furnished at shower time and
exchanged on a one-for-one basis. The clothing exchange shall be
offered even if the offender refuses to shower.

(1) Daily change of socks and undergarments;

(2) A shower towel and outer clothing, including pants and a

shirt or coveralls, with sleeves for female offenders, provided
at least three times per week;

(3) One cell towel, two sheets, and a pillowcase, if appropriate,

once per week;

(4) One gown per week for female offenders;

(5) Mattress and pillow, or a mattress/pillow combination; and

(6) Seasonal items, such as thermals, jacket, and a blanket.

m. Wristwatch and wedding ring in accordance with AD-03.72,

“Offender Property;”

n. Gender-related items, such as feminine hygiene products; and

o. Small amount of cleaning supplies, at the warden or designee’s


2. Level I offenders can possess the following additional property:

a. One state-issued razor, allowed at the warden’s discretion;

b. Items approved for purchase through the commissary;

c. In-cell art and craft (piddling) items in accordance with AD-14.59,

“Offender Craft Shop Participation and Craft Sales;” and

d. Other gender-related items not permitted for Level II and III

offenders, such as a hairdryer or curling iron.

3. Property Storage

Upon assignment to restrictive housing, the offender’s property shall be

inventoried on a PROP-05, Offender Property Inventory. Property, other
than that which is allowed based on the category and level of restrictive
housing to which the offender is assigned, shall be confiscated in accordance

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 22 August 2019

with AD-03.72, “Offender Property.” If an offender has several similar
personal hygiene items, the offender shall receive them when requested on a
one-for-one exchange, until the supply is exhausted. The exchange shall be
documented on a PROP-03, Offender Intake Inventory, with copies
maintained with the property and original documentation.

K. Personal Hygiene

1. Offenders in restrictive housing receive laundry and hair care services and
are issued clothing, bedding, and linen on the same basis as offenders in
general population, except when an imminent threat to the safety of the
offender or others exists. These exceptions shall be documented and
reviewed by the warden or designee.

2. Offenders in restrictive housing are expected to wear clean clothes and

adhere to grooming standards as outlined in AD-03.83, “Offenders Who
Refuse to Comply with Grooming Standards.”

3. Offenders in restrictive housing shall be provided the opportunity to take a

shower seven days per week. If the offender is recreating, the shower shall
be offered after recreation is completed. All offenders in restrictive housing
are authorized the following items for showering: soap, shampoo and
conditioner, a towel, shower shoes, and a razor. For Level I and II offenders,
(Level III at the warden’s discretion) correctional officers shall issue male
offenders a disposable razor to be replaced every week, and female offenders
a disposable razor to be replaced every week. Razors shall be issued to
offenders after entering the shower and returned before exiting the shower.
Correctional officers shall store the razor in such a manner as to ensure each
offender receives his own razor. In instances where an offender refuses to
shower or is not allowed to shower or shave due to an undue security hazard,
these instances shall be documented on the I-201 and I-216 and reviewed by
the warden or designee.

L. In-Cell Programs

Offenders in restrictive housing may have access to in-cell programs consistent with
security requirements, and the category and level to which they are assigned.
Restrictive housing offenders are allowed materials available through the unit
commissary. The warden or designee may, on a case-by-case basis, suspend an in-
cell program when an offender has abused that privilege.

M. In-Cell Correspondence Courses

Offenders in restrictive housing may participate in in-cell correspondence courses in

accordance with AD-07.02, “Offender Participation in Educational Programs and

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 23 August 2019

N. Educational Services

Offenders required to receive educational services in accordance with the

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall receive the services determined to
be appropriate by the Admission, Review and Dismissal Committee (ARD). The
warden or designee shall attend the ARD Committee meetings to provide security
information when the committee determines the appropriate educational services.

O. Other In-Cell Services

Offenders in restrictive housing shall have access to counselors and chaplains.

P. Health Care

1. Offenders in restrictive housing shall have access to all health care services
in accordance with CMHC policies.

2. Offenders in restrictive housing shall be provided medication as prescribed

in accordance with CMHC policies.

3. When it is necessary for treatment staff to conduct consultations in the

housing area, space shall be available inside the housing area for treatment
staff to conduct confidential consultations with offenders.


The following are guidelines related to the management of restrictive housing areas. A
current copy of this Plan, its attachments, and any additional guidance relating to the
operation of restrictive housing areas shall be placed in a notebook to be maintained in each
restrictive housing area. All assigned restrictive housing correctional officers shall be
charged with the responsibility of becoming thoroughly familiar with all procedures
maintained in the unit restrictive housing procedures notebook. Each warden shall be
responsible for ensuring these procedures are followed.

A. Staffing

1. Security detention areas shall be staffed as Priority 1 Positions in accordance

with AD-11.52, “Security Staffing.”

2. To the extent possible, restrictive housing areas shall be staffed with

experienced correctional officers who have received specialized training.
Correctional officers assigned to restrictive housing areas shall be rotated
during the shift to other posts which may be in the restrictive housing areas.
Correctional officers shall be assigned to different posts in the restrictive
housing areas for each new shift. For example, a correctional officer

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 24 August 2019

supervising Level III offenders should be rotated frequently to supervise
Level I offenders, because of the required intensity of supervising Level III

B. Housing Practices

1. Each unit shall implement procedures to ensure the categories and levels of
restrictive housing can be identified by the cell number or row. Offenders in
Level I, Level II, and Level III shall be housed in separate physical locations,
such as different rows, or with partitions between the different levels. If a
separation of levels cannot be accomplished in this manner, every effort shall
be made to maintain an empty cell between the levels. Where possible,
offenders in the various categories, such as security detention and PHD, shall
be housed in separate physical locations as defined above. If a restrictive
housing offender is mis-housed, a housing justification must be placed on the
UC00 mainframe program, Screen 2, Option A, indicating the specific
reasons the offender cannot be appropriately housed.

The rows or group of cells designated for certain categories and levels of
restrictive housing offenders shall remain constant to the extent possible.
Only under special circumstances, such as a lack of bed space for another
category or level of restrictive housing, shall the designation of rows or cells
change in the housing area.

2. Offenders in restrictive housing shall be single-celled. Offenders assigned to

PHD, transient status pending the outcome of an OPI who are not housed in
a single-cell are not considered to be in restrictive housing, as they are not
being separated from the general population.

3. Offenders in restrictive housing shall be assigned to housing areas that are

specifically designated for their custody requirements. The housing
recommendations of treatment professionals, as noted in each offender's
Health Summary for Classification Form, shall be followed by classification
committees, classification staff, and correctional officers.

