EMM Maintenance Instructi : TRACTION MOTOR OVERHAUL I, In' - .. - ,-:a
EMM Maintenance Instructi : TRACTION MOTOR OVERHAUL I, In' - .. - ,-:a
EMM Maintenance Instructi : TRACTION MOTOR OVERHAUL I, In' - .. - ,-:a
Traction motor overhaul instructions are presented in seven sections, each under separate cover, and
contain detailed instructions to completely disassemble, inspect, overhaul, assemble, and test the traction
motor. Refer to Maintenance Instruction 3900 for general or “running” maintenance of the traction
motor and also for procedures to remove the traction motor from the locomotive truck. These
instructions apply to Models D37, D47, D57, D67, D75, and D77 traction motors unless specifically
1 Disassembly
2 Bearing Component Inspection
,3 Stator Inspection And Reconditioning - Mechanical
4 Stator Inspection And Reconditioning - Electrical I
5 Armature Inspection And Reconditioning
6 Armature Overhaul
7 Motor Assembly
During traction motor overhaul, the stator should Clean the inside and outside of stator assembly
be cleaned and inspected to determine mechanical by blowing out dirt, dust, and other contami-
and electrical quality to ensure satisfactory per- nants using high volume, low pressure, clean, dry,
formance during subsequent operation. Visual and compressed air. Avoid excessive air pressure
electrical inspections are required to determine which could cause insulation damage.
what type of repair, if any, is needed.
Remove remaining dirt by wiping frame and
The inspections should be carefully made and all
insulation with a clean cloth dampened with a
rework performed according to the outlined
suitable solvent such as Stoddards Solvent.
This section is divided into five major parts:
WARNING : Provide adequate ventilation when
Frame Inspection - Coils Intact using solvents. The usual precautions
should be observed when handling
Frame Inspection - Coils Removed inflammable fluids such as Stoddards
Solvent which has a flash point of
Minor Frame And Axle Cap Repairs 46” C (115” F).
Major Frame Repairs - Coils Intact In the event that the stator is extremely dirty or
oily, the inside and outside. may be cleaned using
Major Frame Repairs - Coils Removed hot water to which a small amount of caustic has
enti I ,g Screer IS
Commutator Inspection
Felt Wick
Bearing Bore
M.I. 3950-3
M.I. 3959-3
II +0.0045
1 -l/l 6” Diameter
Max. l/64” Oversize
M.I. 3950-3
3 Axle cap frame threads are acceptable if no more
than three turns of class 2B no-go gage enter the
threads. Axle cap bolt threads must be class 2A.
Threads in the motor frame are acceptable if a
class 1B no-go thread gage will enter the hole
with an easy fit, but not loose. Threads which are
recut must be class 2B.
The dimension between the nose suspension
lower lug and the wear plate, Fig. 6, shall not
exceed 307.85 mm (12.120”).
AXLE BORE KEY AND KEYWAY 2. Pinion end housing bore and commutator end
housing bore to be concentric to each other
Check the axle cap bore key and keyway, Fig. 7. w i t h i n 0 . 1 3 m m (.005”) t o t a l i n d i c a t o r
Maximum keyway depth is 7.62 mm (.300”). reading. Refer to Pinion End To Commutator
Minimum keyway depth is 6.35 mm (.250”). End Armature Bore Concentricity Check
Maximum key protrusion is 6.35 mm (.250”). Procedure which follows.
M.I. 3950-3
'-13-114 "-r---17-1/8"
+-10-l/4"+ --I c 2523/32"- - 2 2 - 3 1 8 ” - -
-~8-15/16" - 1 9 - 1 / 3 2 ” - - - + 1
l-l /4”- +-8-l/8”-
5-l 12” &
2-314” Z
1. 17.111” between axle bore centerline and
armature bore centerline. Refer to Axle Bore
section of text for min. and max. dimensions.
