Tapered roller bearings can be set at initial machine assem-
bly to any desired axial or radial clearance. This unique fea-
ture enables a designer to control bearings to meet antici-
pated application operating conditions, and thereby provide
optimum bearing and system performance.
Some advantages of tapered roller bearings pertaining to
setting include:
• Longer bearing life, achieved by optimizing bearing
settings while meeting application performance
• Increased mounting stiffness, achieved by properly set
tapered roller bearings resulting, for example, in better
gear contact and longer gear life
• Easier assembly because cone and cup are separable
• The bearings can be set at the time of machine assembly,
allowing wider shaft and housing tolerances
Bearing Setting
With tapered roller bearings, the term “setting” simply in-
dicates the specific amount of end-play (axial clearance) or
pre-load (axial interference) within a mounted bearing. The
flexibility to easily adjust and optimize setting at the time of
assembly is an inherent advantage of tapered roller bearings.
Unlike other types of anti-friction bearings, tapered roller
bearings do not require tight control of shaft or housing fits to
obtain setting. Because tapered roller bearings are mounted
in pairs (Fig. 1), their setting is primarily dependent upon the
axial location of one bearing row relative to the opposite row.
The three primary conditions of bearing setting are defined Figure 2 Calculated Bearing L10 Life vs Operating Setting
1. End-play. Axial clearance between rollers and races justment is the “cold” or “ambient” bearing setting, and is es-
producing a measurable axial shaft movement when a tablished before the equipment is subjected to service.
small axial force is applied — first in one direction and Bearing setting during operation is known as the “operat-
then in the other — while oscillating or rotating the shaft
(the reference bearing load zone less than 180°). ing bearing setting,” and is a result of changes in the ambient
2. Pre-load. Axial interference between rollers and races environment bearing setting due to thermal expansion and
such that there is no discernible axial shaft movement deflections encountered during service. The ambient bearing
when measured as described above. A rolling resistance to setting necessary to produce the optimum operating bearing
shaft rotation results, which may be measured (load zone setting varies with the application. Application experience, or
greater than 180°). testing, generally leads to the determination of optimum set-
3. Line-to-line. A zero setting condition; the transitional tings. Frequently, however, the exact relationship of ambient
point between end-play and pre-load. to operating bearing settings is unknown, and an educated
A bearing setting obtained during initial assembly and ad- estimate has to be made. To determine a suggested ambient
bearing setting for a specific application, contact your bear- fatigue life can be drastically reduced. Also, excessive operat-
ing representative. ing pre-load can lead to lubrication problems and premature
Generally, the ideal operating bearing setting is near-zero, bearing damage due to high heat generation.
to maximize bearing life. Most bearings are set with a cold Load zone is a physical measure of the raceway-loaded arc
setting of end-play at assembly. This comes as close as pos- and is a direct indication of how many rollers share the ap-
sible to the desired near-zero setting when the unit reaches plied load. For a single-row tapered roller bearing, maximum
its stabilized operating temperature. life is obtained with a load zone of approximately 225°.
Some applications are set with cold pre-load to increase Figure 2 shows the graphical representation of bearing L10
rigidity and axial positioning of highly stressed parts that life vs. the operating bearing setting for a typical (overhung)
would otherwise be dramatically affected by excessive de- pinion bearing mounting.
flection and misalignment. The ideal operating setting that will maximize bearing sys-
Excessive operating pre-load must be avoided, as bearing tem life is generally near-zero to slight pre-load.
conventional tight fits and the end-plate is simply clamped loaded. Then a 0.009" shim must be installed. A second
against the end of the shaft. “spin check” should result in a freely rotating assembly
Special set-right considerations: indicative of end-play.
1. The overall calculated bearing setting range can vary 3. If pre-load is the desired setting, the spin-right procedure
significantly, depending on the bearing K-factor, its would be applied in reverse of the above example: if the
equivalent axial tolerance, and the number of tight-fitted shaft rotates freely, the bearings are not properly set and a
components applied (i.e., larger with both tight cones shim of 0.009" would need to be removed.
and cups). A review of the application during the design
stage will enable selection of special tolerance-controlled Typical set-right applications. The set-right technique has
bearings and assist in optimizing the mounting design for been used for a wide variety of bearing setting applications,
the smallest probable setting range. which include: tractor PTO assemblies — especially with
2. To control bearing mounting dimensions, the tolerances blind end or split housing designs; automotive front-drive
of the bearing system mounting dimensions used wheels; gear reducer shafts; planet pinions; and sprockets
in establishing the probable setting range must be
consistently maintained and, in some cases, more tightly and torque hub units, as used on construction and mining
controlled. equipment.