4. Offenders in restrictive housing who pose an imminent threat to the physical

safety of staff or other offenders by throwing or intending to cause any
substance or item to come into contact with staff or offenders may be placed
on management status, in accordance with AD-03.80, “Implementation of
Offender Management Status.”

C. Offender Management Restrictions

Additional restriction procedures are outlined in SM-01.29, “Offender Management


TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 25 August 2019

D. Searches

1. All offender searches and cell searches shall be in accordance with AD-
03.22, “Offender Searches” and SM-03.02, “Security Searches,”

2. Cell Searches

a. To ensure all cells receive a cell search at least once per calendar
month, the warden or designee on each unit shall designate a
certain number of cells to be searched daily in accordance with
SM-03.02, “Security Searches.” The configuration of the unit and
the custody of the offenders shall be considered.

b. The Security Search Log, attached to SM-03.02, “Security

Searches,” shall be maintained in a centralized area, such as the
lieutenant’s office, to track the searches of offender housing areas
on the unit. The major or designee shall review the Security
Search Logs to verify all offender housing areas were searched at
least once per calendar month.

c. Each cell shall be thoroughly searched and cleaned prior to assigning

an offender to a cell.

d. An officer may be given authorization by a security supervisor to

conduct a cell search of an offender’s housing area if the officer
believes a cell search is appropriate due to security reasons.

3. Comprehensive Searches

a. In accordance with SM-03.01, “Comprehensive Searches,” security

detention areas shall undergo a comprehensive search at least
quarterly. The search of these areas shall be documented on the
Security Search Log attached to SM-03.02.

b. If a comprehensive search is conducted in accordance with SM-

03.01, “Comprehensive Searches,” in a security detention housing
area, this search may replace the cell search for the particular month
in which it was conducted.

4. Restrictive housing offenders shall be observed daily for healthy and

adaptive behavior. The general areas to observe are house cleaning, personal
hygiene, and social behavior. Through daily contact and cell searches,
correctional officers shall note any inappropriate behavior on the I-216 and I-
201. Correctional officers shall observe the following specific areas:

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 26 August 2019

a. Bunk: shall be used for intended purpose and free of clutter;

b. Floor: shall be clean and free of trash;

c. Property: shall be stored in the storage space provided and in

accordance with AD-03.72, “Offender Property;”

d. Cell front: shall be uncovered and unobstructed;

e. Toilet: the face bowl and toilet shall be kept clean and the toilet shall
be flushed;

f. Necessities: shall be neither altered nor soiled;

g. Walls and windows: shall be uncovered, clean, and shall not have
anything posted on them; and

h. The overall structural integrity of the cell.

5. Following guidance provided in PO-07.006, “Security Detention Officer,”

correctional officers shall submit a Referral to Mental Health Services, I-
214, form to Mental Health Services on any restrictive housing offender
exhibiting extreme or unusual behavior. The I-214 shall be used for non-
emergency referrals only. For emergencies, staff shall immediately contact a
security supervisor and the medical or mental health department by
telephone or in person. The correctional officer shall not leave an offender
in mental health distress alone and shall be knowledgeable of suicide
prevention strategies and ensure appropriate precautions are taken in
accordance with SM-05.20, “Responding to an Offender Suicide or
Attempted Suicide.” Referrals to Mental Health shall also be noted on the I-

E. Security During Visitation

1. Special security procedures may be used during visitation periods to ensure

the safety and security of all offenders, visitors, staff, and the unit.

2. Security cubicles shall be used in unit visitation rooms for security detention
3. Every precaution shall be taken to ensure the combinations of offenders
receiving visits are compatible. Known enemies shall not be allowed to have
visits simultaneously.

4. Security detention offenders shall be escorted and restrained in accordance

with provisions established in PO-07.006, “Security Detention Officer.”

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 27 August 2019

5. Each security detention offender shall be strip searched prior to exiting the
cell for a visit, and prior to being returned to the cell from a visit.

6. Guidelines for correctional officers assigned to the visitation room:

a. Prior to and following each use, each security cubicle shall be

thoroughly searched for contraband and damage to the security

b. Correctional officers shall be present in the visitation room when

security detention offenders are present.

7. Only one security detention offender at a time shall be removed from the
security cubicle and taken to the designated search area. This shall be done
only after the escorting correctional officers are present.

8. The designated search area and the visitation room shall be searched prior to
and after the completion of a visit.

9. Restraints shall be removed from a security detention offender once the

offender is placed in the security cubicle. Restraints shall be placed on the
security detention offender in the security cubicle prior to leaving the
visitation area.

10. Units with visitation rooms outside of the main building shall continue to use
the inside visitation area for restrictive housing offenders, if available. These
areas shall be modified to ensure each offender is contained in a closed area
and separated from other offenders.

F. General Library

Each unit shall provide restrictive housing offenders with access to general library
books seven days per week. Offenders in restrictive housing are not permitted to go
to the unit's general library but shall be allowed to check out one library book
weekly from the available book list, which will be delivered to the offender’s cell.
Library books shall be delivered by staff.

G. Law Library

Offenders in restrictive housing shall be afforded access to law library books in

accordance with BP-03.81, “Rules Governing Offender Access to Courts, Counsel,
and Public Officials.” Law library books shall be delivered by staff.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 28 August 2019

H. Parole Interviews

Offenders in restrictive housing shall be afforded an opportunity for interviews with

members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles (BPP). The warden shall take steps to
ensure necessary security precautions are taken to protect BPP members. The
warden may deny the right to an interview or may terminate an interview if there is
an immediate and legitimate threat to institutional security, but only for so long as
the threat exists and only if no lesser action would alleviate the threat.

I. Security Measures

Each warden shall take all necessary steps to ensure the physical safety and security
of offenders and staff in each restrictive housing area is maximized.

1. All individuals shall present an identification (ID) card and be identified

prior to entering or exiting a restrictive housing area.

a. When entering a restrictive housing area, the AD-54, Employee and

Visitor Log, shall be used. Everyone shall complete the required
entry on the sign-in log.

b. The officer shall ensure the names of all individuals not assigned to
the restrictive housing area are recorded on the I-216.

c. The officer shall document the required information for offenders.

2. All correctional administrative professionals, contract employees, unit

visitors, and volunteers shall be accompanied by a correctional officer at all
times while in a restrictive housing area.

3. Written special orders specific to offender movement within each restrictive

housing area on each unit shall be attached to the unit post orders. The
procedures outlined in these post orders and special orders shall be followed
at all times.

4. Each restrictive housing area shall be equipped with the necessary

construction modifications, such as security screening and food tray slots,
based on the category and level of offenders assigned to the housing area.