M.I. 3950-3
81 mm
(3-3/l 6”)
I+ 3 mm (l/8”)
New106363mm+-013 b
(41.8j5” I!I 0.006)
I Min. 1062.10 mm
M.I. 3950-3
Pinion end bore and commutator end bore to be concentric to each other within 0.13 mm (0.005”). Bore faces must be perpendicular
to axial centerline within 0.08 mm (0.003”) total indicator reading for commutator end and 0.15 mm (0.006”) for pinion end.
4-25132” rt 0.015
Limit + 5/64” I
See Note
II* 42-5116 “I
M.I. 3950-3
Item 3 22215
- lo-
M.I. 3950-3
MI. 3950-3
4. Pinion end housing bolt holes must be within 3. Old style brush holder blocks (8300158)
1.04 mm (.041”) of nominal location in should be reworked to have a 57 mm
respect to the bore. (2-l/4”) counterbore and a 27 mm (l-1/16”)
bolt hole.
5. Cracks in the bore side of the housing bolt
holes are acceptable.
6. A maximum of 0.8 mm (l/32”) is permissible
between the pinion end armature bore face HEAVY CLEANING
and the pinion end axle bore face. When the
armature bore face is welded, the axle bore 1. To remove heavy carbon deposits, oil, grease,
face should be welded. Both faces should and severe burn marks, place the brush
then be machined to “new“ dimensions. holders in a tank charged with one part
emulsion soak cleaner such as Clifco No. 1
BRUSH HOLDER BLOCKS BH or equivalent mixed with four parts of
AND BOLT HOLES water. Soak the brush holders at room tem-
1. Dimension from commutator end armature perature without agitation for 3 to 5 hours
housing inner face to the 12 1.4 mm depending upon the condition of the brush
(4-25/32”) block centerline and to the 197 holders.
mm (7-3/4”) brush holder block centerline,
Fig. 8, is acceptable at + 2 mm (+ 5/64”). CAUTION: Observe safety precautions when
handling emulsion soak cleaner and
2. Top brush holder blocks must have a 27 mm store in a safety-type container.
(l-1/16”) diameter bolt hole. Blocks with the Cleaner as received from supplier has
23.8 mm (15116”) bolt holes should be re- a flash point of 38” C (100” F).
worked to 27 mm (l-1/16”) diameter. Mixed with water, it has no flash
- 12-
M.I. 3950-3
point. Rubber gloves should be used When carbonways are worn or distorted beyond
when using cleaner to prevent drying acceptable limits and the wear is not too great, it
out the skin or possible irritation. is possible to rework the slots. Insert gauge into
Keep cover on tank when not in use slot and gently peen the outer surface of the slot
and while brush holders are soaking. to close it in. By peening and filing, the slot size
can be reduced.
CARBONWAYS (BRUSH SLOTS) Older model brush holder insulator studs have a
silicone rubber insulated sleeve over the base of
Check carbonways for wear with gauge. Refer to the studs, Fig. 14. When replacing or recondi-
Service Data for gauge part number. The carbon- tioning brush holder assemblies, ensure insulated
way should be between 15.90 mm (.626”) and sleeves are in place.
16.13 mm (.635”) in each brush slot. The length
of the short brush slot should be within 50.90
mm to 51.13 mm (2.004” to 2.013”). The long The current model brush holders have a silicone
brush slot should be within 101.70 mm to rubber boot which fits over the base of the stud
101.93 mm (4.004” to 4.013”). and brush holder, Fig. 14.
- 13-
M.I. 3950-3
2’ - - --- -----_
+ Silicone
Brush Holder y
NOTE: Fill gap between insulator pin and
casting with a small excess of sili-
cone compound. Immediately in-
stall silicone rubber boot, seating
,boot i n w e t s i l i c o n e c o m p o u n d
tightly against casting.
Replacement polyester glass insulated studs are The oversize studs may be identified by the
available in the following sizes: number 2, 8, 31, 33, 62, or 65 stamped on the
bottom of the stud. The number is in reference
Standard size - 8 159003 to the amount oversize in thousandths of an inch.