3. If the probable bearing setting range cannot be tolerated
by the application, and attempts to reduce the larger Acro-Set
tolerances are not practical or successful, then consider This widely used setting technique is based on Hooke’s law,
the spin-right variation to set-right. which states: within the elastic material limit, component
4. The same class and code of bearing must be used for field deflections are proportional to the load applied (i.e. F = kx,
service replacement as was used for the initial production. where k = system
Spin-right variation of the set-right technique. In some spring rate). This
cases the probable bearing setting range with set-right can method assumes
be too large for the application. To reduce this range and that total system
still apply the laws of probability, a technique called spin- deflection of an
right is used. This technique can be applied to applications assembly will be
that could also lend themselves to “shim-pack” adjustment consistent and re-
(Fig. 16). To apply this method, the existing probable range peatable for a given
is simply divided by a factor of two or three, depending on applied load (Fig. 9)
which is necessary to result in an acceptable setting range for in an application
the application. where parts and
For example, assume the probable bearing setting range sections of parts are
for the design in Figure 1 is calculated to be 0.018" and the ap- reasonably uniform
Figure 9 System Deflection
plication demands a setting of 0.000" – 0.009" end-play. The throughout a group
current range must be divided by a factor of two. Thus with of units.
spin-right the desired shim increment (apply shim between To establish the method for a given machine configuration,
endplate and shaft) would be equal to 0.009" and the follow- a dimensional reference condition known as the “deflection
ing technique applied: constant” must first be determined. The deflection constant
1. Assemble the gearbox without a shim and “spin is simply the (averaged) system deflection, resulting from a
check” — without the seal in place — to determine if the known “set-up” load applied through the bearings, as deter-
bearings are set with end-play or pre-load. Under the first mined from the testing of several preproduction units. This
spin check, if the shaft spins freely, end-play is present
(Fig. 8) and the bearings are properly set. system deflection is typically gauged by measuring a shim
2. If the shaft does not spin freely, the bearings are pre- gap (Fig. 10).
The projecta-set technique is similar in concept and appli-
cation to acro-set, but adds additional versatility and sophis-
tication through utilization of a special gauging fixture. This
gauge enables one to “project” an inaccessible shim, spacer
gap, or reference surface, to a position where it can be easily
measured. This gauge typically incorporates the use of a dial
indicator or an LVDT for measured readings. It is also readily
applied in designs where the adjusting component (cone or
cup) is tight-fitted without sacrificing assembly speed or ac-
curacy. The method (Fig. 12) consists of two key gauging ele-
ments: a spacer sleeve (Ref. C) and a tapered gauging sleeve
(Ref. D), of known (typically equal) design lengths (Ref. X).
These sleeves will project the inaccessible spacer gap beyond
the shaft end.
onto the upper bearing cup and apply the upper bearing
cone (Fig. 13).
2. Activate the press to clamp the gauge through the two
bearing cones. A known axial load is applied through the
bearing cups at this time by the Belleville spring internal
to the gauge. (Note that the press is required simply to
clamp the upper cone in place, against the spacer sleeve,
for proper seating; some gauge designs accomplish this
with a threaded nut design.)
3. Oscillate the gauge (handles) to seat the bearing rollers.
The LVDT probes then measure the axial displacement
between the two gauging members and the required
spacer size is displayed on the digital readout.
4. The spacer size is determined by the gauge based on the
formula (Fig. 13): S = Z − A + K
S = Spacer size required
Z = Sleeve length (fixed)
A = Variable distance between corresponding diameters on
the tapers of cone and cup locator (“zeroed” dimension
is known)
K = Constant to compensate for system deflection due to
gauge spring load, mean tight cone fit effect (loss of
clearance), and the desired bearing setting
G = Measured gap, which represents the change in distance
Figure 12 PROJECTA-SET Concept “A”; distance “A” includes “G”
The torque-set method is based on the principle that the
rolling torque in a pre-loaded bearing directly increases as
a function of the applied pre-load force (typically measured
by dimensional pre-load). Laboratory tests have shown that
the torque variation of a new bearing is small enough to ef-
fectively use bearing rolling torque as a basis for predicting/
gauging a consistent dimensional pre-load setting. This rela-
tionship (Fig. 14) is established during pre-testing of several
units and loads. Shims are added or subtracted after initial
bearing rolling torque is measured to satisfy the desired bear-
ing setting — either end-play or pre-load. A shim chart is nor-
mally used to assist selecting the final shim pack for each unit
(Fig. 15).