5. Any offender worker entering or departing the restrictive housing area shall
be strip searched. While within the restrictive housing area, offender
workers shall be kept under direct supervision at all times.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 29 August 2019

J. Visits and Inspections

Because offenders in restrictive housing are restricted from normal movement

within the facility, it is imperative they are visited by key staff members who can
ensure their health and well-being are maintained. Rounds from these staff members
shall be documented on the AD-54, Employee and Visitor Log, and on the Daily
Activity Log, I-216.

1. The warden or duty warden shall visit each restrictive housing area daily and
conduct a weekly inspection of the restrictive housing areas and activities
and initiate any appropriate corrective actions.

2. Qualified health care professionals are required to visit each restrictive

housing area daily, unless medical attention is needed more frequently.

3. Members of program staff, including chaplains, classification staff,

grievance staff, case managers, risk managers, etc. are required to visit each
restrictive housing area weekly, on a rotating schedule, unless attention from
a specific program staff member is needed more frequently.


Restrictive housing activities are primarily documented on two forms: the Restrictive
Housing Confinement Record, I-201, and the Daily Activity Log, I-216. The Restrictive
Housing Confinement Record, I-201 shall be completed for each offender and the I-216
shall be completed for each housing area. Current forms shall be maintained in the
restrictive housing area, accessible to staff for recording purposes as described below:

A. Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201

A separate I-201 form shall be initiated for each offender in restrictive housing and
maintained in cell order. The Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 is
divided into two sections, “Placement Information” and “Activity Record.” The
color-coded form shall be used as follows: blue for Level I, yellow for Level II, and
orange for Level III.

1. Immediately prior to the actual placement of an offender in restrictive

housing, the RHC or the security supervisor authorizing placement in
housing shall initiate the Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 by
fully completing Section 1, “Placement Information.” Completing Section 1
of the Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 shall include
identifying and recording all special conditions and restrictions relative to the
restrictive housing of the offender, as noted below. If any of the items
identified do not apply to a specific offender, the word “none” shall be
recorded in the space provided.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 30 August 2019

a. Recreation or exercise precautions, such as "single recreate only" or
"not to be recreated with a certain offender;”

b. Restrictions, such as property, paper mask, paper gown, food loaf,

and recreation restrictions, imposed by the appropriate authority in
accordance with SM-01.29, “Offender Management Restrictions;”

c. STG affiliation, found on UCR07 Screen, or “unknown;”

d. Security precaution designator(s) (SPD);

e. Special medical conditions, such as prosthetics, chronic conditions,

or any similar condition; and

f. Any other special circumstances related to the offender's placement

in restrictive housing.

2. If the offender is placed in restrictive housing by an individual other than the

RHC, the placement information entered by that individual shall require
confirmation by the RHC at the initial seven-day hearing.

3. The initial and subsequent review dates for placement of an offender on any
restriction in accordance with SM-01.29, “Offender Management
Restrictions,” shall be documented on the Restrictive Housing Confinement
Record, I-201.

4. Once the placement information is complete on the Restrictive Housing

Confinement Record, I-201, and the appropriate placement criteria has been
met, the offender may be placed in restrictive housing.

5. The officer receiving the offender shall note the information recorded on the
I-201, paying attention to the restrictive housing category and level, as well
as any special conditions or restrictions.

6. The officer shall make the first entry in Section II, “Activity Record,” of the
Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 by recording the cell
assignment for the offender. The officer shall then ensure the assigned cell is
searched and the offender is strip searched prior to placement in the assigned

7. Thereafter, Section II of the Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201

shall be used for documentation when a restrictive housing offender:

a. Does not receive some form of routine activity, such as recreation,

shower, or meals. In instances where offenders are not allowed to

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 31 August 2019

shower or shave, the instance must be documented and reviewed by
the warden or designee;

b. Departs from or returns to the housing area;

c. Is placed on restriction. There must be a Security Detention Level

Review/Placement on Restriction, I-203, accompanying an
offender’s placement on restriction. The use of the Restriction
Tracking Log, I-206, is optional to assist staff with tracking the
timeframes of offenders’ restriction;

d. Exhibits inappropriate behavior, such as cleanliness issues, either

personal hygiene or within the housing area, or inappropriate social
interaction; or

e. Undergoes RHC action or subsequent reviews.

8. Every entry in Section II of the Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-

201 shall also reflect the date, time, and appropriate correctional officer’s last
name printed, and signed initials for the relevant activity.

9. If a restrictive housing offender is going to be transferred to another unit,

prior to the transfer:

a. Any special precautionary information shall be indicated on the UCR

24 screen; and

b. The Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 for that

offender shall be filed in the offender’s unit classification file.

B. Daily Activity Log, I-216

A separate Daily Activity Log, I-216 shall be used on each wing or pod with
restrictive housing offenders and identified alphabetically or numerically.

1. Based on housing location, a separate Daily Activity Log, I-216 shall be kept
for each category of restrictive housing offender, to include security
detention, PHD, and transient status pending the outcome of an OPI. Each
Daily Activity Log, I-216 shall record the daily activities of that cellblock or
pod, such as meals and showers. The officer shall document daily activities
and note exceptions, such as an offender refuses to eat, recreate, and other
similar events, on the Daily Activity Log, I-216, including the location and
reason. The officer shall also document any exceptions on each individual
offender's Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201 in Section II.

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 32 August 2019

2. The Daily Activity Logs, I-216’s, shall be filed chronologically at the unit
where the form was originated.

C. Other Restrictive Housing Records

Restrictive housing records that are not specific to one offender, such as the
Restrictive Housing Log, I-188, or the Restriction Tracking Log, I-206, shall be
maintained chronologically at the unit where the form was originated.

D. Unit File – Administrative Section

One unit classification file shall be maintained on each restrictive housing offender
to include restrictive housing records and all pertinent information. However, the
restrictive housing section of the unit classification file may be maintained in the
restrictive housing office so that it is accessible to staff for daily use. This section
must be combined with the unit classification file whenever the restrictive housing
offender is transferred to another unit of assignment or if released into general
population. Forms to be retained in each restrictive housing offender’s unit
classification file include the following:

1. Section 5:

a. Security Detention Initial Placement and Notification, I-169;

b. Security Detention Initial Hearing Record, I-169A;

c. Factors that may be Considered for Release from Security Detention,

I-169B (Back);

d. State Classification Committee (SCC) Security Detention Review

Hearing Record, I-189;

e. Restrictive Housing Confinement Record, I-201;

f. Security Detention Level Review/Placement on Restriction, I-203, or

Restrictive Housing Review, I-203A; and

g. Referral to Medical/Mental Health Services, I-214

2. Section 6 - Disciplinary Reports

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan 33 August 2019

TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan
August 2019
Attachment A