For example, the number 2 identifies the 0.05
To be used in new brush holders or when mm (.002”) oversize stud. The number 65 identi-
stud holes are within 25.235 mm + 0.013 fies the 1.65 mm (.065”) oversize stud.
mm (.9935” f .OOOS”>.
0.05 mm (.002”) Oversize - 8209068
A sleeve-type tool made of half-hard brass, Fig.
0.20 mm (.008”) Oversize - 8219773 15, should be used for pressing the studs into the
brush holder.
For stud holes which have had a standard size
pressed out. To replace the brush holder insulator studs, per-
form the following procedure:
The following studs can be used for extensivelv
scored stud holes which have been reamed out. 1. Press out brush holder insulator stud, shearing
retaining pins.
0.79 mm (.03 1”) Oversize - 8209069
2. Clean up stud holes of brush holder, if
0.84 mm (.033”) Oversize - 8222653 required.
1.57 mm (.062”) Oversize - 8222652 3. Select proper oversize stud. Ensure that 0.05
mm + 0.025 mm (.002” + .OOl ‘I) press fit is
1.65 mm (.065”) Oversize - 8222654 obtained. Press in stud using sleeve-type tool,
M.I. 3950-3
31.80 mm
(I 252”)
31.90 mm 41.28 mm
(I .256” ) / (1.625”)
~8~;f$g-q- i?Ti?zx,6”
(3.i50”) 21132
- 15-
M.I. 3950-3
2. Remove cotter pins holding the thimbles. Resolder shunt connection at brush holder with
Hold thimble to prevent it from turning while 63-37 solder or with pure tin solder.
cotter pin is removed. Insert a small drift into
one of the adjusting holes in the thimble. After the shunts have been soldered in place,
Hold the drift firmly as the finger spring is reassemble the thimble and spindle assembly to
under tension. brush holder. Install two groove pins at both ends
of the spindle to anchor spindle to brush holder.
3. Release the spring tension on the thimble by
Stake upper ends of the pin holes.
removing the drift pin after the cotter pin is
removed. The spindle can then be driven out NOTE: When the groove pin holes are oversize so
of the brush holder body.
that the pin is loose in the hole, rework
4. If the spring, shunt, and thimble assembly are the hole by filling the hole with silfos
to be removed, heat the soldered end of the brazing alloy (do not overheat brush
shunt with a soldering iron. The spring, shunt, holder) and redrill to drawing size, Fig.
and thimble assembly can then be removed. 16.
5. Inspect all component parts for wear and SPRING TENSION
damage. Replace any defective parts with new
parts. If spindle has cracks or has wear in Check brush spring tension. This pressure is
excess of 0.25 mm (.OlO”), replace spindle measured with a spring tension scale with the
with a new part. New spindle measures 9.462 brush spring lifted 3.2 mm (l/8”) above top
mm -~9.525 mm (.3725” - .3750”). inside edge of the brush box, as shown in Fig.
6. Inspect spindle holes in brush holder. If holes 17. The minimum spring pressure limit on a
have excessive wear or clearance between completely worn brush, is 3.2 kg (7 lbs). Spring
spindle and brush holder is beyond the limits pressure should always be set high enough, 4 to 5
shown in Fig. 16, repair hole as follows: kg (9 to I 1 lbs) to compensate for the loss of
pressure that results as the brush wears.
a. Ream or drill worn spindle holes to 12.77
Spring Scale
grr4’“” kg
m m t o 1 2 . 8 8 m m (.503” t o .507”)
diameter. fi Initial Pressure n
(9 to 11 Ibs)
b. Clean and flux the drilled holes and plugs z- ’
E Low Pressure Limit
to be used. Refer to Service Data for plug z 3.2 kg (7 Ibs)
part number.
f. Ream the 9.35 mm (.368”) drilled holes Fig. 17 - Measuring Coil Spring Pressure
to 9.57 mm - 9.65 mm (.377” - .380”).