The steps required to perform the torque-set technique are
outlined below:
1. Assemble the unit with a reference (constant thickness)
shim pack that assures a pre-load in the system (Fig. 16).
Note the resulting bearing pre-load will actually differ
for each assembly, depending on the variations in the
accumulated tolerances of the component parts.
2. Measure the bearing rolling torque (Fig. 17).
3. Select the final shim pack thickness based on the pre-
constructed shim chart (Fig. 15).
Figure 15 TORQUE-SET Shim Pack Determination
4. Install final shim pack and complete the assembly by Chart
installing all cap screws (Fig. 18).
Bearing rolling torque is influenced by rotational speed between units. The most common method of measuring
rolling torque is with a torque wrench. When measuring
and lubricant used. In any application using the torque-set rolling torque, turn the shaft as slowly as possible
approach, the lubricant and speed should remain constant. (estimated at 3.5 rpm) while maintaining smooth rotation.
The most common method of measuring bearing rolling 4. Torque-set. Should not be used if there is an unbalanced
torque is with a torque wrench. Sometimes a socket can be load (created, for example, by heavy parts, clutch plates or
used, which fits over a nut on the end of the shaft or, if this is caliper brakes); this would cause the torque to vary during
not possible, a special adapter can be made that fits the end rotation.
of the shaft. In cases where the housing can be rotated, the 5. For field servicing, the torque-set method should not
be used to reapply previously operated (e.g., run-in)
torque wrench is adapted to the housing to measure rolling bearings; a new set of bearings or alternate technique
torque. must be used.
If a torque wrench cannot be used, a spring scale may be
substituted to measure bearing rolling torque. Using a string Typical torque-set applications. Torque-set has been
wound around a gear or wheel and a scale, record the pull used successfully on various industrial and automotive ap-
force needed to keep the assembly turning. Rolling torque plications. Typical applications include pinion and differen-
is calculated by multiplying the radius of the gear or wheel tial shafts, transmission shafts, and gearbox shafts.
around which the string has been wound by the pull force. Advantages of torque-set:
This step could be avoided by a shim chart, which indicates • Usually, no special fixtures or tooling are required; a
pull force vs. shim pack size. torque wrench or simple spring scale and cord are all that
When measuring bearing rolling torque, turn the shaft as are needed.
slowly as possible while maintaining smooth rotation. • No shim gap measurements are required; the shim pack is
simply changed to obtain the correct setting.
Special Torque-Set considerations:
• This method is useful in equipment where manual
1. Ability to measure rolling torque. The design must lend methods are physically impractical or difficult. However, it
itself to measuring the rolling torque of the bearings. may not be practical in very large equipment.
Where other components such as seals, piston rings, etc.
contribute to the torque, provisions must be made to • Torque-set can be applied to field servicing when new
recognize and isolate these torque values from the bearing bearings are installed.
rolling torque. An example would be to record the drag
torque of a shaft and seal in an end-play condition, then Mounting Designs and Setting Devices
“add-on” the required bearing rolling torque for the pre- Tapered roller bearings can be mounted in various configu-
load condition. rations, and there are a variety of devices available to set the
2. Ability to “reseat” tight-fitted members. When tight-fitted bearings to the desired end-play or pre-load in an applica-
members are used for bearing adjustment, provisions
must be made to “re-seat” or back-press that member after tion.
the torque-set load has been applied and the final shim Cone-setting devices. In an indirect mounting, generally
pack determined. one cone is backed against a fixed shoulder while the other
3. Bearing rolling torque is influenced by rotational speed cone is movable and backed by some setting device.
and applied lubrication. These should be kept constant A slotted nut (Fig. 20) can be used for obtaining the bearing
setting. The nut is locked in place with a cotter pin. Both the
nut and washer should be of sufficient size to give adequate
backing to the cone. Two cotter pin holes in the shaft, spaced
90° apart, are used to obtain twice as many locking-positions-
per-revolution of the nut, and a corresponding, closer bear-
ing setting. A locknut, tongued washer, and lock-washer can
be used instead of a slotted nut (Fig. 21). (See the Auxiliary
Parts in the Tapered Roller Bearing Guide for other locknut