Security Detention Reference Chart
I Offenders in security detention shall be subject to the (a) Out-of-cell recreation, scheduled at warden’s discretion:
following classification boundaries: → One hour 7 days a week; or
→ Two hours 5 days a week.
(b) Meals – regular food tray.
(a) Ineligible for promotion above the time-earning class of SAT (c) Commissary – allowed $70 every 2 weeks. Allowed special
IV; purchase items.
(b) Ineligible for contact visits; however, may have one non- (d) Property – basic list items; plus additional items generally
contact visit each week; available to GP.
(c) Ineligible for an emergency absence; (e) Provided opportunity to shower 7 days a week.
(d) Ineligible for job assignment or for participation in (f) May have access to in-cell programs that are consistent with
educational programs; security requirements. Allowed materials available through the

(e) Requires constant armed supervision outside the security commissary and in-cell correspondence course materials, if
perimeter, and requires escort to and from activities outside approved.
the offender’s assigned cell; and (g) Shall have access to counselors, chaplains, and medical care.
(f) Must be housed in a single cell specifically designated for (h) Eligible for in-cell arts and craft (piddling).
housing security detention offenders.
II Same as Level I, except for: (a) Out-of-cell recreation –
→ One hour 5 days a week.
(b) Ineligible for contact visits; however, may have two non- (b) Meals – regular food tray.
contact visits each month. (c) Commissary – allowed one each of personal hygiene items and a
maximum of $10 in correspondence supplies every 2 weeks.
(d) Property – basic list items; plus approved personal hygiene items.
(e) Eligible for in-cell correspondence course materials, if approved.

III Same as Level I, except for: (a) Out-of-cell recreation –

→ One hour 5 days a week.
(b) Ineligible for contact visits; however, may have one non- (b) Meals – regular food tray.
contact visit each month. (c) Commissary – allowed one each of personal hygiene items and
a maximum of $10 in correspondence supplies every 2 weeks.
(d) Property – basic list items; plus approved personal hygiene items.
TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan
August 2019
Attachment B


Custody Levels: On the unit of assignment, an offender is given a custody designation which indicates several things. It
tells where and with whom the offender can live, how much supervision the offender will need, and what job the offender
can be assigned to. An offender's custody level depends on the offender’s current institutional behavior, previous
institutional behavior if applicable, and the current offense and sentence length. Violation of any rules may result in the
offender being placed in a more restrictive custody. An offender demonstrating willingness to comply with rules may be
assigned to a less restrictive custody level.
You are receiving this information as a result of being placed into one of the following categories of restrictive housing, as
indicated below. The information provided explains the type of restrictive housing to which you have been assigned, why
you have been assigned to this custody, and the criteria for release and reassignment to a less restrictive custody. If you
do not understand the information provided a staff member can assist.

Security Detention – This custody is reserved for an offender who is a current escape risk; a threat to the physical safety
of other offenders or staff, to include volunteers and contract staff; a threat to the order and security of the prison; or a
confirmed member of security threat group (STG).

When considering the release of a security detention offender to the general population, the State Classification
Committee (SCC) may base the decision on whether the offender would still be:

• An escape risk;
• A physical threat to staff or other offenders;
• A threat to the order and security of the prison as evidenced by repeated, serious disciplinary violations.

In addition to using their professional judgment and assessing the above criteria, the SCC may consider the following
factors relating to the offender’s behavior while in security detention:

• Any disciplinary violations, including the seriousness and frequency of the violations;
• Medical evaluations;
• Relationships with other offenders and staff;
• Participation in programs, such as GRAD, for which the offender is entitled to participate;
• The offender’s expressed desire to remain in, or stated readiness to be released from, security detention.

Pre-hearing Detention (PHD) – This is a temporary custody status reserved for an offender who is charged with, or
suspected of, a disciplinary violation.

An offender assigned to PHD will be released to appropriate housing after the investigation and outcome of the
disciplinary case and/or Unit Classification Committee (UCC) review.

Transient Pending the Outcome of an Offender Protection Investigation (OPI) – This is a temporary status reserved
for an offender who must be separated from the general population and placed in restrictive housing while an
investigation is being conducted due to allegations of life endangerment, sexual abuse or harassment, or extortion.

An offender assigned to Transient OPI will be released to appropriate housing following the completion of a formal
investigation, UCC review, and/or SCC review if the UCC recommends a unit transfer.

Notified by: ____________________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________________

(Employee -- print name and sign initials) (Date and Time) (Offender signature and date)
TDCJ Restrictive Housing Plan
August 2019
Attachment B


Niveles de Custodia: En la unidad de asignación, a un ofensor se le da una designación de custodia la cual indica varias
cosas. Indica dónde y con quién el ofensor puede vivir, cuánta supervisión necesitará el ofensor, y qué trabajo puede ser
asignado al ofensor. El nivel de custodia de un ofensor depende del comportamiento institucional actual del ofensor,
comportamiento institucional previo, si corresponde, la ofensa actual y lo largo de la sentencia. La violación de cualquier
regla puede resultar en que el ofensor sea colocado en una custodia más restrictiva. Un ofensor que demuestra
disponibilidad para cumplir con las reglas puede ser asignado a un nivel de custodia menos restrictiva.
Usted está recibiendo esta información como resultado de ser colocado en una de las siguientes categorías de vivienda
restrictiva como se indica a continuación. La información proporcionada explica el tipo de vivienda restrictiva a la que
usted ha sido asignado, por qué usted ha sido asignado a ésta custodia, y el criterio para la salida y reasignación a una
custodia menos restrictiva. Si usted no entiende la información proporcionada un miembro del personal puede ayudarle.

Detención por Seguridad – Esta custodia está reservada para un ofensor que es un riesgo de escape actual; una amenaza
a la seguridad física de otros ofensores o personal, incluyendo voluntarios y personal por contrato; una amenaza al orden y
seguridad de la prisión; o un miembro confirmado de un grupo de amenaza a la seguridad (STG).

Para considerar la salida de un ofensor en detención de seguridad a población general, el Comité de Clasificación del
Estado (SCC) puede basar la decisión en si el ofensor aún sería:
• Un riesgo de escape;
• Una amenaza física al personal o a otros ofensores;
• Una amenaza al orden y seguridad de la prisión como se demuestra por repetido, serias violaciones disciplinarias.

Además de usar su juicio profesional y aplicando el criterio anterior, el SCC puede considerar los siguientes factores
relacionados al comportamiento del ofensor mientras está en detención por seguridad:
• Cualquier violación disciplinaria, incluyendo la seriedad y frecuencia de las violaciones;
• Evaluaciones médicas;
• Relaciones con otros ofensores y personal;
• Participación en programas, tales como GRAD, en la que el ofensor tiene derecho a participar;
• El ofensor expresó su deseo de permanecer en, o manifestó estar dispuesto a ser liberado de, detención por

Detención Pre-Audiencia (PHD) – Este es un estatus de custodia temporal reservado para un ofensor que es acusado con,
o sospechoso de, una violación disciplinaria.