- 16-
M.I. 3950-3
Cocked Position
“--Cocked Position
- 17-
M.I. 3950-3
Rear Spring ’ E
Tab 21941
- 18-
M.I. 3950-3
1. Interpole seat diameter, Fig. 21, acceptable All welding referred to in this section should be
from 761.87 mm to 762.25 mm (29.995” to done in accordance with the following procedure.
1. For weld buildup, the use of A.W.S. Class
2. Interpole pad diameter must be concentric E-601 2 or E-6013 electrodes of 3 mm to 5
w i t h i n 0 . 8 9 m m (.035”) t o t a l i n d i c a t o r m m (l/8” to 3116”) diameter is recom-
reading between opposite pads. mended.
- 19-
M.I. 3950-3
For repair of cracks, use A.W.S. Class E-6010 or Scarfing may be done from one or both
E-601 1 electrodes for all root passes. The diameter sides depending upon the thickness of the
of the electrode must be small enough to reach piece being repaired. The root opening
into the root of the groove preparation. should be 3 mm (l/8”) minimum, except
on thick sections. Where casting shrink
cracks have not progressed through the
2. Observe the following cautions:
full thickness, removal of the crack is
sufficient providing there is enough parent
a. Do not plug weld the eleven bolt holes of
metal remaining to act as a back-up for
the commutator end housing bore face.
Welding sets up considerable stresses in
the commutator end endplate.
Magnetic particle inspect the groove
preparation to assure complete removal of
b. No weld buildup is permitted for the sole
the crack.
purpose of counteracting shrinkage due to
d. Often it is of an advantage to employ
When nickel plated surfaces are en- back-up plates, especially if a thin section
countered, the plating must be removed is repaired and scarfed from one side
prior to welding. only.
- 20 -
M.I. 3950-3
4. Machine welded areas of the cap to provide a the bottom or 76 mm (3”) is required on the
fit with the frame spline that is between 0.18 top of the bore, a complete reweld is
mm (.007”) tight (interference) and 0.33 mm required.
(.013”) loose (clearance). This step should be CAUTION : If stator frame requires complete axle
taken after the frame spline has been properly bore welding, loosen No. 4 main coil
rebuilt or determined to be dimensionally assembly and prop away from frame
satisfactory. during welding operation to prevent
NOTE: If old caps are used, serial numbers must damage to coil insulation.
correspond with numbers on the frame. 2. Apply weld build up in increments of two
New caps must be marked to correspond passes over the full 248 mm (9-3/4”) length
with frame numbers. of the bore.
5. Machine a light cut from the axle cap Pe en each increment immediately after
(vertical) mounting face on frame, if required, deposition. Peening should cover the full weld
in order to allow machine stock in axle bore. area of each increment. Additional peening in
Maintain “new tolerance” of Fig. 4 between the axle bore may be required after weld
upper and lower mounting faces, and on deposit has cooled to maintain spline or axle
depth of spline surface. cap mounting hole spacing dimensions.
3. Machine light cut from axle cap mounting
FRAME AXLE BORE AND SPLINE FITS surface on frame, if required. Remachining
spline on the frame should be brought back
If the frame axle bore and spline fits are out-of- to new tolerance of 260.35 mm, + 0.15, -
tolerance, the bore and spline fits may be 0.18 (10.250”, + .006, - .007).
restored with the following procedure.