Un ofensor asignado a PHD será liberado a la vivienda apropiada después de la investigación y resultado del caso
disciplinario/o revisión del Comité de Clasificación de la Unidad (UCC).

Transitorio Pendiente del Resultado de una Investigación de Protección a Ofensor (OPI) – Este es un estatus
temporal reservado para un ofensor que debe ser separado de la población general y que es colocado en vivienda
restrictiva mientras que una investigación se está llevando a cabo debido a denuncias de peligro de vida, abuso sexual o
acoso, o extorsión.

Un ofensor asignado a OPI en Tránsito será liberado a la vivienda apropiada después de completar una investigación
formal, revisión de UCC, y/o revisión de SCC si el UCC recomienda una transferencia de unidad.

Notified by: ____________________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________________

(Employee -- print name and sign initials) (Date and Time) (Offender signature and date)
Security Detention Initial Placement & Notification

Offender Name: TDCJ No.: Time-earning status: Custody:

Unit: _______________________________ Cellblock/Pod: __________________________ Row/Section: ____________________


It is recommended that the above-named offender be placed in security detention for the following reason(s) [√ any of the following that apply]:
Current escape risk;
Threat to the physical safety of others and/or the order and security of the facility; and/or
Confirmed member of a security threat group (STG).

SPECIFY IN DETAIL the nature of the risk or threat. Additionally, if threat to physical safety is checked, cite the specific incident.

Was the offender confined in security detention prior to the notice? Yes No ; -OR- Prior to the hearing? Yes No

Provide the date and time the offender was placed in security detention: __________________ ________________
(Date) (Time)
Placement recommended by: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________
(Print Name) (Rank / Title)
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
(Signature) (Date)
Approval/Denial of Placement: Approved, Retain in Security Detention Denied, Remove from Security Detention

Approving Authority: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

(must be within 24 hours) (Print Name) (Rank / Title)
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
(Signature) (Date)


Notification to medical made by: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________
(Print Name) (Rank / Title)
___________________________________ ________________ ________________
(Signature) (Date) (Time)
Physical exam provided by: ___________________________________ _________________________________
(Print Name) (Rank / Title)
___________________________________ ________________ _________________
(Signature) (Date) (Time)
Instructions: Correctional staff shall provide the offender with the security detention orientation materials and forms and notify the offender of the restrictive housing
committee (RHC) hearing date, which shall be held within seven days of the offender’s placement in restrictive housing, but no earlier than 24 hours after receipt of this
notice. Correctional staff shall then complete the required information below, request the offender to sign (if the offender refuses, document the refusal), and provide the
offender a copy of the completed document.

Offender was notified on : _______________ at: _______________; by: ___________________________________ __________________________

(Date) (Time) (Print Name) (Rank/ Title)
Was a certified interpreter used? Yes N/A ; If ‘yes’, provide (print) the interpreter’s name: __________________________________________

Does the offender wish to attend the hearing? Yes No Offender has been provided with a copy of the orientation materials. Attachment B
Witness(es) requested? Yes No ; If ‘yes’, provide names: ____________________________________________________________________
Does the offender wish to present documentary evidence? Yes No
_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Offender’s signature) (Signature of correctional staff making the notification)

I-169 (8/2019) WHITE: Classification & Records CANARY: offender’s unit file PINK: offender
Security Detention Initial Hearing Record
Instructions: The unit classification staff or security detention clerk shall complete Section I and, on the day of the hearing, ensure this form (I-169A) and the following
documents are available to the restrictive housing committee (RHC): the offender’s travel card or profile; the offender’s unit file; necessary computer screens; and
appropriate forms (I-169 and I-201).
Offender Name _________________________________ TDCJ # _________________________ Unit _________________________
Instructions: The RHC shall complete Section II to document the hearing.

Hearing Information: ____________________ ____________________;

(Date) (Time)

Was the offender present? Yes No ; If no, provide the reason(s) (medical, mental health, safety, security concerns, or refused:
Was a certified interpreter used? Yes N/A ; If ‘yes’, provide (print) the interpreter’s name: _________________________________________
Was the offender excluded from the hearing during the taking of evidence? Yes No
If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Offender’s statement: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Did the offender provide a written statement? Yes No; (If ‘yes’, it must be attached).
If witness(es) were requested, were any or all excluded? Yes No N/A
If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Witness statement: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If documentary evidence was presented, was it excluded? Yes No N/A (NOTE: Attach documentary evidence, even if excluded.)

If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________



Instructions: The RHC shall complete Section III to document their recommendation following the hearing.
The RHC recommends that the offender be (√ one): Confined to security detention (followed by E-mail to SCC); or
Released to general population (must be reviewed by UCC).
If confinement to security detention is recommended, note the Level ( I; II; or III) and provide evidence relied upon or reason(s) for confinement:
Special conditions or restrictions required for security purposes: _______________________________________________________________________
RHC committee members (Print name, rank or title and sign initials): ___________________________________________________________________;
_________________________________________________________; and _____________________________________________________________


Instructions: Correctional staff shall provide the offender with a copy of the factors to be considered for release (I-169B) and notify the offender of the hearing outcome,
complete the required information below, request the offender to sign (if the offender refuses, document the refusal), and provide the offender a copy of the completed
Offender has been provided with a copy of the factors to be considered for release from security detention (I-169B Back)
Offender was notified on: _______________ at: _______________ ; by: ___________________________________ ________________________
(Date) (Time) (Printed Name) (Rank/Title)

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
(Offender’s Signature) (Signature of correctional staff making the notification)
I-169A FRONT (8/2019) WHITE: Classification & Records CANARY: offender’s unit file PINK: offender

Factors That May be Considered for Release from Security Detention

When considering the release of a security detention offender to the general population, the
RHC/SCC may base the decision on whether the offender would still be:

a. An escape risk;

b. A physical threat to staff or other offenders; or

c. A threat to the order and security of the prison as evidenced by repeated, serious
disciplinary violations.

In addition to using the professional judgment and assessing the above criteria, the RHC/SCC
may consider the following factors relating to the offender’s behavior while in security

a. Any disciplinary violations, including the seriousness and frequency of the violations;

b. Medical evaluations;

c. Relationships with other offenders and staff;

d. Participation in programs, such as GRAD, that the offender is entitled to participate; and

e. The offender’s expressed desire to remain in, or stated readiness to be released from,
security detention.

f. The TDCJ wants to see you, the offender, learn to live in the general population and
then the community successfully. You are encouraged to begin the process of learning
how to think differently so you make better behavioral choices. There are many
programs that can benefit and help you accomplish this goal. The decision to prove you
are ready to engage in this journey starts today. We want to see you take advantage of
the opportunities afforded to you!

I-169B BACK (8/2019)

Restrictive Housing Log
Unit: ________ Month/Year: ____________ Category of Restrictive Housing: PHD OPI (Note: A separate form should be used for each type of restrictive housing.)
Reason for Placement: Use one or more of the following criteria codes: 1 = Escape risk; 2 = Threat to physical safety of other offenders or staff; 3 = To maintain the integrity of an investigation
(i.e., preserve information or evidence either in the offender’s, or another offender’s, possession) *should be used for offenders awaiting outcome of an OPI.
If an offender housed in restrictive housing temporarily departs the unit for medical reasons, a bench warrant, or another similar reason, the ‘date out’ must be entered. Upon the offender’s
return, a new entry shall be made for ‘placed in RH’ (date/time) and the time in RH picks up where it left off (Note: For offenders being placed in PHD, the time away from the unit is not
calculated against the total number of days in PHD).
Reason for Placement Authorizing Official Warden or Designee 24-hr. Review
Offender Name TDCJ Date
Placed in RH No. (Lieutenant or above;
print name & sign initials) Out
Violation (If Applicable) Date/ Print Name & Sign
Criteria (Briefly describe or provide offense code) Time
Date Time Code Initials
(Captain or above)

I-188 (8/2019)
State Classification Committee (SCC)
Security Detention Review Hearing Record
Instructions: Correctional staff shall notify the offender at least 24 hours, and no more than two weeks, prior to the restrictive housing committee (RHC) hearing.
Correctional staff shall read the ‘notification’ to the offender and have the offender sign in. (if the offender refuses, document the refusal). On the hearing date, unit
correctional staff shall ensure this form (I-189) and the following documents are available to the SCC: the offender’s travel card or a profile, the offender’s unit file,
necessary computer screens, and appropriate forms (I-169, I-169A and I-201).

Offender Name _________________________________________________ TDCJ # ___________________ Unit _______________________

Category/Reason for Placement in Security Detention [√ any of the following that apply]:
Current Escape Risk;
Threat to the physical safety of others and/or the order and security of the facility; and/or
Confirmed member of a security threat group (STG)

Type of hearing (√ appropriate one): 60-day hearing; 180-day hearing;

Offender Notification [Read (at ) to the offender; do not provide a copy]:

NOTE: Was a certified interpreter used? Yes N/A; If ‘yes’, who was the interpreter? (print name): __________________________________
 “You will be scheduled for a RHC hearing during the week of ___________________. You have the right to attend the hearing, to make a
statement, to submit written statements from witnesses, and to submit other documentary evidence.”
Offender was notified on: at: ; by: ____________________________________ ________________________
(Date) (Time) (Print Name) (Rank/Title)
Offender Signature: ____________________________________________; Staff Signature: _____________________________________________
Instructions: An SCC member (or designee) shall complete Section II to document the hearing and evidence presented or considered.
Hearing Date/Time: on _____________, at _____________;
Was the offender present? Yes No; If no, provide the reason(s) (medical, mental health, safety, security concerns, or offender refused):
Was a certified interpreter used? Yes N/A; If ‘yes’, who was the interpreter? (print name): _______________________________
Was the offender excluded from the hearing during the taking of evidence? Yes No If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s):

Offender’s Statement:
Did the offender provide a written statement? Yes No; (If ‘yes’, it must be attached).
If witness(es) were requested, were any or all excluded? Yes No N/A; If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s): _______________________________
Witness statement:

If documentary evidence was presented, was it excluded? Yes No N/A; (Note: Attach documentary evidence, even if excluded.)
If ‘yes’, provide the reason(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Interview with Offender:

• Disciplinary Violations: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Medical Services Requested: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
• Offender/Staff Interaction: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Program Participation: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Psychiatric Services Requested: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
• Offender Request: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I-189; pg. 1 of 2 (8/2019 ) CANARY Classification & Records WHITE: offender’s unit file PINK: offender
State Classification Committee (SCC)
Security Detention Review Hearing Record
Instructions: The SCC designee shall complete Section III to document the SCC’s decision and the basis for the decision.
SUMMARY of the basis for the SCC’s decision:
Escape Risk (ES) Riot Participation
History of Multiple Assaults Extortion Activity
Offender Assaultive Sexually Assaultive
Staff Assaultive (SA) Serious Bodily Injury
Hostage Taker (HS) Confirmed STG _____________________________________________________
Defeats Restraints (SR) Multiple Administrative Segregation Placements
Weapons Possession (WP) Unresolved Felony Charges (pertaining to current security detention status)

Other (Specify): __________________________________________________________________________________________________


DISPOSITION -- The offender shall (√ one):

Remain on current status until ________________________.
Promote to: _____________________________________.
Be released to general population (Note recommended custody )

 By transfer? Yes; No; If ‘yes’, note the unit:

SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS required for security purposes:


REFERRALS (√ if any): Medical Department; Behavioral Health; STG Officer; Other (Specify):

Attended by the following staff (Print name and rank or title and sign initials below):
(SCC Representative)*

; and
(Warden or designee) (Name/Rank of other staff, as deemed appropriate)

 * Was the SCC representative connected via telephone? Yes; No


Instructions: Correctional staff making the notification to the offender shall complete this section and, provide the offender (either in person or via truck mail) the
“pink” copy of this completed hearing record. If the offender is not present at the hearing, the correctional staff making the notification will generally complete this
section with only the “canary” and “pink” copies of the form the SCC will keep the original following the hearing.

Offender Notified by:_______________ ____________________________; Staff Signature/Date: _________________________________

(Print Name & Rank/Title)

I-189; pg. 2 of 2 (8/2019) CANARY: Classification & Records WHITE: offender’s unit file PINK: offender
Instructions: Place a √ beside (and highlight) each SPD that applies to the offender:
Restrictive Housing Confinement Record __ Escape Risk (ES) __ Staff Assaultive (SA) __ Sexually Violent (SX)
Unit: _______________________ __ Hostage Taker (HS) __ Defeats Restraints (SR) __ Life Without Parole (LWOP)/(JLWOP)
__ Contraband (CB)
Instructions: A separate I-201 shall be initiated for each offender and maintained in cell order. Immediately prior to the actual placement of an offender in restrictive housing, the RHC or the unit official authorizing the
placement shall initiate the I-201 by fully completing Section I., Placement Information.