CAUTION: Before removing stock from spline
1. Depending on the extent of wear or distor- mounting faces on pinion end frame,
tion, either completely weld or partial weld a check must be made of both cap
the frame portion of the axle bore, Fig. 22. If and frame to hold accumulative
more than 51 mm (2”) of weld is required in machining on these mating faces to a
(inch) mm (inch) mm
I-114 32 3 76
l-314 44 5 127
2 51 9-314 248
2-l/2 64 1 I-112 292 22220
maximum of 1.6 mm (l/16”). The axle bore must be parallel to pinion end axle
4 3 4 . 9 7 m m (17-l/8”) d i m e n s i o n bore within 0.13 mm (.005”).
between the gear case mounting bolt
and axle bore centerline must be not 3. The centerline of the axle bore and centerline
less than 432.99 mm (17-3/64”) after of pinion end axle cap gear case support arm
machining mating face for the pinion bolt hole must be held to a maximum var-
end cap. The accumulative machining iation of not more than 0.76 mm (.030”).
of mating faces for the commutator
end cap must not exceed 3 mm 4. Upon completion of axle bores, the spline
(l/8”). dimension must be remeasured. If the spline
has not been reworked, the spline dimension
4. A minimum of 18.03 mm (.710”) must be must correspond to preliminary measure-
maintained between the cap mounting surface ments. If the splines have been reworked, the
and the vertical portion of the top spline. A spline dimension must be within “new”
1.2 mm (3/64”) radius or chamfer will be tolerance.
permitted at the frame side of the splines,
providing tolerance is maintained on the 5. A mandrel check shall be made on all frames
mounting surfaces of the axle caps. which have had any work performed on axle
5. Assemble axle caps to frame with a 0.46 mm bores or splines.
(.018”) shim. Serial number on axle caps
must correspond with serial number on frame. 6. Rebored axle bores occasionally do not clean
Rebore axle bore to new print dimension. up completely. Rebuilt axle bores not re-
Refer to Axle Bore Reboring Tolerances of quiring complete weld build up may have an
this section for bore tolerances. “uncleaned” area of up to 5 162 mm2 (8 sq.
in.) any place in the frame half of the bore.
6. When axle bores have been welded and re- However, at the parting line, an additional
machined, the keyway can change depth, due uncleaned area may extend the full length of
to a shift in bore location to gain machine the bore. Measure the width of the uncleaned
stock. A maximum keyway depth of 7.62 area. Width must be within the limits of Fig.
mm (.300”) is permitted. Minimum keyway 23.
depth is 6.35 mm (.250”). Maximum key 44 mm (l-3/4”)
protrusion is 6.35 mm (.250”). 38 mm (1 -l/2”)
- 22 -
M.I. 3950-3
9.5 mm
00 Jack Hydraulic 0 0 0
45” Chamfer
\ I
-Horizontal Q Of Motor
400 mm
Vertical Q- Of Motor
- 23 -
M.I. 3950-3
2. Check wear plate fit to frame with a 0.08 b. Remove excess weld from top and bottom
mm (.003”) shim. Shim should not enter gear case mounting surfaces.
more than 13 mm (l/2”) at any point be-
tween the frame and the pad. Excess gap can c. Reassemble combination gauge and drill
cause weld to fatigue. jig and redrill 27 mm (l-1/16”) diameter
hole. Hole location is 434.98 mm + 0.8
3. Weld wear plates to frame using E-Fe-Mn-A m m (17-l/8” * l/32”) f r o m a x l e b o r e
welding electrode. Ensure good penetration is centerline to the 27 mm (l-l /16”) diam-
obtained on both the frame and the wear e ter hole centerline.
4. Allow weld to cool for a few minutes before 4. Needle peen gear case support arm as shown
removing jack. Check the plate fit to frame in Fig. 26, using axle cap needle peening
with a 0.08 mm (.003”) shim. fixture. Needle peen with twelve 3 mm,
round end peening wire needles at 517 to 655
5. Check the distance between the wear plates. kPa (75 to 95 psig) for 30 to 35 seconds to
The distance should be a nominal 306.70 mm obtain 100% coverage. Refer to Service Data
(12.075”). for needle peening fixture file number.