Offender Name: ___________________________________________ TDCJ Number: ________________ Race: ______________ Date Assigned to Restrictive Housing:____________________
Instructions: Complete all blanks for recreation, security threat group (STG) affiliation, and the special conditions sections (i.e., the specific
CHECK ONLY ONE: information, or “none”); complete restriction sections, if applicable.
□ Security Detention
□ Pre-Hearing Detention Recreation/Exercise: _________________________ Date/Time Initial Subsequent
□ Offender Protection Investigation Per SM-01.29 Restricted Review Reviews

CHECK ONLY ONE (Security Detention Only): STG Affiliation: ______________________________ → Property __________ ________ ________ ________
(e.g., mattress, blankets, sheets, etc.)
□ LEVEL I (Blue form) Special Medical Conditions: __________________ → Paper Mask __________ ________ ________ ________
□ LEVEL II (Yellow form) Other Special Conditions: ____________________ → Paper Gown __________ ________ ________ ________
□ LEVEL III (Orange form)
___________________________________________ → Food Loaf __________ ________ ________ ________


→ Circle (see Key below): CON HP LK ME PT → Solid Outer Door __________ ________ ________ _______

→ Other Property Restrictions (List): ___________ → Water Interruption __________ ________ ________ _______

____________________________________________ → Restraints __________ ________ ________ ________


Instructions: The correctional officer shall make the first entry in Section II., Activity Record, by recording the cell assignment for the offender. Thereafter, this section shall be used to document
when an offender: does not receive some form of routine activity, departs from or returns to the cellblock, requests solid outer door closure, is placed on restriction(s), exhibits
inappropriate behavior, or undergoes RHC review.
X Each Routine Activity not Received Remarks
(Note other non-routine out-of- Next Officer
Assigned Meal Cleanliness UCC/RHC Committee
Date Time cellblock activity; clarify other Committee (Print last name;
Cell (See Key Action
Shower Recreation entries, noteworthy comments, Review Date sign initials)
B- L- S Below)
management status, etc.)

I-201 (8/2019)
X Each Routine Activity not received Remarks
(Note other non-routine out-of- Next Officer
Cleanliness UCC/RHC Committee
Assigned Meal cellblock activity; clarify other Committee (Print last name; sign initials)
Date Time (See Key Action
Cell Shower Recreation entries, noteworthy comments, Review Date
B- L- S management status, etc.)

Meal Codes: Cell Cleanliness Codes: N = Necessities (altered, soiled, etc.) Property Restriction Codes:
B = Breakfast B = Bunk (not used for intended purpose, cluttered, etc.) P = Property (altered, improperly stored, excess) CON = Container ME = Metal
L = Lunch C = Cell front (covered, obstructed, etc.) T = Toilet (dirty, plugged, etc.) HP = Hard Plastic PT = Hot Pot
S = Supper F = Floor (dirty, cluttered, etc.) W = Walls/Window (dirty; covered, etc.) LK = Lock

Page #_____ (Number must be sequential for ‘backs’ of pages – 2; then 4; then 6; etc.)

I-201 (8/2019)
Security Detention Level Review/Placement on Restriction
Offender Name: ______________________________________; TDCJ Number: ____________; Custody: __________; Unit: ____________
Instructions: The highest-ranking security supervisor on duty has the authority to initially place an offender on restriction. The shift supervisor (may be the same
individual) shall document the placement in Sections I. and II. of this form; and then notify the unit classification committee (UCC) or the restrictive housing committee
(RHC) by providing them this form intact.

As of (date) ____________, at (time) ____________, the above-named offender has been placed on restriction, in accordance with SM-01.29, “Offender
Management Restrictions.” [NOTE: Place a √ in front of each restriction imposed]:
___ Paper gown; ___ Paper mask; ___ Food loaf
___ Personal property (i.e., container; hard plastic; lock; metal; hotpot; etc.)
• List specific property restricted: ______________________________________________________________________________________
___ State-Issued property (i.e., mattress; blanket; sheet; etc.)
• List specific property restricted: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for placement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Documented by: _____________________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________ __________
(Print Name) (Rank and Title) (Signature) (Date)

 The restriction(s) may only continue up to 24 hours without review by the UCC/RHC (or until their earliest following workday).
Instructions: This section shall be used for both UCC and RHC reviews. If the form is being used for a *subsequent review, the RHC must ensure Section I (Offender
Information) is completed and the previous I-203 is available for review.

REVIEW: (√ one) Initial; *Subsequent; Review held on __________ at __________ by the (√ one) UCC; RHC.
(Date) (Time)
Type of Review: Restriction; 7-day; 30-day; Special Review;
RESTRICTIONS: The UCC/RHC has reviewed the offender’s record and has decided to either impose, continue, or discontinue restrictions, as noted
- Paper gown? YES; NO Review/Expiration Date: _____________________________________
- Food loaf? YES; NO Review/Expiration Date: _____________________________________
- Personal property? YES; NO Review/Expiration Date: ______________________________________
• List specific property restricted: ________________________________________________________________________________________
- State-Issued property? YES; NO Review/Expiration Date: _______________________________________
• List specific property restricted: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Justification for decision(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Committee Members (Print name and rank or title): _________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________; and ______________________________________________________________
Instructions: Correctional staff shall notify the offender that the UCC/RHC decision will expire on the date indicated or be reviewed for continuation, request the
offender to sign (if the offender refuses, document the refusal), and provide the offender a copy of the completed document.

Notified by: __________________________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________________

(Employee -- print name and sign initials) (Date and Time) (Offender signature and date)

I-203 (8/2019) WHITE: offender’s unit file CANARY: offender

Restrictive Housing Review
Offender Name: ______________________________________; TDCJ Number: ____________; Custody: __________; Unit: ____________
Instructions: The highest-ranking security supervisor on duty has the authority to initially place an offender in restrictive housing. This form should be used to
document placement and reviews for all categories of restrictive housing EXCEPT security detention.

As of (date) ____________, at (time) ____________, the above-named offender has been placed in restrictive housing, in accordance with the TDCJ
Restrictive Housing Plan. NOTE: Place a √ to indicate the type of restrictive housing the offender is assigned to:
Pre-Hearing Detention
Transient Status Pending OPI

REVIEW: (√ one) Initial; *Subsequent; Review held on __________ at __________ by the (√ one) UCC; RHC.
(Date) (Time)
Type of Review: 7-day; 30-day; Special Review;

The RHC has reviewed the offender’s record and determined that the original condition that led to placement in Restrictive Housing:

Has been resolved and the offender may be returned/assigned to general population; or

Has not been resolved and continued placement in restrictive housing is necessary.