- 24 -
M.I. 3950-3
Armature Bore Locator +
Fig. 25 - Pinion End Axle Cap Arm And Mounting Hole Locator Gauge And Drill Jig
-25 -
M.I. 3950-3
The area shown to be needle peened in Fig. bolt hole will provide to be within the limits of
26 must have a 3 mm (l/8”) corner radius. A Fig. 8, the tapped hole in the frame must be
radius smaller than 3 mm (l/8”) or irregular relocated to bring the blocks within tolerance.
notched surface will require grinding with a
high speed pencil type grinder to produce a MAJOR FRAME REPAH -
smooth, blended surface. Any grinding or
welding in this area necessitates re-needle COI LS INTACT
peening of the entire area using peening NOTE: If welding is required, refer to General
fixture. Welding Procedure in the Minor Frame
And Axle Cap Repairs part of this
22.2 mm (7/8”)
19 mm (3/4”)
New 1044.5!, mm
(41.125 )
Min 1 044.37,mm
. (41.117 1
innerface Outer Diameter Must
Be 390.5 mm (15-3/8”) Min. TO
AS Required I Provide Housing Clearance
Reql Jired
Fig. 27 - Pinion End And Commutator End Armature Bousing Bore Welding
- 26 -
M.I. 3950-3
,44 mm (l-3/4”)
89 mm
- 28 -
M.I. 3950-3
2. Main pole seat diameter is acceptable to 6. If a main coil pad diameter dimension from
605.99 mm (23.858”), Fig. 21. If main pole housing bore centerline is at the minimum
seat diameter is greater than 605.99 mm 305.49 mm (12.027”) main pole shield
(23.858”), machine oversize to 608.58 mm 8353542 must be used in the coil and pole
(23.960”) and add 1.5 mm (.058”) shims assembly to obtain proper air gap.
8329728 to each pole seat to obtain 605.64
mm (23.844”). Shims not to exceed 1.6 mm INTERPOLE PADS
(l/16”). Weld shims to each pole seat.
3. Main coil pad diameter is acceptable, without 1. The interpole pad dimension is acceptable at
machining, from 306.63 mm to 305.49 mm 762.00 mm, + 0.25, - 0.13 (30.000”, + .OlO”,
(12.072” to 12.027”), when checked from - .OOS”). If the dimension exceeds the 762.00
the frame housing centerline, Fig. 21. The mm, but by not more than 3.2 mm (l/8”),
main pole coil pads on each side of the pole any combination of the following shims may
seat must be equalized within 0.51 mm be used.
(.020”) using any combination of the follow-
ing adhesive backed shims. Shim Part No. Shim Thickness
8353501 0.13 mm (.005”)
Shim Part No. Shim Thickness 8329727 1.47 mm (.058”)
8353502 0.25 mm (.OlO”) 8342703 3.05 mm (.120”)
8353499 0.38 mm (.015”)
8353500 0.51 mm (.020”) 2. Interpole pad diameter must be concentric
w i t h i n 0 . 8 9 m m (.035”) t o t a l i n d i c a t o r
4. Coil pads on each side of pole seats must be reading between opposite pads.
parallel to centerline by no more than 0.51
mm (.020”). NOTE: Frames with main and interpole coil pads
that cannot be corrected by shimming or
5. Coil pads requiring use of adhesive backed straightening should be returned to the
shims must have pad areas thoroughly cleaned Electra-Motive Division for machining due
and all rust, paint, and varnish removed to to special tooling and facilities required to
provide good contact for shims. make corrections.
- 29 -
M.I. 3950-3
............................ 8305181
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8166383
. . . . . . . . . . 8415805
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8259133
. . . . . . . . *File No. 884
g Hole . . . . *File No. 885
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *File No. 886
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *File No. 888
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *File No. 889
. . . . . . . . . . 8453256
Solder, Flux . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8116442
Solder, 63-37 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 8004403
Solder, Sil-Fos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8004440
Solder, Tin Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8225761
* File numbers represent facility drawings that are available (at no charge) from EMD Service
Department. These drawings include construction details of tooling that can be manufactured.
- 30 - Litho in U.S.A.