If continued placement in restrictive housing is necessary, document the projected expiration or next review date: ________________________________

Justification for decision: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Committee Members (Print name and rank or title): _________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________; and ______________________________________________________________


Instructions: Correctional staff shall notify the offender that the UCC/RHC decision will expire on the date indicated or be reviewed for continuation, request the
offender to sign (if the offender refuses, document the refusal), and provide the offender a copy of the completed document.

Notified by: __________________________________________________ ___________________ ______________________________________

(Employee -- print name and sign initials) (Date and Time) (Offender signature and date)

I-203A (8/2019) WHITE: offender’s unit file CANARY: offender

Restriction Tracking Log
Unit: ______________________
Instructions: Use of this form is optional. (NOTE: This form may be used to assist units with a large restrictive housing offender population.)
Offender Restriction(s) Month/Year: _________________________________
(Print Name/TDCJ #) (see codes below)























Restriction Codes: Property Codes:

Paper Gown = G CON = Container LK = Lock PT = Hot Pot
Paper Mask = M HP = Hard Plastic ME = Metal
Food Loaf = FL

TDCJ-issued property (e.g., mattress, blankets, sheets, lighting, or any other similar type items) = SIP

I-206 (8/2019)
Referral To Medical / Mental Health Services
For emergencies, contact a security supervisor and the Medical or Mental Health Department immediately by telephone or in person.
Instructions: Correctional staff shall complete Sections I and II for any offender they believe is exhibiting extreme or unusual behavior or for PREA related issues.
Offender Name: ____________________________________________ TDCJ No.: ________________ Custody: ________________

Unit: _______________________________ Cellblock/Pod: ________________________ Row/Section: ____________________


Instructions: Complete this section by placing a  by each that apply in Section II.a. Sign and date Section II.b. and place the completed form intact in any ‘Sick Call

a. The above offender is being referred to Medical / Mental Health Services for the following reason(s):

Foul body odor; has not showered for several days Has been crying, laughing, and talking to self
Messy appearance; not shaving or cutting hair Seems paranoid, anxious, or fearful
Dirty cell; presence of food, feces, urine, or blood Says s/he is being spied on; Monitored by satellites or computers;
Has not eaten meals for one or more days Thinks the food is poisoned; there is a plot against him/her
Has not left the cell for several days Is preoccupied with religion; is a prophet, Jesus, or God
Does not communicate or is hostile for no apparent reason Seems withdrawn, depressed; has been crying
Seems to have changed significantly from their normal PREA related (Medical)
behavior or attitude PREA related (Mental Health or behavioral)

Other (Specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Referral made by (Print Name) ___________________________________________________ (Rank/Title): ____________________________________

(Signature) _______________________________________________ (Date) _________________________________________


Instructions: A qualified Medical / Mental Health provider must complete Section III and place the copy in the offender’s medical record, and forward the original to
the warden’s office for review and placement in the offender’s unit file.

a. As a result of this referral, the above-named offender was evaluated on (Date) _________________
b. The offender is in need of transfer to a psychiatric inpatient facility: Yes; No. (If ‘yes’, skip Section III.d.)
c. It was determined at the time of the evaluation that ( one):
These problems are likely related to the offender’s medical / mental health condition; Medical / Mental Health Services staff is currently
addressing the problems.
The offender will be scheduled for further evaluation to determine if the offender may be experiencing medical / mental health problems.
The offender does not appear to be experiencing medical / mental health problems at this time.

NOTE: Should staff observe that the offender’s extreme or unusual behavior continues, or appears to worsen, please make another referral to
Medical / Mental Health Services.

d. Response provided by (Print Name): _________________________________________ (Rank/Title): _________________________________

(Signature) ____________________________________________ (Date) ______________________________________


Instructions: The warden or designee must acknowledge (by signature below) receipt and review of this referral and Medical / Mental Health Services’ response. The
original form will then be filed in the offender’s unit file.

Acknowledged by: (Print Name): ______________________________________________________ (Rank/Title): ________________________________________

(Signature) _________________________________________________________ (Date) _____________________________________________

I-214 (8/2019) WHITE: offender’s unit file CANARY: offender’s medical record
Daily Activity Log
Instructions: A separate form shall be completed for each status. On the left, enter the date and location information. Place a √ in the blank beside the
appropriate status and complete additional information for management status and lockdowns. (NOTE: Refer to appropriate policy [noted in
brackets] for required activities.)

Date: _________________________ Security Detention PHD

Unit: _________________________ Transient Status (Pending OPI)
Cellblock/Pod: _________________ Management Status
Row/Section: __________________ Lockdown (Incident # ____________________ Week # ____ ; # of Offenders ______ ) [AD-03.31 “Unit
Lockdown Procedures”]


NOTE EXCEPTIONS (Print last name;
Start Finish (Instructions: For restrictive housing or management status –use cell number; sign initials)
for lockdown status –use offender number.)
Breakfast (B)

Lunch (L)

Supper (S)



(Instructions: For restrictive housing or management status – note by cell number; for lockdown status – note using offender
Time of Inspection: number.)
B = Bunk (used for intended
purpose, no clutter, etc.)

C = Cell front (uncovered,

unobstructed, etc.)
F = Floor (clean,
uncluttered, etc.)
Inspected by: N = Necessities (unaltered,
clean, etc.)

P = Property (not altered;

properly stored; no excess)

T = Toilet (clean, not

plugged, etc.)

W = Walls/Windows (uncovered,
clean, nothing posted, etc.)

IV. SECURITY CHECKS (If additional space is needed, record in Section V.)
12:01 AM Time
8:00 AM Initial
8:01 AM Time
4:00 PM Initial
4:01 PM Time
12 AM Initial

Supervisor Time
Checks Name
Note: Record “Cellblock Activities (staff, volunteers, and offenders) on reverse side of form.

I-216 (8/2019) Front

V. CELLBLOCK ACTIVITIES (Staff, Volunteers, and Offenders)
Instructions: This section shall be used to document cellblock activity, such as commissary, haircuts, lay-ins, legal visits, mail, law library, work details, nurse visits,
pill call, or other similar activities, or closure of the solid outer door, as well as offender behavioral problems, etc.
All individuals shall present an identification (ID) card and be identified prior to entering or exiting the restrictive housing or locked-down area NOTE:
administrative staff, contract employees, unit visitors, and volunteers shall be accompanied by a correctional staff member at all times while in a security detention
wing, cellblock, or pod;
Each person shall complete the log below; correctional staff shall complete the required information for any offender(s); and
Any offender worker entering or departing the security detention area shall be strip-searched and accompanied by correctional staff (under constant, direct
supervision) while in the area.

Time Person (List each) Staff Member

Type of Activity, Comments (Print last name;
or Behavioral Problem Department/
sign initials)
In Out Print Name TDCJ or Cell #

I-216 (8/2019) Back

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